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IP registration in Kazakhstan: when is it needed and how is it carried out. About individual entrepreneurship How to open a sole proprietorship in kz

The question of how to open a sole proprietorship in Kazakhstan is of interest today to many enterprising people who are tired of going to work every day and receiving a smaller part of the money they earn. Organization own business is not only a good opportunity to change your financial condition for the better, but also a real chance to become a free man.

If you know in which direction you need to work in order for your business idea to bring a stable and high income, first of all, you need to complete all the documents in government agencies. Many readers imagine this procedure as endless walking around offices, communicating with unfriendly officials, a lot of useless papers, etc. Fortunately, this stereotype absolutely does not correspond to the real state of affairs. The presented article will help you deal with all the nuances of the IP registration procedure, you will find out what documents you need to prepare for issuing an entrepreneur certificate and how much money you need to spend in order to become a full-fledged entity entrepreneurial activity.

How to open an IP in Kazakhstan - a preparatory stage

To answer the question of how to open a sole proprietorship in Kazakhstan in 2017, it is necessary, first of all, to study all the stages of registering an individual entrepreneur and find out what documents will be needed for this procedure.

If you have chosen the direction of your future business, make a list of answers to the following questions:

    An individual entrepreneur can engage in this business or for this you need to register a legal entity;

    start-up capital will consist of your own funds or external sources of financing will be involved (bank loans, investments, partners' money, etc.);

    how many people will work in your company;

    approximate monthly cash flow of the enterprise;

    tax regime;

    premises for activities.

In addition to the above questions, experienced entrepreneurs recommend, even before registering with state institutions, to conduct market research and draw up a business plan for your future activities. After completing all the above recommendations, you will receive an approximate picture of the future company, which will help you during the registration of IP.

Entrepreneurs who know what it takes to open a sole proprietorship in Kazakhstan pay a lot of attention to preparation required documents(this will save you from having to visit the tax office several times).

To register an individual entrepreneur, you must have the following documents:

    a document (and its copy) confirming that you are a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

    2 photos (3x4);

    a document (cheque, receipt) confirming the fact of payment of the state fee for registration of an individual entrepreneur;

    address certificate (issued at the Public Service Center) or a document that confirms your ownership of the premises where business activities will be carried out (a lease agreement for a building, premises, etc. is also accepted);

    application of the established form (the form can be taken from the tax office or on the website of the State Revenue Committee).

If during the registration process a representative of the tax inspectorate requires some additional documents, certificates, etc., politely explain that you have prepared and provided a complete package of necessary documents, you will not bring other papers.

Regarding the question of how much it costs to open an individual entrepreneur in Kazakhstan, we can say that this is a small amount - 4242 tenge or 12.3 dollars. In this regard, Kazakhstan is one of the most attractive post-Soviet states. Continuing to consider financial aspects organization of business, it is necessary to pay attention to the taxation system. Note! When filling out the application for registration, you must indicate the taxation regime that is suitable for your activity.

There are three regimes in Kazakhstan:

    General- for enterprises with high turnover and low profitability. But if you are in production alcoholic beverages and tobacco products, sell petroleum products, provide accounting, consulting and Financial services, accept glass containers or work with natural resources, then you are obliged to pay taxes on a common basis. In addition, the legislation distinguishes two groups of entrepreneurs working on a general basis without fail: if the annual income of an individual entrepreneur exceeds 1,400 minimum wages or if your activity is related to work in different localities.

    Simplified mode taxation is chosen by entrepreneurs if they have less than 25 workers, and their annual income does not exceed 1,400 minimum wages. Very convenient system of payment of taxes. You pay upon receipt of profit 3% of income, as well as pension and social contributions.

    Patent. If you are self-employed without the involvement of employees and your annual income is less than 300 minimum wages, then you have the right to work under the patent system. In this case, you pay 2% of the expected income to the state treasury and work quietly. In this case, the tax amount is distributed 50/50, one part is the individual income tax, and the second is the social tax.

Registration online

Studying the question of how to open an individual entrepreneur in Kazakhstan, we use step by step instructions this procedure. So, you have decided on the type of activity, chosen the taxation system, prepared the necessary documents and even made an approximate business plan. You can proceed to the most important stage - registration. For this, residents of Kazakhstan are offered to use the Internet. Registration takes place on the website e-government where any citizen of Kazakhstan can become an individual entrepreneur. The main condition is the presence electronic- digital signature, which can be obtained from the Citizen Service Center, as well as the address that you indicated in the process of filling out the electronic application form, must match your actual place of residence.

