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How to write an application for the recalculation of water. How to write an application for the recalculation of utility bills. What evidence to collect

Utilities are supplied to the apartment on the basis of a contract. It is concluded with the organization responsible for the supply of electricity, water and gas. The provisions of the agreement and reflect the cases, upon the occurrence of which a recalculation can be made. The procedure is regulated by Government Decree No. 354. Legal act allows tenants to exercise control over the correct calculation of payments and demand a reduction in their size if there are legislative conditions.

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The procedure for recalculation according to Resolution 354

The recalculation is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 6, 2011 No. 354. To perform the actions, you will need to submit an application to the accounting department of the management company. The paper must be supplemented with documents confirming the existence of legal grounds for recalculation.

If a citizen does not have supporting documentation, charging a fee for public utilities will be carried out in full. If a person has made untimely payment for utility services, fines and penalties may be charged. The process is regulated by Article 155 of the Housing Code.

Important! Upon receipt of the application, the specialists of the management company will consider it. Special attention will be given to accompanying documentation. If all securities meet the requirements, recalculation will be performed.

Despite the norms of the current legislation, service providers are in no hurry to recalculate the accrued amounts. In some situations, it will be quite problematic to prove the correctness. If the citizen was refused, it is necessary to demand that the fact of rejection of the application be formalized in writing. The paper will allow you to write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office. Management companies are afraid of inspections. Therefore, the likelihood of contacting the above authorities increases the loyalty of organizations, and they can change a previously made decision.

If this does not happen, it is necessary to write a statement to the controlling authority. The document must describe the situation and supplement it with the refusal of public utilities and other papers confirming the correctness of the citizen. The application will be subject to verification. If the implementation of the action did not lead to a positive result, you can apply to the court. If a person is confident that he is right, it is worth seeking a reduction in the amounts in the payment.

Grounds for recalculation

Employees of the management company will agree to recalculate only if there are legal grounds. The reason for contacting the organization may be the absence of a tenant in the apartment for more than 5 days. The rules apply only if there are no meters in the room. If the equipment is installed, it will not be possible to recalculate for the following services:

  • gas supply;
  • supply of warm and hot water;
  • heating;
  • payment for community needs.

Specialists will recalculate the fee for using the elevator and garbage disposal, regardless of whether the installation of counters has been completed.

You can also apply for a recalculation in the event of poor-quality services or a break in their submission. Today, there are a number of rules governing the specifics of the supply of water, gas and electricity. Recalculation will not be performed if the break:

  1. In the supply of cold water did not exceed more than 4 hours at a time. In total, interruptions can reach up to 8 hours per month. At the same time, the quality and pressure of the water should not change.
  2. In wastewater, the total was no more than 480 minutes per month and did not exceed 4 hours at a time.
  3. In the supply of heating in total did not exceed a day. At a time, the suspension of the provision of services is allowed for 960 minutes if the temperature in the room exceeds 12 degrees, for 8 hours if the temperature indicators are set at 10-12 degrees, for 4 hours at 8 degrees Celsius. Slight temperature fluctuations are acceptable. The indicator may deviate from the established norm upwards up to 4 degrees, and downwards up to 3 degrees, if a break in the heating supply occurred from 00:00 to 5:00 hours.
  4. In the supply of hot water was no more than 8 hours in 30 days, and once - no more than 4 hours. In the event of an accident, the break can be extended up to a day. The temperature of the liquid may deviate from the norm within 3-5 degrees. The quality of the water must remain unchanged.
  5. In the gas supply amounted to a total of no more than 240 minutes. The quality of the gas must remain the same. Non-compliance with the requirements will be the reason for recalculation.
  6. In the power supply was no more than 120 minutes if 2 power supplies are present. The indicator rises to one day if the power source is 1. The quality of the power supply should not change.

The basis for reducing the amount of payments is not only the application of a citizen. The action can be performed after the implementation of scheduled checks.

Recalculation of utilities in case of temporary absence

If a citizen leaves the apartment for more than 5 days, you can contact the accounting department, the company serving the house, and submit an application for recalculation. The document must be issued in two copies. One of them is transferred to the management company, and the second remains with the citizen.

