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Business plans for animal husbandry. What OKVED to indicate when registering this business. Where to start

  • Project description
  • Description of the enterprise
  • Description of products and services
  • marketing plan
  • Calendar plan
  • What equipment to choose
        • Similar business ideas:

We bring to your attention typical business plan(feasibility study) organizations farming according to the content of cattle. This business plan can serve as an example for obtaining a loan from a bank, state support or attracting private investment. On the example of a farm in the Ulyanovsk region.

Business plan for organizing a farm for keeping cattle in a small village. On the example of a farm in the Ulyanovsk region.

Project description

The purpose of this project is to open a farm in the village. Ryazanovo. Our main areas of activity:

  • rearing of young cattle with subsequent sale of meat to the population;
  • production and sale of milk;
  • production and sale of straw and hay.

To implement the project, it is planned to receive a subsidy in the amount of 1.5 million rubles as part of the state support program for start-up farmers, conducted by the Ministry Agriculture Ulyanovsk region. It is also planned to allocate own funds in the amount of 509 thousand rubles for the implementation of the project. The total cost of the project is 2,009,000 rubles.

Economic indicators of the project implementation:

  • Net profit per year \u003d 1,850,806 rubles;
  • Farm profitability = 83%;
  • Payback of the project = 13 months.

Social indicators of the project implementation:

  1. Registration of a new subject entrepreneurial activity on the territory of the Melekessky district;
  2. Creation of new jobs;
  3. Receipt of additional tax payments to the budget of the Melekessky district.

Description of the enterprise

The organizational and legal form of our organization will be peasant farming(KFH). Ivanov I.I. will be the head of the KFH.

What taxation system to choose for a farm

As tax systems the single agricultural tax (UAT) will be applied. The tax rate is 6% of profit.

Location of the enterprise: Ulyanovsk region, Melekessky district, with. Ryazanovo.

Currently started Practical activities for project implementation:

  1. The registration of a peasant farm with the Federal Tax Service was carried out;
  2. There is an agreement with a large farm for the purchase of 50 heads of young cattle;
  3. The KFH owns a building that contains 24 cattle, including 14 bulls and 10 dairy cows. It is also planned to build an additional facility with an area of ​​1400m2 to keep another 50 heads of cattle.

The management of the organization will consist of 1 person - the head of the KFH. The organization also plans to attract hired labor in the amount of 5 people.

Description of products and services

The planned sources of income of the enterprise are:

  1. Sale of cattle meat to the population and processing enterprises;
  2. Sale of milk to the population and processing enterprises;
  3. Realization of hay and straw in bales to the population.

More than 52% of the farm's revenue will come from the sale of cattle meat.

Simmental calves will be purchased to grow beef cattle. This breed is distinguished by good meat productivity, by the age of 18 months the bull is gaining weight from 800 to 1000 kg.

Calves will be purchased at the age of 3 months at an average price of 15,000 rubles per head. It is better to acquire calves older and stronger. In this case, the risk of disease is reduced and, with proper feeding, calves gain weight very quickly.

In addition, the farm has 10 dairy cows, from which it is planned to receive and sell from 4500 liters per month. milk. It is also planned to receive an annual offspring of young cattle from adult cows, which will reduce the cost of acquiring calves from third-party organizations.

For efficient use of production areas, the farm will simultaneously contain about 70 heads of cattle.

The diet of young cattle and adult cows will include green fodder, root crops, corn, mixed fodder, barley, oats, straw, hay, etc. For the cultivation of one bull-calf per year, feed will be spent in the amount of about 20,000 rubles, for the maintenance of a dairy cow - about 10,000 rubles a year.

The collection of straw and hay will be carried out using a universal front loader KUN 10 with a load capacity of up to 500 kg. During the season (per year) it is planned to sell hay and straw for a total amount of 725 thousand rubles.

Download farming business plan

marketing plan

The main competitors will be similar agricultural producers. products of the Melekes region, personal subsidiary plots and larger agricultural production complexes.

It should be noted that today the demand for high-quality agricultural products remains at a high level. This suggests that there should be no problems with the sale of our products by our farm.