If you work elsewhere, then you will have to visit the tax authority to apply for registration. If you have successfully completed the registration procedure on the state website, in a day you can come to the tax authority at the place of residence and receive IP documents. For those who are not fluent information technology and do not know the algorithm of such sites, it is best to use a reliable and well-tested method - personally visit government agency and hand over the necessary documents to the inspector.

The main advantage of this method is that you can get an answer to any question you have right on the spot, without doubting the reliability of the information received. For example, get a full consultation on how to open a sole proprietorship under simplified taxation in Kazakhstan, if in all respects you can work under this taxation regime, but do not know how to calculate the approximate income of the enterprise.

Do not be afraid to ask questions to employees of the Tax Authorities, working with entrepreneurs is their direct responsibility. They should advise you, and in case of any troubles related to the work of the company, offer options for solving the problem.

Registration in the usual way

As already mentioned, the most The best way IP registration is a personal visit to the tax authority. Having prepared a package of necessary documents, and having received all kinds of advice, recommendations and instructions from friends and relatives, you can go to the most unloved institution by entrepreneurs. There, even before the start of the registration procedure, you can get a free consultation, find out what types of individual entrepreneurs operate in Kazakhstan, the approximate tax burden of each taxation regime, etc.

One day after submitting all the necessary documents (the state fee must already be paid), you are required to issue ready-made IP documents or explain the reason why the registration did not pass (if you were refused). Another important point. If you decide to issue IP documents at the place of registration / residence, then you can come with the documents to the Public Service Center. In this case, the procedure does not differ from registration with the tax authority, in a day your IP documents will be ready.

If you seriously decide to run your own business, do not forget about the possible risks. These are unscrupulous customers or suppliers, and serious competitors who have the financial ability to lower prices almost to the cost level so that you leave the market, etc. In the event of bankruptcy, the property of the entrepreneur may be confiscated to pay off the debts that have arisen. There are situations when entrepreneurs borrow money from “good” acquaintances on mutually beneficial terms, but a month later the lender begins to unilaterally change the terms of the oral agreement, actually ruining your business. To avoid getting into similar situation Always make contracts in writing and have them notarized.

Having figured out how to open a sole proprietorship in Kazakhstan in 2017, it is necessary, at least in general terms, to analyze the situations that almost every entrepreneur faces. If you are doing commercial activities, which is subject to licensing, you must have a permit to work in this industry (for example, the production of vodka).

IP is always registered for one person, if you have business partners, they must completely trust you, when IP is registered for you, partners, legally, have nothing to do with general business. You can distribute profits unfairly or even tell partners that they do not bring any benefit, and you do not want to give money just like that. On the other hand, in the event of bankruptcy or other serious troubles, partners may also turn their backs on you.

In Kazakhstan, it is possible to engage in entrepreneurial activity without registration of IP documents. Such situations are allowed if the annual profit of a business entity does not exceed 12 minimum wages.

As you can see, in order to open a sole proprietorship in Kazakhstan, you do not need to pay huge sums to the state budget or give a bribe to someone, everything happens calmly, openly and, most importantly, very quickly.

Sometimes people get bored of being employees and think about starting their own business. The advantages of such a solution are undeniable, because it is both the opportunity to freely attend work and the predicted income growth, regardless of the employer's plans.

To open an LLC the drafting of the charter, the presence of founders and employees are required, therefore, often future businessmen register their business as an individual entrepreneur. What documents are needed to register an IP?

Preliminary steps for registering an individual entrepreneur

Before submitting documents for registration of IP, you should prepare for the registration procedure. If the entrepreneur does not have a TIN, it should be issued in advance at the tax authority at the place of registration. Then you should decide on the types of activities and select the appropriate ones. OKVED codes.

When submitting documents, it is better to indicate as many types of activities as possible, because when the types of activities are subsequently entered into the registration data, an extract from the USRIP will be issued on a fee basis. One of the activities will be listed as the main one, the rest - additional.

When choosing the main activity, it should be taken into account that many industries, such as construction, mining and processing activities, have an increased insurance rate.

Preparation of documents required for registration of an individual entrepreneur includes the payment of state duty. Currently, it is equal to 800 rubles. Details for paying the fee can be found in your tax office or on the regional website of the tax authority.

Below you can see that the list of documents for opening an IP listed above can be submitted without leaving home. Find out how by watching the video.

List of documents for registration of IP

To open your own company, you should collect the following set of documents for registering an individual entrepreneur:

Statement. For its submission, the established form P21001 is used. The first two pages of the document should include information such as TIN, place of birth and address of registration, in accordance with passport data. On sheet A of the application, you must list all OKVED codes corresponding to the types of business. Sheet B indicates Contact Information the applicant.

