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Invoice 981 dated 19.08. The price is determined by calculation: how to fill out an invoice







Government Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached changes that are made to the export rates customs duties on goods exported from the Russian Federation outside the states-participants of the Customs Union agreements, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 N "On approval of the rates of export customs duties on goods exported from the Russian Federation outside the states-participants of the Customs Union agreements, and on the invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (Sobranie zakonodatelstva Rossiyskoy Federatsii, 2013, N 36, art. 458 2; N 47, item 6109; N 52, item 7188; 2014, N 30, item 4324; N 31, item 4421; 2015, N 21, item 3106; N 23, item 3317; N 32, item 4774; N 40, item 55 67; 2016, N 35, item 5322; N 40, item 5747).

2. This resolution applies to legal relations that arose from September 1, 2017.

Prime Minister

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation





1. Positions classified by TN VED EAEU codes 4101 20 100 0 - 4103 30 000 0 shall be stated as follows:

200 euros for 1000 kg


200 euros for 1000 kg

dried or dry-salted

200 euros for 1000 kg

200 euros for 1000 kg

200 euros for 1000 kg


200 euros for 1000 kg

dried or dry-salted

200 euros for 1000 kg

200 euros for 1000 kg

other, including saddles, half-saddles and floors

200 euros for 1000 kg

200 euros for 1000 kg

200 euros for 1000 kg


200 euros for 1000 kg

200 euros for 1000 kg


200 euros for 1000 kg

200 euros for 1000 kg".

2. Items classified by EAEU TN VED codes 4103 90 100 0 and 4103 90 900 0 shall be excluded.

3. After the item classified by the TN VED EAEU code 4103 30 000 0, add the item with the following content:

200 euros for 1000 kg".

4. Items classified by EAEU TN VED codes 7204 10 000 0 - 7204 30 000 0 shall be stated as follows:

waste and scrap of foundry iron

5, but not less than 5 euros per 1000 kg

5, but not less than 5 euros per 1000 kg

waste and scrap of ferrous metals coated with a layer of tin

5. Items classified by EAEU TN VED codes 7204 41 910 0 - 7302 10 900 0 shall be stated as follows:


5, but not less than 5 euros per 1000 kg

5, but not less than 5 euros per 1000 kg

crushed (cut)

5, but not less than 5 euros per 1000 kg


5, but not less than 5 euros per 1000 kg

5, but not less than 5 euros per 1000 kg

ingots for remelting (charge ingots)

5, but not less than 5 euros per 1000 kg


5, but not less than 5 euros per 1000 kg".

6. Items classified by EAEU TN VED codes 7404 00 100 0 - 7404 00 990 0 shall be stated as follows:

refined copper

alloys based on copper and zinc (brass)

10, but not less than 84 euros per 1000 kg

10, but not less than 84 euros per 1000 kg".

7. Items classified by TN VED EAEU codes 7602 00 110 0 - 7902 00 000 0 shall be stated as follows:

turning shavings, cuttings, chips, milling waste, sawdust and trimming waste; waste of painted, with various coatings or bonded sheets and foil, thickness (not counting the base) not more than 0.2 mm

(including rejected items)

10, but not less than 76 euros per 1000 kg

lead waste and scrap

10, but not less than 35 euros per 1000 kg

zinc waste and scrap

10, but not less than 60 euros per 1000 kg.

8. The position classified by the TN VED EAEU code 8105 30 000 0 shall be stated in the following wording.

From October 1, 2017, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 No. 981 (hereinafter - Decree No. 981) amends the forms and rules for filling out (maintaining) documents used in VAT calculations, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137.

Decree No. 981 once again changes the form of the invoice and the form of the corrective invoice, supplementing them with the column “Product type code”. The new column will be filled in when selling goods exported outside the territory of the Russian Federation to the territory of a state - a member of the EAEU.

The form and rules for keeping a log of received and issued invoices are being specified. Now the rules clearly define the circle of persons who are obliged to keep a log book, and also establish the procedure for making corrections to the registration records of the log book. In addition, the rules prescribe in detail the procedure for registering invoices, customs declarations and applications for the import of goods and the payment of indirect taxes by freight forwarders and developers (customers), intermediaries - tax agents, as well as commission agents (agents) in the implementation of various business transactions.

With a slight clarification of the names of individual columns in the form of a purchase book, the approach to the rules for registering corrected invoices fundamentally changes. So, after Decree No. 981 comes into force, corrected invoices can be registered in the purchase book for the tax period in which the invoice was registered before the corrections were made to it.

The form of the sales book will be supplemented with two columns: "Registration number of the customs declaration" and "Code of the type of goods." But they will be filled only by a narrow circle of taxpayers: the first - by taxpayers of free customs zone on the territory of the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region, the second - by exporters of goods to the countries - members of the EAEU. The rules for maintaining the sales book will include the procedure for registering documents containing summary (consolidated) data on transactions made by the seller during the month (quarter).

Information system 1C:ITS is updated every day. Don't miss last news- Subscribe to the site's free newsletter.

  • relevance: Dozens of experts daily monitor changes in legislation and judicial practice;
  • right to choose: you subscribe only to those categories of news that you want to receive;
  • saving money and time: mailing is free, regardless of the presence of a 1C: ITS agreement and you do not need to select the news yourself;
  • confidentiality: your e-mail is not transferred to third parties;
  • preservation: all the most important remains in your mail, and is not lost in the wilds of the Internet.

A new form of invoices in the programs of the 1C: Enterprise system in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.08.2017 N 981

Updates of standard configurations of 1C:Enterprise9 programs with new forms of invoices for use from 01.10.2017 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.19.2017 N 981 have been released.

From October 1, 2017, the next changes in the form of an invoice, adjustment invoices, a book of purchases / sales, as well as a register of received and issued invoices approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 N 981, which amended Government Decree N1137 of December 26, 2011, come into force.

The TN VED code of the EAEU is a ten-digit nomenclature code according to the classifier approved by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated October 18, 2016 No. 101. The requirement to indicate the TN VED code when exporting goods to the EAEU was also valid earlier, but there was no separate column in the invoice form for this information. In this regard, the sellers indicated the code in other columns, for example, in the column with the name of the product.

Support for changes in 1C:Enterprise9 solutions

2. Until the end of November 2017, it is planned to change the form and rules for maintaining the book of purchases and sales, the journal of invoices.

Support for new invoices in 1C:Enterprise9 solutions

New invoice form with the ability to specify the Commodity Nomenclature code foreign economic activity EAEU in a separate column and other changes introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.08.2017 N 981 is implemented (planned) in the following typical 1C configurations:

Changes in the form and rules for maintaining the book of purchases and sales, the journal of invoices

  • TNVED code in the sales book.

can independently download configuration and platform updates from the site technical support 1С

  • ITS contract for 3 months - 9636 rubles
  • ITS contract for 6 months - 18600 rubles
  • ITS contract for 12 months - 35592 rubles.

Continuous renewal discount

You can conclude an agreement for the maintenance of 1C software products with our company even if you are in another region of the Russian Federation and the 1C program itself was purchased elsewhere! The only condition is that the program must be licensed. You can also go to us for service even if you have previously been serviced by another company. Access to download updates on the official website of technical support will be opened a few hours after payment for the ITS contract.

