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Growing onions as a business. Business idea: Growing onions in a greenhouse. List of required documentation

Continuing our topic about business in rural areas, we decided to look at growing onions as a business. It turned out that you can earn a decent amount of money from this simple activity. So, if you decide to make money on your own business, we offer you the option of growing onion crops.

Growing onions as a business: what to grow and how?

For the purpose of sale, you can grow different onions: bulb or feather. And each of these species has its own characteristics in cultivation, sale, and circulation. All this affects the business, its expenses and income. To show a clear example with specific numbers, we took the most common and unpretentious onion as the basis for our article - onions.
Onions are grown in warm conditions. It will take about 4 months for it to fully mature. During this time, young feathers can be cut off and sold, and after the expiration of the period, the root crops themselves can be put up for sale.

It is easier to grow onions from purchased sets - these are already formed young onions, which after 1 week will already send out the first shoots to the surface. The average purchase price of onion sets is 100 rubles per 1 kg. For such a business you will need at least 200 kg, it will cost 20,000 rubles.

What else is needed to grow onions?

Of course, you will need land. Onions should be planted at the rate of 200 grams of sets per 1 m2. That is, for our 200 kg we will need 1000 m2, or 10 acres of land.
In a business like growing onions, in addition to the “embryos” themselves, fertilizers will be required. The onion crop itself is unpretentious, but you can’t do without fertilizers either. Here's what we need:
Superphosphate (30g per m2)
Potassium chloride (17g per m2)
Nitrogen fertilizers (8g per m2)
Phosphorus fertilizer (10g per m2)
Potash fertilizers (10g per m2)
On average, for each m2 the price of all the above fertilizers together will be about 15 rubles. And to fertilize the entire plot of 1000 m2 - 15,000 rubles.

Summarizing all costs

Considering the information above, to grow onions on 10 acres of land we will need:
Onion sets, 200 kg – 20,000 rubles.
Fertilizers - 15,000 rubles
Total: 35,000 rubles

Profit from the sale of onions

From planted sets, full-fledged onions grow in 4 months on average. The yield is about 7 kg per m2, that is, from ten acres after 4 months we will collect 7 tons. The average selling price of onions is 20 rubles per 1 kg. It turns out that selling 7 tons at retail price will bring us an income of 140,000 rubles.
Don’t forget about a secondary method of making a profit – selling green onions. In our case, in 4 months you can get 0.5 kg of greenery from 1 m2, and 500 kg from the entire plot. At a price of 150 rubles per 1 kg, you can get 75,000 rubles from the entire green harvest.

We get that the income for 4 months from 10 acres is 215,000 rubles, and the net profit is 190,000 rubles.
It is much easier for residents of warmer regions to start such a business, but those living in the middle zone should not despair. By increasing the volumes in the scheme we have presented, you can ensure yourself a profit in one summer that will last for the whole year.

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You will find out how much money you need to invest in the business of growing onions in a greenhouse and how justified such a business idea is. Read about which technology for growing green onions works best.

Greetings to Startupoff readers!

Do you want to try your hand at agribusiness? A great business idea is to grow onions. Despite high competition, this business sector is highly profitable and promising, and does not require large start-up capital.

Why growing onions in a greenhouse is a good business idea

Do you doubt that your company is profitable?

Let me give you some indisputable evidence:

  1. Onions for seeds are sold at a price of 15-20 rubles per 1 kg, and the price of feathers in the off-season reaches 200 rubles. per kg.
  2. You don't need a big one to open a business start-up capital, and monthly expenses for purchasing seeds, heating and water are low.
  3. For sowing, a small plot of land or a summer cottage is sufficient.
  4. This plant is unpretentious. The production technology does not require significant labor and monetary costs.
  5. If you plant an early ripening variety, the first profit will be in a month and a half. Varieties such as batun and heirloom onion produce good greens in 3-4 weeks.
  6. Stable demand all year round.
  7. It is possible to grow feathers for sale in a greenhouse all year round, and the harvest can be harvested 7-9 times in a year.
  8. Sale fresh, dried and frozen.
  9. There are many distribution routes: vegetable markets, supermarkets, grocery stores, wholesale buyers, kebab shops, restaurants, cafes.

On my personal plot there is a small bed of onion-batun.

It is perennial and requires virtually no maintenance. Tolerates southern winters well. After trimming it quickly produces new feathers. There is plenty of greenery from several bushes for our family. I am sure that greenhouse cultivation of onions and its well-established sales will bring a stable income.

Which variety to choose

All varieties of onions produce feathers, but greenhouse production has its own favorites. They produce a bountiful harvest, have excellent taste, retain freshness for a long time, and are easy to care for.

I'll tell you briefly about each of them.


Externally, leeks resemble garlic. It produces wide, short leaves and has a pronounced but delicate taste. Good for salads and fresh consumption. From a bed of 9 square meters it produces 20 kilograms of feathers. Suitable for year-round greenhouse cultivation. Grows well in open ground and greenhouses.


It can be perennial or annual. Produces wide, tubular, succulent feathers. The taste is sweetish and delicate. The feather is tender throughout the growing season. It is sown with seeds. In the first season, the plant takes root and gains strength.

Active fruiting begins in the second year. The variety tolerates frost well and is suitable not only for open ground, but also for greenhouse and greenhouse cultivation. Gives arrows with seeds. It sows itself in the ground.


This is a branched variety with pronounced greenery and small bulbs. The variety is suitable for forcing in a greenhouse and growing on a windowsill. It is planted on greenery three times a year: in spring, autumn and summer. Gives an early harvest. The feather is soft and juicy throughout the growing season. Does not give arrows. Planted with bulbs.


This variety has underground and aerial bulbs. It is called multi-tiered because new bulbs grow on its arrows, from which a young plant develops. It does not have a dormant period and bears fruit consistently all year round. Unpretentious. Grows well even at 10-12 degrees Celsius. Frost-resistant, suitable for cold regions.

Plant several varieties at once in a greenhouse. The range of your products will be wider, and your yield will be more stable.

Which growing technology works best?

Greenhouse production of onions is based on several technologies. All of them are simple, save energy and time, and do not require the use of agricultural technology.

Actively used methods of year-round cultivation of this plant:

  • cultivation on sawdust;
  • hydroponics;
  • using shelving to increase usable space.

Using them, you will end up with onions grown at home without a greenhouse, in a warm barn, garage, basement or other utility room.

Onions in sawdust

The porous structure of sawdust absorbs moisture well and also releases it well. It is loose and provides the rhizomes with the necessary amount of oxygen. These are the main advantages of the method. Before using sawdust, they are doused with boiling water to disinfect them.

The bulbs are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate. Sawdust is poured into flat, shallow containers, and the bulbs are laid out on them. Water the prepared “bed” with warm water. To germinate onions faster, cover the rack with film.

Hydroponics method

The method is based on a system of planting plants without soil in water enriched with nutrients. To grow, you need a hydroponic setup. The cost of its acquisition is more than offset by a stable harvest and ease of maintenance.