Sales of manufactured products are planned to be carried out in the following areas:

  1. Sale of meat and milk to enterprises - processors of agriculture. products;
  2. Sales of hay and straw to the population and other farms of the Melekessky district;
  3. Sale of meat and milk to wholesale organizations;
  4. Realization of meat and milk in the form itinerant trade, fairs and retail markets.

How much can you earn from this business

Let's move on to calculating the potential annual income of the enterprise.

On average, one cow produces 20 liters of milk per day. The first 2 months, 10 liters of milk goes to feed the calves.

In the future, all milk goes to the sale. Considering that 2 months are allotted for calving, the planned volume of milk sales per year will be 5400 liters per cow:

  1. 30 days*20 liters/day*8 months=4800 liters
  2. 30 days*10 liters/day*2 months=600 liters

Accordingly, from 10 heads per year, you can get up to 54,000 liters of milk.

The wholesale price of milk is 24 rubles/l.


Bulls purchased at 6 months of age proper nutrition and care for 1 year will gain up to 450 kg of live weight. With a meat yield of 70%, about 315 kg of marketable meat is obtained from each bull.

The farm will sell about 13,000 kg of marketable meat per year. The wholesale price of beef meat is 170 rubles/kg.

hay and straw

During the season, the farm will produce and sell up to 10,000 bales of straw and 5,000 bales of hay. The selling price of 1 bale of straw is 35 rubles, a bale of hay is 75 rubles.

The total amount of proceeds from the sale of products for 12 months of work will be 4,231,200 rubles.

The main share in the company's revenue is the sale of cattle meat (52%).

Technology of growing feed and breeding livestock

The room for keeping cows and calves will be convenient for livestock maintenance, storage of feed and manure. A walking area will be located next to the premises. Based sanitary norms keeping the livestock of cattle, the height of the ceilings in the room will be at least 2.4 m. The floor will be built from well-fitted wooden boards. This floor is easy to use and creates good zoohygienic conditions.

Feeding troughs made of boards 600 mm high and up to 700 mm wide will be installed indoors to feed livestock, the length of the troughs is about one meter.

The window area of ​​the cattle housing will be one tenth of the floor area. The distance from the windows to the floor is 1.3 meters. This arrangement contributes to better penetration of sunlight into the premises for keeping livestock of cattle.

A cemented manure trench with a flat and smooth bottom, 10-12 cm deep and up to 30 cm wide, will be made into the room to drain urine. The stall for livestock will be spacious, with an area of ​​about 2.5 meters square meters. A cow produces about 10 tons of manure per year. Manure in the barn will be removed twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

In the planned staffing The farm will include 5 people:

The duties of laborers will include feeding livestock, cleaning manure and other household tasks.

Also, some work processes will be performed by third parties under contracts for the provision of services for a fee:

  1. Slaughter of livestock. For these purposes, an experienced miner will be involved;
  2. Accounting services;
  3. Supply of feed from agricultural producers.

The cost of these services will be about 100 thousand rubles a year.

Calendar plan

The list of events and their cost for starting a business are presented in the form of a calendar plan.

In total, it will take 136 days to open a farm and 2.0 million rubles will be spent.

How much money do you need to start this business

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators of the economic efficiency of the economy.

The fixed costs of the organization are presented in the following table:

Total fixed costs of the enterprise per month will amount to 185,330 rubles.

The structure of the annual costs of the farm is presented in the form of a diagram:

The main costs of the farm are the cost of purchasing feed - 40% of the total costs per year. Next comes the costs wages employees - 30% of the total costs.

Net profit based on the results of annual sales of products will amount to 1,850,806 rubles. The profitability of the farm is 83.0%. With such business plan indicators, the farm project will pay off in 13 months.

Our organization will make tax deductions to various levels of the budget of the Ulyanovsk region up to 206,234 rubles a year.

