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Working instructions for a chemical analysis laboratory assistant of the IV category for the production of chemical reagents of the production directorate. Laboratory assistant for the production of building materials Why did you choose this job

Supervises or conducts laboratory analyses, tests and other types of research of raw materials, semi-finished products, materials, structures and finished products to determine compliance with applicable specifications and standards. Performs experimental and research work to find more economical and effective methods production, as well as laboratory control of production. Makes the necessary calculations for the analysis, testing and research, analyzes the results and systematizes them. Takes part in the development technological processes and their research during the development period, in the development and implementation of standards and specifications for raw materials, semi-finished products, materials used in production, as well as in the establishment of progressive norms for their consumption. Develops new and improves existing methods of laboratory analysis, testing and research, assists in their development. Investigates the causes of marriage in production and takes part in the development of proposals for its prevention and elimination. Develops measures for the integrated use of raw materials, for the replacement of scarce materials with other types of materials and seeks ways to dispose of production waste. Monitors the correct operation of laboratory equipment and its timely submission for periodic state verification.

Must know

production technology; laboratory equipment and rules for its operation; technical requirements applied to raw materials, materials and finished products; standards in force in production, GOSTs, as well as regulations, instructions and other guidance materials on technological preparation production, laboratory control and execution of technical documentation; methods of scientific research and organization of laboratory control of production; experience of advanced domestic and foreign enterprises in the field of technology for the production of similar products; rules of labor protection, safety measures and industrial sanitation.


Higher education without requirements for work experience or secondary specialized education and work experience as a laboratory technician or other engineering and technical positions for at least 3 years.

1. What is the name of your profession (position)?

My profession is simply called laboratory assistant.

2. What is your job and what are your responsibilities?

I work in the laboratory of a concrete plant at construction site, my responsibilities include testing product samples (concrete), testing materials (crushed stone, sand, water, additives), reporting results and experiments, document management in the laboratory - I make sure that all tests are done on time, correctly formatted and pinned to the right folder .

3. What education is required to get your position?

Better, of course, higher, but it is possible with an average.

4. Describe your working day.

Measure the temperature of materials before mixing them, prepare samples of finished products for testing (measure and weigh concrete cubes), test them (crash test in special apparatus, where the cubes are pressed by the press and count the load), enter the data into the system, process them and make a report on the corresponding batch of concrete.

5. How comfortable are your working conditions (all day outside, or in the office with a cup of coffee)?

Most of the day in the lab, sometimes outside.

6. What do you like most about your job?

Most of all I liked working with the system, analyzing data and compiling reports. Highly important work, I believe, because the strength of the entire building depends on the strength of concrete. And we have the opportunity, having analyzed all the initial data (temperature and composition of the material, the density of the raw concrete mix), to draw preliminary conclusions about the strength of the finished concrete.

7. What do you dislike most about your job?

Testing on the street - I'm afraid of the cold

8. If it's not a secret, what is your salary level (is it enough to write whether you are satisfied or not)?

The pay is high, of course. But the conditions are quite difficult - the working day is from 8 in the morning and sometimes until late in the evening, sometimes work outside in the cold.

9. Describe your team, what kind of people work with you?

The team at the construction site mainly consists of men, so the attitude towards us, girls, is very loyal and adequate. Protect us!

10. What human qualities do you think are most important in your business?

Attention and accuracy. A responsibility.

11. Work gives me additional opportunities (here everything that work gives you except money, from self-expression and communication with interesting people before being able to visit different countries).

Construction is often invested by foreign partners, which means the periodic presence of their representatives. So it turns out that on duty you have to communicate with people from different countries. I improved my English and gained experience of communicating not only with Americans and British, but also with Malaysians and Filipinos.

12. Do you have the opportunity to evaluate your work on a five-point scale, what grade would you give?

13. Why did you choose this job?

At first, of course, the main factor was the high pay and the opportunity to train in English language, well, and then the possibility of rapid career growth.

Construction is an area in which you can make a good career, so there is no need to be afraid of difficulties.

