Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Production instruction for laboratory assistant of chemical analysis. Photo of a working day The procedure for creating a map consists of the following steps:

For quantity planning purposes staff units, as well as studying the degree of employment and labor productivity of certain employees, a photograph of the time of work of the staff is used with the execution of the document of the same name. It allows the company's management to make the right decision when forming the company's staff, job descriptions, setting standards and plans.

- this is a continuous observation of the responsible official over the work of employees with fixing the exact time of each process.

The main goal of this method is to increase the productivity of personnel and identify available reserves when using these resources in the company, as well as reducing costs both per unit of product and in the whole enterprise.

The tasks of photography include calculating the total amount of time spent by all employees, the amount of products manufactured in a specific period of time, taking into account possible losses, rational construction of the workflow, as well as identifying sources for increasing labor productivity.

By studying the data received, economists and managers develop regulations and draw up plans and budget for the company, as well as adjust it. The photograph may also be taken after the introduction of new automated equipment, which will result in the release of workers.

Basically, the responsibility for studying the working time is assigned to specialists personnel service or economic department. Photography can be carried out both for the entire work process, and for a certain stage, team or specific specialist.

At the preparatory stage, before the study, the goals of this event are determined, the current regulations are studied, job duties and consider candidates whose activities in the organization will be surveyed. To obtain high results, it is more expedient to choose for observation professional workers with significant seniority or better work performance.

In some cases, self-photography is allowed, in which the employee independently records the corresponding time and duration of his work in the report. This will allow the employee to independently identify waste spent at work and increase the efficiency of the robot without involving third-party observers.

In the process of observation, a report is compiled, which is called a map of the photograph of the working day. There is no standardized form for it. The completed form must contain certain details. As a rule, companies develop a form, which, if necessary, is filled in by a responsible person.

Then the analysis of the received information is carried out, according to the results of which deviations are revealed, and decisions are made in the future.

Photo of the working day example of filling

The document indicates the name of the company and its structural unit. Further its name, number and date of observation.

In the map of the photograph of the time of work, the full name is recorded. selected employee, profession by education, position held and the name of the work performed.

Then you need to briefly describe the work performed by a person.

In the tabular part of the document, information is filled in for each stage of the workflow, indicating the name and code (if a coding system is used). The following columns indicate the beginning and end of each stage, as well as the duration. In the "Note" column, you can reflect the number of products produced and other explanatory information.

Under the table, a summary of the photograph of the work is summarized, in which it is necessary to calculate and record separately:

  • Preparatory and final time.
  • Workplace maintenance time.
  • operational time.
  • Break times.

The document is signed by the head of the structural unit in which the observation took place, as well as by the responsible official who conducted it. At the same time, their positions are indicated and their full names are deciphered.

To accurately determine the items of the job description, analyze the workload, as well as the performance of any employee, a photograph of the working day can be used. An example of filling can be found below in this article.

It is known that all labor resources should work with maximum efficiency. For each of its mechanism should work like clockwork. And if ordinary line personnel need to comply established norms time, how to follow the work of the engineering and technical link?

Way to track employee workload

This problem can be solved using

This tool will allow you to understand whether the worker has free time, or whether he is completely devoted to the labor process. But even if he does not have a minute of rest, using the example below of filling out a photo of a working day, you can easily determine what his efficiency is.

How to make it and who should do it?

You can use either your own normalizers, which are available on all large enterprises, or use the services of private companies for normalization and standardization. However, it is always cheaper to do any work on your own, especially since it is not difficult to figure out this issue using the example of filling out a photo of a working day below.

For those who want to normalize an accountant, engineer or any other employee, before taking a photo, you should familiarize yourself with the job description, the working day, as well as the main areas of work.

This must be done so that the person to be investigated cannot mislead the rater. After all, there is simply no sense in measurements in which the worker deliberately slows down or stops the workflow.

When compiling, you can focus on the approved national norms

Before using the example of filling out a photo of a working day, given below, it is worth getting acquainted with the developed and approved standards for the performance of certain works. Although today there are some rules that have been in force since the days of the Soviet Union. Of course, you don’t need to focus on the total time, but the sequence of actions, the scope of work and the use of auxiliary materials will be very useful when forming new measurements.