Recommended download farming business plan, from our partners, with a guarantee of quality. This is a complete, ready-made project that you will not find in the public domain. The content of the business plan: 1. Confidentiality 2. Summary 3. Stages of the project implementation 4. Characteristics of the object 5. Marketing plan 6. Technical and economic data of the equipment 7. Financial plan 8. Risk assessment 9. Financial and economic justification of investments 10. Conclusions

Step-by-step opening plan, where to start

It is worth noting that serious investments are required to start a business. Nevertheless, a competent construction of activities will allow for a relatively short time recoup the invested costs and reach a stable plus. To begin with, it is necessary to draw up an organizational plan and determine the main areas of activity, among which may be:

  • Growing grain crops, vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits.
  • Breeding pigs, cows, rabbits, bees, birds or fish.

In addition, it is also possible additional types activities, for example, the production of frozen fruits, stews, flour, etc. After determining the main directions and calculating the preliminary costs, it is worthwhile to deal with the execution of a contract for the lease of the territory, the improvement of premises / reservoirs, as well as the purchase necessary equipment. At the same stage, you can begin the selection of personnel who will serve the farm. You will definitely need to register your farm and obtain all the necessary permits to conduct activities. final stage there will be adjustment of work with the sales market.

What equipment to choose

Any farm can not do without machinery and auxiliary equipment. His choice depends specifically on the type of farm and what you are going to breed or grow on it. For beekeeping, hives, refrigerators, rooms for wintering bees, as well as overalls will be mandatory. Farm for breeding large cattle will require the presence of breast pumps, as well as tractors, combines and other agricultural equipment, along with attachments for mowing grass, etc. In the case of growing vegetables or cereals, you will need equipment for watering and harvesting. The fish business will require filters, compressors and pumps.

Which OKVED to indicate when registering a business

When registering a business, you must specify OKVED codes, according to your farm type. For example, if you have a cattle breeding farm, then OKVED code 01.21 - Breeding of cattle is suitable. For fish farm- OKVED 2.03. Fishing and fish farming, and for beekeeping - OKVED - 01.25.1.

What documents are needed to open

The implementation of a business and the sale of products is possible only after the registration of an individual entrepreneur or LLC (Find out What documents are needed to register an LLC). In the second case, you will be able to implement partnership agreements with legal entities. To register an individual entrepreneur, you will need: a copy of your passport, IND code, an application indicating OKVED codes and a receipt for payment of the state fee.

Do I need permission to open

To open your farm, you may need permission from the fire department and the epidemiological station, as well as territorial administration property. In the case of concluding an agreement on the lease of a territory for the placement of a farm, the permission of the fire inspection is not required, and all obligations are automatically assigned to the landlord. Do you want to earn without leaving home? If yes, then see the offer 50 ways to make money online.

Calculations are current for 2019

MS Word Volume: 32 pages

Business plan

Reviews (279)

Pay attention to the livestock business plan, with the help of which you will be provided with documentary evidence of the profitability of the business - a cattle farm. Raising cattle requires skill and experience, because the animals need spacious pens in which all conditions for keeping will be provided. High-quality feed with special additives, the creation of drinkers and comfortable pens will definitely increase the profitability of the cattle breeding business.

In the proposed finished document, you will find sections that will indicate the cost of an undertaking for breeding cows, fattening cattle, because this activity requires tangible funds and constant replenishment of feed stocks. Also, animals need careful care, and dairy cows require special treatment, so it is necessary to install milking machines, as well as equipment for keeping cows clean.

The carefully structured cattle breeding document also covers the stages of selling meat to buyers. You can not only breed livestock, but also maintain a slaughterhouse on your own. This will require additional investment, however, and the profit will be much higher than just from the sale of livestock. You should also think about updating breeds in order to increase the number of livestock and increase the profitability of the enterprise.

The unstable economic situation in our country has led to the fact that such a business as animal husbandry, alas, is not developing as actively as we would like. Meanwhile, most consumers are interested in local meat products produced as much as possible, since its taste is much higher than imported analogues.

But why are entrepreneurs in no hurry to develop such an attractive, at first glance, niche? The thing is that starting a business with the development of meat farming, a businessman faces a huge number of problems. And this is not the amount of initial costs, as it may seem to an unenlightened person. On the contrary, the low threshold for entry into this business can just attract start-up entrepreneurs.

