Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

How to propose an idea to a large company. Sale of business ideas. How can these ideas be sold? Common Freelancer Mistakes

There are not as many people who want to buy an idea for a business as it seems. Large companies have their own creative departments and rarely turn to outside specialists for help. And private investors are in no hurry to finance projects that are not guaranteed to make a profit.

In addition, in this market there is a high risk of idea theft when the author does not receive anything. Therefore, before you declare that you are selling a business idea, you should consider how to present it to a future buyer and how to protect yourself from deception.


You can create your own design as follows:

  • image or thought. The author at some point had an idea, and he put it in the form of a couple of sentences in his diary. Pluses - a minimum of expenses of personal time; no development costs. Cons - zero price; authorship cannot be proven.
  • A statement of the essence of the project, indicating strengths and weaknesses possibly with examples. Pluses - small expenses of personal time; no development costs. Cons - the price remained zero. In case of copyright infringement, such a description does not give grounds for obtaining monetary compensation.
  • Patent. Pluses - protection of copyrights at the state or world level. Cons - you need to be able to make applications; examination can take from a couple of months to a couple of years; patent registration must be paid. Having a patent will protect your intellectual property, but does not guarantee its implementation. It should be clarified that it is not the idea itself that can be patented, but only some specific version of its implementation.
  • Business plan. Pros - is of practical value for the investor; small financial costs for compilation. Cons - it will take from 2 to 6 months to draw up a quality plan. How long it will take to find a buyer is unknown.
  • Startup. Pros - the fastest and most real way to sell a business idea; the prospect of earning significantly more than selling the concept itself. Cons - organizing your own company requires complete dedication; initial financing should be carried out from own funds.


It is clear that most investors want ready business buy and sell the idea without the appropriate design will not work. If we evaluate the chances of a sale, then start-ups come first, then business plans, and then patents. Theoretically, a startup can count on independent interest from investors. But in practice, you need to look for a buyer yourself. At this stage, the timing and cost of implementing the idea mainly depends on the ability to properly present the product.

There is another way to sell a business idea - the development of a project for a specific customer. First, we are looking for a person who is ready to pay for a certain task, we conclude a contract with him, which specifies the terms, reporting form and price. In the search for such orders, a resume with a list of successfully completed similar work helps a lot.

The fact that finding an idea and turning it into a stable source of income is quite realistic is proved by the statistics of the Business Molodost project. Every year, thousands of people come here who, in the process of learning, create their own companies from scratch or bring already established companies to a new level of profitability.

