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Arseny Brykin. Sergey Sorokin and Arseniy Brykin - about software production in Russia. participant of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"


In 2000 Graduated from the radio engineering faculty of Vladimir state university

In 2003 got a second higher education in the direction of "Management in the organization. Financial management»

In 2006 awarded the degree of candidate of economic sciences

In 2009 defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Influence of innovative logistics on the formation and implementation of industrial policy" and received a degree - Doctor of Economics

Labor activity

11.2017 - to present

Director for External Communications of JSC Ruselectronics, Doctor of Economics

03.2011 – to 11.2017

OJSC Russian Electronics, Deputy CEO on strategic development, implementation government programs, Deputy General Director - State Secretary of JSC Ruselectronics

03.2009 – 03.2011

Director of Relations with Authorities state power JSC "Comstar - United Telecommunication Systems"

07.2008 – 03.2009

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, Department of the shipbuilding industry and marine equipment. Head of Economics and Forecasting Department

08.2004 - 07.2008

Ministry of Industry and Energy of Russia, Chief Specialist, Leading Consultant, Leading Adviser, Deputy Head of Division of the Department of Technical Regulation and Metrology

12.2003 - 09.2004

OJSC "Murom Machine-Building Plant", head of the planning and economic department

09.2000 - 10.2003

Savings Bank of the Russian Federation, Chief Electronics Engineer, Engineer of Informatics and Banking Automation Department

Social activity

Chairman of the Coordinating Council of developers and manufacturers of radio-electronic equipment, electronic component base and engineering products of LLC "Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia"

Deputy Chairman of the Sub-committee on the development of the radio-electronic industry of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on industrial development

Doctor of Economics, expert on macroeconomics and zone formation methodology free trade, modernization government controlled industrial and economic development based on innovative and logistical approaches.

He is the author of more than 100 scientific publications on management, industrial policy and logistics, incl. seven monographs (the last one was published in 2014 on the topic “Logistics of the 21st century and a single Eurasian information space”). Every year he takes part in scientific, industry conferences and conducts active teaching activities.

Academic degree: Doctor of Economic Sciences

participant of the encyclopedia "Famous Scientists"

1. Education:

In 2000 Graduated from the radio engineering faculty of Vladimir State University. In 2003 received a second higher education in the direction of “Management in the organization. Financial management". In 2006 awarded the degree of candidate of economic sciences. In 2009 defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic "Influence of innovative logistics on the formation and implementation of industrial policy" and received a degree - Doctor of Economics.

2. Area of ​​scientific interests and scope of scientific activity:

One of the leading experts on macroeconomics; logistics; theories of long-term development of the Russian economy in the context of global technological changes; methodology for the formation of a free trade zone and a single economic and information space within the Customs Union; modernization of public administration of industrial and economic development based on innovative and logistical approaches.

3. Scientific and administrative positions held:

Deputy General Director for Strategic Development, Implementation of State Programs of OJSC Ruselectronics, State Corporation Rostec.

Head of the Center for Research on Infrastructural Problems in the Economy of ITKOR.

4. Participation in scientific councils, commissions, editorial boards:

Brykin A.V. is a member of the dissertation council at the RKhTU. Mendeleev, a member of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation and the Dissertation Council at ITKOR, etc.

5. Scientific and pedagogical activity:

Brykin A.V. conducts an active scientific and pedagogical activity in the training of specialists of the highest professional university and postgraduate specialization at the RKhTU. Mendeleev, Moscow State University. Lomonosov, MIET, RUDN, MEPhI, etc.

6. Public activities:

Brykin A.V. is the chairman of the Coordinating Council of developers and manufacturers of radio-electronic equipment, electronic component base and engineering products of LLC "Union of Mechanical Engineers of Russia"; Deputy Chairman of the Sub-committee on the development of the radio-electronic industry of the Committee of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation on industrial development; member of the expert council for the development of enterprises of the military-industrial complex under the Committee on Industry of the State Duma Russian Federation and etc.

Scientific publications:

Brykin A.V. is the author of more than 100 scientific publications on management, industrial policy and logistics, including eight monographs: "Formation of industrial policy based on logistics" (2007); "Innovative development of light industry" (2007); "Transformation of industrial policy and management, taking into account innovative and logistical approaches" (2007); "Modernization of industrial development management, taking into account logistics approaches" (2008); "Transformation of industrial policy and management, taking into account innovative and logistics approaches" (2008); "Innovations, industry, logistics" (2011); “Information and logistics infrastructure of the markets for goods and services. State regulation, methods, technologies and tools” (2012); "Logistics of the 21st century and a single Eurasian information space" (2014). The research results are in demand by the Government, a number of Federal ministries and departments, the Administrations of the regions of the Russian Federation, as well as enterprises and integrated structures various industries industry.

