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Production of medicines by domestic companies. A Brief History of the Formation of the Software Industry in Russia. Trust but verify

As early as this summer, the government may adopt criteria for classifying products as Russian. Goods that meet all requirements will be given priority in public procurement

Buy Russian

It is easy to prove that your product is made in Russia by “simulating” a percentage of the level of localization, says a senior government official participating in the discussion of import substitution issues: “Everything is considered at customs value, it is underestimated, overhead costs and expenses that are procurement of components in the country. It turns out that we are creating a Russian product, which in fact is not. We would like other conditions."

To solve the problem, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has developed a draft resolution, which should clearly regulate the criteria for classifying products as Russian, and outlines what should be attributed to products whose analogues are not produced in the country (such equipment is not subject to VAT when imported). This week, the assessment of the regulatory impact of the document should be completed, the resolution may be issued before the end of June, says a RBC source. The project has not yet been submitted to the Ministry of Economic Development, a representative of the ministry told RBC.

There are several criteria for Russian products. The document (the project is posted on stipulates a list of conditions and operations in Russia, the percentage of the cost of materials and components from abroad in the price of the final product. It should be calculated at the customs value when they are imported or at the documented price of their first sale in Russia, the cost of industrial products is determined taking into account the cost of delivery from the factory.

It also stipulates a mandatory condition that the manufacturer must carry out research work, involve Russian citizens in the work, and so on.

Separate indicators are set for each industry. In the document, they are in eight industries − medical equipment, pharmaceuticals, electronics and microelectronics, machine tools, automotive, special engineering, photonics and lighting engineering, electrical engineering and power industry. There are several dozens of product names in the applications, for which separate conditions(see examples in the inset).

Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov said in an interview in a thematic supplement to Kommersant in May this year that as the criteria for other products are worked out, “ The resolution will be expanded and supplemented with new positions. RBC's source in the government says that work is underway on 13 industry regulations.

There are two criteria for classifying industrial products that have no analogues in Russia. P production should not have the same technical and operational characteristics, physical, chemical and other properties that are not exclusively related to its appearance, which more than 20% affect its work. The second criterion is the price and cost of operation. For goods that are produced in Russia, a difference of more than 20% in the cost or operating costs is taken into account.

The list of such products will be adjusted, says a source in the government. It is assumed that the CCI and Russian fund technological development, follows from the document.

Business awaits clarification

“So far, calls for localization of medicines and substances remain only political calls, but this problem cannot be solved by criteria alone. Now there are not only criteria, but also a clear confirmation procedure. For example, in order to name your company as a manufacturer of local products, it is enough to simply tick the box when placing an application on the public procurement website - and you will immediately receive 15 percent preferences, ”complains the head of the industry department for pharmaceuticals and biotechnology“ Business Russia» Zakhar Golant.

In pharmaceuticals, there are completely non-obvious criteria that need to be taken into account, he adds: “There are many medicines, the locality criteria in which are not the same even in a separate category - for example, tablets or liquid: the cost of medicinal substances for drugs in ampoules can reach 80%, and in tablets it is an order of magnitude less. How to count?

For the products that the company produces and supplies, for example, to the Ministry of Defense, 100% domestic components are already required, says an employee of one of the companies producing photodetectors. According to him, some devices for the civil sector contain foreign components, which will have to be abandoned in order to comply with the new standards (according to the criteria developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the share of foreign components in the manufactured goods of this segment by 2019 should not exceed 30%). But due to the high dollar rate, domestic components are now more profitable to use, RBC's interlocutor noted.

For representatives of the automotive industry, the criteria are spelled out in the already existing government decree No. 166, recalls a representative of Ford Sollers. It also spelled out the obligations of automakers, including the level of localization, the obligations to organize a research and development center in Russia and the creation of engine production.

Whip or gingerbread

Representatives of the business community interviewed by RBC say that now, given the increased attention of the state to import substitution programs, companies that meet the criteria for a “Russian product” manufacturer could count on preferences. “But here is a global question - it will be in the format of a stick or in the format of a carrot. What is it - a bonus for those who meet the criteria, or a restriction for those who do not fall under these criteria, ”says a source close to the bureau of the board of the RSPP.

