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How to correctly draw up a commercial proposal for the provision of services. Samples of commercial proposals for the provision of services. How to make a commercial proposal. How to make a commercial proposal for the supply of goods

Commercial offer The essay is written with the goal of selling your services profitably to the buyer. It must be well-written and contain the necessary answers to future questions. Commercial offer The announcement should take up a minimum amount of text, as it may simply not be read to the end. For cold proposals, this is no more than an A4 page, and for a detailed proposal, the volume should not exceed 3 pages.

You can use a ready-made template or try to write it yourself based on the sample.

Dear reader! Our articles talk about typical ways to resolve legal issues, but each case is unique.

If you want to know how to solve exactly your problem - contact the online consultant form on the right or call by phone.

It's fast and free!

There are offers:

  • personalized;
  • not personalized;

The difference is that in personalized ones they address the buyer by name and patronymic, indicating all the person’s regalia.

The most pleasant sound for a person is his name, so before sending out offers, do not forget to clarify the person’s full name and position. To do this, you can take the time to call his secretary at the office.

In what cases is it necessary to compile?

A start-up business simply needs to draw up. Namely proposals, because there should be several of them and different types. Some clients like pretentiousness and severity; such proposals can be sent to official enterprises and organizations.

Others are impressed by a more frivolous style that invites them to purchase services or goods right now. the main objective proposals - not only to force the client to read the entire text to the end, but also to interest and even buy the product.

So, in what cases is a commercial proposal drawn up:

  1. The company is young and needs buyers.
  2. Sales have fallen, we need to remind ourselves.
  3. There is an opportunity to attract new clients.
  4. The company has been on the market for a long time, young strong competitors have appeared.
  5. The company has a new product or service that can be successfully sold on the market and generate high income.

All these conditions for creating a selling text, like others, must be thought through and weighed. You can create several types of offers, each of which will interest a different category of buyers.

What services can the company offer?

For example, construction company can offer services:

  1. Construction of prefabricated houses, shops and other turnkey buildings.
  2. Renovation of apartments and private houses with landscaping of the site, as well as offices, bases, and so on on the list. Naturally, you need to indicate your advantages: exclusive materials, special services, availability of a designer, landscape designer, etc.
  3. Creating projects houses, redevelopment of apartments or offices.
  4. Improvement of nearby areas.

So, this is what the builders’ advertising offer will look like:

The construction company is pleased to offer its services for the renovation of company offices in as soon as possible from inexpensive materials.

Update your style, refresh your walls and delight your buyers.

We do it with high quality and conscientiously. Telephone***

Naturally, the commercial offer should be larger, but from the first words it should capture the buyer’s attention.

Errors during compilation:

  1. The client did not understand what was offered to him.
  2. The client has no benefit from contacting this company.
  3. There is no development of events.

That is, we offer office renovation, benefits: the shortest possible time, inexpensive materials. Development of events, increasing the loyalty of future customers of the customer due to repairs. All 3 offers sell. This is a commercial offer.

Offer of transport services

As an offer of transport services, you can choose the following parameters:

  • loading and unloading of goods;
  • packaging and labeling;
  • transportation using logistics;
  • freight forwarding;

So, let's write a commercial proposal:

The transport company will not only allow you to transport any cargo efficiently and quickly with or without a forwarder, but will also lay out the shortest route to deliver your goods on time. We save your time and money. For those who want to receive Additional services at the lowest price, we provide our coordinates. Email…

How to compose?

There are special rules for drawing up commercial offer, and they must be taken into account:

  1. We write the title in capital letters.
  2. In the first paragraph we write the benefit that the client should receive ( low prices, quality, shortest possible time and so on).
  3. Next, we describe the essence of the proposal (repair, transportation of goods, packaging and repackaging of goods).
  4. Below you can give brief information about the company.
  5. An appeal to a client to purchase a service or product (if you can’t write it yourself, ask a copywriter for help).
  6. The validity period of this commercial offer stimulates purchasing power.
  7. Contact details and date of dispatch.