I propose to invest in two technologies. Building really fast housing. This is not just an assembly of a house from parts that were made for several months, it is a real construction of a house right on the spot with the help of special tools and equipment. It can be transported by a gazelle. I will say very briefly. A house of 100 square meters is built by three people in a few hours. It takes a day to build a house of 200 square meters. This technology is applicable in the construction of houses no more than 2 floors. he least of all pays attention to the original, exotic appearance of the dwelling. Tools and equipment and all material pay off in 2-3 houses. The second technology is more complicated, but it is possible to build multi-storey houses (up to 10) Three times longer than a similar house using the first technology, including the manufacture of parts. Production of parts, on the construction site. Machines for details stand in the open air, under a canopy. With this technology, you do not need: a foundation, masons, plasterers, tilers and a couple of other professions. One assembler in the assembly process does the work of 3-4 specialists at once. (Not because he can, but because the assembly technology is such). According to the second technology, a European-style house, of any design, from a cottage to a castle. . It pays off about as quickly, although a KAMAZ with a trailer is required to transport the machines to a new construction site. There is a pile design that does not need to be hammered. It goes into the hardest ground under its own weight. It is enough to direct it vertically at the beginning, a meter and a half. A nine-meter pile completely goes into the ground in about five minutes. Preservation of juvenile trepang, crustaceans and others up to 95% The cost of setting up a farm is so small that it’s not worth even talking about it, otherwise you really think it’s nonsense. The farm yields about 70-90 tons of trepang (depending on the size of the farm) .Frameless traps for lobsters and the like.Very compact.Several times increase the number of traps served per unit of time. A device that allows you to collect and hold (voluntarily) in one place, great amount fish, both river and sea. Making devices is ridiculously cheap. The recoil is really fantastic. The fish is easy to collect in a place convenient for you. I must say right away that these are not electronic devices, not food with odors, not nets and traps. Fish live and feed there, some even spawn, and those that spawn in other places return after spawning. Devices of various sizes. From 10 sq m to tens of hectares. It depends on how many fish you need, a ton or two or a hundred. It is installed very quickly. (1 hectare in 2 hours, three people) Poachers rush to introduce, but do not give money. Tested for several years. In the field of alternative energy. A wind turbine with blades located at the back, although the impeller is horizontal. This allows you to build a power plant with a very small diameter (2-3m) but total area the blades will be hundreds of meters. It works in very light wind (almost no wind). It “collects” the wind blowing past, from a small one it makes a big one. This is if it is very short. There is a mini hydroelectric power station for the undercurrent. islands crazy current. Device for collecting eggs of flies in its pure form. From 1 sq. m. to 200 grams of eggs and more. I don’t know how abroad, but in Russia those who deal with this problem fail to overcome the threshold of 10-15 grams, although they are called research institutes with all the possibilities. (Now probably already no one is dealing with this problem). I think things are no better over the hill, because they still spend billions on manure processing, but they could spend a hundred or two times less. The completed project of an air cushion vehicle. It is many times superior to any existing similar machines in all respects. There are no caterpillars, but it climbs (at a walking speed) over fallen trees, boulders, hummocks and meter-high stumps, very dense thickets of reeds. Speed ​​on a horizontal surface up to one hundred kilometers per hour. It can climb steep slopes (up to 40 degrees) for a long time. No one has such a design yet, neither in Russia, nor in them. The same air, but it is supplied through a different scheme, including and effect. Floating island (any size). high quality required for such structures, the construction of the entire complex is ten times cheaper (compared to any other proposed projects). When installing the island, my inventions in housing construction, fishing, alternative energy and others are used. I will not bore you with others no less interesting projects. Notice I'm not asking for money. I offer you options promising investments capital. Ready to answer questions. And yet, if this happens and you want to invest in any of the proposed (and not voiced) projects, then your share will be very, very significant. (80-90%) Questions in personal mail. that all these things are not from the series of "perpetual motion machines"

Do you have brilliant ideas that, with proper financial support and competent implementation, can bring good money?

I think they visit and I think that you, not knowing what to do with this idea, simply let it die ingloriously.

But everything could be different if you knew how to sell an idea and how to get a good income from it.

I want to sell an idea, but to whom?

To be honest, I didn’t think of writing on this topic myself, I was prompted to do this by an unplanned Facebook “meeting” with my classmate.

Vadik gushed with ideas at school:

  • then he proposed to introduce an elective monarchy at school, choosing the king every 2 years;
  • sometimes he wrote scripts for some incredible school holidays, from which our class teacher clutched her head;
  • sometimes he organized frog races on the school playground;
  • then he made catapults so that he could shoot paper balls.

In general - a man-orchestra.

After graduation, I did not maintain relations with many classmates, especially since Vadik was not one of my close friends.

And not so long ago, a classmate found me on Facebook.

During the correspondence, I asked if they continue to visit him interesting ideas.

A classmate exclaimed: “Sea! Who would sell them, would get rich already.

I suggested: “So sell!”, And then hung up, because I could not advise who to sell them to.

It was then that I decided to find out more about who you can sell an idea to and how you can do it.

What ideas can be sold?

In fact, you can sell any ideas, even those that are not denounced in any form other than verbal.

This, however, is much more difficult and dangerous, but also quite realistic.

Who said that there are no crystal-clearly honest investors helping young talents in our country?