All sheets except Appendix B are numbered, stapled and sealed with the entrepreneur's signature. Sheet B of the sample application for registration of an individual entrepreneur is provided in two copies, one is included in the set of documents, and the second with the signature of the inspector is returned to the applicant;

Receipt for payment of the registration fee. You need to pay the state duty before the start of registration;

A copy of the entrepreneur's passport. The passport itself must also be presented to the tax officer for review;

Application for transfer to USN. If an entrepreneur plans to use a simplified system, then at the beginning of his activity, he should notify the tax office of the application of the simplified tax system. This must be done on the form of the established form No. 26-2-1. In the application, you must indicate the start date for the application of the "simplification", the selected object of taxation, TIN and full name of the entrepreneur.

Documents receiving

5 days after the submission of documents, necessary to create and open an IP, the entrepreneur needs to appear at the inspection. If there were no shortcomings and errors in the submitted papers, then the tax authority will provide the following:

  • certificate of state registration of an entrepreneur (OGRNIP);
  • an extract from the State Register of Entrepreneurs (EGRIP);
  • certificate of registration with the tax authority;
  • a letter from the statistical agency on the assignment of codes;

Reasons for refusal to register

The tax office has the right to refuse to register an entrepreneur for the following reasons:

  • incorrect information, errors, typos in documents;
  • submission of documents by an already registered entrepreneur;
  • having a criminal record;
  • less than a year old bankruptcy proceedings against the applicant.

In conclusion, we suggest that you learn more about what documents are needed to open an IP by watching the video below. Happy viewing!

It is individual entrepreneurship that is the optimal form of doing business in Belarus, and many are concerned about the question of how to open an IP in Minsk. In this article, we will answer all the questions in essence related to the opening of an IP.

How to open an individual entrepreneur in Minsk, where to start? The first step is to go to the executive committee attached to the place of residence and make a request for state registration of IP. To date, the registration procedure is not as complicated as before. If you provide a full package of relevant documents, you can register within one day. The sole trader is called individual registered at the place of residence as an entrepreneur. For the normal functioning of entrepreneurial activity, you will need to order a seal and contact a financial institution to open a current account.

The list of documents for registration includes:

    passport of a citizen of Belarus with a residence permit in the Republic of Belarus;

    any photo for documents;

    receipt for payment of state duty.

Documents must be taken personally to the future entrepreneur, and residents of the capital of Belarus have the opportunity to electronically open an individual entrepreneur in Minsk.

How to open an individual entrepreneur in Minsk - registration instructions

Step 1. Includes personal contact executive agency at the place of registration and fills out an application form for registration of an IP and, after paying the fee, submits all documents. If you don’t know where to open an individual entrepreneur in Minsk, the address of the Registration and Licensing Department of the Minsk City Executive Committee is located on Svobody Square, 8.

How to register an individual entrepreneur in Kazakhstan


Asel82 Nukebaeva writes: My husband has a patent for transporting people, is it possible to remake this patent for IP

Yerlan Elubaev writes: But I still don’t understand how to open an individual entrepreneur if I want to participate in tenders for public procurement price offers

Gulmira Tattybaeva writes: Syzge Rakhmet

Sultanmuratov Sultanmuratov wrote: Thank you very much

Yerlaxa Kk writes: well done, everything is clear and clear. What is the amount limit for IP?

Step 2. On the day the application is received, the employees of the executive committee are required to consider it and make an appropriate entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities and Individual Entrepreneurs.

Step 3. Within a week after the registration of the IP, it is registered with the tax service and the Social Security Fund. The registration document will also have to be picked up independently at the executive committee.

Step 4. On the second day after the registration of documents, the certificate will be ready and it is recommended to pick it up.

Step 5. When the certificate is already in hand, you can order a seal.

Step 6. With a seal and a certificate, any financial institution will open an IP current account to manage financial flows from future customers.

Step 7. Contact us tax service and provide information on opening a current account. In the same place we write an application, which indicates the selected tax payment system.

If everything is done correctly, then opening an IP in Minsk step by step using the presented scheme is not so difficult.

Possible activities

After receiving state registration, an individual entrepreneur has the right to open a business for any type of entrepreneurial activity. Just in the process of registering with the tax office, you will have to decide on the main type of activity. General list of possible economic activity, which can be practiced in Belarus is called OKED. It is worth considering that some types of activities require a certificate, license, attestation, etc., therefore it is recommended to get advice from the tax service during the selection process by calling the information desk and asking for help from any inspector when choosing the OKED code, at the same time clarify whether you need whether to conduct the selected business license.