“We will tie the implementation of special investment contracts to the resolution,” says a government official. He adds that the possibility of placing an order with sole supplier if the executor of such an order is a participant in the special investment contract.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade began accepting applications for participation in special investment projects in April this year, according to a message on the website of the department. As part of the projects, the state provides subsidies to compensate for part of the cost of paying interest on loans received from Russian banks in 2014-2016 for projects in the field of civil industry under the state program "Industrial Development and Increasing its Competitiveness". Companies with projects worth up to 5 billion rubles can participate in the selection. Subsidies are provided for loans for a period of at least three years, subsidized by 0.7 of the key rate of the Central Bank under a loan agreement.

It is assumed that other preferences will be offered for companies that meet the criteria, says First Deputy Chairman of the Public Council under the Ministry of Industry and Trade Anton Danilov-Danilyan. “If you really are a full-fledged Russian company and produce a product according to these criteria, then it is much easier to get help from state development institutions,” he says. “Companies will be able to count on assistance in expanding production and in insurance to enter export markets.”

The admission of companies to public procurement is also discussed separately. It is planned to develop draft regulations, according to which the condition for the admission of goods to public procurement will be their production in the countries that are members of the Eurasian Economic Union, follows from the documents of the Ministry of Industry and Trade. “To be a Russian product, it is necessary that the components are from EAEU countries, including Russia. This is a must,” a government official told RBC.

The idea to oblige foreign companies wishing to participate in public procurement to localize production in Russia for several years has been discussed in the government for several years. But the criteria according to which companies or their products are recognized as localized are not described in sufficient detail, this can lead to abuse, expressed concerns at the beginning of this year in the Association of European Businesses, follows from the presentation of the organization.

The priority of Russian digital products over foreign ones for government agencies enshrined in law No. 188-FZ, adopted last year. Since January 1, 2016, a register of domestic software has been launched in Russia, with the help of which the choice of the services necessary for the authorities takes place. Currently, the list contains 1962 products according to such classifications as databases, operating systems, office applications, server software and others.

In the event that the development of Russian programmers is not suitable, the customer is obliged to publish the rationale for refusing to purchase.

The document applies to government officials, but since the spring of 2016, the government has started talking about transferring these rules to state corporations and companies with state participation. In July, the media even reported that First Deputy Prime Minister Igor Shuvalov sent out a directive to enterprises, which refers to the need to opt for Russian software.

In a conversation with the press service of Rostelecom, Gazeta.Ru was told that the operator is interested in increasing the share of domestic software in its IT systems and gives preference to a Russian manufacturer, other things being equal - price, quality, reliability, service support.

“However, it is important for us that import substitution does not reduce the quality of software and does not increase the company's costs,” said Irina Zhabrova, head of the B2B/B2G segment promotion.

According to a representative of Rostelecom, the operator is already actively using domestic software. “We are trying to produce some local developments for BSS systems using alternative solutions, including those supported by communities. The most critical type of software for our business is OSS/BSS systems. Most of these systems in Rostelecom are built on Russian platforms (billing, line accounting systems), and small businesses often act as our partners in these implementations,” Zhabrova said.

Russian Railways told Gazeta.Ru that "a significant part of the company's IT landscape is formed by domestic solutions." "Technologies and algorithms used in automated systems main technological processes Russian Railways are Russian developments.

Even in those cases where the underlying technological platforms of foreign production, such as SAP, are used, all the developments that are carried out on their basis are domestic, ”the company said.

In order to implement the import substitution policy, the company is considering the possibility of increasing the share of domestic software, in particular, the introduction of enterprise management systems (ERP-systems) of domestic production.

“In order to assess the prospects for cooperation with the largest domestic suppliers of this class of systems - Galaktika and 1C companies - research laboratories have been created. The decision to use a new software will be accepted taking into account the evaluation of the performance and scalability of the software, the functional content and total cost ownership," the Russian Railways press service said.

