Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Media planning. On the procedure for the formation and implementation of the media plan of the executive body of state power of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Media plan for informing the population

We will formulate measures to eliminate the identified shortcomings indicated in chapter 2.3

Measure 1 - creation and placement of information stands about the activities of the council in the district.

The administration does not effectively use such a method of disseminating information about its activities as posting it in public places. In most cases, this method is reduced to the organization of information zones, which are located directly in the premises of the Council, GU IS, EIRTs, DEZ.

Publicly accessible places through which it would be possible to effectively disseminate information about the activities of the Council include:

Branches of Sberbank of Russia,

post offices;


Departments of internal affairs of the district;

Offices of judicial districts of justices of the peace;

State schools(schools, institutes, universities)

Public health institutions (polyclinics, hospitals).

These institutions have the most extensive network in the districts, are the most accessible places for the population, some of which work around the clock.

Information stands are one of the oldest, and, therefore, time-tested types of advertising. It is an intermediary between those who want to convey some information and those for whom this information is intended.

The information stand is a shield to which transparent pockets are attached. The size of the stand varies depending on what the stand itself will be used for and where it will be located. Sheets of paper are inserted into the pockets, on which the necessary information is placed: orders, announcements, a book of complaints and suggestions.

Advantages of information stands:

A way to always quickly and accurately convey fresh information;

Constant indirect interaction with employees or visitors;

Support corporate identity company (an information stand must be designed in the company's corporate colors, you can also use the logo when developing the design of the stand);

The information presented on the stands allows you to judge the organization and its work.

To make this form of presentation of information effective, I propose to install information stands at all institutions and enterprises in the district (114, Table 1), post office (1), branches of Sberbank of Russia (2), libraries (2), department of internal affairs (1 ), a total of 120 pieces. Then the coverage of the population will be as effective as possible. On the stands I propose to place information about the activities of the Sokolniki district council, about the activities of various other organizations in the district, general information about the area. Stands will be updated as new information becomes available. In addition, stands should be targeted, that is, on stands in schools, information should be predominantly about education issues. In honey. institutions with a focus on health issues and the social status of patients, the category of the disabled. Information stores for consumers.

Measure 2 - informing the population of the district with the help of leaflets.

In order to better inform the residents of the district, information leaflets should be used more actively.

Leaflets are a material that in a simple and accessible form will bring to the residents of the area the information that needs to be communicated to them. Therefore, the leaflet must meet a number of requirements. For example, all information should be as concise as possible, but at the same time memorable. The leaflet itself with its design should attract attention, but at the same time - not so much as to hurt the eye. Pictures and photographs must be of good quality.

A big advantage of this method of informing is the confidence that every resident of the district will receive the necessary operational information. Leaflet topics can be very different:

Addresses, telephones, hours of operation and reception of the main services of the district;

Anti-terrorist activities of the district;

Information about subsidies, about changes in utility bills;

Excerpts from regulatory documents of interest to residents of the area;

Information about cultural events held in the region and so on.

Leaflets are usually handed out on the street or at an exhibition, trying to reach as many people as possible. With this approach, you need a lot of leaflets. Therefore, I propose to distribute leaflets at various regional events attended by residents of the region. I consider this method the most effective, because all other mass gathering places will be covered by information stands, and there is no metro in the district. Every month, 1-2 events are held in the district, on average, which are attended by 300-400 people. Therefore, I propose to distribute 1000 leaflets every month. The content will change accordingly once a month. I consider this quantity to be optimal; there will be a reserve in case the number of people exceeds the average, and there will also not be many extra ones in case the number of people is below the average. The remains, if any, I propose to distribute to various institutions in the region.

Action 3 - modernization of the website of the district council by placing the heading "Questions and Answers" on it.

Despite the development of the Internet, information systems, obtaining by the population of this or that document requires the applicant's personal appeal to the Council, which results in walking around the offices and collecting various certificates. All this leads to a large expenditure of time and creates significant inconvenience for the population. It is not yet possible to talk about more complex forms of communication between citizens and district authorities, which allow them to request and receive necessary certificates or permits via the Internet, participate in tenders and competitions by posting ads and filling out special forms. Meanwhile, federal target program“Electronic Russia (2002-2010), approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of January 28, 2002 No. 65, it was provided that already in 2005 15 percent of the services provided by government agencies should be implemented in electronic form.