In the testing laboratory of our company "Aubrey" the following services are carried out to check the quality of concrete:

  • It is possible to conclude an agreement, according to which the quality of the raw materials supplied for the manufacture of concrete will be checked by our specialists on a daily basis. In the laboratory, you can determine what the setting time of concrete will be, depending on the density of the cement mass. The grain composition of crushed stone and sand, their grinding density and purity will also be clarified. Separately for crushed stone, it will be possible to set its strength. The volume-bulk mass is also analyzed, first in a dry state, and then in a wet state.
  • Our specialists will help to establish the frost resistance of concrete, as well as how waterproof it is.
  • In the laboratory, you can determine the temperature of the concrete mixture, find out what will be its stratification and safety in the future. These indicators are affected by the density of the mixture, which can also be set before the start of construction work.
  • Our concrete quality laboratory also tests the strength of samples, comparing them with the requirements of GOST.
  • Specialists can create a unique concrete mix recipe that is ideal for the construction of your facility.

The laboratory stores samples from any batch of products that have already been sent to the consumer. At your request, laboratory analysis of concrete can be carried out directly at the construction site.

Every year, unique compositions of concrete mixtures are created that have not been used before, completely new areas of application are found for them. Depending on the specific construction object, the requirements for the properties of concrete will be completely different. The specialists of the Obrey laboratory undergo periodic training and exchange of experience with the best employees of research institutes, leading Russian and foreign companies. Based on the knowledge gained, we develop unique concrete compositions and are ready to share our experience with our customers.

We also conduct a classic concrete test, through which regular product quality control will be carried out, and buyers will be fully informed about the properties of a particular batch of concrete. When performing tests, the following is carried out:

  • the activity of the cement is checked,
  • concrete and mortar are tested for frost resistance,
  • the degree of impermeability of concrete is determined,
  • then it is checked in a non-destructive way how strong the concrete is.

Documents containing detailed test results and product characteristics will be attached to each batch of concrete. Also, buyers can contact the Aubrey laboratory in order to check samples of purchased concrete, after the analysis a detailed report will be provided.

Documents confirming the properties of concrete and mortar are attached to each batch of products. At the request of the buyers, the laboratory analyzes the samples and provides a detailed report. You can get acquainted with the prices of tests in the section.

Construction laboratory LLC "PSK Obrey" provides testing services building materials and inspection of reinforced concrete structures.

Testing laboratory certificate

Unified Tariff and Qualification Directory of Works and Professions of Workers (ETKS), 2019
Part No. 2 of issue No. 40 ETKS
The issue is approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation of May 17, 2001 N 41

Laboratory assistant for the production of building materials

§ 91. Laboratory assistant for the production of building materials of the 3rd category

Job Description. Carrying out input quality control of raw materials, fuel, components. Moisture control of raw materials, charge, silicate and ceramic molding masses, sludge, raw bricks and others. Conducting the process of blending materials. Determination of fineness of grinding, fineness modulus, grain composition, setting time; uniformity of volume change; degree of shrinkage and shrinkage; bulk mass; residue on the sieve when screening materials; water absorption. Preparation of samples for analysis. Checking the quality of molding sands and charge. Monitoring compliance with the established technological parameters. Determination of the compliance of the tested samples and specimens with the requirements of regulatory documents and technological regulations. Keeping working records in journals according to established forms.

Must know: arrangement of serviced equipment; recipe, types, purpose and features of materials, raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products to be tested; rules for conducting laboratory tests; current state standards, technical conditions and technological regulations; the appointment of instrumentation, tools and rules for using them; system for recording test results.