New printed invoice form from October 1, 2017, Changes in the invoice from October 1, 2017, New invoice form in the 1C program from October 1, 2017, New invoice form in 1C: Accounting from October 1, 2017, New invoice in 1C: Accounting from October 1, 2017, C invoice 10/01/2017 in 1C, New invoice template in 1C Accounting 3.0 from 10/01/2017, Updating the invoice in 1C: Accounting from October 1, 2017, Sample of a new invoice form in 1C: Accounting 8.3, Invoice of a new form in 1C: Accounting ed action 3.0 from 10/01/2017, Sample of a new invoice form in 1C: Accounting rev.2.0 from 10/01/2017, Printing the TNVED code in the EAEU in the 1C: Accounting invoice, New invoice form in the 1C program with the TN VED code in the EAEU, Invoice in 1C: Accounting with the code of the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union from 01.10.2017

Tags: Invoice from 10/01/2017 in the 1C program, New invoice in 1C from October 1, 2017, New invoice form in 1C programs from 10/01/2017, new invoice from October 2017, modified invoice form 10/01/2017, invoice from October 1, 2017, sample

Antivirus, Microsoft software

Servers, workstations

and network equipment

Courses for programmers

User Certificate Authority

1C: Specialist and 1C: Professional

450059, Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan

From October 1, 2017, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 2017 No. 981 puts into effect a new form of invoice, adjustment invoice, purchase / sales book, as well as a register of received and issued invoices. The invoice form was established by Government Decree No. 1137 of December 26, 2011 and has been repeatedly updated over the years.

Changes in the procedure for completing invoices

There are new columns in the invoice and adjustment invoice. Mandatory column 1a is entered into the invoice form. It reflects the code of the type of goods in accordance with the unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU. These data are indicated only for goods exported from Russia to the territory of a member state of the EAEU. The line is filled in by all sellers. If there are no such goods, a dash must be put in the new column. The requirement to indicate the TNVED code when exporting goods to the EAEU is still valid (clause 15, clause 5, article 169). But there is no separate column for this information in the document. In this regard, sellers indicate the code in other columns, for example, in 1, where the name of the product is noted. From October 1, an updated invoice form with an additional column 1a will be used.

The code of the type of goods in the adjustment invoice will need to be indicated in column 1b.

At the same time, the procedure for filling out column 11, which is now used for the number of the customs declaration, is changing. This column is filled in for goods whose country of origin is not the Russian Federation. From October 1, in column 11, instead of the number of the customs declaration, you must put the registration number of this declaration. These numbers vary.

The procedure for specifying a legal address on invoices is changing. From October 1, in lines 2a and 6a, it will be necessary to put down the full legal address with a postal code, which is indicated in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The use of address data from constituent documents will be considered an error.

Another innovation is that from October it will be possible to indicate in adjustment invoices Additional information, including the details of the primary document, provided that the form of the corrective invoice is saved. Such information is allowed to be entered in additional lines and columns.

Line 8 of invoices and line 5 of corrective invoices are also supplemented. Since July 1, 2017, they indicate the identifier of the state contract. From October 1, the line will be supplemented with a note that it is filled in only if there is a contract/agreement identifier.

A new form of the accounting journal of invoices, books of purchases and sales

From October 1, new forms of the register of received and issued invoices, books of purchases and books of sales are put into effect, and the procedure for filling them out is specified. New forms are subject to mandatory application by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs that carry out transactions with VAT.

The amendments determine that the register of received and issued invoices is kept only by intermediaries who act on the basis of commission agreements, agency agreements that provide for the sale and purchase of goods on behalf of a commission agent or agent. Also, the journal must be kept during the execution of transport expedition contracts, as well as when performing the functions of a developer.

The journal reflects only information about goods and services sold as part of intermediary transactions. That is, if the invoice contains own goods and goods sold under commission agreements, only data for the second group of goods should be entered in the journal.

At the same time, cases are being clarified when intermediaries may not keep a log book. Since October, the journal has not been kept in the following cases:

  • sale of goods and services by a commission agent (agent) to buyers who are exempt from VAT;
  • sale of goods and services by a commission agent (agent) to foreign buyers.

Invoices from October 1 are recorded in the accounting journal for the period in which the transaction occurred, and not in the period in which they were received or issued.

BUKH.1C opened a channel in the Telegram messenger. In this channel, we daily publish the most important news of the day for accountants and users of 1C programs. In order to become a channel subscriber, you need to install the Telegram messenger on your phone or tablet and join the channel: (or type @buhru in the search bar in Telegram).

News about taxes, accounting and 1C - quickly in your phone!

Also, from October 1, the form of the book of purchases and sales and the procedure for filling them out will change. Additional columns 3a and 3b will appear in the sales book. They will need to indicate the registration number of the customs declaration and the code of the type of goods according to the FEACN of the EAEU, respectively. Line 3a is filled in by residents of the SEZ in the Kaliningrad region in accordance with subparagraph 11 of paragraph 1 of Article 151 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. And line 3b is filled in by analogy with invoices only if sold in EAEU countries.

In the shopping book, the names of some columns have been changed. Instead of the column “Information about the intermediary (commission agent, agent)”, from October the column “Information about the intermediary (commission agent, agent, forwarder, person acting as a developer)” will appear. Instead of the “Customs Declaration Number” column, you will need to fill in the “Customs Declaration Registration Number” column.

Support for changes in 1C:Enterprise solutions

Support for the changes approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 No. 981 is planned in 2 stages:

  1. By October 1, 2017, a new invoice form will be implemented in 1C:Enterprise solutions.
  2. Until the end of November 2017, it is planned to change the form and rules for maintaining the book of purchases and sales, the journal of invoices.

In 1C:Enterprise 8 solutions, due to changes in the forms of books and magazines, it is planned to implement the following:

  • registration in the register of invoices received after the end of the tax period
  • changes in the journal entry of the mixed purchase invoice
  • reissuing by the commission agent for the purchase of the invoice of the tax agent
  • registration in the books of a single adjustment invoice
  • registration in the books of a repeated adjustment invoice
  • registration in the books of the consolidated invoice for the commission
  • indication of the details of the buyer and seller in the books
  • reference-calculation, summary document when calculating VAT
  • reflection of corrected invoices received in an additional sheet
  • TNVED code in the sales book.

You can find out more about the timing of the implementation of changes in

New forms of invoices (changed Decree 1137 dated November 26, 2011) Government Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017

They are connected as an external printing form with automatic registration in a standard way. Also added printing forms Universal Transfer Document (UPD) for UT 11, UNF;

Universal Correction Document (UKD) for UT 11.

Used for configuration:

Bonus s / f to 1C 7.7

The archive contains the following new printing forms (tested on many recent and old releases):

1. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 10)

2. UPD according to Decree No. 981 of 08/19/2017 (UT 10 UPD)

3. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 10), ed. 2

4. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 10), ed. 2 (corr.sf.)

5. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 of 08/19/2017 (UT 10 for very old releases from

6. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 11)

7. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 11), ed. 2 (UPD)

8. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 11), ed. 2 (UKD)

9. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 11), ed. 2 (SF)

10. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 11.3), ed. 3 (SF)

The form of the invoice used for VAT settlements was approved by Government Decree No. 1137 dated December 26, 2011. The last changes to the invoice form and adjustment invoice were made in 2017. Let's remember them.

