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Digital TV and internet in lcd putilkovo. Beeline home television and Internet in the village. Putilkovo. How to get equipment

Hello everyone, I joined Rostelecom, recently being an employee of the company. 1. Slowed down the previous Internet. 2. For corporate reasons. Intrigue, yes)) I myself was interested, so I called as a simple subscriber and asked to connect me to a simple tariff. Of course, I put 5 stars (for corporate reasons) and sincerely recommend connecting for personal reasons (after evaluating the quality and speed), but still I will write an objective review, because when connecting there are several features that I want to talk about. 1. Wire. Thin light gray optical wire. Plus: it is not visible in the apartment. They let him go along the wall in the gap between the cabinet and the wall with a thickness of 2 mm. However: if twisted pair from the previous Internet, it is still necessary to pull a new thin wire here, the optical signal will not go through copper wires. So twisted pair is simply not useful. I just rolled up the old cord and hid it. 2. I connected everything via Wi-Fi. Pluses that there are no wires in the apartment. I left the router only at the door. I connected everything to 120 Mb / s. It's fast. The Rostelecom router easily distributes such speed. Any smartphone catches it, but the computer must have a board that supports operation in the 5GHz band. In the standard 2.44 GHz, the speed for me personally turned out to be noticeably lower at the entrance to the computer - about 50. By wire - 120. Ping 0. Conclusion: the computer should "be able" to catch 120 megabits via Wi-Fi. There are such devices. I had to put. But do not pull the wires. 3. Agreement. I advise you to carefully read everything - both the contract and the additional agreements. Everything is in order there, the shares are simply registered. some, for example, give something as a gift, add. some function, antivirus or something else - forever. And some for a year, for example. Depending on the tariff. This causes me questions and reviews like "for no reason, what about the tariff?". Everything is in the contract. I read it, it suited me that they give me a router for a promotion for a year for a purely symbolic 10 rubles, and then I have to redeem it - with an additional payment to the tariff or all at once. In my opinion, it’s fair, but if I hadn’t read the contract, then a year later, having seen the receipt, I probably would have asked emotional issue- for what? So it's best to take a closer look. 4. By the way, it is not always the installers of Rostelecom who come to install the Internet, their contractors came to me. But we must pay tribute - minute by minute, everything was carefully carried out, connected, instructed and set sail. So there's another moment. To sum up: I am VERY pleased with the speed of the Internet. The quality is top notch. They also connected it normally - the repair was not affected ;-) The tariffs are complex because they consist of a bunch of parts of stock options and other things, but if we simplify all this, then the normal average price for the highest quality. If there is a technical possibility to connect to the apartment via optics, I advise you to do it. At least in the Chelyabinsk region, I don't know how it is in other regions.

A router for distributing traffic between Internet users. Connects devices to each other via WiFi, forming local network where information can be exchanged. Two antennas work to receive and transmit data, providing maximum coverage area, stable operation and high speed connections up to 300 Mb/s. The router is able to restart a hung modem and amplifier cellular communication automatically without the intervention of specialists. High quality communication is provided even for remote objects: cottages, country houses, production shops.

It is installed on the router and is responsible for transmitting and receiving data. The more powerful the antenna, the higher the stability and data rate. The technology is based on the organization of two communication channels, such a design reduces noise, improves communication quality and increases speed. Antenna power depends on the selected configuration and varies from 12 dbi in the basic package to 18 dbi in the ultra package. When providing the 4G format, the number of MIMO channels is a multiple of two, the most common option is 2x2.

A compact device that uses mobile communication channels to receive and transmit data. Corresponds modern standards 3G and 4G connections, allowing you to connect to the network anywhere, including outside the city and in the country. They can include antennas and amplifiers to improve the quality of communication. To connect, you need a SIM card from one of the operators, universal modems work when connected to any operator. A small device is connected to the USB port of a laptop or computer, and after installing the drivers it is ready for use. The modem receives the signal from the antenna and sends it to the router, which distributes it around the house.

SIM card

SIM card

SIM card with connection unlimited internet. A unique offer - you get access to the worldwide network without speed limits, traffic and torrents at a bargain price of 990 rubles per month. Works in the most popular standards of modern communication: 2G, 3G, 4G. Valid throughout Russia, except regions Far East and Crimea. If necessary, you can connect a static IP address.





It is required when installing video surveillance systems, strengthening cellular communications and the Internet, as well as television. Wires interconnect parts of the system, such as antennas and a repeater, and right choice cable provides minimal power loss during signal transmission. A pigtail, or communication cable, is used to connect one electronic device to another. This is a cord of different lengths, ending in a connector of a certain shape, necessary for building a linear communication system. Brackets are used for mounting satellite dishes, external antennas in communication amplification systems, the characteristic features are a special coating that prevents corrosion, and a telescopic mechanism for some models to increase the equipment removal. Our specialists will select the additional equipment necessary for your system, saving you from searching for wires and cables in specialized stores.