Agronomists consider hydroponic cultivation of dill, strawberries, vegetables the most convenient and effective method year-round cultivation.

Growing on multi-tiered racks

Multi-tier racking structures - saving space and increasing crop volumes. They provide good heating of crops in winter. On the racks it is convenient to water the plants, it is easier to harvest and plant new crops.

For the manufacture of shelving, use wooden boards or metal fittings, corners. Installation of structures is carried out during the installation of the greenhouse. The structures can also be installed in an already equipped room.

With this method of growing, possible nuances should be taken into account: uneven lighting, different soil temperatures and lack of drainage.

How to grow onions in a greenhouse in winter - a detailed business plan

A business plan is your insurance against unnecessary expenses. It is necessary to analyze each stage of business development, calculate the profitability of a business, and calculate start-up costs. Planning will help to weigh all the pros and cons of the project, find where and how to sell products.

The business plan includes the choice of growing technology, the installation of a greenhouse and equipment, and the search for buyers. Let's consider each of the planning stages in more detail.

Stage 1. Construction of the greenhouse

To start, a small polycarbonate greenhouse is enough, which will fit in the backyard. Make a foundation in it for greater structural strength and better heating of the soil, install an irrigation, heating and lighting system.

The purchase of equipment and installation of a greenhouse complex is the largest share of costs at the start. But without creating conditions for plants, you will not get high yields.

Don't have substantial start-up capital? Assemble the greenhouse yourself without hiring specialists. Instead of a sprinkler system, use a regular watering hose. Assemble the racks from scrap materials.

Rational use of solar heat will help you save on heating costs. Use drawings and diagrams from the Internet. Adapt the finished frame drawing to your site.

Stage 2. Selecting and purchasing seeds

Buy material for sowing (onion sets, seeds) only in specialized stores or in greenhouse complexes. Use planting sets and seeds to obtain stable harvests throughout the year.

Carefully inspect the seed. The bulbs must be strong, without rot and characteristic odor. Seeds are the same size, without a white or grayish coating.

Stage 3. Soil preparation

Onions are not picky about soil. It is desirable that it be moist, loose, and contain additional food. Add sand to the soil for growing it to loosen it, as well as pre-prepared or purchased compost and wood ash. Pour the prepared soil into boxes on racks, level and moisten.

Don't know what to choose: sawdust or soil? Watch a video comparing the yield on sawdust and on soil:

Stage 4. Growing greens

The soil should be moist, but not overwatered. Excessive moisture will cause the bulbs to rot. The dry period will slow down the growing season. Onions love light and warmth, but cannot tolerate heat. Monitor the optimal temperature level in the room.

Stage 5. Sales of finished products

Properly organized sales of products is the key successful business. Sell ​​your grown crops at local vegetable markets. Visit supermarkets, establishments Catering, offer your product to wholesale buyers.

To sell greens at the market "from hand" you will not need documents for trading. To rent a point of sale in the market, sales in supermarkets and grocery stores, you need to register with the state tax service.

Open an individual entrepreneur or peasant farm. OKVED code 12.1 - entrepreneurship in agriculture (growing beets, cucumbers, seedlings for sale and other types of agricultural business) and 12.2. - growing greens. Taxation is 6% according to the Unified Agricultural Tax.

How much money do you need to invest to start a business - the main expenses

Business expenses are divided into one-time (for example, the initial purchase of equipment) and current, which occur monthly.

Main expense items:

  • installation of a greenhouse frame;
  • purchase of equipment for lighting, heating, watering;
  • agricultural equipment;
  • packaging containers;
  • taxes;
  • rent for a retail space in the market;
  • expenses for transport, advertising.

As the business develops, wages for workers and rent for land will be added to expenses. The amount of expenses depends on the scale of production and the conditions in which you are starting a business.

Detailed business plan- the basis for starting any business

A table calculating the costs of opening a 50 sq.m. greenhouse. meters on a hydroponic system will help you calculate the start-up costs of starting your own business:

Type of expenses Approximate amount, rub.
1. Fluorescent lamps 8 900, 00
2. Electrical wires, 100 meters 3 000, 00
3. Laying, installation, lighting adjustment 3 000, 00
4. Installation of two floors of shelving 11 888, 00
5. Bathtub for shelving 29 720, 00
6. Development of a useful surface for planting material 9 000, 00
7. Hydroponic technologies for irrigation, without the use of automation in operation 23 800, 00
8. Other Installation Items 17 800,00
Total: 107 108, 00

Growing onions as a business today is a subject of interest to hundreds of entrepreneurs, because many are concerned about the question of whether running such a farm is profitable or not, and whether real reviews about a similar matter.

Onions are a product that has not lost popularity among consumers for decades. It is consumed in its pure form to prevent colds, and it also becomes an integral part of almost every modern salad and soup. Moreover, it is impossible to imagine a tasty, juicy kebab without onions, and a herring appetizer is always complemented with this particular plant.


Today there are hundreds farms They produce onions on a huge scale, with demand increasing every year. In just a few months you can get full return on business, profit and expand own production, taking it to a new level.

The relevance is that cultivation can be carried out all year round. In summer, fields are used for this purpose, and greenhouses in winter help make the process continuous.

Of course it's profitable home business is not only about growing a product High Quality. Despite the great consumer demand for this plant, you will have to invest in advertising regularly - the buyer must know that your product does not contain chemical additives, is grown in natural conditions and contains many vitamins.

Reviews from experienced entrepreneurs make it clear that profitability directly depends on the manufacturer’s approach and his desire to find his target audience, territory coverage and high-quality advertising. On average, profitability is thirty percent in winter and fifty percent in summer, while it is important to take into account possible seasonal changes, crop loss under the influence external factors and other conditions.

Important Details

These include the following points:

  • The production of green onions and onions occurs quite quickly - within a month after planting you can get the first harvest, which will bring you a profit.
  • Harvest processing occurs quite quickly - in order to carry out work on ten square meters, it will take only an hour of working time.
  • To work with the onion harvest, it is not necessary to hire qualified employees - the process is quite simple and does not require special skills.
  • Using modern technologies, you can organize the cultivation of family onions on racks, which will significantly increase the volume of onion harvest.
  • The business of growing green onions requires regular lighting of the plant for at least twelve hours a day, timely watering and compliance with the temperature regime.

All this suggests that the onion growing business is quite simple, and does not require special skills or serious expenses, while production volumes can be quite large.

Variety selection

Growing onions in a greenhouse is convenient using one of the following varieties:

  1. Leeks, the yield of which will be twenty kilograms from nine square meters.
  2. Batun, the production volumes of which in the same territory can reach thirty-five kilograms.
  3. Shallot, which is resistant to weather conditions, can be obtained in a volume of forty-five kilograms from nine meters per square.
  4. Egyptian onions, which can grow even during slight frosts, reach a yield of forty kilograms.

The largest feathers can be found in the leek variety, however, each of the varieties presented above is in great demand among consumers, so it is almost impossible to make a mistake with the choice.