Consider specific example filling in the photo of the working day:


Ivanova Anzhelika Evgenievna


Working day

Start of the day

end of the day


Photo of the working day

Process name

Duration, min

Process index

Open an office, turn on the computer, prepare a workplace

Open the 1C program, upload and print transaction documents

Prepare documents for payroll

Coordinate salary amounts with the chief accountant

Produce in the program 1C

Lunch break

Work with the client-bank (entering information on wages)

Collecting information on services for compiling an advance report

Drawing up an advance report

Arrange reports and documents into folders, put folders in their places, turn off the computer, clean the workplace

Completion of the working day

Total measured, of which:

20 days accountant. An example of filling shows how you can skillfully compose timekeeping for an employee of the administrative and managerial level. But to understand time efficiency, you need to understand what is listed in the process index column.

What is time spent on?

PPP is a preparatory and final process. This group includes operations related to the preparation of the workplace for labor day or towards the end labor activity.

OP - operational process. This includes directly all the work that is in the job description and the employee must perform them.

IN - time for rest or personal needs. These are breaks in the production process, which are regulated by the working day.

DP - additional processes. This group contains works that are not included in the EP, but without them it is impossible to start work. For example, for those who work at the machine, this is setting up equipment, preparing work surfaces, etc.

NTV is a non-operational waste of time. This group includes all the time that was not spent on the work process (phone calls with relatives, going to the store, solving personal issues, etc.).

What does the above picture of a working day say?

The filling example above can be used to analyze workload and labor efficiency employee. It can be seen that there is no non-operational waste of time, the minimum time is spent on rest or personal needs. The rest of the time the employee spends on their immediate duties.

To understand where it goes work time, I need a photo of the working day. An example of filling out for an engineer will not differ from the above, since the given form is also suitable for engineering and technical personnel. Just the types and names of works may differ.

It happens that an employee at the workplace does not have time to complete the tasks assigned to him. The reasons for this may be different - low qualification, too much workload or he just does not do what he needs at work. Actually, this can be verified by conducting a special study. Photo of the working day: an example of filling, and cases of appointment should be considered in detail.

Working day photography (FDR) is a tool that helps to increase the productivity of any company, although at the first stage it helps to find out exactly where the employee / employees spend their working hours.

Working time photography is a method that helps to study the time spent by a particular employee on certain actions during work. All observations and measurements obtained during the process are documented, a sample and an example of filling out a photograph of a working day will be presented below.

If the method is successfully mastered, it will help to obtain unique data regarding the organization of the workflow of any employee, to find out the performance of each. That is, in the future, adjust the load and provide everything for the work tasks to be completed.

An extremely detailed study and notation of the results will help to find the answer to the following questions:

  1. How much time does an employee (researched) spend on each type of work that he encounters on a daily basis?
  2. How long does it take different workers to complete the same tasks?
  3. Are there opportunities to improve labor efficiency and what is needed for this?
  4. Is it possible to simplify or exclude any stages, transfer them to other structural divisions?
  5. Options for setting labor productivity standards.
  6. Reasons for non-compliance with existing work standards.
  7. How effectively does a particular employee use their working time?
  8. Are there technical problems that prevent you from completing your tasks?

Important! The photo of working hours provides information that economists and managers can use in the future to plan and budget the company, adjust.

Some Features

Features of this process include:

  • PFD may be implemented after the introduction of new equipment, which relieves some workers of their duties.
  • Such work is often performed by an authorized employee of the personnel department.
  • It can be photographed both all day long and certain operations, stages, a team or one specialist.
  • Before starting the FDD, it is necessary to determine the goals, job responsibilities of the researched.
  • Sometimes self-photography is allowed, that is, for the photograph of working time to be taken by the employee whose activities need to be tracked. In this case, it is assumed that he himself makes all the entries in the report and fixes the time intervals spent on certain actions. This technique will help the employee to determine in what periods his working time is spent irrationally.

Types of FRD

There is a division into types depending on the number of objects that will be monitored. More specifically:

  1. Individual - concerns the study of the working time of a particular employee, while the detailing of the effort expended will be as much as possible.
  2. Group - such a photograph of a working day provides for monitoring the activities of a group of employees who are interconnected by certain work processes. The main objective of this study is to check how effective the interaction is, whether their actions are coordinated, how busy each of them is, to check other processes.
  3. Complex - reveals the relationship of work processes. It turns out to study the rhythm of work, the rationality of the use of equipment. This method will be useful if you need to develop actions aimed at increasing labor efficiency.