In 2008, an official website was created in the Council, which was assigned the role of the main link in the practical interaction between authorities and citizens. However, having made a short excursion around the site, I am convinced: the implementation and use information technologies at the district level is in the embryonic stage of development. The information content of the site leaves much to be desired: in addition to historical and geographical data, there is data on the structure of the Council, phone numbers of services and sectors, a news block, but there is no information about the activities of the Council.

In the official regulations of each position in the council, the possession of a personal computer and office equipment is prescribed. All personal computers in the administration of the Sokolniki district are connected to the Internet, each employee has the skills to use the network, each has a personal electronic mailbox. Questions will be answered by specialists of the council, depending on the subject matter of the question being asked. The site will host the so-called FAQ (Frequently Asked Question(s)) - a collection of frequently asked questions on any topic and answers to them. The answers to the site will be posted by a specialist who is engaged in placing the council's site on the Internet, posting and updating information on the district's Web site.

In order to build a systematic relationship with the media and the effective use of this resource in the implementation of public relations of election commissions, it is necessary to plan this activity.

Planning the work of election commissions with the media is called "media planning", which includes three levels: strategic, tactical and operational.

Strategic media planning is a kind of general line of election commissions in their relations with the media and involves the solution of the most common and priority issues. In strategic media planning, the role and tasks of various media are determined in building the information policy of election commissions, the nature of materials for placement in the media, an analysis of the main media and their rating is carried out, a media map (press map) is drawn up, the main mechanisms for interaction and influence on the mass media are developed. information, while using all available opportunities of election commissions (administrative, financial, etc.).

For optimal use of the media by election commissions in order to convey information to voters and form the necessary public opinion, it is necessary to clearly understand what role the media can play, what kind of speeches should be made in certain media. To do this, it is necessary to have reliable information about the ratings of the media, individual programs and headings. The media rating is an integrated indicator and may include media ratings in terms of audience coverage, trust in information, relevance of topics raised, aesthetic perception, mention by other media, etc. Having information about the overall media rating and ratings for individual positions, it is possible to determine with a high degree of efficiency the time and nature of materials for publication and broadcast in the media. For example, the rating of the media in terms of quantitative and qualitative coverage of the audience will allow you to correlate the media audience with the target group to which you need to address the message and thereby plan the best means and methods of interaction with the media.

Media ratings are created in the course of sociological surveys conducted by the media themselves, advertising agencies, public authorities, local government, centers of political consultation and other persons and organizations interested in them. Electoral commissions can independently initiate the compilation of media ratings, since ratings compiled by other organizations are quite often distorted in favor of the customer. However, if it is impossible to independently compile a media rating, you can use the available ratings, actively using various Internet resources for this.

In order to work with the media more thoughtfully and effectively, election commissions must have information about the media available to them, with which they will have to interact in the process of work. To do this, election commissions need to systematize and constantly update information about the media, which should be reflected in a special media map, and then consolidated into single register mass media. It makes sense to structure the register depending on the type of media (television, radio, print, Internet, news agencies), its relationship to the basic (with which interaction will be carried out to the greatest extent) or specialized media (by industry, groups of influence, attitude to power, etc.). .p.) and depending on the type of media.


Media card positions Media information
1. Media name Regional information and analytical weekly "Gubernia"
2. Media rating The first among information and analytical publications, the second - in terms of circulation and audience coverage, the first - in terms of the level of trust in information. Integral rating - the first among printed publications
3. Circulation 10,000 copies
4. Audience Reached 25,000 people
5. Audience Composition Voters with high and middle income, high level of education, employees, entrepreneurs, teachers
6. Release Schedule Every Thursday
7. The structure of the media (by strips, sections and headings) Regular headings: "Across towns and villages", "From the first person", "News of the day"
8. Solved media problem Informing voters, creating a positive image of election commissions, mobilizing the target group to participate in elections
9. Materials to be published and broadcast Materials from press conferences, analytical reviews, interviews, reports, news materials
10. Internal structure and Contact Information Mass media (chief editor, heads of departments and editorial offices, key correspondents) Chief Editor Petrov A.P. tel. 56-87-99, fax 56-87-98 E-mail: [email protected]

Tactical media planning of election commissions solves more specific tasks and includes the development of a schedule of interaction with the media, broken down by months and weeks, determining the main events, informational occasions, materials for mandatory publication, necessary speeches and appeals, taking into account the period of publication of the main print publications and broadcasting grids of electronic media.