Difficulties elsewhere. First of all, in order to engage in such a business as cattle breeding, it is necessary to have large areas of land - after all, cows need somewhere to graze! If there are not so many pasture lands in your region, then this business will not be profitable. Good pastures will provide your cows with a natural food base, which will significantly reduce the cost of the final product - fresh meat.

With a competent organization of the livestock business, the cost of livestock feed can easily be minimized. Starting in early spring and until the snow falls, the cows will eat grass, that is, practically for free. While the lack of a natural forage base will increase the cost of feeding animals to such an extent that it will become almost impossible to wait for a profit.

But, in addition to pasture land, livestock farming also needs arable land, which is used for growing root crops and cereals - the basis of winter feed for cattle (cattle). For each cow with offspring, there must be at least 2 hectares of land, equally - arable and pasture. Based on this, the entrepreneur should calculate the maximum number of heads in the herd that he can provide with feed.

The amount of expected profit also depends very much on the breed of livestock that will be raised on your farms. You can’t save on this: it’s better to buy 50 heads of breeding cows that have proven themselves well in terms of fertility and weight gain than to buy 100 heads of unremarkable cows for the same money, from which there will be only problems.

A competent livestock business project will allow you to take into account all the nuances of this type of business. One has only to get acquainted with the reviews about the livestock business, as it becomes clear: success can be achieved by those entrepreneurs who relied on a professional example of a livestock business plan with ready-made calculations. A competent business plan includes such important points as the features of the sale of meat and the conclusion of contracts with suppliers, which is critical for a peasant farm. And only this document will help you make a competent analysis of the meat products market in order to quickly recoup your investment.

IN modern world many people think about opening their own own business. As practice shows, this is the only true way to financial stability and independence. The main thing in this matter is to find the most promising and interesting ideas, which will really open up the possibility of real earnings, financial stability and independence. However, in order to achieve success, it is better to use original ideas, go in the direction that is in demand, but at the same time not crowded with competitors.

The best option is the food industry. No matter what happens, people will always buy food.

A wonderful solution for brave and thoughtful people is animal husbandry, which is becoming more and more popular every year. Plan for breeding and selling livestock you can make it yourself or find a ready-made development on the Internet using the phrase "b issued a plan for animal husbandry".

If you look at the statistics, you can see that the demand for natural products is growing. Besides, great amount people leave the cities and start all over again in the conditions of a village or a small village, where you can safely raise livestock, and then profitably sell meat.

Where to start?

The idea is really worthwhile, it already brings profit to a large number of people every year. There is nothing surprising in the fact that many aspiring entrepreneurs are interested in this topic and open such a business.

How to start a livestock farm business plan? Of course, with the search for territory! Believe me, it plays a big role.

The chosen site must have water and grass, so that healthy and strong livestock can be bred with confidence.

If you do not have experience in this area, then you definitely need to use a ready-made livestock business plan, which will guarantee further success. It is much easier, wiser and more promising to act according to an established system.

Of course, many businessmen do not think for a long time, but immediately agree to use ready ideas to save time and effort. Fact! This is a profitable and practical solution for everyone.

In any case, always carefully and even meticulously consider the territory where you plan to build your business in order to avoid problems in the future.

Is there a lot of capital needed?

What will the money be needed for? To purchase livestock, feed for it, arrange a place to sleep, create a place to live for yourself and your worker. All this requires an investment of money.

However, do not forget that this area of ​​activity is carefully supported by various government programs. If you intend to engage in animal husbandry for a long time, then you will definitely need to find out more about various grants and programs. That way you can save a lot!

State programs provide an opportunity to quickly and easily solve the problem with money, get the necessary capital and engage in livestock breeding for your own pleasure.

Many people started this way. In order to collect the necessary information, carefully read about all government programs, study information about financial support in various banks that participate in such government systems. Then it will be possible to plan your own business at minimal cost!

Should you hire workers?

Of course, it is impossible to imagine a livestock business plan without having work force in your area.