Growing technology

There are several technologies, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages.

  • Planting onions in open ground, requiring daily watering. The initial planting with this technology is carried out after the end of frost in the spring. During forcing, you can use not full-fledged bulbs, but seeds that will sprout. The advantage of this type is considered to be a certain simplicity in planting and making beds, as well as low costs for organizing the process. At the same time, to use the technology you will need a large plot of land, and the harvest will depend on the season and weather conditions.
  • Growing onions in a greenhouse is also a fairly simple method in which the benefits are maximum, the costs are quite low, but the process of building the greenhouse itself is expensive and lengthy.
  • Growing plants without soil. Although there is only one drawback - high cost, it has a lot of advantages - the ability to use small plots of land, while the return on investment of the process will be maximum. Feather forcing is also reduced, lasting a little more than two weeks.

The technology you choose will determine how quickly you will make a profit and what costs you will need to implement your business plan. It is worth considering that for large-scale production, field conditions are usually used, since the coverage of the territory is usually very large.


Purchasing onions is a regular process for citizens of Ukraine, Russia, Belarus and other countries. The product contains a large amount of vitamins; it is recommended to use it during an exacerbation of colds and viral diseases. It is believed that onions strengthen the human immune system.

This is the reason that selling onions is one of the most profitable business activities in many countries of the world, and even with high competition and a large number of manufacturers, onions disappear from the shelves quite quickly.


Like any business, onion production on your own farm requires state registration. This process is quite simple and does not take much effort, time and money. You need to contact the local tax office and register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC, and only after that you can start selling.

Please note that the format individual entrepreneurship somewhat limits the possibilities, while an LLC has much more, but its registration is much more complicated.


If your plans include selling onions on a large scale, try to plan your budget in advance. Preference should be given high technology, since if they are followed, the product pays for itself very quickly, and within a few months all costs will be compensated.

The table below shows the approximate financial costs of growing onions hydroponically on an area of ​​fifty square meters using shelving that will increase the area to eighty square meters.

Type of expenses Amount, dollars
1. Purchasing lamps 150 dollars
2. Purchase of wires in the amount of 100 meters 50
3. Lighting installation 50
4. Installation of two floors of shelving 200
5. Bathtubs for shelving 500
6. Working surface for planting material 150
7. Hydroponic technologies without the use of process automation 400
8. Additional Installation Items 300
Total: 1800 (approx. 107 thousand rubles)

When using such technology, the initial cost of purchasing everything necessary equipment and its installation will not exceed two thousand dollars. The cost and exchange rate of the currency may change, this is also worth paying close attention to.

The costs for one cycle of product reproduction will look like this:

All amounts are indicated for one month within one cycle. As a result, the amount of monthly expenses will be $220 at constant prices.

A novice entrepreneur does not necessarily need to invest large sums of money in a business of this scale. If your goal is not to cover an entire population center, or you are not yet ready to conduct big business, there is the possibility of growing at home. In this case, sales methods can be found in the nearest store or market, but to sell you will also need official registration of the organization.

Every entrepreneur has the right to choose a direction, and only an active, responsible approach will allow short term receive good profit from any office work.

Video: a super simple and reliable way to grow onions for greens - business idea.

In the last few years, non-GMO products have been considered a real shortage. Thanks to the developed agriculture In our country, domestic consumers strive to purchase natural products grown without the use of chemicals. The demand for such products is determined by a number of the following factors: environmental cleanliness and harmlessness, a wealth of vitamins, antioxidants and nutrients necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

The only drawback is the minimum shelf life. Subject to compliance with the technology and compliance with the prescribed requirements for plant care this type entrepreneurial activity will bring significant profits at minimal cost.

Modern agronomists have developed 2 main approaches to growing crops:

  • growing in a greenhouse;
  • cultivation in open ground.

It’s easy to guess that the first method will allow you to get a good harvest with minimal time. At the same time, this option involves the construction of a greenhouse, equipment of an irrigation system, appropriate lighting, delivery of nutrient soil, etc. An important point in this matter is the choice of an onion variety (hybrid) suitable for greenhouse cultivation.

Literally 5 years ago there were two types of greenhouses - covered with polyethylene film and glass. Development modern technologies added one more material to this list - polycarbonate. If we consider the option of growing as a year-round business, it is worth choosing the last option.

It should be understood that a polycarbonate greenhouse is not a cheap pleasure, but in terms of practicality and efficiency it has no equal.

As for heating, the heating option is common wood stoves or through solar panels.

How many greenhouses do you need to start a business? Experienced agronomists say - at least three. This will allow for cyclical production: in the first, sowing is carried out, in the second, green shoots are monitored, and in the third, the harvest is harvested.

The simplest and most accessible method of growing onions is open ground. To implement this project, you will not have to build expensive greenhouses or equip a heating and irrigation system. All that is required is to rent a plot of land and start growing crops in accordance with the prescribed technology.

Despite the simplicity of the method, growing in open ground has a number of disadvantages:

  • seasonality of business (May-June, September);
  • poor soil quality can significantly reduce yield;
  • unfavorable weather conditions will prevent normal plant growth.

Variety selection

Allowed to plant onions in the form of seeds and bulbs. Greenhouses are characterized by growing greenery (feathers) from bulbs. Using seeds for similar purposes is a low-efficiency solution. Despite intensive care, the sprouts are weak and grow more slowly. As for the bulbs, they grow many times faster, the harvest has a beautiful presentation and has good taste.

Manufacturers from the Netherlands managed to achieve a high-quality selective effect. Recommended varieties:

  • Red Baron;
  • Yellow Dutch;
  • Exhibition;
  • Spirint F1;
  • Margnit F1.

The Japanese varieties Nubukka Green and Nagaoka King are not inferior in quality, but are more affordable in price. Among the products of the German breeding farm, for obtaining early greens, it is worth choosing the Stuttgater Riesten variety.

To obtain a rich harvest and organize a highly profitable business, you should pay attention to Special attention the process of selecting types and varieties of planting material, as well as methods of cultivation at certain times of the year.

Knowledge of the basic biological characteristics of onion varieties and the requirements for their growth conditions guarantees maximum yield and, as a result, good profit.

For example, onions are not intended for growing indoors in the autumn-winter period. At this time he is in deep peace. Any species is particularly demanding of light. Perennial varieties are optimal for planting in the fall; they do not require dormant periods (slime, multi-tiered, chives). November is optimal for planting onions. Shallots are beneficial for planting in December.

Planting and care measures

The soil for planting onions must be prepared in advance. Characteristic features: looseness, fertility. The crop produces higher yields on fertilized soil. It is recommended to add the following fertilizers to the soil mixture before planting (per 1 m2):

  • potassium chloride – 15 g;
  • superphosphate – 30 g;
  • manure – 5 l.

If we consider the option of planting with bulbs, then from September to October the planting material should be placed in boxes at a distance of a centimeter from each other. If sowing is carried out in early March, the distance should be increased to 4-6 centimeters.