On the form belonging to the applicant, it is necessary to put a mark on the completion of the acceptance of the application.

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Important! The paper should reflect the data of all tenants who are temporarily absent. Additionally, you must put down the date of departure and return to the property. The day of departure for the trip and the moment of arrival are not included in the recalculation.

The submitted application will be reviewed and a decision will be made. Refusal to comply with the norms of the current legislation may be the reason for applying to the regulatory authorities or the court. The application must be supplemented by an evidence base. If it is absent, it will be problematic to reduce the amount of payments.

List of documents

Before contacting the accounting department of the managing organization, you will need to prepare a package of documents. The probability of reducing the amount of payment depends on the papers provided. Documentation is provided as a copy. It must be certified by the authority that issued it. The rule does not apply to tickets. To confirm that a citizen has not appeared in the apartment for more than 5 days, you will need to provide:

  • tickets confirming the date of arrival and departure of a citizen;
  • a certificate from a garden or dacha partnership confirming residence on the territory of the organization for a certain period;
  • bills for a hotel, hotel or hostel;
  • certificate of treatment in a medical organization;
  • a document confirming that the citizen was in another city on behalf of the employer and performed an official assignment;
  • a certificate from the company protecting the territory, confirming that there was no one in the property;
  • other documents to confirm that the person was absent from the property for more than 5 days.

A certificate from the company involved in the protection of the premises can only be obtained if an appropriate contract has been concluded.

If the reason for the recalculation was the poor-quality provision of services, you will need to call the dispatch service and report the situation. Representatives of the organization will record the complaint. Then an examination will be carried out. As a result of its implementation, it will be revealed whether the quality of the services provided does not meet the requirements. The result of the action is the provision to the applicant of an act on the work done. The document must be attached to the application and contact the accounting department of the management company.

Sample application for recalculation of utilities

For an application to be accepted, it must be written correctly. It is necessary to contact the authorized organization within 30 days from the date of arrival. The application must include the following information:

  • information about all residents living on the property;
  • period of absence of a citizen;
  • the reason for applying for recalculation;
  • residential address.

The application reflects the exact period of absence of tenants. The document must reflect the time of departure and the date of arrival. The application must be supplemented with documentation confirming the absence of citizens. An application for recalculation can be submitted without additional papers, but only if the person applies to management company before leaving. When the citizen returns, he will have to provide all the necessary documents. In a different situation, it is not worth counting on a reduction in the amount of utility bills. The accrual will occur in accordance with standard norms.

Important! The application must be made in writing. It is signed and dated. The paper is issued in 2 copies. There is no legally fixed form of the document. The paper must indicate the reason for the appeal.

If a person is faced with the need to file an application for recalculation for the first time, he may encounter difficulties. To avoid them, it is recommended to use finished sample statements. It will help minimize the chances of making mistakes.

Where to go for recalculation

An application must be submitted to the accounting department of the managing organization. If for some reason the representatives of the company refuse to accept the application, but the person is sure that he is right, he can initiate an audit by contacting Rospotrebnadzor.

In the event that the implementation of the action does not produce results, it is required to file an application with the court. The application must be accompanied by complete list supporting documentation. If it is missing, you will not be able to prove your case. Therefore, experts advise taking care of the formation of the evidence base in advance.

Terms of recalculation of utilities

Having received an application from a citizen who wants to recalculate the fee that was charged for housing and communal services, employees of the management company will register the received document. The applicant's copy will be stamped with acceptance. Then there will be a consideration of the requirements of the citizen. The procedure takes 10 days. When the period ends, the service provider is obliged to respond. It is in writing. The paper can be provided during a personal visit by a citizen to the company's office or sent by mail to the address of the person's residence. The procedure is performed if the reason for the recalculation is the absence of residents in the apartment.

If a citizen wants to return part of the money due to interruptions in supply or quality of service, the application and complaint are recorded in the fact log. Based on the applicant's request, an audit should be carried out. After its implementation, a written response is provided containing the proposed way out of the current situation.

