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Why do people exist on earth. Why does a person live on earth. Why does a person live? The evolution of sound search

Why does a person live? Family, work. Seems like a normal life. But at the same time, the feeling of meaninglessness, inner emptiness does not leave ... The head is spinning: “Why wine, cinema, millet, State Insurance receipts?” For what? For what? For what?

Why are we sent to this world? For what purpose? Who does it? Why these particular parents? Who decides who to send to whom? And in general, why does a person live?

By the concept of "meaning of life" I understand the inner meaning that is desired to be comprehended by the mind, the essence of life that justifies our existence. That is, a person is trying to realize who he is, why he lives and what is the purpose of his life. Since everyone does this with his own mind, he receives answers in accordance with his natural properties - vectors.

Why does a person live? Everyone has their own answer

There are only eight vectors, and they differ in everything, so the meanings of life for the owners of each vector are their own, typical, due to the desires of the innate vector.

Therefore, millions of people do not ask questions about the meaning of life, because for them the answer is obvious. For the audience, this is love. “Well, how can you live without love? they will be surprised. - Only love is able to answer the question “why does a person live?”, And only a lover has the right to be called a person!”

For people with an anal vector, this is family, children, home. “How is it possible without a family? Without a family, there is no happiness and meaning in human life!” they wonder. There are those for whom the meaning of life in a career, wealth is people with a skin vector. And there are people with a muscular vector, for whom bread is the head of everything. Grow bread, build a house, plant gardens - that's what a person lives for.

There is no time for all these people to think about the questions of life. They have their worries, their joys and sorrows. Only people with a sound vector are doomed to search for answers to eternal questions. Who am I? Why do I live? What is the purpose of my life? Thinking is their purpose in this world.

I am one or more vectors that determine not only the psyche, but also appearance, demeanor and even look.

The subconscious mind is hidden from us, obscured by consciousness and therefore directs our actions imperceptibly to us. We perform some action, driven by unconscious desires, and then consciousness comes up with rationalizations for them so that our actions look expedient. Thanks to system-vector psychology, it becomes possible to look beyond rationalizations, to understand the true reason for what is really happening to us. To understand the hidden that lives in us. The question "why does a person live?" appears in a completely different light.

The combination of the body, subconsciousness and consciousness, including the type of thinking (each vector has its own), memory, knowledge and skills, creates a personality.

Why does a person live? Generational change

Each person leaves an imprint in the general mental. Each, even the smallest "brick", adds experience, knowledge, experienced feelings and makes our common piggy bank richer - this allows the next generations to be born smarter and more developed.

This is very noticeable in today's children, they seem to be born with a lot of knowledge that is inaccessible to some adults. So, the baby, having not yet learned to talk, already knows how to handle a computer, while his grandparents spent a lot of time and effort on mastering this device, and some did not succeed.

Each of us, asking the question “what does a person live for?” does this in the hope of finding happiness and satisfaction. This is what happens in the process of realizing the structure of one's "I", one's vectors, one's true desires, one's mentality. As a result, there is a harmony of the world inside and the world outside.

These questions are fundamental to sound engineers. Why are we born, live, who can do it, and then die? Was it worth being born if life flies by like one moment, and we are all doomed to death?

What is death? There was just a man - and now they are talking about him "body". Why and where does the soul go? Who or what is leading this process? Why does a person live? What is a soul? Where does she come from? When and how does it enter our body?

Most people don't think about death. They simply have no time, and there is no such interest! They always remember death and are not afraid of it only sound engineers. This is how their mentality is arranged - they are asked to think about the issues of life and death. Thinking is their specific role, for the performance of which the sound engineers are given a powerful tool in the form of abstract thinking.

They are able to realize their potential, becoming brilliant scientists, philosophers, creators of religions, musicians, poets. If the sound engineer is not sufficiently developed or is not busy searching for the meaning of being, then his inner world fills the void. The greater the emptiness, the more difficult it is to get out of it, and there is nothing to take out.