Caring for onions is not difficult; the plant is unpretentious. The greenhouse owner will need:

  • for the entire growth period, make one fertilizing (a solution of ammonium nitrate 30 grams per 5 liters of water is suitable);
  • onions love a lot of water, so it is necessary to provide abundant watering;
  • strictly observe temperature regime(at night – no less than +12°С, during the day – no less than +20°С);
  • despite the need for abundant watering, control the level of soil moisture to prevent rotting of the bulb;
  • eliminate drafts in the greenhouse.

It is important to cut green onions on time. The optimal indicator is a leaf length of 28-30 cm.

Product sales channels

It is important to remember that greens are a perishable product, the sale of which must be carried out immediately. Therefore, you should take care of the channel for selling the goods even before it is planted. Green onions are in great demand among the population, so it is advisable to open a point in the market. In order to diversify the assortment, you can sell other greens.

The most profitable option for a large manufacturer is to sell greens in bulk.

To do this, it is recommended to conclude contracts for the supply of onions with large retail outlets, catering establishments, shops, etc.

Some people, wanting to get fresh greens directly from the garden, can purchase them directly from the manufacturer. To effectively distribute your offer, it is recommended to place an ad in the newspaper and create advertising on the Internet.

Costs and profitability

It would be optimal to build a polycarbonate greenhouse with an area of ​​100 square meters (this is a relatively small room of 5x20 meters) with a two-tier shelving system. The greenhouse must be equipped with a lighting, heating and watering system. The total cost of equipping the environment for growing products will be 150 thousand rubles.

The average cost of purchasing onion sets is 200 rubles per kilogram. To fill the greenhouse you will need about 50 kg. The total cost of seeding material is 10 thousand rubles.

For fast and high-quality growth of onions, fertilizer will be required. On average, for each square meter the cost of a fertilizer complex will be 30 rubles, which in terms of the total square footage of the sowing area will be 30 thousand rubles.

Let's summarize all the costs. Taking into account the information presented above, you will need:

  • Greenhouse equipment – ​​150 thousand rubles.
  • Onion sets 50 kg – 10 thousand rubles.
  • Fertilizers – 30 thousand rubles.
  • Costs of water, electricity, etc. – 10 thousand rubles.
  • Total: 200 thousand rubles

From the start of planting to the collection of onions ready for sale, an average of 2 months will pass. Productivity is 9 kg per m2, which means that from 100 sq. m after 2 months you can collect 900 kg. The average selling price of onions is 40 rubles per 1 kg. It is easy to calculate that the proceeds from the sale of the harvest will bring 36 thousand rubles.

It's time to talk about an additional method of making a profit - selling green onions. In 2 months you can get 0.8 kg of greenery per square meter, recalculated for the entire plot - 80 kg. At a price of 170 rubles per 1 kg, you can earn 13,600 rubles from the entire green harvest.

Total, in 2 months from a greenhouse of 100 sq. m income will be 49.6 thousand rubles. The entrepreneur will begin to make a profit after the fifth planting and sale of onions. The payback period of the project is by the end of the first year.

Video material about growing products

The video shows a detailed story about the construction and equipment of a greenhouse for growing greenery in winter and summer:

  • 1 Growing green onions per feather
    • 1.1 Business relevance
    • 1.2 Subtleties of organization
    • 1.3 Selecting varieties for growing green onions
    • 1.4 Growing technologies
    • 1.5 Demand
    • 1.6 Business registration
    • 1.7 Financial calculations
    • 1.8 Calculation of profit and methods of implementation
    • 1.9 At home
    • 1.10 Commercial offers
  • 2 Business plan for growing green onions
    • 2.1 How much money do you need to start a green onion growing business?
    • 2.2 Fixed costs
    • 2.3 Sales of green onions
    • 2.4 How much can you earn by growing green onions?
    • 2.5 Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business
    • 2.6 What documents are needed to open a business
    • 2.7 Which tax system to choose
    • 2.8 Do I need permission to open?
    • 2.9 Technology of starting a business
  • 3 How to open an onion growing business from scratch: profitability, costs
    • 3.1 Advantages and disadvantages of onion growing business
    • 3.2 Practical recommendations onion production
    • 3.3 Harvest in open ground
    • 3.4 Forcing onions in a greenhouse
    • 3.5 Methods to increase green onion yield
    • 3.6 Which form of doing business should I choose?
    • 3.7 General investment costs, profitability of the business project
  • 4 We are drawing up a business plan for growing green onions: where to start?
    • 4.1 We draw up a business plan
  • 5 Ready-made business plan for growing green onions in a greenhouse
    • 5.1 How much money will be required to open
    • 5.2 Fixed costs faced by the owner
    • 5.3 Implementation finished products
    • 5.4 Amount of possible earnings
    • 5.5 Step by step plan greenhouse opening
    • 5.6 Which equipment should you choose?
    • 5.7 OKVED code
    • 5.8 List necessary documentation
    • 5.9 Tax system
    • 5.10 Permission to open
    • 5.11 Opening technology

What the article is about:

Growing green onions per feather

Business relevance

Green onions are not only a source of valuable vitamins, but also a wonderful option for starting your own business. Every year this product is produced in large quantities for sale. In 3-4 months you can set up small business, having studied the market and mastered cultivation technology and distribution channels.

Sales organization is a key issue. You should not believe articles that state that “the main thing is to grow a good harvest, and the buyer will be found.”

Experienced businessmen grow onions all year round: in the warm season - in the field, in a greenhouse - in winter.

The profitability of this business depends on organizational issues and averages 30% in winter and 50% in summer.

To grow green onions for sale, you need to take into account a number of additional factors and pitfalls, which will be discussed in the article.

Subtleties of organization

This business idea has many advantages and features that every aspiring businessman should take into account:

  1. Relatively short production cycle - you can get the first harvest of green onions in a month.
  2. Low labor costs - on average, about 1 hour of working time is spent to process 10 m². This means that one worker can cultivate about 80 m² of land per day.
  3. Personnel for planting seeds, cultivating soil, and harvesting may be poorly qualified.
  4. Some technologies make it possible to grow onions using racks in 3-4 tiers, which significantly increases the productivity of the plot.
  5. Exist special conditions for growing onions: lighting from 12 to 15 hours a day, temperature – 15-18º C, watering (peak need 4 liters per 1 m²).

Choosing varieties for growing green onions

High yields can be achieved through the use of multi-primed species. For industrial cultivation, the following varieties of onions are often used for greens:

  • Leek - characterized by a wide feather, juicy rich taste. Productivity – 20 kg/9 m².
  • Batun - oblong leaves of light green color, bright rich taste. The plant can be cut up to three times. Productivity – 25-35 kg/9 m².
  • Shallots are characterized by resistance to bad weather conditions and have long, unfading feathers. Productivity – 45 kg/9 m².
  • Egyptian is a resistant variety that can grow and develop even in slight frost. Productivity – 35-40 kg/9 m².