If you want to radically change your life, do business important part routine, to live through all stages of the company's development, then, of course, it is worth going out of town yourself. Of course, this will require a lot of time, effort and skills, but the results will be worth it.

It's great that now you can find responsible and good workers who will help with the housework at minimal cost on your part. If you are planning to open big business in the livestock sector, it will take a lot of labor to achieve results. However, Do not forget: even if you have responsible employees, you still have to personally control the work process in order to be sure of excellent results.

Thinking how to promote your business? Everything about marketing can be found. And the basics of business psychology -.


The payback of the livestock business is excellent, you can rest assured. It will be enough to hand over adult and healthy cattle once to see with your own eyes what great money you can earn in this area.

Now the so-called "livestock business ideas" are in demand for a reason. Many people are really confident in investing their cash and get a triple benefit from it.

You don't have to worry about raising livestock will be time consuming. Believe me business as usual requires much more, only the results are not so impressive.

Let us remind you once again: do not forget to find out about possible grants and assistance from the state to novice farmers. There are many ways to invest minimally in a business, and in return receive a stable income!

Remember - in the modern world, meat will always be the main product in the trading system. If you supply meat, then in return you are guaranteed to receive maximum profit and pleasure!

The relevance of the project is due to the fact that in Lately meat animal husbandry of the region was on the verge of survival. If earlier the average purchase price was 180 rubles per kilogram, now our market is flooded with cheap Belarusian pork and beef, which costs an average of 136 rubles. Local processors prefer meat from neighboring countries, and our producers are forced to sell it below cost.

The purpose of this project is the rearing and fattening of young cattle, and the production of livestock products.

The production of this type of product is a promising activity, since the market for meat products is one of the largest markets food products. At the same time, meat produced by domestic producers is in high demand among the population.

  • Borrowed funds - Credit: Rosselkhozbank - 60,000 rubles. or a subsidy provided by the Employment Center.
  • Own funds - 10,000 rubles.

Payback period of the project : 1.6 years

2. Description of the business, product or service

The production of livestock products will specialize in growing and fattening young cattle (cattle).

The activity is divided into 3 stages:

  • purchase of dairy calves;
  • caring for calves, bulls;
  • realization of the received production (meat), skins.

I plan to set prices for a kilogram of meat at an average of 150-165 rubles per 1 kg, which is 10-15% lower compared to other manufacturers of similar products.

It is planned to sell the meat of 3 fattened calves (young cattle) with a live weight of 1200 kg per year.

The meat yield is 650 kg (54% of the live weight of 1200 kg).

3. Description of the market

Sales of products are planned to be carried out by selling on outlets district center or in the nearest cities. There is also a preliminary agreement with individual manufacturers. Products will be sold at an average price of 150-165 rubles per 1 kg.

The planned volume of meat sales per year is 650 kg, the planned revenue is 104,000 rubles.

Because the meat domestic production unlike imported meat from abroad, it is in great demand among the population, I plan to develop my business by selling my products to manufacturers of meat and sausage products.

The meat of young cattle is sold on the grocery market in M. at average market prices.

4. Production plan

There are outbuildings that need renovation.

  1. in individual cells;
  2. loose housing for groups on a deep non-replaceable litter;
  3. box keeping with the use of slatted floors and forage passages;
  4. loose content with a device in the resting place of wooden decks.

When using individual cages, the risk of developing various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in calves is significantly reduced, but at the same time, this type of housing can contribute to the development of limb diseases due to a low level of physical activity.

The warmest is considered to be a wooden floor.

When arranging the floor in the calf barn, you need to remember that its area should not be less than 1.2 square meters per head for two or three calves. one month old, and not less than 1.5 square meters - for calves from three months to six months.

When arranging cells for group keeping, lattice front and rear walls must be arranged, and the side walls, on the contrary, must be solid and reach a height of at least one meter.

Thus, the cost of repair work will be 3,000 rubles.

Particular attention in the cultivation of calves and young animals is occupied by the issue of nutrition. During the year, it is planned to purchase a part of the necessary fodder, hay, mixed fodder, straw.

