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major oil exporters. Reserves, production and consumption of oil by countries of the world. How many years will oil reserves last

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A third of the countries on the planet have proven oil reserves suitable for production and processing on an industrial scale, but not all of them trade raw materials on foreign market. Only a dozen countries play a decisive role in this sphere of the world economy. The leading players in the oil market are the largest consumer economies and a few producing states.

The oil-producing powers annually extract more than one billion barrels of raw materials from the bowels of the earth. For decades, the generally accepted reference unit for measuring liquid hydrocarbons has been the conventional barrel - the American barrel, which is equal to 159 liters. The total global reserves, according to various estimates of experts, range from 240 to 290 billion tons.

Supplier countries are divided into several groups by specialists:

  • member states of OPEC;
  • country North Sea;
  • North American manufacturers;
  • other major exporters.

The largest segment of world trade is occupied by OPEC. On the territory of the twelve member states of the cartel lies 76% of the explored volumes of this non-renewable resource. Members of the international organization daily extract 45% of the world's light oil from the bowels. Analysts from the IEA - the International Energy Agency - believe that in the coming years, dependence on OPEC countries will only grow due to the reduction in reserves of independent exporters. Middle East countries supply oil to buyers in the Asia-Pacific region, North America and Western Europe.

At the same time, both suppliers and buyers are striving to diversify the logistics component of trade transactions. The supply volumes of traditional producers are approaching their upper limit, so some large buyers, primarily China, are increasingly turning their attention towards the so-called rogue countries: for example, Sudan and Gabon. Ignored by China international norms does not always meet with understanding in the international community, however, it is largely justified to ensure economic security.

Rating of leading oil exporters

The absolute leaders in oil exports are the champions in the extraction of raw materials from the subsoil: Saudi Arabia and the Russian Federation. The list of the largest sellers of oil for the last decade is as follows:

  1. Saudi Arabia consistently ranked top with the most extensive proven reserves and daily exports of 8.86 million barrels, almost 1.4 million tons. The country has about 80 extensive fields, with Japan and the United States being the largest consumers.
  2. Russia supplies 7.6 million barrels. per day. The country has more than 6.6 billion tons of proven reserves of black gold, which is 5% of the world's reserves. The main buyers are neighboring countries and the EU. Given the development of promising fields in Sakhalin, an increase in exports to Far Eastern buyers is expected.
  3. UAE exports 2.6 million barrels. The Middle East state has 10% of oil reserves, the main trading partners are the Asia-Pacific countries.
  4. Kuwait– 2.5 million barrels A small state has a tenth of the world's reserves. At the current rate of production, the resources will last at least a century.
  5. Iraq- 2.2 - 2.4 million barrels It is in second place in terms of available reserves of raw materials, explored deposits of more than 15 billion tons. Experts say that there is twice as much oil in the bowels.
  6. Nigeria- 2.3 million barrels The African state has consistently ranked sixth for many years. Explored reserves make up 35% of the total volume of deposits found on the black continent. The favorable geographical position allows transporting raw materials both in North America, and to the countries of the Far East region.
  7. Qatar- 1.8 - 2 million barrels. Export earnings per capita are the highest, making this country the richest in the world. The volumes of explored reserves exceed 3 billion tons.
  8. Iran- more than 1.7 million barrels The volume of reserves is 12 billion tons, which is 9% of the planet's wealth. About 4 million barrels are extracted daily in the country. After the lifting of sanctions, supplies to the foreign market will increase. Despite the decline in prices, Iran intends to export at least 2 million barrels. The main buyers are China, South Korea and Japan.
  9. Venezuela- 1.72 million barrels The United States is the largest trading partner.
  10. Norway- more than 1.6 million barrels The Scandinavian country has the largest reserves among the EU countries - one and a half billion tons.
  • Mexico, Kazakhstan, Libya, Algeria, Canada, Angola are major exporters with daily sales exceeding 1 million barrels per day. Less than a million a day are exported by Britain, Colombia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Sudan. In total, more than three dozen states appear among the sellers.