Arseniy Brykin, Deputy General Director - Secretary of State of the Ruselectronics Holding of the State Corporation Rostec, was elected Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council for the Development of the Electronic and Radio-Electronic Industry under the Committee of the State Duma of the Russian Federation for Economic Policy, Industry, innovative development and entrepreneurship. The meeting of the Council was held on January 25 under the leadership of the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee Vladimir Gutenev.

The meeting also addressed issues of ensuring import substitution and diversification of products of electronic and radio-electronic industry enterprises. In particular, the meeting participants discussed the main legislative, regulatory legal factors, defining the state and prospects for the development of the industry, as well as an initiative to legislatively assign to the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation the functions of a state customer for the development, production, application, standardization and quality assurance of the electronic component base for weapons, military and special equipment.

“The decision of the Council is a recognition of the results of the activities of the Coordinating Council of developers and manufacturers of electronic equipment, electronic components and engineering products, which operates in the structure of SoyuzMash under my leadership. We still have a lot of work to do to develop the legislative and regulatory framework in the radio-electronic industry, in particular, the formation of amendments to Federal Law No. 275 and proposals for pricing products within the framework of the state defense order,” A. Brykin said.

In 2017, the Council also plans to develop regulations for the formation of insurance stocks and the use of foreign-made electronic components, he added.

A. Brykin also noted that the Expert Council profile committee The State Duma highly appreciated the results of the federal program "Work in Russia!" and the activities of the Ruselectronics holding to attract young professionals to the industry.

The meeting, in particular, was attended by Pavel Kutsko, Deputy Director of the Department of Radio-Electronic Industry of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, Alexander Yakunin, General Director of the United Instrument-Making Corporation of Rostec State Corporation.

The Expert Council for the Development of the Electronic and Radio-Electronic Industry is a permanent advisory body for scientific, legal, expert, information and consulting support for the activities of the State Duma Committee on Economic Policy, Industry, Innovative Development and Entrepreneurship. Acting on a voluntary basis, the Council assists the Committee in the preparation of projects federal laws on legislative support for the development of enterprises in the radio-electronic industry. The tasks of the Council include the analysis of the state and development of the radio-electronic industry, the study foreign experience, preparation of recommendations for the development and examination of draft laws relating to the core area. The Council consists of 29 representatives of leading organizations and enterprises of radio electronics.

Marina Kalinina: And now our permanent heading "Industrial Policy". We talk about Russian enterprises that operate in our country and produce even very competitive products. Today we have an unusual company. What they do cannot be touched, but we contact and use their products every day in our daily lives. This is the company "Eremeks", it produces products of mental labor, this is software. My guest today is Sergei Sorokin, General Director of Eremex, and Arseniy Brykin, Deputy General Director of Ruselectronics, member of the Board of the Union of Machine Builders of Russia, head of the federal program Work in Russia. These branches are connected as closely as it is even impossible to imagine, as one cannot exist without the other. Let's watch the story that we filmed at the Eremex company, and then we'll talk in the studio.


Marina Kalinina: Such wonderful people work for you, with a sense of humor and self-irony. Very good guys. We failed to show the product, to explain what it is. Tell us what it is used for, what is produced?

Sergey Sorokin:Practically we are talking about the so-called computer-aided design CAD systems, and in this case we are talking about CAD electronics, that is, this is some kind of specialized software designed for the design of various electronic devices. This CAD includes various elements, in particular, the circuit design, the component library editor, the layout design, the output of the corresponding control program for CNC machines for production were mentioned here. That is, we provide an end-to-end electronics design cycle. And it so happened that in Russia we are now, perhaps, the only company that deals with this precisely as the creation of a commercial software product, an end-to-end CAD of electronics.

Marina Kalinina: Arseny, then a question for you. Are you still somehow trying to use Russian in your electronic devices, items that you produce, programs, or are we still holding on to foreign ones?

Arseny Brykin:Certainly we are trying. The only thing that needs to be pointed out here is a fairly long period when we missed a lot in terms of industrial development, and even those EU machines on which both rationing and planning processes have already been carried out at radio-electronic enterprises, such as technological systems, automated process control systems, their docking with CAD, and even wage systems. At those radio-electronic enterprises where we have kept it, the systems that the colleague is talking about are quite suitable, and we are trying to implement them correctly. Another question is what to make a modern radio-electronic system - and our holding produces a whole line of various components, and products, and devices, and systems - an extremely large number of CAD systems, libraries linked to each other, elements that need to be worked out for more than one year, and systematically link both with each other and with the equipment on which this is done. Therefore, of course, we apply, we work on this topic with the Ministry of Industry and Trade, we introduce domestic software, and literally today a specialized conference has opened " Information Technology in the Defense Industrial Complex, where we actively discuss this, share our experience in this regard. But I will not hide that there are many problems here, and this is not a fast path that we have to go through together with the developers.