You can add graphics high quality photos and other delights, but don’t overdo it, business people are not ladies who buy cosmetics, but for her it can be brighter and more original.

How to compose online?

Depending on what your client is interested in, those services should be offered to him. To do this, you can conduct a short survey on the forum or in social network, and offer solutions to client problems.

We do not offer the client to simply buy a brick, we solve his problem of building a house out of brick. It’s the same with online commercial offers. They should be short, but succinct, so that the client becomes interested and clicks the buy button.

Most often, “Cold” offers are used on the Internet, they talk about the client’s benefits and his ability to solve the problem, but a “hot” offer is when you know the client personally and you know perfectly well his preferences and weaknesses that you can play on.

There is a special program that allows you to remember who the offers were sent to and when, as well as the customer response to them. This will help you understand which text was effective and what exactly interested the buyer. This systematization helps you avoid unnecessary mailings and irritate your potential client with an endless stream of letters.

There is also a special service Quote Roller, which helps you compose text following special prompts.

Main mistakes when compiling:

  1. Non-specific and vague commercial offer.
  2. Description of your benefits instead of the client's benefits.
  3. The text does not encourage the buyer to place an order.
  4. There are no coordinates of the company, there are no advantages over others.
  5. The text is impersonal.

An example of a good commercial proposal for services

We will help you bring goods from anywhere in the world. Just contact our company at a time convenient for you. These are hundreds of people who will work for you around the clock to ensure that you receive your goods on time.

Advantages of our offer:

  1. We are dynamic and quickly solve any of your problems.
  2. Practical, that’s why our company offers full list services, ranging from packaging and loading of goods to paperwork and shipping.
  3. We have modern views communications, which allows us to protect your cargo in transit.
  4. We are stable, as we have been working for 10 years, as our regular customers will confirm.

We offer two ways:

  1. Constant cooperation.
  2. One-time transportation.

With the first one, you will receive maximum convenience, minimum worry about cargo and discounts as a regular customer.

With the second, you can evaluate our advantage over other companies in the service and become a permanent partner.

IN this moment Our company is holding an unprecedented “Just Compare Prices” promotion, during which cargo will be sent at half the cost.

Our coordinates: Phone++++ Email++++

Call us and we will tell you more about our offer.

As the response showed, this topic was of great interest to a large number of readers. Which is understandable.

By and large, its further fate depends on the introductory part of the commercial proposal.

A person reads one page of text (carefully) for 2-3 minutes. Commercial offers are scanned in a few seconds. And if in these seconds we were unable to “hook” the reader, the phraseological unit immediately comes to mind - “write is lost.”

To continue the topic raised, we decided to prepare another article, only to approach the issue from a completely different angle: to show with what expressions original commercial proposals can be started.

Follow the rules of the game

A commercial proposal begins not with the first line, but with thinking. First, it is thought out in the head in the form of a “fish”, and then it goes on to paper. And only then various “gadgets” are connected.

Never forget the specific purpose of your sales pitch. There are a lot of them, and the company’s arsenal should have several “blanks” for different purposes.

I want to be precise and clear: the title of the article “10 phrases with which you can start a commercial proposal” is in itself absurd. Because stereotypes are far from being held in high esteem today.

It would be more correct and accurate to say this: “ 10 scenarios on how to start a commercial proposal" Words (as well as phrases) can always be used differently, but the essence must remain inviolable.

For clarity, we will not shake the air with our imagination and “come up” with convenient examples, as many authors of educational articles do.

We will present 10 scenarios for starting the formation of individual commercial proposals and support them with examples from our personal practice - that is, fragments of commercial proposals that we prepared for clients of the Denis Kaplunov Studio.

No. 1 - answer to the request

The very first scenario. The situation is simple: we send a commercial proposal for a specific client request. That is, the client himself wants to study our CP.