Invoice from 07/01/2017

First, a new indicator was added to the invoice form, as well as the corrective invoice (Government Decree No. 625 dated May 25, 2017). It is placed after the line "Currency: name, code" and is called "Identifier of the state contract, agreement (agreement)".

This line must be filled in when issuing an invoice as part of:

  • state contract for the supply of goods (works, services);
  • contracts (agreements) on the provision of subsidies, budget investments, contributions to authorized capital from the federal budget.

The identifier of such a contract or agreement (agreement) should be indicated here if an identifier is assigned.

Invoice from 01.10.2017

The second update of the invoice in 2017 brought several changes at once (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 N 981):

  • a new column 1a "Product type code" appeared. In it, Russian exporters of goods to the EAEU countries must indicate the code of the type of goods. Such a code is determined according to the unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU. If there is no need to fill in this column, a dash is put in it;
  • the words “(if available”) were added to the line “Identifier of the state contract, agreement (agreement)”;
  • column 11 became known as "Customs Declaration Registration Number" (instead of "Customs Declaration Number"). Previously, it indicated the corresponding number for goods manufactured outside the Russian Federation. Now it must also be filled in for goods released by customs for domestic consumption on the territory of the SEZ in the Kaliningrad region;
  • at the bottom of the invoice it is indicated that it is signed by an individual entrepreneur or other authorized person. That is, there should no longer be disputes as to whether the entrepreneur can delegate his rights to sign invoices to someone else.

Similar changes were made to the form of the adjustment invoice. In addition, it is fixed that additional information can be specified in additional lines of the adjustment invoice.




The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached Rules for the implementation of operations for managing the balances of funds on the unified account of the federal budget and the reserve of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases in terms of the placement of federal budget funds and the reserve of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases on bank accounts in credit organizations and opening accounts for the implementation of such operations.

2. Determine that:

a) placement of funds from the federal budget and the reserve of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases on bank accounts in credit institutions is carried out by the Federal Treasury within the balance of funds on the unified account of the federal budget and the reserve of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases;

b) bank accounts may be opened in credit institutions if they meet the requirements established by the Rules approved by this resolution.

a) send proposals to the Federal Treasury on the maximum amount of federal budget funds and the reserve of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases that can be placed on bank accounts in credit organizations, and on the percentage rate for investing federal budget funds and the reserve of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases in a bank account with a credit institution or the procedure for calculating it;

b) provide the Federal Treasury with the information provided for in subparagraphs "a", "b" and "e" of paragraph 2 of the Rules approved by this resolution.

4. Submit to the Federal Treasury:

a) to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation information on the results of the placement of federal budget funds and the reserve of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases on bank accounts in credit institutions and the facts of non-fulfillment of obligations by credit institutions;

b) to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation information on the placement of federal budget funds and the reserve of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases on bank accounts in credit institutions in the manner established by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.

Prime Minister

Russian Federation



Government Decree

Russian Federation











1. These Rules establish requirements for credit institutions in which the Federal Treasury (a territorial body of the Federal Treasury) can open bank accounts for the placement of federal budget funds and a reserve of funds for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases (hereinafter referred to as funds), the procedure for opening bank accounts for such operations and the procedure for carrying out operations to manage balances on a single account of the federal budget and a reserve of funds for compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases. diseases in terms of placement by the Federal Treasury of funds on bank accounts in credit institutions.

2. Bank accounts for the placement of funds may be opened with credit institutions that meet the following requirements:

a) the credit institution is a bank with a universal license;

b) the credit institution has its own funds (capital) in the amount of at least 250 billion rubles according to the reports available in the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of the date of verification of the credit institution's compliance with the requirements provided for in subparagraphs "a" and "c" of this paragraph;

c) the presence of a credit institution under direct or indirect control Central Bank of the Russian Federation or the Russian Federation (a credit institution is included in the list of credit institutions posted by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on its official website in the information and telecommunications network "Internet" in accordance with part 3 of Article 2 federal law"On the opening of bank accounts and letters of credit, on the conclusion of bank deposit agreements, an agreement on maintaining a register of owners valuable papers business companies that are of strategic importance for the military-industrial complex and the security of the Russian Federation, and amending certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation") or the credit institution simultaneously having a credit rating of at least "A + (RU)" according to the national rating scale for the Russian Federation of the credit rating agency Analytical Credit Rating Agency ( Joint-Stock Company) and a credit rating not lower than "ruA+" according to the national rating scale for the Russian Federation of the credit rating agency Joint Stock Company "Rating Agency "Expert RA";

d) the credit institution does not have overdue debts on bank deposits previously placed with it by the Federal Treasury and unfulfilled obligations under repurchase agreements concluded with the Federal Treasury;

e) participation of a credit institution in the system of compulsory deposit insurance in banks of the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On Insurance of Deposits in Banks of the Russian Federation".

3. Bank accounts for the placement of funds are opened by the Federal Treasury (a territorial body of the Federal Treasury) in credit institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and regulations Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

4. The opening of a bank account with a credit institution for the placement of funds is carried out by the Federal Treasury (territorial body of the Federal Treasury):

a) with the establishment of a limit that determines the maximum allowable size funds within which federal budget funds can be placed on a bank account with a credit institution (hereinafter referred to as the limit on funds);

b) subject to the accrual and payment of interest on the balance of funds in the bank account;

c) subject to the placement of federal budget funds without determining the placement period, imposing restrictions on replenishment of a bank account within the limit on funds and on the return of funds;

d) with the condition of establishing minimum size amounts Money kept on the account, or without establishing a minimum amount of funds kept on the account.

5. For the purpose of concluding a bank account agreement, the Federal Treasury determines:

a) a limit on funds;

b) the interest rate for placing funds in a bank account with a credit institution or the procedure for calculating the interest rate using proposals from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and in agreement with the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation;

c) conditions for accrual and payment of interest on the balance of funds in a bank account;

d) terms of settlement services, including the terms of crediting funds to a bank account and returning funds;

e) validity period of the bank account agreement.

6. For the purpose of placing funds on bank accounts with credit institutions, the Federal Treasury determines the amount of funds placed on a bank account with a credit institution within the limit on funds, the date the funds are credited to the bank account, and the date the funds are returned.

The parameters specified in this paragraph are determined by the Federal Treasury:

to place balances of funds on the unified account of the federal budget on the basis of cash planning data for the execution of the federal budget and data on the state of the unified account of the federal budget, taking into account proposals from the Central Bank of the Russian Federation;

to place a reserve of funds for the implementation of compulsory social insurance against industrial accidents and occupational diseases, taking into account the proposals of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

7. Funds shall be placed by the Federal Treasury on bank accounts opened with credit institutions, if the credit institutions comply with the requirements specified in paragraph 2 of these Rules.

If the credit institution in which the bank account is opened does not comply with the requirements provided for in paragraph 2 of these Rules for 35 consecutive days, the Federal Treasury shall not place funds in the bank account until the day the credit institution complies with the specified requirements.

8. The bank account agreement is subject to termination and a bank account opened with a credit institution for the placement of funds is subject to early closure if the credit institution does not comply with the requirements provided for in paragraph 2 of these Rules for 100 consecutive days.

9. Information on the results of placement of funds in bank accounts with credit institutions shall be posted by the Federal Treasury in accordance with the procedure established by it on its website in the information and telecommunications network "Internet".