The price of registering an individual entrepreneur in the capital of the Republic of Belarus

If there is a desire to work for yourself and open an individual entrepreneur in Minsk, the cost of registration must be clarified in advance. So, all expenses include the payment of state duty and payment for the production of the seal. The amount of state duty in all cities of Belarus is ½ of the base value, a current account is provided to citizens in the executive committee at the time of submission of documents.

Some segments of the population are exempted from paying the fee in advance, these include:

    persons who are registered with the employment center and social protection or to the labor authorities;

    full-time students of universities, vocational schools, technical schools;

    graduates of the above educational institutions within a year after graduation;

Making a seal in Minsk will cost at least 280 thousand Belarusian rubles, so if it is necessary in the process of doing business, then this amount should also be added to current expenses.

In the case when it is scary to register an individual entrepreneur on your own, you can use the services of qualified specialists of a legal agency who, in addition to registration, will be able to provide advice and give worthwhile recommendations on future business activities.

Opening a current account

To open an account for an individual entrepreneur in Minsk, an entrepreneur must decide which bank he is going to cooperate with. When visiting financial organization you need to take with you a certificate confirming the registration of the IP and the seal of the company.

The rest of the documents (agreement, application, etc.) are drawn up directly at the bank according to the established model under the guidance of a bank employee. The number of banks in Minsk is about two dozen and you can choose any of them referring to the pricing policy for the provision of services, the location of the central office and branches financial institution and the quality of service.

The procedure itself takes a minimum of personal time, after which the individual entrepreneur can begin transferring and receiving finance as a result of his activities. Today, more banks, as a result of monitoring all the needs of entrepreneurs, offer them to connect an additional package of services in the process of opening a current account, but there are also such financial structures, which serve customers strictly according to the basic tariff system.

If we dwell on the content of service packages in more detail, then it depends on the type of business and its volumes. If a small business uses up to five payments per month, then large enterprise two dozen will not be enough, and some entrepreneurs prefer to subscribe to unlimited tariff. It is important to clarify which of the individual entrepreneurs will use paper receipts, and who prefers to conduct their financial transactions electronically.

Who is not legally allowed to do business in Minsk

According to the law of the Republic of Belarus, registration of an individual entrepreneur will be denied:

    persons who have a conviction for a crime committed against property in the course of conducting financial affairs;

    persons who are awaiting the execution of a court order to seize property;

    persons who own property that is on the verge of bankruptcy or liquidation;

    persons who were previously individual entrepreneurs and brought their organizations to bankruptcy without paying taxes, duties and other mandatory contributions for 3 years after the entrepreneur was excluded from the register.

Before opening an IP in Minsk in 2017 future entrepreneur certifies by his signature that none of the above restrictions apply to him. If the information is false, then by the decision of the economic court, the activity of the established organization is recognized as illegal and closed.

What types of activities can be engaged in an individual entrepreneur

After we figured out where to open an individual entrepreneur in Minsk, the second burning question arises. Do I need to report to the registration authorities what type of business activity you plan to engage in? According to the legislation, this is not necessary after the state registration of an individual entrepreneur has passed, the company has the right to independently choose its type of activity, but it should be taken into account that some of them are under special control of the state, so licensing or other additional procedures will be required.

There are a number of services that can be provided without registering an individual entrepreneur, these include: growing agricultural products, cleaning apartments, various types of tutoring, preparing for centralized testing, caring for the elderly and children, housework services, care, walking and training of domestic animals, sewing services for tailoring and repair of fur and knitwear.

In this publication, we examined step by step how to open an individual entrepreneur in Minsk, what documents will be required for this. They outlined all the nuances and opportunities of the future entrepreneur, interaction with banks and the tax service. If everything is done correctly according to the law, then it remains to develop the field of your activity and receive income!

Not sure what documents are needed to open a sole proprietorship? In this case, you should carefully read all the points in this article, which will tell you how to apply for the status of an individual entrepreneur as quickly and simply as possible. First of all, you should understand that we are talking about a time-consuming procedure, which consists of a number of successive steps. In particular, you will need to draw up an application to the tax office, collect all the important data and contact the registration authority. As a rule, if the documents meet the requirements, then the specialists who work in inspections have no reason to reject the application.

List of documents required to open a sole proprietorship

And so, what is needed for registration of IP at the initial stages? As already mentioned, the first step is to contact the tax office, which must be confirmed by a special receipt. In this document, the inspector must record the specific date of receipt of the application. Five days after the submission of the application, the individual is provided with all documents confirming the registration of an individual entrepreneur or refusal to consider this application.