When a complaint is received, the dispatcher of the organization must agree on the date and time of the incident. The act on the work done is provided to the client no later than three days from the date of receipt of the conclusion drawn up by the expert.

Important! If the correctness of the applicant is proved, the utility fee is recalculated. Overpaid cash may be issued in kind or carried over to subsequent months. Usually the capital is carried over to the next month. In this situation, the supplier is obliged to take this fact into account and adjust the fee.

If a person wants to receive capital in kind, you will need to write an application to the management company. Sometimes it becomes necessary to submit a similar paper to the bank. The procedure for receiving money that was paid in excess of the measure back is very long. It is much more profitable to leave the capital on a personal account and send it to subsequently reduce the amount of utility bills.

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The opportunity to recalculate in the direction of decreasing (increasing) the cost of services provided by housing and communal services organizations appeared for Russians 9 years ago - in 2006.

Since then, you can pay less for cold batteries or power outages, and if no one lives in the apartment, you can not pay at all. The exception is payment for heating and services of the housing office, HOA or management company.

In accordance with "Regulations on the procedure for recalculating rent and utility bills" You can recalculate the size in the following cases:

  1. If no one lives in the apartment for a certain time or there are fewer people than the one for which the fee is calculated. An important point is the documentary evidence of absence (long-term).
  2. If the family received (its income per member is less than the subsistence level), then the payment for housing and communal services is reduced. The poorest families can pay as little as 6.33% of their income for utilities.
  3. If the services were not provided in full or they were of inadequate quality. For example, rusty water flowed from a tap or garbage was not taken out for a long time.

You can reduce the amount only for paying for garbage collection, water supply, sewerage, gas, water heating. You will have to pay for heating and services of the Housing Office or Homeowners' Association in the prescribed amount.

All grounds for reducing the amount of payment must be supported by documents. This is a prerequisite, without which the case will not move forward.

Change of payment in the direction of decrease or increase

Establishment higher service fees initiated by employees utilities without prior submission of user applications for recalculation.

The reasons for this may be various unauthorized actions of the tenant, which entailed the use of services in a larger volume than the payment made:

For this type of recalculation, housing and communal services workers use special formulas.

For example, if a tenant without permission cut a tap into a water supply pipe bypassing the meter, he will be charged a certain amount for payment. When calculating it, the cross section of the pipe and its filling with water around the clock are taken into account.

Downward service recalculated at the initiative of the consumer. This can be done if the volume or quality of services does not match. established standards or absence of tenants in the apartment.

The quality of services is determined in the norms of SanPiN, Rules for the provision of public services, contracts between consumers and suppliers. Breaks in the supply of gas, electricity, water are permissible, but in each case a specific break period is set. If it exceeds the real one, you can reduce the payment for this service.

Breaks caused by accidents, breakdowns, natural conditions are not the reason for reducing the cost of the board.

Poor service delivery

For each type of service, there are:

It is not the temperature of the water in the batteries that is considered, but the air temperature in different rooms. So, for a living room - this is 18-20 degrees of heat, bath and toilet - 25 degrees, kitchen - 18 degrees.

If some rooms in the apartment have two walls facing the street (corner), then the temperature should be at least 20 degrees.

With even a slight deviation, you can apply for a recalculation of utility bills.

Service interruption

A break in the provision of housing and communal services is the basis for reducing the amount of payment. What can be considered a break:

Anything that exceeds these figures may be considered a service interruption. In this case, you can safely apply for a reduction in the amount of payment.

How to write an application correctly?

This statement submitted to the service provider. In the application for the recalculation of utilities, it is necessary to write such data as:

Documents on the basis of which the cost of services is recalculated

To confirm that the services were of poor quality, you need to get an act:

  • upon detection of this violation, a written complaint is drawn up and submitted to the company providing services;
  • after one working day, the consumer is given a response about the reasons that caused the deterioration in quality and how to eliminate it;
  • if the supplier disagrees, it is necessary to call a representative of the organization who will make a control measurement, for example, of the air temperature in the apartment or the gas pressure in the system (the call is made by sending a registered letter with notification);
  • if there is no response to the call, a complaint is filed with Rospotrebnadzor.