A person sinks deeper and deeper into himself and finds neither thoughts nor meanings there. There is no answer to the question “why does a person live?”. This leads to depression, which can lead to suicide. The sound engineer considers suicide to be an act of liberation from the body along with the suffering inherent in the body. Most of the suicides are committed by people with a sound vector, who cannot live if they are not able not only to find the meaning of life, but even to search for it.

Seeking sound engineers also suffer and are disappointed, because they cannot find answers to their questions either in esotericism or religion, especially not in music or poetry. Only spiritual development can satisfy them.

Spirituality often means religiosity or the desire to understand high art. In system-vector psychology, spiritual development is understood as the knowledge of oneself, including the ability to understand the desires of other people and feel them inside oneself as one's own.

Surely many wondered, and even now they are thinking: “Why do people live on Earth? Why was I born? Why do I go to work every day? Why all the plans and accumulation of money? Why all the fuss, problems, disputes, illnesses?

At the end of this article we will answer this question, but we want to warn you right away - if you think that the meaning of your life in the continuation of the family, that is, children, then we are ready to disappoint you - this is the wrong answer!

Many will then object, how is it not in children ?! What then? Why then does life exist at all? Before answering this question, let's first deal with the wrong answers.

"The meaning of human life on Earth?" - wrong answer #1

If we analyze the wrong answers, then, in the first place, there is an answer, the essence of which lies in the fact that the meaning of our life with you lies precisely in children.

Let's try, using an example, to explain why this answer is not correct.

For example, there is a person of Light who lives for herself and doesn’t think about anything, but, over time, Sveta gives birth to a son, Vanya, this, of course, is wonderful, but Sveta suddenly has the meaning of life! And before that, it turns out, as if it were not there ...

Years go by, Sveta invests her soul, works at three jobs and all just for the sake of her beloved blood, but Vanya grows up and the moment comes when he will say to Sveta:
“Mom, I have already grown up, I do not need your care!”.
The question arises: "What will happen to the Light then?". The answer is simple, Sveta will again lose the meaning of life!

Unfortunately, there are many such parents who do not live their own lives, but try to arrange someone else's.

When a child ceases to need them, parents simply do not know how to live, therefore, they lose full interest in their own life, and if they do not understand that the meaning of their life does not lie in children, then they will try to cling to children and keep them close to you by any means.

Yes, we do not argue, children really are the goal in life, but not the main one, but, as it were, an intermediate one in their segment of life. Many simply did not think before the birth of children, what is the meaning of their life? In this regard, when a child appears, they begin to think that he is precisely their goal, but life itself proves sooner or later that this is not so and the meaning of human existence is not in this!

"Why do people live on Earth?" - wrong answer #2

The second most popular incorrect answer is: “Does it really matter what the meaning of life is? Live for yourself, and live!

An interesting answer, of course. Indeed, live without thinking about anything until death, and then they will tell you later what was the meaning of your life and tell you whether you passed the exam or not, and they will even send you back to retake it, only now the conditions will not be so comfortable, yes and the body is different ... It’s good if you still end up in a civilized country with more or less normal parents, but they can go to Africa, and even place some wild tribe ...

And after the expiration of the lived time back - to heaven, they will check how this time with the exam of life on Earth is the case. If you don’t pass it again, do it all over again and so on until you gain your mind.

Sooner or later, it is clear that you will get tired of getting deuces, then you will gain courage and ask the guys with wings: “Where can you find the hint in the next life?”. And you get an interesting answer:
“Go to the Internet, type the Magic Constellation website, open the article: “The meaning of human existence?” and read, and, moreover, carefully, from cover to cover, think about it, then, maybe, you will look at your life with different eyes, you will change and you will finally pass the exam for us ... "

"The meaning of human life on Earth?" - wrong answer #3

In third place, in terms of popularity, is the wrong judgment: “Of course, power and, accordingly, money, and sex, where would we be without it?”.