Rating of the largest buyers of oil

The list of the largest buyers of crude oil has remained stable over the years. However, due to the intensification of shale oil production in the United States and the growth of the Chinese economy in the coming years, the leader may change. The volumes of daily purchases are as follows:

  1. USA buy 7.2 million barrels daily. A third of imported oil is of Arab origin. Imports are gradually decreasing due to the reopening of their own deposits. At the end of 2015, in some periods, net imports decreased to 5.9 million barrels. in a day.
  2. PRC imports 5.6 million barrels. In terms of GDP, it is the largest economy in the world. In an effort to ensure the stability of supplies, state-owned companies are investing heavily in the oil industries in Iraq, Sudan and Angola. Geographical neighbor Russia also expects to increase the share of deliveries to the Chinese market.
  3. Japan. The Japanese economy needs 4.5 million barrels of oil daily. oil. The dependence of the local oil refining industry on external purchases is 97%, in the near future it will be 100%. The main supplier is Saudi Arabia.
  4. India imports per day 2.5 million barrels. The dependence of the economy on imports is 75%. Experts predict that in the next decade, purchases on the foreign market will increase by 3-5% per year. In terms of purchases of "black gold" in the short term, India may overtake Japan.
  5. South Korea– 2.3 million barrels The main suppliers are Saudi Arabia and Iran. In 2015, for the first time, purchases were made in Mexico.
  6. Germany– 2.3 million barrels
  7. France– 1.7 million barrels
  8. Spain– 1.3 million barrels
  9. Singapore– 1.22 million barrels
  10. Italy– 1.21 million barrels
  • More than half a million barrels per day are purchased by the Netherlands, Turkey, Indonesia, Thailand and Taiwan. //

According to IEA estimates, in 2016 the demand for liquid hydrocarbons will increase by 1.5%. Next year, growth will be 1.7%. In the long term, demand will also grow steadily, and not only due to an increase in the number Vehicle using internal combustion engines. Modern technologies demand more and more synthetic materials derived from oil.

This is stated in a press release from BP, dedicated to the publication of the annual statistical review of the company. Last year Russia produced 540.7 million tons of oil and condensate. 254.7 million tons of crude oil and 150.1 million tons of oil products were exported, a company representative explained. In sum, this figure is more than that of Saudi Arabia, he added. Data on the export of oil and oil products from Saudi Arabia are not disclosed in the report. The representative of BP did not do this either. But the report says that the country's oil production rose to a record 568.5 million tons, while domestic consumption was 168.1 million tons. The difference, it turns out, was 400.4 million tons.

Exports from Russia grew due to an increase in the production of liquid hydrocarbons with a decrease in the volume of refining, explains Vygon Consulting consultant Daria Kozlova. Production was affected by tax incentives for new fields in a number of regions and a favorable price environment, said the director of the Moscow oil and gas center EY Denis Borisov. According to him, 2015 was the first year in more than 10 years when processing in Russia was reduced. First of all, this is due to a decrease in customs subsidies due to the fall in oil prices, continues Kozlova. It is more profitable for companies to export crude oil than to refine it. At the same time, the main export oil product in Russia is fuel oil, which is cheaper than crude oil, says Borisov.

The Ministry of Energy explains the growth in exports by the same factors. Domestic oil consumption in Russia fell by 5.2% due to the downturn in the economy, according to BP.

Europe (purchased 488.1 million tons of oil and 184 million tons of oil products) and China (335.8 million and 69.5 million tons) provided the largest increase in imports in the world last year. Russia remains Europe's leading supplier of oil and gas, accounting for 37% and 35% of European consumption, according to BP. Europe last year received 158.5 million tons of oil and 88.9 million tons of oil products, China - 42.4 million and 3.8 million tons. Focus on Asia - the main trend for Russian exporters over the past few years, the share of deliveries to the East is growing, says Alexander Kornilov, senior analyst at Aton. He calls Rosneft a pioneer here - it has long-term contracts with CNPC.

