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Who conducts personnel assessments in the organization. Personel assessment. Drone or worker bee? What methods of personnel assessment are there?

“A worker who gives all his strength to the enterprise is the most valuable to the enterprise. But one cannot demand from him constant good work without an appropriate assessment of it" (Henry Ford)

One day a young man came to the sage and said: “I am so unhappy, everyone considers me a failure, pathetic and worthless. Help me find myself, is everything really that bad?” The sage looked carefully at the young man, handed him an unsightly ring and said: “Go to the market and sell this ring for no less than one gold coin.”

The young man tried to sell the ring all day, but the merchants only laughed at him. In the evening he came to the sage and said that he had failed. To which he replied: “Don’t be upset. Let's go to the jeweler." The master, seeing the stone on the ring, exclaimed: “This is a valuable ring and a beautiful stone! I’ll give you 70 gold coins for it!”

Then the sage said to the young man: “Every person is unique and inimitable, and so are you. Yes, it is not easy to discern the true value in a person. Then why walk around the market expecting that the first person you meet will be able to do it?”

Correct assessment human resources influences the success of the company. However, spotting a “diamond” in a team is not so easy. For this purpose, a personnel assessment is needed, which will identify not only the most effective employees, but also help to hire management decisions, thanks to which the performance of the entire company will increase.

Global Mission: Personnel Assessment

Interest in methods for assessing employee competencies appeared at the beginning of the last century. A scientific approach to labor organization led to the emergence of algorithms that helped companies test workers of various skill levels. Thanks to the performance analysis, their professionalism was determined, and staff performance indicators were calculated. By the end of the 20th century, clear methods had emerged that are rapidly developing today, helping companies evaluate personnel performance.

Personel assessment– a systemic process that determines the performance indicators of its work. The main objectives of the assessment are to establish the compliance of the employee’s category with the position and fair payment for his work. Assessment helps management reveal the employee’s potential and adjust his work in the right direction.

Who runs the assessment program? This is handled by the line manager or HR manager. The main evaluation criterion is labor productivity. Competencies such as qualifications, professionalism or experience of an employee are relegated to the background during the assessment process.

Goals and objectives

Personnel assessment has the following goals:

1. Informational. Aimed at obtaining information about the work of personnel. They give management an idea of ​​the current situation and allow them to make the right management decisions regarding monitoring the achievements of personnel.

2. Administrative . Based on the assessment results, an administrative decision is made on the employee’s future mission in the organization. This could be vertical or horizontal rotation, staff retraining or dismissal.

3. Motivational . Represents the essence of the assessment. If staff performance is assessed in accordance with employee expectations, this will ensure effective growth in labor productivity in the future.

Accordingly, the personnel assessment process sets itself the following tasks:

  • maintaining employee motivation;
  • personnel potential analysis;
  • identifying incompetent workers;
  • promoting effective employees;
  • calculation of costs for personnel development;
  • development necessary programs training;
  • maintaining a sense of fairness among employees;
  • establishment feedback with staff;
  • obtaining complete information about the company's performance results.

Assessing staff performance is important for both management and each employee. The process helps the employee see management’s expectations from work, understand his level and position in the company, and plan future tasks. Whereas management, having carried out a competent assessment, sees the results of the staff’s work and can more effectively influence their activities. This helps to achieve alignment between the employee’s work and the company’s goals, as well as build trusting, open relationships with staff.

Personnel assessment is classified in two areas: assessment of competencies (potential) and business assessment of employees. Methods for evaluating employees, depending on the goals of the program, are divided into the following types:

1.Qualitative. Personnel assessment is carried out through interviews (based on pre-prepared questions regarding the employee’s activities). During the interview, the employee’s abilities, compliance with the corporate culture and position, experience and professionalism are assessed.

2. Quantitative. The method is based on statistical data processing. The company conducts testing and questionnaires, and often uses Cattell, Leonhard, EPI, and MMPI questionnaires.

3. Complex. Combines two methods, allowing you to obtain an objective and more accurate assessment. For example, some companies use the case method, which is carried out in standard operating mode and allows you to clearly see the solution to the current situation.