A terrific answer, especially he, will be liked in the heavenly office when they send back for a retake. Ask why? We will answer that power does not exist, firstly, without problems that need to be constantly solved in order to again retain this very power.

Secondly, sooner or later, everything collapses, like a house built on sand, in this regard, to triumph and rejoice, having only the illusion of power is simply ridiculous. It doesn't matter who you rule or think you rule, the reality is different, and sooner or later everyone faces it.

As an example, take even the USSR - Gorbachev came to power and how long did it take him to destroy everything ?! The result, in general, is one - retake! And God forbid that during the time of “Domination” you do not completely degrade and drink yourself, and your ego does not swell to the size of the universe.

This is how we live without knowing the meaning of human existence, and, therefore, we cannot get out of the closed, endless wheel of samsara...

The correct answer to the question: “Why do people live on Earth?”

To understand the answer to the above question, please read the following explanation.

We have already written in articles, for example, how a person works, but we will briefly repeat ourselves and explain the differences between a living person and a dead one.

So, at first glance, everything seems to be the same for dead and living people - they have arms, legs, a head, organs, but the main difference is that the dead body does not contain the main thing - the soul!

Many will ask, what is the soul? We will answer this question as well. The soul means a subtle mental body that spreads over the entire area of ​​the Spirit, and the Spirit itself is already an order of magnitude higher, which must be attributed to the casual body, where all the data about the lived lives of the individual is stored.

This is precisely the diary in which our curators put marks, so to speak, in the heavenly office. In addition, it is they who not only check the diary, but also try to give us clues that we often simply do not want to hear. It is precisely these curators that many call "Angels".


Returning to our question: "What is the meaning of being human?"- the answer is the following: a person should grow spiritually as much as possible during his current life, that is, condense the body of the spirit, for example, with good deeds, deeds, emotions and correct its surface so that it becomes even without holes and depressions.

It is the Spirit that is an invisible observer that accompanies a person throughout his life. It is on him that all our ups and downs depend, since everything that we sow, we reap in the end, and we begin to think and, accordingly, change for the better only when diseases or problems begin to overcome us completely.

The question of the meaning of life sooner or later begins to excite every thinking person. But it is not so easy to answer why people live in a global sense - the best minds of mankind have been pondering over this for centuries. Consider the main theories and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Why does a person live on Earth

The main theories are reduced to several provisions, in different variations repetitive. Thus, ancient Greek and Roman philosophers believed that a person lives for the good, which in each case can be formulated in different ways. Some (for example, Diogenes) believed that a person should strive for happiness, others (Aristotle) ​​pointed out the need to know the world, others (Epicurus) argued that the meaning of life is to receive pleasure. More modern nihilism is, in fact, the same Epicurianism. One of the most widespread theories about the meaning of life is the theory of the fulfillment of God's will by man. Such views have been and are held by many branches of Hinduism, and of the monotheistic religions - Christianity and Islam. At the same time, in the same Christianity, earthly existence is, as it were, put out of brackets, and the main emphasis is on preparing a person for life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Interestingly, the influence of the higher will is recognized by many philosophers. A prime example of this is Arthur Schopenhauer, which, however, did not indicate the need to follow this will and said that a person simply has no meaning in life, which is why he comes up with all kinds of entertainment, trying to avoid suffering.

Why should a person live?

Many define the meaning of existence according to their past experiences. A person may adhere to this or that theory or be a devout devotee of this or that religion, but so what? To understand in fact what is the meaning of your existence, neither religion nor philosophical dogmas will help. This can only be done by the person himself, because understanding comes only from within - from his own inner source. There is a very good statement expressed by a wise man: “None of those who command you to do something can be called a teacher. He can only be called a butcher." Dogmatism has not helped anyone yet, but it can make you look like a zombie blindly obeying various instructions. And yet, enduring, eternal values ​​still exist. Words such as understanding, mercy, love, justice will sooner or later lead a person to comprehend the meaning of his existence. What's wrong with people living for each other? True love can awaken the highest feelings in a person, purify him - and then the answer to the question about the meaning of life will be found by itself. At the beginning of this chapter, I used the phrase "internal source." What is this? This is how you can define our consciousness, thanks to which only knowledge of all things in the world is possible, including the meaning of existence. Turning to the source, looking inside, finding out where our desires come from and why fears appear - this is the only way to understand why and for what we live.