Date, time and venue Name of the event and tasks to be solved Attracted Required materials for providing the media
1 2 3 4 5
1 10.07.07.

Conference hall




Press conference




Commission "On


elections to the regional




of the population about the results

1. Television

3. Printed publications

4. News agencies

1. Press release

2. Electoral statistics

3. Information and analytical report on the results of voting

2. 20.07.2007




Exclusive interview with the chairman of the regional election commission of the regional television company "Gubernia" Formation of a positive image of the election commission, analysis of election results Regional

TV company


the president

TV companies

Ivanov I.I.

1.Overview information on the course of the election campaign and the general results of the elections 2.Information on the elected deputies of the Legislative Assembly

Operational media planning of election commissions involves adjustment tactical planning given the circumstances that arise and due to the fact that the schedule of work with the media is very flexible. Therefore, there may be a need for a mobile response of election commissions to certain events occurring during the electoral process.


Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday
During the day Invitation of media representatives to the press conference of the chairman of the election commission 8.00-9.00 Notification of voters through the media about last day agitation During the day Appeal through the main media to voters with an appeal to come to the polls 17.00-18.00 Live broadcast on the Novosti Plus radio station with a representative of the CEC of Russia on the course of the elections 11.00-12.00

Press con






11.00 - 12.00 On-line Internet conference with regional Internet publications 11.00-12.00 Live broadcast on the regional radio of the chairman of the election commission on the completion of the election campaign Every hour Broadcasting of audio clips of a mobilizing nature From 22.00 Live on the regional radio of the chairman of the election commission on the first results of the elections 18.00-18.30 Participation of the chairman of the election commission in the TV show "Guest in the Studio", TV company "Gorod"

Based on the three levels of media planning, a consolidated media plan of the election commission is compiled (see Table 7), which includes the main activities for interaction with the media, specific mechanisms for the implementation of these activities, taking into account the specifics of various media and the audience they cover.

When drawing up a consolidated media plan, election commissions should also plan the financial costs of implementing an information policy, taking into account the possibility of free use of the media and the need to attract budgetary funds and various resources from non-budgetary sources.

The practice of interaction between election commissions and the media shows that the improvement of relations with media representatives and the formation of a circle of loyal journalists is most facilitated by regularly inviting journalists to meetings and events held by election commissions, holding special meetings with journalists, seminars, round tables on issues of the electoral process, regular provision of information to journalists, as well as holding contests among the media on best material on the electoral process.

Unfortunately, election commissions interact to a small extent today with online publications, while this electronic media is a rapidly developing industry, providing high-quality and up-to-date information for clearly structured target groups.

Despite the fact that the audience of the Internet is limited, nevertheless it includes people who are actively engaged in the search for and consumption of information. The audience of the Internet is extremely targeted, which makes it possible to use Internet resources with a fairly high degree of efficiency for conducting information and explanatory activities.

The Internet also has the properties of maximum interactivity, which makes it possible to conduct on-line all kinds of Internet press conferences, discussions, voting, etc. feedback.

Election commissions should use their own websites to inform voters, participants in the electoral process and the media. The official websites of the election commissions in this case will act as a kind of information agencies that disseminate the most prompt and reliable information regarding the activities of the election commissions, the course of the election process and the election results. This is especially important for media representatives, who are one of the main consumers of information on the Internet for the preparation of publications and stories in the electronic media.

Today, election commissions at all levels in Russia have accumulated significant experience in interacting with the media in the implementation of information and explanatory activities.

Table 7. An example of drawing up a consolidated media plan

Edition Destination Chapter,


What is the main problem Working



Main content and form of publication, programs Type of transmission / publication Time, volume
The television

TV company


Region population "Time


Upcoming elections to the Regional Legislative Assembly "Election frontier" Dialogue interview in the studio with the chairman of the regional election commission, interspersed with stories and reports on the course of the election campaign and the work of election commissions in cities and districts of the region informational



17.00-18.30 1.5 hours



radio station


Youth Audience "Vote Attracting young people to the elections, increasing the electoral activity of young people "We choose the future" Live meeting of members of the election commission with leaders of student and youth organizations, holding a quiz on electoral topics (knowledge of electoral law and process, etc.) informational



20.00 -21.00 1 hour
Regional information and analytical newspaper "Working Tribune" Workers of machine-building and textile enterprises of the region "Position" The need for participation in the elections of the workers of the enterprises of the region, the decrease in protest voting "Attendance is strictly required" or "My vote belongs to me" A number of short reports from the machine-building and textile enterprises of the region with various opinions of workers and heads of enterprises on the problems of participation in the upcoming elections to the Legislative Assembly of the region Reports from the enterprises of the region 1 strip
Internet newspaper "Internet-Inform" Journalists, youth, entrepreneurs, university professors "Op-Ipe" The course of the election campaign, the activities of election commissions: the main problems "About elections - competently" Internet conference with the leadership and members of the election commission in real time (on-line) on the problems of organizing and holding elections to the Legislative Assembly of the region Internet conference 14.00-16.00 2 hours followed by posting on the site

Section 4

For example, in the course of the election campaign for the election of deputies of the Sverdlovsk Regional Boom, the Electoral Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region reached agreements with all TV and radio broadcasting channels of the city of Yekaterinburg to organize speeches by the leaders of the Election Commission in information and analytical news programs. During the week, 7 ~ 8 speeches of the chairman of the commission were made in such programs as "Accent" on "Regional television", "There is a question" on ATN, "Results of the week", "Morning wave" on "RTRK "Ural", "Growth of the day ”,“ Rules of Life ”on Ermak TV Company,“ Stand ”on Channel 4,“ 10 + ”on Channel 10,“ Third Studio ”on CTU,“ Afterword ”on Channel 41, as well as in other programs. In total, during the election campaign, 103 speeches of the chairman of the commission took place in information-analytical, news programs. Interaction with the editors of the leading TV channels was organized, interviews were given for news stories of the programs: Vesti - Rossiya, Segodnya - NTV. Over the past period, more than 90 news items were published with various kinds of information about the course of the election campaign (excluding campaign speeches by electoral associations).

All television channels, including municipal ones, showed in news programs, as well as during the screening of feature films, videos commissioned by the Electoral Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region, with information for voters about the upcoming elections, with explanations of the procedure and rules for voting by absentee ballots, mail-in voting; and social media ads urging voters to make their choice on October 8, 2006. In total, during the period of the election campaign, the commission prepared 8 videos that were shown on such television channels as Regional Television, RTRK Ural, TK ATN, Channel 10 - Eubernia, Channel Four TV, REN TV - Yekaterinburg, "Mediatransit" TVC, "TRK "Studio-41", "Russian Aom Plus" (TsTU), "Ermak", as well as on local TV and radio broadcasting channels in municipalities Sverdlovsk region.

Each of the outsourced TV and radio broadcasting organizations submitted to the Election Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region a media plan for placing videos, and the number of releases of the commission's videos varied from 4 (Mediatransit TVC) to 9 times a day (Regional Television), depending on the capabilities of the TV company.

Together with Regional Television, the implementation of the project for the monthly release of an hour-long talk-show program “Everything as it is”, the main goal of which is to inform all participants in the electoral process about the main stages of the election campaign, continued. The last show aired on October 1st. It was devoted to issues related to the voting procedure and the establishment of election results. The main goal pursued by the organizers was to convincingly prove to voters the impossibility of falsifying the results of voting of citizens, to convince them of the importance and significance of each vote for establishing the overall results of the elections.

A special place in the information system was given to publications about the work of the Electoral Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region and the decisions it makes. During the election campaign, 25 resolutions of the ECSO were published in the Regional Newspaper.

Constant interaction with journalists (meetings, round tables”), informing about the main events of the campaign through a system of press releases, the work of the commission’s website contributed to the fact that about 1/5 publications on the topic of elections appeared in the regional print media (excluding campaign speeches by electoral associations).