With an act of improper provision of services (for example, poor heating or water cutoff), an application for the recalculation of utilities for a given period and personal documents must be contact the service provider and wait for the recalculation.

If the tenant was absent from the apartment for a certain time, you can prove this by providing:

You can apply for recalculation if there is no tenant in the apartment more than five days. You can apply before departure, but then the recalculation will apply only for half a year.

If the service provider unreasonably refuses to recalculate, you have the right to apply to the court for a recalculation of the utility bill.

Video: Rules governing the payment of utilities

The report explains the rules on which utility bills are recalculated.

It tells you which services you can not pay if you are away from your place of residence for a long time, and which services cannot be temporarily canceled.

Recalculation for utilities is carried out at the request of the owner of the apartment or house. As a rule, citizens do not agree with the amount charged, because there was an error in the calculations or the overpayment for previous periods was not taken into account. Whatever the reason for the misrepresentation of the amount, the property owner must require verification and recalculation of the amount of payment.

What is meant by recalculation

Every month, owners of apartments and private houses receive receipts for utility bills. Tariffs are determined by management companies and service providers, they also make the actual calculation of the amounts payable in a particular period.
There are various situations that require a revision of the accrued amount of payments. This requires a recalculation. On the basis of an application or oral complaint of a citizen, employees of the management company or service provider initiate a check of previously paid funds and carry out new calculations in accordance with the circumstances that have arisen.

Recalculation can be made if:

  • Calculation errors, including incorrect indication total area apartments and missed payments for the previous period.
  • Absence in the apartment or house of residents for a long period of time (payment for services by the meter in this case should not be made).
  • Poor quality of services (for example, poor water pressure, insufficient temperature of hot water supply, etc.).
  • A complete lack of service (for example, an elevator breakdown, a long water outage, etc.).

Not only the owner of the apartment, but also the tenant can request a recalculation. As a rule, the management company and service providers do not ask for documents, they accept applications from all citizens.

Recalculation for utilities according to Resolution 354

The recalculation of utilities is regulated by Resolution 354, adopted in 2011. In 2018, minor adjustments were made to it. The document establishes the rights of citizens to recalculate, taking into account legal grounds, as well as the procedure and rules for its implementation.
The document stipulates the conditions for the provision of utilities, the frequency of their payment, the calculation procedure and the quality of performance. If a citizen is not satisfied with the quality of public services, if they do not meet the standards, he has the right to demand a recalculation.

Recalculation for utility services: where to go

For the recalculation of utilities, you must contact the management company or the supplier's office. You may need to write an application in two copies. It indicates a request to recalculate the amount of payment for the service and the reasons for the request. The 2019 application form can be downloaded below.

As a rule, an application is written for a revision of a fixed amount of a service, i.e. rent, elevator operation, garbage collection. Its consideration takes place over ten days.
Recalculation of services by meters (water, gas, electricity) is possible if the company's employees took incorrect readings or entered average values, because they did not have access to metering devices. Similar situation may occur in the absence of tenants in the apartment. So, the company will charge the service by setting average indicators that have not yet been used, which indicates the need for recalculation.

In order not to face an unpleasant situation, before leaving an apartment or house, it is worth notifying all companies in advance by writing appropriate statements.

There is a list of services that cannot be recalculated or temporarily suspended at the time of the tenants' departure from the apartment. These include rent, garbage collection, cleaning of entrances, maintenance of elevators, contributions for major repairs. They are paid regardless of whether the tenants lived in the apartment or not. It is possible to apply for recalculation of these services only if there are errors in the calculations and if false data on the area of ​​the premises are indicated.

When you may need to recalculate services by meters

Individual metering devices make it possible to pay for the amount of resources actually spent.

These include:

  1. Electric meters.
  2. Water meters (for cold and hot water).
  3. Counters for heating.
  4. Gas meters.
  5. Electricity meters are installed without fail in each apartment and house, the rest - at the request of the owners. If there are no metering devices, citizens pay for services at average rates.