From October 1, 2017, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 No. 981 (hereinafter - Decree No. 981) amends the forms and rules for filling out (maintaining) documents used in VAT calculations, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137.

Decree No. 981 once again changes the form of the invoice and the form of the corrective invoice, supplementing them with the column “Product type code”. The new column will be filled in when selling goods exported outside the territory of the Russian Federation to the territory of a state - a member of the EAEU.

The form and rules for keeping a log of received and issued invoices are being specified. Now the rules clearly define the circle of persons who are obliged to keep a log book, and also establish the procedure for making corrections to the registration records of the log book. In addition, the rules prescribe in detail the procedure for registering invoices, customs declarations and applications for the import of goods and the payment of indirect taxes by freight forwarders and developers (customers), intermediaries - tax agents, as well as commission agents (agents) in the implementation of various business transactions.

With a slight clarification of the names of individual columns in the form of a purchase book, the approach to the rules for registering corrected invoices fundamentally changes. So, after Decree No. 981 comes into force, corrected invoices can be registered in the purchase book for the tax period in which the invoice was registered before the corrections were made to it.

The form of the sales book will be supplemented with two columns: "Registration number of the customs declaration" and "Code of the type of goods." But they will be filled only by a narrow circle of taxpayers: the first - by taxpayers of the free customs zone on the territory of the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region, the second - by exporters of goods to the countries - members of the EAEU. The rules for maintaining the sales book will include the procedure for registering documents containing summary (consolidated) data on transactions made by the seller during the month (quarter).

Information system 1C:ITS is updated every day. Do not miss the latest news - subscribe to the site's free newsletter.

  • relevance: dozens of experts daily monitor changes in legislation and judicial practice;
  • right to choose: you subscribe only to those categories of news that you want to receive;
  • saving money and time: mailing is free, regardless of the presence of a 1C: ITS agreement and you do not need to select the news yourself;
  • confidentiality: your e-mail is not transferred to third parties;
  • preservation: all the most important remains in your mail, and is not lost in the wilds of the Internet.

A new form of invoices in the programs of the 1C: Enterprise system in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.08.2017 N 981

Updates of standard configurations of 1C:Enterprise9 programs with new forms of invoices for use from 01.10.2017 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.19.2017 N 981 have been released.

Support for changes in 1C:Enterprise9 solutions

2. Until the end of November 2017, it is planned to change the form and rules for maintaining the book of purchases and sales, the journal of invoices.

Support for new invoices in 1C:Enterprise9 solutions

A new invoice form with the ability to indicate the code of the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU in a separate column and other changes introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 N 981 is implemented (planned) in the following standard 1C configurations:

Changes in the form and rules for maintaining the book of purchases and sales, the journal of invoices

  • TNVED code in the sales book.

can independently download configuration and platform updates from the 1C technical support website

You can conclude an agreement for the maintenance of 1C software products with our company even if you are in another region of the Russian Federation and the 1C program itself was purchased elsewhere! The only condition is that the program must be licensed. You can also go to us for service even if you have previously been serviced by another company. Access to download updates on the official website of technical support will be opened a few hours after payment for the ITS contract.

New printed invoice form from October 1, 2017, Changes in the invoice from October 1, 2017, New invoice form in the 1C program from October 1, 2017, New invoice form in 1C: Accounting from October 1, 2017, New invoice in 1C: Accounting from October 1, 2017, C invoice 10/01/2017 in 1C, New invoice template in 1C Accounting 3.0 from 10/01/2017, Updating the invoice in 1C: Accounting from October 1, 2017, Sample of a new invoice form in 1C: Accounting 8.3, Invoice of a new form in 1C: Accounting ed action 3.0 from 10/01/2017, Sample of a new invoice form in 1C: Accounting rev.2.0 from 10/01/2017, Printing the TNVED code in the EAEU in the 1C: Accounting invoice, New invoice form in the 1C program with the TN VED code in the EAEU, Invoice in 1C: Accounting with the code of the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union from 01.10.2017

Tags: Invoice from 10/01/2017 in the 1C program, New invoice in 1C from October 1, 2017, New invoice form in 1C programs from 10/01/2017, new invoice from October 2017, modified invoice form 10/01/2017, invoice from October 1, 2017, sample

Antivirus, Microsoft software

Servers, workstations

and network equipment

Courses for programmers

User Certificate Authority

1C: Specialist and 1C: Professional

450059, Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan

The form of the invoice used for VAT settlements was approved by Government Decree No. 1137 dated December 26, 2011. The last changes to the invoice form and adjustment invoice were made in 2017. Let's remember them.

Invoice from 07/01/2017

First, a new indicator was added to the invoice form, as well as the corrective invoice (Government Decree No. 625 dated May 25, 2017). It is placed after the line "Currency: name, code" and is called "Identifier of the state contract, agreement (agreement)".

This line must be filled in when issuing an invoice as part of:

  • state contract for the supply of goods (works, services);
  • contracts (agreements) on the provision of subsidies, budget investments, contributions to the authorized capital from the federal budget.

The identifier of such a contract or agreement (agreement) should be indicated here if an identifier is assigned.

Invoice from 01.10.2017

The second update of the invoice in 2017 brought several changes at once (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 N 981):

  • a new column 1a "Product type code" appeared. In it, Russian exporters of goods to the EAEU countries must indicate the code of the type of goods. Such a code is determined according to the unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU. If there is no need to fill in this column, a dash is put in it;
  • the words “(if available”) were added to the line “Identifier of the state contract, agreement (agreement)”;
  • column 11 became known as "Customs Declaration Registration Number" (instead of "Customs Declaration Number"). Previously, it indicated the corresponding number for goods manufactured outside the Russian Federation. Now it must also be filled in for goods released by customs for domestic consumption on the territory of the SEZ in the Kaliningrad region;
  • at the bottom of the invoice it is indicated that it is signed by an individual entrepreneur or other authorized person. That is, there should no longer be disputes as to whether the entrepreneur can delegate his rights to sign invoices to someone else.

Similar changes were made to the form of the adjustment invoice. In addition, it is fixed that additional information can be specified in additional lines of the adjustment invoice.

This form of invoice is applicable from 01.10.2017.

You can download the invoice form through the ConsultantPlus system.

Invoice in 2019

During 2018, the invoice did not change, which means that in 2019 it is necessary to apply the form used from 01.10.2017.

From October 1, 2017, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 2017 No. 981 puts into effect a new form of invoice, adjustment invoice, purchase / sales book, as well as a register of received and issued invoices. The invoice form was established by Government Decree No. 1137 of December 26, 2011 and has been repeatedly updated over the years.

Changes in the procedure for completing invoices

There are new columns in the invoice and adjustment invoice. Mandatory column 1a is entered into the invoice form. It reflects the code of the type of goods in accordance with the unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU. These data are indicated only for goods exported from Russia to the territory of a member state of the EAEU. The line is filled in by all sellers. If there are no such goods, a dash must be put in the new column. The requirement to indicate the TNVED code when exporting goods to the EAEU is still valid (clause 15, clause 5, article 169). But there is no separate column for this information in the document. In this regard, sellers indicate the code in other columns, for example, in 1, where the name of the product is noted. From October 1, an updated invoice form with an additional column 1a will be used.