At the same time, if a negative decision is received, then data describing errors and violations of the procedure should be attached to the document. They can be appealed within five days after receiving the refusal. List of documents for opening a sole proprietorship Answering the question of what is needed to open a sole proprietorship, I would like to immediately advise future entrepreneurs to carefully familiarize themselves with the current norms of Russian legislation. In addition, if you have any questions or ambiguities regarding the submission of documents, you can contact the regional tax office at hotline. Today there are also many good law firms who are ready to assist future entrepreneurs.

What you need to register an IP:

You need to have an application for registering a private enterprise with you;

Civil passport proving the identity of an individual;

A power of attorney created by a representative of an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur;

Check with payment of state duty;

Documents that certify the right of a foreigner to purchase real estate in the Russian Federation;

A document confirming the legal stay of foreigners on the territory of the Russian Federation;

Other documents confirming the identity of the foreigner.

It should be noted that if you are a foreigner, it is better to immediately contact the specialists who work in the field of paperwork for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities. They will help you familiarize yourself with all the nuances of registration actions. In addition, good specialists will always help with advice and assistance in the framework of registration operations.

Payment of state duty

The documents required for registration with the tax office must be completed correctly. And this applies not only to your personal data, but also to receipts. In particular, you should be aware that when submitting an application to the tax office, you should carefully read the requirements that apply to the receipt.

In particular, you must carefully study all the information. Try not to make mistakes in filling in the details. Please note that receipts of this type must be signed by the person who paid the fee to the state treasury. However, it is important to enter the correct date. If you do not know what package of documents is needed to open an IP, then you are unlikely to know that the content of the receipt should include the following data:

The name of the tax institution through which the payment is made;

Receiver's checkpoint;

Full address of registration of the entrepreneur;

The initials of the payer of the state tax;

Payment name;

TIN of an individual;

The cost of the fee;

date of tax payment;

Payer's signature;

OKATO code of the individual who receives the fee;

Registration procedure

Knowing what documents are needed for registering IP 2016 is not enough for registration to be successful. You should be aware that Russian law requires correct design and submission of registration. For this reason, the following should be considered:

1. To fill out the application for registration, you can use automatic equipment or fill out the form manually. When you design it yourself, you need to work exclusively with black ink. In this case, all letters must be printed. When creating a text file on a computer or portable device, the text must be printed strictly in black and white.

2. A separate field is provided for each indicator. Therefore, when filling out all categories, it is not necessary to go beyond the limits reserved for one or another item. It is strictly forbidden to expand the frames or add cells to the fields. No one will accept such forms!

3. All fields of the form should be filled in from left to right. In no case do not make mistakes in such documents. It is strictly forbidden to allow postscripts and corrections. The application must be signed at the end. In this case, the signature requires a professional certificate. Therefore, the application must be certified by a lawyer.

4. It is very important that all columns are filled in by the entrepreneur, and not by someone else.

5. Fields for service notes should be left blank. Applicants are prohibited from crossing out such columns and filling in for legal entities that certify the officiality of the document;

6. If the application is filled in by a foreigner, then the document must contain data that was taken from a residence permit or from a temporary residence permit in the country.

7. The citizenship clause must include the code of the state of which the applicant is a citizen.

8. The TIN section indicates the data of an individual who plans to register as an individual entrepreneur.

We'd love to hear from you!

Previously, all individuals, on a mandatory declarative basis, had to register with the tax inspectorate and obtain the necessary certificate of state registration.

Since January 2017, this norm has been canceled, any entrepreneur who wants to register an IP, you only need to notify the tax office about the start of activities as an individual entrepreneur. Notifications can be sent via the e-government web portal with EDS confirmation or by direct notification to the district tax authorities.

Open an IP in Kazakhstan.

Option number 1

All you need is to get an EDS key in the PSC for yourself or the person for whom we are registering the IP.
After receiving the key, our specialists within 3 hours

  • register your IP.
  • Advise you on existing tax regimes.
  • Based on the characteristics of your business, they will advise what will be more profitable for you: stay on or choose, or maybe it’s best for you patent.
  • If necessary, we will register you for VAT

We will tell you what taxes and in what terms the Individual Entrepreneur pays.

We will tell you about the forms of tax reporting that you have to submit and the deadlines for its submission.
This service You can get both in our office and from the comfort of your home online from anywhere in Kazakhstan.

The cost of registering an individual entrepreneur and the initial consultation of a specialist is 5,000 tenge.

If you are interested, then leave a request and our accountant will contact you.

Option number 2 Register an IP on one's own

You can open an individual entrepreneur online and completely free of charge on the website, for this you need to have a digital signature further EDS.

