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Selling pet food as a business. A brief overview of the equipment. How much money do you need to start

A huge pet business is built on the love for animals, which continues to develop, enriching the owners. Most entrepreneurs start immediately by selling animals, making a gross mistake. It is even more difficult when a store that has just opened sells rare breeds of our smaller brothers. To better understand this field of activity, we recommend that you focus on the option of such a business as selling animal feed.

Starting investments: RUB 935,000 The number of employees: 2-5
Planned income per month: RUB 150,000 Market competition: Medium
Estimated monthly expenses: RUB 90,000 Payback: 16 months

Pet shops sell food, accessories, animals. But you can focus on one option. For example, feed. Now it is possible to buy a package of food in any store, which is a minus not only for the owners of this type of business, but also for buyers. Prices are too high and there is almost no choice.

Instructions on how to open and what is needed for this

Stage 1 - registration and preparation of documents

It is worth remembering that any business is impossible without documents. At the same time, there are activities where you will need a minimum of paperwork. This also applies to the pet store, and you need to decide what you want to do. If it is only selling feed, you will have to get a license.

Stage 2 - finding a room

First, decide on the size of the room. Often, all rooms are divided into 3 types:

  1. Mini-shop - the size is not more than 10 square meters, as a rule, it is there that they sell food and pet care products.
  2. Counters - rooms up to 50 square meters.
  3. Supermarkets - sizes can be on par with popular supermarkets.

Second, location plays a key role. Pay attention to the end stations of the metro, where people transfer to another mode of transport. While they are waiting for the bus, they can go to your store and choose food for their pet.

Stage 3 - purchase and installation of the necessary equipment

If you plan to trade only feed, you will need special furniture. In addition, take care of buying showcases, counters and a desktop. It is necessary to buy air conditioning so that visitors do not die from the heat in summer. By the way, it perfectly attracts attention: if it’s too hot outside, people will come in to take a break, and it’s inconvenient to leave without a purchase. Animal feed production — additional business and budget savings.

Trading scales (3000 rubles)

Showcase (13 100 rubles)

Rack (8 500 rubles)

Stage 4 - recruitment

At first, you yourself can be an administrator and consultant, especially if it is a mini-shop. As your business grows in popularity, there will only be one role to play. Be sure to hire a seller and a cleaner, they must do their job at the highest level. Welcome to the state veterinarian.

Stage 5 - promotion and advertising

Best Advertising- word of mouth. Satisfied customers will share information with their relatives and friends. Rumors about a great store will quickly spread, and in an instant you will no longer end up with satisfied customers.

There are times when this does not work, then the Internet comes to the rescue. You can create your own blog, write, order, buy articles about animals, optimizing them. Having untwisted it, visitors can be turned into buyers. Promotions and discounts work especially well for regular readers of your resource.

Financial plan

Any business plan is not complete without calculations, because that is what it is created for. The following costs can be identified:

  • repair or purchase of premises - 300 thousand rubles;
  • equipment - 70 thousand rubles;
  • purchase of feed - 500 thousand rubles (depending on the planned volumes);
  • personnel (50 thousand rubles monthly);
  • consumables (15 thousand rubles)

Total: 935 thousand rubles.

In a month, you can get a net profit of up to 200,000 rubles.

Of course, you are the owner and you decide how much to spend and on what. For example, the goods can be bought already in the course of the store operation, or the production of feed would be an excellent solution.

Possible risks

Competition is the main risk that has always been and will always be. It is necessary not to stand still, to improve, especially if your competitor is opposite. There may also be unforeseen risks, up to fires or theft. You can play it safe, for example, by spending money on a good security system, but it is impossible to completely avoid such risks.

Business Idea: Animal Feed

It turns out that one of the most profitable was the opening of a pet food business. Russian market feed is growing steadily and this year should overcome the mark of $ 1 billion. Who, how and how much earns on our pets?

Analysts say that the next round of market growth will be associated with increased sales fodder premium segments. If so, then soon dogs will eat better than their owners, and producers animal feed will greatly increase their income from the Russian market rich in cats and dogs.

Crackers for Kamchatka

First industrial pet food meant for dogs. Avid dog lovers have always tried to take care of their animals in a special way. For example, Alexander III, who adored dog hunting, set up an exemplary kennel near Gatchina. The "Manual for the maintenance of the kennel of His Imperial Majesty Alexander III" contained, for example, a recipe for special crackers for royal dogs.

The imperial dogs were fed better than people, which, however, is not surprising: when the beloved royal laika Kamchatka died, Alexander complained: “Do I have at least one disinterested friend among people; no, and it can’t be, but the dog can, and Kamchatka is like that.”

First commercial dog food- it was made on the basis of horse meat - appeared in Great Britain in 1860. In the USSR, pets were fed mainly human food, and specialized pet food if they got into our country, then by accident.

The feed business began to develop in Russia only in the early 90s: at first, enthusiasts imported imported stern, then distributors of foreign companies opened their own production facilities. And although many people lived hard at that time, there were animal lovers who were ready to feed their dogs better than they fed themselves. However, this is often the case to this day.