Currently, there is and is developing a trend to reduce the consumption of whole milk for calves. Now, according to various estimates, from 180 to 450 liters of milk is consumed to feed one calf. As part of the industrial rearing of calves, high-quality whole milk substitutes are used. In addition, the daily menu of young animals necessarily includes hay. High Quality, vitamins, minerals, high quality concentrated feed.

The total amount of expenses for these purposes will be 18,000 rubles.

In summer, it is planned to drive calves and bulls to pasture.

For the production of livestock products in the 1st year of operation, it is planned to purchase:

It will take an average of 6 months to fatten calves and bulls to marketable weight (400 kg) (an average weight gain of 1600 grams per day). After that, the sale of meat is provided.

Based on the results of the activity, it is also planned to sell animal skins for an average of 1,000 rubles. The slaughter of livestock and cutting of carcasses is planned to be carried out on their own in a private farmstead.

The price for 1 kg of meat for the first year of operation consists of the following costs:

Naming of expenditures

Amount in rubles for 650 kg

Amount in rubles per 1 kg

Material costs for:

purchase of 3 calves (calves)

purchase of feed


Energy costs

Tax deductions (STS 6% of income)

Premises renovation

other expenses


54775 rub.

5. Organizational structure

Entrepreneurial activity is registered as Peasant (farm) economy. The farm carries out entrepreneurial activities without forming a legal entity.

A farm can be recognized as an agricultural commodity producer in accordance with the law Russian Federation.

A peasant (farm) economy is an association of citizens related by kinship and (or) property, having property in common ownership and jointly carrying out production and other activities. economic activity(production, processing, storage, transportation and sale of agricultural products), based on their personal participation.

Form of ownership - private.

A farm can be created by one citizen.

There are no plans to hire employees.

Entrepreneurial activities of the farm, carried out without the formation of a legal entity, are subject to the rules of civil law that regulate the activities legal entities, which are commercial organizations unless otherwise follows from federal law, other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation or the essence of legal relations.

The total cost of the project will be 70,000 rubles, of which:

  • Credit: Rosselkhozbank - 60,000 rubles. or a subsidy provided by the Employment Center.
  • own funds - 10,000 rubles.

Information about created jobs

Name of indicator

The value of the indicator for the reporting year (last reporting period for newly registered)





Number of existing jobs, people

Number of newly created jobs, people

6. Financial plan

When receiving income individual entrepreneur(Clause 2, Article 236 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation) income from entrepreneurial or other professional activities is recognized as an object of taxation.

STS 6% is one of the simplest taxation systems. Its main advantages are simplicity, exemption from paying certain taxes and the absence of complex reporting, so it is best suited for small business entrepreneurs.

At the same time, IP on “income” can reduce tax base at the expense of insurance premiums by 100%, if no one is listed in the state. It is also exempt from paying VAT and personal income tax, which makes this taxation system attractive for many entrepreneurs.

Tax deductions will amount to 6240 rubles per year.

Since 2014 IP pay insurance premiums differentiated depending on the income received in the reporting year.

Since 2014, if the amount of income individual for the billing period ( calendar year) does not exceed 300,000 rubles, then the fixed amount of the insurance premium for compulsory pension insurance will be calculated as the product of 1 minimum wage established at the beginning of the year for which insurance premiums are paid and the rate of insurance contributions to the Pension Fund (26%), increased by 12 times . This will amount to 17,328.48 rubles. (5554 rubles X 26% X 12).

For individual entrepreneurs on the simplified tax system "Income", the tax simplified tax system for individual entrepreneurs without employees is reduced by the amount of insurance premiums. Therefore, for now, the payment of a fixed payment will not be taken into account in the calculation.

Cash flow plan

1. Funds at the beginning of the year

2. Cash inflow

Bank loans received


Own funds

Revenue (sales)

3. Cash flow

Material expenses (acquisition of young animals)

Purchasing feed


Energy costs

Premises renovation

other expenses

Tax deductions (STS 6% of income)

Funds at the end of the reporting period

Use of net profit

To expand production

The planned volume of meat sales per year is 650 kg.