IN modern companies HR specialists use several methods of personnel assessment in combination. Let's look at some of them in detail.

Paired comparison. A group of employees is subject to research. The program involves specialists of the same level. During the assessment process, the performance of all participants is compared, then the pairs are changed, and the assessment is repeated. Based on the results, a success rating for each specialist is compiled.

Questionnaire. Represents quick program assessment. Employee performance is assessed after filling out questionnaires with prepared questions. Using a survey, company management can judge the presence of certain employee competencies and the degree of their development.

Classification. Evaluation is carried out by ranking certain personnel criteria with their distribution from the most effective to the worst. The method is used when it is necessary to evaluate the performance of employees based on their labor productivity.

Certification. The technique has become widely used due to the transparency and accuracy of calculations. This assessment method is provided for by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. If, based on the results of the program, an employee receives the lowest grades, the employer has the right to terminate the employment contract with him.

Comparison. Used to determine the suitability of an employee for the position held. Evaluation is carried out based on the results of the work performed by the employee.

Psychological assessment. The method is popular. Conducted by a specialist in psychology, it allows you to determine the potential of employees, leadership and management competencies.

Simulation of the situation. During the assessment process, a situation similar to the employee’s working conditions is created. The person’s working style, flexibility, display of business acumen, and resistance to stressful situations are taken into account.

The business and personal qualities of an employee are clearly demonstrated in the social technology “Management Duel” developed by Vladimir Tarasov. It represents a public intellectual duel between players during a conflict management situation. Each player must demonstrate the skill of conducting a constructive dialogue with an opponent. However, you need to beat this in such a way as to remain a positive hero and maintain normal, conflict-free relations with your opponent.

Depending on the purpose, management matches can be educational, competitive or evaluative. The technology is carried out in the following forms:

  • classic management fights;
  • dual management matches;
  • express fights.

Working with the results

In order for employee performance assessment to help see the real results of the company’s personnel achievements, the following requirements must be met:

  • Establishment of quality assessment criteria, linking them with corporate culture organizations.
  • Carefully prepare the people who will conduct the assessment. Subjective analysis of the results is excluded; the objective opinion of specialists is welcomed.
  • Communicating the goals of the assessment program to employees and its importance in order to avoid a dismissive, superficial attitude of staff towards the methods being carried out.

The personnel evaluation system should cover three important issues:

1. What exactly is being assessed (achievements, behavior, performance results).
2. How and by whom it is assessed (procedures carried out by a professional).
3. How are employees assessed (methods used).

When assessing labor productivity, direct and indirect indicators are used. Direct indicators are easily measured and serve for further calculations of the degree of achievement of goals. Indirect indicators reflect the factors that influenced the achievement of these goals. For example, indicators for assessing labor results for managers will be such factors as the growth of the organization’s profit, the company’s profitability, and indicators of the competitiveness of manufactured goods. For an HR manager, the key performance indicators are the company's turnover rate, the number of vacancies and the total number of applicants for one position.

Employee performance is determined based on three KPIs. You need to take into account:

  • amount of work completed;
  • deadline for its implementation;
  • quality of work.

For each area of ​​activity, priority indicators are determined, which are based on the current tasks of the company or the characteristics of the work.

Let's sum it up

In order to correctly evaluate staff performance and choose a method that will meet the requirements and scope of the company, it is necessary to do labor-intensive work. Based on the results of the certification, a final evaluation sheet is drawn up for the employee, which displays the results of his work. The employee is invited to an interview, during which the reasons for the promotion (transfer), salary increase, or bonus are discussed.

Of course, today there are a lot of methods for assessing employee performance, and each of them has advantages and disadvantages. The main thing is to understand whether the methodology is suitable for your company, taking into account the specifics of the work, corporate culture and characteristics of the team.

Don't forget that in most cases, an employee's attitude towards his responsibilities reflects the management's attitude towards him. If an employee is sure that he is respected and valued, he will strive to show himself 100% at work and not let the company and team down. After all, he is firmly confident that his work will be noticed, appreciated and rewarded with fair pay.