Note! In order to get an extremely accurate picture and truthful data, photographing is carried out for several days, weeks and even months.

Who benefits from FRD data?

A photograph of working hours will provide a lot of useful data for the head and owner of the company. They get a picture of employee performance. Also, this data will not be superfluous for the personnel manager, the personnel department for the formation of job descriptions, staff, etc.

Of course, the data obtained as a result of the FRD will help the employees themselves, if they are interested in improving the efficiency of their work and the performance of their duties.

The order of the FRD

Photographing working hours is a process that requires the utmost scrupulousness and attentiveness from the performer. He needs to literally record everything, including phone conversations on personal topics.

It all starts with preparation, setting a goal. So if the task of observation is to determine whether employees comply with the rules, then groups of employees can be photographed at once. If labor discipline is violated, it will be noticeable immediately. For example, very often they go on smoke breaks or drink tea outside the periods allotted for this, instead of doing work.

In those situations where you need to optimize the working day of one employee, then a photograph of the working day is carried out individually for each. Not only what he does is recorded, but also the processes of interaction with other employees, their effectiveness.

Important! FRD can be carried out both explicitly and covertly, that is, without informing the employee about it. As practice shows, it is the second option that helps to identify where most of the working time is really spent. If the second method is chosen, then at the preparation stage you should come up with a legend regarding the introduction of the observer.

It is worth noting that the final results depend on the instruction and training of those who will conduct the FDD. Also at this stage, it is necessary to agree on the forms in which information will be entered.

Rules for entering data into the FRD

In order for the form to meet the requirements, the following information must be entered into it:

  • The name of the company, its structural division.
  • Name of observation, number and date of its implementation.
  • In the form itself, data is entered regarding the employee who is being monitored - full name, profession, position, work performed.
  • Brief description of his duties.

This is followed by a tabular section in which specific time costs and a description of the actions that took this time are entered. For instance:

  1. Turning on the computer - 5 minutes.
  2. Break - 10 minutes.
  3. Communication with clients - 45 minutes.

And in such a chronology, all the actions carried out by the employee during the working day are signed. All observations are made in real time. At the end, a summary is summed up, where such important points of time costs are calculated:

  • Preparatory and final actions.
  • Time for maintenance of the workplace.
  • operational time.
  • Break times.

Important! The document must be signed by the head of the structural unit where the researcher works.


Working time photography is an effective tool to check what employees are doing and why they do not have time to complete the tasks assigned to them. Such observation will help, among other things, to determine applicants for dismissal or find out how many people need to be added to the state.

One of the reserves for increasing the efficiency of any organization is a more productive use of labor resources. In this case, a simple and effective tool for obtaining and analyzing objective data is a photograph of a working day (FRD).

Photo of the working day is a method that allows you to study the distribution of the time of a particular employee by observing, measuring and documenting all, without exception, the time spent on work tasks during the working day.

Mastering the FRD method makes it possible to obtain unique results in the field of personnel management and its productivity, even in conditions of incomplete coverage of the work performed in the company by rationing. The FRD process is aimed at determining the time spent on each operation, identifying and analyzing the reasons for not completing tasks, optimizing labor process generally.

Working day photography provides answers to the following questions:

1. How much time does an employee spend on a certain type of work?

2. How much time does it take for different employees to perform the same type of work?

3. Is it possible to increase labor productivity and at what expense?

4. Is it possible to omit (simplify) any of the business processes or delegate them to other departments?

5. How to establish labor productivity standards and identify the reasons for non-compliance with these standards?

Types of FRD

Depending on the number of objects of observation and the target task, the following types working day photos:

. individual- determine the time spent by individual performers, which allows you to study the work with the maximum degree of detail;

. group- monitor the activities of several employees interconnected by the work process, for further rational distribution of responsibilities between group members. The main purpose of group photography is to study the coherence of the work of group members, the degree of their workload, the organization of work, to identify the causes and duration of lost working time, to explore other issues that do not require accurate measurements of time;

. comprehensive- makes it possible to identify the relationship of individual production processes, study the production rhythm of work, determine the degree of rational use of equipment, develop specific measures aimed at increasing labor efficiency. In this case, a group of observers studies the work of a team, workshop, department or enterprise as a whole, which makes it possible to cover the entire set of production processes or a significant part of them;

. self-photography- the specialist independently measures the time of his activity.

Important detail: in order to obtain more objective and reliable data, complex photographs of the working day are taken over several days (weeks, months).