The situation is very favorable, because we no longer need to “warm up” the client. It is enough for him to tell him what he himself asks for, and to do it brightly.

In such a situation, the easiest way to start a commercial proposal is to remind the client what he himself asked for and show that this is exactly what we are doing.

Purely on a subconscious level, the client begins to read carefully, because he himself asked for this information.

Natalya, hello!

We have carefully studied your request and are fulfilling it immediately so that you can quickly receive all the information on stationery.

These are the conditions for exactly the positions you requested.

At the same time, we can select analogues based on the invoice (or price list) of another store so that you can compare prices and make the best choice.

Or another example of a commercial proposal after telephone conversation with the client:

Good morning, Ivan Ivanovich!

As we agreed during the telephone conversation, we are sending interesting information on your company’s website.

Today, it receives an average of 75 potential clients a day.

At the same time, we found out that the audience of potential clients for your services is MUCH WIDE! Simple forecast: 420 leads per day.

Are you more interested in 420 leads per day or 75?

Here are just the results of a small study of the main search queries entered by representatives of your target audience:

  1. Request No. 1 – __ person
  2. Request No. 2 – __ people
  3. Request No. 3 – __ people

And there are only 24 such requests. We attach more detailed information to this letter.

As you understand, this scenario is suitable specifically for “hot” commercial offers. Although, with certain skills and abilities, they can be turned into “warm” ones and even made into working pieces. But that's another conversation.

And finally, a little advice: if you are asked for a price list, do not send a bare table. Before it, add personalization - contact the client by name, remind him that he himself requested this information from you. It brings us closer together.

No. 2 - a blow to the main problem

Every business has problems. Every business area has common problems. And there are also problems that cannot yet be solved with existing capabilities.

This scenario is ideal when selling a new, unique solution that helps relieve the client of a pressing problem.

Look how we played with this situation when preparing a commercial proposal for a new widget for online stores, which allows you to take and present accurate measurements of things. It is important for buyers to be sure that the indicated sizes correspond to their personal natural data:

If you sell clothes , then you know that at least 40% of items are returned by customers for the most banal reason - the size does not fit...

Do you use size charts? detailed descriptions, attach high quality photos, but things keep coming back...

We focused on a real problem that is relevant to the target audience - the systematic return of goods due to size mismatch. This is real for online clothing stores weakness, since the buyer sees only a picture and does not have the opportunity to try on the item before purchasing.

No. 3 - current need

Needs are a constant thing. One is replaced by another, and this continues almost without stopping. It's like shopping for a dress with your lady. He bought it, and then it turns out that there are no shoes for him in his wardrobe. A-ya-yay. We need to fix this. We bought shoes. Well, what about without a handbag? And so on.

It's the same in business. There are always current needs. Therefore, if the client thinks about them, we can turn this to our advantage and start the commercial proposal with that.

You have created a website and are puzzled by questions:

  1. How to make it popular?
  2. How to direct a flow of potential clients to its pages?
  3. How can you use it to increase your sales?

There are several answers to these questions. At the same time, the most effective and high-quality answer is search engine promotion.

Why? Because the result of search engine promotion is “warm clients” who themselves are looking for companies that provide the necessary services.

That is, they already want to buy.

Won't it work? It will not work? Oh well. At first people also did not believe that the Earth was round.

#4 - shocking statement

Here we connect the effect of surprise. In words we ask for a light cold shower. A man reads and thinks " Oh come on. How can this be

Do you know that 10-20% of the numbers in your phone database are inactive?

Let's imagine that you decide to send SMS to your customer base. You collected data, and you have 10,000 customer numbers in your database.

You plan to send SMS at least once a week. According to general statistics, from 10 to 20 percent of subscriber numbers are inactive for various reasons. That is, your messages are going “nowhere”.

Which exit?