Steps to apply for a sole proprietorship online:

Further in the section of the list of services " Notification procedure» Click on 'Notice of Starting Business as a Sole Proprietor'.
After that, you will be taken to a page where you need to make a choice in favor of the primary notification.
Then click on the button "Order a service online", it is on the left.

Before registering IP in Kazakhstan, it is worth finding out in which cases this is necessary.

According to the legislation of Kazakhstan, a person who receives income from his entrepreneurial activity, the amount of which is more than 12 minimum wages, is obliged to register an individual entrepreneur (the exact amount changes, you need to find out). At the same time, the sphere of activity of an entrepreneur can be absolutely any. IP forms, depending on the characteristics of the work, can be as follows:

  • It is allowed to act under a patent if the annual salary is not more than 300 MCI, and at the same time there are no employees to hire.
  • Based on the simplified declaration, companies are registered that employ no more than 30 people. At the same time, the income for the year is more than 300 minimum wages, but for 6 months it is not higher than 2044 minimum wages.
  • The generally established taxation regime should be chosen by those who receive an income of no more than 300,000 MCI per year, employ up to 100 employees, and also operate in more than one locality.

From January 2017, the owner of a registered company is required to submit his application to the State Revenue Committee. The document is submitted both on a regular sheet and in in electronic format. In this case, the completed document is sent through a special website of government agencies. It is very easy to use, it takes a minimum of time to enter your data. After registering an individual entrepreneur, its owner receives a notification. Certificates, as it was before, are no longer issued.

The issue of opening an individual entrepreneur in Kazakhstan is of interest to many of our fellow citizens today. This is largely due to the desire to work exclusively for themselves and not depend on anyone.

Let us consider in more detail the issue of opening an IP in Kazakhstan.

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Very often, if people have financial difficulties, they try to solve this issue with the help of their parents or friends. So there are situations that not in every case they can really help in a difficult moment. In this case, you can seek help from a credit institution that issues funds to everyone.

Initially, it is necessary to study in detail step-by-step order registration and learn about the required package of documents.

When choosing a direction of entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to compile a small list of answers to such important questions as:

  • can an individual entrepreneur be engaged in this direction, and why registration is necessary legal entity;
  • what sources will the financing of entrepreneurial activity come from - money from one's own savings or is it financial assistance from creditors;
  • how many employees need to be involved;
  • what is the expected level of income from this entrepreneurial activity;
  • what tax regime is best to choose;
  • is it necessary for normal labor activity room/office or not.

In addition, many business experts also recommend that even before the period when it will be necessary to register an individual entrepreneur, a small marketing research and write a business plan. Based on this, it will be possible to see a complete picture of the market situation and assess the level of competition.

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To register an individual entrepreneur, you need to collect complete list documents that are enshrined in applicable law. It includes:

  • the original and a copy of all completed pages of the applicant's passport;
  • 2 photos 3x4;
  • the original receipt confirming the fact of payment of the state fee for the registration of an individual entrepreneur;
  • an address certificate issued at the Public Service Center, which is able to confirm the ownership of the premises that are planned to be used in the course of entrepreneurial activity;
  • the corresponding application for registration of IP.

If, during registration, tax officials demand that they submit any additional document, you can immediately write a complaint to higher authorities about the illegal actions of their subordinates, since the above list is complete.

With regard to the payment of the state fee, regardless of whether the applicant has expressed a desire register IP online Kazakhstan or not, it is about 4 thousand 200 tenge.

It is also worth noting that in the process of drawing up an application, the future entrepreneur must also indicate the taxation regime.

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Hundreds of thousands of Kazakhs daily face the "eternal" problem associated with a lack of money. The first thought that comes to the mind of a person who finds himself in a difficult financial situation associated with contact with friends.

What you need to open an IP in Kazakhstan is to choose the most suitable taxation regime for yourself.

Today in Kazakhstan there are several types of taxation regimes, namely:

  • general;

Designed for companies with high turnover Money and low profitability. However, if an entrepreneur sells alcohol or tobacco products, sells petroleum products, or provides accounting, consulting or financial services, then there are grounds for paying taxes on a general basis.

In addition, the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan distinguishes several categories of individual entrepreneurs:

  • some have an annual profit that does not exceed 1,400 minimum wages;
  • and those whose labor activity is carried out in several regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

talking in simple words, this mode is not very suitable for novice entrepreneurs.

  • simplified tax regime;

This taxation regime is chosen by those entrepreneurs whose number of employees does not exceed 25 people, and the annual profit does not exceed 1,400 minimum wages.