But Rosneft plans to increase oil supplies to European consumers via the Druzhba pipeline by 3-5% this year to about 28.7-29 million tons, a company representative said. “At the same time, the company is actively working with partners from the Asia-Pacific region: in 2015, the volume of oil supplies in this direction increased by 18.5% compared to 2014 to 39.7 million tons,” he adds. Gazprom Neft exported 9.58 million tons of oil to non-CIS countries and 2.46 million tons to the CIS last year, a company representative said. Representatives of Lukoil and Surgutneftegaz did not answer the calls of Vedomosti, the representative of Bashneft was unavailable to journalists.

The total actual need for net oil imports for all EU countries (28) was 3.82 billion barrels (10.5 million barrels per day) in 2015. The energy deficit in oil and oil products is estimated at 86%. 100% is when absolutely all oil and oil products are imported.
Oil dependence is at historical highs.

Oil imports in 2015 compared to 2014 increased by 4.7% for all countries and by 5.9% for the top 10 importers, however, even 2 years of growth in oil imports (since 2013) does not compensate for the downward trend in imports since 2005.

In 2015, oil imports are 9-10% lower than the peak levels of 2005-2006. The EU is a stagnating market for energy resources. Demand is not growing there for three reasons: the economic recession since 2007, the increase in energy efficiency, the development of alternative energy sources. Over the next 10 years, oil imports to the EU28 will decrease by at least another 10% in physical terms, mainly due to energy efficiency improvements and trends towards alternative energy sources.

According to my calculations based on data and sources from the Euro Commission (EC), Russia in 2015 provided 30% of total oil supplies, or about 3.1 million barrels. in a day. Superiority over the nearest competitor (Norway) by 2.5 times. Average daily oil supplies of more than 500 thousand barrels per day are provided by only 7 countries - Russia, Norway, Nigeria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan. All countries of the Middle East provide only 1.8 million barrels. per day or slightly less than 18% of total supplies. But entering the Iranian market in 2016 can provide at least 600,000 barrels - that's how much was supplied to the EU (28) before the Iranian embargo. All African countries - this is about 2.6 million barrels.

The table shows from which country and where the oil went in 2015 in million barrels per year according to my compilation oil flows. It's about exclusively about external oil supplies without subsequent distribution within the EU, which is why there are fewer than 28 countries in the table, because not everyone supports foreign trade energy ties.

This is in general terms. And what the EU means by diversifying energy supplies (from where, where and how) is a separate discussion.

The world's proven oil reserves (as of 2015) amount to 1,657.4 billion barrels. The largest oil reserves - 18.0% of all world reserves - are located on the territory of Venezuela. Proved oil reserves in this country amount to 298.4 billion barrels. Saudi Arabia has the second largest oil reserves in the world. The volume of its proven reserves is about 268.3 billion barrels of oil (16.2% of the world). Proven oil reserves in Russia amount to approximately 4.8% of the world's - about 80.0 billion barrels, in the US - 36.52 billion barrels (2.2% of the world).

Oil reserves in the countries of the world (as of 2015), barrels

Production and consumption of oil by country

The world leader in oil production is Russia - 10.11 million barrels per day, followed by Saudi Arabia - 9.735 million barrels per day. The world leader in oil consumption is the United States - 19.0 million barrels per day, China is in second place - 10.12 million barrels per day.

Oil production by countries of the world (as of 2015), barrels per day


Oil consumption by countries of the world (as of 2015), barrels per day


Experts from the International Energy Agency (IEA) expect global oil demand to grow by 1.4 million barrels per day in 2016 to 96.1 million barrels per day. In 2017, according to forecasts, global demand will reach 97.4 million barrels per day.

World oil exports and imports

The leaders in oil imports are currently the United States - 7.4 million barrels per day and China - about 6.7 million barrels per day. Export leaders are Saudi Arabia - 7.2 million barrels per day and Russia - 4.9 million barrels per day.