A photo of a working day can be used for different purposes:

1. Defining the structure of working time, identifying the most costly operations and types of work.

2. Studying the experience of the best employees. The working time budget of employees who demonstrate the best results can be taken as the basis for setting tasks, evaluating the effectiveness of an employee, and finding the best ways to organize work.

3. Establishing norms. Analysis of data for several employees provides input for the development of labor standards. Moreover, the FRD method is used by several employees with different labor efficiency in order to increase the validity of the norms.

4. Identification of the reasons for non-compliance with the norms. If the norms already exist, but individual employees do not regularly comply with them, then with the help of a photograph of the working day, you can identify the reasons for this situation.

5. Identification of lost working hours. With the help of FRD, it is possible to determine at what stages of the workflow there are losses of working time and how they are caused: inefficiency in the organization of work, irrationally built technology, or dishonesty of employees.

6. Improving the process of organizing labor at the enterprise. The FRD allows you to describe the existing business processes in the company and evaluate how optimal they are.

7. Evaluation of the employee's work efficiency. Monitoring the work of an employee and assessing his time spent on various work operations is an opportunity to assess the level of his professionalism and motivation.


The technology of taking a photograph of a working day consists of several stages.

Stage 1. Preparing for a photograph of the working day.

At the initial stage, the goals of taking a photograph of the working day are set. Based on the goals set, the type and methodology of the PFD are determined.

If main goal FRD is monitoring compliance with the internal labor regulations by the staff, then a photograph of the working day can be taken simultaneously with a group of employees (grouping employees by structural unit or by type of work performed). Violations labor discipline will be immediately noticeable.

If needed identify lost time, optimize the company's business processes, then a photograph of the working day must be taken individually for each employee, carefully recording the operations performed by him, interaction with other employees and structural divisions.

Also, at the first stage, it is necessary to decide whether to inform employees about the FRD or it is worth coming up with a suitable legend for introducing an observer.


The preparatory stage involves the training (instruction and training) of observers. The results obtained largely depend on the preparation.

It will not be superfluous to coordinate the FRD forms in advance in order to correctly reflect the necessary information in them. This is especially important if the study will be conducted simultaneously in several structural units by different observers.

Stage 2. Photographing the working day.

Photographing is carried out according to the current time. The measurement results are recorded in the observation sheet (Tables 1-3). In columns 1 and 2, the observer records the start and end time of each new action (inaction). In column 4 he describes the activities, in column 5 he lists the equipment needed to do the job. Each entry shows either what the worker did, or what caused his inaction.

Each element of work or break must be documented separately. Particularly clearly should be distinguished the elements of work on the maintenance of the workplace, as well as breaks in work, taking into account their nature and reasons. In this case, columns 1, 2, 4, 5 of the observation sheet are filled in directly in the process of observations, and columns 3, 6 - during processing of the photographic results.

Economist working day photo

This photo was taken on 03/18/2016 by direct measurement of the time spent on the basis of the Order of the head No. 147 of 03/09/2016 in order to study the cost of working time during the employee's working day.

The results are presented in table. one.

FULL NAME. employee: Petrova A.I.

Work experience in the specialty: 2 years.

Table 1. Photograph of the working day of an economist



Turning on the computer

Clarification by phone of the content of the required information. Distribution according to requests by e-mail of planned indicators of the work of the unit

Computer, phone, Internet connection

Telephone set

Collection of the necessary initial information for the analysis of the implementation of planned indicators production sites Voronezh division of Kameliya-Invest LLC

Computer, phone, Internet connection

Analysis of the implementation of planned indicators for the production of products by the production sites of the Voronezh division of Kameliya-Invest LLC according to the reports of the heads of production sites


Clarification of physical and monetary indicators from the executors of reports

Telephone set, Internet connection

Making changes to the analytical report on the implementation of planned indicators


Preparation of analytical notes to the head of the department on the feasibility of introducing new materials in the production of products


Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Analysis of the payroll fund of the Voronezh division of Kamelia-Invest LLC for the month

Computer, telephone

Conversation on personal topics on the phone

Telephone set

Payroll planning for next month

Completion of work, shutdown of equipment, order in the workplace

Computer, printer, telephone

I got acquainted with the photo of the working day: economist Petrova A.I.