Growing technologies

There are several basic ways to grow onions:

1. Planting in open ground with daily watering. The first planting is carried out in the spring after frosts. Instead of bulbs, you can use seeds (preferably from Dutch or Japanese producers).

Advantages of this method:

  • low costs for organizing a business;
  • simplicity.


  • dependence on the season (no more than three harvests per year depending on weather conditions and varieties);
  • use of large plots of land.

2. Greenhouse method. Its advantages:

  • simplicity;
  • maximum profitability;
  • use of a small area due to tiers;
  • independence from weather conditions.


  • high cost of the project (for building a greenhouse, installing shelving, organizing irrigation, etc.).

3. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants in artificial gardens without soil.

Home hydroponic installation is a progressive agricultural growing technology that produces high yields.

Remember how, as a child, during school classes, the teacher wrapped a bulb in wet cotton wool, and after two weeks it sprouted. This is the essence of hydroponics in its primitive form.

Advantages of the technology:

  • maximum profitability;
  • use of small areas;
  • there is no need to spend money on fertilizing the soil;
  • you can grow onions on shelves;
  • independence from weather conditions;
  • reduction in the time required for forcing feathers to marketable condition (about 16 days).

Hydroponics has one drawback: it is expensive. But this method is one of the most promising, suitable for those who want to build a reliable and stable business.


Onions contain almost all the vitamins and microelements necessary for humans and improve immunity. Therefore, green onions are in demand all year round. Only the price of the product changes - in the summer it is cheap, in the cold season the price increases several times.

Business registration

Industrial cultivation of onions as a business requires mandatory registration with government agencies. Without proper registration, no wholesale buyer will cooperate with you. First, you need to choose a form of doing business – LLC or individual entrepreneur.

Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can register yourself; to do this, contact the tax office at your place of residence.

If there is not enough time to collect documents, this can be done by a specialized law firm for a fee.

Financial calculations

If you want to build a serious business with big profits, choose high-tech methods. Despite the need for large investments, you will get a profitable business that will quickly recoup the investment.

Let's look at the approximate costs for installing a hydroponic system. They largely depend on the level of automation, materials, and varieties. Onion cultivation will be carried out in its own premises measuring 50 m² by installing racks - which will increase the total area to 80 m².

Financial business plan: start-up investment:

  • purchase of lamps – $150;
  • purchase of wires (100 meters) – $50;
  • lighting installation – $50;
  • shelving (2 floors) – $200;
  • shelving tubs, $500;
  • installation of a working surface (for preparing planting material) – $150;
  • hydroponic technologies (without automation): compressors, hoses, pumps – $400;
  • additional hydroponic installations – $300.

As can be seen from the calculations, the initial costs are $1,800.

Monthly costs for 1 cycle of growing green onions:

  • purchase of sedimentary material – $150;
  • lighting costs – $10;
  • heating costs (in cold weather) – $40;
  • watering costs – $20.

Total – $220 per month.

Profit calculation and implementation methods

Based on the example, the output in one cycle can be approximately 550 kg of finished product - green onions. For further implementation, you can choose one of the methods:

  1. independent sale;

By organizing several sales points, the price for 1 kg of onion feathers can be set at $4. This will add costs for organizing a retail space and additional personnel. If you plan to sell the product in bulk, the price will drop to $2.

Each of the proposed options has its pros and cons. If you find a wholesale buyer, then in 16-22 days you can earn $1,100 (550 kg x $2). The net profit in this case will be $880 (1100-220).

At home

If you are not ready to invest a lot of money at the start of your business, you can organize growing onions at home for a small part-time job. The technology is absolutely simple.

In the warm season, you can plant onions in your garden plot; in winter, you can install small racks in your apartment or organize a place on the windowsill.

In this case, starting investments are needed to install small racks and purchase seeding material ($100-200).

Forcing green onions in the basement:

Commercial offers

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Business plan for growing green onions

  • How much money do you need to start a business growing green onions?
  • Fixed expenses
  • Sales of green onions
  • How much can you earn by growing green onions?
  • Step-by-step plan for starting a green onion growing business
  • How to choose equipment for business
  • Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?
  • What documents are needed to open a business?
  • Which tax system to choose
  • Do I need permission to open?
  • Business opening technology

We bring to your attention a business plan (feasibility study) for opening a greenhouse farm for growing green onions with total area 500 sq. m. This is a small greenhouse complex that can actually be located in the conditions of a personal subsidiary plot.

How much money do you need to start a business growing green onions?

Let's start by calculating the financial costs of organizing the project. According to some reports, it costs about 4,000 rubles to build one square meter of a greenhouse with partial automation and microclimate.

Accordingly, the construction of a greenhouse measuring 500 square meters. m. will cost 2 million rubles. In addition, it is worth considering the cost of purchasing planting material (50 thousand rubles.

), registration of a land plot (150 thousand rubles), installation of communications (100 thousand rubles) and purchase of a car for transporting grown products (500 thousand rubles).

Thus, the minimum investment to open a business will be 2.8 million rubles.

Fixed expenses

The main expenses of a greenhouse farm for growing green onions are related to payment wages and energy costs.

To ensure normal operation, the farm needs: 2 greenhouse workers (planting, cutting, packing plants), 1 handyman, accountant (can be outsourced), driver (product delivery).

The wage fund for such a team is at least 100 thousand rubles per month or 1.2 million rubles per year.

At a price of 6 rubles per kW/hour, annual electricity costs will be 739,896 rubles.

Approximately 16,500 cubic meters are consumed for gas heating. meters per year (for a greenhouse of 500 sq. m.

), what in in monetary terms corresponds to 32,871 rubles of funds spent.

Other expenses are associated with the purchase of packaging material, fertilizers, seeds, costs of renting a land plot (if the plot is not owned), and payment of taxes (STS). Approximately, this costs about 1.4 thousand rubles per square meter. For a greenhouse measuring 500 sq. m. will require 700 thousand rubles per year.

Hence, the total annual cost of maintaining the greenhouse is 2.64 million rubles.

Download a greenhouse business plan from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

Sales of green onions

The sale of green onions, according to the business plan, will be carried out in several ways:

  • Make wholesale deliveries to retail grocery stores and retail chains. To work with stores, large volumes of production and high-quality packaging of goods (for example, in stretch film) are required.
  • Offer green onions to wholesale resellers. In this case, the price will be slightly lower, but there will be no need for packaging the goods and less headaches with sales.
  • Supply the product to processing industries and catering enterprises (cafes, restaurants).

How much can you earn by growing green onions?

Green onions are a profitable plant. From one kilogram of planting material (bulbs) you can get up to 2 kilograms of green onions.

Some technologies (for example, bridge planting) make it possible to place up to 800 bulbs on one square meter. On one square meter you can grow up to 5 kg of green onions in a month. Accordingly, from 500 sq. m.

The output will be about 2500 kg per month. The wholesale price of green onions in the spring and winter is 150 rubles. per kilogram.

