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Choice of profession. Essay-reasoning: choosing a profession as a doctor Essay choosing a profession is an important step for a person

Choice of profession


1. Important decision

2. Ease and complexity of the decision for different people

3. Main work criteria

4. Make the right choice

Many schoolchildren ever have a question about choosing a profession. This is a serious and significant step that every teenager must overcome on his life path, which to a large extent decides his future. This step is not easy for everyone, and what a pity that sometimes we choose not what we need. We go on about the parents, teachers, or even our frivolity. The most important aspects in resolving this issue, of course, are future wages, interest in this type of activity, as well as the demand for work in the labor market. This and much more should help young people prioritize and define their preferences.

Of course, it is easy for those who already know what they want to do from childhood. For example, he followed in the footsteps of his parents and continued the family business. This is really a good option if a person likes the work of a father with his mother, and he is passionate about it. In addition, it will be much easier for him to get comfortable at first. Or a teenager, in the process of studying at school, noticed his interest in some subject or hobby, and his decision was to connect his life with this occupation. However, this is not so easy for everyone.

Teenagers think they take career guidance tests, but they still can't figure out what they like. Most make the right choice, but not all. Someone makes a mistake with the occupation he needs, someone in vain listens to other people instead of himself, and someone even points his finger at the sky, hoping that he will like the profession he has come across. But everything is not so simple, and people suffer for the rest of their lives, go to work with hatred, even when they receive a good salary. And all because of the wrong step taken sometime after graduation.

Let's pay attention to the main criteria that the work must meet. First of all, it is love for the chosen occupation. Who wants to hate every working day and look forward to the weekend just to relax? Wasn't that enough at school? Secondly, good salary. For everyone, this is a different amount, but you need to focus on it. No matter how much you like your specialty, no one will be happy and hungry at the same time. And, of course, the relevance of the work. Why study so much in order to work not where you wanted, because you simply could not get a job because of the overcrowding of the labor market?

Currently in Russian Federation There are many professions in completely different fields of activity. Deciding is sometimes incredibly difficult, and not everyone succeeds. Any work is important. Each requires certain features and abilities: mathematical, creative, physical. We couldn't live without any of them. Imagine your life at least without a hairdresser or a baker. What about rural work? What should we eat if not them? And there are many such examples.

I believe that every person needs to seriously and responsibly approach the choice of a profession and do it themselves. But do not refuse the help of your parents, they have dealt with some professions and have gained enough experience to advise you something. Of course, no one wants to regret a decision once made. So just listen to your heart, think about what you like. Try to imagine yourself as an employee. Or even work in this area, if possible. Then you will definitely be able to choose your favorite business.

After leaving school, millions of young people begin independent lives. They can start working or continue their studies to get higher education. Everyone knows what it's like to choose a profession, because sooner or later it concerns everyone. Some, when choosing a profession, pay attention to earnings, some to demand, well, and least of all they choose for the soul, what is closer to them.

As usual, the problem of choosing a profession worries not only ourselves, but also relatives, friends, and more often, of course, parents. They are worried, they are looking for educational institution, preparatory courses, tutors

Of course, in life it’s not bad to find “your” profession, one that is closer to you, to your soul, so as not to suffer and kill the rest of the days. But often we choose not what we want, but what we have to: despite the possibility of learning, we boldly follow our friends and in this way unconsciously ruin our lives.

What are the main criteria for choosing a future profession? Firstly, it should be interesting and should not be associated with the words from one little-known song: "... your rebellion against dad and mom will end with an office chair, a flickering blue screen and tedious useless work, silence and fatigue will replace protest and scream, your life is not a movie or a book, what a pity." An exciting activity that you really enjoy is an important component happiness in life. Then you should consider the need to earn a living. The most amazing work will not bring you satisfaction if you are starving. In addition, there is a very urgent problem of unemployment: you need to choose a profession so that you can then find a job. And most importantly, always be able to listen to knowledgeable people (parents, teachers), and then make a decision on which your future life depends.

Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in the life of every person, requiring training and knowledge, time for reflection, and not tolerating frivolity, because we all want the work to correspond to our interests and capabilities, bring joy and be adequately paid, because people devote most of their time to work.

The choice of a profession is one of the crucial moments that determine the entire future life path of a person. Since everything in life is interconnected, the right choice of profession affects all other areas of life. Right choice professions are confidence, peace of mind and material well-being in adult life. The more successful the choice is made, the more interesting, richer and more successful the life path will be, the sooner, the more time will be left for career growth.

Currently, there are about 6 thousand professions in Russia, and it is very difficult for many to navigate in such a variety.

Ismailova Asima

This work draws students' attention to the profile of further education, to the choice of a profession. The author of the work unobtrusively but convincingly tells us about how he came to his choice and what favorable conditions helped him develop an interest in the profession of a journalist.



Many of my peers have more than once thought about who to be, what to devote their lives to. At our age, this choice does not yet seem important and serious, but over the years, each of us realizes the correctness of his path. Even now, as a student of the 7th grade, I am considering any options, listening to the advice of relatives and friends, but, of course, the last word in making the final decision will remain with me.

Each of us must find himself in his business. This is a gift given to us from birth, only it needs to be discovered and realized in oneself. Good professionals are needed in any job, and you can become one if you like what you do.