No. 5 - a more rational solution

From kindergarten we remember that there are several ways to tie shoelaces. Now men are learning how to tie ties, and girls are learning how to tie scarves.

There are always several ways to achieve a goal of interest. If your product is one of these, you may want to think about tactics to differentiate it from other alternatives. And take advantage of this difference.

We used this tactic when preparing a commercial proposal for a printer rental service:

“Printer rental from 1000 rubles/day”

There are many situations where buying a printer (and then servicing and maintaining it) is not economically justifiable, especially if it can be rented.

Examples of situations from our clients:

  1. Taking part in an exhibition or forum
  2. Business trip and inability to take the printer with you
  3. The need for a printer for one-time work (for example, printing in color)
  4. Need for an additional printer during a tax audit
  5. You need to urgently and quickly print a large volume of documents.

#6 - strict product presentation

I will say this: when there is correspondence between serious companies, it is customary to use a certain style. Classic copywriting and sleight-of-word techniques may not work here.

Sometimes it is enough to maintain clear and specific language. Don't beat around the bush, but get straight to the point.

This technique is advisable to use when the client already knows what the text will be about. For example, if our commercial offer is formulated on a website page where the reader comes for a specific purpose.

See an example of the text in which we presented “autogas”:

Autogas - the choice of modern drivers who know how to count their money. It allows you to significantly reduce fuel consumption per kilometer of travel, while maintaining the usual comfort and power of the car.

More than 10 thousand drivers in Latvia and 20 million drivers in Europe have chosen autogas because it is much more profitable than gasoline and even diesel fuel.

And here is proof of this:

This method can also be used for cold and warm mailings or when publishing a commercial offer in the form of leaflets and other printed materials.

By the way, one of the company’s clients admitted that before our competent example, he read a commercial proposal for diesel fuel and rejected it.

No. 7 - new benefit in the near future

Any businessman is looking for new ways to gain value for his product or service package. And, naturally, he is ready to study information about such opportunities.

Here it is very important to know and understand the guidelines of such “profitable” directions. And sometimes they are just in front of your nose.

Here is an example of the beginning of a CP to promote one technological improvement in the production process of sausages and smoked meat products:

Tomorrow you will be able to reduce the cost of producing deli meats by 30-35%.

This will allow you to offer the market a more favorable price without losing product quality. Therefore - you get new competitive advantage and the opportunity to increase the profitable part of your business.

And all this can be achieved with one simple technological solution.

No. 8 - business plan language

I love this style when you need to sell the opportunity to save or earn money and when we have an audience of entrepreneurs and investors. Especially non-beginners.

Such people do not need slow dancing and foreplay. Give them the “meat” right away. “Get to the point,” as they say.

So, if we are selling a business, we need to approach it accordingly.

Your mini-plant for the production of aerated concrete

  1. Investments pay off in a period of 2 to 6 months
  2. Profit – from 600,000 rubles per month
  3. This takes no more than 3 working hours a day

The beginning is interesting because there is a sense of benefit in it. Then we simply open the proposal. And we build it according to the business plan scenario. Just don't need 100 pages.

Briefly, specifically, to the point.

No. 9 - “Product face”

If your goal is to draw attention to a product using a commercial offer, take a closer look at this technique.

“Product face” is when you offer really interesting things. Ideal - when they have clearly defined differences that are useful for the target audience.

But even if you can’t brag about it, the “Product with Your Face” technique will come in handy. Its main feature is to use product images at the very beginning of the commercial offer.

The reader will definitely look at the pictures, and if they attract him in any way, your text will be read more carefully.

An example from a commercial proposal that we prepared for a representative of a manufacturer of women's bags (the text was aimed at wholesale buyers).

We immediately connected several “hot spots” to the power of images:

New fashionable women's bags in Moscow - wholesale!

  • Wholesale/retail price margin - 300%
  • Free delivery within Moscow
  • Assortment - more than 1500 models per season
  • The minimum order for wholesale price is RUB 10,000.
  • All documents for inspection authorities

Look at these bags:

The redhead is very good, right? That's why she's in the center.