Thus, the revenue of the greenhouse farm, subject to 100% sales of all grown products, will be 375 thousand rubles. In a year, taking into account the non-seasonal summer period (income is 2 times less), you can earn up to 4 million rubles.

The profit of a greenhouse farm for growing green onions, according to business plan calculations, will be: 4,000,000 - 2,640,000 = 1,360,000 rubles. With such indicators, the project pays for itself in just over two years. Business profitability is 51%.

This is a full-fledged, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain.

Business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments

10. Conclusions

  1. Conducting a situational analysis of the greenhouse business in the region.
  2. Market research.
  3. Drawing up a business plan.
  4. Purchase of greenhouses, arrangement of warehouses.
  5. Business registration.
  6. Purchase of seed material.
  7. Preparation of equipment.
  8. Starting a business.

To grow green onions, it is necessary to equip the room with instantaneous water heaters, with the help of which warm watering of the plants will be carried out. It is ideal when the crop is grown on purchased soil using fertilizers. For lighting you will need ultraviolet light lamps.

All equipment can be purchased in specialized stores. Many offer discounts for bulk purchases.

You can shorten the growing period for greens and increase productivity by using the aeroponics growing method. The technology will require special equipment costing about 4 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m. It is advisable to use it for areas over 100 sq. m. m.

Don’t forget about equipment for packaging finished products. It is easier and more profitable to purchase devices in online stores.

Which OKVED code to indicate when registering a business?

  • 12.2 – entrepreneurship in the field of agriculture.
  • 12.1 – growing vegetables.

What documents are needed to open a business?

Growing green onions for your own purposes is not a commercial activity.

But if you engage in a business of growing greens, you will need to register with the tax service.

To legalize your activity, it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur by providing a photocopy of your passport, an application and a receipt for payment of the state duty.

Which tax system to choose

For a business growing green onions, it is best to apply the Unified Agricultural Tax of 6%.

Do I need permission to open?

Running a greenhouse business does not require licensing or certification.

Business opening technology

You can grow onions for greens in glass, polycarbonate or film greenhouses. Glass greenhouses are much more expensive, but allow you to grow greens year-round.

Film greenhouses are most often used by entrepreneurs at the initial stage of doing business. Polycarbonate greenhouses are the golden mean for growing.

The modern device is durable, durable and allows you to grow crops in the cold season.

Onions can be grown in 2 ways: from sets and seeds. The choice of agricultural technology depends on the equipment and the desired result.

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How to open an onion growing business from scratch: profitability, costs

The business of growing green onions has high profitability and return on initial costs (~1 year) and year-round demand.

Green onions contain more than 7 beneficial vitamins that maintain health and immunity.

The production itself does not require complex technological equipment, and the use of hydroponics and aeroponics systems significantly increases productivity. In this article we will look at a business plan for growing onions from scratch with calculations.

Advantages and disadvantages of onion growing business

Green onion feathers are a source of various vitamins and nutrients: phytoncides and enzymes. Green onions contain in 100 g: the daily requirement of vitamin C to maintain immunity, phosphorus to strengthen tooth enamel, vitamin A (beta-carotene), vitamin B1 (thiamine) - regulates protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, B2 (riboflavin), B3 (niacin), B9 (folic acid), E (tekeforol) - has a positive effect on hair, nails and skin. Green onions are used to treat vitamin deficiency and reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood - this makes it a healthy and attractive product.

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Let's consider several agricultural points to increase productivity:

  1. The quantity and quality of onion feathers are not related to the size of the bulb itself. It makes no sense to use a root crop weighing 50 grams and a diameter of 5-6 cm for forcing. Such planting material can only be planted if the bulb has already begun to germinate.
  2. The optimal size of root vegetables for organizing a business project is from 25 to 40 g and with a diameter of no more than 4 cm. The root vegetable itself should not be damaged!
  3. Determine in what conditions green onions will be grown - in the field or in greenhouses. Polycarbonate greenhouses are recommended because they have good illumination and transparency. The best varieties for the greenhouse are: Troitsky, Bessonovsky and Spassky onion varieties. You can increase productivity by using multi-bud onions(feather yield can be up to 10 kg per 1 sq.m.)!
  4. To harvest a quick harvest, the temperature in the greenhouse should not fall below 10-15 degrees; lamps can be used to maintain it.
  5. It is better to plant onions in greenhouses next to tomatoes, eggplants or beets - this will saturate the soil with the necessary elements.
  6. To reduce the cost of purchasing planting material, the cost of which is from 5 to 10 rubles per kilogram, it is more advisable to grow root crops from seeds (“chernushki”).

One of the fastest planting methods is the strip method, when onions are planted in furrows made at a distance of 1-4 cm and after the gap is covered with earth.

Let's consider the technology of growing onions on an industrial scale. There are two approaches to onion production: growing in open ground and in a greenhouse.

Outdoor harvest

Not only seeds – “nigella”, but also small bulbs – wild oatmeal – are used as planting material. Fine root vegetables are obtained as a result of dense sowing of onion seeds.

Oatmeal is planted in open ground several weeks before the first frost; with the onset of spring warmth, the first shoots appear. On average, onions take 21 days to grow. In March, it is necessary to remove snow from the area, water the onions with warm water and apply fertilizers that stimulate growth.

As a result of such actions, the harvest will be obtained two weeks ahead of schedule.

Onion seeds are planted for the purpose of growing planting material and feathers for sale.

If you plan to get wild oatmeal, carry out sowing work from the second half of spring until the beginning of summer. Best time to start a business - autumn.

Planting for onion feathers is carried out from August to September, the seeds are left to overwinter in the ground and the first harvest is harvested in the spring.

Forcing onions in a greenhouse

According to experts, the use of greenhouse space significantly increases the profitability of the project (Read: business plan for opening a greenhouse in a country house).

To obtain a large harvest, planting material is soaked for twelve hours in water at a temperature of +35-38 degrees and then kept at a temperature of +29-30 degrees for 24 hours.

The planting method is chosen depending on the time of year and the degree of illumination. The bridge scheme is used for forcing until the second half of February.

Methods for increasing green onion yield

To increase the yield of onion feathers, you can use the following approaches:

  • Loosening the soil - allows you to deliver oxygen to the onion horse system. Do not allow the formation of a hard crust on the soil surface! 2-3 days after watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil.
  • Watering onions - water is one of the main nutrient media for feather growth, so you should water it 2 times a week! If the climate is extremely hot and dry, the frequency of watering can reach 3 times a week. Also, the younger the onion, the more moisture it requires.
  • Fertilizing onions - when watering, nitroammophoska solutions are added to the water to enhance feather growth. It is recommended to use fertilizer after the first cut to stimulate further feather growth.
  • Weed removal - Keep the soil clear of weeds and other crops. If dill is planted between the beds when growing onions, this is not done when growing onions.
  • Covering the bed for the winter - in winter, the onions are covered with 3-3.5 cm of humus or straw and peat.

