Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

One hundred cmk process of organization of metrological support. Development of a QMS standard for metrological support of the production of OJSC 'Saransk Television Plant'. Test equipment management

Metrological assurance is the most important link in the quality management system.

The main tasks of metrological support, solved by the enterprise, and the corresponding activities:

Ensuring the implementation of development and research work;

Ensuring the implementation of enterprise production plans;

Improving product quality and automation levels production processes;

Improving the efficiency of research and development work, experiments and tests conducted at the enterprise;

Ensuring the development, manufacture of measuring instruments that are at the level of modern metrological requirements and meet the needs of the enterprise;

Choice of nomenclature and numerical values ​​of indicators of accuracy (reliability) of the results of measurements, tests and control, forms of their presentation, providing an optimal solution to the problems for which these results are intended;

Carrying out metrological examination of draft standards, design and technological documentation in order to control the correctness of the results of solving the previous problem;

Management of measuring instruments, standards of units of quantities: verification of measuring instruments, certification of standards of units of quantities;

Participation in the management of test equipment, controls and indicators: participation in the certification of test equipment and verification of controls and indicators;

Planning of measurement, testing and control processes, development of measurement, testing and control methods;

Provision of measurement, testing and control processes with appropriate technical means (measuring instruments, test equipment, control means);

Participation in the organization of operation and restoration of monitoring and measurement equipment;

Ensuring the reliability of accounting material assets and energy resources;

Increasing the efficiency of measures for the regulation and control of working conditions, environmental protection;

Development of lists of measuring instruments, standard samples, measurement standards, test equipment, control tools and indicators;

Carrying out metrological supervision of the condition and use of measuring instruments.

Metrological support is carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations regulated by the following documents:

Standards of the State System for Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements;

standards unified system CD;

Standards of the Unified TD System;

Standards of the Unified System of Technological Preparation of Production;

Standards of the system "Development and production of products for production";

QMS standards;

Guidelines and other documents on the standardization of the state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements Russian Federation, regulations Federal Service on technical regulation on metrology, instructions of the management; enterprise standards.

The main activities of divisions in the field of metrological support are:

Development, examination and issue of documents on standardization, technical and methodological documentation regulating the procedure and methodology for performing measurements, testing and quality control of products;

Rational choice of measuring instruments, testing and control;

Providing units and performers with suitable measuring, testing and control instruments;

Establishment and maintenance of metrological discipline in departments;

Training of meters, testers and controllers, advanced training of engineering and technical workers in the field of metrological support;

Compliance and control over compliance with metrological norms, rules and terminology;

Development, manufacture and metrological certification of control means;

Development of requirements for the performance of measurements.

The enterprise must develop and agree on lists the following types technical means:

measuring instruments;

Standard units of quantities;

test equipment and technical systems(complexes) polygons, testing organizations;

means of control;


Measuring instruments used in the field state regulation ensuring the uniformity of measurements, must be of an approved type, be operable and verified.

Standards of units of quantities used for verification and calibration of measuring instruments must ensure the transfer of units of quantities from standards with higher accuracy rates and traceability to state primary standards.

Reference materials must be type approved and have a specified service life.

The test equipment must be operational, have primary certification certificates and valid periodic certification protocols. Measuring instruments as part of the test equipment must be verified and have valid verification certificates and verification marks

The means of control and indicators, which are technical means, must be operable, checked in accordance with the operational documentation and have appropriate entries in the forms (passports) confirming their operability.

Monitoring and measurement equipment should:

Have a complete set of operational documentation for each unit;

Be equipped with auxiliary devices necessary for measurements, control and testing;

Operate in accordance with operational documentation;

Be identified by labels to establish the status of verification and calibration, attestation, verification.

Organizational basis metrological support is the metrological service of the enterprise - the department of the chief metrologist. The department carries out organizational and methodological management of the work of subdivisions for metrological support and is responsible for organizing and coordinating relevant activities.

Tasks for metrological support are included in the annual plan for improving the quality of products.

Control over metrological support includes verification of:

Availability of technical documentation that establishes the requirements for control and measurement operations, and the effectiveness of the metrological examination of this documentation;

Provision of technological operations, input, operational and acceptance quality control of products and their testing processes with the necessary methods and measuring instruments that guarantee the specified measurement accuracy;

Compliance of the conditions and procedure for performing measurements, the qualifications of the operator with the requirements of technical documentation;

Conditions and applications of measuring instruments, including control instruments.

Control over the condition and use of measuring instruments, including control instruments, includes verification of:

Availability and correctness of accounting for measuring instruments;

Serviceability of measuring instruments and timeliness of their calibration or verification;

Compliance of the conditions for the use of measuring instruments, normalized for them, with the operating conditions;

Observance by persons using measuring instruments of the rules for their operation and maintenance; established measurement procedures;

Compliance of the storage conditions of measuring instruments with the requirements for ensuring their serviceability.

MI are subject to primary, periodic, extraordinary, inspection and expert verification. Primary, inspection and expert verification is carried out by the bodies of the State Metrological Service. Periodic, extraordinary verification and calibration of electrical and radio measuring instruments and SI of geometric quantities is carried out by the department of the chief metrologist of the enterprise.

Periodic verification, calibration of multi-limit and combined measuring instruments, constantly used only for measuring (reproducing) one physical quantity or in one measurement range, is carried out on the basis of the decision of the chief metrologist in accordance with the requirements of the regulatory technical documentation for methods and means of verification, which determine the suitability of the measuring instruments for measuring a given quantity or in a given measurement range. In these cases, a label with a distinct inscription that establishes the scope is glued to the SI. The corresponding entry is made in operational documents.

The calibration interval is established during state acceptance tests of measuring instruments. Verification and calibration of MI, which are in operation in the divisions of the enterprise, is carried out according to the verification schedule.

2.3. Control methods at the winding section of shop No. 4 of JSC "RPC "Polyus"

In the manufacture and acceptance testing of transformer chokes and coils at the winding section of shop No. 4 of JSC "RPC "Polus", among others, the following control methods are used:

Checking the active resistance (integrity) of the windings;

Checking the correctness of the marking of the winding leads;

Checking the number of turns of windings;

Checking the voltage on the windings;

No-load current test

Checking the inductance;

Checking the parameters of magnetic amplifiers;

Checking interturn insulation;

Insulation resistance test under normal climatic conditions;

Checking the electrical strength of the insulation.

These control methods refer to the electrical method of non-destructive testing, and in particular, according to the method of obtaining primary information, to the electroparametric one. This method is based on the registration of the electrical characteristics of the control object according to the "good-marriage" principle.

All tests, except where noted otherwise, are carried out under the following climatic conditions:

Ambient temperature 20±10°С;

Pressure 720-780 mm Hg. St.;

Air humidity 65±10%.

The integrity of the windings is checked by a combined instrument type Ts4353.

The correctness of the marking of the winding leads is checked at the PKT-2 and PPM-1 installations.

The number of turns of frame and frameless coils is checked on IV-5 installations with an error:

±0.2% - less than 100 turns

±0.5% - 100 to 500 turns

±1.0% - from 500 to 10000 turns.

The number of turns of windings of toroidal products with steel cores without a gap is checked by PKT-2 or VHF, which makes it possible to measure the number of turns of windings with an error:

up to 200 turns - 0%

more than 200 turns ± 5%.

The number of turns of windings of toroidal products on cores made of permalloy ferrite is checked on the PKT-2M or VHF installation.

The active resistance of the windings is measured by the LCR-821 (E7-8) instrument, which provides a measurement error of not more than ±0.2%. Measurements are carried out at an ambient temperature of 20±2°C. At a temperature different from the specified, the resistance is reduced to a value at a temperature of 20 ± 2 ° C according to the formula:

Where r 20 - resistance at a temperature of plus 20ºС, Ohm;

r t - measured resistance at temperature t 2, Ohm;

t 2 - ambient temperature during measurement, ºС;

t 1 - temperature plus 20 ºС.

The control of the idle current is carried out by applying a test voltage to the primary winding, the value and frequency of which is indicated in the winding note, with the secondary windings open. The value of the no-load current is determined by the readings of an ammeter included in the primary winding circuit. The error of the devices used at the no-load current and the voltage on the windings must be at least class 1. The devices used must have an internal resistance of at least 0.5 MΩ.

The measurement of the inductance of the windings of products is carried out by a parameter meter of the LCR-821 (E7-8) type.

The test voltage is applied smoothly from zero or from a value not exceeding the operating voltage on the connected winding. The maximum voltage is maintained for 1 min. Insulation breakdown is recorded by a short-term or constant surge of current according to the readings of an ammeter included in the circuit of the tested winding, the maximum limit value which is 5-10 times higher than the no-load current specified in the drawing. The need to control the interturn and interlayer insulation in each specific case is determined by the design documentation, depending on the design of the winding and its insulation.

The characteristics of magnetic amplifiers are checked for compliance with the requirements of design documentation.

When testing for dielectric strength and insulation resistance, it is recommended to short-circuit the beginning and end of each winding to prevent accidental connection of the winding to the test voltage.

The electrical strength of the insulation between the windings and the core (housing) of the product or the simulator of the housing and each winding is checked at the UPU-10 (UPU-1M) type installation with an alternating sinusoidal voltage with a frequency of 50 Hz, the effective (effective) value of which is indicated in the design documentation. The dielectric strength of the insulation is checked by applying a test voltage from zero to the value specified in the design documentation smoothly or in steps at a speed of approximately 10% of the specified value of the test voltage in 1 s. The insulation is maintained at the test voltage for 1 min, after which the voltage is gradually or in steps reduced to zero. The measurement error of the test voltage should not exceed 5%.

The insulation resistance between the windings and between the body (core) of the product and each winding is checked by applying direct current with a megohmmeter type 4102/1 (M400/1-3) with an operating voltage of 500V, unless otherwise specified by the requirements of the drawing. Megohmmeter readings, which determine the value of insulation resistance, are taken after holding the insulation under voltage for 1 min. If the instrument readings are established in less than 1 min, then the exposure time of the insulation under voltage can be reduced.

The voltage on the secondary windings is checked by applying voltage and frequency to the primary winding, set at face value, which are indicated in the technical documentation. The voltage on the secondary windings is determined by the readings of a voltmeter, alternately connected to the secondary windings. The voltage must be within the limits specified by the drawing.

The list of measuring instruments necessary for the control and acceptance of products is given in Appendix B.

All of the above measurements are carried out by the QCD employees of the pilot production of JSC SPC Polyus in accordance with GOST 22765-89 and the QMS operating at the enterprise.


This standard is intended for the organization of metrological assurance of product quality, metrological control:

  • behind the means of measurement and control;
  • for non-standardized measuring instruments (stands);
  • for test equipment.

The standard was developed by the department of the chief metrologist.

When developing the standard, flowcharts of action algorithms in annexes A, A1 and A2 were used.

1 area of ​​use

1.1 This standard establishes the rules and procedures to be followed at the enterprise when organizing metrological assurance of product quality, managing control and measuring and testing equipment.

1.2 The standard establishes the basic provisions for the organization and conduct of metrological control over the condition and use of measuring instruments, compliance with metrological rules and norms.

1.3 The standard applies to all departments of the enterprise and serves as a guide for officials of the enterprise and personnel in the above field of activity.

1.4 As part of this activity, the standard establishes the responsibility and interaction of the relevant departments and officials for the implementation of the rules and procedures provided for in it.

2 Normative references

This standard uses the following guidance and methodological documents:

  • the federal law"On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements"
  • GOST ISO 9000-2011 “Quality management systems. Basic Provisions»
  • GOST ISO 9001-2011 “Quality management systems. Requirements"
  • ISO/TS 16949:2009 Quality management systems. Special Application Requirements ISO standard 9001:2008 in the automotive industry"
  • GOST 8.326-89 " State system ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological certification of measuring instruments. Basic Provisions»
  • GOST 8.467-82 “GSI. Normative-technical documents on the methods of performing measurements. Requirements for the construction, content.
  • GOST 8.513-84 “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Verification of measuring instruments. Organization and procedure”.
  • GOST R 8.563-2009 “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measurement Methods»
  • GOST R 8.568-97 “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Test equipment certification. Basic Provisions»
  • MI 2240-92 “GSI. Analysis of the state of measurements, control and testing at the enterprise, organization, association. methodology and procedure for carrying out work "
  • MI 2267-2000 “Recommendation. State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Ensuring the effectiveness of measurements in management technological processes. Metrological examination of technical documentation»
  • MI 2273-93 “GSI. Areas of use of measuring instruments subject to verification»
  • MI 2284-94 “GSI. Documentation of calibration laboratories»
  • MI 2304-2008 “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Metrological control and supervision carried out by metrological services legal entities. Basic Provisions".
  • PR 50.2.006-94 “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Checking measuring instruments. Organization and procedure»
  • PR 50.2.009-94 “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for testing and approval of the type of measuring instruments "
  • PR 50.2.016-94 “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Requirements for performing calibration work"
  • PR 50.2.017-95 “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Regulations on the Russian Calibration System"
  • PR 50.2.018-95 “State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The procedure for accreditation of metrological services of legal entities for the right to carry out calibration work "
  • PR 50-732-93 "Typical regulation on the metrological service government agencies Administration of the Russian Federation and legal entities"
  • PR RSK 002-95 "Calibration stamps"
  • R RSK 001-95 "Typical regulations on the calibration laboratory"
  • R RSK -06 "Basic requirements for calibration methods used in the Russian calibration system"
  • RMG 29-2012 Recommendations for interstate standardization. GSI. Metrology. Basic terms and definitions.
  • STP "Procedure for the provision of technological equipment"
  • STP “Control and testing. Basic Provisions»
  • STP " QMS System training and development"
  • STP " Statistical Methods. Basic Provisions»
  • “Quality system. Management of control, measuring and testing equipment. Appointment and adjustment of calibration intervals "
  • "Quality Management System. Forms standard contracts. Scroll"

3 Terms and definitions

This standard uses the terms and definitions established in the Federal Law “On Ensuring the Uniformity of Measurements”, as well as in GOST ISO 9000 “Quality Management Systems. Basic provisions and vocabulary”, MG 29 “Metrology. Basic terms and definitions”.

4 Symbols and abbreviations

  • IIR— tool management bureau
  • BUSK— bureau of management of the Quality System
  • HMS— state metrological service
  • GOST- state standard
  • GSI- State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements
  • DH- long-term storage
  • spare parts– spare parts, tools and accessories
  • AND ABOUT- test equipment
  • IRK— tool distributing pantry
  • KD- design documentation
  • KIP— instrumentation
  • MA— certification methodology
  • MVI— measurement technique
  • MI— methodology of the institute
  • MK— metrological control
  • MO— metrological support
  • MPI- calibration interval
  • ME— metrological expertise
  • ND- normative documents
  • research– research work
  • NSI– non-standardized measuring instruments
  • Ogmeter— department of the chief metrologist
  • OKR– development work
  • OMTS— logistics department
  • OST- industry standard
  • OTK— department of technical control
  • PMOSF— subsystem "metrological assurance of product quality"
  • ETC- rules
  • R- management
  • RSKRussian system calibration
  • RF- Russian Federation
  • SI- measuring instrument
  • QMS- Quality Management System
  • SC- means of control
  • STP— enterprise standard
  • TD— technological documentation
  • TS- workshop technical service
  • THAT— technical conditions
  • CA- central warehouse
  • CSM— center of standardization, metrology and certification

5 General provisions

5.1 Metrological assurance of product quality is a set of organizational and technical measures, technical means, rules and norms that ensure, with the required accuracy, the characteristics of products, technological processes necessary for the development, production and operation of products.

5.2 Metrological assurance of product quality acts as a subsystem of product quality management.

5.3 The main goal of the subsystem "metrological assurance of product quality" (PMOKP) is to ensure the development and production of products High Quality at the enterprise on the basis of metrological examination of design, technological and regulatory documentation, reliable measurements of the parameters of manufactured products, the effectiveness of procedures for maintaining the proper condition of measuring equipment, measuring instruments, control and proper training and certification of personnel on metrology issues.

5.4 PMOKP, as a control system, includes controls, tools and control objects.

5.5 The metrological service represented by the department of the chief metrologist, subordinate to the director for quality, acts as the management body of the PMOSF at the enterprise.

5.6 The management tools in the PMOSF are directive and organizational and administrative documents, resolutions, orders, decisions of ND, which stipulate the issues of metrological support.

5.7 The objects of control in the subsystem are the objects of activity for metrological support, which are:

  • measurement methods;
  • measurement techniques;
  • measuring instruments and means of control;
  • non-standardized measuring instruments (stands);
  • test equipment;
  • measuring installations and systems;
  • SI maintenance tools;
  • verification methods;
  • calibration methods;
  • metrological support for the development, production, testing and operation of control and testing facilities;
  • training, education, certification of personnel on aspects of metrological support.

5.8 Management of the objects of activity of the PMOSF is carried out in the scope and sequence in accordance with Annexes A, A1, A2.

5.9 Metrological assurance of product quality (hereinafter metrological assurance) at the enterprise is solved at the following stages:

  • at the stage of development of new products and preparation of production;
  • at the production stage.

5.10. The main tasks of metrological support at the enterprise are:

  • analysis of the state of measurements at the enterprise, development on its basis and implementation of measures to improve metrological support;
  • establishing a rational nomenclature of measured parameters and optimal standards for measurement accuracy at the enterprise;
  • carrying out work on the creation and implementation of modern methods for performing measurements and providing measuring instruments, establishing a rational range of measuring instruments used at the enterprise, control tools, reference data, testing equipment;
  • introduction of public and industry standards, development and implementation of enterprise standards regulating measurement accuracy standards, development of measurement methods and other provisions of metrological support;
  • carrying out metrological examination of design, technological and normative-technical documentation;
  • verification, calibration of measuring and control instruments, metrological certification of test equipment used for the needs of the enterprise;
  • certification of measurement methods;
  • metrological control over production, the state of changes and repairs of measuring instruments and compliance with metrological rules, requirements and standards at the enterprise.

5.11. The solution of the problems of metrological support at the enterprise is carried out by all divisions and services of the enterprise under the methodological guidance of the department of the chief metrologist.

5.12. Works on metrological support of development and preparation of production begin from the moment of receipt of:

  • technical requirements for products developed at the enterprise;
  • technical documentation for the production of products developed by other enterprises.

5.13 Documentation created at all stages and stages of development is subject to metrological examination. The organization and procedure for the metrological examination of design, technological and regulatory documentation are defined in section 16 of this standard.

6 Metrology planning

6.1. Planning of metrological support at the enterprise is carried out on the basis of:

  • legislative documents of higher organizations;
  • metrological support programs;
  • results of research and development work in the field of metrology;
  • the result of the analysis of the state of measurements in the industry and at the enterprise, state supervision and departmental control over metrological support;
  • offers of divisions of the enterprise;
  • other documents in the field of metrological support.

6.2. Tasks for solving problems of metrological support are included in:

  • section of the schedule for pre-production metrological support for pre-production of new products;
  • plan for carrying out metrological control in the divisions of the enterprise;
  • plan for the introduction of new measuring equipment (plan for the investment costs of the enterprise for the current period (year));
  • annual calibration schedules for measuring instruments (Appendix B);
  • log-schedules of accounting and verification (calibration) of measuring and control instruments (Appendix B);
  • annual inspection schedules (attestation) of non-standardized measuring instruments (stands);
  • the annual schedule for the metrological control of the divisions of the enterprise operating the MI (Appendix T);
  • plan to improve the quality of products.

7 Provision of units with measuring instruments

7.1 Ordering new MIs.

The basis for ordering new measuring instruments is:

  • increase in the production plan;
  • development of new types of products;
  • carrying out activities to improve the quality of products;
  • ensuring safety requirements;
  • replacement of obsolete SI.

7.2 The procedure for providing enterprise divisions with standard SI.

Provision of MI subdivisions during the production of products is carried out in accordance with the STP "Provision of production with technological equipment, measuring and control instruments" (section 5).

Provision of subdivisions with test equipment (stands) is carried out in accordance with STP “Design Management. Management of the development of test equipment.

In other cases, specified in clause 7.1, the heads of the plant departments draw up applications for standard measuring instruments, coordinate them with the chief metrologist, approve the technical director and send:

  • for linear-angular SI and measuring tool - in IIR;
  • to the rest of the standard SI - in the OMTS.

7.3 Procurement of measuring instruments and test equipment is carried out in accordance with the budget of the directorates for the planned period.

Purchase requests must be included in the enterprise's investment spending plan for infrastructure development.

Applications for the purchase of MI and IO when planning investment costs are developed taking into account the following criteria:

  • the need for acquisition (physical wear and tear of the replaced MI, IO or the development of new types of measurements, tests);
  • conformity of metrological and specifications established requirements;
  • the presence of the MI planned for use in the State Register of MI (providing the possibility of verification of SI by the State Migration Service);
  • provision by the seller of measuring instruments of warranty obligations, provision of warranty and post-warranty repairs;
  • delivery with MI of a set of operational documentation in Russian.

7.4 All purchased measuring instruments must be delivered to the central warehouse with a notification to the OGMeter about their receipt.

All measuring instruments and measuring instruments received at the central warehouse are sent to the OGMeter for input control, calibration and registration. OG Meter puts these measuring instruments in its metrological account for the organization of metrological supervision over their operation. All the necessary information on the SI is entered into the electronic database.

7.5 input control of measuring instruments

Measuring instruments are presented for incoming control in a shipping container, the instruments must be completed necessary documentation and a set of accessories (SPTA).

Input control of measuring instruments at the enterprise is carried out by employees of the OGMeter.

The OGMeter checks the external vis, the completeness of the delivery, the safety of the seals of the MI manufacturer. The operability of the device is checked in the declared operating modes, the availability of documents confirming the metrological characteristics of the MI, the validity period of the state (departmental) verification is checked.

If necessary, OGMetr employees calibrate measuring instruments in accordance with the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation or present SI for state verification at the CSM.

Positive results of the input control in the OGMeter are issued by gluing a signal tag on the measuring instrument or issuing a calibration certificate (for linear-angular measuring instruments and SC).

7.6 The divisions of the plant receive MI from the central warehouse after the input control of the OGMeter and put them on inventory and metrological records - the person responsible for the state of the MI in the unit enters the data of the new device into the log-schedule of accounting and verification.

7.7 If the measuring instruments do not meet the requirements of the documentation when passing the input control and primary calibration, they are returned to the central warehouse.

A device (measuring instrument) that does not meet the requirements of operational documentation is returned by the Procurement Directorate (OMTS) to the supplier with an act of rejecting the device or with cover letter with an indication of the identified defect for replacement or repair in accordance with the warranty.

8 Procedure for accounting, storage, operation and disposal of measuring instruments

8.1 All measuring instruments, control instruments, non-standardized measuring instruments, test equipment located at the enterprise are registered at the hotel of the chief metrologist.

Each subdivision operating MI and SK also keeps records of the MI and SK available in the subdivision.

Accounting is carried out according to the log-schedules of accounting and verification available in these divisions.

8.2 Measuring instruments located at the enterprise, with the exception of linear-angular measuring and control instruments, are included in the electronic database of measuring instruments of the enterprise. The electronic SI database of the enterprise is stored on the OGMetr computer. A backup copy of the electronic database is stored on the enterprise server.

The electronic database contains information about each SI:

  • name and type of MI;
  • factory and inventory numbers of SI;
  • the terms of previous verifications (calibrations), the term of the next verification (calibration).
  • MI location and condition (operation/long-term storage/repair)

8.3 Accounting for linear-angular measuring instruments and control means is carried out according to the "Log-schedule of accounting and verification" of the indicated MI and SK, which also contains the necessary information that allows accounting and control over the metrological state of linear-angular MI and SK.

The specified log is located in the OGMeter.

8.4 The redistribution of MI between departments, the sale or transfer of MI to other enterprises, the write-off of MI that has become unusable should be carried out with the obligatory notification of the OGMeter.

The unit that transfers the SI reports with a service note information about its movement to the OGMetr within 10 days from the date of transfer.

8.5 All measuring instruments used at the enterprise must be operated in accordance with the requirements of the operating instructions and technical descriptions on them.

All measuring instruments in operation must be checked for compliance of their metrological parameters with the specified requirements, as evidenced by the presence of a signal tag on the device or a calibration certificate for linear-angular SI and SC indicating the date of the upcoming verification or calibration.

8.6 It is forbidden to store unverified, faulty and unaccounted measuring instruments at workplaces and in the IRC.

8.7 Responsibility for compliance with the rules for the operation and storage of MI in the divisions of the enterprise is borne by the heads of divisions.

The head of the subdivision, by his order, appoints the person responsible for the condition of the measuring instruments in the subdivision and assigns duties to him in accordance with Appendix H.

a copy of the order is submitted to the OGMetr within 5 days from the date of its signing.

8.8 The operation and storage of measuring instruments is organized in dry, heated and ventilated rooms with climatic conditions specified in the relevant regulatory and technical documentation for them and ensuring the serviceability and ease of operation of measuring instruments.

Measuring instruments should be placed on racks, in cabinets, in individual containers or special boxes.

Access of unauthorized persons to the storage measuring instruments is prohibited.

Premises in which MI are operated and stored must be provided with temperature and humidity control devices, and the results of climate control must be recorded daily in the “Indoor Climatic Parameters Record Book”.

8.9 Measuring instruments to be stored for more than the calibration interval should be stored separately, while the measuring instruments located on long-term storage must be marked (tag, plate): "Long-term storage" or "DH".

Information about the transfer of SI to the “long-term storage” mode should be sent by a memo to the OGMeter, while a corresponding entry is made in the general plant database of SI (OGMetr) and in the log-schedule for recording SI in the unit within 5 days.

8.10 Financial responsibility for measuring instruments in operation and in storage is borne by the subdivisions responsible for their operation represented by the head of the subdivision responsible for the state of the MI in the subdivision and the persons operating the MI.

8.11 Control over the correct operation of SI in the divisions of the enterprise is carried out by the OGM. If violations of the operating rules of the SI OGMeter are detected, it prohibits their further operation and has the right to withdraw the SI from operation in the unit.

Measuring instruments with expired verification dates that have external damage, as well as in the absence of documents (tag, calibration certificate), are considered not verified. The operation of these SI is not allowed.

The OGMeter conducts briefings, if necessary, on all issues related to the correct operation of measuring instruments.

8.12 Liquidation (write-off) of measuring, testing and control instruments.

The grounds for the liquidation of SI are:

  • physical and (or) moral deterioration;
  • loss of need as a result of a change in the nomenclature of the production plan;
  • failure beyond repair.

The OGMeter determines the validity for the elimination (write-off) of measuring instruments and issues a written conclusion on the unsuitability of their further operation.

8.13 Write-off (liquidation) of MI or equipment with MI installed on it is carried out by user divisions in the manner established by the enterprise. The write-off act is coordinated with the OGMetr.

Liquidation of reference data (stands) is carried out upon removal of the order from production, physical and (or) obsolescence of reference data by the user unit in the manner established by the enterprise.

The unit that wrote off the SI, NSI, informs the information about its write-off to the OGMetr within 10 days from the date of approval of the write-off act.

9 Verification of measuring instruments

9.1 Verification is subject to standard measuring instruments, which are subject to state metrological control and supervision. The specified measuring instruments must pass the procedure for approval of their type and must be included in the State Register of measuring instruments permitted for use in the Russian Federation.

9.2 Mandatory state verification is subject to:

  • measuring instruments used as exemplary SI;
  • measuring instruments used as workers for measurements, the results of which are used to account for material values, fuel, energy, in mutual settlements, in trade, to protect the natural environment, to ensure labor safety;
  • measuring instruments used in testing products manufactured by the enterprise (acceptance and periodic tests), the measurement results of which provide confirmation of the technical parameters of products.

9.3 Verification of measuring instruments is carried out by the bodies of the state metrological service, headed by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. Requirements for the organization and procedure for verification of measuring instruments are established in PR 502006.

9.4 All MI purchased by the enterprise, as well as MI received from repairs, must be subjected to primary verification. This requirement must be included in the contract for the purchase of SI.

9.5 Those measuring instruments are subject to periodic verification, for which the calibration interval expires or which are put into operation after long-term storage.

The verification interval is the time during which the verification results are valid. The calibration interval is set by the state metrological authority when approving the device type.

Only measuring instruments that are in long-term storage are not subject to periodic verification.

9.6 Based on the identified needs: the enterprise's chief metrologist develops a "Checking Schedule for SI" by type of measurement for the next planning period (year).

Calendar schedules for MI verification are formed according to the types of measurements and must contain information about the name, type, serial number, accuracy class, established frequency and timing of verification.

The form of the MI verification schedule is given in Appendix 5.

The nomenclature of measuring instruments subject to regular verifications in the territorial bodies of fuel and lubricants should be minimized on the basis of a feasibility study.

The schedules for verification of SI in the CSM bodies are signed by the General Director before December 1 of the current year.

Signed schedules for verification of SI are agreed with the director of the CSM or the head of the HMS CSM before December 15 of the current year.

After approval and agreement, the verification schedules are submitted to the OGMeter for execution by December 31 of the current year.

9.7 Transportation of MI subject to verification from the divisions of the enterprise to the OGMeter is carried out by the departments in cases or containers that exclude damage to the MI. Measuring instruments must be cleaned of dirt and completed in accordance with the operational documentation for them.

9.8 Transportation of MI to the regional FMC, as well as to out-of-town FMCs, is carried out by the OMTS logistics service at the request of the OGMeter within the established time limits:

to (from) a regional FMC: within no more than 3 working days;

to (from) a non-resident FMC: Within no more than 6 working days or within the time period agreed with the OGMeter.

If necessary, the delivery of measuring instruments for verification to non-resident CMS may involve employees of departments operating MI.

9.9 With a positive result of verification of SI, the HMS body issues a "Certificate of Verification". After verification, the MI is sent to the consumer unit with a signal tag OGMeter of the established sample (Appendix D).

Upon receipt of a negative result, the bodies of the State Migration Service issue a "Certificate of unsuitability of the SI". This SI is sent for repair, with subsequent verification.

10 Calibration of measuring and control instruments

10.1 All measuring and control instruments used at the enterprise are subject to calibration, except for measuring instruments subject to mandatory state verification specified in Section 9.

Also, measuring instruments that are in long-term storage are not subject to calibration. Instruments classified under the Indicator Category are not subject to calibration.

10.2 Requirements for the organization and procedure for the calibration of measuring and control instruments are established in GOST ISO / IEC 17025-2009 " General requirements to the competence of testing and calibration laboratories” and PR 50.2.016-94 “GSI. Requirements for performing calibration work.

Calibration laboratories of OGMetr carry out calibration of measuring instruments in accordance with the requirements set forth in the guidance documents on the procedure for carrying out calibration work.

Calibration laboratories calibrate geometric, electrical, thermotechnical SI and scales.

10.3 "Journal-schedule of accounting and verification (calibration)" with complete list measuring and control instruments operated or stored in the unit are annually submitted to the OGMeter no later than January 15 of the current year.

The form of the log-schedule is given in Appendix B.

10.4 Calibration of measuring and control instruments is carried out in the calibration laboratories of the OGMeter according to the schedules compiled by the OGMeter in accordance with the magazines-schedules of the departments approved by the chief metrologist and annually endorsed by him after taking into account changes over the past period (year) and corresponding adjustment, if necessary, of the electronic database of the enterprise's measuring instruments.

10.5 An employee appointed by the head of the department responsible for the operation of the MI removes the MI from production and transfers it to the OGMeter calibration laboratory. SI for calibration are presented complete, in its pure form. Inspection instruments involved in the technological process of manufacturing products are withdrawn from production in agreement with the head of the department.

10.6 Acceptance and issuance of MI sent for verification or calibration (including for incoming control and certification) is registered in the OGMetr in a journal, which includes the date of receipt and issue, name and number (quantity) of MI, signature.

10.7 When calibrating MI, exemplary measuring instruments that have been verified at the CSM are used, calibration is performed according to the verification methods that apply to MI of this type.

Calibration specialists are allowed to perform the specified works and have certificates of training courses (advanced training) at the training centers of the Academy of Standardization, Metrology and Certification.

10.8 The time spent on calibration of measuring instruments submitted in accordance with the verification/calibration schedule is determined by:

for measuring instruments calibrated by the OGMeter in accordance with the right granted to him - no more than 15 days (with the exception of SI, for which the norm for verification exceeds this period);

for measuring instruments verified in the bodies of the state metrological service - in accordance with the terms determined by the regulatory documents of the CSM;

In other cases, the verification time is determined in agreement with the OGMeter (in case of non-compliance with verification schedules, extraordinary verification, verification during incoming inspection, etc.);

10.9 Climatic conditions in the premises where calibration work is carried out are recorded daily in a journal, in which the following information is entered: date, temperature, humidity in the room, signature.