If you want to do everything correctly, then it is better to give your idea a more serious form, so that it would be much easier for a potential buyer to get acquainted with it.

The idea you want to sell can be in a variety of areas:

  1. A business is a startup that can bring good profits.
  2. Science is a formula, a hypothesis, a theorem that requires proof, etc.
  3. Art - a sketch of a picture, an idea for a script, a layout of a monument, and so on.
  4. A technique is a part or device.
  5. Architecture is an innovative sketch of a building that no one has ever brought to life before.
  6. Floristry is an original sketch of a flower arrangement.
  7. Fashion is an invention that will change the life of fashionistas.
  8. Agriculture - a new breed of living creatures, a new variety of plants, an invention to combat the Colorado potato beetle, etc.
  9. Cooking is a recipe for which the best chefs in the world will sell their souls.
  10. IT technologies - creating an antivirus program, writing some kind of program, etc.

In general, as you can see, you can sell an idea in any field.

The main thing is that this idea be innovative, promising, realistic in implementation and not too expensive (even the most eccentric billionaire will not invest millions in an idea that is unlikely to return his investment).

How to sell an idea correctly so as not to become a victim of a dishonest businessman?

What was born in your head in an abstract form is not subject to sale.

If you come to some philanthropist or entrepreneur and begin to explain to him on your fingers that you want to sell him, then at best you will be politely escorted out the door.

It is advisable to go to such an important meeting with a ready-made marketing plan so that a person immediately understands whether or not he should buy your idea.

“But this is a huge risk!” some will exclaim, “What will prevent some moneybags from just stealing my idea, and not buying it?”.

It is much easier to steal just a voiced idea, because it is not protected by the “Copyright Law”, while clause 2 of this very “Law” states that manuscripts, images, video and audio recordings, models, dummies are protected by copyright and much more.

To put it simply, if you're stupid enough to talk on every street corner about a discovery that has visited you, then don't complain if someone decides to take advantage of it without paying you a dime.

It’s a completely different matter if a dishonest sponsor, instead of buying an idea expressed in diagrams, texts and layouts, simply takes advantage of your work, you can sue him for copyright infringement.

Conclusion of an agreement with an investor will help to sell the idea without deception on his part

What exactly I mean, I will show you with an example.

Let's say you came to a private investment fund with your brilliant business idea.

You have well thought out its possible implementation, you know how much money you will need and even managed to draw up a business plan.

All this from the threshold to hand over to the investor is not necessary.

Briefly state to him the essence of your idea, say that you would like to sell it and show selectively several of your blanks.

If you see that your proposal is interested, offer him to conclude an agreement according to which your idea becomes the object of copyright, you are the seller, and the investor is the buyer.

The contract must include:

  1. The terms of your cooperation with the customer: you will personally implement this idea, your participation will be limited to consultations / general control, or you will not participate in its implementation at all after receiving the money.
  2. The amount of your remuneration and its type: it will be a one-time payment or regular receipts to your account in the form of a percentage of income.
  3. Rights and obligations of your (seller) and investor (buyer).

It is very important that this contract is certified by a notary and that it is legally competent.

If you are afraid of deception, then you can enlist the support of a lawyer who will study the drawn up contract and protect your rights.

Who can sell an idea?

And finally, the most difficult thing remains: where to find those same investors who are ready to invest in a promising one and make his “father” rich?

I confess that this is an incredibly difficult task, especially in our country, especially in the current economic crisis.

But the task is quite solvable, if this is exactly what you want.

You can sell an idea:

    Wealthy entrepreneurs.

    You need to make a detour the richest people in your city (it's incredibly difficult to get to them directly) and tell them the essence of the idea you want to sell.

    And suddenly someone will be interested.

  1. Various charitable foundations, both domestic and foreign: RFBR, "Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation", "Development through Education", USAID, ACTR, "Bureau of Educational and Cultural Programs", which is funded by the USA, etc.
  2. Funds that are ready to invest a lot of money in various innovative projects, for example, the Microfinance Activities Assistance Fund, the Direct Investment Fund, the Internet Initiatives Development Fund, the RVC Biofund, etc.