__________ / Petrova A. I. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

__________ / Ryabchenko A. R. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

This photo was taken on 03/17/2016 by direct measurement of the time spent on the basis of the Order of the head No. 147 of 03/09/2016 in order to study the cost of working time during the employee's working day.

The results are presented in table. 2.

FULL NAME. employee: Makarova S.V.

Job Title: Accountant.

Work experience in the specialty: 13 years.

Subdivision: Voronezh subdivision of Kameliya-Invest LLC.

Table 2. Photo of an accountant working day

Start time of action (operation)

End time of action (operation)

Duration of operation (action), min.

Work in progress (action)



Turning on the computer, turning on the sorting of electronic databases

Reception and control of primary documentation for accounting areas and their preparation for accounting processing. Return of documents that are not executed in the appropriate order to the compilers

Examination Email, familiarization with the content

Computer, Internet connection

Preparation and sending of the necessary information on the cost of manufactured products in the reporting quarter at the request of the head of the department (selection, photocopying of invoices of third-party organizations, costing by type of product, etc.)

Copier, computer, printer, internet connection

Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Performing work on accounting fixed assets

Computer, printer

Lunch break

Performance of work on accounting of production costs

Computer, printer

Reconciliation with service providers over the phone

Computer, telephone

Checking email, reviewing content

Computer, Internet connection

Scanning of payroll documents and sending them by e-mail to the main office of the company

Computer, scanner, internet connection

Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Meeting with the head of the department on changes in tax legislation

Preparation of documents for transfer to the archive

Turning off the computer and other equipment, order in the workplace

Computer, printer, scanner, copier

I got acquainted with the photo of the working day: accountant Makarova S.V.

__________ / Makarova S. V. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

Responsible for taking photographs of the working day: HR manager Ryabchenko A.R.

__________ / Ryabchenko A. R. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

Photograph of the working time of the purchasing manager

This photo was taken on 03/19/2016 by direct measurement of the time spent on the basis of the Order of the head No. 147 of 03/09/2016 in order to study the cost of working time during the employee's working day.

The results are presented in table. 3.

FULL NAME. employee: Sergeev P.I.

Job Title: Purchasing Manager.

Work experience in the specialty: 9 years.

Subdivision: Voronezh subdivision of Kameliya-Invest LLC.

Table 3 Photograph of a purchasing manager working day

Start time of action (operation)

End time of action (operation)

Duration of operation (action), min.

Work in progress (action)



Turning on the computer, printer, copier

Computer, printer, copier

Request from the planning and economic department of the procurement budget, agreed with finance department, for the current quarter

Computer, phone, Internet connection

Requesting information from the main warehouse about the availability of materials

Computer, phone, Internet connection

Determining the availability and requirements for materials for the current quarter

Computer, telephone

Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Computer, printer, telephone

Lunch break

Drawing up a monthly purchase plan

Computer, printer, telephone

Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Holding marketing research to study proposals from suppliers, price level, delivery terms according to the procurement plan

Reception and processing of documents related to the procurement

Computer, printer, Internet connection, telephone

Exit for personal needs, smoke break

Final agreement with the supplier on the terms of prices, date of shipment and method of delivery of products to the warehouse

Computer, internet connection, telephone

Entering reference information into the supplier database

Computer, Internet connection

Drawing up a report on the work done during the day, turning off the computer and other equipment


Acquainted with the photo of the working day: Purchasing Manager Sergeev P.I.

__________ / Sergeev P. I. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

Responsible for taking photographs of the working day: HR manager Ryabchenko A.R.

__________ / Ryabchenko A. R. /


"___" _____________ _____ G.

Stage 3. Processing of results.

The calculation of the duration of the elements (filling in column 3) is carried out when processing the results.

On the this stage also fill in column 6, classify each element. For non-production personnel of the company "Kamelia-Invest" used the following classification of working hours:

OV - total working time (duration of the work shift);

PZ - (preparation for the task, maintaining the means of production in working order during the shift);

OP - ;

OLN - ;

NTD - (lateness, unauthorized absences from the workplace, premature departure from work, etc.).

On the basis of the data obtained (Tables 1-3), a balance of labor activity is created. Table 4 presents economist's working time balance.

Table 4. Balance of working time of an economist


Total observation time, min.