§ 92. Laboratory assistant for the production of building materials of the 4th category

Job Description. Drawing up recipes for the preparation of charge and molding sands for the production of building materials and products. Carrying out analyzes of charge and molding sands. Adjustment of instruments and machines used for testing. Determination of the content of active oxides in lime, silicate mass and lime-sand binder. Determination of the fineness of grinding, the specific surface of the binder, sand, sludge, spreadability of the sludge. Control of the initial and final temperature of the mixture in the process of molding concrete products, control of the composition of the molding mass and glaze in the production of ceramic tiles. Determination of indicators of raw materials, impregnating materials and dressing to the established requirements of regulatory documents in the production of heat-insulating materials. Physical and mechanical testing of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products and finished products for strength, tension, bending, compression, removal and pushing force, tear, viscosity. Processing and generalization of test results. Performing calculations to determine quality indicators. Calculation of the magnitude of loads by the size of the sample. Testing samples for heat resistance. Regulation of the uniformity of heating of reinforcing bars along the length, control of the heating temperature. Carrying out analyzes for the content of precious metals in products, semi-finished products and production waste. Analysis of ash obtained from the incineration of industrial waste. Weighing of precious metals. Maintenance of laboratory and heating devices. Recording analysis results in work logs. Formulation and calculation of analysis results. Control tests solutions obtained from production sites (pickling, passivating, alkaline). Selection and preparation of samples and specimens for testing.

Must know: the principle of operation of the serviced laboratory equipment and the rules for handling it during testing and analysis; properties of raw materials, semi-finished products and finished products to be tested; requirements for the quality of samples and analyzes; test methods; methodology for summarizing test results; manufacturing technology of products; controlled parameters established by the technological regulations; current state standards, specifications for the materials used and finished products.


I. General provisions

This work instruction establishes the requirements for the qualification of a laboratory assistant chemical analysis IV category, workplace or service area, duties, rights, responsibilities. A chemical analysis laboratory assistant of the IV category is accepted and dismissed from the specialty by order of the chief managing director on the proposal of the head of production. IV category chemical analysis laboratory assistant reports directly to the head of the laboratory. Qualification requirements:
Secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience. Must know:
- regulatory documents (current methods, GOSTs);
- normative documents on QMS and EMS;
- laboratory equipment, control and measuring equipment and rules for its operation;
- methods of analysis, properties of the solutions used;
- methods and means of performing technical calculations;
- methods of analysis, testing;
- basics of labor legislation;
- rules and norms of labor protection, fire safety rules;
- internal labor regulations;
- Regulations on the remuneration of workers, provisions on bonuses;
- Regulations on the production of chemical reagents;
- this operating manual. The workplace of the chemical analysis laboratory assistant of the chlorate electrolysis section and the chlorine dioxide section are specially equipped premises of laboratories for the production of chemical reagents, as well as sampling points, according to the laboratory control map. _______________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________.

II. Job Responsibilities

Performs analyzes according to standards specifications, technological regulations of production. Maintains good condition test equipment, measuring instruments in laboratories and takes measures to eliminate faults, informs the head of the laboratory. Performs registration, necessary calculations and records of test results in laboratory journals in the prescribed form. Timely and qualitatively carries out work on the preparation of solutions. Performs unscheduled analyzes on the instructions of the head of the laboratory. Maintains the cleanliness of the workplace glassware, the presence of the necessary solutions and reagents for analysis. Complies with safety regulations fire safety, environmental safety and internal labor regulations. _______________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________.

III. Rights

The laboratory assistant for chemical analysis of the IV category has the right to:

Request regulatory documentation for test methods. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise related to its activities. Submit proposals for improvement of the work related to the responsibilities provided for in this instruction for consideration by the management. Within the limits of its competence, inform the immediate supervisor of all shortcomings identified in the course of activities and make proposals for their elimination. Receive assistance from direct management in the performance of their duties and rights. Use social guarantees and benefits in accordance with the Collective Agreement of the plant. _______________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________.

IV. A responsibility

The chemical analysis laboratory assistant of the IV category is responsible for:

Untimely and poor-quality performance of the obligations stipulated by this work instruction. Failure to comply with the internal labor regulations and other requirements and rules in force at the enterprise. Untimely and poor-quality provision of information about their work to management. Failure to comply with the requirements of the QMS and EMS. Failure to comply with the requirements and rules for labor protection, industrial safety, environmental safety, fire safety and other rules in force at the enterprise. Violation of the safety of the property of the enterprise entrusted to the employee. _______________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________.