Under the terms of the simplified taxation regime, an individual entrepreneur must pay no more than 3% of the income received, including the payment of pension and social contributions.

  • patent system of taxation.

If an individual entrepreneur carries out his labor activity without employees, and at the same time his annual income is less than 300 minimum wages, then this taxation option is the best.

Under the terms of the regime, the entrepreneur will have to make a payment in the amount of 2% of the expected profit. Moreover, the amount of tax is divided equally: 50% goes to the tax service, the remaining 50% to social insurance.

After the direction of labor activity is chosen, and the entrepreneur has decided on the tax regime, you can proceed to the main process of registering an individual entrepreneur.

Registration of IP Kazakhstan carried out not only in the standard way, but also via the Internet.

To do this, you need to go to the official government portal, through which each resident can become an individual entrepreneur. The main condition for this option is the availability of an electronic digital signature, which can be easily issued at the Public Service Center.

In addition, the address of residence must match the one indicated in the applicant's passport.

If the entrepreneur will continue to work in another region, it will be necessary to contact the tax service to submit an appropriate application.

After the online registration is successful, and required list documents was accepted, after about 1 day you will need to contact the territorial department of the tax inspectorate and receive documents confirming the status of an individual entrepreneur.

It is worth noting that registering an IP online implies the presence of minimum PC skills. If it was not possible to complete the procedure via the Internet, you can use a more reliable option - take the necessary list of documents personally to the tax office.

Personal communication has many advantages over online registration, because if you have any questions, you can clarify everything necessary information immediately upon contact.

For example, many citizens, before submitting the required list of documents, want to learn more about the simplified taxation system in order to avoid unforeseen situations in the future.

After the necessary list of documents has been prepared and all the necessary recommendations have been received, you can go to the territorial department of the tax inspectorate.

An employee of the tax inspectorate accepts the package of documents laid down at the legislative level and makes a decision on registering the status of an individual entrepreneur. The decision-making period is no more than 2 days.

It is important to remember: if the registration of an individual entrepreneur in Kazakhstan is carried out according to the place of residence of the applicant, it is possible to register entrepreneurial activities at the Public Service Center. The decision-making period is standard - no more than 2 calendar days.

Citizens who have firmly decided to engage in their own entrepreneurial business should also be aware of the possible risks that they will face.

These include:

  • unscrupulous suppliers who can disrupt the delivery period of the goods;
  • distrust of customers at the beginning of entrepreneurial activity (it has yet to be earned);
  • presence of competitors;
  • and so on.

The main thing that every novice entrepreneur needs to remember is patience, which many lack at the beginning of their journey. Developing your own business requires a lot of time, and in order to get a stable profit, you will need to make every effort.

Often, financial investments are needed to successfully promote your product, and only then the profit will not be long in coming.

Don't know how to open an IP? We will show you how to notify the tax authorities about the registration of an individual entrepreneur in Kazakhstan in 2020! The procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur (individual entrepreneur) in our country is quite simple. State in recent times actively supports small and medium-sized businesses. Fortunately for us, not only in words, but also in deeds 🙂

So, if you want to open your own IP, then first of all we inform you that there are 2 ways of notification (there used to be registration):

  1. Ordinary (for this you need to go to the Tax Committee)
  2. Electronic (issued online)

The electronic method of notification is carried out through the Electronic Licensing portal (for this you will need). We will consider the usual way.

How to open an IP in Kazakhstan? What documents are needed?

In order to open an IP in Kazakhstan in 2020, an adult person needs to present only 5 documents to the Tax Committee:

  1. Tax application (get it in NK)
  2. Original ID (+ copy)
  3. A copy of the document confirming the location (address certificate or document confirming the ownership of real estate)
  4. Photo 3.5 x 4.5 cm
  5. A document confirming the payment of the fee for registration of an individual entrepreneur (check).

Fee for registration of IP in Kazakhstan is 2 MCI. From January 1, 2019, 1 MCI is equal to 2525 tenge.

IP certificate example

Regarding taxes - for some reason we like to compare everything with Russia, so we will also compare - in the Russian Federation minimum size the annual contribution of the individual entrepreneur is 32,479 rubles - at the current exchange rate, more than 171,000 tenge (not to mention things that most of our citizens are not even aware of - bureaucratic mess, lack of public service centers, and so on).

In Kazakhstan you can maintain an individual entrepreneur by paying literally a penny to the treasury: 2% of income with a patent and 3% with a simplified scheme. Not without reason periodically pop up news about registration Russian enterprises on the territory of Kazakhstan - we do not have such a rip-off and clumsy bureaucracy at all.