Aeroflot and Sberbank declined to comment.

Toughening and punishment

In the spring, it was reported that such departments as the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Communications and the Ministry of Industry and Trade were proposing to introduce fines for refusal by government agencies to purchase Russian software. But this idea was later abandoned. So far, the law is advisory in nature.

At the end of March, Minister of Telecom and Mass Communications Nikolay Nikiforov during government meetings he told the President of Russia that the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications, together with the Federal Antimonopoly Service, would catch government customers by the hand, who “in the old fashioned way prefer to buy foreign software, despite the fact that similar Russian solutions have appeared.”

The position of the Minister, apparently, has not changed. So, at a joint venture with Rostelecom and the department information technologies(DIT) of the Moscow conference, held on Tuesday, September 27, Nikiforov noted that 2016 was relatively calm, but next year will not be the same.

According to the head of the Ministry of Communications, as part of the import substitution policy in 2017, more inspections by regulators will be initiated. Nikiforov called this crackdown and added that the Federal Antimonopoly Service, the Prosecutor General's Office and the Accounts Chamber would carefully check the implementation of legislation on the procurement of Russian software.

“We are for the purchase of mainly domestic software products with the money of Russian taxpayers and state-owned companies,” the Minister of Communications said.

Nikiforov noted that the transition to domestic software is a complex work. This includes the public procurement law, ministry projects, tax cuts for Russian developers, and the construction of technology parks.

The head of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications believes that for a long time it was convenient for government agencies and companies to purchase programs and services from foreign organizations, since thanks to the large funds allocated for marketing, customers received additional bonuses. Among them, the minister named foreign trips and special attention.

"Now there is only general documents, which speak of the need to switch to domestic technologies, and plans should be targeted for a single ministry and state-owned company. This will allow us to take into account the specifics of each department and enterprise,” says Alexey Strelnikov, Head of the Industry Solutions Department of the Infrastructure Solutions Department of the Softline group of companies.

According to the expert, the transition to domestic software is hampered by the fact that consumers are accustomed to foreign technologies and it is very difficult to refuse investments that were made in these projects.

“The mechanism of fines is not always working. It is better if there are indicators that must be achieved, and the person responsible for the implementation of these indicators will be able to independently resolve internal issues, ”said Strelnikov.

The first victim of the FAS

So far, the FAS has managed to grab the hand of the Ministry of Construction, which in July summed up one of its electronic auctions. Geocapital became its winner, which did not suit the New Cloud Technologies company, which owns the My Office software package. The enterprise, whose products are recorded in the register of domestic software, complained to the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

The regulator considered that the justification of the Ministry of Construction about the impossibility of complying with the ban on foreign software was drawn up with violations. Among them is the lack of indication of the characteristics of software products from the register of domestic software, similar to the object of purchase.

The FAS also noted that the customer included Russian and foreign solutions in one purchase, while pointing out the impossibility of complying with the ban on purchasing foreign software products. This, in the opinion of the department, misleads the bidders.

Due to the fact that a contract was concluded as a result of the auction, the FAS decided not to issue an order to eliminate violations. However, she decided to transfer the materials of the case to the Office for Controlling the Placement of State Orders for initiating cases of administrative offenses.

“The FAS no longer had the right to cancel the auction, since at the time of the consideration of the case, the contract of the Ministry of Construction had already been concluded.

Cancellation of auctions is now possible only in court. It is for this reason that we decided to create a precedent and try to defend our interests as a domestic developer in court,” Gazeta.Ru was told in the legal department of New Cloud Technologies.

The company estimates its chances of winning as average. “Here it is more important to create a precedent, since so far on such issues there have been conditions for limited judicial practice", the company concluded.

The FAS failed to promptly respond to Gazeta.Ru's request.

In order for the manufacturer to be able to prove that the products are manufactured in, he should indicate the level of localization of production as a percentage, says a government official who takes part in considering issues related to the implementation of the import substitution program.