Recalculation of services by meters may be required in case of:

  • Mismatch of the indicators indicated in the receipt with the actual ones.
  • Violations related to the recording of readings after the installation of the meter.
  • Provision of services of inadequate quality (rusty water, lack of hot water, low voltage).

The first two options involve recalculating the amount based on actual meter readings. The latter makes it possible to reduce payments by a certain percentage. So, the temperature of hot water should be at the level of 60-70 degrees, if it varies within 30-40 degrees, the service can be considered not provided, i.e. there is no mention of any payment.

What documents are needed for recalculation

The list of documents required for recalculation is individual for each case. So, to revise the payment for services on meters, you will need to reconcile the readings and paid receipts for previous periods.
If no one lived in the apartment for a long time, it is possible to provide checks from hotels, a certificate from the employer about being on a business trip, an air ticket, a certificate of temporary registration in another locality.
It is more difficult to achieve recalculation of poor quality services. This is where evidence is required. They may be the conclusion of experts about the inadequate quality of tap water or the complete absence of hot water supply.

Enactment of Government Decree 354 allows citizens to recalculate payments rent under certain conditions.

Based on this document, consumers of housing and communal services can check the correctness of the calculation of payments, as well as demand a reduction subject to certain conditions.

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Can utility bills be recalculated?

Decree 354 was originally adopted by the Government of the Russian Federation in 2011.

Like other laws in it current amendments and changes are made.

New edition PP 354 entered into force at the end of 2015. This legislative act regulates the procedure for generating bills for housing and communal services, establishes consumption standards.

Recalculation can be made by the service provider. Moreover, during the procedure, the amount in the receipt can both decrease and increase. Provider has the right to increase the cost of services If:

  • counters were not verified on time. In this case, payment is made at tariffs that are higher than payment according to the indicators of metering devices;
  • a tie-in into the pipeline was independently made if the diameter of the pipe exceeds the established standards;
  • there are no seals on the meter, or its integrity is broken.

Downward recalculation at the initiative of the consumer is possible if there are no individual or common house meters.

Some housing and communal services not subject to recalculation:

  • heating of residential premises (recalculation can be made only in case of a complete shutdown or at a temperature that does not meet the standards);
  • gas supply for heating purposes;
  • payment for common house needs;
  • sewerage is separate from water supply.

Heating bills are recalculated exclusively through the court. It will be necessary to attach a sufficiently large number of supporting documents.


For what period can I make a recalculation for utilities and under what circumstances is it produced??

To apply for recalculation, weighty grounds are required, listed in Resolution 354:

  1. Prolonged absence of residents(if no one lived in the apartment). A period of absence is considered to be a period of 5 days or more. If several people live in the apartment, recalculation is made when submitting an application from each. New accruals are made based on the number of days of absence.
  2. Complete lack of services. There are standards for the legal shutdown time of services. If the shutdown periods do not exceed these periods, the recalculation of payment should not be made.
  3. Poor quality services. Independent measurements of quality are not recognized by managers, therefore they should be carried out by specialists. When measuring, the water pressure, chemical composition, transparency, temperature of hot water supply are evaluated. If in doubt about the quality of water, you can contact Rospotrebnadzor. When evaluating the power supply, voltage and current strength are measured.

Where to apply?

An application for recalculation is submitted to the management company or directly to the company providing housing and communal services. Contact details are on the receipt.

In case of poor-quality provision of services, it is possible to contact Rospotrebnadzor, Housing Inspectorate.

Depending on the type of contracts concluded and the way the house is managed you can contact:

  • directly to service providers.

Application rules

How to write an application for the recalculation of utilities?

Application for recalculation does not have a fixed form and written in free form general rules execution of this business document.

The following items are required in the application:

  1. The name of the organization the tenant is contacting.
  2. Personal data.
  3. Residential address.
  4. Please make a recalculation indicating the type of service.
  5. The period for which the payment is to be recalculated.
  6. Grounds for recalculation with indication of attachments to the application.