It is carried out by our company on a turnkey basis. Fully trained professionals will come to you. necessary equipment. First, the signal is measured, the best point for placing antennas and dishes is determined. You are offered options for the location of elements of television systems, video surveillance and strengthening cellular communications. The decoration of the facade of the house and its interior will not be disturbed. Specialists lay the cable, install the equipment and test each element of the system. The antenna is sent to the cell tower, repeated measurements of the signal level are carried out. In the interior, an antenna and a router are installed, WiFi is configured, the speed of transmitting and receiving data over the network is measured. After the installation of the equipment, the company's specialists provide instructions on its use and offer constant information and technical support installed system.

Additional information about Fantastic tariffs

Promotion: Free month

In the first and second months of use, the subscription fee will be 250 rubles / month for “Fantastic” and 300 rubles / month for “Fantastic MAX”.

Internet speed depends on a number of related parameters. Among them are the actions of segment managers, features of connecting points, channel loading, performance of client equipment, etc. PJSC VimpelCom cannot influence third-party factors and guarantee the declared speed outside its network.

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Subscription to the ivi-light package is free on the tariff "Fantastic MAX with TV". After connecting to the network, the subscriber himself activates the subscription through the menu of the set-top box (TVE)

On the Fantastic tariff, you can activate a subscription to ivi-light for 99 rubles / month.

Included in the tariff "Fantastic MAX with TV" for rent for 0 rub/month. Rent of an additional set-top box for the Multiroom service - 150 rubles / month. The set-top box is set up by the installer on the day of connection to Beeline TV for free.

Wi‑Fi router included

The router allows you to simultaneously connect several computers and mobile devices to the Internet. A Wi-Fi router SmartBox TURBO + is provided in installments of 150 rubles / month for 30 months. This fee is already included in the tariff! Setting up the router on the day of connecting to the Internet is carried out by the installer and free of charge.

- Can I use my router?

Yes, you can use your router to set up Wi-Fi if it supports 802.11n. But these tariffs already contain wifi router as part of a package offer. Connection to these tariffs without a router is impossible!

Beeline offers reliable models that provide a good signal at a special price and with the possibility of convenient installment terms. We recommend that you purchase a SmartBoxTURBO+ or Smart Box PRO router for a more reliable Wi-Fi signal throughout your apartment.

- How to get equipment

All ordered equipment (Wi-Fi router, set-top box) is delivered by the installer on the day of connection to the client's home.

Prices and tariffs are indicated in rubles including VAT. The subscriber receives a router for use free of charge. When switching to other Tariff plans or offers, as well as terminating the contract, the router remains the property of the Subscriber, however, Beeline has the right to recover from the Subscriber the cost of Beeline's expenses for connecting the Subscriber to the Promotion, if from the date of signing the acceptance certificate for The router has been less than 30 months old. The cost of Beeline's expenses is calculated as follows: A=(30-N)*150 rubles. A - Beeline expenses, the cost of connecting a subscriber for a promotion - 4500 rubles, are debited from a single subscriber account, regardless of the availability / sufficiency of funds and blocking basic and / or additional services under an agreement with the subscriber. N - the number of months spent by the Subscriber in the Promotion. In case of disconnection of the package offer or being in a voluntary or financial blocking for more than 180 days, the Internet tariff included in the package offer automatically switches to the "Basic" tariff plan (with the parameters in effect at the time the package offer was connected). The subscription fee for the tariff plan of Home Digital Television "Beeline TV" will be: for the tariff "Fantastic" 150 rubles, for the tariff "Fantastic MAX with TV" 420 rub. + monthly fee for SVOD ivi cinema subscription 99 rub.