During the election campaign, the circulation of the newspaper of the Electoral Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region "Uralsky CHOICE!" was increased from 10,000 to 30,000 copies. The newspaper was published three times a month. All issues of the newspaper were special issues, in which voters were provided with prompt, objective information about current and upcoming events of the election campaign, and explanations were published on the application of the current electoral legislation. So, for example, in the 10th issue of the newspaper, the chairman of the commission gave an analysis of the main events of the election campaign, posted information about all electoral associations participating in the elections of deputies of the Regional Duma of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk Region, and also presented lists and information about all candidates registered in the lists electoral associations. The 11th issue of the newspaper contains information for voters on the voting procedure, responsibility for violating the electoral rights of citizens, the procedure for filling out ballot papers, on possible ways for voters to receive information about the voting process, and the procedure for summing up the election results.

At the end of the calendar stages of the election campaign, press conferences were held for media representatives. Over the entire period, 15 press conferences were held, attended by representatives of 25 media organizations on average.

All meetings of the Electoral Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region were held openly and publicly, with the invitation of representatives of the media (from 5 to 15 representatives of various media organizations were present at the meetings of the commission). At the end of the commission meetings, as a rule, mini-press conferences were held to explain the results of the meeting and the tasks of the upcoming period.

In order to obtain operational information to analyze the coverage of the election campaign, a group was organized from among the employees of the commission's apparatus to monitor publications in electronic and print media, information on television channels on the course of the election campaign. The monitoring system allowed the commission to quickly influence emerging problems, remove incoming questions, and also build a strategy and tactics for outreach activities for the coming period.

Daily information in the form of press releases, plans for upcoming events, photographic materials from past events was transmitted to the territorial election commissions, and also posted on the Internet site of the Electoral Commission of the Sverdlovsk Region. During the period of the election campaign this site was visited by 20 thousand users.

Thus, the media are the most important tool and partner in the implementation of public relations of election commissions. Proper building of relationships with the media is the key to the successful implementation of the goals and objectives of the election commissions in the election process, increasing legal culture and activity of voters, creating a positive image of election commissions and increasing confidence in the institution of elections in Russia. All this becomes possible when members of election commissions master the methods of organizing special events for the media, preparing for them necessary materials and media planning.

With the development of theoretical and practical knowledge in this area, it became possible to find a suitable example of media plans. It will already present the main lines of action and specific promotional activities with cost indications. This will simplify the task, because it will not be necessary to invent them yourself and hope that it will work.

Company media plan: an example for a real estate agency

The plan was drawn up for a small agency, the average prices for the work of specialists, for the preparation and printing of printing products are given. Banners and streamers, stands, posters in the office are not given, since an organization already operating on the market is taken as an example. Free sources for advertising (Internet bulletin boards) were also not included in the list.

Campaign Name


Quantity and cost


1 sticker per 1 sector (remoteness, for example, from the office - 5 m around)

In Week:

1000 leaflets "Buy";

1000 "Change";

1000 "For sale";

1000 is a universal option.

Total: 16 800 rubles

600 rubles for 1 per week. Total: 2400 r.

Paid in the form of ads in a private section in the newspapers of the city

2000 r. - 1 time.

As in a specialized magazine

8000 r. per month.

Leaflets in mailboxes

As a rule, in houses in the center of the city (or district)

For 1 house - 144 leaflets. On average, 7 houses are taken per month. 1000 leaflets for 1500 rubles. + the work of the gluer.

Total: 2000 r.

Participation in exhibitions

Preparation of brochures, business cards, posters

On average, about 1000 rubles. and work of agency specialists.

Distribution of leaflets (with a calendar, taxi numbers, list of holidays, phone numbers of services, etc. on the reverse side)

500 pieces per month - 1000 rubles. (together with the work of the promoter)

Telephone invitation for free consultations of specialists, "cold" calls

Payment for the work of a sales manager: 1 hour - 75 rubles. (without interest from the transaction). Takes 1-2 days a week.

Total: 4800 per month

Banners in search engines

1500 thousand per month.

Working with partners

Exchange of business cards for placement in the offices of construction, insurance companies, bank offices

Payment for 1 hour per week - 50 rubles.

The business cards themselves: 300 rubles.

Total: 350 r.