Growing a crop is only half the success, the other half is the sale and sale of onion feathers. The product is perishable, so it is important to create a sales network even before planting.

On average, the monthly production volume will be from 300 to 500 kg, the cost varies from 10 to 60 rubles per kilogram, depending on the season of the year. In winter, the cost does not fall below 100 rubles, since below this threshold it is no longer profitable. Let's consider possible points of sale of the crop:

Which form of business should you choose?

Let's analyze various shapes business in the table below.

Form of business organization Benefits of use
Private household plot (private household plot)This form is used only individuals to sell products to large distributors. Possibility of organization if there is a plot of up to 2 hectares., simple requirements You only need to obtain a certificate from the local administration that this plot belongs to you and is used for growing onions.
IP (individual entrepreneur)This form is used for self-selling products. Individual entrepreneur status gives the manufacturer legal force and allows him to organize the implementation himself. Possibility to create a sales network. The process of product certification is becoming more complicated.
LLC (company with limited liability) This form is used for additional business financing through agricultural loans and when hiring employees. Suitable for working with shops and wholesale centers.
Peasant farm (peasant farm)This form is used to attract partners to your business. Peasant farms simplified by the form of LLP (limited liability partnership), as well as individual entrepreneurs and LLCs, are endowed with legal force. It is possible to work with stores and wholesale suppliers.

Initially, you can register as a private household plot and start selling in small quantities, to set up all production processes and sales channels.

Private household plots do not pay taxes on any volume of production.

To scale production and increase sales, you need to register as individual entrepreneur.

For an individual entrepreneur optimal choice of taxation system for producers of agricultural products, a single agricultural tax (USAT).

Tax rate - 6%

-lesson “Unified Agricultural Tax”

Total investment costs, profitability of the business project

Investment costs for the implementation of the project: costs for registering private household plots, individual entrepreneurs, LLCs or peasant farms (~10,000 rubles), rent of a land plot, technical equipment, planting material

Area for planting onions

The minimum production area that can provide profit is one hundred square meters for growing feathers and 30 m2 for storing the crop. If you follow all recommendations and technological process on one hundred square meters you can grow from 300 to 600 kg. onion feather.

Practical lesson on creating a greenhouse

Watch a practical video tutorial on how to make a greenhouse with your own hands for growing green onions.

Technical equipment

In this expense item, you need to take into account the lighting system, watering, heating, and equipment for processing seedlings. If you plan to sell the crop to supermarkets, you will need consumables for packaging the products.

Planting material

This is the main expense item, because the quality of the planting material determines the volume of the harvest and the demand for it, and therefore the profitability of the entire project.

The half-bridge planting method requires 3 to 6 kg. for every square meter, the yield ranges from 12 to 15 kg. per square meter.

With the bridge planting method, the volume of planting material increases to 8-12 kg. per square meter.

It must be taken into account that the financial investments when growing crops in open ground and in greenhouse conditions differ.

The profitability of a business in the field under favorable circumstances can reach 50%, while the economic efficiency of a project in a greenhouse does not exceed 30%. There are objective justifications for this:

To organize a green onion business, you need a starting capital of at least 100-150 thousand rubles, the payback period is from 6 to 12 months.

Also, if you do not have your own land plot, the cost of the project will increase by the amount of rental payments.

One of the highly profitable types of business is growing roses in a greenhouse; the profitability of such a project reaches 300%.

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We are drawing up a business plan for growing green onions: where to start?

  • We draw up a business plan
  • Assessing our capabilities
  • Choosing seedlings
  • Care and prevention
  • Deciding on sales options

Growing green onions as a business is characterized by high returns, which are due to the stable demand for products throughout the year, the unpretentiousness of onions compared to other crops, as well as high profitability, since this business requires relatively small initial investments.

We draw up a business plan

There are a lot of pitfalls in green business. But the most important thing that you should have when implementing a project for growing green onions, in addition to desire, is a solid business plan, when drawing up which you should pay special attention to the following issues:

  • study of demand, selection of product sales options;
  • identification and assessment of production options (growing in open ground, greenhouse, garage, basement, etc.), cost analysis;

This is the most important thing that will make up your business plan. The more carefully you approach this section, the less likely it is that unexpected costs will arise in the future that could negate all your efforts;

  • drawing up a production map (selection of varieties, planning the harvest schedule).

Establishing the process is half the battle; it is important to learn how to manage it correctly. Therefore, the next step towards implementing your business project is planning a cost-effective harvest schedule.

Compose " production plan" This is necessary in order to get the maximum return at the most suitable periods (on New Year, Easter, March 8, etc.

), when the demand and cost of greens increase 2-3 times.

Of course, it is easiest to plant and harvest in the summer.

The ideal option in this case would be to have your own plot of land, since seeds, fertilizers and a greenhouse are all you need.

During the warm period of the year, growing green onions gives the greatest return, the profitability is at least 50-60%.

When choosing a place to grow, you need to take into account the climatic conditions in your region. Please note that green onions grow and feel great at temperatures of 14-17 degrees above zero. In the southern regions, a greenhouse covered with plastic film is suitable.

The cost of this material is significantly lower than that of glass and polycarbonate, but it copes remarkably well with the functions assigned to it, perfectly transmitting sunlight and heat.

In regions with colder climates, a polycarbonate greenhouse can be used, but it will cost more.

Some entrepreneurs practice growing greens in greenhouses using the hydroponics method, in which plants are not planted in soil, but their roots are placed in a special liquid enriched with a complex of nutrients.

This method of growing green onions has two serious advantages. Firstly, this will significantly shorten the growth period.

Secondly, this method makes it possible to use a multi-level system of beds in special hanging flowerbeds in greenhouses, which will increase the volume of the harvest several times over.

However, it should be noted that this approach to organizing the cultivation of green onions has a serious disadvantage. According to many experts, onions grown using the hydroponics method are significantly inferior in taste to crops harvested from the ground.

Firstly, in this case you will provide your future harvest with a stable microclimate and optimal temperature conditions, and you will be able to minimize the dependence of the result on external weather conditions.

Secondly, the process of watering and fertilizing greenhouse beds is much simpler and better quality than the entire garden as a whole. And with timely watering and weeding, the yield of cold-resistant crops will increase at least 2 times.

Thirdly, growing green onions in a greenhouse from March to November will allow you to increase your yield by 5-6 times by extending the gardening season.

If there is no suitable free plot of land, you can start a business in a garage or cellar. It should be noted that by planting onions at different periods in protected and open ground, you can get optimal returns, getting a harvest throughout the year.

Onions can be planted as bulbs and their seeds can be sown. In greenhouses, greens are usually grown from bulbs.

Growing plants from seeds is not the best solution; the sprouts are weak, grow slower and require more care.

It is the bulbs that have properties that are significantly superior to those of seeds: onions grow several times faster and differ favorably in taste.

For planting, purchase quality material.