Why do I live? Everyone asks this question at least once in their life. Sooner or later, people think that the life they live is actually not at all what they came the ground. "Came to Earth" - what is behind these words? This means that the human soul needs to go a long way from the most subtle planes, plunging into ever denser layers of matter, creating layer after layer of dense clothes, then wait for the moment when some couple will call it and conception will occur. Each stage of immersion in matter requires time and a lot of energy. But it's not all that simple either. For nine months, the most perfect tool for the incarnated soul is formed - the physical body. Most often, couples are not ready to receive the soul, conception, pregnancy and childbirth are far from ideal. As a result, having come a long way, having experienced many difficulties, and sometimes suffering, a person appears on Earth.

And what's next? Is all this done just so that a person can live such a life? To be born and receive crumbs of knowledge at school, at an institute, even if you get scientific degrees - all this is crumbs from what the soul has from the very beginning! Or in order to give birth to one's own kind, to create a simple reproduction, united in a pair, two more, three more into the world? And why them? Now there are more than 6 billion of us on the planet, more than five of them live in poverty and inhuman conditions. Maybe, as the churches say, to atone for the sins of the ancestors through suffering? Why did the ancestors come to Earth?

Such a path from the level of the soul to the physical body can only be made in love, and not from under the stick to prison - after all, the soul has free will. She's heading for Earth! All souls
tend to come here! For what? To enjoy earthly delights, pleasure, ride in a luxury car, live in a beautiful house, lie in the sun on an expensive beach, eat artfully prepared dishes and die quietly in seventy years surrounded by crying relatives, leaving them to share their acquired wealth? Or maybe souls are rushing here to become celebrities and enjoy fame, gain power over people, have a lot of money and various pleasures. And now the account goes to hundreds and even thousands of conquered bodies, but why? All the sensual charms of earthly life are incomparable with the state of love in which the soul is initially located. Not for this she made such a difficult path to Earth.

So why are souls so striving for Earth? There must be a reason for this! Religions speak of God's plan that exists for man, but the plan itself is interpreted in different ways: a person is born to love God, to fulfill his precepts. Which? Again, love God. And that's it. You can add: love your neighbor as yourself. For many thousands of years people have known these commandments, so what? What has changed over these thousands of years in the manifestation of love and in human life? And again the question arises:

And yet something is changing! More and more people believe in the reasonableness of the world, in its greatest harmony. This means that there is a great rationality of human life. More and more people are thinking about the meaning of their lives. To realize and reveal the divine qualities in oneself, to show respect and love for all people, to learn how to build friendship with every person you meet - this is the path of a person, this is the meaning of his life!

Listen to your soul! Stop avoiding communication with her, suppress intuition, conscience, saying that you live in a wrong way, you do something wrong, you go in the wrong direction.

Stop pretending you don't know any of this. Everyone knows everything! Just do not want to think about the meaning of their lives. Around there are many events that suggest how not to live. Diseases and suffering arise, but people in some kind of stupefaction still go, like a herd to the slaughter, to death. They stumble, fall, get up, and go in the same direction again.

What makes them do this? Perhaps the main reason is the laziness of the mind and dishonesty with oneself. If I honestly say to myself that my life is a projection of my thoughts, my worldview, and if I don’t like something in it, it means that I myself create it like that, then deeper thoughts will come. I must honestly say to myself that I am the creator of my life, the creator of my space. The time has come to overcome the laziness of the mind.

Thinking like this is already a big step. But this is not enough. We must act like this! To constantly be in motion on this path is an even more difficult task. Need spirituality current!