Organization of the workplace and final work

540 min. (9 h)

Operational time (time of direct execution of tasks)

Leisure time and personal needs

Violations of the rules of labor discipline

Column "Total duration, min." tab. 4 is filled based on the data of table. 1 as follows:

PV = 10 + 15 = 25 (min.);

OD = 45 + 60 + 70 + 40 + 30 + 75 + 65 + 35 = 420 (min);

EA \u003d 10 + 60 + 10 \u003d 80 (min.);

NTD \u003d 5 + 10 \u003d 15 (min.).

Calculation of the coefficient K1, which shows the share of the cost element in the total observation time:

K1 (PZ) \u003d 25 / 540 × 100% \u003d 4.6%;

K1 (OP) \u003d 420 / 540 × 100% \u003d 77.8%;

K1 (OLN) \u003d 80 / 540 × 100% \u003d 14.8%;

K1 (NTD) \u003d 15 / 540 × 100% \u003d 2.8%.

Consider accountant's work balance(Table 5).

Table 5. Balance of working hours of an accountant

Working time classifier


Total duration, min.

Percentage of total observation time (K1), %

Total observation time, min.

Organization of the workplace and final work

Operational time (time of direct execution of tasks)

Leisure time and personal needs

Violations of the rules of labor discipline

Filling in the column "Total duration, min." based on the data in Table. 2:

PV = 10 + 5 = 15 (min.);

OD = 15 + 20 + 105 + 80 + 75 + 15 + 15 + 45 + 50 + 25 = 445 (min);

EA \u003d 10 + 60 + 10 \u003d 80 (min.).

There are no violations of labor discipline rules.

Calculation of the coefficient K1, reflecting the share of the cost element in the total observation time:

K1 (PZ) \u003d 15 / 540 × 100% \u003d 2.8%;

K1 (OP) \u003d 445 / 540 × 100% \u003d 82.4%;

K1 (OLN) \u003d 80 / 540 × 100% \u003d 14.8%.

Table 6 contains data on the balance of working time purchasing manager.

Table 6. The balance of working hours of the purchasing manager

Working time classifier


Total duration, min.

Percentage of total observation time (K1), %

Total observation time, min.

Organization of the workplace and final work

Operational time (time of direct execution of tasks)

Leisure time and personal needs

Violations of the rules of labor discipline

Column "Total duration, min." tab. 6 is filled based on the data of table. 3:

PV = 10 + 35 = 45 (min.);

OD = 5 + 15 + 150 + 50 + 30 + 80 + 45 + 15 + 15 = 405 (min);

EA = 10 + 60 + 10 + 10 = 90 (min.).

There are no violations of the rules of labor discipline.

Calculation of coefficient K1:

K1 (PZ) \u003d 45 / 540 × 100% \u003d 8.3%;

K1(OP) = 405 / 540 × 100% = 75%;

K1 (OLN) \u003d 90 / 540 × 100% \u003d 16.7%.

Stage 4. Analysis of the results and development of solutions (recommendations).

Based on the data obtained as a result of the FRD, conclusions are drawn and recommendations are developed to eliminate the identified shortcomings.

In our case, the analysis of photographs of the working day of an economist, accountant and manager of the Voronezh division of Kamelia-Invest LLC showed enough high level of compliance with labor discipline, since there are either no violations, or the NTD has a low value (2.8% of the total observation time for an economist).

Before starting the observation, it is necessary to decide what exactly is considered a violation of labor discipline. After all, the so-called smoke breaks, tea drinking during working hours, conversations with colleagues on extraneous topics and other time wasters are often simply necessary to maintain a normal environment in the team from a moral point of view.

Important detail: in order to avoid misunderstandings on this matter, it is recommended that the internal labor regulations be set out in writing, coordinated with the team and the trade union organization. When hiring new employees, it is necessary to familiarize them with these rules.

During the PFD, it was revealed that the purchasing manager spends about 30 minutes. each day to report on the day's work. The management of Kamelia-Invest considered that this significant costs time and decided simplify the forms of intra-company reporting both purchasing managers and other employees.


Reporting forms, their content and frequency should be reviewed periodically in any case, as in today's rapidly changing business environment, any information quickly loses its relevance.

Based on the results of the FRD, it was decided to include in staffing of the Voronezh division of Kameliya-Invest LLC of the rate of the operator of a computer set for delegation to him following functions: photocopying and scanning documents, sending and receiving e-mail, archiving documents, compiling simple reports and text documents. It allowed unload qualified personnel(accountants, economists and managers).