The code of the type of goods in the adjustment invoice will need to be indicated in column 1b.

A new form of the accounting journal of invoices, books of purchases and sales

From October 1, new forms of the register of received and issued invoices, books of purchases and books of sales are put into effect, and the procedure for filling them out is specified. New forms are subject to mandatory application by all organizations and individual entrepreneurs that carry out transactions with VAT.

The amendments determine that the register of received and issued invoices is kept only by intermediaries who act on the basis of commission agreements, agency agreements that provide for the sale and purchase of goods on behalf of a commission agent or agent. Also, the journal must be kept during the execution of transport expedition contracts, as well as when performing the functions of a developer.

The journal reflects only information about goods and services sold as part of intermediary transactions. That is, if the invoice contains own goods and goods sold under commission agreements, only data for the second group of goods should be entered in the journal.

At the same time, cases are being clarified when intermediaries may not keep a log book. Since October, the journal has not been kept in the following cases:

  • sale of goods and services by a commission agent (agent) to buyers who are exempt from VAT;
  • sale of goods and services by a commission agent (agent) to foreign buyers.

Invoices from October 1 are recorded in the accounting journal for the period in which the transaction occurred, and not in the period in which they were received or issued.

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Also, from October 1, the form of the book of purchases and sales and the procedure for filling them out will change. Additional columns 3a and 3b will appear in the sales book. They will need to indicate the registration number of the customs declaration and the code of the type of goods according to the FEACN of the EAEU, respectively. Line 3a is filled in by residents of the SEZ in the Kaliningrad region in accordance with subparagraph 11 of paragraph 1 of Article 151 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. And line 3b is filled in by analogy with invoices only in case of sale to the EAEU countries.

In the shopping book, the names of some columns have been changed. Instead of the column “Information about the intermediary (commission agent, agent)”, from October the column “Information about the intermediary (commission agent, agent, forwarder, person acting as a developer)” will appear. Instead of the “Customs Declaration Number” column, you will need to fill in the “Customs Declaration Registration Number” column.

Support for changes in 1C:Enterprise solutions

Support for the changes approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 No. 981 is planned in 2 stages:

  1. By October 1, 2017, a new invoice form will be implemented in 1C:Enterprise solutions.
  2. Until the end of November 2017, it is planned to change the form and rules for maintaining the book of purchases and sales, the journal of invoices.

In 1C:Enterprise 8 solutions, due to changes in the forms of books and magazines, it is planned to implement the following:

  • registration in the register of invoices received after the end of the tax period
  • changes in the journal entry of the mixed purchase invoice
  • reissuing by the commission agent for the purchase of the invoice of the tax agent
  • registration in the books of a single adjustment invoice
  • registration in the books of a repeated adjustment invoice
  • registration in the books of the consolidated invoice for the commission
  • indication of the details of the buyer and seller in the books
  • reference-calculation, summary document when calculating VAT
  • reflection of corrected invoices received in an additional sheet
  • TNVED code in the sales book.

You can find out more about the timing of the implementation of changes in

Updates of standard configurations of 1C:Enterprise programs have been released with new forms of invoices for use from 10/01/2017 in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08/19/2017 N 981.

From October 1, 2017, the next changes in the form of an invoice, adjustment invoices, a book of purchases / sales, as well as a register of received and issued invoices approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 N 981, which amended Government Decree N1137 of December 26, 2011, come into force.

There are new columns in the invoice and adjustment invoice. Mandatory column 1a is entered into the invoice form. It reflects the code of the type of goods in accordance with the unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union. These data are indicated only in relation to goods exported from Russia to the territory of a state - a member of the EAEU. If there are no such goods, a dash must be put in the new column.

The TN VED code of the EAEU is a ten-digit nomenclature code according to the classifier approved by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated October 18, 2016 No. 101. The requirement to indicate the TN VED code when exporting goods to the EAEU was also valid earlier, but there was no separate column in the invoice form for this information. In this regard, the sellers indicated the code in other columns, for example, in the column with the name of the product.

The code of the type of goods in the adjustment invoice will need to be indicated in column 1b.

At the same time, the procedure for filling out column 11, which is now used for the number of the customs declaration, is changing. This column is filled in for goods whose country of origin is not the Russian Federation. From October 1, in column 11, instead of the number of the customs declaration, you must put the registration number of this declaration. These numbers vary.

The procedure for specifying a legal address on invoices is changing. From October 1, in lines 2a and 6a, it will be necessary to put down the full legal address with a postal code, which is indicated in the extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. The use of address data from constituent documents will be considered an error.

Another innovation is that from October it will be possible to specify additional information in adjustment invoices, including the details of the primary document, provided that the form of the adjustment invoice is retained. Such information is allowed to be entered in additional lines and columns.

Line 8 of invoices and line 5 of corrective invoices are also supplemented. Since July 1, 2017, they indicate the identifier of the state contract. From October 1, the line will be supplemented with a note that it is filled in only if there is a contract/agreement identifier.

Support for changes in 1C:Enterprise solutions

Support for the changes approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 No. 981 in 1C programs is planned in 2 stages:
1. By October 1, 2017, a new invoice form will be implemented in 1C:Enterprise solutions.
2. Until the end of November 2017, it is planned to change the form and rules for maintaining the book of purchases and sales, the journal of invoices.

Support for new invoices in 1C:Enterprise solutions

A new invoice form with the ability to indicate the code of the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU in a separate column and other changes introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 N 981 is implemented (planned) in the following standard 1C configurations:

  • 1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 3.0 (implemented
  • 1C: Enterprise Accounting, edition 2.0 (implemented
  • 1C: Accounting department of the enterprise CORP, edition 3.0 (implemented
  • 1C: Integrated Automation, edition 2.2 (implemented
  • 1C: Integrated Automation, edition 1.1 (implemented
  • 1С:ERP Enterprise management, edition 2.2 (implemented
  • 1C: Management manufacturing plant, revision 1.3 (implemented
  • 1C: Holding management, edition 1.3
  • 1c accounting public institution", revision 2.0 (implemented
  • 1C: Accounting department of a state institution", edition 1.0 (implemented
  • 1C: Management of our company, edition 1.6 (implemented
  • 1C: Trade Management, edition 11 (implemented
  • 1C: Trade management, edition 10.3 (implemented
  • 1C: Payment documents 8 (implemented
  • 1C: Accounting 7.7 Prof. typical configuration (implemented 7.70.638)
  • 1C: Accounting 7.7 Simplified taxation system (implemented 7.70.280)
  • 1C:Entrepreneur 7.7 (implemented 7.70.282)
  • 1C: Trade and Warehouse 7.7 (implemented 7.70.992)
  • 1C:Enterprise 7.7. Production+Services+Accounting (implemented 7.70.384)
  • 1С:Enterprise 7.7 Accounting + Trade + Warehouse + Salary + Personnel, edition 4.5 (implemented 7.70.567)

A new invoice form that meets the new requirements in standard 1C configurations will be generated automatically if the document date is 10/01/2017 or later. Documents with a date earlier than 07/01/2017 will be printed in the old form.