No. 10 - “Sweet Candy”

Children love sweets. And adults love money. By and large, money can be called sweets.

Each of us wants to earn even more than we can today. And if the offer is worthy, we are ready to consider the possibility of additional income.

This is what the “Sweet Candy” technique is based on, when at the very beginning of the commercial offer we show how and through what the reader can earn extra money.

See the example we prepared for one regular customer. The audience is managers of car dealerships. They are offered Additional income through the sale of cars to customers. So yourself affiliate program offline format:

Good morning, Ivan Ivanovich!

TOYOTA is a legendary brand. Cars of this brand have been bought, are being bought and will always be bought.

What if you start earning an additional $125 to $750 from the sale of each car? And for this you do not need to invest a penny and not disrupt your work schedule.

Let's say if you sell 100 cars a month, that's an additional $12,500 - $75,000 every month.

Thus, in just 1-2 months you can easily earn money for yourself (or your loved ones) for a brand new Toyota.

Notice the personalization? That's right, the brand name. Naturally, a proposal was sent to the Ford dealership with information on cars and the Ford brand, etc.

Personalization is always good for business proposals.

Instead of a postscript

You've just learned 10 techniques for developing your sales pitch intro. And you see that they are all different. In fact, there are even more of them, and we are discovering new ways every time.

Because very often you have to take into account the personal task of a commercial proposal, its audience, the degree of uniqueness and attractiveness, the delivery factor, the development of printing design, “hot spots” and many more subtleties that affect efficiency.

If you need a working commercial proposal, contact us at the Studio, we will definitely come up with something original performance for your task.

Letter No. 1

The Stroy-Master company, specializing in minor repair work, invites you to familiarize yourself with our services:

  • metalwork;
  • electric installation work;
  • carpentry services;
  • installation and replacement of windows;
  • purchase of construction materials;
  • complete renovation of apartments and houses.

We guarantee high professionalism and efficiency in work.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 2

Repair studio "Creative" is in a hurry to offer you a full range of services for creating individual design projects for residential apartments, houses and premises for any purpose.

We also organize cosmetic and overhaul, we legalize new redevelopments and electrical projects, and repurpose premises into non-residential buildings.

The main proof of our reliability is a free two-year warranty after we carry out repairs or create a design project.

We will be happy to answer your questions.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 3

The Stroy-Master company carries out any repair and construction work. When collaborating with each client, we always take into account his wishes and financial capabilities.

Even before the work begins, we will calculate the full cost of the repair and agree it with you. Call our company and our employees will inspect your property as soon as possible for a free assessment.

We will be glad to cooperate with you!


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 4

Stroy-master LLC invites you to familiarize yourself with the list of our services that we provide in Moscow and the region.

Painting and plastering works.

Leveling the surface of walls and ceilings.

Plasterboard wall lining.


Laminate and linoleum flooring.

Laying parquet.

And much more.

Behind additional information please call 220-00-06.


Petr Ivanov.

Letter No. 5

Stroy-Master LLC began operating in 2005 as a company specializing in the construction of residential and industrial buildings. From the very beginning of our activities, we carry out a full range of construction work, including internal work and assembly of metal structures on our own, using subcontractors only to carry out specialized work.

Our main task is to organize High Quality, both in construction and in production. Therefore, we have carried out a careful selection to select suppliers of materials and raw materials.

The activities of the Stroy-Master company are carried out on the basis of the main corporate principles:

  • Individual approach to each client;
  • efficient and economical use of funds and resources;
  • cooperation with reliable contractor companies;
  • maximum responsibility for the work performed.

The commercial offer plays an important role in the promotion and development of the company.

With a correctly drawn up commercial offer, the volume of orders and sales increases, which, accordingly, increases profits.

Types of commercial offers

There are two types of them: “cold” and “hot” commercial offers.