The onset of the Age of Aquarius brought higher energies, vibrations, and a great acceleration of time is associated with this. Literally everyone celebrates it. This means that the processes in the World are accelerating, the World is changing rapidly, therefore, a person, a participant in the process of life, also needs to change faster and faster, in accordance with the times. Striving for the meaning of life means constant change with ever greater acceleration!

Change is needed in everything. The desire for growth, for development is inherent in the essence of a person, this is one of the destinations of a person, it only needs to be manifested. And a person manifests, but often not “to that steppe”. Look how much effort, energy, time, creativity he puts into having more money, a better financial situation. And he does not stop on this path, strives for change! What happens in other areas of life? For example, in the relationship between husband and wife? Or between relatives and parents? Or with children? Or with friends? Is there a desire for improvement here? As a rule, no.

But it is in relationships that a person reveals himself as a person, in relationships with his own kind, he most of all manifests his destiny.

Why do people not seek to apply their forces here? Because this is the most difficult part of life, and people leave this path, avoiding it in every possible way. They go fishing, sailing around the world, to monasteries and hermitage, to loneliness, to science, to creativity...

And the meaning of life can only be known through relationships! Get the answer to the question: you can become only through relationships. In this divided world, relationships are the greatest value. That's what people come here for!

Additional Information

  • seotitle: Why does a person live - All about the family

Read 1119 once Last modified on Saturday, 10 September 2016 17:41

Philosophical question: "What does a man live for"- does not give rest for many centuries, not only to the outstanding minds of mankind - scientists, thinkers and philosophers, but also ordinary people, to the townsfolk who want to know the truth of being, just for their little happiness.

On the topic of: What does a person live for?- essays are written at school, they think at the table in the kitchen ..., they talk in intoxication, but thoughts about the meaning of human life are especially pronounced, during periods of depression, with symptoms of depression, in despair .., during a psychological crisis.

And sometimes in such a depressed state, not finding the purpose and meaning of human life, some people think about suicide.

IN similar situations often need emergency psychological assistance, psychotherapeutic intervention.

Why do people live, what is the meaning of human life

We will not philosophize highly on questions: what do people live for And what is the meaning of human life- many have already done this and continue to do it - we will approach this issue in a more mundane, more "worldly" way, and at the same time, more rationally and psychologically understandable.

Let us once again draw your attention to the fact that almost any person thinks little about the meaning of life and what he lives for, provided that he is happy and everything is fine with him.

But, as soon as the “black streak” sets in, and everyday problems overlap one another, as soon as plans and expectations collapse, and depression and depression come, many people immediately want to think about the meaning of their life (or rather, about its absence), and ask yourself questions: What do I live for, what is the meaning of my life thus exacerbating their position.

And if you imagine that in some miraculous way this person was able to sharply improve his affairs and feel happy again, then he will most likely forget about his “high reflections” about the goals and meaning of life in one moment ...

And if you still dream up, and imagine that your life is only a happy “white streak”, and that all your plans, expectations, dreams and hopes come true, then you can forget about the meaning of life in general ...

From the above, it follows that the meaning of human life in two purposes: in maintaining life itself and in getting pleasure from this life .., it turns out that this is what a person lives for ... and those who deprive themselves of pleasure become philosophers (including “domestic”), martyrs, true priests .., and other great people...

Those who do not dream of becoming great, but desire earthly, human happiness, should not strain their psyche and look for answers to these questions:

How to find the meaning of life or what do I live for?

So to understand what I live for and find the meaning of life You need to learn two things:
1) protect and maintain their lives, mental and physical health;
2) enjoy life.

But, since the real life of a person is not a fairy tale, and by definition there cannot be a permanent “white streak” in it, then before completing these two points, it is worth learning how to correctly, adequately evaluate, interpret and respond to various negative situations and problems .

In a word, learn to think rationally and manage your emotions.
Then, you can just live and enjoy your life, and not ask questions: how to find the meaning of life or what do i live for