Marina Kalinina: But the development process itself is also slow. After all, it has been developed over the years. How long is our domestic software (SW) that you are engaged in being developed?

Sergey Sorokin:It has been in development for over 10 years, and one of the components, the so-called PCB Layout Tracer, has been in development since the early 1990s. This is a really science-intensive product, it takes a lot of time to develop. When we started this business, many were surprised: "Why do you need this? There is free software on the market", because we still have the remnants of the mentality from the Soviet times that you don’t have to pay for programs, at least you don’t have to pay lot. Now this is changing, but, nevertheless, such a factor also plays a role.

If we have approximately 80% of imported software in mechanical CAD in the country, then almost 100% of imports in electronic CAD, electronic CAD, so a lot needs to be done here to change this situation.

Marina Kalinina: You say that programs have been developed for 10 years. And what to live for during this time? There is something people need to feed employees. Here they are, talented and smart.

Sergey Sorokin:In practice, this factor led to the fact that if earlier each large enterprise, mostly state-owned, had its own CAD department, had its own developments, developments, they almost all died over time, and practically no one was left. But we were lucky in that we were able to earn some money developing custom software, and plus we have a strategic investor, this is the Prosoft group of companies, which has supported this development process for such a long time.

Marina Kalinina: What needs to be done in order to solve the program of our Russian, domestic software, this software? Why are so few companies willing to invest in it and develop it? What, we don’t have enough smart heads?

Arseny Brykin:There are enough smart heads, there are many of them, and there is a struggle for them. A very large number of graduates of our specialized universities are tasty morsels, tasty employees for our competitors. If you look at the developers of foreign - and Huawei , and IT centers Boeing, and IBM , - the largest and most effective centers, oddly enough, work in Russia on our brains. They are also available in Voronezh, and throughout the country in such scientific educational centers as Tomsk, Novosibirsk and St. Petersburg. Therefore, my answer to the topic of how to reverse this is the will of the state, the right approach to personnel, and systematic long-term work. This issue will not be resolved in one or two years. Competitive products like Synopsys, Mentor Graphics , if they are converted into man-hours, this results in a huge expenditure of human intellectual labor. And just to say, "We'll take care of it now," and in two odes to overcome this backlog, is impossible. This is a very long process that cannot be implemented without state policy, in which the personnel component should be an important point.

What are our students learning about? In the 1990s and 2000s, many rectors applauded and rejoiced when foreign firms opened laboratories. But, having learned in these laboratories at MTUCI, at Bonch-Bruevich and other specialized universities, the formatted brain reproduces this in the workplace. If a student was trained on a foreign CAD, then it is easy to imagine that, being an employee of our enterprises, our corporation, he will use a foreign CAD. Therefore, personnel, once again personnel and presence in laboratories, universities.

Marina Kalinina: How far are we behind the rest of the world today? Can we make up for this failure?

Arseny Brykin:I would not say that we are already lagging behind in everything, because our developers are still the most talented and are able to overcome the hardware and software systems maximum. After all, what can be done on super-fast processors or DAC ADCs, our developers manage to do on another generation of software and hardware systems due to their own ingenuity. As for the means of production - in this case, CAD - these are many years of intellectual work, and here the lag is quite serious.

Marina Kalinina: Do you feel government support?

Sergey Sorokin:I would like to touch on the topic of backlog first. Overall, we are still behind in terms of functionality and feature set compared to the leading players, they have already been mentioned here. We are especially lagging behind in the area of ​​heavy PLM solutions. This is Product Lifecycle Management ), control system life cycle product, which includes both CAD and a workflow system, and production processes, automation, and so on.

Arseny Brykin:And even logistics functions related to supply chains for the production of this product.

Sergey Sorokin:Right up to the warranty repair of products, all this is tracked, everything is in the leading system. Here are the leading players Siemens, Dassault . Here, too, we are far behind. But little by little the situation is changing. If we talk about us, then some of our tools as part of our CAD system are in no way inferior to leading foreign manufacturers. Naturally, from the point of view of state support, it is, in any case, necessary, because here, on the one hand, it is necessary to stimulate demand for domestic software, and here government assistance can be very useful, and it is being implemented. And maybe direct manufacturer support software wouldn't hurt either. In principle, it is fragmentarily enough produced, but some unified system is not felt.

In 2014, there was a rather ambitious program under the auspices of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications to create engineering software, even consortiums of domestic software manufacturers were formed who are ready to get involved in this work, but, unfortunately, the program has been frozen for the time being due to a lack of state resources for these activities. .