Conditions for tariff plans

  • Tariffs for subscribers-individuals. Individuals are understood as owners and tenants of apartments who use services exclusively for personal, family, household and other needs not related to business activities.
  • All prices are indicated in rubles including VAT.
  • Services are provided subject to availability.
  • The speed of incoming traffic is equal to the speed of outgoing traffic. The maximum possible speed is indicated. Real speed access to the Internet depends not only on technical features services, but also from the actions of third telecom operators, organizations and persons managing segments of the Internet network that are outside the area of ​​responsibility of the Provider. All parameters are variable and are not guaranteed outside the Provider's network.
  • On the tariff plans with access speed over 100 Mbps maximum speed limited by the capabilities of the network interface and may differ depending on the technical capabilities of the equipment installed at this address.
  • At tariffs with an access speed of more than 100 Mbps, the maximum speed is limited by the capabilities of the network interface and may differ depending on the technical capabilities of the equipment installed at this address.
  • Payment system - advance payments.
  • The billing period is one month.
  • Write-off procedure - daily partial write-offs.
  • The transition from one tariff to another can be carried out upon application through the Personal Account or by contacting the Provider, provided that the Subscriber's Personal Account has the amount of at least one Subscriber's fee of the tariff to which the transition is being made. Changing the tariff with a change in speed requires re-switching work on the data transmission equipment. The cost of these works is 200 ₽ for each change in speed. In the event that the Subscriber changes the tariff with an increase in the subscription fee, the Provider assumes the costs of switching over.
  • When connecting to the Personal Account, it is necessary to make an Advance payment in the amount of at least 1000 ₽, for the tariffs "Ultra", "Ultra + TV" and "Ultra + GO" - 2000 ₽.
  • To resume the provision of communication services after blocking (reaching the balance personal account zero or negative value) the Subscriber needs to pay off the existing debt and deposit the amount of at least one Subscriber's fee to the Personal Account for all services provided to the Subscriber at the selected tariff.
  • Detailed conditions for the provision of services are given in the relevant annexes to the contract for the provision of communication services to individuals.

Conditions for the provision of additional services

  • The "Line Reservation" service is provided and charged in cases of suspension of the provision of communication services due to insufficiency Money on personal account. During the validity period of the Line Reservation, access to communication services is suspended. The cost of "Line Reservation" is 2 ₽/day.
  • The service "Voluntary blocking" is provided when the line is blocked due to temporary non-use of communication services at the initiative of the Subscriber. During the "Voluntary blocking" period, access to communication services is suspended. The cost of "Voluntary blocking" is 2 ₽/day.
  • The service "Reducing the limit of the contract" (promised payment) consists in postponing the payment of the Subscription fee for services at the selected tariff at the initiative of the Subscriber. “Contract Limit Reduction” is provided to the Subscriber free of charge for up to five days.
  • Subscribers on the current tariffs "Internet" and "Internet + TV" have access to the "Subscription" service, which consists in providing a discount on the Subscriber's fee of the tariff connected by the Subscriber when paying for the Services in advance for a year in advance.
  • The fee for allocating an external static IP address is 300 ₽, the monthly fee is 140 ₽/month.
  • SMS informing service — 29 ₽/month. Notifications via messenger and e-mail are free.

Conditions for the provision of the service Interactive TV

  • In the Internet + TV tariffs, television and online cinema services are provided by Life Stream LLC, except for the GO line. For tariffs of the GO line, television and online cinema services are provided by Megogo LLC.
  • The catalog of online cinemas Amediateka, IVI and Start and watching TV channels are available to mobile users. Android devices and iOS, on the portal, as well as users with Smart TV, Android TV and set-top boxes on the Android operating system in the Smotryoshka application, Megogo online cinema and watching TV channels are available to users of Android and iOS mobile devices, on portal, as well as users with Smart TV and set-top boxes in the Megogo application.
  • The subscriber is not entitled to refuse part of the services included in the tariff without changing the tariff. The list of TV channels is not an essential condition of the contract for the provision of communication services and may be changed.

Access to popular resources without speed limit

Equipment rental terms

  • Under an equipment rental agreement, subscribers may be provided with a TV set-top box and / or router for temporary possession and use. The equipment rental fee is subject to unconditional write-off. Equipment can be rented individuals, citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18, permanently registered in Moscow or the Moscow Region. To receive the equipment, the subscriber must provide a copy of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (including registration data), as well as a copy of one of the following documents of a citizen of the Russian Federation: driver's license or military ID. When changing the tariff, disconnecting the service or terminating the agreement on tariffs with equipment rental, the Subscriber is obliged to return the equipment or pay the full cost of the equipment. Delivery of equipment for existing subscribers is paid. The cost of delivery of one piece of equipment to an existing subscriber is 300 ₽. Each subsequent rental equipment adds 100 ₽ to the delivery cost. There is no charge for the delivery of equipment to new subscribers.

Connection conditions for the action "Summer at our expense"

  • Applications for connection under the promotion are accepted until 07/31/2019, connection - until 08/04/2019 inclusive.
  • The promotion is held for new subscribers-individuals and is valid at addresses where Ecotelecom services were not provided within 5 months before the connection.
  • Free access to services is provided for all tariffs, except for the "GO" line.
  • When connecting to a personal account, you must make an advance payment in the amount of at least 1000 ₽.
  • Equipment and Additional services when connecting by promotion, they are provided on standard terms.
  • The money deposited in advance to the account when connecting through the promotion is non-refundable.