In order to help resolve this problem, the Ministry of Industry and Trade has prepared a draft document that is designed to specify the criteria by which it will be possible to determine with certainty whether a particular product should be classified as a domestic product. In addition, he describes what should be considered as goods, the analogues of which the Russian industry does not produce. This week the examination of this project will be completed, and the commissioning can be expected closer to the middle of summer. This resolution has not yet come to the Ministry of Economic Development, officials of this department said.

The main distinguishing features inherent Russian goods several. The project outlines a list of conditions and processes in Russia, the percentage of the cost of raw materials and imported components in the selling price of the finished product. The calculation must be made according to the value declared at customs or according to the documented price of their primary sale in Russia, the cost finished products formed taking into account transport costs.

In addition, a special clause deduced an indispensable condition that the manufacturer is obliged to carry out research and development activities, give preference to Russian citizens, etc.

The head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Denis Manturov, said during his speech this month that as various criteria are prepared, this document will be supplemented with other items.

Signs by which the fact of the absence of analogues will be determined Russian production, two are mentioned. This kind of product should not have identical characteristics, physical, chemical and other properties that are not related to its appearance, and at the same time affect the operation by more than 20%. Another sign is the selling price and the level of operating costs.

With regard to products that are produced for the needs of the defense department, already now only components made in Russia are needed, says an employee of a company operating in the military-industrial complex. According to him, there are imported components in some civilian devices, which will need to be abandoned in order not to contradict the new rules. However, since the dollar has become more expensive, it is much more profitable to use Russian components.

For companies operating in the automotive industry, the criteria have been formulated and are already in effect, according to Sollers. It also clearly spells out the responsibilities of such companies related to the degree of localization, specific obligations regarding the creation of various research centers on Russian soil and the mandatory organization of a full engine manufacturing cycle.

Companies engaged in import substitution will be stimulated by subsidies.

Various representatives of the business community note that now, due to the increased attention of the authorities to the issue of import substitution, companies whose products fully meet the requirements for a Russian manufacturer can, in theory, hope for certain bonuses. However, here a significant question arises, in what format the preference will be. Would prefer a carrot or a stick, asks the representative of the RSPP.

The government says that incentives in the form of targeted investment agreements are provided for enterprises that meet the criteria. He, in addition, indicates that it will still be possible to provide an order to only one supplier if it is a participant in a special investment contract.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has already started accepting applications from companies wishing to take part in such projects, according to information on it. The conditions say that the state will provide subsidies that can be used to reimburse costs for servicing loans taken from Russian financial institutions in the period from 2014 to 2016. This casting can participate Russian enterprises with projects whose cost will not exceed 5 billion rubles.

In parallel, the possibility of admitting Russian enterprises to public procurement is being considered. For this purpose, a number of documents will be developed, in accordance with which the main criterion for admitting products to public procurement will be their production in the member countries of the Eurasian Economic Union. V Russian government note that in order for a product to be considered Russian, all components must be produced on the territory of the EAEU.

The idea to force foreign enterprises wishing to take part in public procurement to build a full production cycle in Russia over the course of several years has been studied in the government for more than one year. However, the requirements under which companies or their products are considered to be manufactured in the Russian Federation are not sufficiently specified, this state of affairs can lead to various abuses, some foreign entrepreneurs feared.

Currently, the Russian pharmaceutical industry is considered to be developing in comparison with the global industry. Figure 1 shows that the volume of production of medicines in the domestic market is increasing every year. For example, in 2012, the volume of production in Russia amounted to 127.2 billion rubles, which compared with 2011 showed an increase of 25%.

Figure #1. Dynamics of drug production volumes in the Russian Federation, 2003-2012

According to the data Federal Service State Statistics, about 150 companies specialized in the production of medicines in Russia in 2012. At the same time, this figure did not include representatives of small businesses, which are becoming more and more every day. It should be noted that in 2011 the 20 largest companies produced more than 65% of the total output. This means that most of the demand from consumers for medicines is satisfied mainly by the leading pharmaceutical manufacturing companies, the rating of which is presented in table No. 6.