Export volume by countries of the world in 2015

placethe countryexport volume, bbl/daychange,% compared to 2014
1 Saudi Arabia7163,3 1,1
2 Russia4897,5 9,1
3 Iraq3004,9 19,5
4 UAE2441,5 -2,2
5 Canada2296,7 0,9
6 Nigeria2114,0 -0,3
7 Venezuela1974,0 0,5
8 Kuwait1963,8 -1,6
9 Angola1710,9 6,4
10 Mexico1247,1 2,2
11 Norway1234,7 2,6
12 Iran1081,1 -2,5
13 Oman788,0 -2,0
14 Colombia736,1 2,0
15 Algeria642,2 3,1
16 Great Britain594,7 4,2
17 USA458,0 30,5
18 Ecuador432,9 2,5
19 Malaysia365,5 31,3
20 Indonesia315,1 23,1

OPEC data

Import volume by countries of the world in 2015

placethe countryimport volume, bbl/daychange, % to 2014
1 USA7351,0 0,1
2 China6730,9 9,0
3 India3935,5 3,8
4 Japan3375,3 -2,0
5 South Korea2781,1 12,3
6 Germany1846,5 2,2
7 Spain1306,0 9,6
8 Italy1261,6 16,2
9 France1145,8 6,4
10 Netherlands1056,5 10,4
11 Thailand874,0 8,5
12 Great Britain856,2 -8,9
13 Singapore804,8 2,6
14 Belgium647,9 -0,3
15 Canada578,3 2,6
16 Turkey505,9 43,3
17 Greece445,7 6,0
18 Sweden406,2 7,5
19 Indonesia374,4 -2,3
20 Australia317,6 -28,0

OPEC data

How many years will oil reserves last?

Oil is a non-renewable resource. Proved oil reserves (for 2015) are approximately 224 billion tons (1657.4 billion barrels), estimated - 40-200 billion tons (300-1500 billion barrels).

By the beginning of 1973, the world's proven oil reserves were estimated at 77 billion tons (570 billion barrels). Thus, proven reserves have been growing in the past (oil consumption is also growing - over the past 40 years it has grown from 20.0 to 32.4 billion barrels per year). However, since 1984, the annual volume of world oil production has exceeded the volume of explored oil reserves.

World oil production in 2015 was about 4.4 billion tons per year, or 32.7 billion barrels per year. Thus, at the current rate of consumption, proven oil reserves will last for about 50 years, and estimated reserves for another 10-50 years.

US oil market

As of 2015, the US imported approximately 39% of its total oil consumption and produced 61% of its own. The main oil exporting countries to the US are Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Mexico, Nigeria, Iraq, Norway, Angola and the UK. Approximately 30% of US oil imports and 15% of total US oil consumption is of Arab origin.

According to experts, the strategic oil reserves in the United States currently amount to more than 695 million barrels, and commercial oil reserves - about 520 million barrels. For comparison, in Japan, the strategic oil reserves are about 300 million barrels, and in Germany - about 200 million barrels.

US unconventional oil production increased approximately five-fold between 2008 and 2012, reaching almost 2.0 million barrels per day by the end of 2012. By the beginning of 2016, the 7 largest shale oil basins were already producing about 5.0 million barrels daily. The average share of shale oil, or as it is often called, light oil from tight reservoirs, in total oil production in 2016 was 36% (compared to 16% in 2012).

U.S. conventional crude oil production (including condensate) was 8.6 mb/d in 2015, down 1.0 mb/d from 2012. The total volume of oil production in the USA, including shale, in 2015 amounted to more than 13.5 million barrels per day. Much of the growth in recent years has been driven by increased oil production in North Dakota, Texas and New Mexico, where hydraulic fracturing (HF) and horizontal drilling technologies have been used to produce oil from shale formations.

In percentage terms (up 16.2% over the previous year), 2014 was the best year in more than six decades. The annual increase in oil production regularly exceeded 15% in the first half of the 20th century, but these changes were smaller in absolute terms because production levels were much lower than they are now. US oil production has grown in each of the previous six years. This trend followed the period from 1985 to 2008, in which oil production fell every year (except for one year). In 2015, growth in US oil production stalled due to a sharp drop in oil prices in the second half of 2014.

According to the latest IEA estimates, conventional oil production in the United States in 2016 will be 8.61 million barrels per day, in 2017 - 8.2 million barrels per day. US oil demand in 2016 will average 19.6 million barrels per day. The average oil price forecast for 2016 has been raised to $43.57 per barrel, and for 2017 to $52.15 per barrel.