Personel assessment is a purposeful process of establishing compliance of the qualitative characteristics of personnel (abilities, motivations and properties) with the requirements of a position or workplace.

The personnel assessment process consists of the following elements:

    Theory and practice of assessment.

    Evaluation of individual contribution.

    Personnel certification.

    Assessing employee potential.

Based on the degree of this compliance, the following tasks are mainly solved:

    choosing a place in organizational structure and establishing the functional role of the employee being assessed;

    development possible ways improving the professional or personal qualities of an employee;

    determining the degree of compliance with the specified criteria for remuneration and establishing its value.

In addition, a business assessment of personnel can help in solving a number of additional tasks:

    establishing feedback with an employee on professional, organizational and other issues;

    satisfying the employee’s need to evaluate his own work and quality characteristics.

Business assessment is a critical component of the personnel selection and development process. There are two main types of business assessment:

    assessment of candidates for vacant positions;

    current periodic assessment of the organization's employees.

Both types of assessment allow solving basically similar (from the above) problems, therefore, in their formulation, the word “employee” should also be understood as “candidate for a position.”

Domestic and foreign practice of business assessment of candidates for a vacant position allows us to talk about four main stages that determine the content of the assessment process of this type.

These typical stages include:

    analysis of personal data;

    making inquiries about the tested employee (at the place of previous work or study);

    verification tests;


The current periodic assessment of an organization's employees usually comes down to two main stages:

    assessing the results of work and the factors that determine the degree to which these results are achieved;

    analysis of the dynamics of labor productivity over a certain period of time, as well as the dynamics of the state of factors (conditions) influencing the achievement of results.

The organizational procedure for preparing a business assessment involves the following mandatory activities:

    developing a business assessment methodology (if appropriate, such a methodology can be purchased) and linking it to the specific conditions of the organization;

    formation of an assessment commission with the involvement of the immediate supervisor of the employee being tested, specialists from higher, equal and lower levels of the hierarchy, as well as specialists from the organization’s personnel management service or specialized assessment centers;

    determining the time and place of the business assessment;

    establishing a procedure for summing up the assessment results;

    elaboration of documentation and information support the assessment process (formation of a complete set of documentation in accordance with the assessment methodology, its reproduction, distribution and determination of channels and forms of information transfer);

    consultation of appraisers by the developer of the methodology or a specialist who knows it.

The main character in personnel assessment is the line manager. He is responsible for the objectivity and completeness of the information base necessary for the current periodic assessment, and conducts an assessment conversation with the employee. The opinion of the future immediate supervisor is decisive when assessing candidates for a vacant position. When forming the current periodic assessment, the opinions of colleagues and employees who have structural relationships with the employees being assessed, subordinates, results in the field of business assessment and the results of the employee’s self-assessment are summarized.

In some cases, the commission includes a manager at a higher level of the organizational hierarchy (for example, the head of a functional subsystem, the overall management system of an organization).

The central issue of any business assessment is the establishment of its indicators. They can characterize both general aspects that are equal for all employees of the organization, and specific standards of work and behavior for a particular workplace or specific position. In the first case, assessment indicators determine the employee’s belonging to a specific organizational and social system; in the second, the employee’s compliance with professional requirements.

    Personnel decisions should not be different for individuals of different gender, age, nationality and religion.

    A formal system for filing complaints and reviewing decisions within the firm should be available to those who disagree with those decisions.

    More than one independent appraiser should be used.

    In all actions, it is important to be guided by the official system for making personnel decisions.

    Those conducting the assessment must have access to materials characterizing the performance of the employee being assessed.

    Qualities such as “reliability,” “energy,” “ability,” and “personality” should be avoided.

    Performance assessment data must be verified empirically.

    Performance standards must be known to employees.

    Appraisers should be provided with guidance on how to conduct performance appraisals.

    Assessment should be based on individual specific job skills rather than in a “general” manner.

    Workers should be given the opportunity to receive opinions regarding their qualities.

With all the variety of assessment indicators, they can be divided into several groups:

    labor productivity;

    professional conduct;

    personal qualities.

In assessing labor productivity, one should distinguish between the so-called “ hard" and "soft" indicators.