  • With a “cold” commercial offer, the shipment is made to an unprepared client. In other words, it's spam. People most often are not particularly enthusiastic about such mailings, but main task a commercial proposal is to interest a potential client and ensure that the letter is read to the end. The most important advantage of a “cold” commercial offer is its mass appeal and large audience reach. However, in practice, responses are more responsive from commercial offers coming to a specific, specific person.
  • The second type of commercial offer is a “hot” offer, which is sent at the request of the client himself or with whom negotiations have already been conducted. Increasingly popular in Lately uses a commercial offer in the form of a presentation.

Commercial offer structure

It is advisable for each company to have its own commercial proposal template.

  1. Title. It plays a huge role, especially with a “cold” commercial offer. The title should be catchy, intriguing, attract maximum attention and make you want to read the entire letter.
  2. Offer. On at this stage It is necessary to arouse the interest of the recipient of the letter with the potential benefit for him so that he continues to read the offer letter.
  3. Belief. Here you need to convince the client that exactly this product(service) he needs, and he must place the order through the company that sent the letter.
  4. Limitation. Many people forget about this point, but it is necessary. On a subconscious level, it forces a person to study the product more carefully (if the quantity of goods in the commercial offer is limited) or to immediately focus on the timing (if the commercial offer is valid only for a certain period).
  5. Next comes the call. It should be short but strong, calling for a specific action.
  6. Don't forget about your contacts and provide as complete information as possible.

In your commercial proposal, try to include reviews of the company’s work, visual images, and photographs.

And remember that a correctly drawn up commercial proposal is already half the success!

Below is a standard form and a sample commercial proposal template, a version of which can be downloaded for free.

A commercial offer for the provision of services is a way to successfully sell the relevant product, because it is necessary to convey information about it to potential buyers.

Let us consider in detail how to correctly draw up a commercial proposal using samples as an example.

What is a commercial offer

First of all, a commercial proposal is a document. Once upon a time it only had a written form, but today it most often has an electronic form.

And the latest version is sent out, accordingly, via the Internet. The content of the document will be a description of the proposed service and its benefits.

In this regard, a commercial offer for the provision of a service is similar to a price list with a description and an advertising text.

More precisely, their advantages combine: a detailed description of the service itself, including its cost, and an incentive to action, that is, to purchase. In other words, this is an advertising campaign placed on a piece of paper.

It is worth understanding that the recipient of the commercial proposal, upon accepting the terms, enters into an agreement and can present it in the future if the contractor has not completed the work in full.

Types of offers

Depending on who exactly the proposal is addressed to, it is customary to distinguish two main types: personalized and non-personalized.

If in simple words, then the first is sent to a specific person, for example, . And it contains information designed to attract this particular client in this case, the enterprise,).

In the second case, the proposal is intended for an indefinite number of addressees, and the information in it is of a more general nature.

The main difference between a personalized offer is an individual approach. Therefore, it should be compiled by a specialist who has already communicated with the client personally (commercial director, manager, sales agent) and knows how to “hook” him.

But an offer designed for “everyone” is already a job for an advertising specialist. The purpose of such a document will be not so much to conclude a deal as to attract attention to your company.

The structure of the commercial proposal and the features of its design

The standard volume of a commercial proposal is one sheet. Which must have:

  • Logo and company name. Ideally, a company letterhead is used.
  • Contacts. Having indicated several of their types at once: telephone, Email, various messengers - you can significantly expand the circle of interested people.
  • Title. Usually it stands out from the rest of the text with a large font size or bold style.
  • Description of the client’s problems that he can solve with the help of the company. For example, services, or cargo transportation for the delivery of their goods.
  • The essence of the proposal. It is better to avoid complex details. They can be placed in applications, if necessary.
  • Information about the company. Namely, those that indicate reliability and integrity (in detail).
  • Inspiration to action. In this case, contacting the company to conclude a transaction.
  • Information about the contact person, date and validity period of the offer.