But before you jump on the idea and run to sell it, make sure your idea:

  • really innovative (no one has ever created anything like this);
  • set out on paper or in some other form simply enough for the investor to understand;
  • will bring profits and benefits much more than the money and effort spent on its development;
  • worth the long and tedious knocking on the thresholds of investors in the hope of selling it.

How to Present Your Business Idea

for its profitable sale,

told in the video:

Think well how to sell an ide yu, so as not to regret later on the lost opportunities.

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I am often visited by various ideas for startups in different directions, from websites to real physical businesses. Ideas both small - “the same, only with mother-of-pearl buttons”, and large, for the production of something in a certain way or for full-fledged commercial sites.

Traveling through the expanses of the Internet, I could not help but notice that the question of “selling ideas” at different stages of their development is not mine alone, messages like “there is an idea for a million, I don’t, I just won’t give it, how to get money for it, at least ten thousand?”

Relatively recently appeared sites for startups that help to find investors have partially solved this problem, but not everyone is useful.
After all, investors do not give money for an idea or even for a good business plan. They usually give money for the implementation of the idea by the author. And what about those who do not want to / cannot implement?

After spending many sleepless nights thinking about the way to "sell ideas", I came up with one option, which in itself is a complete idea. And since above, I spoke about the lack of time for their implementation - and I want to present it to the public.

Some more lyrics

What is an idea? This is a certain amount of information. At the moment we are interested in information that can help make money. A new diet for weight loss in 10 days is also an idea, but in itself it is of little interest to us at the moment. But the idea of ​​​​how to make money with a description of several diets is already more interesting.

How can you sell any information?

1) According to the principle of money in the morning, chairs in the evening. This is how you can sell movies, music, software, books, but this is not suitable for single materials. The driving force in this case is the feedback of those who bought it, and we have only one buyer planned.

2) According to the principle, chairs in the morning, and if you like it, money in the evening. So now some content is being sold, but it doesn’t suit us either, with each subsequent “initiate”, the idea falls in price.

3) For trial versions - read one chapter, if you like it - buy a book. This is already more interesting and, with some stretch, can be used to “sell ideas”, listen to the description and get money for money. detailed business plan, but I don’t think that under such a scheme they will give a lot of money for an idea, the probability that it is bad is still too high.

4) According to the principle of development to order or brainstorming - here's your money, work for the result. Works in some directions for "selling ideas", but this is more for slogans / logos, etc.

There are other ways, I don’t remember now, and I obviously don’t know everything. But I know one that, in my opinion, may well be suitable for our task.

We ship in bulk, buy in bulk.

The invented method is based on two "if":

If you can’t get a million from one investor for an idea, then why not get a thousand from a thousand investors for it, and who of them implements it - what difference does it make to me?

If I’m afraid to buy one idea for a million, then why not buy a million thousand such ideas, some one will surely like it and shoot, but it will be the sale of new diets or socks with mother-of-pearl buttons - what difference does it make to me?

And now the very description of the site-service

When registering on the site, we choose for ourselves one of two roles: the seller of ideas or the buyer (call them what you want, I'm for clarity).

Can publish his idea on the site in almost any form, from the simplest “wouldn’t it be nice to make socks with scented” to well-thought-out concepts with ready-made calculations, research and a business plan.
When published, he assigns a buyout price to his idea. Moreover, for ideas at different stages of maturity, you can set a price within different limits (more on that later).
Everything published is moderated by the administration to screen out outright nonsense.
Everything approved by the moderator is published in one general catalog with a breakdown by direction, degree of maturity, etc.
If within a few months the idea is not redeemed - it goes to the archive.