“Hard” indicators are quite easily measurable and are, as a rule, covered by the organization’s information system. Indicators of this type can be formulated subjectively by the developer of the assessment methodology, but they must be amenable to fairly objective quantitative assessment, for example, by the manager. The production system of the organization, as well as divisions in the management system that have pronounced relationships with the external environment, are most consistent with the “hard” indicators: the marketing department, the logistics department, the chief mechanic department, etc.

“Soft” evaluation indicators are determined by the dependence of the subjective opinion of the evaluator and are used in a department with limited ability to measure a specific result (for example, in research departments).

Despite the importance and priority of labor performance indicators, you should always remember the following rules:

    do not give clear preference to any one indicator or to a given group of indicators in general, as this leads to employees neglecting other, often equally important aspects of activity;

    determine the necessary and sufficient number of indicators so that, on the one hand, they cover all the essential aspects of labor productivity, but, on the other hand, do not overload the assessment.

These rules are important not only for this, but also for subsequent groups of indicators.

Indicators of professional behavior are conventionally divided into factors (or conditions) for achieving labor results and indicators of direct professional behavior.

The factors (or conditions) for achieving labor results are understood mainly as the ability or desire to perform general functions management both in relation to other objects of influence and in relation to oneself: planning activities, organizing and regulating the process, accounting and monitoring the progress of work. In other words, these indicators characterize the degree to which an employee creates his functional role.

Indicators of direct professional behavior cover such aspects of activity as cooperation and collectivism at work, independence in solving certain problems, readiness to accept additional responsibility or additional workload, etc.

At the same time, it is important to take into account the fact that directly observable behavior is really necessary when performing work and that its inclusion as an evaluation criterion does not interfere, but rather contributes to the achievement of certain results (in some cases, these results can be considered as joint for the interacting parties). When developing these indicators, it is important to specify them, which will weaken or eliminate the possibility of multiple interpretations on the part of the appraiser.

The third group of assessment indicators is personal qualities. Despite its apparent simplicity, this group of indicators is associated with great problems in their selection, formulation and accounting. This is due to a wide range of personal qualities, significant subjectivity in their perception and an increased likelihood of violating the rules for choosing criteria that were formulated earlier when considering performance indicators. The main problem lies in the lack of possibility of direct observation of personality properties.

If we observe people while they perform certain work, then we can talk mainly about their behavior and the results achieved and, to a lesser extent, about personality traits. The difficulty lies in the fact that any pattern of behavior can be the result of the action of unmanifest personality traits. An unambiguous assessment of these properties is possible with repeated, fairly constant observation of the employee, which is actually a very difficult matter and often leads to a distorted perception of the employee by the appraiser, since the systematic assessment is not ensured. At the same time, a certain personal property may be considered as the potential to achieve a result for another person, but for another it may not be such.

These features of the use of personal characteristics as indicators of personnel assessment require a careful and balanced approach with mandatory combination with other groups of indicators.

One of critical issues When conducting a business assessment of personnel, it is the choice of methods by which certain indicators are assessed.

In any case, the method or method of assessment should ensure the greatest possible objectivity in measuring specific indicator values. It is necessary to point out the importance of observing the following condition in the assessment methodology: the need for a detailed description of the quantitative and qualitative interpretation of the possible states of the indicator. In this case, we are talking about the desire to minimize the subjectivity of assessments, since it is hardly possible to find a way to achieve their complete objectivity. Various methods of personnel assessment are given in Appendix 14.1.

The principles for distinguishing two groups of assessment methods can be formulated as follows:

    assessment indicators are preset (testing, expert assessments, comprehensive labor assessment method, etc.);

    the appraiser is free to choose these indicators (business game, self-report, method of analyzing a specific business situation).

When using methods with preliminary establishment of evaluation indicators, the developer of the evaluation system determines what should be evaluated and what signs to focus the appraiser on.

When assessing, several methods are used that determine the features of identifying specific indicator values:

    the characteristic value is set on a scale for each employee (scaling method);

    several estimates are ranked in relation to one value (rank ordering method);

    an individual employee is characterized in terms of the presence and absence of the proposed indicator value (method of alternative characteristics).

Federal Agency for Education

Omsk State Pedagogical University

Department of Economics and Management in Education

Course work

on the topic: Organizational personnel assessment

Completed by: 3rd year student

group M-315 Koptyreva D.R.

Checked by: Kovaleva O.P.


    1. Determination of personnel……………………………………………………….5

      Personnel management………………………………….11

      Personnel assessment…………………………………………16

    Personnel assessment methods

2.1 Basic methods of personnel assessment………………………..23

3. Personnel assessment using the example of Akmolaturist OJSC

3.1. Characteristics of the enterprise……………………………36




Organizations exist to achieve their goals. The degree to which these goals are achieved shows how effectively the organization operates, i.e. How effectively organizational resources are used.

In order for an organization to successfully cope with the tasks it faces, it needs people with certain abilities, professions, and professional experience. This means that such people should first be found on the labor market, their professional, business and personal qualities assessed, selected and introduced into the organization. To do this, managers carry out various management actions using various personnel technologies.

Basic personnel technologies are personnel assessment and selection.

Personnel assessment provides comprehensive, reliable personal information about a person. It allows not only to obtain the necessary information about individual employees and determine how well a particular employee corresponds to the position held, but also to increase the efficiency of management and motivation of personnel, as well as improve the psychological climate in the team. Personnel are the greatest wealth of the company, the key to its success and prosperity. Effective personnel assessment is the basis of many procedures: hiring, movement in the organization, material and moral incentives, enrollment in the reserve for promotion, development and training of personnel.

Assessment is carried out using various methods. The correctly selected personnel assessment tool, personnel assessment methods, methodology and process for assessing an employee, his personal and behavioral qualities, training needs, his work efficiency and his potential are of great importance for making the only right decision. Therefore, personnel assessment and the methods used are the basis for professional human resource management in any organization. This is the importance and relevance of assessing the organization’s personnel. The importance of assessment is also high because it connects and unites all elements of the personnel management system into a single whole. It is impossible to carry out personnel management in any direction (personnel planning, selection, adaptation, labor stimulation, ability development, labor movements and career, team building, staff release, etc.), without assessing the relevant business, personal or professional qualities of employees.

The purpose of this work is to study methods of personnel assessment.

The subject of the study is personnel assessment technology. The object of the study is the travel company Akmolaturist OJSC and the methods used to evaluate personnel.

The following tasks were set:

    Reveal the essence of the concepts of personnel and personnel management;

    Determine the essence of personnel assessment;

    Analyze the main research methods;

    For example travel agency JSC "Akmolaturist" to analyze the features of personnel assessment;

When preparing the course work, textbooks by A.Ya. Kibanova, Stadnik A., Lukash Yu.A. etc., as well as magazines on personnel management.

    Theoretical foundations of personnel assessment

      Personnel definition

The strategy for the functioning and development of any enterprise is unthinkable without addressing the staff. In order to ensure the effective functioning of an enterprise, it must have a strong team capable of maintaining its high professional authority.

Personnel is the full complement of employees of an organization (with the exception of management) performing various production and economic functions. That part of the personnel that is officially on its staff is called personnel.

The composition and structure of personnel is constantly changing in accordance with changes in equipment, technology, organization of production and management. The composition of personnel is characterized by the following indicators: educational level, specialty, profession, qualifications, length of service, age, ratio of individual categories of workers. It is also characteristic that personnel are the most mobile part of the productive forces of an enterprise.

Typically, personnel are formed purposefully, which makes it possible to establish its optimal professional and qualification structure and ensure rational distribution and workload of workers.

The professional composition and number of personnel of an enterprise are influenced by:

Firstly, the type of product produced (enterprise profile).

Secondly, the quantity of products produced (scale of production). The larger the volume of products produced, the more workers must be involved. The impact of increasing production scale on the professional composition of personnel is to attract specialists whose work is effective only at large enterprises. For example, HR specialists, employees involved in coordinating the activities of enterprise departments (dispatchers). In small enterprises, managers perform the functions of these specialists independently.

Regardless of the type and quantity of products produced at the enterprise, some employees are engaged in the direct production of goods and services, others in management, and still others in technical development and design.

In this way, all personnel can be divided into groups.

The grouping of personnel according to types of activities, functions performed and job categories is reflected in its statistical structure. Its section highlights:

    Personnel of the main activities - persons working in the main and auxiliary, development and research departments, management personnel, engaged in the creation of products, services or servicing these processes, employees of auxiliary production, etc.

    Personnel of non-core activities – workers of repair, housing and communal services, medical staff, workers of children's and health-improving sports institutions.

According to the nature of labor functions, personnel are divided into workers and employees, as shown in Figure 1.

Production personnel (workers)

Management personnel (employees)





Fig. 1 Classification of personnel depending on the functions performed.

Workers, or production personnel, carry out labor activities in material production with a predominant share of physical labor. They provide production, exchange, sales and service. Production personnel can be divided into two components: core personnel - workers primarily engaged in technological processes aimed at creating a “core” product for a given organization; support personnel - workers primarily employed in auxiliary departments - repair, instrumental, transport, warehouse.

The result of the work of production personnel is products in material form (buildings, cars, food products, etc.).

Workers also include junior service personnel engaged in the provision of services not related to the main activity. These are janitors, couriers, drivers of personal cars transporting employees.

Employees, or management personnel, carry out labor activities in the process of production management with a predominant share of mental labor. They are busy processing information using technical controls. The main result of their work activity is the study of management problems, the creation of new information, changing its content or form, preparing management decisions, and after the manager selects the most effective option, implementing and monitoring the execution of decisions. Management personnel are divided into two main groups: managers and specialists.

Managers carry out management functions, formulate management goals, plan work, make decisions, select and place personnel, coordinate the activities of departments and individual employees, and organize control over the progress of the production process.

Based on their place in the enterprise management system, managers are distinguished at three levels:



Lower-level managers constitute the largest group of managers in an enterprise. They are responsible for the implementation of production tasks, for the direct use of the appropriate allocated resources. These include foremen, shift supervisors, and heads of functional departments in workshops. Their work is related to solving primarily operational and tactical problems. It is characterized by a variety of actions performed, frequent transitions from one task to another, a short time period for the implementation of accepted settings, and constant communication with ordinary employees.

Middle managers coordinate and supervise the work of lower-level managers. These include, for example, the head of a department, the head of a workshop, or the director of a branch. Their work is dominated by the solution of tactical problems, but elements of strategic problems can also be solved.

Senior managers are the smallest category. This includes directors of enterprises and their deputies. They determine the general directions of the functioning and development of the organization as a whole or its large components, and make key decisions regarding the current affairs and future of the organization. The goals of the company and how to achieve them depend on senior managers. Their activities are characterized by scale, complexity, priority of strategic and long-term orientation, the greatest close connection with external environment, variety of decisions made.

For the successful development of an organization, it is necessary to know its prospects, correct mistakes, and continuously improve. These tasks are effectively solved through personnel assessment. Its capabilities allow HR services to more effectively carry out personnel policy, and managers make competent management decisions aimed at increasing staff performance. How to use personnel assessment to achieve high performance is described in the article.

The assessment is used both for existing employees and for applicants. One of the tools that will help conduct a quality assessment is the profile of a successful employee. As practice shows, compiling it is not so simple. After all, each department head may have his own ideas about this.

Personnel assessment: why is it needed?

After the manager has decided to carry out a personnel assessment procedure, it is necessary to analyze existing methods and, on its basis, select the one that will be used. Next, you need to create a working group on personnel assessment, whose responsibilities will include developing an action plan for the development and implementation of an assessment system. After the plan is approved, you need to prepare the following documents:

Create assessment requests for each employee or group of workers.

Prepare an evaluation sheet to complete during the inspection process.

a regular interview.

Method No. 4

Paired comparison method

Often used for group assessment. In this case, a group of employees working in the same position is taken into the sample and their performance indicators are compared. Then the pairs are switched and the comparison is made again. As a result, a summary is made for each participant, it is determined how often he was first in his pair, and based on this data a rating of his success is compiled.

Method No. 5

Method of decisive situations

This term usually refers to typical working moments in a particular position. During the assessment process, the employee is monitored to find out how he can act in a given situation and to evaluate the correctness of the decisions he makes. It is important to note that this technique gives the best result when the assessment is carried out not by a colleague or HR specialist, but by the employee’s immediate supervisor. Moreover, this can be done even during work hours, without informing the employee.

Method No. 6

Comparison method

Often used in assessments, it is very useful and important when it is necessary to assess how well an employee fits the position he occupies. First of all, you need to make a list of criteria that this employee must meet. Then he is given a number of specific tasks, for the fulfillment of which it will be necessary to demonstrate the qualities selected for assessment. When analyzing the results, it is recommended to use a 7-point rating scale. You can compare the obtained values ​​with a certain reference result or determine the best among specialists for the same position through a simple comparison.

Method No. 7

Observation method

Behavior monitoring may be more effective than other methods of assessing management and ordinary workers. But its implementation requires significantly more resources, since the observer will have to perform this assessment work for a fairly long period of time. The peculiarity of the method is that such a study tracks cases where the employee’s behavior was specific in some way, and both positive and negative aspects are important. The disadvantage of the technique is that it takes a lot of time to obtain an accurate result and the need for increased concentration of the observer’s attention.

Method No. 8

Situation modeling method

Creation of close to real working conditions and management situations, for example, development of draft documents, selection of business papers, interviews. The evaluation criteria in this case will be the employee’s ability to organize work and plan. Work style, flexibility, and resistance to stress are also assessed.

Method No. 9

Psychological methods

assessments are very popular today. However, when planning to use them in personnel assessment, you need to clearly understand that only a qualified psychologist can carry out and interpret any such method. Professional psychologists, using special tests and exercises, assess the presence and degree of development certain characteristics from workers. It is important to understand that it is not the results that are assessed here, but the employee’s potential. In modern companies, these methods are often used to determine the leadership potential of employees, with an eye on future leaders.

Method No. 10

Situational interview method

Employees are given descriptions of identical situations and then asked questions about how to resolve them.

There are also the least common methods of personnel assessment, with the help of which you can comprehensively analyze the employees of any enterprise. Among these methods are:

  1. 360 degree assessment method. The employee must be evaluated not only by colleagues and immediate superiors, but also by clients, company partners, suppliers, etc. They fill out identical evaluation forms, which are then processed by computer.
  2. Business games method is more often used not for one employee, but for the whole team. Workers are presented with a virtual task for which they need to select solutions. So in game form A wide variety of work skills and professionalism are assessed.

use the results of personnel assessment?” directly depends on the goals and objectives that the employer faces. As a rule, the primary objectives are to increase labor productivity and product quality, determine the vector of employee development, and develop new technological systems, increasing staff motivation. Using the assessment results, you can identify the potential of employees who have the necessary skills and abilities for career growth.

PwC Director, Head of Talent Management

It is possible to promote excellent students based on assessment results. If it is thoughtful and comprehensive

Indeed, during the assessment, the real achievements of employees and their competencies are revealed. When conducting an assessment center, fulfill four requirements. First: establish quality evaluation criteria, link them with the company’s strategy and corporate culture. Second, train evaluators thoroughly so that they judge objectively. Third: explain the purpose of the assessment to employees, otherwise they will treat it with disdain and will not open up. Fourth: consider people’s personal characteristics. For example, extroverts often have an advantage during business games and group tasks. But in real life, introverts are often stronger and more successful.

Based on the results of the assessment, a meeting is usually held, to which both the employee himself and his immediate supervisors, as well as a specialist from the HR department, are invited. Before the conversation, the manager or HR specialist draws up a final assessment sheet based on the results of the certification. In a conversation, it makes sense to discuss the assessments in which the greatest discrepancies are obvious between the employee and the manager, and make comments and suggestions.

The manager introduces the employee to the development plan, agrees and discusses new tasks. If a decision is made to transfer an employee to another position, a change in salary or assignment of an allowance is agreed upon.