In any case, it is easier to find a person who has the skills to communicate with a computer and other office equipment than a competent economist, responsible accountant and experienced manager. And from the point of view of remuneration, this option is the most optimal.

The efficiency of any department largely depends on its provision with modern high-speed equipment (high-speed computers capable of working with large amounts of data) and communication facilities. Perhaps, according to the results of the FRD, in some cases it will be justified to purchase such equipment, because the efficiency of the company depends on the efficiency and reliability of the data received.

The FRD also provides an opportunity to consider the use of the same equipment (scanning devices, large format printers, color printers) by several employees / departments without compromising the effectiveness of their work. Such equipment is used, as a rule, sporadically, to perform one-time tasks.

The results of the FRD can be used to resolve the issue of promotion, for certification, awards, etc.


A photograph of a working day can be taken by the company itself (a more economical option) or entrusted to a company specializing in this (the result of the study will be more reliable).

Staff, organizational system, methods of work, management style of the company are quite easily influenced by the enterprise, manageable and at the same time have a significant impact on the overall performance indicator. That is why a lot of attention should be paid to increasing labor efficiency, and the FRD in this matter is one of the most convenient and rational methods for studying the costs and losses of working time.

Many managers notice that over time, the productivity of their staff falls. If employees or individual departments do not have time to cope with the tasks assigned to them, this cannot but affect the final result of the company's activities. The reason can be both high workload of employees and insufficient qualifications of the employee. In order to find an objective reason is applied: a photograph of the working day.

A photograph of a working day is a type of observation of the activities of an individual employee: an accountant, a cook, a manager, a secretary, a storekeeper, or a group of workers: engineers, economists, electric welders in order to determine how much they spend working time.

Such an observation is intended to be transferred to paper and see firsthand the real time spent on the work process. When compiling a map, even telephone conversations that took several minutes. As a result, the manager sees what his staff is really doing throughout the working day, week.

Important! Observation times may vary. They are determined based on the complexity of the situation and the tasks assigned to the observer.

The main goals of compiling a report based on the results of a photo of a working day:

  • determine the structure of working time. It helps to identify the most time-consuming operation, type of work and determine the priorities of the employee, that is, if he spends more time on one task, then it is more important for him;
  • study the experience of specialists who give the best results. It will be useful for young cadres. The experience and characteristics of setting, performing the tasks of the best employees helps to optimally organize the work of the rest;
  • set standards. After analyzing the working time of several employees, it will be easier to decide on the development of a standard for the rest. This is especially important for professions such as: a master of various machine tools, canteen workers and others. This technique helps to determine why previously established norms were not met;
  • identify losses in the workflow. The results will show what the employee did during the day, and what percentage of the time he spent on his job duties;
  • employee performance evaluation helps to assess the level of professionalism of employees and their motivation to work.

Important! There are no restrictions on the applicability of this method, it will help to consider very carefully both the working day of the cleaning lady, and the chief accountant, and even the head.

Timekeeping or photo of the working day?

Often these methods are compared, but they differ from each other. So, timing has a duration of a week to one month, the period is determined by the employee himself. That is, he knows about the observation and can do everything, as they say, correctly.

Regarding the method in question, namely the photo of the working day, it is considered more formal and effective. It is initiated exclusively by the leader. In addition, the observer is often introduced into the work team as an agent, that is, none of the employees knows what he will actually do.

When taking a photograph of a working day, all data is entered into a special form, followed by their processing and analysis. Based on these data, the manager receives a report according to the established model. The method is quite old, but still does not lose its relevance, especially with the emergence of new professions.

The need to apply the technique is useful for everyone:

  • the head/owner of the company receives information regarding the workload of staff and the rational use of resources in the workplace. With help this method can even count wages for this or that work;
  • personnel manager. Observation helps HR representatives develop optimal job descriptions, as well as to form the need for workers, which is especially important for brigade specialties;
  • for employees interested in improving work efficiency.


There are several types of FRD, the division takes place taking into account the number of objects of observation.


An individual photograph of the working day is used in the certification of employees. In this case, the working day of only one employee, in production or in the office, is considered, taking into account the assessment of the effectiveness of the use of working time. Observation is carried out for one working day, less than a week.


This type is often called mass. Under the guns of observers is a group of employees or a whole structural subdivision, sometimes change. The procedure for conducting and fixing is the same as in the previous method, as a result of which it is possible to obtain a picture of the working time spent by each employee in the link.