Registered for money - a certain subscription fee per month. For registration, it is quite possible to lure with demo versions of mature ideas, and in the future even examples of successful implementation.
Gets access to the entire catalog of published ideas without any restrictions. (although naturally, as the site is filled, you can think of different tariff plans depending on quantity/quality/sections).
Naturally, he can try to implement any idea from the catalog immediately after reading it.
If he saw something really interesting in the catalog, he can, in addition to his monthly fee, pay the same redemption price, thereby removing the idea from the catalog, i.e. limit yourself to the circle of possible competitors, this will make you visit the site more often and keep track of new items.
In addition, depending on the desire of the seller - you can also invite him to cooperate with any plan for the redeemed idea, the seller's contacts are transferred to the buyer.

Accordingly, all sellers receive their small monthly amount for several months (the sum of all subscriber fees of buyers minus the percentage of the site, divided by all active ideas, multiplied by a certain idea maturity coefficient).
Those who come up with really worthwhile things and bring them to maximum maturity additionally have a chance to actually sell their idea (purchase price minus the percentage of the site), and possibly also receive an invitation from the buyer for joint implementation / work / etc.

Graphically it looks like this

On this, in principle, that's all, maybe I missed something from my thoughts, I'm writing from memory and it's already late at night. I am happy to read comments and answer any questions.

And of course, I would gladly use such a site myself.

Good day, dear readers! Are you the author of an interesting and profitable business project? Are you dreaming of profitably selling an idea for a business? In this article, you will read what you need to do to do this. Learn the pros and cons of different design methods.

Came up with an interesting plan for commercial implementation? You can earn good money on this! However, if you decide to sell an idea for a business created by you personally, you first need to correctly arrange it. You can sell using this aggregator

When doing so, consider the following details:

  • Writing a description of the idea. Write prospects and benefits, indicate possible risks;
  • Video supplement. If you make a video that helps you understand the essence of your startup, you are more likely to “reach out” to investors and get a decent income;
  • Attachment of bibliographic sources. This technique will increase the credibility of your personal ideas, as you will rely on proven materials;
  • Create an attractive presentation. Consider the fact that a long presentation will tire the audience. Therefore, develop short, but bright and memorable slides;
  • Ensuring copyright. This is important to protect your intellectual property;
  • Preparation of samples for sale of finished products.

Selling Features

Read below what are the pros and cons of a particular design method:

  • Patent. On the positive side, strong copyright protection by the state. Negative side- the complexity of drawing up an application, the duration of the examination procedure (from 2 months to several years), the lack of guarantees of full implementation;

  • Startup. Positive moments - speed, the reality of selling a business idea, the possibility of high earnings. Negative sides - investing your own funds at the initial stage, applying maximum efforts to the organization (creating a competent presentation and self-promotion);

  • Thought in the form of several phrases. As a rule, this summary a brilliant idea that suddenly came to you. From the positive - the absence of material costs, the minimum time spent. From the negative - the inability to prove one's own authorship in case of theft of an idea, low cost;

  • Writing the main essence, brief theses and examples of a business project. Advantages: no need to invest in development and spend a lot of time on it. Disadvantages: to prove authorship in case of violation of rights will not work, you should not count on a good price;
  • Business plan. Advantages: low development costs, practical value for a potential buyer. Disadvantages: long periods of preparation (it will take about six months to create a competent concept and real calculations) and search for investors.

So, now you are familiar with the form in which business ideas are sold. The best chances to profitably sell a business development are a startup (it can be actively promoted on the Internet and receive financial assistance from many people). Then comes the business plan. And I will put the patent in third place. To sell a developed idea or a finished product profitably and quickly, you need to make every effort. I believe that you will succeed!

I hope my tips on selling business ideas will definitely help you achieve what you want! I would be glad if you subscribe to my blog about earnings, recommend reading the article to your friends from popular social networks! See you soon!

Be sure to read this interesting article -> New types of business in Russia

Sincerely, Ivan Balashov!

How to sell an idea or invention?

Home » Idea Store » Invitation to sell ideas and inventions


Very often on the network you can see ads like " sell business idea or, conversely, buy a business idea«.

How to sell an idea and get rich

We decided to help both sides, to make a win-win combination.