Creation of collaborative brochures

The cost of brochures is divided equally: 1000 rubles. for 1000 brochures (if 3 of your partners participate).

Newspaper release

300 r. - 1 copy, 50 pieces can be distributed per month.

Work of a courier, journalist (2000 rubles), layout designer (500 rubles)

Total: 17 500 rubles.

An example of media plans is needed in relation to your city, it will indicate specific sources of advertising. And yet, you should constantly monitor its effectiveness: register responses, look for the most successful sources.

Promotion of a newspaper or magazine



Once a week

The work of an office manager with a salary or a remote manager - 50 rubles. at one o'clock.

Phone offers

Two weeks before release, within 4 days

The work of a sales manager (for 3% percent of the attracted client).

Posting ads on the entrances and boards of the city

Paper, printout (cartridge) - 700 rubles.

1 p. per piece

Number of copies - 2000.

Total: 2700 r.

Radio notification of city residents

60 exits per day, every day for a month

One-time - 1000 rubles. for manufacturing.

900 r. per month for exits.

Press releases on the Internet

Place once on free portals, then update every three months, add new ones about promotions and interesting offers

Only for the work of an office manager or media manager (hour of work - 100 rubles).

The text itself or through specialists - 100 rubles.

Total: 500 r.

Adding to media directories

Site search and placement

Only for work: 50 rubles. in an hour.

Total: 200 r.

5000 r. - newspaper, next month - 8000 rubles. In the magazine.

Distribution of issues at points with high traffic (shopping centers, supermarkets, offices of partners and advertisers)

Once a month

Courier work - 50 rubles. at one o'clock. Takes 1 business day.

Total: 400 r.

2 pieces in the center for 1 month

For 15 thousand rubles.

Total: 30,000 rubles.

How to make a media plan

An example is, of course, good. But every business has its own characteristics. Therefore, it is important to know the basics of media planning.

Properly selected sources of advertising (according to your specialization, designed for the target audience), forms of advertising, places for its placement and the number of exits per month - this is what information should be reflected in the plan, and not only. A clear placement schedule is welcome, which shows the alternation of specific promotional activities. This makes it easier to track the effectiveness of a particular form of activity.

The media plans given in this article are not clear and specific and require detailed revision in relation to a particular city and specific sources of advertising. For example: newspaper "Flowers in the Garden" - banner 200 x 300, placement - 1 page, number of releases - 2 times a month.

Campaign budget

A bet on savings is welcome. In those sources where it is worth placing advertising, you can order it at the lowest price for six months in advance.


In addition, each example of media plans reflects strategic goals and direction of the customer. That is, it corresponds to the priorities of the company. In the case of a newspaper, this is a bright appearance, a statement to the population and potential advertisers about its existence. In the case of a real estate agency, the campaign is to gain an increase in the already existing stable income.

Thus, you can’t just take the example of media plans and use it without reworking it for yourself: without introducing maximum specificity, without considering the possibilities of saving budget funds for advertising, and even more so without evaluating main goal plan, its compliance with the priority development of the company.



On the procedure for the formation and implementation autonomous region

In order to exercise the powers in the field of formation and implementation of the information policy of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, to create conditions for the development of a system for comprehensively informing the population about the activities of the executive bodies of state power of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug decides:

1. Approve the attached procedure for the formation and implementation of the media plan executive body government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.

2. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Head of the Office of the Governor of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug Sokolova I.B.

Governor of the Yamal-Nenets

Autonomous Okrug D.N. Kobylkin


Government Decree

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

PROCEDURE for the formation and implementation of the media plan of the executive body of state power of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

I. General provisions

1.1. This Procedure regulates the procedure for the formation and implementation of the media plan of the executive body of state power of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (hereinafter referred to as the media plan, Autonomous Okrug).

1.2. The media plan is formed for:

Creation of conditions for the development of a system of comprehensive informing the population about the activities of the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug;

Solving the tasks of information support for the activities of the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug within the framework of their own powers;

Coordinating the interaction of the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug in planning the process of information support for their activities;

Coordinating the process of working with the media to cover the activities of the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug;

Systematization of the process of information support for the activities of the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug.