Dmitry Makarenko, Head of Marketing and Sales Development at Raritet: Actually, people need to eat like dogs. because dog food perfectly balanced in composition, they are much healthier than what we eat. That is why recipe development stern worth tens of thousands of dollars.

cat market

The pet food market is based, however, not on enthusiasts who are ready to do anything for their pets, but on people who are too lazy to think how to feed a dog or cat. Coming home from work, they buy dumplings in the supermarket for themselves and dry food for your animals.

Fedor Borisov, Executive Director of the Manufacturers Association pet food: The number of purebred dogs in Russia is about 5 million, and the total number of domestic dogs is about 10 million. If we add homeless, service and village dogs here, then we can have up to 30 million dogs. It is not known exactly how many domestic cats we have, but, according to various estimates, at least 15 million.

For comparison, according to the American Pet Products Association, there are almost 74 million domestic dogs in the United States, and 90.5 million cats. We nevertheless rank second in the world in terms of the number of animals after the United States.

However, such solid quantitative indicators have not yet been transformed into financial indicators in our country - many in Russia feed their animals with homemade food, and not with industrial feed. As a result, less than 2% of the global feed market, which is more than $55 billion, is concentrated in Russia. However, this market is growing steadily - at a rate of 20% per year.

Cats and dogs are the main source of income for pet food manufacturers. Of course, there are holders of fish, birds, rodents and various exotic animals in the country, but they are much smaller. In total, according to the research company KOMKON, 40% of families in Russia have a pet. Of these, 73% have cats, and 35% of families have dogs (many keep both a dog and a cat). Further, only aquarium fish and various poultry show any serious indicators - together they have less than 20%. The statistics also registers holders of hamsters, turtles and guinea pigs. But all these creatures cannot compete with dogs in terms of the volume of the food market - they just eat much less. The main struggle of pet food manufacturers is for the hearts of cat and dog owners. Manufacturers Association pet food estimates this segment at about $800-850 million (and the entire feed market is $1 billion).

Dog and cat food is traditionally divided into several categories by price (and therefore by quality) - economy, premium and super premium classes (their prices vary). Of course, market participants tend to promote expensive stern that give more profit. At the same time, manufacturers emphasize the fact that, although feed super premium and costs four times more, the animal will eat it three times less - digestibility is high. Be that as it may, premium feeds use raw materials more than High Quality, and soy is not added to them.

But in Russia, the economy class still dominates. The most popular brands of food are from this class: for cats - Kitekat (42.3%), for dogs - Chappi (25.8%). On average, a cat owner spends about 500 rubles to feed her. per month, the dog spends three to four times more.

Elena Dobrovolskaya, expert at Nielsen analytical company: Cat food is the largest segment. It occupies 82% of the sector fodder in value terms.

Stanislav Kuzmin, Royal Canin employee: Russia has its own stereotypes in animal feeding. For example, cat breeders very quickly switched to ready-made food, as they always tried to cook something separately for cats. Dogs, on the other hand, were usually fed the same that the owner eats. Stereotypes about dog feeding change much more slowly. For this reason, too, most of the market falls on cat food.

By the way, feed manufacturers have managed to achieve such a development of the feed market that buyers are already paying attention not only to the brand, but also to the fact that the feed is suitable for their animal. That is, there was some segmentation of the market: dietary stern, puppy food, kittens and old animals. On the one hand, this increases sales revenues (after all, specialized feed can be sold more expensive), and on the other hand, according to manufacturers, properly selected feed increases the life expectancy of an animal by one and a half to two times.

Dmitry Makarenko gives the following example: About seven years ago, special feed for neutered cats older than eight years. But sales were very small. When Western companies understood the reason for such sales, they were very surprised. Just then, not only castrated, but simply cats did not live up to eight years. Now, with a cat 10-15 years old, you won’t surprise anyone at all. So that cat food of this age are sold absolutely normal.

Steady market growth, according to experts, will continue in the coming years.

Fedor Borisov: New customers fodder, due to which the market grows, can be divided into two groups. First, more and more people who have pets for a long time are gradually switching to ready-made food. It is much more convenient for owners and healthier for their pets. Secondly, new pet owners who bought them recently are initially set to prepared feed. They have no cooking experience animal feed and they don't want to have it.

With the growth of the welfare of the population, sales of the more expensive premium segment are growing. Western companies selling feed of this class are actively working to increase sales. It is indicative, for example, that in April the Hill`s representative office announced a decision to change the business model that had been in effect in Russia until this year, by radically expanding the distribution network.

Animal Feed: Mars Attacks

There are few serious players in the dog-cat market. First of all, this is Mars (together with Royal Canin, 40% of whose shares Mars acquired in 2002), which in Russia, according to some estimates, controls up to 70% of the market. Next come Nestle and the Russian company Raritet.

Dmitry Makarenko: Mars is way ahead of everyone, we, Raritet, are in third place, very close to Nestle, and fourth place is already very far away, the volumes there are much lower.

To dominate Russia, Mars has been investing generously in the emerging market for a long time. The fact that we can sell a lot, the company's management realized back in the 60s, when Mars bought raw materials for production in the USSR fodder in their European factories. But only in the early 90's the company began to sell to us. In 1994, the company began to build its own factory with us, and a year later, due to fluctuations in our economy, Mars suffered large losses - $ 100 million. In 1998, in two weeks, the company lost 70% of its business, its entire distribution network went bankrupt. However, investments continued, and, probably in large part due to the company's multimillion-dollar investment in television advertising, Russian animals switched to industrial feed.

It is clear that it is not easy for domestic companies to fight a competitor with such resources. There are two main ways - to exhibit more low price or offer a product that foreign colleagues do not have. Actually, due to this, our producers live.

golden recipe

Western giants have brought up their customers in such a way that they do not think about the recipe dog food, but simply purchases it at the nearest supermarket.

But the commercial director of the Rick company, Anton Utkin, does not hide the recipes for his products: For example, a cow has a so-called koltyk, in which there is cartilage and a meat shell. Then the scar is a beef stomach, it contains a lot of microelements, enzymes that animals need. We buy similar raw materials at meat processing plants near Moscow, process, and pack. All this is intended for experienced breeders, for example for nurseries. Feed from the store, whatever one may say, is still designed for the general public.

The Rick enterprise, consisting of 20 people, produces and sells about 20 tons of feed per month. Mr. Utkin does not talk about income, he only hints that good income for a small business. In the assortment of the company "Rick" you can find bull testicles, beef brains and udders, veal on the bone.

Larger domestic companies still operate according to the Western industrial model. "Rarity", for example, although it does not have own production, orders products according to its own recipes at third-party plants and then sells under its own brand.

Dmitry Makarenko: Production can be anywhere, it doesn't matter at all. What matters is the recipe and the distribution model. We have been able to bring our dog and cat brands (Oscar, Trapeza and Mon Ami) to market so that they now compete with Whiskas, Kitekat, Pedigree, Chappi. On their stern We charge slightly lower than our competitors.

Raritet had enough time to learn all the tricks of the dog market: the company entered this market as a distributor of foreign brands 15 years ago. Actually, Raritet is still a distributor of Hills foreign elite food, but at the same time it also sells its own goods, which are in the economy segment. According to Makarenko, the most critical stage in the production of feed is the development of a recipe: Specialists who know how to develop recipes fodder, worldwide units. The salary of a person who can develop feed,- EUR1.5 thousand per day. Multinational companies pay them not even to come up with recipes, but not to work for competitors.

This is prescribed in the contract: for three years, for example, a specialist should not work for other companies. Accordingly, they pay much more. It's like in ancient times our architects were blinded so that no one else would have such beautiful buildings built.

After the recipe is developed, its palatability and digestibility are tested. To determine the first indicator, the following test is carried out: bowls of test food are placed in front of randomly selected animals. Depending on how many animals pounce on food, the coefficient of eatability is determined. For super premium feed it will be 90%. 70% is a good result for feeds of a lower class. The digestibility index shows the extent to which nutrients are used by the body.

Some manufacturers are so sophisticated in their recipe research that animals refuse to eat anything else. There is an opinion among breeders that the success of Mars is due to a certain substance that “plants” animals on food. But experts say it's unlikely, and they attribute Mars' success to its huge advertising budget.

A good recipe can stay on the market for decades without any drug additives. Changes will be made to it from time to time, as animal appetites change, for example, from environmental factors. On the other hand, feed manufacturers are forced to focus not only on dog tastes, but also on the preferences of their owners.

Dmitry Makarenko: There is such a paradox among manufacturers: for some reason, “lamb with rice” food is insanely popular, but at the same time, objectively, its performance is the same as that of other food of the same price category. But for some reason, buyers think that the dog will like it. Therefore, "lamb with rice" is 20% more expensive than other feeds in its line.

The developed recipe is transferred to production. A feed production line costs about $5-7 million. Only Western corporations can afford to own factories in Russia. Domestic companies order their feed from third-party factories. These factories produce stern for large retail chains (Auchan, Perekrestok) selling under their own brand.

Nikolai Makarenko: We place our orders at factories near St. Petersburg and Novgorod, and also in Denmark. By the way, it is cheaper abroad, even taking into account delivery: they are less greedy there, and the production has been in production for many years.

A Russian manufacturer can also enter the market with a high-tech product, which foreign manufacturers have not yet reached the hands of.

For example, the Golden Fish Company (which began as a chain of pet stores) produces so-called "vitamin treats" for pets. These animal multivitamins are sold throughout Russia.

Yevgeny Budarin, a representative of the Golden Fish company: When the crisis of 1998 broke out, it was necessary to save the company. Own production for us then was a necessary measure. This allowed the company to survive and develop a new direction. The experience was successful, and after the default we decided not to close our brands.

And the KlinVet company began its activity in 1998 with the opening of a veterinary clinic in the south-west of Moscow. At present it is also well-known Russian manufacturer food for dogs and cats.

In addition to food for animals, their owners are ready to buy a lot of all sorts of intricate products, which can hardly be called food. For example, dietary rabbit ears, pig snouts and tails, chicken feet and bull scrotums. These "goodies", as the manufacturer shyly calls them, are manufactured by the Alpintech company under the Titbit brand.

Such exotic goods are bought for various purposes - for example, so that the dog gnaws them instead of the owner's favorite slippers, but most often - just for fun. One ear, which is enough for a dog for a day, retails for about 100 rubles, they are bought willingly. So the optimism of manufacturers promoting super premium feeds based on caring owners is fully justified.

Sell ​​domestic

To pet food sold well, Western corporations are using television advertising with might and main, spending a lot of money on it. Domestic producers, who do not have enough money for this, are forced to resort to more complex marketing moves. These are advertising through clubs of animal lovers, sponsorship of exhibitions and BTL promotions in specialized stores.

However, there are difficulties here as well. In Europe, clubs, for example, dog breeders have a colossal weight. There, all animals are registered and sold with "feed recommendations". We currently have a different situation.

Dmitry Makarenko, head of the marketing and sales development department at Raritet: Sales through clubs are small, but they still perform advertising function. It's important that the clubs know your feed, and their members at least heard its name. In Russia, the influence of clubs is still very far from Western ones.

It is possible that sales of domestic producers will increase when pet food will actively begin to be sold in the provinces, where metropolitan retail chains of pet stores come. For example, 38 Parrot stores already exist in Tolyatti, Kazan, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

Andrey Formakov, commercial director of the Four-legged Gourmet company: The most effective one is available Russian companies- the way of promotion is participation in various exhibitions and their sponsorship.

And there are many exhibitions in Russia - in 2007, for example, several hundred of them of different levels are planned. Feed manufacturers pay only a few hundred dollars to participate. True, this method does not greatly affect the buyer: as a rule, sophisticated people participate in exhibitions, who have long chosen the right feed. The main struggle for the consumer unfolds directly at the point of sale.

Svetlana Malagina, director of the KlinVet company: Last year we held an action in the St. Petersburg stores of the Vaka and Zolotaya Rybka chains. In some pet stores, when summing up, a significant increase in sales was recorded - more than 50%.

True, before holding promotions in a store, you first need to get into these stores, which is not always easy, especially when it comes to large chains. Specialized pet stores treat our manufacturers more favorably, but they are far from always able to display their entire range on their shelves.

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In recent years, animal husbandry has gradually begun to restore its lost positions in our country. The leadership has finally begun to understand the importance of this industry for ensuring the food security of the state, and therefore state enterprises and private farmers finally began to issue loans on normal terms, they began to provide benefits for the purchase of all necessary equipment.

Unfortunately, the problem with feed for farm animals continues to be quite acute. This was especially noticeable in the notorious summer of 2010, when it suddenly became clear that the farms simply did not have the proper amount of compound feed, and there was no one to buy them from.

Therefore, the production of animal feed will always remain a popular industry. If you wisely approach the organization of your business, then you can perfectly provide for yourself. First, let's look at the main stages of compound feed production, which is always in high demand in agricultural regions.

What is compound feed?

This is the name of the combined feed composition for birds or animals. It is made on the basis of high-quality grain raw materials, fish, meat or meat and bone meal, as well as mineral and vitamin supplements that compensate for the lack of trace elements in winter and autumn-spring.

In the same poultry farming (in its industrial version), one cannot do without such feed at all, since otherwise it is simply impossible to provide the bird with everything necessary. So, the composition of the quail feed includes many vitamins that are simply not found in standard feeds. If you do not use such additives daily, then you can not count on getting large gains and volumes of eggs.

What range to focus on?

In order for your pet food production to justify all the costs of it, you need to decide in advance on the range of products. If you approach this issue without due attention, you simply will not fit into this market niche, in which there are already enough strong players.

Firstly, there is concentrated compound feed, which in its pure form is not used for feeding. It is used only to dilute conventional feed. Similar to this type are balancing additives that are used to compensate for the lack of certain minerals or trace elements in a particular region.

Finally, there is also complete feed. It is the production of animal feed of this type that is the most promising, since it does not require high equipment costs. The fact is that the manufacture of concentrates and balancing additives requires not only serious material support, but also specific raw materials, which in many cases will have to be bought abroad.

Naturally, in this case, it is not particularly necessary to think about high profitability.

What is the compound feed in its consistency?

Firstly, there is a traditional loose type, which can be distinguished by fine, medium and coarse grinding. AT recent times the granulated type is becoming popular, as it is easier to dose, and animals eat it more willingly.

Finally, the production of animal feed may include the production of pelleted compound feed, which is especially suitable for use in farms that breed cattle.

What type should you give preference to? Experts say that in recent years, consumers prefer granular varieties.

What raw materials are used in production?

So, what raw materials will need to be purchased in order to produce animal feed? The business plan should include the purchase of high quality hay, straw and oilcake. Of course, you will need a large amount of grain raw materials, which you need to purchase only from trusted suppliers.

Bought a batch of grain affected by fungal spores? A whole batch of compound feed will be sent for rejection, and you will be provided with litigation with farmers whose animals have been poisoned.

The situation with meat and bone, meat and fish meal is even more difficult. These products must be perfectly fresh, they spoil quickly, and there are not so many enterprises that produce them. Decide this issue first! Finally, supplements with vitamins and trace elements. They are unambiguously purchased only through official representative offices of manufacturers. You can find out about these in the local branches of Zoovetsnaba.

An example of a basic compound feed

Consider, for example, the basic composition of quail food. It contains approximately 50% high quality durum wheat and approximately 15% soybean meal. On the last moment I would like to go into more detail.

The fact is that soybean meals have recently been increasingly prepared by chemical methods, using a lot of reagents. It is impossible to feed quails with such products! Therefore, you will have to immediately look for a normal supplier.

Among other things, you will need more than 10% fresh and not rancid fishmeal, about 0.7-1% fish oil (however, its need depends on the quality of the flour), as well as mineral supplements. These include limestone flour, salt and monocalcium phosphate. This is the simplest option for feeding birds.

We purchase equipment

Typically, technology home business do not provide for the purchase of really expensive equipment. It's nice that the production of compound feed is no exception. So, for a small home factory, you can buy the same LPKG-1 line for the production of granular feed for farm animals.

Up to a ton of feed can be produced on this equipment per hour, and only three people are required to work on the line. This equipment costs about 1 million 200 thousand rubles.

If you need more power, it makes sense to look in the direction of a similar LPKG-3 line. It already produces up to three tons of compound feed per hour, and the number of employees increases to only four people.

A little about the staff

In this case, there is also the positive aspect that it is possible to attract unskilled workers.

It will be necessary to hire only one technologist who will be responsible for the correct dosing of mineral and vitamin supplements, while the rest of the workers will be busy loading raw materials and unloading finished products. Since the lines are fully automated, no special intervention is required in their work.

Thus, if you purchase this equipment for home production, then it will be possible to set up the production of compound feed for only two to three million rubles.

Of course, there is no escape from the cost of purchasing raw materials, but it is not possible to give specific figures here. The cost of the same grain is constantly jumping, so in this matter it is better to rely on local experts who know the realities of a particular region.

Food for cats and dogs

But all the above information will be useful to you only if you plan to organize the production of feed for the needs of the agro-industrial complex. Are there any relatively affordable home business technologies that provide for the adjustment of the production of food for cats and dogs? After all, the cost of the same canned pet food is very high!

Alas, in this case, everything is somewhat more complicated. To begin with, to produce this type of food, you will need to buy meat and offal. You understand that their cost will be much higher than the price of the same hay or grain that is used in the production of animal feed.

Consider what exactly is required to start the production of dry food for cats and dogs.

Technical support

What equipment for home production will have to be purchased in this case? First, you will need a special dough mixer. Yes, yes, do not be surprised: all products are first processed into a mass with a pasty consistency.

But much more important is the screw extruder, into which this “dough” is fed in order to form finished feed granules. A good extruder with high performance can cost you 600 thousand rubles. Finished granules enter the air conveyor, where they are dried, falling into a stream of warm air.

This process is completed in a three-tier dryer. In most cases, the feed enters a special drum, where it is additionally treated with flavoring additives.

If we talk about how canned dog food is produced, then in this case it is necessary to purchase an industrial meat grinder, lines for cooking and packaging food, as well as an autoclave for sterilizing finished products.

Organization of a feed store, sales

So we got to the most important thing. Whichever way you go: whether you organized your own production, or decided to buy ready-made feeds, you need to decide something with marketing.

However, when making feed for cattle, you should not particularly worry: provided that the price and quality are normal, any farm that breeds livestock will gladly take them.

But what specifically needs to be considered before opening a pet food store? First, you will need a room. Unlike production, it is better to locate it closer to the central part of the settlement.

Alas, but the cost of rent will be considerable. You will need to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station, from firefighters and the local municipality.

In Rospotrebnadzor you get a hygiene certificate. In addition to it, it will be necessary to obtain veterinary certificates for each batch of raw materials and finished products, as well as hygienic permits for them.

Finally, in the pet food store business plan, include the cost of staff salaries. It will include a salesperson (or several), an account manager, and a marketer dealing with product distribution strategies. If sales volumes are large, separate drivers and loaders will be required.

Do not forget about buying office furniture, computer technology and showcases.

Animal lovers spend on their pets, according to rough estimates, from two thousand rubles a year. And many and much more. It follows that the business associated with animals can bring good profits. And if you love animals and are well versed in all aspects of their maintenance, this will bring you considerable pleasure. Do you want to sell everything that pets need, and maybe pets themselves? So you need a pet supply store. How to open a pet store will consider in this article.

Before planning the opening of your store, you need to deal with a considerable number of questions: how much money you need to spend on buying everything you need, what licenses and documents are required, where it is best to open such a store, what range of goods is needed, how to find suppliers, etc.

Marketing research

Let's ask ourselves a question: how many animals are kept in our population?

According to the results of surveys conducted by statistical centers, the alignment is approximately as follows: 35% of families keep cats, 20% dogs, 3% fish and birds, 1% turtles and hamsters.

Other exotic animals - chinchillas, rabbits, iguanas, pygmy pigs, etc. are less common and account for less than one percent.

And all the owners of these animals worry about their pets being fed, healthy (and sometimes even dressed and shod) and happy with life. Then the owners will feel happy. Your goal is to satisfy these needs.

The pet products market is huge, but the competition is high. Therefore, before deciding to open a pet store, you need to figure out how many similar stores exist in your city and in your area, are there enough of them to meet all the needs of the townspeople, are there unoccupied niches and areas where there is not a single pet store.

You can get information from the Internet by talking on thematic forums in your city. You will find out who is praised and for what, which sellers and manufacturers are criticized, what pet owners in your city or area lack. When you decide to open a pet store, all this information will be very useful.

If you yourself have pets and you have considerable experience in keeping them, it will be much easier for you to understand the topic and understand how best to act in this particular case.

Legal registration

Usually small shops , large . But in any case, both options are possible. In addition, you will need permission from the Department of Commerce. You must receive an extract from the state register, and then register with pension fund and the tax office. With you, you must indicate that you will be engaged in retail trade.

To sell animals, you need to obtain a veterinary certificate and other documentation from the State Veterinary Administration of your region or territory (permission to import animals, birds, fish, etc.). Permission from the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station and the Fire Department is required.

A patent from the licensing chamber is not needed when opening a pet store.

You will need cash register and an apparatus for cashless payments through plastic cards.

Pet shop format

Decide which pet store you need:

  1. A large store with several departments with a wide range of various animals, fish and birds, as well as everything you might need in caring for these pets. In such a store, several dozen sellers and consultants can work. Animals of different breeds and species, as well as rare and exotic animals can be represented here.
  2. A self-service pet store with several consultants and 1-2 cashiers.
  3. A medium-sized store that sells several types of animals, as well as accessories, food, medications, furniture and clothes. Such a store is served by 2-3 sales assistants.
  4. A small shop selling pet food and care products.
  5. Department of pet supplies in a large hypermarket.
  6. Special shop. Perhaps this is exactly the store that is missing in your city - specializing in fish, or only in dogs, or in clothes for animals - there are a lot of options.
  7. Online store. In some cases, this is a very convenient form of trading. It can be both an independent enterprise and an addition to your offline store. In this case, you will need a delivery service, which you can either organize yourself or contact couriers.
  8. Another interesting form: zoocenter. This is an association of several enterprises specializing in animals under one roof: a veterinary clinic, a veterinary pharmacy, a pet store, specialized stores of various kinds, a hotel for animals, a hairdresser for pets, etc.

small pet shop

The easiest and least expensive option is to open a small shop or department that will mainly sell cat and dog food, toilet fillers, as well as accessories: collars, leashes, muzzles and care products: shampoos, combs, etc. P. The above positions are the most popular goods, daily necessary for pet owners and bringing the fastest profit.

The area of ​​such a store can be quite small - about 10 square meters. m. It does not have to be located in the city center, but the place should be fairly accessible: next to other shops or a veterinary clinic, close to a bus stop, on a busy street.

You will not need a license if you do not sell veterinary drugs.

Medium pet store

The next option is a full-fledged pet store and medium-sized animals. Its area must be at least 70 sq.m. It can be located both in the center and in any other area, it depends on the size and needs of your city. The range of such a pet store should include:

The store should have catalogs of rare and exclusive goods supplied to order.

Suitable conditions must be created for animals, they must be properly cared for. The staff of such a store must be highly qualified, preferably with a veterinary education. In any case, the store must have at least one certified veterinarian - this is necessary for licensing. In addition, a consultant veterinarian will increase the prestige of your store and increase the confidence of customers.

Specialized pet shop

It is good to open a highly specialized store for those who themselves understand the chosen area and, perhaps, are its fans. For example, if you love aquarium fish and are well aware of everything related to them, then your hobby, when you open a store, will bring you good profit.

The store specializing in aquarium fish must be in the following categories:

Additionally, you can provide services for the design, manufacture, installation and maintenance of aquariums. With good advertising, this type of activity will certainly bear fruit, since aquariums are a fashionable and prestigious interior detail, not only in private apartments, but also in many trade and service enterprises.

Product Suppliers

Pet suppliers are found on wholesale markets and warehouses, on the Internet, in directories and catalogs of enterprises in your city. If you are planning to open a pet supply store in small town or a village, then it is better to buy goods in a large regional center where they will be cheaper. You may be able to take the product directly from the manufacturer's factory if it is available in your area or from an official supplier imported goods to Russia. In this case, you will be sure of the quality of the product, and the prices will be lower than those of dealers.

If you are opening a small shop, then it will be more convenient for you to work with one large supplier of goods, which has a wide range of goods. For a larger store, cooperation with several suppliers is necessary in order to select the best offers and the best prices.

An experienced supplier can advise you on which of the products he has are most in demand among pet owners, what sells faster, what is slow, but should still be presented in the store. It is worth listening to his advice.

Most likely, at first you will make some mistakes in choosing a product, but after a couple of months you will figure out what your customers need and what is most beneficial for you.

Animals for sale in the store are taken in nurseries. If there are none in your area or city, or you are not satisfied with their assortment, you can arrange deliveries from other cities. They can also be taken from the public. Among lovers of hamsters, parrots, rabbits and other small animals, there are many who breed them.


You can generally do without attracting additional advertising resources. If the initial budget of your store is small and you want to save money, then it will be enough to order a bright sign and customers will find you themselves. Of course, for this, your store must be located in a busy area.

If there are enough funds and you open big store pet supplies, it is a good idea to advertise on local television or radio, as well as in newspapers or magazines. In addition, you can distribute booklets and flyers advertising your store among the population of the area.

On the opening day of the store, organize a holiday, decorate the entrance with balloons to attract customers, announce discounts and gifts for the first customers. Be sure to issue discount cards those who constantly come to your store.

Make sure that your store has a pleasant, conducive to shopping atmosphere. The product must be placed in showcases by thematic groups, it must be clearly visible and have price tags. Cages with animals should always be cleaned, and the animals should look healthy and flourishing.

Keep in mind that pet stores often smell bad. This problem can be solved with the help of high-quality ventilation and special flavors.

Your salespeople should be welcoming, friendly, and always available to answer customer questions. But you need to warn them against excessive obtrusiveness. Let the buyer not buy anything today, but if he likes you, he will definitely come next time and recommend your store to his friends.


Is it profitable to open a pet shop? Let's study this issue in more detail.

The main costs are:

  • Rent or purchase of premises. Including repair, lighting, air conditioning, signage.
  • Trade software. Counters, racks, showcases, cash registers, refrigerators for medicines, etc.
  • Product.
  • Employee salaries.

Opening an average pet store will cost approximately 1.5-2 million rubles. A larger store with an expanded assortment and staff will require from 3 million rubles.

The margin on goods in a pet store is approximately the following: on average it is 30%. For animal feed - from 10 to 20%, for accessories, furniture and clothing it can be from 20 to 50%, for rare types of goods it can reach up to 200%.

A pet store pays off in an average of 1.5 - 2 years, the profitability of such a store is from 20 to 30%.

You can draw up a business plan for a pet store yourself if the store is small or you have relevant experience, or you can turn to specialists, it will be more reliable.

Here are the approximate calculations for a mid-range store located in a city with a population of 500,000 people. The store sells a wide range of pet products, but does not sell animals.

Store capital costs:

  • Repair and signage - 220,000.
  • Commercial equipment - 150,000.
  • Inventory - 1,600,000.
  • Working capital - 250,000.

Thus, the capital costs required to open this store amounted to 2,210,000.

Now - the calculation of the monthly profitability of the same store:

  • Revenue - 1,100,000.
  • Cost price - 758 621.
  • Gross profit - 341,379.
  • Expenses - 219 560.
  • Profit before tax - 121,819.
  • UTII tax - 20,000.
  • Net profit 101,819.

Your store will be in demand and bring you the expected profit if it is in the right place, the service in it is of high quality, the prices are competitive, and the assortment is wide enough.

  • General description of the project
  • Description of products and services
  • marketing plan
  • Room selection
  • Recruitment
  • Financial plan
  • Do I need a permit to open a pet shop?
        • Similar business ideas:

Sample business plan for opening a pet store in a city of 150,000 people. Can serve as an example for drafting upon receipt state support or borrowing money.

The aim of the project is to open a small pet shop in a city with a population of 150,000 people. Previously held marketing research, during which an insufficient number of pet stores were identified that could satisfy the existing demand for pet products.

General description of the project

General information:

  • City population: 150 thousand people;
  • Trade format: counter type shop;
  • Location of the store: basement of an apartment building;
  • Type of property: lease of premises with an area of ​​20m2;
  • Working hours: 09:00 - 20:00;
  • Number of jobs: 2 people;
  • Sources of financing: own funds - 700 thousand rubles.

The main performance indicators of the pet store:

  • Monthly profit = 57,333 rubles;
  • Profitability = 13.0%;
  • Payback = 13 months.

What taxation system to choose for opening a pet store

The organizational and legal form of business will be individual entrepreneurship. This, in our opinion, is the most convenient form for small shop. As a pet store taxation system will be chosen special. mode - single tax on imputed income (UTII). UTII is the most profitable option taxation of a pet store, since the amount of tax is calculated based on the area of ​​​​the retail facility, and in our case, the retail area is only 25 m2.

Currently started Practical activities for project implementation:

1. Registered individual entrepreneurship in tax service at the place of residence;

2. A lease agreement has been concluded basement in an apartment building (entrance from the end) with an area of ​​25m2 (plus 6m2 for a warehouse). The rent under the terms of the contract is 25 thousand rubles per month.

3. There is a preliminary agreement with suppliers of goods and animals for the pet store.

The pet shop will be open from 09:00 to 20:00 without breaks and days off.

Description of products and services

The range of our pet store is planned to include the following groups of goods:

  • Food (for cats, dogs, rodents, fish, etc.);
  • Veterinary drugs;
  • Vitamins and nutritional supplements;
  • Bowls and feeders;
  • Containers and accessories for food;
  • Toys for dogs and cats;
  • Collars and leashes;
  • Clothes for dogs;
  • Carriers, cages and aviaries;
  • Goods for training;
  • Cosmetics and care;
  • Aquariums and aquarium chemistry;
  • Filters for aquariums;
  • Toilets and trays for rodents;
  • etc.

by the most hot commodity in our store will be pet food. At the same time, the bulk of sales will fall on cat food - dry and canned food (market research data).

The average markup on the most popular product groups will be about 30%. For individual, rare items, the markup can reach up to 150%. The average check of our store will be 600 -800 rubles.

Download pet store business plan

marketing plan

Statistics say that the average Russian spends about 15 thousand rubles a year on the maintenance of his pet. Pets are kept by every 6th inhabitant of our city, of which a third regularly purchases something for their pet (food, drugs, clothes, etc.). From this we can calculate that the capacity of the pet products market in our city is about 20 million rubles a year. In fact, this means that up to 7 pet stores can safely operate in the city.

Today, there are only 5 shops in the city. It turns out that at least 2 more stores can take their share in the market. Moreover, in the area where we plan to open our pet store, there is only one outlet that serves 30,000 people (the approximate population of the area).

Step by step plan to open a pet store

Our point of sale will be located at a distance of 700m to the nearest competitor store. In the course of a secret purchase, some, in our opinion, disadvantages in the work of a competitor were identified:

  1. A poor assortment of goods;
  2. Chaotic display of goods;
  3. Low professionalism of the sales assistant;
  4. Absence in the range of decorative pets (hamsters, guinea pigs, fish, etc.).

Thus, our outlet will have the following competitive advantages:

  1. Wide range of goods. At the same time, popular items (feed, preparations) will be presented in a larger volume.
  2. Clear and convenient display of goods for the buyer;
  3. Large selection of pets;
  4. Long opening hours of the store (from 9:00 to 20:00);
  5. Experienced and qualified shop staff.

According to our calculations, a competent business organization will allow reaching the planned revenue indicators of the store equal to 20,000 rubles per day, after 3 months of operation. With an average check of 800 rubles, this literally means that at least 25 people a day or 750 people a month should visit the store. We believe that this is a very real number. The estimated annual revenue of the store will be 6,000,000 rubles.

Do not forget that the promotion of your store, and therefore the income, will largely depend on good advertising, which can be done through social media. smmbox can help you promote a group. Enjoy.

Room selection

The room in which it is planned to open a pet store complies with all SES standards and fire safety. Refurbishment of the commercial part of the premises is not required. To start activities, it is enough to install commercial equipment (racks, shelves, showcases) and purchase the first batch of goods. It is assumed that the cost of purchasing commercial equipment will amount to about 100,000 rubles. To create an initial stock of goods - 480,000 rubles. This amount is enough to fill the shelves of a pet store with a sales area of ​​25 m2.


Planned staffing pet store will include 2 sales assistants working in shifts 2 through 2. The salary of sales assistants will consist of monthly salary(7000 rubles) plus a percentage of daily revenue (4%). The approximate monthly payroll of two sellers will be 40,000 rubles, the annual - 480,000 rubles.

About 12,000 rubles per month will be spent on the payment of insurance contributions for employees to non-budgetary funds (30% of wages). The annual costs for this item of fixed costs will amount to 144,000 rubles.

The duties of the accountant will be performed personally by the project manager.

Financial plan

The total monthly expenses of the pet store will be 116,000 rubles, annual - 1.4 million rubles.

In the structure of annual costs, the largest share falls on the payment of wages to shop assistants - 34% of the total annual costs. In second place are the costs associated with the payment of rent for the use of the premises - 22% in the structure of total annual costs. The third place is occupied by insurance deductions - 10% of total expenses.

The break-even point of sales of a pet store with an average trade margin of 40% will be 406 thousand rubles per month.

How much can you earn by opening a pet store

Net profit based on the results of annual sales of the pet store will be 688,000 rubles (57,333 rubles per month). Thus, the start-up costs incurred to open a store pay off in 12-13 months of the store's operation.

Recommended download pet store business plan for only (banner_bi-plan), from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

What equipment to choose for a pet store

To start activity outlet must be purchased:

  • counter and showcases;
  • sales racks;
  • racks and shelves;
  • cells;
  • a computer;
  • lighting;
  • forced ventilation system;
  • document safe.

When buying equipment, you need to focus on rational use retail space. Shelves, racks, etc. must be multi-tiered or with the possibility of mounting on the walls of the store.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business for the sale of pet products

Engaged in paperwork for registration of IP in tax office, it is necessary to select activity codes for the business in question, according to the all-Russian classifier. Suitable for a pet store: OKVED 47.76.2 ( retail pet food and pet food) as the main code, and 47.78 (other retail trade) as an additional code.

What documents are needed to open a pet store

The list of papers required for the operation of the outlet includes:
