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Innovative business ideas. What does the term "startup" mean? Pure water from the sun

Back in 2004, Ewan McGregor went around the world with an ordinary paper map, and just a couple of years later he was happy with the latest invention - the navigator. So every day we can find something new in our lives, one way or another, bring innovations into it and improve our life. And each new development or technological discovery gives us the opportunity to earn by discovering own business.

Let's take a look at the innovations of this and past years and choose one of the 10 innovative business ideas.

Equipment you can carry

Glasses from Google, electronic bracelets for measuring blood pressure, glucometers for monitoring sugar levels ... Maybe not everyone on the street talks to Siri or measures their pulse yet, but more and more of them appear on our streets. People who talk “to themselves” with the help of the most convenient thing “Hands free” can no longer surprise anyone, and very soon all other devices will firmly enter our lives.

These devices can be used to monitor your condition, monitor the dynamics and help the doctor to establish the correct diagnosis. Many of them are already almost invisible under clothes and do not cause inconvenience when worn. The field of helping people with disabilities is especially relevant: the Foot Mouse, a beautiful and original Bradley watch for the visually impaired, was invented. It is useful, important and necessary, it brings recognition and gives excellent advertising to the business.

Water desalination

Clean, and most importantly, fresh water is disappearing from the face of the Earth every day, and in some places it has almost disappeared. This is especially noticeable in African countries, but after a few decades, we can also think about the lack of fresh water.

And while this process has not yet acquired a global trend, experts are already predicting an imminent boom in water desalinators and a new trend in business. After ridding the water of salts, a lot of waste remains, which can become a wonderful source of important substances: calcium, uranium, magnesium and lithium.

Carbon and nanotechnology

Cars pollute the air and the ground - this is no longer news, but a very serious problem that auto manufacturers are trying to solve by improving the efficiency of the car. The less the car spends, the less waste it throws out and the less harm it brings to the environment. All this is possible thanks to carbon tubes, which both make the car lighter and can protect its passengers.

Technique without a screen

On small gadgets, the screen can be either very small or completely unnecessary. It is unlikely that copywriters will write huge canvases of articles on smartphones or super-smart watches. It's time to go back to the future and get a hologram screen or even a keyboard that will be projected onto a table, wall or any other plane. And even (you won’t believe it) on the retina of the human eye - Kickstarter is already raising money for this project with might and main!

Alternative batteries

Semi-liquid. Super high. New generation energy cells should solve most of the energy problems of our planet. But solid batteries do not lose ground and continue to develop: graphene capacitors have been developed and are being used, which are capable of conducting several tens of thousands of charges and discharges.

Ribonucleic acid in medicine

This acid is the most valuable element of cells, which recreates the genetic programs of protein synthesis encoded in DNA. Many drug treatments are simply not able to cope with diseases, but if you influence the RNA (ribonucleic acid) itself, then there is a great chance to cure many diseases, for example, cancer. And the most interesting thing is that interest in this area appeared quite recently, literally, a year or two ago.

Nanotechnology in lithium battery cells

Scientists from Stanford University conducted a study and informed the world that they had found a way to increase the capacity of the most common lithium batteries dozens of times! They promise that soon mobile phones and smartphones will be able to work a week on a bottom charge - like in the good old days of black and white phones. Just a few years and telephone batteries will become nanoconductor. We can only wait.

Biotechnology for health

American scientists from the Institute of Health gathered to carefully study the bacteria that live in symbiosis with our cells. And if the project is successful, soon the bacteria will help us to be treated for a variety of diseases.

Technology + brain

RoboCop, Avatar... For a long time, scientists have been able to influence the human brain through electrical impulses, and vice versa - by the power of practically one thought (and nerve impulses) to move prostheses. But Duke University went further and connected the brains of two mice ... with an Internet connection. And then at Harvard they even began to control the rat tail through the human brain.

log of your life

You can look at the logs of a computer, but what if you look at the logs of a human life? Collection of data from different devices (glucometer, heart rate monitor, mood counter and financial counters, and so on), then their integration into a single platform and a report on the dynamics of a person's condition. And then a forecast for the future. Convenient, isn't it?

Innovations do not stand still and they must be introduced into our lives: gradually, but surely. Bring value and joy, apply the achievements of others to synthesize your unique innovative business.

Innovative activity in small business, as a rule, is associated with the introduction of new competitive technologies in various fields activities. Innovative solutions directly depend on quality management and are aimed at improving the structure of production.

Innovative activity in small business can be divided into the following areas:

  • on the introduction of new products that can be created in the sphere of production or consumption;

  • development of certain information systems, know-how;

  • use of innovations in the management and modeling of production processes;

  • new ways of personnel management;

  • innovations in the financial and accounting sphere;

  • changes legal activity related to the introduction of new regulatory legislative acts;

  • new directions in social sphere associated with optimal working conditions, aimed at improving the cultural, political and social aspects.

Before starting the introduction of innovative products on Russian market, it is worth studying the competitiveness of a new product, enlist the support of the state and other structures that contribute to the development of this business.

Forms and incubators of small business and innovative entrepreneurship

Business incubators can take the following forms:

  • virtual;
  • distribution type;
  • group;
  • specialized.

The main purpose of incubators is to create and develop business. According to world statistics, the survival rate of small innovative enterprises is now 80%.

In Russia, business incubators began to appear in the early 90s, now their activities are directly related to:

  • providing advice on various issues related to tax policy, legal and regulatory activities for doing business;

  • assistance in creating a business plan;

  • holding various kinds trainings to improve the skills of small businesses;

  • provision of outsourcing services on preferential terms and access to information bases incubator.

Thanks to the support of business incubators, an entrepreneur can start producing his products and promote them in the domestic and foreign markets. The purpose of this process is to help start-up companies grow.

According to Forbes magazine, in Russia, on the scientific platform of the country's leading universities, there are the best business incubators in the world.

These organizations include:

  1. Business incubator of the Academy of National Economy. About 120 startups have already been implemented here. The most promising projects of this research center were the development of platforms for smartphones with the ability to link a task to a point on the map.

  2. The HSE Business Incubator releases about 6 projects a year. The most famous programs of the incubator are pension navigator, interactive B2B flower sales system "b2b flowers" and "Skillopedia" - an Internet service.

  3. The Ingria business incubator, which helps to lobby interests in business structures, conducts an examination of the project, assists in the development of a plan, and promotes protection intellectual property and organization of production. The most famous projects are "Biomedical Modeling", which introduced 3D plastic surgery and the development of "Texiks", associated with the cleaning of tanks from petroleum products.

  4. The business incubator of Moscow State University directly expands the scope of molecular technologies and is engaged in computer modeling.

Problems of small innovative business

The main problems that arise in small businesses are directly manifested:

  • lack of own Money;

  • in the absence of financial support from the state;

  • too low demand for innovative goods and services;

  • in the high cost of innovation;

  • in the huge risk of economic losses, and the fear associated with the collapse of the introduction of the product;

  • in the low potential of self-organization of the enterprise;

  • in the absence of qualified workers;

  • lack of information about new technologies;

  • in the absence of information sources about the sales market and a logistics system that will help implement a particular venture business.

Small business development and support

IN Russian Federation There are various programs of the Ministry of Economic Development related to the provision of subsidies from the Federal budget to assist small and medium-sized businesses. All sectors of the economy are involved in these programs. The government offers direct and indirect methods to support innovative small business ideas. Such programs are implemented authorized body in a subject of the Russian Federation.

In addition to the Ministry of Economic Development in Russia, a lot of work on the development of innovative activities in small businesses is carried out by the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere, which:

  • implements state policy to support small businesses;

  • provides financial, information assistance;

  • is engaged in the development of structures of small innovative entrepreneurship.

For more than 20 years of its work, the fund has supported about 12,000 young innovators. Thanks to this fund, 4,500 startups were introduced. There are representative offices in 68 regions of Russia. The foundation is currently implementing new programs in the field of high technology, which also contribute to attracting investment in the field of small innovative business and create new jobs.

The role of small innovative business in the Russian economy

IN modern economy In Russia, the mechanisms for the development of the national innovation system related to the support of small businesses are being intensively promoted.

The innovation system is directly related to the development of ideas and the creation of an innovative product that brings together an innovative structure, developers and creators. Thanks to innovations, modernization occurs not only in the economy, but also at the level of state power.

It is the development of small business that increases the number of enterprises, the development of which contributes not only to the economic growth of the regions, but of the state as a whole. Innovative small business is closely interconnected with the development of business incubators, technology parks, and innovation and technology centers.

Through innovation in small business, the economic system of the state develops, in general, information technologies are improved, the functioning of various types of structures is changing, conditions are created that are directly related to cost reduction in the enterprise. The introduction of small innovative business contributes to the development of competitiveness in the market of new products.

Innovative Business Ideas for Small Businesses

Before implementing a certain business idea, it is necessary to carry out a market review in the area where the innovative product will be implemented.

The most popular small business innovations that will justify the investment are in the following areas of activity:

  • agriculture and innovative ways of doing it;

  • business ideas related to the logistics distribution of goods and services. According to forecasts, the market for high-performance logistics will grow by 10-15% every year. It is the logistics sector that can be associated not only with transport interchange, but also, for example, with the correct distribution and warehousing of products;

  • implementation of new projects in the construction industry (new materials and technologies);

  • innovations in restaurant and hotel business(accounting, organization of work).

Examples of innovative business at exhibitions

Examples of innovative developments of small businesses can often be seen at exhibitions at the Expocentre Fairgrounds. It is in the exhibition programs that it is described in detail, various types innovative technologies presented in the exhibits.

For example, at the Spring Country House exhibition, the exposition shows innovative products developed by small business entrepreneurs for modern construction. The emphasis was on the rapid and high-quality construction of country houses, baths, gazebos. During the exhibition, seminars, master classes on innovative construction and decoration of various types of houses are held.

The exhibition "Modern Bakery" demonstrates innovative equipment for small businesses, which is directly related to the production of fast food, pasta, pizza and much more. Entrepreneurs and research centers from different regions of Russia present their innovative products.

The Neftegaz exhibition demonstrates innovative equipment in the field of oil and gas production and processing of petroleum products.

The exhibition "Communication" demonstrates modern information and communication technologies and equipment.

At the exhibition "Electro": electrical equipment for power engineering, electrical engineering, industrial lighting.

Innovative ideas and their implementation are the new trend of the 21st century in business. Companies, businessmen, entrepreneurs are increasingly thinking about new sources of income, projects, looking for resources for their implementation. And in such cases, they often turn to what will be needed and profitable in the near future, which can become useful and in demand for society.

What is innovation?

The very word "innovation" makes us think that it has something to do with innovation, the future, new technologies, etc. In fact, this is the short definition of the word "innovation".

If we go into details and write a more detailed definition, then this is an innovation that helps to ensure a qualitative, quantitative increase in the efficiency of an enterprise, production, etc.

Innovative Ideas

It is quite easy to understand that the phrase "innovative ideas" refers to projects that are worth investing both money and time. After all, they will definitely pay off later. New business ideas with an eye to the future will soon become relevant and in demand. You can make out a couple of the most interesting and promising ideas in the future.

Pure water from the sun

Water, and even from the sun, where is the logic, many people will say, but not everyone follows the "know-how" in the business world. Just such a startup was recently proposed in the United States of America and has already begun its partial implementation. The Source device allows you to easily install it in your summer cottage and receive water thanks to the energy of the sun. How can this work, many will ask?

The technology is quite simple. A device similar to a solar battery collects moisture from the air, condenses it, turning it into a liquid. Thus, pure water is obtained, since in the process of condensation it passes through several stages of purification through the mechanism.

Our planet already has more than 7 billion people, there is less and less water for everyone, it is more difficult to clean it, and the rate of pollution is catastrophic. This device allows you to safely provide the house with water. Plus, it's so economical as water consumption is reduced.

Electricity from the sun

Above we talked about the production of clean water from solar energy. This is all in the near future, and now consider what has already entered our present, and will soon become more and more popular. The competition for innovative ideas often favors environmentally friendly and, importantly, economical projects.

It is such a startup that can be called the sale of a device that is capable of generating a sufficient amount of electricity that can provide private house light is becoming more and more popular. At a time when everyone is looking for economical and environmentally friendly new business ideas, such a project is very promising. Of course, if the energy consumption is colossal, then you will have to buy a fairly large number of panels. However, any businessman knows that such a project will pay off pretty soon, because there are no more electricity costs, we make an investment once and then only pay for our batteries for years. Some companies make their own stations that can provide electricity to a small village. So far, this seems unrealistic to many, but literally 5-10 years, and this will become commonplace, you must not miss the moment, as long as there are no competitors.

New generation robots

Promoting innovative ideas is a good thing. A well-thought-out idea can be sold for good money. Meanwhile, many scientists have been working on the creation of future technologies for years. And I have to admit, they are great at it. Increasingly, in the news you can see how robots appear that can respond, perform certain actions. It is clear that progress will not stop there, and further technologies will develop at a rapid pace.

What is happening now? In the near future, innovative ideas for creating a robot that will do everything will become a reality. The first robots appear that can be used in production. They will be able to replace up to several hundred workers due to their versatility. Any businessman only dreams of such a miracle robot, thanks to which he can save a rather large amount, because he does not need to pay wages, unless he requires good investments, especially when the first and most expensive copies appear.

Plastic products

Completely environmentally friendly and profitable type of business. For its implementation, one resource is needed - plastic. Every day, tons of such plastic are thrown away by people around the world. What for? After all, it can be put to good use. Not only is there an opportunity to clean up the planet from harmful emissions, but there is a way to earn good money.

Such a business idea as an innovative idea is already becoming popular, but it is not as widespread throughout the planet as we would like. All you need is to purchase equipment for finding plastic is easy, you can put a plastic waste bin and people will begin to dispose of such a valuable resource there. Any environmentally oriented project is always welcomed by the state, especially in recent years, when the problem of pollution environment is becoming more and more relevant.

electric cars

Yes, and even such innovative ideas are no longer just dreams from the future, they become truly realistic in the present. So, for example, large firms automakers such as Volkswagen are already developing and slowly launching the first electric vehicles.

Successfully developing automobile companies would not simply develop and manufacture electric vehicles, they are clearly aware of the coming changes and want to become pioneers in a new round of industry development. Progress does not stand still, everything is developing at a frantic pace, and if now we do not meet such cars on the street, then in 10-15 years it will be quite real. Moreover, special gas stations for such machines will be located in different places, within the reach of everyone. Ways are already being thought out to increase the mileage of such cars, so that soon the world will witness a new trend in business.

flying drones

There are more and more scientific achievements around us. technical progress, you can see a variety of devices and mechanisms that are already being purchased not only by businessmen, rich people, but also become available to ordinary people.

Drones or quadcopters are already part of our everyday life. They perform different functions and become more and more versatile during the development process. Most often we see drones as aircrafts, which allow you to shoot and make video broadcasts from a bird's eye view. No need to fly up in a helicopter, spend time, money, when you can just send a drone into the air, and now there is an excellent view and good quality shooting. The sale of quadcopters is becoming more and more profitable, on the one hand, you can make good money selling them, or you can rent them out, receiving a stable certain income.

However, the first drones have already appeared that are capable of carrying passengers. Like a small drone, they can transport a person from one point to another. In such a device, there is only one button and a couple of commands. You can take off, get to the desired point, land.

Everyone now strives to avoid traffic jams, however, due to the increase in the number of cars and drivers on the road, this is not easy to do. Such drones allow you to transport a passenger anywhere in the city. Such a mechanism was created just like an air taxi, which could transport people in conditions of large traffic jams in the shortest possible time. Now this also seems like a fantasy, but it is already among us, very soon the world will begin to change even more rapidly.

Here are some innovative ideas. Several examples have been analyzed, but their number is much larger. Soon you will see them all around you. Developing innovative ideas is not easy, but useful, you just have to try, suddenly you can do something new and incredible...

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Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution of higher professional education

State University of Management

Institute of National and World Economy

Department of Management


in the discipline "Innovations in anti-crisis management"

on the topic: "Innovations in small business"

Completed by: Potapova E.M.

Checked by: Kuzmina E. Yu.

k. e. PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Management

Moscow - 2005


Chapter I. Essence of innovation management

Chapter II. Small business innovation

Chapter III Innovative business in the Kaluga region on the example of NPF Stella LLC



Attachment 1

Annex 2


On the present stage development of the economy in a dynamically changing business environment, as well as in crisis situations, the role of innovation is constantly increasing, which is a decisive factor in the successful functioning of any organization. After all, no matter how successfully an organization develops, if its activities are not aimed at mastering new technologies that allow the production of new types of products of higher quality and at the lowest cost, then after a while it risks becoming uncompetitive, and this, in turn, means a weakening of positions on market, loss of customers and reduced profit margins.

Small business is the backbone of the economy of most developed countries. This is an area where creative, motivated people can fully realize their talent and experience. It was the ideas of a small business that created the McDonald's hamburger, the Apple computer, the Ford car, and many other useful goods. Any big business starts small.

The purpose of the work is to prove that the innovative activity of even small enterprises plays an important role in the state economy.

Object - innovative activity of small business.

Subject - the impact of innovation on small business

Tasks - study of innovation management, determination of the role of the innovation sphere of small and venture business in the state economy.

Chapter I Essence of innovation management

1.1 The concept and classification of innovations

Innovation management is a relatively new concept for the scientific community and business circles in Russia. It is at the present time that Russia is experiencing a boom in innovation. Some forms and methods of economic management are being replaced by others.

In the specialized literature and official documents, the concepts of managing scientific and technological progress, introducing the achievements of science and technology into production, etc., were most often used, which is typical for a centrally controlled economy. In market conditions of management, there can be no talk of any introduction of anything. This fundamental difference explains the difference in the content of individual concepts in the field of innovation management.

It is generally accepted that the concept of "innovation" is a Russian version English word innovationtoin. The literal translation from English means “innovation” or in our understanding of the word “innovation”. Innovation means new order, new custom, new method, invention, new phenomenon. The Russian phrase “innovation” in the literal sense “introduction of the new” means the process of using innovation.

Thus, from the moment of acceptance for distribution, an innovation acquires a new quality - it becomes an innovation (innovation). The process of introducing an innovation to the market is commonly referred to as the commercialization process. The period of time between the appearance of an innovation and its implementation into an innovation (innovation) is called the innovation lag.

In everyday practice, as a rule, the concept of innovation, innovation, innovation, innovation is identified, which is quite understandable. Any inventions, new phenomena, types of services or methods only receive public recognition when they are accepted for distribution (commercialization), and already in a new capacity they act as innovations (innovations).

It is well known that the transition from one quality to another requires the expenditure of resources (energy, time, finance, etc.). Three main components and form the scope of innovation and are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Scheme of innovation activity

IN scientific literature There are a large number of approaches to defining the definition of innovation. For example, on the basis of content or internal structure, innovations are technical, economic, organizational, managerial, etc.

There are such signs as the scale of innovations (global and local); parameters life cycle(identification and analysis of all stages and substages), patterns of the implementation process, etc. Various authors, mostly foreign (N. Monchev, I. Perlaki, Hartman V. D., Mansfield E., Foster R., Twist B. , I. Schumpeter, Rogers E. and others) interpret this concept depending on the object and subject of their research.

For example, Schumpeter interprets innovation as a new scientific and organizational combination of production factors motivated by an entrepreneurial spirit. In the internal logic of innovations - a new moment of dynamization economic development.

Technological innovation is now subject to the concepts established by the Oslo Guidelines and reflected in the International Standards in Science, Technology and Innovation Statistics.

In accordance with these standards, innovation is the end result of innovative activity, embodied in the form of a new or improved product, introduced to the market, new or improved technological process used in practice, or in a new approach to social services.

Thus, innovation is a consequence of innovation activity.

In turn, analyzing various definitions, one can come to the conclusion that the specific content of innovation is change, and the main function of innovation is the function of change.

The Austrian scientist I. Schumpeter singled out five typical changes: .

1. The use of new technology, new technological processes or new market support for production (purchase and sale).

2. Introduction of products with new properties.

3. Use of new raw materials.

4. Changes in the organization of production and its logistics. 5. The emergence of new markets.

I. Schumpeter formulated these provisions back in 1911.

In turn, the classification of innovations allows the organization implementing them:

ensure a more accurate identification of each innovation, determining its place among others, as well as opportunities and limitations;

ensure an effective relationship between a particular type of innovation and an innovation strategy;

ensure program planning and system management of innovation at all stages of its life cycle;

develop an appropriate organizational and economic mechanism for implementing innovation and replacing it with a new one in order to ensure the strategic objectives of the organization;

develop an appropriate compensation mechanism (overcoming anti-innovation barriers), which will reduce the impact of innovation on the stability and balance of the system.

There are a number of classifications of innovations in the literature. For example, A.I. Prigozhin offers a typology of innovations according to 9 features: .

1) by type of innovation:



organizational and managerial;



From the point of view of the impact on the achievement of the economic goals of the organization, material and technical innovations include:



Product innovations allow you to increase profits both by increasing the price of new products or modifying existing ones. Process innovations allow you to improve economic indicators due to: - improving the preparation of raw materials and process parameters, which leads to a reduction in production costs and an increase in product quality.

The development of each basic technology is characterized by an S-shaped logical curve. The slope of the curve and the inflection points of development in each period of time reflect the effectiveness of the technology and the extent to which the technological potential is being used. As you approach the limit further use this technology is not economically feasible

The evolution of technology along the S-curve depends on the experience accumulated over time. The success of technological innovations depends on the speed of adaptation of innovations to real production conditions and the characteristics of the environment in which the innovation process takes place. Relationship product innovation and technological innovations. At present, any historically stable industry can instantly turn into a volatile one due to the diversification of related technologies. The probability of such an event at any stage of the demand life cycle increases the requirements for making a management decision based on a real assessment of the consequences of applying a new technology.

In recent decades, electronic computers have become a powerful means of intensifying any development. Its first contribution to the intensive technology of the innovation process at the enterprise was the automation of information support. Creation of information and reference and information retrieval systems, data banks, knowledge bases, etc. made it possible to sharply increase the completeness of the coverage of available information, the purposefulness of its search and use.

In modern conditions of intensive production of new knowledge, the processes of creating new technical systems are characterized by an increasing complexity of design tasks: the number of alternatives for the implementation of individual subsystems, nodes, blocks is growing, the list of physical processes that form the basis of their production is increasing. As the number of alternatives grows, so does the number of feasible and workable combinations of these alternatives. All this leads to the need for adequate information support for design and development work, which is impossible, in our time, an ever-increasing flow of information, without the help of a computer.

Academician V.N. Glushkov noted that "the aspects of using computers in invention are practically countless" and the next step in this regard was the use of the capabilities of electronic computing technology not only in the search for optimal physical principles of operation (OPP) of future designs or technologies and technical solutions ( TR), but also in the discovery of new and more efficient FOPs and TRs.

For example, one of the methods of automated synthesis of technical solutions developed in our country makes it possible to obtain, by combining elements and features of known technical solutions, new, still unknown TR, provides a largely automatic assessment and comparison of TR options, automates the description of the synthesized (selected) TR in natural language or as a graphic sketch.

IN Lately human-machine expert systems are gaining more and more importance, allowing to combine the experience, knowledge and intuition of people with the capabilities of electronic computing technology. Especially promising is the use of such systems in the innovation process, which, as a rule, is characterized by a significant uncertainty in the timing, required resources, and expected results.

According to Russian experts, first of all, expert systems are needed to test the objects being developed on test benches. Thus, the analysis of the innovative process of developing a number of types of engines showed that they were created within 6-7 years. But at the same time, the time and money spent on testing the product accounted for more than 80 percent of the total project costs, and the useful time of the testing process itself was only 5-12 percent.

Such a low efficiency is explained, on the one hand, by the fact that due to the complexity of the mathematical description of the relationship of physical processes occurring in the objects being developed, errors in the designs of complex systems are inevitable; on the other hand, when designing, it is not customary to provide for the possibility of failures, because it is initially assumed that the object will satisfy all the requirements established in the task.

However, it should be noted that not in the course of the actual design, but only in the process of long-term experimental processing and full-scale tests, it is possible to ensure high reliability and quality of the products being created. Savings on the development of a program and test system leads to the fact that immeasurably more time and money are wasted to find out the causes of unforeseen failures and eliminate them. Practice shows that this sometimes takes 90 percent of the time of experimental debugging of new products.

The use of an expert system, in which, in parallel with the design of an object, a program of its testing is prepared and optimized, makes it possible to identify weaknesses in the design at the initial stages of the project, which can be corrected before the start of operation of the machines. With these systems, modern technology its interaction with users and the external environment is taken into account more fully, control and diagnostics are carried out, without which complex machines are considered uncompetitive today.

The enormous possibilities of expert systems are best revealed in their combination with other functional blocks and developed software packages for computer-aided design systems.

In the USA, for example, there are already new means software Computers that make it possible to dramatically speed up and improve the accuracy of preliminary calculations of the cost of a product being prepared and produced. For example, Kodak Corporation's programs can reduce production cost estimates by 75 percent. As the experience of individual companies shows, with the skillful use of these programs, the deviations of preliminary results from actual cost indicators do not exceed 10 percent. Specialized automatic design systems (CAD), designed exclusively for cost estimates, are able to operate with large databases, including data on more than 250 types of structural materials and 60 types of process equipment.

With the help of some models of such complex systems, the choice of new technologies is optimized, the time for the release of a batch of products is calculated, the cost of the batch and the time spent on checking the quality of the products are determined. Introduced into practice and fundamentally new approaches to the construction of such programs, focused on the stage of design and technological development of the product. These programs are equipped with expert systems designed for designers and technologists.

The basic principle, according to which the basis of such systems is formed, is that from 50 to 80 percent of the future cost can be accurately determined at the stage of design and technological development. Typically, these programs are introduced to automated workstations (AWS) of designers and technologists, which significantly increases the efficiency of their use. Thanks to this, in particular, it becomes possible to analyze many cost options. The most experienced specialists manage to calculate the expected cost of a future product with the help of new programs with an accuracy of up to 5% in half an hour.

Thus, thanks to the introduction of an expert system into the process of designing large integrated circuits, it was possible to optimize their development, to carry out it much faster and with better quality. One such system from the American company Bell helps designers obtain a description of a microcircuit, coordinate the transition from one stage to another, and automatically compose necessary documentation etc.

DEC uses expert systems in the development of the composition and configuration of manufactured computers, which allows it to create machines with optimal characteristics that meet all customer requirements.

Based on predetermined rules, the system used by the company determines what replacements or additions should be made to the original computer configuration in order to ensure the delivery of a machine that meets the needs of the customer and at the same time has a minimum cost.

With the help of this expert system, DEC has configured more than 90,000 machines and in 98 percent of the cases there were no problems. System performance is six times higher than manual operation. At the same time, 2 percent of orders that were beyond the power of the expert system contain the most interesting and complex new tasks, the solution of which requires maximum effort and high qualifications.

Thus, expert systems are not only a means of intensifying the technology of the innovation process, but also capable of playing the role of "snoops" looking for unknown innovative directions.

1.2 State policy for the development of innovation activity in the Russian Federation

The main role in supporting innovation belongs to the state. In turn, the priority in the volume of innovations undoubtedly belongs to science - because. it is thanks to it that discoveries are made that move the progress of man forward. Considering the above factors, we will consider the process of developing innovation support programs using the example of government funding of science and its activities related to innovation.

Speaking about the modern economy, it is necessary to take into account its transitional nature. This affects the processes of state financing of scientific innovations. This process of change is driven by a number of factors. Among them, it is impossible not to mention the gradual increase with the beginning of the policy of liberalization of prices, the lack of funds from commodity producers, the growth in mutual non-payments, which led to a decrease in the receipts of funds from their main customers, industrial enterprises and associations, to scientific organizations of the sectoral profile. “Reducing” trends also affected academic and university scientific organizations that have contractual relations with enterprises.

The most important source of R&D funding is budgetary funds. They are used primarily to fund research and development in the defense industries, as well as to fund budget organizations and conducting fundamental and applied research in academic and university organizations. The foregoing leads to the conclusion that the fall in demand for scientific and technical products in the initial period of the formation of market relations, which led to the difficult financial situation of many scientific organizations, was an inevitable consequence of a change in the fundamental foundations of the functioning of the economy. In this situation, the survival factors of scientific organizations will be the qualifications of their personnel, material and technical equipment. But in any case, changing existing organizational structures seems inevitable. However, this process should not be dramatized. It will contribute to the formation of an adequate market economy in the scientific and technical sphere, more adapted to the task of accelerating scientific and technological progress. However, favorable conditions for self-regulation will not appear immediately. Therefore, in the modern period, the role of the state is increasing. Another relatively new way for enterprises to use their non-R&D funds is the purchase of stocks and bonds. joint-stock companies and enterprises valuable papers state with the subsequent receipt of dividends (interest) on them, as well as the opening of fixed-term deposit accounts in a commercial bank at interest specified in the loan agreement.

The third area of ​​state financial support for the scientific and technical sphere is profitably directed organizations.

In addition to methods of direct (through the conclusion of contracts, the issuance of subsidies, etc.) state financing of research and development, it is necessary to actively use the so-called indirect financing of scientific and technical measures, which stimulates an increase in the costs of enterprises.

Other benefits are also used to stimulate the research activities of companies, and their composition and size are constantly being specified. Thus, in the 1980s in the United States, in conclusion of the chapter, we note that the conditions for adapting the emerging system of financing scientific and technical progress to the realities of a market economy are an active state scientific and technical policy: firstly, aimed at direct financing of both specific R&D and individual scientific organizations in the existence and development of which the state is interested; second, setting clear funding priorities.

Chapter II Innovation in Small Business

2.1 The role of the innovative sphere of small and venture business in the state economy

A fairly common point of view is that small business is an innovative business, because it has a much more fluid organizational structure. Small enterprises in the struggle for survival are more willing to use innovative technologies and developments, and a significant part of firms is directly focused on the commercialization of technologies. But all enterprises arise as small ones, and all are new in some way. Everything innovative is new, but not everything new is innovation. The organizers of the TACIS project proposed their own definition of a small innovative enterprise (SIE). SIE is an enterprise whose share of products older than three years in the total volume of output is no more than 10%. Despite the fact that only about 6% of the total number of employees in small business work in the innovation sector, this area of ​​small business development can be to put one of the first places in terms of importance for the development of the economy. Their development made it possible to accelerate the innovation process, to overcome the obstacles to technological progress that existed in the planned economy - departmental barriers, inconsistency in the stages of the innovation process, and the monopolistic position of individual participants in the overall process. The rapid growth in the number of IPIDs at that time was also influenced by the lack of demand for scientific workers in the previous period, limited opportunities for demonstrating ability in state academic and branch scientific institutions. A significant part of IPID, regardless of the name, functioned in the field of intermediary services. In the field of R&D, MPID was mainly engaged in the development of software products, design work, economic research. In the early 1990s, IPID found itself in difficult conditions of a rapid curtailment of demand for scientific products due to the investment crisis, which caused a decline in innovation activity, and an increase in the budget deficit. Currently, IPIDs are not associated with investment demand, so their profitability has declined sharply. Research and development is carried out either on rented equipment or by using it free of charge at the place of work. A characteristic feature of the development of small innovative business at the present time is its instability.

Small business in the innovation sphere is currently being formed in several ways. IPID can be separated from the large state scientific organizations. Their funding is constantly reduced, and they cannot adapt to the new economic conditions. The activities of small firms in this case are mainly aimed at modernizing and improving the types of technology developed at the parent company. MPID can be created as market backups of laboratories and departments of industrial research institutes and factories and be engaged in both purely scientific and applied research, and a full innovation cycle. the way of formation of IPID is to unite a group of developers for the production of competitive and profitable science-intensive products. The period of existence of such IPIDs is often limited by the timing of the implementation of a particular idea.

IPIDs can also be formed as intermediaries to promote innovations and technologies created by specialists in the field of a particular technique and technology. The role of such firms is especially significant in regions where scientific, technical and marketing ties are weaker than in the center.

Deep systemic economic crisis Russian economy confirmed that the basis of the financial system and the power of the state is the power industrial production, and forced to draw the attention of all interested parties to the real sector of the economy. In post-crisis integration processes (after August 1998) the industrial capital, providing closer interaction with the financial; diversification processes are intensifying, having a scientific, technological, regional and economic focus. It is its development through the maximum attraction of investments in the real sector of the economy, and above all its innovation sphere, that should become the cornerstone of the state investment and innovation policy in Russia in modern conditions.

The more acute the crisis of large-scale production, the more hope there is for small business as a “market generator” of innovative ideas, accelerating “from below” (at the micro level) the processes of structural transformation planned “from above” (at the macro level), the more actively “cultivation” of new organizational management structures innovative activity, their replication on an economically more and more significant scale as “points (poles) of growth”, the faster the formation of a new corporate strategy and tactics by using the advantages of small forms of organization of the project business with technology transfer. .

The development of innovation activity and the development (support) of small business at the current stage are largely interconnected, they complement and stimulate each other.

In modern conditions, technological progress is of great importance, understood not only as the application of new methods of production (innovations in production processes); but also as the creation and significant improvement of goods (innovations in products). In this regard, the main "points (poles) of growth" are innovative monopolies that arise in the process of producing improved or completely new goods and services. A monopoly position can be occupied not only by large, but also by medium and small enterprises. It all depends on the industry, product or service provided.

2.2 State regulation of innovation activity in the sphere of small and venture business

Abroad, in almost all developed industrial countries, there is a system of state incentives for innovation activities of small and medium-sized enterprises. So, in France, having made sure that the increase in the activity of small and medium-sized firms affects the growth of the country's international competitiveness, they implement special programs to help innovative enterprises, participating in their costs through subsidies, tax incentives, preferential loans, risk capital and consulting.

Most a prime example successful innovation policy, especially for the development of small and medium-sized businesses, demonstrates China. High degree of legal support in the field of technology transfer; a tax system that exempts SEs involved in the development of new technologies from income tax; the system of their concessional lending and financial support ensured the effective use of scientific and technical potential and high profits from innovation.

In this regard, an active structural policy is of great importance - a constantly renewed and ongoing process, unthinkable without active state regulation, which should and can contribute to the optimal development and functioning of innovative monopolies.

Speaking of government regulation, it can be noted that whatever the common causes, all countries with market economies face serious problems. Therefore, many of the problems facing Russia are due not to the peculiarities of the transformation period, but to the cardinal defects of the market, which are recognized by all economists in the world. The current crisis of the world market system testifies to the process of cardinal changes in adaptation, in which a large place is given to innovative monopolies. The main vector of movement of countries with market economies includes capitalist planning in one form or another. The market at a certain stage of its development gives rise to an objective need for forecasting and planning economic processes that act as a negation of the market. As in the process of development of the command-administrative system, there is a need for market relations, which act as a negation of the system that generates them. All this acts as an objective reaction of systems to the difficulties that arise in the process of their functioning. In the most general form, forecasting and planning become tools that allow the market economy to overcome its own organic shortcomings by combining the non-state and state sectors. (Attachment 1).

At present, no society, from the most centralized to the most decentralized, is currently capable of creating an efficiently functioning mechanism. Social, political and technological factors are of great importance. Objective reality testifies in favor of such a situation that, in general, the economy is a harmonious and logical system, and the real problems and difficulties facing any society, both Russian and American, are a manifestation not only and, perhaps, not so much of economic laws. , but those political and moral values ​​that dominate in society, which are based on politics and morality in the form of a collective will and a personal system of values. The crisis is going through the whole human civilization. Does not exist; of a single drug in the form of a market, plan, forecast, the law of supply and demand, but their optimal combination is needed at each specific stage (time interval), which in many cases is achievable under the conditions of an innovative monopoly. In terms of developing a system of forecasting and planning at the enterprise level, it is innovation monopolies that have the greatest potential.

From the standpoint of the development of modern economic systems and the achievement of the greatest efficiency of their functioning, state policy in economic sphere along with others, it should pursue the goals and objectives of the formation of innovative monopolies, preventing their transformation into "classical" monopolies. In this regard, two types of markets can be distinguished:

Traditional - where in the garden of objective laws of competition processes of concentration and specialization of capital take place, ultimately leading to the formation of a monopoly. In this situation, the government should take the whole range of measures aimed at developing competition and limiting monopolistic tendencies;

New - when an enterprise objectively receives a monopoly position due to the conduct of effective innovation. In this case, the state is already dealing with an innovation monopoly and should encourage the preservation of its innovative character.

There are the following basic approaches that can be taken to determine the presence or absence of a monopoly in a given market.

First, market results, when the ideal (hypothetical innovation-monopoly) market is compared with the real situation. Secondly, the behavior of economic actors, when considered economic behavior monopoly to identify its innovative essence. Of great importance is the identification, analysis and prevention of elements of collusion and tacit agreements between enterprises. Thirdly, the structure of the market, when, due to the restriction of the opportunity for an enterprise to freely exit or enter an industry, there are serious problems with the promotion of competition.

The criteria for determining the boundaries of effective state intervention in economic systems in terms of encouraging the innovation component in the activities of monopolies are the efficiency of the functioning of monopoly enterprises, ensuring the effectiveness of the impact on the course of economic processes in the field of innovation, and the effectiveness of budget policy. In terms of ensuring the efficiency of functioning, the state should act as the main guarantor of ensuring economic freedom for all citizens, without which political, innovative, entrepreneurial, spiritual, scientific, creative, etc. freedom is unthinkable. In terms of specifying this provision, the state should strive for an objective assessment of its own compatibility with the market, innovation and competition and find ways to achieve effective compatibility. In cases where the state is unable to ensure the achievement of education and the development of innovative monopolies in a specific time period, it must limit their intervention in economic processes. And vice versa, when the state has every opportunity to promote the economic development of this type of monopoly, then its inaction is very often illegal and can lead to negative consequences both in the short and long term. All methods of state regulation of a market economy should not be aimed at suppressing market signals, including those associated with the emergence of innovative monopolies, but at predicting the likely consequences of their change and based on the institutions of the market organization of social production. The state should pursue an active state structural policy, the main purpose of which should be to stimulate innovative monopolies and structural changes generated by the market. Structural policy should help ensure and stimulate the socially acceptable adaptation of monopoly enterprises to rapidly changing conditions, especially in industries that are on the verge of recession, stagnation or unstable growth, when these issues are transformed into employment problems. At the same time, a decisive structural transformation is required in industries that are not able to establish themselves in the current economic conditions. Structural policy should focus on encouraging technological progress and consist in direct and indirect support for innovative enterprises, incl. and innovation monopolies. Indirect methods here are the stimulation of R&D and government intervention in the framework of technology policy.

Under these conditions, state support for small business in the innovation sphere is necessary for stabilization at the first stage production process and more efficient use of its resource potential; for their subsequent maintenance at a level sufficient to achieve continuous and with a progressive trend of low-inflationary socio-economic development, accompanied by stable production growth, a decrease in unemployment through the creation of new jobs and an increase in the purchasing power of the Russian population; to solve in the future the strategic goal of the socio-economic development of any democratic state - improving the well-being of the people.

Governmental support small business in the innovation sphere in conditions of limited investment resources should be based on the relationship between the federal and regional bodies that implement it and the development of a single policy by them, adapted in each specific case to specific regional conditions. Support for small business in the innovation sphere at the federal level involves the definition of state priorities for its development and the formation of a fund of financial resources necessary for investing at the expense of the federal budget. Taking into account the real needs of the regions requires that federal policy be based not on the territorial affiliation of small businesses, but on a targeted approach. Investment funds to support specific areas of small business development should be allocated at the federal level according to the targeted principle, based on how a specific regional program or a specific regional small business support project meets the national objectives of creating a competitive environment, creating additional jobs, technical level of production, support for certain categories of the population and improvement of the environmental situation. The intra-regional policy of supporting small business in the innovation sphere should include two blocks - programs and activities that are important for the development of this particular region, implemented directly at the regional level at the expense of local resources; programs and activities of interregional importance and meeting the objectives of the national program for the formation of a system to support small businesses. The relationship between federal and regional small business support agencies, the development of a single policy by them should find concrete expression in the balance of various sources of financing for regional programs for the development of small business.

State investment resources should be concentrated on the most important areas of small business functioning that meet both federal and regional interests, namely, small business in the innovation sphere. At the federal level, the state functional-target priorities in investing small businesses in the innovation sphere should include ensuring the interests of the latter in the course of interdepartmental coordination of the activities of federal agencies that provide state support for innovation activities in the following areas:

Formation and implementation of a unified state investment and innovation policy (harmonization of the goals of the three main agents economic activity-- in fact, "innovators" who generate ideas and design the means of their implementation; entrepreneurs; legal entities any organizational and legal forms that implement innovative projects; public authorities that establish legislative norms and sub-legislative standards and regulations);

Stimulating the activity of participants in a unified state investment and innovation policy, including direct support for participants providing “cross-program” coordination of innovation activities in the interests of providing state support to small businesses.

Achieving the interests of small business in the innovation sphere can be implemented within the framework of solving the following main tasks at the federal level.

1.Planning a sectoral, functional, territorial structure for the development of innovative activities and state budgetary resources for its state support.

2.Organization and maintenance of the federal register for registration of applications for support of innovative projects.

3. Implementation of the state order for state support of innovation.

4. Improvement of the federal contract system in terms of selective management of state support.

5. Promoting the development of small business in the innovation sector and the conversion of defense enterprises, as well as raising the scientific and technical level of production.

6. Facilitating the cooperation of both innovative firms (venture companies) and their cooperation and cooperation with large and medium-sized enterprises.

7.Support in the field of foreign economic activity.

8. Formation of the social sphere.

9.Support in improving the environmental situation.

10. Maintaining certain disproportions and disequilibrium conditions in the economy for the redistribution of resources and the organization of the redistribution of resources in favor of innovative monopolies.

11. Creation and development of support infrastructure.

12. Carrying out a tax policy of state support in the innovation sphere.

13. Conducting an investment policy of state support in the innovation sphere.

1. Planning of branch, functional, territorial structure of development of innovative activity.

In accordance with the Fundamentals, the main measures of state stimulation of scientific, scientific, technical and innovative activities in priority areas of development of science, technology and technology in the field of improving the structure of the public sector of science and high technologies, strengthening the material and technical base of science, increasing the efficiency of using state property are:

Conducting an inventory of the scientific and technical complex, including science cities, including changing (if necessary) the organizational and legal form and ownership of scientific organizations;

Improving the academic sector of science by concentrating resources on solving fundamental scientific problems, optimizing the management system for scientific and scientific and technical activities, clarifying the number of subordinate scientific organizations and the number of employees;

Giving the state scientific centers of the Russian Federation the functions of leading organizations in the most important areas of technology and technology development;

Sale of surplus property and construction-in-progress facilities released in the process of restructuring the scientific and technical complex, using the funds received for additional financing of measures to strengthen the material and technical base of scientific organizations;

Using, in accordance with the established procedure, part of the fixed assets of scientific organizations, released in the process of restructuring the scientific and technical complex, to support small scientific and innovative entrepreneurship, the creation of scientific and technological parks, innovation and technology centers and other objects of innovative activity;

Improvement of the current system of accreditation of wrist organizations, transition to their attestation and certification, taking into account international standards qualities:

Bringing targeted funding for the development of instrumentation: base, maintenance of unique stands and installations used in research and development in priority areas of science, technology and engineering to 5% of the funds allocated from the federal budget for fundamental research and promotion of scientific and technological progress;

Providing budget compensations to state scientific organizations and state higher educational institutions for the payment of property taxes (unique scientific equipment, stands, installations and structures) according to the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation;

decline customs duties on imported specialized scientific equipment that has no domestic analogues (within the framework of overall strategy reduction of customs payments for imported technological equipment);

Increasing budget allocations for Scientific research And experimental developments civil purposes in connection with the transfer to the federal budget of income from the leasing of federally owned property by scientific organizations;

Compensation from the budgets of all levels of expenses of state scientific organizations - state unitary enterprises for land rent (within the limits of land plots recognized as necessary for scientific and scientific and technical activities based on the results of the inventory).

The planning of the sectoral, functional, territorial structure of the development of innovative activity in the environment of small business is carried out through the distribution of state budgetary resources for its state support (determination of the volume and structure of the state order).

2. Organization and maintenance of a federal register to record applications for support of innovative projects of small businesses, and their satisfaction by stages (receipt of applications and their codification, preliminary examination and decisions made on state support, implementation of decisions and allocated start-up resources from the state budget, attracted financial resources from extrabudgetary sources and the results of their total costs, including an analysis of the effectiveness of the implemented project, as well as conclusions from the analysis to improve the planning of state support in the future).

3. Implementation of the state order for state support of innovation activities through the preparation and conclusion of interconnected (along the "verticals" and "horizons" of state administration to support small businesses) contracts (agreements) and multilateral state contracts to support selected innovative projects proposed by small businesses, including direct financial support on equity principles in the pre-commercial phases of the implementation of innovative ideas (completion of R&D, business planning, commercialization of R&D results, assistance in obtaining titles of protection for intellectual property, search for strategic partners and potential investors, organization and support of investment development processes in the start-up period).

4. Improving the federal contract system in terms of selective management of state support, depending on the ratio of such performance indicators of an innovative project as "Profitability - risk - liquidity", the importance of the project in terms of implementing state policy priorities in the relevant area, methods of providing budget allocations ( in the form of grants, interest-free loans, concessional loans, state guarantees) at different phases of its implementation, as well as the cost of a new business that will be busy replicating (exploiting) the results of an innovative project (production of goods using new technologies, new services for promoting goods to the consumer, new consumer niches for goods and services as a result of the spread of innovation).

5. Promoting the development of IPFA and the conversion of defense enterprises, as well as raising the scientific and technical level of production is an urgent direction of state policy to support small business. In the context of the ongoing investment crisis, it turned out to be extremely narrowed material basis to introduce and disseminate the achievement of scientific and technological progress. IPID can contribute to the expansion of the use of already known progressive technologies and equipment in enterprises of the civil sector of the economy. The state policy should provide for the creation of a preferential tax regime for small science-intensive venture capital companies, the provision of IPID risk capital on the basis of loans under research projects meeting federal requirements and regional interests. The activities of the IPID should be focused on technical developments and putting them into production. A significant part of the financial resources provided by the state policy to support small businesses should be directed to regions that are carrying out conversion and major structural adjustment and have sufficient scientific and technical potential and qualified personnel. Investment and innovation policy in this area should be aimed at identifying through competitive selection, taking into account the economic situation, the most promising IPID in various fields of science. Perspective projects that have passed the examination should receive state assistance at the stage of developing an idea, and then, at the stage of developing products, attract capital from commercial structures, significantly reducing the investment risk of investors.

6. Facilitating cooperation both of the IPID themselves and their cooperation and cooperation with large and medium-sized enterprises. IPID cooperation is necessary to jointly address issues that cannot be resolved at the level of an individual firm, for example, issues related to a marked improvement in the use of fixed assets. It is easier for cooperating IPIDs to defend their own investment interests in relations with medium and large enterprises, with government bodies authorities at various levels. State support for such cooperation requires additional financial and other benefits for IPFAs that maintain stable economic relationships. Within the framework of associations (cooperation) of the IPFA in the regions, the solution of problems associated with the emergence of new small firms and their functioning can be accelerated. These are: legal registration, obtaining a loan, purchasing necessary equipment, recruitment, consulting, protection of IPFA interests, coordination of industrial relations with public and private companies. The development of such associations can be facilitated by the provision by federal and regional governments of orders to large and medium-sized enterprises with the condition of their obligation to cooperate with small firms, and to facilitate the acquisition and marketing of the latter's products. The development of small business in the innovation sphere can be facilitated by the integration of IPFA into the production structures of more powerful economic entities. A large enterprise can provide accounting assistance to MPID, advise on marketing strategies, organize management consultations and staff training. Stimulation of cooperation between the IPFA and medium and large ones can be carried out on the basis of the obligations of large enterprises to provide small firms with a certain share of orders for contract work. Financial and industrial groups can play a special role in solving this problem as part of the formation of a new corporate strategy and tactics by “implanting” small innovative firms into financial and industrial groups by using the advantages of small forms of organization of project business during technological transfer (inter-industry transfer and territorial diffusion domestic scientific and technical achievements). Leasing, franchising, long-term contracts for the supply of components under certain financial guarantees can be used as organizational forms of such integration. The advantage of such a variant of industrial organization will be the creation of guaranteed sales markets for IPID, especially in cases where financial and industrial groups make a breakthrough to export markets.

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Small business as the most important participant in the innovation process

Currently, developments in the field of innovation are widely carried out in all highly developed countries. As a rule, this most important function is assigned to small business.

Small innovative enterprises take part in the process aimed at applying the results of scientific research or other scientific and technical achievements in practice when creating a new or improved product, technological process. They bring research and development to the finished product, which is released to the market in small batches. Thus, small innovative enterprises play a connecting role between science, production and the market, promote innovative developments on the market.

Remark 1

Recently, small innovative enterprises created on the basis of higher educational institutions (business incubators, educational, scientific and innovative complexes, etc.) have become widespread. In fact, such enterprises are the link between science and the real sector of the country's economy. Small innovative enterprises created by higher educational institutions in order to commercialize the results of research and development, they are often called "spin-off enterprises" (translated from English, spin-off means "unwind").

The significant role of small enterprises in the innovation process is due to their greater competitiveness and dynamism. They develop the most modern facilities production and technology, acting as a strategic tool for modernization and a catalyst for economic development.

Innovative small business products

Thanks to the activities of small businesses, potential scientific and technological progress is embodied in new products and technologies. In other words, the end result of the innovative activity of small enterprises is innovation.

Definition 1

Innovation is an innovation in the field of engineering, technology, labor organization or management, which is based on the use of scientific achievements and best practices. Innovation is realized in the form of a new or significantly improved product.

Technical innovations include various product and technological innovations (the emergence of personal computers, mobile phones, various household appliances, various software, energy-saving technologies, etc.).

An example of economic innovation is the emergence of microfinance as an alternative to bank lending.

Organizational innovations include the introduction of new management methods in the economic activity of an enterprise, or in intra-corporate relations or relations of an enterprise with contractors. Such innovations include various activities aimed at improving the efficiency economic activity enterprises by reducing administrative costs, supply costs, improving the psychological climate in the team or training it. For example, the emergence of outsourcing, recruitment agencies, various educational and training centers, etc.

Advantages and disadvantages of creating small innovative enterprises

The following advantages of creating small innovative enterprises can be distinguished:

  • flexibility and speed of making managerial decisions;
  • fast adaptation to changing market requirements;
  • possibility of direct contact with consumers of innovative products;
  • the possibility of realizing the creative potential of employees;
  • increase in employment of the population and increase in tax collection, etc.

The disadvantages of creating small innovative enterprises are:

  • high level of risk;
  • competition from large firms;
  • difficulties in obtaining financing and lending;
  • focus on small groups of consumers, etc.

Thus, there are certain barriers in the innovation activity of small enterprises. Obviously, in order to stimulate active innovative entrepreneurial activity and the successful functioning of small innovative enterprises, state support is needed.