1) sell your business idea.

If you want to sell your unique business idea that you may have been hatching day and night for many months, then you can briefly describe its essence, scope and approximate costs (if any).

In order not to disclose the information completely, it is possible to describe it thesis, so that it is more or less clear what is at stake. Well, if we are talking about the sale, and not about the free addition of the idea, then you need to specify a price for this information.

We will promptly place your idea in the appropriate section, where a potential buyer can find it and, if it interests him, contact you and buy.

2) Offer for those who want buy a business idea.

Everything is much simpler here. You leave information about what area you have a business in and what information you want to receive. Perhaps you have nothing but finances. Then you briefly describe the essence of what you want to do and leave your contact details. We are posting this information and bright minds will be able to help you if they have something to offer.

Both in the first and in the second case, only ADEQUATE messages written by a literate person are accepted. If your information did not appear in the classifieds section, then the moderator hacked it, try to make a more thoughtful sentence / description.

The service itself is here

Question: How to make money? in our country, only a completely passive person does not ask himself, who, apart from TV and beer in the evenings, does not need anything. Purposeful individuals do not want to put up with poverty and take fate into their own hands. Someone manages to earn money for a new car or apartment in Moscow in a year, and someone works tirelessly for years, but the dream of high earnings remains unrealizable ... Why is everything for one and nothing for another? In fact, to achieve financial independence, you need several basic components: a good idea, hard work, crazy motivation and experience (even if it is someone else's experience gleaned from books). We do not promise to provide motivation, but helpful tips and unique business ideas - easily. So how to make money: ideas for beginners in the business world.

Before you start turning ideas into reality, it is advisable to study the practical advice of business masters who managed to earn millions precisely by following simple life rules:

  • To become rich, you need to earn more than you spend

A spender will never become rich, no matter how much he earns. Smart people are in no hurry to spend their hard-earned money, unless they need to invest in a promising idea or self-education. Remember that frugality is the foundation of wealth.

  • Learn to organize your work

The most valuable thing you have is far from money. Time is the main wealth of every person, and how quickly you learn to manage it depends on your productivity and income level. Ideas on how to make money, even if they are the most popular in the market, will never turn into practical things in the absence of free time.

  • Learn to prioritize

It is better to choose one idea to earn money than to work hard on a dozen projects. Fatigue and constant stress are bad helpers in making money. Learn to distinguish the main tasks from the secondary ones, do not forget about the rest. After all, the one who works well should have a good rest.

  • Find your money making ideas, be original

You can't make millions on publicly available ideas. Ideas from the Internet will help you gain experience, knowledge and the necessary connections to achieve success, but to become a truly rich person you need to find unique ways to solve problems, new types of earnings, and apply an original approach to work. This is the only way to be more successful than numerous competitors.

  • Do not reveal all the secrets of success to competitors

Even for big money, you can’t advertise the secrets of making money. In extreme cases, you can get rid of general details without revealing the entire technology. You definitely do not need extra competitors in the market.

  • Do not brag about the money you earn, make supporters, not enemies

There is nothing worse than being jealous.

Bragging to friends and acquaintances will lead to one thing - a damaged reputation and hidden ill-wishers.

Sell ​​a business idea

Well-known businessmen try to form their image, to give the impression of extraordinary and original personalities. A positive and good attitude towards less successful comrades is an excellent tool for recruiting supporters.

  • Money should make money

Invest in new endeavors, look for new ideas. If the money is in the bank - from them there is no use.

The world is changing every minute, there are new opportunities for development, new interesting ideas. Information is valued more than millions, because it is with the help of information that you can reach any level of income.

Ideas for quick money

When you remember the rules of earnings as a multiplication table, you can proceed to action. Surprisingly, today truly limitless opportunities for additional or basic earnings are open to a person. The amount of income depends on the idea, motivation and desire to become a wealthy person. Consider the simplest and profitable ideas for earnings.