Changes in the form and rules for maintaining the book of purchases and sales, the journal of invoices

In 1C:Enterprise 8 solutions, due to changes in the forms of books and magazines, it is planned to implement the following:

  • registration in the register of invoices received after the end of the tax period
  • changes in the journal entry of the mixed purchase invoice
  • reissuing by the commission agent for the purchase of the invoice of the tax agent
  • registration in the books of a single adjustment invoice
  • registration in the books of a repeated adjustment invoice
  • registration in the books of the consolidated invoice for the commission
  • indication of the details of the buyer and seller in the books
  • reference-calculation, summary document when calculating VAT
  • reflection of corrected invoices received in an additional sheet
  • TNVED code in the sales book.

How to get updates

Users of basic versions of 1C: Accounting 8:

The cost of the ITS agreement

  • ITS contract for 3 months - 9636 rubles
  • ITS contract for 6 months - 18600 rubles
  • ITS contract for 12 months - 35592 rubles.
Continuous renewal discount

If no more than 1 month has passed since the end of the ITS Agreement, then a 16.66% discount is provided for the renewal of the ITS Agreement:

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Company "Online", 2017

The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

1. Approve the attached changes that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation.

2. Recognize as invalid subparagraph "b", paragraphs two and three of subparagraph "c" of paragraph 1 of the changes that are made to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 N 1137, approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 28, 2013 N 446 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 N 1137" (Collection of Legislation Russian Federation, 2013, N 22, article 2826).

3. This Resolution shall enter into force upon the expiration of one month from the date of its official publication and not earlier than the 1st day of the next tax period for value added tax.

Government Decree
Russian Federation
dated August 19, 2017 N 981

Changes that are made to the acts of the Government of the Russian Federation

1. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 N 1137 "On the forms and rules for filling out (maintenance) of documents used in the calculation of value added tax" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2012, N 3, art. 417; 2013, N 22, art. 2826; N 44, art. 5753; 2014, N 32, item 4508; N 50, item 7071; 2017, N 23, item 3324):

a) point 3 shall be stated in the following wording:

"3. Federal body executive power authorized for control and supervision in the field of taxes and fees, to approve the codes of the types of value added tax transactions necessary to maintain the purchase book, an additional sheet to it, a sales book, an additional sheet to it, as well as a register of received and issued invoices used in the calculation of value added tax.

b) in Appendix No. 1 to the said resolution:

Section I shall be amended as follows:

I. Form of the invoice used in the calculation of value added tax

INVOICE N ___ from "__" __________________ (1)

CORRECTION N ___ from "__" _____________________ (1a)

Seller _____________________________________________________________ (2)

Address ________________________________________________________________ (2а)

TIN / KPP of the seller _____________________________________________________ (2b)

Shipper and address _______________________________________________ (3)

Consignee and his address __________________________________________ (4)

To payment and settlement document N _________ dated _______________________ (5)

Buyer ___________________________________________________________ (6)

Address ________________________________________________________________ (6а)

TIN / KPP of the buyer ___________________________________________________ (6b)

Currency: name, code _____________________________________________ (7)

Identifier of the state contract, contract (agreement) (if any) ____________________(8)

Name of goods (description of work performed, services rendered), property right

Product type code


Quantity (volume)

Price (tariff) per unit of measurement

Cost of goods (works, services), property rights without tax - total

including excise tax

tax rate

The amount of tax charged to the buyer

Cost of goods (works, services), property rights with tax - total

Country of origin of goods

Registration number of the customs declaration

codesymbol (national)digital codeshort title
1 1a2 2a3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 10a11
Total payable

in section II:

in paragraph 1:

subparagraph "a" shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"In the event that a freight forwarder, developer or customer acting as a developer acquires property rights from one or more sellers of goods (works, services), property rights on its own behalf, the invoice drawn up by the forwarder, developer or customer performing the functions of a developer shall indicate the number and date of the invoice in accordance with its individual chronology of the preparation of invoices;";

subparagraph "c" shall be supplemented with the following paragraph:

"When drawing up an invoice by a freight forwarder, developer or customer performing the functions of a developer, acquiring goods (works, services), property rights from one or more sellers on their own behalf, the full or abbreviated name of the seller is indicated - legal entity(forwarder, developer or customer acting as developer) in accordance with the constituent documents, last name, first name, patronymic individual entrepreneur(forwarder, developer or customer acting as developer);";

subparagraph "d" shall be stated in the following wording:

"d) in line 2a - the address (for legal entities) indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, within the location of the legal entity, the place of residence (for individual entrepreneurs) indicated in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

When drawing up invoices by tax agents, provided for in paragraph 2 of Article 161 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the location of the seller (according to the agreement with the tax agent), for which the tax agent fulfills the obligation to pay tax, is indicated.

When drawing up invoices by tax agents, provided for in paragraph 3 of Article 161 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the address indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is indicated within the location of the legal entity (according to the agreement with the tax agent), for which the tax agent fulfills the obligation to pay tax.

When drawing up an invoice, a commission agent (agent) who purchases goods (works, services), property rights on his own behalf, indicates the address of the seller indicated in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, within the location of the legal entity, the place of residence of an individual entrepreneur, indicated in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

When drawing up an invoice by a forwarder, developer or customer acting as a developer, acquiring goods (works, services), property rights from one or more sellers, property rights on their own behalf, the address of the forwarder, developer or customer performing the functions of the developer, specified in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, within the location of the legal entity, the place of residence of the individual entrepreneur (forwarder, developer or customer performing the functions of the developer), specified in the Unified state register of individual entrepreneurs;";

From October 1, 2017, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 No. 981 (hereinafter - Decree No. 981) amends the forms and rules for filling out (maintaining) documents used in VAT calculations, approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137.

Decree No. 981 once again changes the form of the invoice and the form of the corrective invoice, supplementing them with the column “Product type code”. The new column will be filled in when selling goods exported outside the territory of the Russian Federation to the territory of a state - a member of the EAEU.

The form and rules for keeping a log of received and issued invoices are being specified. Now the rules clearly define the circle of persons who are obliged to keep a log book, and also establish the procedure for making corrections to the registration records of the log book. In addition, the rules prescribe in detail the procedure for registering invoices, customs declarations and applications for the import of goods and the payment of indirect taxes by freight forwarders and developers (customers), intermediaries - tax agents, as well as commission agents (agents) in the implementation of various business transactions.

With a slight clarification of the names of individual columns in the form of a purchase book, the approach to the rules for registering corrected invoices fundamentally changes. So, after Decree No. 981 comes into force, corrected invoices can be registered in the purchase book for the tax period in which the invoice was registered before the corrections were made to it.

The form of the sales book will be supplemented with two columns: "Registration number of the customs declaration" and "Code of the type of goods." But they will be filled only by a narrow circle of taxpayers: the first - by taxpayers of the free customs zone on the territory of the Special Economic Zone in the Kaliningrad Region, the second - by exporters of goods to the countries - members of the EAEU. The rules for maintaining the sales book will include the procedure for registering documents containing summary (consolidated) data on transactions made by the seller during the month (quarter).

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A new form of invoices in the programs of the 1C: Enterprise system in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 19.08.2017 N 981

Updates of standard configurations of 1C:Enterprise9 programs with new forms of invoices for use from 01.10.2017 in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 08.19.2017 N 981 have been released.

From October 1, 2017, the next changes in the form of an invoice, adjustment invoices, a book of purchases / sales, as well as a register of received and issued invoices approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 N 981, which amended Government Decree N1137 of December 26, 2011, come into force.