In Kazakhstan, individual entrepreneurs can independently choose one of three procedures for calculating and paying taxes (and submitting tax reports):

  1. (special tax regime based on a patent);
  2. (special tax regime based on a simplified declaration).

Each of these types of taxation has both pros and cons. It all depends on your type of activity, an individual entrepreneur has the right to indicate up to 3 types of activity.

You can find out the OKED code (General classifier of types of economic activity).

Here is the official page of the State Revenue Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan, where you can find answers to all your questions.

Additional questions you can ask the competent authorities: call centre 1408 (Business Service Center), 8-800-080-7777 (single contact center of the State Revenue Department of Almaty) or . Often they help people very well, they understand that many IPs can be poorly versed in the nuances.

Many of our fellow citizens believe that the procedure for opening an IP is very complicated and lengthy, it requires the preparation of a large list of documents. But in practice things are much different. Making all the paperwork has become much easier and faster.

The opening of entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan begins with the fact that it is necessary to collect the necessary acts. Their list depends on the type of activity that the businessman plans to engage in.

If you have not yet decided in which direction you will take your business, you need to answer the following questions:

  • one individual entrepreneur will be engaged or it is necessary to register a legal entity;
  • to form start-up capital own funds are used or it will be necessary to look for additional sources of financing (investments, loans, investments of partners);
  • the number of employees;
  • choose a taxation system;
  • find a room.

In order for the started activity to be successful and profitable, it is also necessary to study the situation in the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan. What is the supply and demand in this segment, are there any competitors. It will not be superfluous to draw up a business plan, which will display the available costs and income. It has been in development for several years. If a private trader wants to get a loan for the development of a company, then the bank will definitely require a business plan.

To open, you need to prepare the following papers:

  • two photos in size (3x4);
  • receipt for payment of the registration fee;
  • address certificate or lease agreement for the premises in which business will be carried out;
  • statement of the established form. His example is in the tax office or on the portal of the State Revenue Committee.

You do not need to provide any additional documents. If representatives of the tax authorities demand them, then this is a violation of current legislation.

For the procedure for registering an IP in Kazakhstan, you should pay quite a bit - 4242 tenge, which is 12.3 US dollars. This is the minimum fee among all post-Soviet countries.

The current legislation of Kazakhstan provides for three tax regimes:

  1. General- suitable for companies with high turnover and low profitability. According to the general system, entrepreneurs who are engaged in the production of tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, the sale of petroleum products, the provision of financial, consulting and accounting services, and work with natural resources must pay taxes. Annual revenue must be from 1400 minimum wages;
  2. Simplified mode (simple) fits individual entrepreneurs, which employ no more than 25 employees and annual revenue does not exceed 1400 minimum wages. This scheme is very convenient for a businessman. He needs to pay a tax in the amount of 3% of the profits received and, in addition, social and pension contributions;
  3. Patent- can be chosen by businessmen who work independently and receive an income of less than 300 minimum wages. In this case, you need to pay 2% of your profits to the state budget. One half of the amount paid is income tax, and the other half is social tax.

Important to do right choice. In order not to break the law and at the same time not to pay too high taxes.

Is it possible to open an IP online through public services?

This procedure is carried out through the e-government website The main requirement for successful registration is the presence of an electronic digital signature (EDS). It can be opened at the Community Service Center. It is important to enter only correct information. So, the address indicated in the electronic form of public services must match the actual place of your residence.

If you correctly complete the online registration procedure, then after one day you can contact the tax office at the place of residence and receive an IP certificate. Persons who have not yet mastered the Internet so well can personally provide the necessary papers to their inspector. Also on the spot you can get qualified advice on all issues related to doing business, payment of taxation.

Standard procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur in Kazakhstan

Most the best option– apply to the tax authority on your own. It is necessary to prepare all references in advance and make a list of questions that you would like to ask during your visit. The inspector will help you choose the type of taxation that is optimal for your type of activity. It is also important to pay the state fee for the registration.

If the application is denied, then this decision must be justified. The inspector is obliged to give specific reasons. If an individual does not agree with this, then you can submit documents to the PSC.

Before starting your own business, it is better to think about all the possible risks and problems that an entrepreneur faces. In particular, these are dishonest suppliers and buyers, competitors. The latter can be a serious problem. For example, to lower the price level to a minimum in order to force you to leave this market. If a person is declared bankrupt, his property is subject to confiscation to pay off existing debts.

Borrowing money to open an IP from "good" friends should also be done carefully. You never know how soon they will need their money. No one will prevent the creditor from changing the terms of your oral agreement unilaterally. To protect yourself, conclude all agreements in writing and certify with a notary.