Marina Kalinina: One of the consumers, as I understand it, of your products is still our Military Industrial Complex (MIC). Do you cooperate with them, are they interested in developing Russian software? I understand that now everything is foreign. Even for security purposes, import substitution.

Sergey Sorokin:Yes, they are interested, at least at the level of top management and managers, because there are indeed problems of import dependence, and indeed our leading organizations in this area are trying to solve this problem by import substitution, by searching for appropriate Russian software. Another thing is that there is still some inertia. It has already been mentioned here that starting from the student's bench, people get used to using imported software in a knurled way. And here this inertia needs to be reversed, and this is not easy. Therefore, in this regard, we are working with our universities, we are ready to provide free software, methodological materials in order to organize some kind of educational process on domestic software.

Security issues of the military-industrial complex are of concern, because many manufacturers of imported software directly declare that "We monitor the actions of our users via the Internet." Many packages are launched, licensed online on foreign servers. And my friend, who works in one of the leading IT companies in America, he said that the State Department really discussed the idea of ​​expanding the sale of engineering software in Russia. And engineering software is the basis of progress and any development.

Marina Kalinina: If we talk about educating personnel for further work both in your field and in the field of creating these boards in the electronics industry ...

Arseny Brykin:We have a lot in common.

Marina Kalinina: …since you are the head of the federal program “Work in Russia”, it is very global, what is going on? Are students, schoolchildren interested in going into the industry to work, and are they ready, how are they trained in universities and institutes? Probably a question for you, because both you and you are recruiting personnel.

Arseny Brykin:We need to start, and we are starting to work both in the mass segment and together with the Academy of Sciences, with Alferov, with his center, with MEPhI RAS. You need to start with very young 6-7-year-old children. Even then, those future minds are visible that are able to think in ternary logic and those types of calculations to which ordinary mathematics taught in high school, uncommitted. The selection of stars must begin at an early age.

As for the dream, it is formed according to the laws of psychology in the region of 7-12 years. And as part of the federal...

Marina Kalinina: What do they think at 7 years old?

Arseny Brykin:They represent a lot. My son is six years old, and he already wants to be a military engineer, to make unmanned aircrafts, he already knows how it works, and at the exhibition of only Almaz-Antey stands, he could not move away for a long time, studying how it all works. And he understands with his brain that he is interested. Until the age of 12, a dream is formed, and then our task is to realize this dream.

And the third point, which is solved by the federal program "Work in Russia" - when you oriented a growing citizen to a profession, formed a dream in him, he formed it himself - do not lose sight of this dream, bring him to the level of a professional, and do so so that he consciously chooses to work in Russian company, in Russian electronics, in Almaz-Antey, in Russian manufacturers CAD made this choice consciously, and did not go to our competitors on the western or eastern frontiers, and created competition for us, even being on the territory of the Russian Federation. The struggle for minds, for those who are stars at the Russian Olympiads for schoolchildren and students, takes place from the earliest years, from 10-12 years old, those future Mendeleevs and Lomonosovs, for whom we are already starting to fight, are visible. And it's good that they started to fight. Previously, we just gave them away, and even paid money for internship programs funded by the state, in fact, packing the brains and giving them to our foreign competitors.

Marina Kalinina: Are those who worked there for some time returning, or is this a problem?

Sergey Sorokin:There are those who return. We had at least two people working who returned. There are people who came to us from our competitors who worked, for example, in the same Mentor Graphics , v foreign companies. They came.

Arseny Brykin:Moreover, working in Russia, but for foreign competitors.

Sergey Sorokin:By the way, there are a lot of people from Russia and Ukraine working in the foreign offices of leading CAD developers, including in leading positions. Therefore, we really have good brains, the education system at one time was sharpened just for the education of such stars, but there is a problem, because it is not so easy to find a good specialist, and everything starts with education. Here we must invest a lot of effort in the education system.

Marina Kalinina: The question came: "Is your software in demand abroad?". From Perm Territory came. Are we selling something?

Sergey Sorokin:We have customers in Japan, America, Europe.

Marina Kalinina: Even in Japan they order ours?

Sergey Sorokin:Yes. The Japanese love something very specific, something interesting to try. But there is also a fairly serious project that concerns the design of our own microcircuits, where, perhaps, we will do some custom work for a Japanese customer.

Marina Kalinina: Good luck in all your endeavors. I think we will talk about this topic more than once, because the topic is large, voluminous and very interesting.

Since we started our today's broadcast with people, I want to finish with people. Let's look at the production portraits, we named them, of the people who make this Russian software, these minds. And I thank you for coming to the studio today. Sergei Sorokin was our guest General Director of the company "Eremeks", Arseniy Brykin, Deputy General Director of the company "Ruselectronics", a member of the Board of the Union of Machine Builders of Russia. Thank you.