Earnings on photos

In the presence of good camera and a little talent to actually make some good money. Of course, you can earn extra money as a photographer at weddings and other celebrations, but even the most talented photographer cannot earn a lot of money on this ... Another thing is selling your creations through photobanks. Foreign sites are ready to pay truly fabulous sums for original photos. By the way, not only photographers can make money on photos, but also designers (2-D and 3-D).

Different photobanks have different schemes of cooperation.

Basically, photobanks work on the principle of Royalty Free - the right to use your work can be bought as many times as you like, which means that the income for one successful photo is practically unlimited. At the same time, the same photo can be uploaded to several photobanks and receive rewards throughout life. Earnings on photographs can be very significant, so the Photolia project had a maximum payout of up to 150 thousand dollars.

Here is a list of the most profitable photobanks according to experienced photographers:

  • the most highly paid site at the moment. Unfortunately, there may be some problems with registration on the site. To register, you need to send by mail a scanned image of your passport or other document confirming your identity. After checking the data, you will be sent a notification and you must upload about 10 photos to the site. If the commission “rejects” more than 3 photos, you will have to pass this exam again. Fortunately, you can upload photos for verification as much as you like.

The site pays about 10 cents for one download of your photo, and when you earn more than $ 500. - you will be paid already at 30 cents.

  • another good photo bank. It does not require documents for registration and does not need to pass exams. The system pays 50% of the cost of the photo, you set the price yourself.

At the moment, photobanks - The best way earnings in photographs, which brings a good income for the first month of work (from 5 to 500 USD).

Practice shows that new ideas are vital for business. However, when putting them into practice, it is not always possible to get a positive result. The question arises: is it possible and necessary to apply the theory in practice, namely in business ...

The answer is yes, because business is inherently a set of tasks and problem situations that require their correct and consistent solution.

However, in more theory is necessary for the "production" of ideas, their generation. The implementation of these ideas in the future can bring significant dividends.

What are the main difficulties faced by people who are trying to implement any business idea?

Firstly, the lack of planning skills and the direct implementation of ideas: that is, the lack of consistent actions, without which it is unthinkable to obtain a positive result.

Secondly, this is basically an insufficient amount of funds. It is interesting that in any case, as a rule, there is not enough money, no matter how much the costs of investors are estimated. Various financial and credit institutions try not to take risks, showing a certain amount of pragmatism.

There are not so many private investors today. A large number of inventors and innovators face similar problems.

Let's look at a few examples of how successful business ideas, and failed ones.

One foreign company, engaged in the production of potato peeling knives, began to have problems with the sale of products. It should be noted that the knives were made of high quality steel, had an attractive appearance were comfortable and popular.

But due to the durability of knives, the demand for them gradually fell, as people no longer needed this species products. The company's management hired consultants who dealt with non-standard tasks in business. Their task was to increase the demand for knives.

At the same time, the products had to remain of high quality, and require minimal advertising costs. The decision was taken non-standard: the release of knives with the same handle color as potato peelings. Knives often began to be thrown away with waste.

Business ideas and their implementation

And here is an example of a not very successful business idea.

3 ways to sell your creative idea

At one domestic meat processing plant, they decided to produce sausage for Muslims living in Russia. This idea was based on the rapid spread of Islam in the country.

For these purposes, a special workshop was built and equipped, where they began to produce halal sausage, that is, made in accordance with Sharia standards. Control over production process carried out by representatives of the Russian Council of Muftis.

They issued a special certificate to the meat processing plant for a batch of products. In total, thus, five varieties of sausage were produced with a special badge on the labels, which testified to the halal nature of the product. Dealers of the meat processing plant began to promote new products in various regions of the country.

But still, this marketing move did not justify itself. Demand for this type of product was initially quite low. The manufacturer had to reduce the range of products to three varieties.

The examples that have been given are of a private nature. Successful or unsuccessful projects are a normal part of the business activities of any company or person. The failures associated with the promotion of any ideas in this field of activity are not a reason to stop ...

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