My choice is made. I decided that I would become a journalist. I tried to rely on my preferences, taking into account my inclinations and abilities. What are the requirements for knowledge and skills that this profession imposes on applicants for it? First, it is necessary to understand that journalism is not only creativity. This is, first of all, responsibility for every written and spoken word, the ability to convey objective information to the audience. Secondly, you need to be able to quickly search up-to-date information, its selection, verification for authenticity and processing into a specific newspaper genre. After all, the main function of a journalist is the formation of public opinion and the creation of an information channel between the state and society. Thirdly, journalism is a psychologically very difficult profession; Fourthly, it is necessary to develop professional skills: a broad outlook, competent speech, a sense of style, knowledge of the Mass Media Law and the ability to use it.

It seems to me that I have many different qualities to become a good journalist. I love it when life boils around me. I have an endless curiosity and enjoy learning new things and feel the need to tell these new things to others, turning my impressions into a coherent story. I like communication with people. I know how to win people over, get in the conversation necessary information and I learn to structure it, separating the main from the secondary. I also love to write essays, my favorite subjects at school are Russian language and literature. I think that it is all the criteria I have listed that will help me achieve high professionalism in the chosen field in the future. In addition, my choice is justified by the fact that at school I attend a circle of young correspondents, where I get certain skills and the opportunity to publish. Together with other circle members, we have already participated in the regional and municipal competition school newspapers and became winners.

Being a journalist is fun! Take interviews, meet different passionate people, find out the details of their lives and how they achieved success, be one of the first to see some extraordinary event and then tell the whole world about it - what could be even more interesting! I want to become a real journalist, honest, incorruptible, guided by my conscience in my work, I want to help those who need it with a word. That was exactly what Anna Politkovskaya was like, who gave her life for the right to free speech, but managed to convey to us what was important and significant for her and the country.

I consider Andrey Dobrov, the host of the final news of REN TV, who recently became the winner of the Golden Pen of Russia award, to be my idol. I also like to read articles by Valentina Gutchina in the regional newspaper Zarya, which are distinguished by their brightness and unusually light style.

The path in my chosen profession is difficult, you have to learn a lot, know and be able to do a lot. But I am not afraid of difficulties, for I know that the one who walks will master the road. I hope that I will be able to enter a university at the faculty of journalism and in my future articles I will be able to express everything that accumulates in my soul and bring the truth to people. My dream is to publish my youth magazine, in which I will help teenagers solve their pressing problems. For me, journalism is not just creative and interesting profession but a way of life.

Municipal competition "I choose a profession"

Nomination: essay "My future profession»

Full name of the participant : Ismailova Asima Serikovna

Age, class: 13 years old, 7th grade

Educational institution: MBOU-OOSH v. Zolotaya Steppe

Teacher: Posadskaya Svetlana Viktorovna


This work meets the main goal of the competition - to attract students' attention to the choice of a profile of further education, to the choice of a profession. The author of the work unobtrusively but convincingly talks about how he came to his choice and what favorable conditions helped him develop an interest in the profession of a journalist. The author's knowledge in the field of journalism is presented in a reasoned way, the way of realization of his abilities and skills is shown. The work meets the stated objectives in this nomination, evidence-based judgments and independence of conclusions, speech normativity and stylistic originality can be traced.

3.00 /5 (60.00%) 4 votes

Graduating from school, millions of our peers enter adult independent life. Each of us can continue our education, or we can immediately go to work. In both cases, the question of choosing a future profession is very important, because the main thing is that we like the work of our whole life. At the same time, some of yesterday's schoolchildren pay attention to the popularity of the profession, some - wages, and only a few choose what is closer to them, what they like.

Currently, there are about six thousand professions, and it is very difficult to navigate in such a variety. Of course, it’s best to immediately find “your” profession, so that later you don’t suffer all your life and don’t waste time doing an unloved thing. Unfortunately, today we often have to choose not what we like, but what is more prestigious and well paid. But how to approach the choice of a profession so that later you do not regret your act all your life?

I believe that, first of all, the future profession should be interesting not to your parents and relatives, but to you personally. After all, an exciting activity that you really like is a very important component of the adult life of any person. However, one should also take into account the opportunity to receive a decent wage for one's work, because the most interesting work will not bring satisfaction to a person if at the same time he cannot live with dignity and support his family.

In addition, when choosing a business to your liking, you need to take into account the problem of unemployment - the profession must be in demand in modern society. And most importantly, you must definitely listen to the opinion of those who have a lot of life experience, and only then make a decision on which the whole future life depends.

Summing up, I would like to say that for me personally, choosing a profession is a responsible and difficult step that does not tolerate frivolity, it takes time to think, good knowledge and appropriate preparation. And I want the work I have chosen to be to my liking and bring me pleasure, moral and material satisfaction, because a person devotes most of his life to work.

And since everything in our life is closely interconnected, the choice of a matter to our liking determines the entire life path of a person, his successes and achievements, and also has a great influence on all other areas of our life. The thing you like is material well-being in adulthood, peace of mind and self-confidence. I am sure that the more successful I make my choice, the more successful, richer and more interesting my life path will be, the more time I will have for loved ones and career growth.