Based on the data given in Table 6, we can say that among the leading manufacturers in the domestic market of Russia, enterprises of major foreign pharmaceutical companies prevail, for example, such as Sanofi-Aventis, Novartis International AG, Berlin-Chemie, F. Hoffman - La Roche", "Bayer", "Nycomed", "Teva Pharmaceutical", etc. It should be noted that only one Russian company was included in the list of the 20 largest manufacturing companies in the domestic market, while taking an honorable third place in the rating in terms of sales - Pharmstandard OJSC.

This company specializes not only in the production of medicines, like many Russian enterprises, but moreover, it develops new original medicines. Pharmstandard products meet the requirements Russian standards. In addition, the company is ready to adapt its production according to international standards quality by approving a plan for the transition to European standards by 2014. The main products of "Pharmstandart" are medicines that have received universal recognition from consumers in connection with their high quality and efficiency. Examples of such drugs include Arbidol, Pentalgin, Afobazol, Biosulin, etc.

As for the French pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis, which ranked first in the ranking of the 20 largest manufacturers in the domestic domestic market, its success is due to the large number of public procurement(about 40%). Although the sales volume of this company decreased by 10% compared to 2010, this did not become an obstacle for the company to take a leading position. The second place belongs to the transnational pharmaceutical corporation Novartis international AG, which, like Sanofi-Aventis, sells in the state segment - about 40%.

It should be noted that among the major manufacturers in Russia there are domestic enterprises which are partners of foreign pharmaceutical companies. A prime example This practice can be cited by OAO Nizhpharm, which took 24th place in the ranking of leading drug manufacturers. Since 2008, it has been part of the international holding Stada.

At present, the quantity foreign companies in the domestic market is increasing every year. This reduces the share Russian manufacturers: according to the studies of Pharmexpert CMI, starting from the end of the nineties and ending today, the number of domestic representatives in the domestic market has decreased from 58.4% to 20%. This situation is unfavorable for domestic companies. That is why the state provides support in the development of the Russian pharmaceutical industry. Experts say that according to pessimistic forecasts, the share of domestic pharmaceutical companies may soon fall to 5-10%, while foreign manufacturers will acquire the main part of the market, occupying the remaining 90-95%. Naturally, it is impossible to allow the situation to reach such an outcome, since the pharmaceutical industry is a strategic one. If the health of our nation is in the hands of foreign companies, then this will make Russia dependent on them, and nothing good can be expected from this.

It is also worth noting that one of the main problems in the Russian pharmaceutical market is the production of counterfeit products. Naturally, this problem It is also found in foreign markets, where such organizations as the Association of International Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and the Coalition for the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights actively fight against it.

According to official data, more than 15% of medicines that unscrupulous manufacturers supply to pharmacy chains for subsequent sale turn out to be unsuitable for consumption. This is due to the fact that these medicines are fakes that do not have any useful properties for the end consumer, and moreover, in some cases, they can even harm health, thereby worsening the patient's condition. It should be noted that the share of counterfeit pharmaceuticals produced by domestic companies reaches 67%.

Due to the flourishing falsification of medical products in the domestic market large companies lose over $250 million every year: they spend a huge amount of money to fight counterfeit products, they suffer from lost profits that are appropriated by unscrupulous manufacturers of counterfeit medicines.

07 November 2014 20:01

A series of articles dedicated to the largest Russian companies has been completed. The main reason for writing this series was the desire to analyze and describe the largest representatives of the Russian economy and business, as well as to try to assess the structure and development prospects of each large domestic company separately. I hope that the articles written by me will be able to help site visitors in analyzing and evaluating representatives Russian business. In this publication, to simplify the search for the company of interest, they will be sorted by industry structure.

Stock oil companies have always been of interest to investors. is the main item of Russian export, accounting for about a third of all exports to monetary terms, and together with oil products, this share is almost 50%. In addition, prices for the third main component of exports significantly depend on the level of prices for oil and oil products. The largest representatives oil and gas industry Russia are such companies as:

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