If the fixation is carried out for a group of more than 3 employees, then the instant fixation method is applied. This technique has its own characteristics, namely:

  • the observer determines the specific type of work that he will fix for each of the group members. However, it is impossible to keep track of everyone at once and enter the correct data;
  • observation periods are divided into intervals with precise time intervals;
  • when fixing the entry of results in the form, they write using abbreviations.


This method of research is subjected to a large group of workers. Often this technique is used by employees divided into teams.

Disadvantages of the FRD Method

Although the photograph of a working day provides comprehensive data on the time spent in the process of work, however, certain shortcomings still exist. Firstly, it is the need for observation over several days. Fixed results of one day, to put it mildly, are incorrect.

Secondly, the involvement of an individual in the observation is also a shortcoming of the method. Of course, you can hire a specialist in this area, but it is far from cheap. If you use the available resources and assign your own employee as an observer, then he will also have to be torn off from his main job. And in the case of self-photography, the results may not be the most plausible. It is unlikely that an employee will issue a report in which he voluntarily indicates how many times he smoked per day or how many hours he spent on the Internet, visiting social networks. networks.

Algorithm for taking a photo of the working day

However, with the correct organization of the process, the method under consideration gives a positive result.

Determination of goals

Conducting any research, including this one, requires a specific goal setting. Otherwise, it is useless. The goals can be different, so the first step is to make a list of them, indicating which results should be displayed in the report. It could be:

  • compiling a list of actually performed tasks by a specific employee or group;
  • search for opportunities to optimize labor;
  • determination of efficiency loss;
  • development of norms for the cost of working hours;
  • identification of low-skilled employees who do not cope with the tasks assigned to them.

Determination of the target group of the studied, time frame

It is optimal if the duration of the study is such that it covers the entire work cycle, however, in practice this is not always possible. When the goal is to determine the cost structure of working time, the photographic procedure should be carried out for at least 1-2 weeks, short breaks are possible.

To determine production standards regarding certain types works it is required to record each type of work at least 10-15 times, in this case, the duration of the study will increase to 3-4 weeks.

When determining the study group, there may be such options:

  • for a team of less than ten people, the FDD is carried out for each employee separately. At the same time, the following can be left without supervision: workers on probationary period, if there are any in production;
  • if the number of employees is more than ten people, then only the most experienced workers can be examined. Of course, in this case, everything depends on the goals set by the management.

Preparing and filling out the form

Another important stage, on which the convenience of recording data, and subsequently their analysis, depends, is the preparation and correct entry of information into the form. You can download the completed observation form below:

You can also make such a form manually in Word or excel.

Depending on the chosen option for photographing, the form is filled in by a specially appointed employee or the subject himself. This can be carried out on a printed sheet or entered data in digital form, and printed later.

Important! When photographing, the time of the beginning of the action and its completion is fixed. There should be no "white spots", that is, if at 8:45 one action is completed, then at 8:45 the next operation should be started. Even if the employee just sits at his desk, doing nothing, this is also indicated.

The person taking the photographs must be instructed on how to fill in the forms correctly. In some cases, training is required. For this, it is issued.

If your goal is to get the most reliable information, it is advisable to introduce the employee who will take photographs into the team under some kind of legend. In this case, the subjects behave as usual, which is especially important for identifying the reasons for the decrease in labor efficiency.

Working with results

After all stages of photography are completed, the analysis of the results obtained is carried out. If a group was studied, then data for each employee can be presented individually. The analysis is presented in the form of a table displaying the cost of working time by positions, types of work, departments and other necessary criteria.

The procedure for issuing a report

All results of the analysis are recorded in a special form, which must be drawn up in accordance with the rules. It states:

  • name of the enterprise and structural subdivision;
  • FULL NAME. employee(s);
  • level of education and qualifications;
  • position held;
  • the name of the work to be performed;
  • brief description of the work;
  • the table records information on stages and time costs;
  • additional data obtained as a result of photographing is entered in the "note" column;
  • below the table, the coefficients are summarized: in general, the costs of the work process, as well as the time used for the operational solution of problems and the time for a break in work of any type (smoke break, lunch, reading literature not related to work).

The report must be submitted for the signature of the immediate supervisor, and then for consideration by the top management.


Working Time Photo – effective method tracking real time spent on work, as well as an ideal tool for establishing the entire workflow. This close scrutiny can help you identify performance degradation issues and help you optimize your workflow.