The TN VED code of the EAEU is a ten-digit nomenclature code according to the classifier approved by the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission dated October 18, 2016 No. 101. The requirement to indicate the TN VED code when exporting goods to the EAEU was also valid earlier, but there was no separate column in the invoice form for this information. In this regard, the sellers indicated the code in other columns, for example, in the column with the name of the product.

The code of the type of goods in the adjustment invoice will need to be indicated in column 1b.

Support for changes in 1C:Enterprise9 solutions

2. Until the end of November 2017, it is planned to change the form and rules for maintaining the book of purchases and sales, the journal of invoices.

Support for new invoices in 1C:Enterprise9 solutions

A new invoice form with the ability to indicate the code of the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU in a separate column and other changes introduced by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 N 981 is implemented (planned) in the following standard 1C configurations:

Changes in the form and rules for maintaining the book of purchases and sales, the journal of invoices

  • registration in the register of invoices received after the end of the tax period
  • changes in the journal entry of the mixed purchase invoice
  • reissuing by the commission agent for the purchase of the invoice of the tax agent
  • registration in the books of a single adjustment invoice
  • registration in the books of a repeated adjustment invoice
  • registration in the books of the consolidated invoice for the commission
  • indication of the details of the buyer and seller in the books
  • reference-calculation, summary document when calculating VAT
  • reflection of corrected invoices received in an additional sheet
  • TNVED code in the sales book.

can independently download configuration and platform updates from the 1C technical support website

  • ITS contract for 3 months - 9636 rubles
  • ITS contract for 6 months - 18600 rubles
  • ITS contract for 12 months - 35592 rubles.

Continuous renewal discount

You can conclude an agreement for the maintenance of 1C software products with our company even if you are in another region of the Russian Federation and the 1C program itself was purchased elsewhere! The only condition is that the program must be licensed. You can also go to us for service even if you have previously been serviced by another company. Access to download updates on the official website of technical support will be opened a few hours after payment for the ITS contract.

New printed invoice form from October 1, 2017, Changes in the invoice from October 1, 2017, New invoice form in the 1C program from October 1, 2017, New invoice form in 1C: Accounting from October 1, 2017, New invoice in 1C: Accounting from October 1, 2017, C invoice 10/01/2017 in 1C, New invoice template in 1C Accounting 3.0 from 10/01/2017, Updating the invoice in 1C: Accounting from October 1, 2017, Sample of a new invoice form in 1C: Accounting 8.3, Invoice of a new form in 1C: Accounting ed action 3.0 from 10/01/2017, Sample of a new invoice form in 1C: Accounting rev.2.0 from 10/01/2017, Printing the TNVED code in the EAEU in the 1C: Accounting invoice, New invoice form in the 1C program with the TN VED code in the EAEU, Invoice in 1C: Accounting with the code of the Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the Eurasian Economic Union from 01.10.2017

Tags: Invoice from 10/01/2017 in the 1C program, New invoice in 1C from October 1, 2017, New invoice form in 1C programs from 10/01/2017, new invoice from October 2017, modified invoice form 10/01/2017, invoice from October 1, 2017, sample

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450059, Russia, Republic of Bashkortostan

New forms of invoices have been issued as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 19, 2017 No. 981.

This is the second update of invoice forms in 2017.

In this delivery, the forms of 4 documents Invoice, invoice, waybill, act in MS Excel format and in LibreOffice (OpenOffice) format are updated.

Also, 2 more versions of the invoice form have been updated: a separate form in Excel and a form in HTML format.

The forms of the Universal Transfer Document (UPD) have also been updated.

Description of new forms.

Invoice, Invoice, Invoice, Act - Excel 2017

This is a variant of the form in which 4 documents are formed at once: an invoice for payment, an invoice, a consignment note TORG-12, an act of acceptance of work (services). Documents are generated simultaneously on different sheets in one Excel workbook. To use the form, the MS Office package must be installed and activated on the computer, starting with version 2003. The Starter version is not suitable.

After the formation of documents in the Torg-12 invoice, the document is divided into pages and page amounts are calculated for it. On some computers, this may cause a delay in the generation of documents. To disable the calculation of page amounts, you need to remove the call ex.Run("CalcItogi") in the form, and in the plat7.xls template, in the sheet properties for Torg-12, remove through lines.

The form is available for the order invoice and in the section retail.

Invoice, Invoice, Invoice LibreOffice 2017

These forms require the free LibreOffice or OpenOffice package to be installed on your computer. 4 documents are generated at once: an invoice for payment, an invoice, a consignment note TORG-12, an act of acceptance of works (services). Documents are formed simultaneously on different sheets.

The form is available for an order invoice and in the retail section, as well as for printing incoming documents on behalf of the supplier.

Invoice 2017 Excel

This invoice form in Excel is for an order invoice.

Invoice 2017 html

This is a lightweight html invoice form. It is opened by the VVSHTML.EXE utility, which has been supplied with the program since 2013.

This form is generated faster than the Excel version and does not require MS Office to be installed on the computer. Before printing, the document can be edited. Supports saving the document in PDF format.

UPD 2017 (Universal transfer document)

The document can replace the invoice, waybill TORG-12, waybill. You can print this form in the invoicing window for orders and for retail sales.

Adding new printables to our program is easy. Registered users of the program receive new printed forms of documents and reports by E-Mail. If you purchased our program and you do not receive updates by e-mail, then.

New forms of invoices (changed Decree 1137 dated November 26, 2011) Government Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017

They are connected as an external printing form with automatic registration in a standard way. Also added printing forms Universal Transfer Document (UPD) for UT 11, UNF;

Universal Correction Document (UKD) for UT 11.

Used for configuration:

Bonus s / f to 1C 7.7

The archive contains the following new printing forms (tested on many recent and old releases):

1. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 10)

2. UPD according to Decree No. 981 of 08/19/2017 (UT 10 UPD)

3. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 10), ed. 2

4. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 10), ed. 2 (corr.sf.)

5. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 of 08/19/2017 (UT 10 for very old releases from

6. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 11)

7. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 11), ed. 2 (UPD)

8. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 11), ed. 2 (UKD)

9. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 11), ed. 2 (SF)

10. Invoice according to Decree No. 981 dated August 19, 2017 (UT 11.3), ed. 3 (SF)

Since October 1, 2017, a new form of invoice has been applied. What has changed in the form? Why did you need to make adjustments? Have the changes affected the form of adjustment invoices? Is it true that new rules for filling and storing invoices are coming into effect? Let's talk about what new fields have been added to the invoice and give a sample filling. You can also download a new form (already subject to amendments).

What are invoices for: basic knowledge

An invoice is a documentary basis for the buyer to accept the VAT amounts presented by the seller for deduction (reimbursement). This follows from paragraph 1 of Article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. An invoice is required by tax legislation to be issued every time when goods, works, services or property rights are sold. Invoices can be generated on paper or in in electronic format. The paper form and the rules for filling it out are defined in Appendix No. 1 to Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 26, 2011 No. 1137 approved the current forms and Rules for filling out (maintaining) the following documents used in VAT calculations:

  • invoices (Appendix No. 1);
  • corrective invoice (Appendix No. 2);
  • register of received and issued invoices (Appendix No. 3);
  • purchase books (Appendix No. 4);
  • sales books (Appendix No. 5).

