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Breeding turkeys at home as a business. Own business for breeding ducks. Growing: natural and incubator

Growing turkeys at home is much more expensive than the same business built on broiler chickens. But in the end, it turns out to be much more cost-effective. And all because turkey meat is valued much higher. In addition, the bird itself can reach a weight of 30 kg in two years. And during this time, you can get no less popular eggs from turkeys.

Case registration

To create a turkey farm, you can register a collective farm (KFH). A farm can be created either by one owner or by an association of people who have kinship or property in common ownership. It is assumed that the farm will be serviced by them jointly without hiring outside workers.

When registering, you must choose a taxation system: regular or simplified. At the same time, benefits are provided for (peat farms), on the basis of which such a business is exempt from taxation for five years from the date of registration. Taxes are not levied on profits received from: production, processing, sale of agricultural products.

Also, when registering, you must specify OKPD 2: 01.47 "Live agricultural poultry and eggs."

Breed selection

The next step is to choose the breed of turkeys that will be grown at home. The success of your business depends on this by 30%. When choosing, one must be guided by the tasks that the farmer sets himself. There are breeds of turkeys raised for meat that are distinguished by a large weight gain or rapid growth. There are breeds that carry more eggs. It is better to take these if the main goal of the peasant farm is eggs and turkey poults.

Today, the main problem in the market is that most of the available turkeys are the result of random crossbreeding. They ideally tolerate these living conditions, but have low rates in terms of meat quality and egg laying. For example, males do not grow more than 8 kg, and females - more than 5 kg. Therefore, with such material, the plan for the implementation of the business cannot be fulfilled.

Although novice farmers are advised to opt for light breeds of chickens. They require less scrupulous care, have a greater survival rate, so you can gain the necessary experience on them. Please note that experts do not recommend taking turkeys at poultry farms. The best way- private farms.

Popular types of turkeys

For a turkey farm, it is better to take the following breeds.

  1. White broad-breasted. It has several varieties:
  • light;
  • average;
  • heavy.

Males reach 25 kg, females - 10 kg, egg-laying - up to 120 per year. The advantage of the breed is that its cultivation is possible in various climatic conditions, as the bird has a good level of adaptation.

  1. Bronze broad-breasted. Males of this breed reach a weight of 15 kg, and females - 9 kg. On average, one female per year is able to bring 120 eggs, 80% of which are fertilized. Turkey poults are hatched in 75% of cases. Slaughter for meat can begin after 20 weeks. The disadvantage of the breed is that it is suitable only for keeping in cages.
  1. North Caucasian bronze. Males reach a weight of 14 kg, and females - 7 kg. The female brings about 80 eggs per year. This breed tolerates pasture cultivation very well.
  1. Cross BIG-6. This breed of turkeys is recommended for growing at home for meat. The male reaches 25 kg, and the female - 11 kg, while the net weight of the bird is 80-85%. The main difficulty in breeding the breed is that cultivation is impossible without artificial insemination, because the male is too large for this and injures the female in the process.

The breeding plan for birds can be formed based on the fact that females reach reproductive age 7-8 months after hatching, and males - 8-9. Heredity in turkeys can be traced very clearly, so it is important to always select the strongest and healthiest individuals for crossing.

The main requirements for growing:

  • It is necessary to provide a place for walking birds. To do this, they need to allocate a special place, in a field or garden, so that the birds have the opportunity to pluck fresh grass.
  • It is necessary to balance the nutrition of the bird well. Turkeys are meat birds, so they must strictly observe the balance of vitamins and minerals in the diet. Therefore, they should always be offered special supplements. It is advisable to consult a professional about the diet. You also need to have special means for the prevention of diseases.
  • Strict adherence to the regime for turkeys. They can not be overheated, supercooled, it is necessary to strictly observe the intervals of walking and feeding.

Features of growing offspring

The health and productivity of the bird in the future directly depends on how the turkeys were kept in the first month of life. The eggs mature perfectly both under the female and in the incubator, demonstrating a hatchability rate of 90%.

For a turkey family, it is necessary to equip a nest of 40x40 cm from straw. One bird can incubate up to 17 eggs for 28 days. It is necessary to select eggs for brood after two weeks from the beginning of oviposition. This increases their fertility rate. They should be stored for no more than 10 days at a temperature of 12-15 ° C.

Hatched turkey poults are very susceptible to colds. They also need to provide round-the-clock coverage, which is gradually reduced by half an hour every day and by the 20th day is 15 hours. To do this, the offspring are kept in cages for at least 20 days with unlimited access to water and food. Bedding should always be clean and dry.

Turkey poults need to be given green tea with sugar for the first three days, and only after this time can raw water be given. Growing birds at home, you need to know that the chicks are intensively gaining weight for the first three months. Therefore, it is recommended to feed them with special food with the addition of vitamin complexes, minerals and amino acids. After a month of life, the chicks can be gradually introduced cheap feed mixtures and other additives.

Growth of turkeys

The advantage of turkeys over chickens is that, thanks to their calm nature and sedentary lifestyle, they quickly gain weight. For a day, an adult at home adds 40-80 grams. depending on the breed. That is, in six months, males reach a weight of about 19 kg, and females - 12 kg. This is the perfect time to be slaughtered for meat. If you organize hatching in the spring, then by December you can make good money, since this particular period is characterized by a high demand for turkey meat.

In order for the bird to gain as much weight as possible, it is important to follow the feeding regimen. You can follow the following rules:

Bird age (days) Feed per day (gr. per head)
1. 1-5 10
2. 6-10 20
3. 11-30 40-60
4. 31-50 80-110
5. 51-70 125-160
6. 71-90 180-220
7. 91-110 250-260
8. 111-150 270-280
9. 151-210 300
10. adults300-500

Business implementation options

A poultry farm organization plan can focus on more than just raising poultry for meat. Another line of business is selling eggs and/or chicks to other turkey farms.

To do this, you need to purchase an incubator for about a thousand eggs, which costs about 25 thousand rubles. Turkey poults hatch 28 days after the eggs are placed in the incubator. Such eggs cost from 100 rubles. for one piece.

To calculate how much the chicks cost, you need to take into account the time they were kept. So, if you sell them within a day, then their cost will be from 150 rubles. a piece. The price goes up with each passing day. In order to sell the chicks on time, it is necessary to draw up a schedule for their hatching, with which to acquaint potential buyers.

The financial part of the arrangement of the poultry house

First of all, special equipment is included in the expenditure plan. As a rule, one company offers for sale the entire necessary kit equipment. How much it will cost depends on the manufacturer, material of manufacture, configuration. On average, a drinker for 20-25 heads costs 300-400 rubles, a feeder - 400-500 rubles.

In addition, the equipment purchase plan should include nests where females will lay eggs and perches. The last is wooden bars, which are installed about a meter from the ground.

How much compound feed is needed is easy to calculate from the above table. You can buy it at specialized factories in packages of 20 kg. One such package costs 600 rubles.

Include acquisition in your investment plan cargo minibus on which feed will be brought, chicks and eggs will be transported.

Income calculations

The income plan can be calculated based on the fact that one turkey costs from 500 rubles. A kilogram of turkey meat is sold for about 116 rubles. That is, it is quite realistic to form a farm payback plan from two to five years. As practice shows, the profitability of the venture is 98%, but much depends on the climate of the area where the farm is located, the availability of own land, growing conditions, and the experience of the farmer.

Increase profitability farming it is possible if we include in the development plan the construction of a slaughterhouse and carry out deep processing of meat on it. The consumer can be offered not only whole or cut carcasses, but also semi-finished products, sausages, schnitzels, sausages and more.

Some breeds of turkeys are very whimsical, so the farmer constantly needs to study the features of breeding and raising these birds. To get started, you can be guided by the following basic recommendations for content:

  • Carefully prepare a place for keeping a bird. For example, it is better to wrap the cage with polyethylene to avoid drafts. Place the feeder and drinker in the coolest part of it. The bedding needs to be changed every day.
  • It is advisable for chicks to add milk powder, oatmeal, cornmeal to the feed. The water in the drinker should be at room temperature. A separate container for fine gravel should be provided.
  • The farmer should always have on hand the necessary medicines for urgent care of the birds.
  • Do not buy turkeys at poultry farms.
  • Do not start a business with heavy breeds.
  • Raise turkeys separately from other bird species.
  • Equip perches low.
  • Always select only active and healthy birds for breeding.
  • Maintain maximum cleanliness.

If everything is done correctly, then the bird practically does not get sick, has a high percentage of the ratio of slaughter weight to live weight, and every week it gains weight according to the schedule characteristic of the breed.

* Calculations use average data for Russia

Many beginner poultry farmers are considering the possibility of breeding turkeys on their farms. First of all, they are attracted by the lower competition in this segment and the higher profitability of such a business, compared, for example, with keeping and breeding chickens. Indeed, a turkey weighs much more than a chicken (the weight of a large breed male at the age of 1-1.5 years can reach 30 kg). With intensive rearing of young animals and repeated acquisition of the parent flock from one bird, you can get an average of up to 200 eggs per year and more than 600 kg of meat when fattening offspring. Turkey meat has excellent taste and nutritional properties, it is easily absorbed by the human body and contains a large amount of useful amino acids and complete proteins.

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However, there are certain points that need to be considered even at the planning stage of organizing a turkey farm. The main three problems that you will encounter in the process of work are diseases, food supply and marketing. finished products. In general, turkeys have good health, are resistant to various diseases, tolerate frost and heat relatively well, and are not demanding on conditions of detention. But all this is true only for adult birds. Turkeys, on the other hand, are in poor health. Therefore, if you do not have much experience in poultry farming, it is better to start with breeding and raising chickens. Turkeys are not omnivorous birds, they are quite picky in feed. Although the feed consumption per individual is relatively small (especially considering the weight of the bird), nevertheless, the cost of buying feed turns out to be very significant in the end, which also needs to be taken into account when planning.

As for sales, turkey meat is indeed tasty and healthy, but so far it has not received such distribution on the Russian market as it does abroad. In European countries and North America a large number of different dishes are produced from turkey meat - from smoked meats to pate. In Russia, cheaper chicken meat and dishes from it are in the first place in terms of consumption. Although, in general, experts note a positive trend in the development of this market segment, but for turkey producers, the issue of marketing their products is very important. If you are ready to spend a lot of effort, time and money to “break through” on the shelves of retail chains, to agree on cooperation on mutually beneficial terms with wholesale companies, organize your own retail outlets in the markets in your city and / or region, then your turkey farm will bring high and stable profits. True, we should not forget that investments in this case will be considerable.

Choosing a specialization

To begin with, you will need to decide on the specialization of your farm. There are three main options. You can engage in the sale of eggs and chicks, rearing young stock to marketable age with its subsequent resale, production and keeping of breeding birds. In the first case, if you are going to produce eggs, you will need to complete the herd at the rate of one male for 6-8 females. Turkeys reach egg-laying age at the age of 6-8 months. One turkey can produce up to 200 eggs a year. You can sell both the eggs themselves and young turkeys. This direction is the most profitable. Experts believe that the most effective sale of young animals at the age of 3-6 weeks. Taking into account the optimal volumes of consumption of very expensive feeds and the high selling price of turkey poults of this age, profitability in this case can be up to 50-70% on farms, and up to 100% on household plots.

If the areas are limited, experts advise entrepreneurs to engage in the spring-summer period (from March to July) in the production of daily young animals. Its cost is determined by the cost of hatching eggs, transportation costs for their delivery and the results of incubation. Moreover, the cost of eggs reaches 85-90% of the total costs. To calculate the cost of daily poults, electricity costs, staff salaries, the cost of veterinary drugs, depreciation of equipment used and other current expenses are also taken into account.

If there is sufficient production space and investments, it is possible to start fattening turkey poults for meat. The main items of expenditure in this case are the purchase of daily young animals and feed. Young animals reach marketable age by 20-26 weeks. The optimal feeding time for females is 154 days (20-22 weeks), for males - 182 days (26 weeks). During this period of time, females gain up to 14 kg of weight (5.8 kg on average), and males up to 21 kg (11.4 kg on average). During these slaughter periods, the turkey carcass reaches its marketable condition, and such indicators as the average daily gain in live weight and feed costs per 1 kg of gain are in the optimal ratio. Full gutting of birds of this age allows you to get 60-65% of the meat yield from live weight, and half gutting - up to 80%. In total, turkeys grow up to the age of two, but with further fattening periods (from 26 weeks), feed costs per unit of production increase sharply, so poultry farmers replace expensive high-quality feed with cheap ones. The option of seasonal poultry rearing in the spring-summer period, followed by full implementation production with the onset of cold weather and freezing of production for the winter is optimal for the northern regions. In severe frosts, high energy costs lead to a sharp decrease in the profitability of such production and make it unprofitable for year-round operation.

The most difficult, costly and unsuitable option for beginners in this business is related to the maintenance and breeding of breeding birds. To do this, young animals are selected from the healthiest females and males in the above ratio (one male for 6-8 females). For incubation, eggs of medium size and regular shape are preferred. It is recommended to purchase eggs and young animals not at poultry farms, but in private farms from trusted breeders.

Ready-made ideas for your business

If you already have your own homestead, if you are not sure that the business will “go”, or do not have special knowledge in growing turkeys, you can start with a mini-farm. Of course, it is better not to count on significant income in this case, but at least you will recoup all your initial expenses and gain valuable experience. To keep turkeys, you will need a separate dry and clean room. Under the turkey house, you can even use an uninsulated barn or sheds on fenced plots of land if you live in the southern regions. Turkeys tolerate temperatures well down to -10-15 ºC, but experts still advise providing the birds with more comfortable conditions for keeping. First of all, this applies to young animals and egg-bearing females. For chicks of the first week, the recommended temperature is 32-35 ºC when placed in cages and 28-30 ºC when kept indoors. Then gradually the temperature drops to 17-20 ºC. As is the case with many other birds, raising and breeding turkeys within all year round it is most profitable in regions with a warm climate (southern part of Russia), since in the northern regions in winter up to 75-80% of all expenses will be associated with heating the turkey house. Accordingly, the cost of finished products also increases.

The area of ​​​​the turkey house depends on the conditions of detention and the number of herds. When keeping birds in cages or aviaries, the population density norms are up to 15 poults of the first month per square meter, up to 10 poults of the second month per square meter and up to five birds older than two months per square meter. At the same time, adults must be kept separately from the young, otherwise they may trample or slaughter the chicks. Regardless of the form of keeping turkeys, it is necessary to exclude any possibility of their contact with wild birds. To avoid drafts, the cages are covered with plastic wrap, leaving enough space for ventilation.

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The turkey house must be dry and well ventilated. Ideally, it is better to use a ventilation system that eliminates the possibility of drafts that are dangerous to the health of the bird. Perches, as a rule, are made of wooden beams about 8-10 cm wide and high. They are placed at a level of about 80 cm from the floor at a distance of half a meter from each other. One bird should have about 40-50 cm perch. Nests are built at the rate of one per four individuals. They can be placed on the floor or hung at a low height. A container with sand for sand baths is installed near each nest. When keeping turkeys indoors, it is necessary to equip a walking area, which is fenced with a high mesh fence. As experience shows, the more active the bird leads, the higher the quality of the meat will be. The floor in the turkey house is lined with hay, shavings or sunflower husks, while the litter must be changed regularly so that it always remains dry and clean. Do not forget to clean the room and cages daily, wash and sterilize feeders and drinkers. This will help to avoid the occurrence of various diseases that turkeys are so susceptible to. For the same purpose, feeders and drinkers must be protected from droppings into them, carefully monitor the nutrition of birds, and prevent stress.

Feeding turkeys

Turkeys, unlike chickens, are quite selective in terms of feeding. The main part of their diet is wheat grain and various flour mixtures. At the same time, they are also given root crops (usually boiled potatoes, as well as carrots and beets), cabbage, dry animal feed, wheat bran, cereals and herbs (corn, barley, millet, oats, alfalfa). Various vitamins and microelements are added to the feed mixtures for the full development of the bird. Turkey poults are also recommended to add cottage cheese, vegetable oil and salt to the feed. The amount of daily feed intake depends on the age of the bird. Young animals eat about 30 grams of food, and an adult bird - up to 400 grams. Feeders and drinkers are installed in the cool part of the cage or poultry house. Freshly watered turkeys clean water. Young animals in the first days are given boiled water at room temperature with a small amount of sugar to improve digestion.

Rearing of young animals

Breeds of turkeys are divided depending on the weight of an adult bird. Thus, there are three main forms (or crosses):

    light (females up to 4.4 kg, males up to 9 kg);

    medium (females up to 8 kg, males up to 16 kg);

    heavy (females up to 14 kg, males up to 30 kg).

On small farms, it is recommended to give preference to light and medium crosses. Heavy crosses are suitable for home keeping or, on the contrary, for large industrial enterprises. Specialists, as a rule, recommend purchasing young animals from private farms, and not from poultry farms. Although, objectively speaking, there are disadvantages in both the first and second cases. Birds purchased at industrial enterprises, as a rule, have good immunity and are more protected from various diseases. However, the quality of the breed often leaves much to be desired. In addition, do not count on a large selection of breeds. Private breeders have the opportunity to better monitor the livestock, breed various breeds and even selective work. However, they cannot afford to maintain a stationary veterinary service and veterinary specialists, therefore, by acquiring young animals in an unverified farm, you risk acquiring sick birds.

When buying new birds, choose only healthy and active individuals. In case of any signs of poor health, isolate sick birds from healthy ones in a timely manner. Take care of the availability on your farm in advance medicines(these include Lugol's solution, fly ash, creolin, bleach, etc.). Arrange cooperation with a good veterinarian.

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On small farms, for the first twenty days after birth, young animals are kept in cages in a warm, draft-free room with constant access to drinkers and feeders. Fine gravel is poured into a separate feeder. After three weeks, the chicks are transferred to a well-ventilated room, releasing them in the warm season for a walk twice a day - in the morning and in the evening.

In large poultry farms, birds at the age of 1-4 weeks are kept on the floor under brooders or in cage batteries, and then they are also released into the poultry house with the possibility of access to walking areas. Bunker feeders and drinkers are placed at the level of the back of the bird and gradually raise them as the chicks grow. This reduces the consumption of feed and water. If feeders and drinkers are located on the floor, then turkeys often overturn them, scatter feed and spill water from drinkers.

IN Lately the progressive scheme of growing turkey poults of light and medium crosses from the daily age to slaughter using cage batteries has become widespread. This technology has long proven its effectiveness. Keeping chicks in cage batteries allows you to optimize the labor costs of the attendants, reduce the cost of expensive feed per kilogram of growth, increase live weight, increase the safety of young animals, and rationally use every square meter of poultry house area. They are metal frames divided into cells. From the ends of the frame there are front and rear racks, on which drives for distributing feed and removing litter are installed. Each tier of the battery is supplied with a manure cleaning tape. Thus, such a cage battery allows you to automate almost all processes for growing poultry - from feeding and watering to cleaning the cages. Thanks to the special design of the mounted bunker feed distributor, it is possible to selectively dispense feed into the feeders of any tier. In this case, a single adjustable dose of feed can be from 50 grams per linear meter to 2000 grams per linear meter. For drinking, a nipple system with drop eliminators is used.

You can learn more about the method of intensive rearing of turkey poults in cage batteries on the websites of breeders who offer both the “raw material” itself (eggs and day-old young), as well as feed and all the necessary equipment. The use of cell battery technology, as the manufacturers promise, allows you to get up to 190 kg of live weight per square meter of usable area. Be aware that battery cages are generally designed to grow turkeys up to eight weeks, after which they are transferred to adult cages or floor housing.

Costs and income of a turkey farm

So, let's calculate the main costs of organizing a small turkey farm. Turkey hatching eggs can be purchased from breeders at a price of 50-60 rubles apiece. Daily turkey poults will cost from 100-120 rubles per head. To equip a simple turkey house for several dozen, it will take from 0 to 25-30 thousand rubles, depending on the area, the condition of the room, the availability of the necessary equipment (drinkers, feeders, etc.). Additional costs are associated with the purchase of feed, incubators, veterinary drugs, salary service personnel, etc. Don't forget to register your business. The optimal organizational and legal form in this case will be a company with limited liability or individual entrepreneur unless you intend to operate on a large scale in the near future. In addition, you will need to obtain documents from the veterinary service confirming the quality and shelf life of your products.

The retail price of turkey meat is 200-250 rubles per kilogram. Of course, it is most profitable from the very beginning to find regular customers, which can be cafes and restaurants, retail chains, as well as various entrepreneurs working in food markets. In addition to meat, you can also sell turkey eggs, which also have various valuable properties and are superior to chicken eggs in many ways. However, here you may encounter certain difficulties, which are caused, on the one hand, by the novelty of this product for Russian market, and on the other hand, the high cost of production. Fortunately, you can no longer surprise Russian consumers with turkey meat, but few people know that turkey eggs are not only edible, but also very useful. So this niche is still empty and there is no competition in it, as well as demand. But thanks to a competent marketing policy and active ways to promote turkey meat producers, it is possible that the situation on this market will change for the better in the near future. Some turkey farms also sell poultry manure, which is a good fertilizer. Only turkey feathers are of no value, which, after plucking the carcasses, are simply disposed of.

Depending on the region and a number of additional factors, the profitability of a business for growing and breeding turkeys can be from 60 to 80%. In the case of small farms, this figure rarely exceeds 55% (for example, if we are talking about a family farm where relatives work, which can significantly reduce labor costs).

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Today, commercial farming is becoming increasingly attractive. This is especially true for poultry breeding for the subsequent sale of meat, eggs, offal. But like any undertaking, such a farm requires all preliminary calculations, including the costs of purchasing, organizing a poultry house, and finding markets. Consider an exemplary business plan for a turkey farm for the production and sale of turkey meat, from the purchase of young animals to delivery to markets and stores for sale.

When drawing up such a business plan, many factors must be taken into account, including planning for the purchase of livestock, feed, maintenance, preventive measures against diseases and mortality. This takes into account not only the costs related directly to the care of the bird, but also the purchase of equipment, materials for cages, possible costs for renting land, salaries and communal payments. Only taking into account all these factors, the likely risks and the calculation of the profitability of the farm, you can start your own turkey breeding business.

Business plan: from job description to possible risks

Consider a typical business plan for an enterprise specializing in the production of turkey meat. We will take into account everything that is required to open such a farm, find out what kind of expenses will be required to run such a business (all data on financial costs are taken based on 2012, when drawing up your own plan, take into account the realities of today).

The business plan will contain the following mandatory items:

  • farm summary;
  • description of the work of the enterprise;
  • work technology;
  • investment section;
  • production plan;
  • volume calculation;
  • costs;
  • profit and profitability of the farm;
  • financial plan;
  • possible risks;
  • Appendix.

The most common information on a resume is:

  • farm name;
  • purpose of a business plan. In this case, the profitability, profitability of the production of turkey meat, the return on invested funds, the determination of the amount of total profit from the activities of the farm are justified;
  • indication of the final product - in this case, it is turkey meat and offal;
  • the planned volume of finished products. In our case, this will be 5,400 kg of meat in the amount of 810,000 rubles (today this figure may be different, since the price of meat and financial costs may already be different);
  • investment project - purchase of 1000 heads, materials for building a poultry house, feed and feed derivatives, equipment for meat production;
  • the total cost of the entire project is 108,000 rubles;
  • costs - 187,780 rubles;
  • sales market - Nizhny Novgorod;
  • payback period of investments - 6-7 months.

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Description of the work of the future farm

This section describes exactly where the building is located, who is its manager, what areas and buildings the farm has. Be sure to indicate what share of the land falls on the organization and maintenance of the poultry house and livestock, what agricultural equipment is available.

This section is usually written for the investor. If you are going to organize a farm on your own, then this list of everything available on the farm will be necessary in order to clearly determine what is already available to start work, and what else should be purchased.

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Technology and principles of operation

The main type of product is turkey meat. Auxiliary products - by-products, eggs.

Young birds are distinguished by their exactingness in terms of keeping conditions and feeding. Therefore, it must be taken into account that the house must be dry, warm, and have excellent ventilation. Before planting the chicks in cages, it is necessary to treat all equipment and the room with special disinfectants to prevent coccidiosis and other diseases.

Directly near the poultry house, it is necessary to arrange a paddock, which will be fenced with a metal mesh, the so-called solarium. It must be remembered that turkey poults are thermophilic, so a climate control system must be arranged in the poultry house. When the chicks are one month old, they can be transferred from the premises to grazing on an open pasture.

Much attention should be paid to the rules of feeding, the cost of different types stern. In this case, only high-quality feeds with a low fiber content are suitable. Up to ten days of age, feeding is very frequent, about 8-9 times a day, then the number of meals is reduced. At the age of one month, you need to feed six times, at two months - four times a day. Feed must be given at regular intervals, feeding hours must be strictly observed.

It is necessary to purchase special feeds, the most valuable of them for turkeys are fresh cottage cheese, buttermilk, curdled milk, and powdered milk. For the first two days, chickens need eggs, corn, oatmeal and wheat groats in a ratio of four to one. After that, the turkeys can be transferred to wet mash, into which greens are introduced in an amount of 50 percent, then the proportion of greens can be gradually increased.

Do not forget that it is impossible to keep turkey poults with other animals, that is, a separate room and pasture should be allocated for them.

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Investment section of the business plan

The project consists in the purchase of 1,000 poultry, their maintenance, and the annual renewal of purchases. The total amount of funds required for purchases is 107,580 rubles, in the future, part of the amount will be used to cover costs.

Of the allocated funds for the purchase of feed, 60,000 rubles are needed. More details on feed and maintenance costs are displayed in the last paragraph "Appendix".

Further in this paragraph, the conditions and plans for the sale of products are displayed. Here it should be noted the dietary value of turkey meat, high nutritional value, biological value. The start of implementation is planned around November 7 of each year, when the demand for such products is greatly increased. Meat is sold in bulk on the markets of Nizhny Novgorod, since prices here are higher than in provincial cities (in this case, you simply determine which of the major centers closer and more convenient for you in terms of deliveries).

It is necessary to sell meat fresh, relations with the nearest stores will gradually be established, shopping malls, markets. It is possible to organize self-delivery of batches of meat directly from the farm.

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Plan for future production

This point is one of the most important. Here it is important to correctly make all the calculations that will help organize production, determine what exactly is needed for the farm. The item "production plan" should include:

Calculation of production volumes:

  • capacity - 1000 heads;
  • poultry mortality rate - 10%;
  • livestock for sale - 900 birds;
  • supplied products - turkey meat, by-products;
  • production cycle - 180 days;
  • output from one head - 6 kg (excluding offal);
  • the farm's annual production plan is 5400 kg (900 heads for six months).

The price for one kg is 150 rubles. That is, the volume of production is 810,000 rubles (5400 * 150 \u003d 810 thousand).

The cost of the resulting by-products is 24,300 rubles.

The calculation of production costs includes:

  • costs for the acquisition of young animals: the price of one head (daily turkey), the total number (1000 heads). Thus, the purchase of a bird requires 50,000 rubles at a price of 50 rubles per head;
  • feed costs. Here it is necessary to purchase several types of feed, including: poultry feed - 15,000 rubles (price per 1 kg - 10 rubles, total need - 1,500 rubles); meat and bone meal - 15,000 rubles (price for 1 kg - 15 rubles, total need - for 1,000 rubles); cake - 6,000 rubles (price for 1 kg - 4 rubles, total need - for 1,500 rubles); fodder - 24,000 rubles (price per 1 kg - 3 rubles, total need - 8,000 rubles). Thus, the total amount required for the purchase of feed is 60,000 rubles;
  • the cost of purchasing veterinary drugs. Carrying out preventive measures - 1500 rubles;
  • labor costs for employees. The cost of work for 1 man-hour is 5 rubles, the number of hours is 1440. The total amount for wages, including deductions to extra-budgetary funds, is 9440 rubles;
  • electricity costs. With a cost of 1 kW of 3.89 rubles and a consumption of 8,900 kW, the total cost is 34,621 rubles;
  • transportation costs for the delivery of finished products, feed and other - 12,000 rubles;
  • other expenses (purchase of inventory, etc.) - 20,219 rubles.

In total, the total amount for production costs is 187,780 rubles.

Profit is calculated as follows:

  • proceeds from the sale of meat - 810,000 rubles;
  • costs - 187,780 rubles;
  • profit from the sale of meat - 622,220 rubles;
  • payback period - 6-7 months.

For rearing turkeys for meat it must be understood that other side related businesses will slow down the process and divert fixed assets, for example, breeding egg-laying turkeys for subsequent offspring is a rather complex process that requires time and money, it can be done when the main business of producing turkey meat can no longer be expanded at the expense of third-party manufacturers - a banal shortage of chicks will affect and you will have to breed them yourself. In the article, we will consider the business of breeding turkeys and turkeys from scratch - bypassing the process of breeding layers and incubating eggs, since it is not necessary at the initial stage of this type of business.

Business - breeding turkeys for meat

As industrial production meat, leading poultry farms recommend choosing meat breeds of turkeys, for example, the type of turkeys "Bronze Broad-breasted" has gained well-deserved popularity in the CIS countries due to speed dial mass (the main weight of the bird is already gaining by 6-7 months, daily gain of about 100 grams) - so, the female can reach a weight of up to 10 kg, and the male up to 15 kg (for example, a domestic non-pedigreed turkey in adulthood weighs about 7 kg). Unfortunately, the main drawback of the breed is that these turkeys are not suitable for grazing, that is, poultry should be raised exclusively indoors.

Setting up a turkey farm

To organize a farm for breeding meat turkeys, the following rules and conditions must be taken into account:

  • Bird planting is calculated from the condition - 3 birds per 1 m²;
  • For commercial activities it is necessary to obtain permission from the SES, the Ministry of Emergency Situations (firefighters), the state veterinary supervision. The latter must issue two conclusions - favorable veterinary conditions on the farm and the compliance of poultry meat with standards (certificate of product quality).

Based on the above conditions, you can calculate how many birds you are able to keep on your farm. So, for a one-time keeping of 500 adult turkeys, you will need a room with an area of ​​​​about 200 m², in addition, you will need utility rooms, a feed warehouse, a slaughterhouse and a separate pen for overexposure of chicks. In total, about 700 square meters of various premises. The use of the above breed of turkeys removes the need for you to have additional land for grazing, which significantly saves the total area of ​​the farm, so for grazing poultry, it must be taken into account that the area is calculated by the formula - 20 square meters per 1 bird - and total area pastures are measured in hectares, of course pastures are cheaper to maintain than paddocks, but there are more troubles with poultry care.

Acquisition of day old turkey chicks. The foundation of your farm. The average cost of such chicks today reaches up to 500 rubles per chick. The survival rate of young birds is up to 95%, and 100% can be achieved if all conditions for bird care are observed. Taking into account that the chicks are rapidly gaining weight, the cost of the chick increases every day - all experienced farmers know about this, so they try to purchase just one day old chicks. Usually, poultry farms specializing in this type of business - the sale of day-old chicks - inform customers in advance of the day of hatching. Thus, if we take the calculated capacity of the farm - 500 heads - you will need about 550-600 chicks.

Acquired chicks are sent to the corral for overexposure and fattening, it is not advisable to mix adult bird and chicks, an adult turkey can crush or peck at the young. The turkey reaches commercial weight already after 6 months of fattening, at which point it is slaughtered for meat, and day-old chicks are bought again. The feeding cycle is repeated.

For keeping turkeys, the room must be light, warm, dry and have good ventilation. It should be noted that turkeys are a shy bird and stressful situations adversely affect their condition. We recommend using . This will save on heating and cleaning the pen, keep the birds dry, which reduces the stress level of the turkeys. About the round-the-clock maintenance of poultry in enclosed spaces, they must be transferred to special compound feeds, this will reduce the risk of infections in poultry, give turkeys the necessary vitamins, minerals and salts for active growth and weight gain.

Financial and organizational issues of creating a farm

To organize a farm in the form of a peasant (farm) economy (KFH), a minimum package of documents and several days for registration are required. It is preferable to choose the form of taxation - esingle agricultural tax- this will save you from unnecessary paperwork, get rid of VAT, introduce the cash method of accounting for income, and ease the overall tax burden.

The total capital cost of the business (for 500 heads), taking into account the construction of a turnkey farm with necessary equipment slaughter shop, will be located up to 1 million rubles.

On top of this - working capital for 6 months - which will be used to buy young animals, feed, staff (up to 5 people) - about 800 thousand rubles.

Let's calculate the approximate income. After 6 months, at the exit from 500 birds (with an average weight of each bird about 12 kg), we will get about 4.5 tons of meat and offal. When sold at an average wholesale price of 250 rubles per 1 kg of meat, we get 1.2 million rubles per season. If added to technological process subsequent processing of meat into semi-finished products, the profit will be much greater.

For a year (2 seasons for 6 months) - the profit of such a farm will be 2.4 million rubles. That is, the turkey farm will reach self-sufficiency by the end of the second year of operation. Money can be used to increase the number of poultry, respectively, an increase in the output of the resulting meat, or to expand the technological chain - the production of finished products - semi-finished products, minced meat, etc.

Video - how to open a turkey farm

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