The document can be sent by registered mail with notice and a description of the applications or take it directly to the organization. When submitting papers in person, the application is made in two copies. One is transferred to the employee, and on the other you need to get a signature, seal and registration number of the document.

Sample application for recalculation utility bills You can .

Package of documents

What documents are needed for the recalculation of utilities? The list of attachments to the application depends on the grounds for recalculation and must confirm the facts.

For recalculation due to temporary absence:

  • certificate from the employer on a business trip;
  • certificate of stay in a hospital;
  • checks from the hotel;
  • certificate of temporary registration in another city;
  • certificate from the educational institution;
  • certificate from the HOA about living in a summer cottage.

For recalculation due to inadequate quality of services:

  • an act indicating the date of inspection and the address of the premises;
  • expert opinion.

Each document must be legally correct. Certificates from various organizations must contain their details, seal, signature of the employee, so that it is possible to verify the information indicated in them.


The opportunity to apply exists only within 30 days after the occurrence of grounds for this action. If the need for recalculation is due to the absence, can apply before departure by providing the necessary confirmation. The recalculation will be reflected in the receipt for the next payment period.

When applying before departure, the maximum recalculation period is 6 months. If you do not live for a longer period, a new application must be submitted after six months.

A missed deadline for submitting an application may serve as grounds for refusing to recalculate. If the deadline is missed for a good reason, will have to seek recalculation in court.

According to the law, timely filed and confirmed necessary documents statement due within 5 working days.

If the Criminal Code refuses to recalculate, it must do so in writing with justification of the reasons for refusal. A consumer who is confident in his innocence can contact the prosecutor's office or the court, just observe.


How to recalculate utility bills? Recalculation of a specific type of service depends on the method of calculating the amounts for their payment:

  1. Make adjustments to payments if necessary during the absence of residents all services are recalculated at the same time. The amounts charged for monthly payments are divided by the number of calendar days. After calculating the cost of services for one day, the amount is multiplied by the number of days of absence, and the result is subtracted from the total amount of payments.
  2. Recalculation of gas fees made in the absence of a meter in the apartment. How long is possible? An amount proportional to the days of absence is deducted from the total gas charge.
  3. Recalculation of electricity bills is possible only if the payment was accrued according to the standards, and not according to the meter readings. Sometimes extra kilowatts are charged by mistake of controllers.

In this case, it is necessary to contact the suppliers for re-measurements, and on their basis, recalculate.

Features for heating

It is possible to reduce the amount of payments for heating in case of improper provision of this service.

The basis will be non-compliance temperature regime in room.

It is almost impossible to prove the fact of low temperature if the following factors are present in the room:

  • heat loss due to inadequate quality of door or window blocks. However, with a small heat transfer of heating devices, this fact can be disputed;
  • air locks located in risers. If the housing office employees were not allowed into the apartment to eliminate traffic jams, when applying, the tenants will be refused;
  • insufficient temperature of heating radiators due to proper care of the owners for them. Old radiators must be replaced. If the temperature in the risers meets the standards, and the batteries do not heat up due to blockages in them, the owner must resolve this issue on his own.

It is almost impossible to achieve a reduction in heating bills under these circumstances.

If, during the high-quality operation of the heating equipment, the temperature in the apartment does not reach the prescribed level, the consumer may demand a reduction in payment by doing your own calculations.

There is no general calculation formula, since in each individual case, both the low temperature of the devices and their complete shutdown are taken into account.

Calculations are made as follows:

Calculations for daytime and nighttime are made separately, since the standards for these periods are different.

Prove the fact of violation of standards can only be provided by providing official temperature measurements made by an initiative group of residents or a special commission.

How to force the service provider to recalculate?

Practice shows that service providers are in no hurry to reduce the amount in payments, and in some cases it is quite difficult to prove one's own innocence. If the Criminal Code refuses to recalculate payments, it is necessary to obtain a refusal from them in writing.

On the basis of the refusal paper received, you should write a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor or the prosecutor's office.

As a rule, inspections initiated by these regulatory organizations help to reason with utility providers.