10.10 Information about the calibration of the measuring instrument is entered in the inspection and repair passport, stored in the department of the chief metrologist (Appendix G)

10.11 Based on the results of MI calibration, a protocol is drawn up, where the actual values ​​of their metrological characteristics are entered.

The protocols are stored together with the SI passport.

10.12 The decision on the admission of measuring instruments to production is made by the controller of the OGMeter based on the analysis of the "risk" of their characteristics going beyond the permissible values ​​in the period until the next calibration.

If necessary, the calibration interval is reduced (which is recorded in the calibration certificate) or the measuring instrument is withdrawn from service.

10.13 Positive calibration results of measuring instruments are documented by gluing a signal tag (Appendix D) on the front or side of the MI.

Positive results of the calibration of linear-angular measuring and control instruments are issued:

issuance of a calibration certificate to the unit - the owner of the measuring instruments in the form:

Appendix D - for measuring instruments (measuring tool);

Appendix E - for control devices (gauges).

Calibration certificates are kept with the SI.

10.14 In case of negative results of MI calibration, OGMeter employees send the MI for repair or, if repair is impossible, issue a “Notice of unsuitability” in the form of Appendix I.

The notice of unsuitability, together with the MI, is returned to the unit operating this MI.

10.15 To certify the metrological characteristics corresponding to the established technical requirements, the metrological service uses calibration stamps for imprinting measuring instruments or accompanying documentation.

10.16 The procedure for using calibration marks is carried out in accordance with the rules of PR RSK 002-95 "Calibration marks".

10.17 Accounting for calibration marks is made in the "Journal of accounting for the issuance of calibration marks" (Appendix K).

11 Repair of measuring instruments

11.1 Measuring instruments recognized by the results of verification (calibration) as unsuitable are sent for repair.

11.2 The organization of the repair of standard SI is assigned to the OGMeter. Repair of NSI is carried out by the manufacturer at the request of the unit operating them.)

Repair of measuring instruments is carried out by employees of the OGMeter with the involvement, if necessary, of third-party organizations (service centers).

11.3 Information about the MI repair is entered in the inspection and repair passport (Appendix G), thereby collecting statistical data for calculating the MPI.

The following information is entered in the repair log: date of repair, name and number of measuring instruments, nature of the discrepancy, repair work performed, signatures.

11.4 When performing repairs, an analysis is carried out possible causes failure of the SI. In cases where the cause of the identified malfunction of the MI was a gross violation of the rules for its operation, a notification is sent to the head of the unit that operated the above MI, indicating the reasons for the failure.

The head of the subdivision within 3 days must give a response to the OGMeter on the implementation of measures to ensure the elimination of the occurrence of MI breakdowns due to violation of the operating rules, indicating the timing of their implementation, as well as the measures taken against the contractor, through whose fault the MI broke down.

11.5 After repair, all measuring instruments are checked or calibrated.

11.6 For measuring instruments, the repair of which is impossible, the OGMeter issues a notice of unsuitability in the form of Appendix I.

12 Metrological assurance of non-standardized measuring instruments

12.1 The developers of non-standardized measuring instruments (bench equipment) at the enterprise are the services of the technical directorate.

12.2 At the stages of development of documentation and production of NSI T3 and CD should be subjected to metrological examination.

12.3 The belonging of the developed products to the NSI and the need for their metrological certification is determined by the developer and agreed with the OGMeter at the stage of the ME-KD at the NSI.

The NSI developer develops a methodology for certification and subsequent periodic metrological verification › with an indication of the calibration interval. The specified technique is included in the operational documentation for NSI.

12.4 Newly manufactured NSI is subjected to metrological certification.

Metrological certification of NSI is carried out by employees of the OGMetr on the proposal of the owner unit of the NSI with the participation of a representative of the development unit of the NSI in accordance with the certification methodology. Based on the methodology and the results of the measurements made, an attestation protocol is drawn up (indicating the name of the NSI, date, results and with the signature of the performers).

The protocol is approved by the chief metrologist.

12.5 If the results of the MA are positive, a passport is issued for the NSI (Appendix G), the MA protocol is attached to the passport.

In the future, NSI is subject to periodic verification according to the schedule in which it is entered.

12.6 In case of negative certification results, the procedures provided for in the flowchart of Appendix A1 are performed.

13 Control of test equipment

13.1 Test equipment is controlled in accordance with the current NTD (GOST) for the relevant types of equipment.

13.2 Certification of test equipment is carried out by the OGMeter according to the annual schedule approved by the chief metrologist.

Attestation of the IO is carried out according to the methods and with the use of certification tools set forth in the NTD or technical (operational) documentation for the IO.

Positive certification results are documented in the certification protocol in the form established in the NTD.

16.3 With positive results of certification for testing equipment, a signal tag (Appendix D) is strengthened indicating the date of certification and the deadline for the next certification.

14 Accounting and operation of indicators

14.1 Means of measurement and control used to monitor the change in values ​​without assessing their values ​​in units of quantities with a standardized accuracy can be transferred to the category of indicators.

14.2 The transfer of measuring and control instruments to the category of indicators is carried out based on the results of the analysis, depending on the functions of the measuring and control instruments available at the enterprise, including those built into technological equipment and hardware.

14.3 The procedure for carrying out work on classifying measuring and control instruments as indicators:

14.3.1 The metrological service of the enterprise based on the proposals of the workshops and technical services make up the "List of measuring and control instruments classified as indicators" in the form given in Appendix L.

The assignment of measuring and control instruments to the category of indicators is carried out according to the methodology described in Appendix M.

14.3.2 The chief metrologist of the enterprise is responsible for compiling the list. The list is signed by the heads of technical services and departments carrying out Maintenance and repair of equipment and apparatus on which indicators are installed and is approved by the Technical Director.

14.3.3 The list is subject to adjustment when introducing new equipment with indicators installed on it or withdrawing equipment from the current composition, as well as in cases of acquiring new measuring instruments (indicators) or replacing them.

14.4 Checking the functioning of the indicators is carried out by the metrological service of the enterprise in the amount specified in the technical documentation for the indicators or equipment and apparatus in which they are installed.

In the absence of technical documentation necessary information checking the functioning of the indicator is carried out according to the methods developed by the metrological service of the enterprise.

14.5 Checking the functioning of the indicators is carried out by the OGMeter during the metrological control of the units according to the approved schedule.

14.6 A clearly visible sign “I” is applied to measuring and control instruments classified as indicators

Font type according to GOST 2903-62. The height of the designation is selected depending on the overall dimensions of the device:

  • for miniature - no more than 8 mm;
  • for small-sized - no more than 18 mm;
  • for the rest - no more than 30 mm.

The color of the designation should facilitate easy identification of these SI among other measuring instruments.

15 Metrological control at the enterprise

15.1 Metrological control (MK) is a check of compliance with and implementation of metrological norms, regulations and rules in the production activities of the enterprise's divisions.

15.2 The MC at the enterprise is carried out in order to achieve and ensure the unity, the required accuracy and reliability of measurements in the manufacture, testing and quality control of products, to maintain the MI used in production in good condition.

15.3 MK is a form of departmental supervision over the operation of measuring instruments, the use of measurement methods and conditions for performing measurements.

Metrological control of divisions of the enterprise is carried out by employees of the OGMetr.

15.4 The results of the MC are used to analyze and evaluate the MO of the enterprise unit and the enterprise as a whole, develop measures aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of work on MO, provide methodological and technical assistance divisions in the field of MO.

15.5 When conducting the MC, the persons exercising metrological supervision are guided by the provisions of MI 2304 "Metrological control and supervision carried out by the metrological services of legal entities", while checking:

  • the presence and correctness of accounting for SI;
  • serviceability of SI;
  • the timeliness of the provision of SI for verification, compliance with
  • verification schedules;
  • the correctness of the performance of control and measuring operations, the correctness of the use of SI;
  • compliance of the conditions for the use of MI with the specified requirements;
  • compliance with the modes of storage and operation of measuring instruments;
  • security of SI units;
  • implementation of orders, decisions and orders for the Ministry of Defense, the requirements of standards and normative documents for the Ministry of Defense;
  • implementation and elimination of comments and suggestions made during previous types of inspections of the MO.

15.6 The QM is carried out according to the annual QM schedule approved by the Quality Director.

the schedule is developed by the OGMeter and contains a list of enterprise departments that use and store SI;

for each subdivision, the timing of the MC is indicated with a frequency of 1 time per six months.

the schedule is agreed with the heads of departments.

The form of the graph is given in Appendix T.

15.7 The MC is carried out by the employees of the OGMeter together with the persons responsible for the condition of the measuring instruments in the unit.

If necessary, specialists from the Quality Control Department, CDP, OGK are involved in the MC, as agreed.

15.8 The head of the subdivision is obliged to provide conditions for conducting the MC:

allocate a person responsible for the state of the SI;

provide access to all premises where SI are used or stored;

provide the necessary documentation.

15.9 The results of the MC are documented in an act (Appendix P).

15.10 In the act, comments should be grouped according to the following criteria:

  • faulty SI;
  • SI with an expired verification period;
  • absent in the SI division;
  • comments on the conditions for performing measurements;
  • comments on the accounting, storage and operation of SI;
  • incorrectly performed control and measuring operations;
  • other comments (failure to comply with the requirements of the RD, failure to eliminate comments on previous acts.

15.11 It is permissible in the appendix to the act to give recommendations on how to eliminate shortcomings on the part of the OGMeter.

15.12 Registration of the results of the MC is carried out within 3 days. An act signed by all members of the commission and an order issued upon detection of violations are sent email department head. The prescription form is given in Appendix P.

15.13 Based on the results of supervision, the head of the unit organizes within 5 days:

  • development of an action plan to eliminate the identified deficiencies;
  • its coordination with interested services, including the chief metrologist;
  • implementation of the action plan in a timely manner.

15.14 A copy of the action plan is sent to the OGMeter for control.

15.15 After the implementation of the action plan, the head of the unit sends a report on the elimination of deficiencies to B OGMetr.

The report form is given in Appendix C.

15.16 The OGMeter monitors the implementation of the action plan and evaluates the effectiveness of measures to eliminate deficiencies.

A report on the results of the QM for the past month indicating the results of eliminating the identified deficiencies and the implementation of action plans based on the results of the QM is sent to the Quality Director for decision-making at the appropriate level.

If necessary, unresolved issues based on the results of metrological control are submitted by the quality director to the “Quality Days” of the enterprise.

15.17 Acts, reports and accompanying materials form a databank for QM B OG Meter and are used to analyze MO at the enterprise, develop proposals for the "Quality Plan" and prepare a report to the QMS Management.

16 Metrological examination of technical documentation

16.1 Metrological examination (ME) of technical documentation is carried out by OGMetr specialists as it is provided by the enterprise services.

16.2 Main tasks of the MoE:

assessment of the correctness of the assignment of the measured parameters, the choice of measuring instruments, measurement methods;

assessment of the technical feasibility of controlling the parameters of products and processes.

16.3 Metrological examination is carried out in accordance with MI 2267 “Recommendation. GSI. Ensuring the efficiency of measurements in process control. Metrological examination of technical documentation”, as well as the requirements set forth in the ND on metrology, using reference literature.

16.4 With positive results of the ME, the expert makes a note in the document “Metrological examination was carried out” indicating the date and signature.

Information about the metrological examination submitted for metrological examination is entered in the “Metrological examination registration log”, the result of the ME is also noted there.

The form of the metrological examination registration log is given in Appendix U.

16.5 Comments and suggestions are drawn up by the expert in the form of a memo in two copies. One copy is transferred to the developer along with the documentation for implementation, the second is stored in the OGMeter.

16.6 After the comments are eliminated, the documentation is submitted for re-doing.

16.7 The expert has the right to request, if necessary for the ME, from the developer Additional information(ND, drawings, calculations when choosing SI, etc.), who is obliged to provide them.

16.8 The developer of the technical documentation is responsible for the timeliness and completeness of the ND provided for the ME.

17 Analysis of metrological support at the enterprise

17.1 The analysis of metrological support at the enterprise annually for the past year is organized by the OGMeter with the involvement, if necessary, of other services.

17.2 The analysis is carried out in order to:

  • establishing the compliance of the means and methods of measurement used at the enterprise with modern production requirements.
  • development of measures and proposals aimed at improving the work on metrological support.
  • using the results of the analysis for program planning, as well as the development of promising and current plans further development of metrological support.

17.3. The analysis of MO at the enterprise is carried out in accordance with MI 2240 “Analysis of the state of measurements, control and testing at the enterprise, organization, association. Methodology and order of work”.

The analysis materials are used in the preparation of proposals for the annual "Quality Plan".

18 Training and advanced training of personnel

17.1 The training and advanced training programs for heads of departments, designers, technologists, as well as all employees associated with the performance of measurements, should include issues of metrological support.

17.2 Programs in terms of metrological support issues must be coordinated with the OGMetr.

17.3 OGMeter specialists who calibrate SI in the field of accreditation of the metrological service undergo retraining once every five years in state metrological institutions in accordance with PR 50.2.012.

Retraining at the request of the OGMeter is organized by the HR Directorate.

19 Basic requirements for calibration procedures

19.1 These requirements are developed in accordance with the requirements of R RSK 002-06

According to the purpose of the calibration methods are divided into:

  • calibration procedures designed to calibrate measuring instruments belonging to one or more groups of measuring instruments;
  • calibration procedures designed to calibrate measuring instruments of one or more types of measuring instruments;
  • calibration procedures intended for the calibration of single copies of measuring instruments.

Calibration of measuring instruments - a set of operations performed to determine and confirm the actual values ​​of metrological characteristics and (or) suitability for use of measuring instruments that are not subject to state control and supervision.

Calibration procedure is a document that regulates the calibration procedure.

Calibration certificate - a document certifying the fact and results of the calibration of measuring instruments, which is issued by the organization performing the calibration

Validation of the suitability of a calibration procedure Confirmation, by examination and provision of objective evidence, that the specific requirements for the specific intended use of the calibration procedure are met.

19.2 The calibration procedure (MC) must have:

1) Introduction (Scope)

The introductory part establishes the purpose of the calibration methodology, as well as the degree of its compliance with international documents and (or) national (state) standards, as well as the type of calibration (primary and (or) periodic).

In the event that when developing a calibration procedure in the process of developing a measuring instrument, the task was to determine the optimal inter-calibration interval, or if recommendations for determining the period for subsequent calibration are given in the calibration procedure itself, the corresponding information is placed in the introductory part of the calibration procedure.

3) Definitions

4) Requirements for calibration tools and auxiliary equipment. Indicate the list of main and auxiliary means of calibration, standard samples, equipment and materials indicating the metrological and main technical characteristics of these means and (or) regulatory documents regulating these requirements.

5) Requirements for the conditions for the calibration (information on environmental conditions for equipment) The section should contain a list of quantities that affect the metrological characteristics of the calibrated measuring instruments or calibration instruments, indicating their normalized nominal values ​​​​and permissible deviations, within which the uncertainty characteristics attributed to this calibration procedure are preserved.

6) Qualification requirements for calibrators. The section should contain requirements for the level of qualification of persons performing calibration work: profession, education, special training, practical work experience, etc.

7) Safety requirements. The section should contain requirements that ensure the safety of calibrators, industrial sanitation, and environmental protection during calibrations.

In some cases, instructions are introduced on the need to classify the calibration process as work with harmful or especially harmful conditions labor

8) Preparation for the procedure. The section should contain a list and methods of performing the work that must be carried out before the calibration procedure, including checking the completeness and appearance measuring instruments, actions and interactions of its individual parts and elements (including strength and electrical resistance of insulation, tightness, etc.).

9) Measurement procedure. The section should contain a list of names and a description of the operations carried out during calibration to determine the actual values ​​of the metrological characteristics of the calibrated measuring instrument.

The description of each operation is singled out in a separate paragraph, which indicates: the name of the metrological characteristic of the calibrated measuring instrument, the calibration method used, connection diagrams, drawings, instructions on the procedure for carrying out operations, formulas, graphs, tables with explanations of the symbols included in them, instructions on the limit of permissible reading error, recommendations on the number of significant digits recorded in the protocol, etc.

10) Processing of measurement results. The Section is included in the calibration procedure in the presence of complex methods for processing measurement results. If, during the calibration operation, it is necessary to keep a protocol for recording the results of measurements in a certain form, this should be indicated, and the form of the protocol should be given in the appendix indicating the amount of information given in it.

11) Registration of calibration results. The section should contain requirements for registration of calibration results. The section indicates the method or combination of methods for registering the calibration results: calibration certificate, place and method of applying an impression of the calibration mark, making an entry in the passport or other operational document of the measuring instrument.

19.3 As annexes to the calibration procedure, the following can be issued:

  • software for processing measurement results;
  • methodology for calculating the uncertainty (error) of estimating the parameters obtained as a result of calibration;
  • the form of the protocol for recording the results of measurements during calibration (calibration protocol);
  • examples of calculations for processing measurement results, tables of calculated values, graphs of dependence of values ​​and other calculated data;
  • explanations of terms;
  • methods of preparation of certified mixtures and sampling;
  • scientific and technical substantiation of the requirements for the parameters of the calibration procedure (the limit of permissible uncertainty (error) of calibration, the control tolerance, according to which they decide on the suitability of the measuring instrument for use, the number of calibrated points, the number of measurements at each point, etc.);
  • technical descriptions of auxiliary devices and devices;
  • additional information about the measuring instruments to be calibrated, the main and auxiliary calibration instruments, standard samples of the composition and properties of substances and materials;
  • additional specific instructions on how to apply impressions of calibration marks;
  • other requirements that contribute to the elimination of errors during calibration and increase the productivity of calibration work, for example, instructions for the use of computer technology.

19.4 When developing a calibration procedure, it is necessary to observe the following sequence of presentation: title page, introductory part, sections (clause 19.2 2)-10)), applications, signatures, change registration sheet, familiarization sheet.

It is allowed to combine or exclude individual sections, or add additional sections if necessary.

For example, the section "Measurement Uncertainty" is added in case of promotion this requirement customer. The section "Uncertainty of measurements" can be replaced by the section "Error in estimation of the metrological characteristics of measuring instruments", which provides the values ​​and / or procedures for determining the values ​​of the error in the estimation of metrological characteristics. Sources of uncertainty can be reference standards and reference materials used in calibration, calibration methods and ancillary equipment, environment and the condition of the measuring instrument being calibrated, as well as individual characteristics calibration operator.

The degree of care required in assessing uncertainty depends on factors such as:

  • appointment of calibrated measuring instruments and criticality to assess the reliability of the determined metrological characteristics;
  • customer requirements;
  • requirements laid down in the calibration method by the developers of the method.

19.5 Design, designation, approval, approval, registration, modification, storage.

Designation of methods: MK -ХХХ-ЧЧЧЧЧЧЧЧК‚ where MK is the calibration method, XXX is the serial number from the Registration Journal, ЩШЧЧЧЧЧЧ the year of publication.

For example, MK 001-2016.

Approves methods Technical Director. Approved by the chief metrologist, Quality Director.

Registration and assignment of a number is carried out by the OGMeter in the Methods Registration Log. The journal contains columns: Serial number, date, MK designation, MK name, developer, number of sheets.

Methods are stored in OGMetr.

19.6 Assessment of the suitability of the MC

The decision on the possibility of using a calibration method and confirmation that this method is suitable for its intended use is made by the chief metrologist, which is confirmed by the inscription on title page: "MK is suitable", signature, date.


First Deputy CEO- Chief Engineer

V.D. Diment

"___" _________ 2006


Metrological support.

Organization and procedure for metrological control,

approval and examination of documentation

STP 7.6.08 - 2006

Instead of STP 7.6.08 - 2005

put into action

By order of the First Deputy General Director -

Chief Engineer dated ____________ No. _________


Application area

Terms and Definitions

Designations and abbreviations


Key points

Organization and procedure for metrological control, approval and examination of design documentation

Technical solutions, norms and rules checked during metrological control and examination of design documentation

Accounting and registration of the results of metrological control and approval of design documentation

Selection of measuring instruments in the development of TD and metrological control of TD

Applicable forms and information storage procedure

Annex A Form of the journal of metrological control of technical documentation

Annex B Form of metrological control card

Change Registration Sheet

1 Application area

1.1 This standard establishes the procedure for organizing and conducting metrological examination, metrological approval and control of the developed samples of military equipment and civil products.

1.2 The standard was developed in accordance with the requirements of STP, aimed at meeting the requirements of GOST ISO 9001, GOST RV 0015–002, GOST RV 8.573, RK 4.2.2.

1.3 The standard applies to metrological control terms of reference, design and technological documentation for products of the main production, special-purpose measuring instruments, draft standards and procedures of the enterprise containing data on the metrological support of production and is mandatory for use in all departments that develop the above documentation.

GOST ISO 9000 - 2011 Quality management systems. Fundamentals and vocabulary;

GOST ISO 9001 - 2011 Quality management systems. Requirements;

GOST RV 1.1 - 96 GSS RF. Metrological support of V and VT. Basic provisions;

GOST RV 8.573 - 2000 Metrological examination of samples B and BT. Organization and procedure;

GOST RV 0015-002 - 2012 SRPP. VT. Quality management systems. General requirements;

GOST RV 15.210 - 2001 SRPP. VT. Testing of prototype products and prototype repair samples of products. Basic provisions;

GOST RV 15.1.215 - 92 SRPP. VT. Organization and procedure for conducting technical expertise in the process of product development;

GOST 2.102 - 68 ESKD. Types and completeness of design documents;

GOST 2.111 - 68 ESKD. Norm control;

GOST 3.1116 - 2011 ESTD. Norm control;

RD B 5.0505 - 90 Guidance document. Elaboration of requirements for metrological support and metrological examination of design and technological documentation. Organization and procedure. Basic provisions;

RD 5.0509 - 78 Metrological examination of draft standards. Organization and procedure;

RD B 5.0545 - 91 Guidelines. Standard requirements for metrological support included in the tactical and technical assignment, design and technological documentation at the stages of its development;

RD 5.0552 - 89 Guidelines. Standard wording. Statement of requirements and information on metrological support in design and technological documentation;

RD 5.0557 - 90 Methodology. Calculation of the labor intensity of working out the requirements for metrological support and metrological examination of design and technological documentation;

RD 5.054 - 83 Metrological support. The choice of measuring instruments for electrical quantities;

RD 50–98 - 86 Guidelines. Selection of universal measuring instruments for linear dimensions up to 500 mm;

MI 1317 - 2004 GSI. Results and characteristics of measurement errors. Presentation forms. Methods of use in testing product samples and monitoring their parameters;

RK 4.2.2 - 2010 Quality Manual;

STP - 2006 Enterprise standards and documented QMS procedures. General requirements for construction, presentation, design, content and designation;

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UDC 006.91

Problems and solutions of metrological support of industrial enterprises

Alekseeva Elena Pavlovna- student of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University.

Migacheva Galina Nikolaevna- Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Russian State Vocational Pedagogical University.

Annotation: The object is to study the problems of metrological support of production activities. Consideration of four approaches to the regulation of relations in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements (UEI), which is the foundation of IR.

Keywords: Metrological support, industrial enterprise, metrological service, Rostekhregulirovanie, uniformity of measurements, metrological examination, technological documents, design documents, attestation, calibration, verification.

The problems of metrological support (MO) of production activities, including those caused by the fall of Russian industry in the 80-90s of the last century, have been discussed many times, and today they remain relevant for many enterprises. However, the current stage of development, which is marked by the introduction of a new law "On ensuring the uniformity of measurements", requires a rethinking of the old and consideration of new problems of MO at an industrial enterprise. Such a need is connected with the fundamental innovations of the Law, which was prepared and adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in an atmosphere of an open clash of interests of various subjects of metrological activity.

There are four approaches to the regulation of relations in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements (UEI), which is the foundation of IR.

MO - is interpreted in the traditional way for the industry as an activity that includes measurements carried out in the development process, production control and product testing, and work to ensure the traceability, or validity of the results, of these measurements.

The first approach, which can be called regressive, is the desire to return in one form or another to the predominant (in the extreme manifestation - total) centralized state regulation.

The second, opposite, approach can be defined as liberal; it consists in the desire to free (in the extreme manifestation - completely) production activities from state regulation.

The third and fourth approaches are combinations of the first two. Their difference is as follows. The third approach, the legal one, assumes that the state establishes binding rules, including mandatory metrological procedures, after which, using legal instruments, it reacts to the consequences of their implementation or non-compliance. At the same time, the rules themselves are carried out by conscientious subjects. economic activity, including monitoring the situation by self-regulatory organizations.

The fourth approach, supervisory, is based on the need, by the state and its authorized bodies, to monitor the implementation of mandatory rules.

The position of many specialists is a complex containing elements of various approaches. So, for example, some of the chief metrologists industrial enterprises, which, it would seem, should support a moderately liberal approach, in fact advocate the implementation of a regressive approach. This is due not to their personal views, but to the hope that the state will be able to force the leaders of their enterprises to radically change their negative or indifferent attitude in general to the metrological activity and specifically to the metrological service of the enterprise. Similarly, the positions of supporters of one approach or another are determined not so much by their personal views as by their official interests and duties. In particular, employees of metrological institutes, whose personal liberalism comes to doubt the usefulness of such a federal body as Rostekhregulirovanie, due to their official position in the system of organizations subordinate to Rostekhregulirovanie, they publicly take the position of supporting and strengthening its functions.

Thus, there is a new, complex situation, which is external to the industrial enterprise and in which, nevertheless, the enterprise must act on a daily basis, solving the current and future tasks of the MO.

Let us dwell on the relationship between the concept of MO.

The ratio of the concepts under consideration previously looked as follows (see Figure 1).

At present, the unity of measurements is defined as “the state of measurements, in which their results are expressed in units of quantities approved for use in the Russian Federation, and the accuracy indicators do not go beyond the established limits. In other words, the concepts of NEI and MO coincide in content, which makes one of them (most likely, MO) redundant. However, practice shows that specialists of industrial enterprises traditionally include in the concept of MO, in addition to NEI (in a new interpretation), also carrying out production (technological, working) measurements and, often, product testing (at least measurements carried out during testing). Thus, at present, the ratio of the concepts under consideration, while remaining formally the same, is based on their other content (see Figure 2), from which we will proceed in further consideration.

Figure 1. The relationship between the concepts of MO and ensuring the uniformity of measurements (in the past).

Figure 2. The relationship between the concepts of MO and ensuring the uniformity of measurements (in the present).

Obviously, the unity of measurements is a backbone factor for measurement systems. Depending on these systems, system levels of ensuring the uniformity of measurements are distinguished.

For manufacturing enterprise in the general case, it makes sense to speak of three levels: national, sectoral, and domestic. Despite the developed structure and the different nature of work (design, technology development, production), it seems inappropriate to “split” the local system level enterprises, since this can result in practice either in the loss of local unity, or the need to spend additional resources to ensure it.

Currently, the industry level may be absent or replaced by the level of business associations, not necessarily industry in the strict sense, for example, the corporate level.

The objects of the NEI at the enterprise are all measurements carried out in the design processes (including research and design tests), technology development, production (including technological control) and acceptance tests (all types).

This statement is not as obvious as it might seem, since in practice there is a tendency to avoid “interference of metrologists in the work of certain departments and specialists of the enterprise. There are numerous examples of the loss of resources that this trend leads to, which is most often implemented under the slogan of saving them.

OEI subjects at the enterprise, by virtue of the above broad interpretation of the concept, are not only and not so much professional metrologists - employees of the metrological service ("metrologists by position"), but developers and production workers, including employees of infrastructure departments, primarily technologists ("metrologists by necessity"). The names of these two groups of specialists reflect the different positions in relation to the NEI process and their different roles in this process. With a common goal - the reliability of data on products and the process of its production - the specialists of these groups act as opponents in relation to the methods and means of achieving it.

The performers of the MO functions at the enterprise are almost all the main employees, with the exception of service personnel not directly related to production activities. As for the functions themselves, general view they boil down to the following:

Metrological examination (ME), incl.

  • ME products,
  • ME technical documents; measurement management, including
  • Management of measurement methods,
  • Management of measuring instruments, control and testing;
  • Implementation of metrological, arbitration and highly accurate working measurements.

Each of common functions naturally breaks down into a number of particular functions, the performance of which must be ensured by special mechanisms.

ME is carried out in different ways with respect to finished products and their constituent parts, design and technological documents, those non-standardized MVI, which, in accordance with GOST R 8.563, are not subject to certification.

The management of MVI, in turn, provides for their creation, certification and ME.

Management of measuring instruments, control and testing is structured according to two factors: types of technical devices and their stages life cycle. Therefore, on the one hand, it is necessary to talk about the management of measuring instruments, means of control (SKn) and means of testing (SIsp). On the other hand, managing any of these kinds of devices includes:

  • Equipment (need definition, acquisition, creation);
  • Accounting, storage and issuance;
  • Calibration (SI, SKn), verification (SI) and certification (SIsp);
  • Maintenance and repair;
  • Status and application monitoring, including status data logging;
  • Write-off and disposal.

In general, it is possible to present the procedure of the MO process, in the form of a map (Shown in Table 1).

Table 1. Map of the metrological assurance process.

general characteristics


Process name

Process manager

Metrological support

Chief metrologist

Main supplier

Main consumer

  • Enterprise management;
  • Process managers:
  • certification body;
  • Customers
  • Enterprise management;
  • Process managers:
  • certification body;
  • Customers;
  • State regional center metrology;
  • Process;


Basic requirement

  • Annual plan of the Ministry of Defense of the enterprise;
  • State regulatory documents in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements;
  • Orders and directives of the directorate;
  • The need for accreditation for the right to carry out metrological work;
  • Terms of reference and applications of subdivisions for metrological work
  • In accordance with the international standards of the OIML, Federal Law No. 102-FZ of June 26, 2008, GOST RV 15.002


Basic requirement

  • STP (now STO) for MO;
  • Calibration protocols for SI and SKn;
  • Acts of verification of readiness of MO tests;
  • ME planning logs;
  • Conclusions on ME documents;
  • Plans and orders for the implementation of ME products;
  • Programs for conducting ME products;
  • Conclusions on MO products;
  • Plans to eliminate the comments of the commission on the ME products;
  • Protocols for highly accurate and arbitration measurements
  • In accordance with government regulations legal acts in the field of ensuring the uniformity of measurements;
  • Normative documents of the QMS of the enterprise


  • OIML International Standards;
  • Federal Law No. 102-FZ dated June 26, 2008;
  • GOST R ISO 9001;
  • GOST RV 15.002;
  • State Standards Series 8 (GSI);
  • STP (now SRT) for MO





  • MS personnel;
  • Personnel of departments involved in measurements, control and testing
  • Production premises of divisions;
  • Computer technology;
  • Means of communication;
  • Equipment and tools
  • Financing of MS work on TK;
  • Costs of maintenance of MS from overhead costs

Evaluation indicator

Compliance criterion

  • labor productivity;
  • Completeness of MO functions in R&D;
  • Costs for verification by third parties;
  • Compliance with the deadlines for the implementation of schedules for verification and calibration of measuring instruments;
  • Compliance with the terms of purchase of new measuring instruments;
  • Compliance with the terms of certification of SKn and SIsp;
  • The required number of certified MVI;
  • The number of inconsistencies identified during the certification of MVI;
  • Compliance with the deadlines for certification of MVI;
  • The number of nonconformities identified during the ME;
  • Compliance with the deadlines of the Ministry of Energy

Production for 1 person:

  • 100%;
  • % of measuring instruments that have been checked and calibrated on time;
  • % of SI repaired on time;
  • % of required measuring instruments purchased on time;
  • % of SKn and SISP certified on time;
  • 30% of work from the required volume;
  • 10% of MVI provisions;
  • % of MMI works certified on time;
  • 10% of the provisions of the ME methodology;
  • % of ME completed on time

Opportunities and actions to improve the process

Method of monitoring, control and analysis of processes

External audit (accrediting bodies, certification bodies);

Internal audit (QMS);

Monitoring the implementation of schedules for verification, calibration, certification, ME

Corrective action

Additional training of MS personnel and subdivision personnel (on metrology issues);

STP adjustment;

Correction of metrological work plans;

Additional equipment of MS with standards and information technology tools

Preventive action

Application for training of MS personnel;

Familiarization of the personnel of the enterprise with the requirements of regulatory legal acts to ensure the uniformity of measurements and methods for their observance;

Involvement of personnel of departments in metrological activities

The goals, functions, tasks, problems of the MO considered in the article cover full-scale metrological activities and, thus, fully relate to an enterprise that has resources sufficient to create a full-fledged MS. However, it should be recognized that at present the majority of enterprises do not belong to this group. Apparently, in the foreseeable future, the share large enterprises industry will decline. Therefore, the task of organizing metrological work at medium and small enterprises is becoming more and more urgent. Thus, it can be argued that this task will be more difficult than the one considered in this article. However, for the above reasons, it is relevant and needs to be addressed.


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