As for the execution of the document, the main requirement for it is literacy. Even an impeccable proposal from a marketing point of view will not be taken seriously if it is illiterate.

Also, the proposal must be written in understandable language. It is better to avoid long sentences and complex words. Professional terms must be used carefully.

Complex fonts, their variety or multi-colored text are also inappropriate. The simpler and stricter the document looks, the more likely it is that it will be read to the end.

It is necessary to highlight the title and, possibly, main idea. It's a good idea if the contacts are also different from the rest of the text and placed where they are easy to see.

Also, it would be useful to affix a stamp (whether or).

Possible mistakes

Writing a business proposal is a difficult task. And without the necessary knowledge, it is easy to make a number of mistakes. The most common shortcomings and methods for eliminating them are collected in the table:

How to write an effective commercial proposal

First you need to understand who might be interested this service. And then you need to proceed from a few simple rules:

  • describe the benefits of services from the client's point of view;
  • use the style and language of the professional environment to which the service is aimed;
  • include only really important information;
  • make the document aesthetically attractive.

Let's consider all of the above specific examples.

How to write effective commercial proposals for transport services

Offering transport services or freight transportation services, you need to start from the intended audience. So, passengers or citizens occasionally transporting cargo will be interested in discounts. For trading companies The timing will be more interesting.

But to win the tender for budgetary organization An indication of value for money will help, especially if we're talking about about special equipment services. It can also be a plus to offer not only transportation, but also security services along the way.

The current commercial proposal will sound and look something like this:

We offer construction services

High competition in this industry dictates special requirements for the offering of construction services. What might interest a potential buyer:

  • Possibility of reducing the cost of construction without compromising quality. For example, through the use of materials own production or the latest technologies.
  • Reduced construction time compared to competitors.
  • Company reputation. Preferably confirmed by competent sources.

The specifics of the activity will require a special structure of the commercial offer. You can include tables with calculations (as is done in a business plan) or photographs of already completed projects.

This, of course, will increase the volume of the document, but in this case it will be more beneficial.

Features of the offer of cleaning services

The offer of cleaning services for organizations and individuals is gradually becoming widespread. Consequently, competition is growing.

To attract customers and encourage them to use the services of a particular company, it is worth including information in your commercial proposal:

  • About discounts for regular customers;
  • On the use of environmentally friendly means and technologies;
  • About the use of hypoallergenic products, etc.

It is necessary to take into account the difference of interests different groups clients. For organizations, this will provide a presentable appearance for the office and save on maintaining their own staff of cleaners.

And for ordinary city residents - saving their personal time and the safety of the chemicals used during cleaning.

If cleaning services are offered for various types of disasters, such as flooding, then the emphasis can be placed on the absence of unpleasant odors and anti-mold treatment.

How to offer legal and consulting services

Perhaps, it is in this area that competition is especially great today.

And to interest the client in acquiring legal and consulting services can only be done with a truly profitable offer for him. Solving what client problems will make him become a buyer:

  • increasing the likelihood of a positive resolution of the case in court or another authority (but the law prohibits giving a guarantee of this kind to lawyers);
  • full support of activities while saving on the maintenance of a full-time specialist;
  • competent preparation of documents and a high probability of their acceptance by various authorities;
  • saving time on communicating with government agencies, etc.

It will be beneficial for the client, whether an individual or a large company, to receive part of the services, for example, consulting on any issue, for free.

Features of the offer of accounting services

Perhaps everything that relates to the legal field also applies to the commercial offer of accounting services.

Unless, instead of high chances of winning the case in the courts, there will be chances of successfully passing tax and other audits.

It would be useful to mention the mandatory maintenance of confidentiality. Much of the information that accountants deal with falls under the definition of a trade secret.

It is also worth emphasizing the benefits of using a company instead of maintaining your own accounting department.