1.3. The goals of the media plan should reflect the priority areas:

The activities of the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug, established in the regulations on these bodies;

Strategy for socio-economic development of the Autonomous Okrug, approved by the Decree of the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Okrug of December 14, 2011 N 839.

1.4. A media plan is a target, policy document for information support of the activities of the executive body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug, structured in a certain way and representing a system of justifications, a description of measures and actions to work with the media.

1.5. Information support is understood as a systematized process of coverage in the mass media of the Autonomous Okrug of the priority areas of activity of the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug.

1.6. The authorized executive body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug for the formation of a media plan is domestic policy autonomous okrug (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body).

1.7. The media plan can be formed with the participation of two or more executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug.

II. The procedure for the formation of a media plan

2.1. The media plan is formed for the next six months on the basis of the application of the executive body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure (hereinafter referred to as the application).

2.2. Applications are accepted by the authorized body from the executive bodies of state power of the Autonomous Okrug:

Copies of materials and documents used in the preparation of the application are attached to the application.

Applications received after the expiration of the deadlines specified in this paragraph will not be considered and will not be returned.

2.3. On behalf of the Deputy Governor of the Autonomous Okrug, who oversees the activities of the authorized body, the application is accepted by the authorized body outside the time limits established by paragraph 2.2 of this Procedure.

2.4. Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the application, the authorized body checks the submitted application for compliance with the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure.

2.5. In case of non-compliance of the submitted application with the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure, the authorized body, within the time period established by paragraph 2.4 of this Procedure, returns the application to the executive body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug that submitted the application, indicating the circumstances that served as the basis for returning the application.

2.6. The authorized body has the right to involve in the work on the formation of the media plan experts and organizations with specialized knowledge in the field of government controlled, sociology, mass media, marketing, information technology.

2.7. If the submitted application complies with the form in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Procedure, the authorized body, within 10 working days from the end of the period specified in clause 2.4 of this Procedure, forms a draft media plan in the form in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Procedure.

The generated draft media plan is sent by the authorized body for approval to the executive body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug, which submitted the application no later than the deadline specified in paragraph 2.7 of this Procedure.

2.8. The executive body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug that submitted the application, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the draft media plan, is obliged to agree on the draft media plan or submit motivated comments or suggestions to the authorized body.

2.9. In case of receipt of comments or suggestions to the draft media plan, the authorized body, within 5 working days from the date of their receipt, finalizes the draft media plan and re-coordinates it with the executive body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug that submitted comments or suggestions, within the period established by clause 2.8 of this Procedure.

2.10. The authorized body, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the agreed draft media plan, forms a media plan and sends it to the executive body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug that submitted the application, and to the mass media of the Autonomous Okrug.

III. The procedure for implementing the media plan

3.1. The implementation of the media plan is carried out by the authorized body together with the executive body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug that submitted the application.

3.2. The authorized body organizes and coordinates the work of the mass media of the Autonomous Okrug in the process of implementing the media plan.

3.3. The authorized body, within its competence in the process of implementing the media plan, monitors information materials published in the mass media of the Autonomous Okrug.

3.4. The authorized body, within 10 working days after the expiration of the media plan implementation period, analyzes it. Based on the results of the analysis, the authorized body within 5 working days generates a report on the implementation of the media plan and sends it to the executive body of state power of the Autonomous Okrug.

Annex N 1. APPLICATION for the formation of a media plan

Appendix No. 1

media plan of the executive body
state power of the Yamalo-Nenets
autonomous region

The purpose of the media plan (the required level of audience coverage, frequency)

Description of the target audience

Deadline for the implementation of the media plan

materials (programs, normative legal acts, statistical data, etc.)

Full name, position of the person responsible for preparing the application

Appendix N 2. MEDIA PLAN

Appendix No. 2
to the Procedure for Formation and Implementation
media plan of the executive body
state power of the Yamalo-Nenets
autonomous region


head of the executive body

state power of the Yamalo-Nenets

autonomous region


"____"_______________ 20___


for the period from ____________ to ________________ year


(name of the executive body of state power of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug)

Target _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tasks _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________

The target audience ____________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tactics and proposed media tools

Name of mass media (district, municipal)

Title of the program (article) / subject

release date

Submission form


Responsible person