To the controlling organization you need to submit an application describing the situation, attaching to it the refusal of public utilities and the entire package of documents listed earlier.

If even after the inspections of the regulatory authorities it was not possible to achieve a positive result, should file a lawsuit.

Thus, the recalculation of payments for housing and communal services can be made at the request of the tenant and in the presence of relevant supporting documents.

If you are sure that you are right, demand a reduction in the amounts in the payment or issue a written refusal.

To increase the assigned pension provision, the pensioner must write an application for the recalculation of the pension. The applicant must be a pensioner, otherwise his application will not be considered. Before that, he must already write an application with a request to assign old-age pension payments and receive it.

Important! An application for recalculation of the amount of the pension is written only when they have already received one or more times a pension, the amount of which did not satisfy the pensioner.

If a person receiving a pension content does not agree with the amount of payments assigned for old age, he can apply to the FIU with an application for recalculation only if he has important grounds for increasing such payments. He must write , by contacting the FIU with a request to recalculate it. In the application, it is required to write reasoned disagreements and back them up with documentary extracts from the archive and work book. To achieve a revision, it is required to draw up an application to reduce the amount of deduction from the pension of those funds to which he is legally entitled.

Features of the recalculation of the old-age labor pension

IN pension fund review pension accruals from the 1st day of each month. Therefore, you need to apply there after there has been a decrease in pension payments. For working pensioners, there are some legal grounds for recalculation, for non-working - others. This must be taken into account when sending an application for the recalculation of pensions to non-working pensioners.

It should be remembered that any demand for an increase in pension payments must be accompanied by a package of documents giving the legal basis for recalculating the old-age pension. Otherwise, it will not be accepted. By law, all papers to increase pension payments must be provided by the pensioner himself.

Package of documents attached to the application for recalculation:

These documents include:

  • employment history;
  • extracts from the archives of former employers on the size wages;
  • information about awards during the period of work.

Please note: if the employees of the local FIU refuse to accept papers and confirmations, then you should write statement of claim on the calculation of pensions. A sample statement of claim is always provided at the secretariat of the court.

Step-by-step guide to filing an application to the FIU

  1. The full name of the applicant must be written at the beginning of the document;
  2. After the cap, indicate the number of the pension certificate and the time of appointment of old-age maintenance;
  3. Then you should indicate the amount of current payments with which the applicant is not ready to agree. Explain reasonably the reason for the insufficient accrual of money: lack of labor documents for a certain period, which also needs to be specified. It is also necessary to explain for what reason it was not possible to previously obtain extracts for the period of labor activity that fell out of accounting;
  4. Indicate the chronological period for obtaining the missing extracts from the archives confirming the amount of salary for which the pension is calculated;
  5. Write the amount of salary for a period not previously confirmed by archival statements;
  6. Indicate what position the applicant held during this period, in which organization he worked and what his earnings were;
  7. At the end of the application, state a request to recalculate the total amount of wages from the previously unaccounted for period of employment.

Recalculation of pensions through the court

In order to achieve an increase in the pension in court, you need to draw up a statement of claim in court for the recalculation of the pension. It is necessary to carefully write such a document on the recalculation of the amount of the pension. , on the recalculation of pensions will help not to make mistakes. All columns of the form should be filled in as indicated in the sample, otherwise it will not be accepted for registration in the court office.

Any claim for recalculation of the amount of the pension must be supported by documents confirming such a right of a person who has retired on a well-deserved rest to receive a larger monthly old-age payment. Such documents will be an argument for the court, which will make it possible to decide in favor of the plaintiff.

The plaintiff must provide as evidence:

  • a work book, which, according to the law, is the main document confirming the employment of every Russian citizen;
  • archival extracts supplementing inaccuracies or gaps found in the work book;
  • documentary evidence of awards and cash bonuses received by the pensioner during the implementation of his labor activity.

In order to increase the amount of payments, each pensioner, who has every reason for this, must himself write an application for recalculating the amount of the pension. A sample of such a document will help to do this properly. In addition to appeals to the FIU or to the court, more documents are needed to confirm the plaintiff's claims to increase his old-age pension.
