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Energy professions. Power industry and electrical engineering: who to work with and what to prefer. Specific example of a job position

The demand for the profession of power engineer in the labor market is high. After all, our modern life it is impossible to imagine without a TV, computer, microwave, trolleybuses, metro, electric trains, etc. We do not even think that we use all these achievements thanks to the hard and persistent work of power engineers. Without such people, not a single branch of production will be able to fully function.

The power engineer is a specialist whose functions include the development, production, and operation of energy and thermal supply systems. The work of representatives of this profession is very responsible. It is they who decide whether a particular company needs to modernize existing energy saving systems and how to carry out technical re-equipment at the enterprise.

The power engineer not only makes such decisions, but also draws up drawings, installs systems, and sets up and starts electrical equipment. He takes part in the development of norms for the consumption of thermal, electrical and other types of energy. In his work during the repair and operation of equipment, the specialist uses all the most modern and advanced technologies, in the testing of which he also participates.

The peculiarity of the power engineering profession is that there are a lot of functions that people of this specialty can perform. Therefore, the duties assigned to them directly depend on the organization in which they work. For example, in commissioning and design companies, specialists in this field are engaged in the restoration and design of electrical networks. Directly at the enterprises themselves, the work of power engineers is to ensure the uninterrupted operation of systems and, if necessary, repair them.

Of course, the chief power engineer has much more duties and responsibilities than ordinary representatives of this profession. It is in his competence to organize the correct operation, timely repair of equipment and systems, provision of the entire production not only with electricity, but also with gas, steam, water, etc. The duties of the chief power engineer include:

  • drawing up the necessary calculations and applications for the purchase of materials, spare parts and equipment;
  • development of all measures to reduce energy consumption;
  • introduction of new, more reliable and economical equipment;
  • increase in labor productivity;
  • checking automation, signaling, protection of underground structures and communications, and much more.

As in any other type of activity, the profession of energy has its pros and cons. Almost all enterprises need such specialists, so employers are interested in good employees in this industry, for whose work they offer a decent salary. But on the other hand, remote regions of our country also need such professionals. Such specialists are also needed in snow-covered cities, where they can be distributed after graduation. In addition, it is worth noting that the working day of the power engineer is very busy, busy and stressful. Therefore, people in this profession are hardworking and hardy.

Personal qualities

Representatives of this profession must be disciplined, responsible, attentive, able to focus their attention, sociable, balanced. The power engineer should have analytical skills and technical thinking.

Education (What do you need to know?)

The specialist must have PC skills, be able to draw up and understand drawings, know engineering systems, draw up the necessary technical documentation. To become a power engineer, one should receive a secondary specialized technical or higher professional education.

Place of work and career

Specialists in this field work at hydroelectric power plants, nuclear power plants, construction companies, in housing and communal services, at enterprises and industrial complexes power systems. By improving their qualifications and having organizational skills, an experienced representative of this profession can become the chief power engineer at an enterprise or apply for a leadership position.

Education in specialties related to electrical engineering and power industry is quite popular these days. Naturally, future and young specialists are concerned about the question of who can get a job after graduation, are there opportunities for career development and what will be the approximate wage. This area can be called quite attractive and promising, since it implies a wide range of job positions.

Based on the specific focus of the preferred profile, specialists will be able to work:

The main tasks of a specialist in this industry

For specialties electric power industry and electrical engineering who to work with - The question is relevant and interesting. The main task of a person in this area will be to control the correct, safe and functional distribution of energy resources. Also, a specialist can take part in the development of various devices or systems that are used to produce or use electricity.

Who is suitable for these professions

People with a technical mindset who are able to conduct complex mathematical calculations and can analyze various diagrams and diagrams will be able to work in this area. Work in the field of electric power and electrical engineering will require the ability to concentrate and good attention, as well as high responsibility and an innovative approach - quite often power engineers have to independently introduce new approaches to their usual work.

Specific example of a job position

So, for example, one of the most popular positions to start a career is the position of an electrical system maintenance specialist. The average salary here is approximately 20-35 thousand rubles, the exact amount will depend on the specific organization and the amount of work performed. Further career growth includes promotion to an energy security specialist, engineer, project manager, technical director. As for earnings in this area as a whole, it ranges from 22 to 70 thousand per month.

It should be noted that specialists in these specialties are in demand not only in their own country, but also abroad. They start with temporary internships and may later move on to permanent work abroad. This is quite understandable, because a competent worker in this field is able to perform a number of things, including:

The main benefits of working in this area

The profession of a power engineer and related jobs always remain relevant due to the fact that every day humanity needs more and more energy resources, their economical and competent distribution. Therefore, every day it is necessary to build new electrical facilities, develop cost and energy generation schemes, and introduce new technologies. In this regard, work in this area implies constant development, acquiring new knowledge and skills, as well as regular internships - all this will help in successfully moving up the career ladder.

The power engineer is a specialist engaged in the development, creation and maintenance of systems for the energy and thermal industries.


The emergence of the profession is directly related to electricity. The first energy drinks appeared in the not so distant 19th century. It was in the 80s of this century that a power plant was created. She became the fruit of the creation of Thomas Edison. The station represented a range of complex and dangerous installations requiring qualified maintenance. It was for the performance of such works that power engineers appeared. To obtain this specialty, future employees underwent complex training. In the territory Russian Federation the history of the development of the profession began with the creation of similar large facilities (Gaftio Station in St. Petersburg). Since then, electricity has occupied one of the main places in the means of ensuring the normal functioning of a person. It gives us light and warmth, preserves life and expands possibilities. Power engineers are specialists of a high level of knowledge, skills and responsibility.


The profession of power engineer is rightfully considered one of the most dangerous in the world, because these professionals daily face the risk of electric shock, which can have fatal consequences.

The power engineer has two skill levels: simple specialist and power engineer. These areas have very similar responsibilities, but there are some differences.

A power engineer is a specialist with a secondary technical education who has been working in his position for less than 5 years and has not yet received advanced training. It has a number of responsibilities:

  • Design of electrical networks.
  • Electrical installation.
  • Monitoring the operation and security of networks.
  • Repair of electrical networks in case of interruptions or malfunctions.

The energy engineer has a few more responsibilities. The specialist not only designs, but also draws up drawings. This specialist develops standards for energy consumption. It is the engineer who decides on the need for modernization and implementation the latest technologies in production.

What specialties to study

To obtain a diploma in energy, you should choose one of the specialties:

  • Thermal power engineering and heat engineering.
  • Nuclear physics and technology.
  • Construction.
  • Power industry and electrical engineering.
  • Power supply.
  • Construction of unique buildings and structures.

Each of these specializations will give the right to work in the energy sector.

What you have to do at work and specialization

At work, power engineers face a number of responsibilities:

  • Design of electrical networks. This is necessary for the proper distribution of electricity flows in order to avoid voltage drops and overloads at individual nodes, because these phenomena can lead to fires.
  • Design of heating networks in the room. The task of the power engineer is the skillful distribution of heat in such a way as to minimize its consumption with high efficiency.
  • Create schemas. Based on the conducted research and calculations, the power engineer draws up a schematic layout of electrical networks and thermal analogues.
  • Budget preparation. The power engineer independently selects the most optimal types of equipment for his company. It focuses on the best value for money, quality and reliability.
  • Purchase of equipment for the installation of power networks.
  • Control of the installation of the necessary equipment and direct participation in all installation processes. This is necessary to avoid marriage related to human factor less qualified professionals.
  • Commissioning of electrical networks and thermal equipment. When first turned on, the power engineer performs testing at maximum loads. Only if they work properly, the objects will be considered successfully handed over.
  • Performing repairs of various levels of complexity. In the event of malfunctions, blackouts, power surges, the power engineer performs diagnostics, finds the problem area and eliminates breakdowns.
  • Development of equipment upgrades. The power engineer calculates energy consumption and ways to reduce it by improving technical equipment. He provides his calculations to the authorities, who make the decision.
  • Carrying out work aimed at improving the performance of equipment. The higher this indicator, the less the organization pays for the resources it consumes. The power engineer knows what measures to take for greater savings.
  • Research and conduct experiments with the energy of the atom.

This is far from the full range of duties of power engineers. Often there are emergency situations that require instant decision making. Also, the range of responsibilities may increase due to the specifics of the organization, which includes a specialist.

Who suits

This profession is suitable for people with a technical mindset and the ability to conduct complex mathematical calculations, because one mistake can lead to disaster.

Good attention and the ability to concentrate exclusively on the process being performed are extremely important. The work of a power engineer requires diligence. Electricity and atomic energy are among the most dangerous areas. One inaccuracy, and the consequences can be enormous.

The profession of energy requires a high level of responsibility. These are people who know how to make difficult decisions and take on their consequences.

Innovative approach. Often, power engineers are engaged in developments in the field of modernization and the introduction of new technologies.


This profession is quite in demand at the present time, because we will always use energy, and for its proper operation, the presence of a power engineer in the office is necessary. This is important not only from the side of comfort and labor efficiency, but also from the point of view of safety.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

Power engineers have a fairly high level of income. Average earnings range from 22 to 70 thousand rubles a month.

Is it easy to get a job

In order to get a job as a power engineer, it is enough to have a diploma of education in this field. Experience plays a significant role, and in reputable companies, experienced specialists are always preferred over yesterday's graduates, but you can find a job. Power engineers can temporarily get a job in related specialties.

How is a career usually built?

Features of career growth of power engineers have high prospects. So, a simple specialist can grow up to an engineer without receiving a diploma of higher education. 5 years of successful practice is enough for this.

The engineer has a lot more options. He can easily grow up to a project or workshop senior. Many seek the position of chief of energy.

The most prestigious growth can be for specialists employed at energy enterprises, because over the years of work you can grow to the position of head of the entire organization.


The profession of power engineering in itself is already prestigious. This can be judged by the level of wages. Such specialists have a high income. Salary may increase with advanced training to power engineer.

Career opportunities are promising. A simple graduate of a technical school can become the head of an enterprise if he proves his mastery through hard work and innovative activity.

Our specialists are always highly valued abroad. Quite often, highly qualified power engineers travel on a work visa to more developed countries.

An energy engineer is a specialist who designs, builds and maintains systems in the energy and thermal industries.

Average salary: 45,000 rubles per month




entry barrier



The emergence of the profession is directly related to electricity. The first power engineers appeared in the not so distant 19th century. It was in the 80s of the last century that the first power plant was created. She became the fruit of the creation of Thomas Edison. The station was a system of complex and dangerous installations in need of qualified maintenance. It was to carry out such work that energy was needed. To obtain this specialty, future employees underwent complex training. Today, electricity is indispensable in human life. It gives us light and warmth, preserves life and expands possibilities. Power engineers are specialists with a high level of knowledge, skills and responsibility.


The profession of power engineering is rightly considered one of the most dangerous in the world, because these professionals daily face the risk of electric shock, which can have fatal consequences.

The power engineer has two levels of qualification: a specialist with a secondary education and a power engineer. They have very similar responsibilities, but there are some differences.

A power engineer is a specialist with a secondary technical education who has been working in his position for less than 5 years and has not yet received advanced training. It has a number of responsibilities:

  • design of electrical networks;
  • installation of electrical networks;
  • monitoring the operation and security of networks;
  • repair of electrical networks in case of interruptions or malfunctions.

The energy engineer has a few more responsibilities. The specialist not only designs, but also draws up drawings, develops norms for energy consumption. It is the engineer who decides on the need to modernize and introduce the latest technologies in production.

What specialties to study

To obtain a diploma in energy, you should choose one of the specialties:

  • thermal power engineering and heat engineering;
  • nuclear physics technologies;
  • construction;
  • electric power industry and electrical engineering;
  • power supply;
  • construction of unique buildings and structures.

Each of these specializations will give you the right to work in the energy sector.

Where to study

For education, you can choose both higher and secondary educational institutions in your city. The most prestigious in the territory of the Russian Federation are:

You can choose many others educational establishments, where there are energy areas in the list of specialties.

What do you have to do at work

Power engineers perform the following duties:

  • Design of electrical networks. It is necessary for the proper distribution of electricity flows in order to avoid voltage surges and overloads at individual nodes, since such phenomena can lead to fires.
  • Design of heating networks in the room. The task of the power engineer is the skillful distribution of heat in such a way as to minimize its consumption with high efficiency.
  • Create schemas. Based on the results of the research and calculations, the power engineer draws up diagrams of electrical and thermal networks.
  • Budget preparation. The power engineer chooses optimal equipment for your company. It focuses on the best value for money, quality and reliability.
  • Purchase of equipment for the installation of power networks.
  • Control of equipment installation and direct participation in all installation processes. Such intervention is necessary to avoid marriage associated with the mistakes of less qualified specialists.
  • Commissioning of electrical networks and thermal equipment. When first turned on, the power engineer tests them at maximum loads. Only if they work properly, the objects will be considered successfully handed over.
  • Performing repairs of various levels of complexity. In the event of malfunctions, blackouts, power surges, the power engineer conducts diagnostics, finds the problem area and eliminates breakdowns.
  • Modernization of equipment. The power engineer calculates energy consumption and ways to reduce it by improving technical equipment. He provides his calculations to the authorities, who make the decision.
  • Carrying out work aimed at improving the performance of equipment. The higher this indicator, the less the organization will have to pay for the resources it consumes. The power engineer knows what measures to take for greater savings.

This is far from the full range of duties of power engineers. Often there are emergency situations that require instant decision making. Also, the list of duties may vary due to the specifics of the organization, which includes a specialist.

Who suits

The profession is suitable for people with a technical mindset who can make complex mathematical calculations. Good attention and the ability to concentrate exclusively on the process being performed are also extremely important. The work of a power engineer requires diligence. Electricity and nuclear energy are one of the most dangerous areas where the slightest inaccuracy leads to disastrous consequences. The profession requires a lot of responsibility. Power engineers are people who know how to make difficult decisions and take responsibility for them.

How much do specialists get and is it easy to get a job

Power engineers have a fairly high level of income. Earnings range from 22 to 70 thousand rubles a month, the salary increases with the growth of qualifications. To get a position related to energy, it is enough to have an education in this field. Experience also plays a significant role, and in reputable companies preference is always given to specialists with experience, although yesterday's graduates will find work. Power engineers can temporarily get a job in related specialties.

How is a career usually built?

Career prospects in this profession are wide. So, an ordinary engineer can grow up to a senior in a project or workshop, and eventually even lead an enterprise. In addition, our specialists are always highly valued abroad. Quite often highly qualified Russian power engineers travel on a work visa to more developed countries.

An energy worker is an employee of the energy industry.

Chief Power Engineer - a person who organizes technically correct operation and timely repair of energy and environmental equipment and energy systems, uninterrupted supply of electricity, steam, gas, water and other types of energy.

Energy is a branch of industry, a set of large natural and artificial subsystems that serve to transform, distribute and use energy resources of all kinds. Its purpose is to ensure the production of energy by converting the primary energy of the fuel into secondary energy, for example, into electrical or thermal energy. In this case, energy production most often occurs in several stages:

Obtaining and concentration of energy resources, an example is the extraction, processing and enrichment of nuclear fuel;

Transfer of resources to power plants, for example, the delivery of fuel oil to a thermal power plant;

Converting primary energy into secondary energy with the help of power plants, for example, the chemical energy of coal into electrical and thermal energy;

Transfer of secondary energy to consumers, for example, through power lines.

The electric power industry is a subsystem of the energy industry, covering the production of electricity at power plants and its delivery to consumers through a power transmission line. Its central elements are power plants, which are usually classified according to the type of primary energy used and the type of converters used for this. It should be noted that the predominance of one or another type of power plants in a particular state depends primarily on the availability of appropriate resources.

Job Responsibilities

Manages the organization and planning of the work of power plants and farms, the development of repair schedules for power equipment and power networks, plans for the production and consumption of electricity, process fuel, steam, gas, water, compressed air, consumption rates and modes of consumption of all types of energy by the enterprise.

Ensures the preparation of applications and the necessary calculations for them for the purchase of power equipment, materials, spare parts, for the supply of electric and thermal energy to the enterprise and the connection of additional power to power supply enterprises, the development of measures to reduce energy consumption rates, the introduction of new technology that contributes to a more reliable, economical and safe operation of power plants, as well as increasing labor productivity.

Participates in the development of plans for the long-term development of the energy sector, plans to improve production efficiency, in the preparation of proposals for the reconstruction, technical re-equipment of the enterprise, the introduction of funds integrated mechanization and automation production processes, in considering projects for the reconstruction and modernization of energy supply systems of the enterprise and its divisions, in drawing up terms of reference for the design of new and reconstruction of existing power facilities.

Gives conclusions on the developed projects, participates in testing and acceptance of power plants and networks for commercial operation. Ensures work on the protection of underground structures and communications, organizes the verification of communications, signaling, accounting, control, protection and automation, as well as the timely presentation of boilers and pressure vessels to the authorities exercising state technical supervision.

Organizes the development of measures to improve the efficiency of the use of fuel and energy resources, the reliability and efficiency of power plants, the prevention of accidents, the creation of safe and favorable working conditions during their operation.

Carries out control over compliance with the rules of labor protection and safety, instructions for the operation of power plants and the use of power equipment and networks. Concludes contracts with third-party organizations for the supply of the enterprise with electricity, steam, water and other types of energy, monitors their implementation.

Organizes the storage, accounting of the presence and movement of energy equipment located at the enterprise, as well as accounting and analysis of electricity and fuel consumption, technical and economic indicators of the energy sector, accidents and their causes. Carries out work on the exchange of experience in the field of operation of power equipment, saving and rational use of fuel and energy resources, contributes to the achievement of high performance in the operation of power plants.

Ensures the improvement of the organization of labor in the areas of energy facilities, certification and rationalization of jobs, the introduction of new progressive methods of repair and operation of power equipment.

Gives opinions on rationalization proposals and inventions related to the improvement of power equipment and energy supply, organizes the implementation of the adopted proposals. Supervises the employees of the department and subdivisions of the enterprise that provide energy services to production, organizes work to improve the skills of employees.


Higher technical education and work experience in the specialty in engineering and technical and leadership positions in the sector of the national economy corresponding to the profile of the enterprise for at least 5 years.