Producers from Holland (varieties Dutch Yellow, Red Baron, Spirit F1, Exhibition, Margit F1) and Japan (varieties Nagaoka King, Nubuka Green) achieved the greatest selective effect of their seedlings. Among the products of German breeders for early greens, pay attention to the Stuttgarter Riesen variety.

To get maximum results when drawing up a business plan for growing green onions, pay special attention to the selection of types and varieties of planting material, as well as methods for growing green onions at different times of the year. Knowing the basic biology of different onion varieties and their growing requirements will allow you to maximize your profits.

For example, onions are not suitable for growing in a greenhouse in autumn and winter, since at this time they are deeply dormant. In addition, this bow is particularly demanding of light.

In the fall, you need to plant perennial varieties of onions, they do not have a dormant period: multi-tiered, slime, chives. Already from November you can plant onions.

From December you can profitably grow shallots in winter greenhouses.

The main conditions for growing quality products are healthy, nutritious, weed-free soil and uniform moisture. It is equally important to ensure regular loosening of the soil throughout the entire period of growing green onions.

The use of high-quality fertilizers and chemicals to combat insect pests will help minimize losses during the growth of green onions.

Do not believe manufacturers who claim that they do not use chemicals when growing greens - this is just a publicity stunt.

Currently, there are many gentle chemicals, the use of which will not only protect your products from pests, but also give them an excellent presentation. Include the appropriate expense item in your plan.

When drawing up a business plan for growing green onions, the issue of selling the crop is of no small importance. The simplest and least troublesome way is to sell to wholesale buyers. The main disadvantage of this option for selling greens is the minimum price.

You can rent a spot at the food market. The price of the goods is an order of magnitude higher than that of wholesalers, but there are also disadvantages here - additional costs for renting a retail space and paying the seller.

An excellent alternative distribution channel is to supply products to a store, supermarket or restaurant.

If you choose direct sales through stores as an option for selling onions, be sure to include the cost of packaging finished products in your business plan for organizing the cultivation of green onions. Therefore, contact food packaging suppliers in advance and conclude appropriate contracts.

When choosing marketing options, remember that green onions are a delicate, perishable product that cannot be stored for long. This will protect you from unwanted problems and losses.

Take the process of getting acquainted with this type of business extremely carefully. If you pay close attention to each point of your business plan, you can avoid many unnecessary problems and turn growing green onions into a highly profitable and, possibly, family business.

Ready-made business plan for growing green onions in a greenhouse

Fresh vegetables are especially popular among the population.

Most preference is given to vegetables from local producers who do not use chemical elements to maintain freshness and extend shelf life.

In connection with this fact, we can safely assume that a business plan for growing green onions in a greenhouse will find its buyer and will have large sales volumes.

How much money will it take to open?

An example of a business plan for growing green onions in greenhouses begins with preliminary calculations of all the costs that the owner of the organization will face. In our case, the greenhouse will be built from scratch.

In addition to all this, we will need to buy planting material, which will cost 50 thousand rubles. 150 thousand rubles will be required to register a land plot.

To bring communications to the greenhouse, we will give another 100 thousand rubles. The most important thing in all this is the purchase vehicle for transportation of finished products to the place of their sale.

The cost of its purchase will be 500 thousand rubles.

Growing onions in a greenhouse

Thus, in order to open your own business and draw up a business plan for growing onions from scratch, you need to have 2 million 800 thousand rubles on hand.

Fixed costs that the owner will face

The main expenses of a greenhouse that will be encountered in the process of growing onions are the payment of employees of the organization and costs associated with electricity.

For the greenhouse to fully operate, two employees will be required to maintain it, whose responsibilities will include planting onions, cutting them and packaging them for transportation.

One general worker, driver, for delivery across retail outlets finished product. We will outsource all issues related to accounting to a third party under an outsourcing agreement.

The amount of wages for all employees will be 100 thousand rubles every month and 1 million 200 thousand rubles annually.

Also, the main costs will go to public utilities. It will cost about 740 thousand a year and about 62 thousand rubles monthly to pay for electricity. Gas heating will cost us almost 33 thousand rubles per month.

The remaining costs of the greenhouse will be related directly to the finished product itself - its packaging, transportation, purchase of fertilizers and new material for the next planting. For all this, as well as for paying taxes, you will have to spend 700 thousand annually or about 58 thousand monthly.

Thus, in order to maintain the greenhouse throughout the year, we will need to spend 2 million 540 thousand rubles.

Sales of finished products

A ready-made business plan for growing green onions in a greenhouse also assumes the presence of sales channels.

There are several options:

  1. Deliver products according to grocery stores batches, based on bulk purchases. But for this we need high-quality packaging for onions and large production volumes.
  2. Carry out wholesale sales through resellers. There are both pros and cons here. The purchase cost will be much lower, but you won’t have to worry about packaging the finished product.
  3. Organize supplies to public catering chains.

Sales of onions to wholesale buyers

Amount of possible earnings

A sample business plan for growing green onions in greenhouse conditions also includes preliminary calculations for possible earnings. It is important to know that from one kilogram of planting material we can already get 2 kilograms of finished products.

There is a special planting technology, thanks to which up to 800 bulbs can be planted on one square meter of land and a harvest of 5 kilograms can be harvested.

Therefore, if we have a greenhouse with an area of ​​500 square meters and plant it all using this technology, we can harvest 2.5 thousand kilograms of green onions every month.

Thus, if we adhere to the figures provided by the business plan for growing green onions, then when we deduct constant monthly expenses from this amount, we will receive a net profit of the organization in the amount of 1 million 360 thousand. Full return on investment in this business will occur two years after the start of sales.

Step-by-step plan for opening a greenhouse

This stage includes the following steps:

  1. The first step is to conduct market research and determine the popularity of this type of product among buyers.
  2. Study in detail possible sales channels.
  3. Develop a business plan for growing green onions.
  4. Register your future business.
  5. Buy the required amount of material for sowing.
  6. Prepare equipment.
  7. Start launching your business.

What equipment should you choose?

In order to start growing onions, we will need to purchase flow-through water heaters for the entire greenhouse. With their help, watering with warm water will occur. To illuminate and promote rapid growth, you should buy ultraviolet lamps.

We must buy all this in a specialized store and preferably in bulk, which will be much cheaper than buying individually.

With all this, do not forget about the packaging material of the finished product.

Flow system for greenhouse

OKVED code

In our case, two codes may be suitable: 12.2 - entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector and 12.1 - growing vegetables.

List of required documentation

If you grow vegetables for your own consumption, you do not need to obtain any permission.

But, if it is subject to sale, then we must register with the tax office. For the business to be legal, registration of an individual entrepreneur is required.

To do this, we just need to provide a passport, an application and pay the state fee.

Tax system

In our case, it will be the unified agricultural tax, and its size will be 6%.

Permission to open

Greenhouse business is not classified as licensed and is not subject to certification.

Opening technology

To grow green onions, you can use three types of greenhouses: glass, film and polycarbonate.

The third option is the best, as it has great durability and allows you to grow vegetables all year round.

The onion itself can be grown both from seeds and from sets.

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