If the seller wishes to send invoices to buyers electronically, the buyer is required to agree to this. At the same time, the means of receiving, exchanging and processing invoices in electronic form of the seller and buyer must be compatible. They must comply with the established formats (paragraph 2, clause 1, article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Invoices in electronic form are issued and received in the manner approved by the Order of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated November 10, 2015 No. 174n.

Another change in the form of the invoice

From October 1, 2017, the form of the invoice has changed again. Now the amendments are provided for by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated August 19, 2017 No. 981. You can download this document at.

What exactly has changed in the invoice form

Now let's talk in detail about the changes in the invoice from October 1, 2017. We have highlighted the main ones.

Added a new column "Product type code"

From October 1, 2017, a new column 1a "Product type code" appeared in the invoice form. It must be filled out by organizations exporting goods outside the Russian Federation to the EAEU countries. The code for the type of goods will need to be indicated in accordance with the unified Commodity Nomenclature for Foreign Economic Activity of the EAEU.

The code of the type of goods according to the commodity nomenclature of foreign economic activity was required to be shown in invoices before October 1 (subclause 15, clause 5, article 169 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). However, there was no special column for this before, so the product code was usually indicated in column 1 - after the name of the goods.

Note that in the absence of data in the new column "Code of the type of goods" from October 1, 2017, a dash is put down.

Provided a column for the signature of an authorized person

From October 1, 2017, a new column appeared in the invoice form for the signature of an authorized person signing the invoice for the entrepreneur. Previously, such columns were in the invoice exclusively for the signatures of persons who sign for the head or chief accountant.

If signatures on the invoice are put by authorized persons, then the transfer of authority must be formalized by order of the head or a power of attorney on behalf of the organization. As for an individual entrepreneur, the person authorized by him has the right to sign documents only on the basis of a power of attorney certified by a notary.

Clarified the title of column 11

Previously, column 11 in the invoice was called "Customs Declaration Number". However, since October 1, 2017, the name of this column has been clarified. Now it is called "Customs Declaration Registration Number". That is, in column 11, instead of the number of the customs declaration, now its registration number should be given. Please note that these are different numbers.

The registration number of the customs declaration and the number of the customs declaration are different. This follows from the joint Order of the State Customs Committee of the Russian Federation No. 543, the Ministry of Taxes of the Russian Federation No. BG-3-11 / 240 of 06/23/2000.

Column 8 brought into line with the rules

As we have already said, from July 1, 2017, column 8 appeared in the invoice form, in which you need to indicate the identifier of the state contract. From October 1, 2017, in line 8 there will be a clarification about the need to fill it out if you have a government contract identifier. This change is technical, because the rules for filling out an invoice already provide for this.

You can free download new form invoice in Word format, which applies from October 1, 2017, to this.

There are rules for forwarders

Since October 1, 2017, the procedure for filling out an invoice has been supplemented with new provisions. They are applied in cases where the invoice is drawn up by a forwarder, developer or customer acting as a developer, when acquiring property rights from one or more sellers of goods (works, services) on their own behalf.

So, in particular, from October 1, 2017, the procedure for compiling invoices for freight forwarders who organize transportation by third-party companies was prescribed. Prior to that, there were no rules for them. Therefore, freight forwarders filled out invoices according to the rules established for commission agents (letters of the Ministry of Finance of Russia dated 10.01.2013 No. 03-07-09 / 01).

A freight forwarder who organizes transportation by third-party carriers is entitled to draw up "consolidated" invoices. In them, it reflects the data of invoices received from performing carriers. Under the new rules, from October 1, 2017, a freight forwarder who makes purchases on his own behalf at the expense of the client will have to indicate in the "consolidated" invoices:

  • in line 1 - the date and number of the "consolidated" invoice according to the forwarder's chronology;
  • in line 2 - full or abbreviated name of the seller (forwarder), full name of the entrepreneur (forwarder);
  • in line 2a - the address of the forwarder;
  • in line 2b - TIN and KPP of the seller (forwarder);
  • in line 5 - details (number and date of preparation) of payment and settlement documents that the forwarder transferred money to the sellers, and the client - to the forwarder - through the sign ";";
  • in column 1 - the names of goods (works, services) in separate positions for each seller;
  • in columns 2-10 - for each seller, data from invoices issued by them to the forwarder.

Starting October 1, 2017, forwarders can issue consolidated invoices. In the consolidated invoice in the lines "Seller", "Address", "TIN / KPP" of the seller, you can specify your own data. That is, the data of the forwarder, and not of third parties providing services to the forwarder.

The price is determined by calculation: how to fill out an invoice

Sometimes accountants were faced with the question of how to fill out invoices if the price under the contract was determined by calculation. This question is relevant when the price of a good (work, service) is the difference between the value including VAT and the amount of VAT. In the Rules for filling out an invoice from October 1, 2017, it is explained that in these cases column 4 of the invoice is the difference between columns 9 and 8. Use this approach to filling in column 4 if:

  • property was sold that was taken into account at the time of purchase, including VAT (clause 3, article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • sold agricultural products purchased from individuals (clause 4, article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • sold cars previously purchased from individuals (clause 5.1 of article 154 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation);
  • transferred property rights (clauses 1-4 of article 155 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation).

How the form of the adjustment invoice has changed

The Tax Code of the Russian Federation stipulates the obligation to issue corrective invoices (paragraph 3, clause 3, article 168 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation). Their sellers of goods (works, services) expose in the event of an adjustment in the cost of shipped goods (works performed, services rendered), property rights transferred. This can happen when, for example, the price or quantity (volume) of goods (works, services), property rights changes.

From October 1, 2017, column 1b for the product type code was added to the form of the adjustment invoice. It will be filled in by organizations that export goods to the EAEU countries.

Also, from the specified date, additional lines and columns were officially allowed to be added to the adjustment invoice (in particular, the details of the primary invoice). However, the basic form of the adjustment invoice must remain unchanged.

New rules for storing invoices

From October 1, 2017, the rules for storing invoices will be clearly established. You will need to store in chronological order as they are set (compiled, corrected) or received. A similar storage approach will apply to operator confirmations electronic document management and notifying buyers of invoice receipt. All types of invoices (primary corrective and corrected) will need to be kept for four years. Copies of paper invoices received from intermediaries must be certified by their signatures (consignors, principals, developers or forwarders).

In accordance with Article 3 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the payment of pensions to citizens leaving for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation", the Government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve the attached Regulations on the procedure for paying pensions to citizens leaving for permanent residence outside the Russian Federation.

2. Establish that the costs associated with the transfer of pensions outside the Russian Federation are made from the sources from which these pensions were paid in the Russian Federation.

Prime Minister

Russian Federation



government decree

Russian Federation


  4. Article 388 Supreme Court the Russian Federation or the Deputy Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
  5. Principles for the transfer of property rights and / or the granting of licenses. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 218 "On the minimum rates of royalties"
  6. Instruction No. 1-6-U of August 18, 19944 On the Application of the Federal Law of August 4, 1994 "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the RSFSR "On State Pensions in the RSFSR"
  7. NON-PAYMENT OF WAGES, PENSIONS, SCHOLARSHIPS, ALLOWANCES AND OTHER PAYMENTS (Article 1451 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).
  10. Annex 2 Regulations on the service practical psychology in the system of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation