Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Content and procedures of personnel consulting. What is HR Consulting? Organizational consulting is a practical field of psychology that studies the psychological problems of managing an organization and creating psychological methods for

HR consulting is widely used in Russian enterprises. It is implemented through recruitment agencies or specially created personnel consulting centers, staff assessment centers.

The issues addressed by HR consultants can be divided into the following groups:

  • 1. Formation of the personnel policy of the organization and its personnel strategies.
  • 2. Search, selection, selection and adaptation of personnel for the client organization. These issues directly relate to the competence of personnel and recruiting agencies.
  • 3. Personnel assessment, which can be used for a variety of purposes: assessment during selection and selection, during certification, when solving issues of construction business career, advanced training, training and retraining.
  • 4. Building a system of personnel motivation in all its forms - administrative, organizational, economic, socio-psychological.
  • 5. Organization of the workplace, labor protection, personnel health and safety measures.
  • 6. Creation of a productive organizational culture, corporate unity, ensuring staff loyalty to the organization.
  • 7. Organization of personnel records management.
  • 8. Solving issues related to the delegation of authority and responsibility of employees, development of job and work instructions, regulations, work schedule.
  • 9. Solving legal and related issues related to personnel management of an organization - labor law, intellectual property, trade secrets.
  • 10. Individual professional, social, intellectual development of an employee of the organization.

The main activity used in personnel consulting is personnel assessment, which should have the following properties:

  • - objectivity - independence from someone's private opinion or individual judgments;
  • - reliability - freedom from the influence of situational factors (the mood and well-being of the person being assessed, his past successes and failures, some kind of accidents);
  • - reliability in relation to activity - the real level of possession of knowledge, skills, skills should be assessed - how successfully a person copes with his work;
  • - predictability - the assessment should provide data on what types of activities and at what level a person has potential abilities, in other words, the assessment should reveal the hidden reserves of a person;
  • - accessibility and consistency - understanding by all participants of the assessment procedures;
  • - compliance with the objectives of the organization - the assessment of personnel should correspond to the maximum extent to the nature of the activities of the organization, its divisions and specific position(workplace), their state (working situation), existing problems.

Currently, when providing business recruitment services, recruitment agencies widely use the following methods, the implementation of which is necessarily accompanied by consulting:

  • 1. Headhunting (from the English head - head and hunter - hunter) is a technology for searching and recruiting highly qualified specialists, which consists in reaching a specific specialist and convincing him of the expediency of moving to the customer's organization.
  • 2. Outsourcing (from the English. outsourcing (outer-source-using) - the use of an external source / resource) is the transfer by an organization on a contractual basis of any, as a rule, non-core functions to a third party to an individual), who is a specialist in this field and has relevant experience, knowledge, technical means.
  • 3. Outstaffing (from English outstaffing; out - out, out; staff - staff) - literal translation - freelance. In other words, the company transfers part of its employees to the staff of another organization (usually a recruitment agency), while the employees continue to work in the same place and perform their previous duties. A recruitment agency becomes their employer.
  • 4. Personnel leasing (from the English personal-leasing) is a management technology that allows you to provide the company's business process with the necessary labor resources for a certain time, using the services of a third-party organization. That is, in fact, this is personnel outsourcing, but its peculiarity is the direction of temporarily free personnel to work in different organizations.
  • 5. Outplacement (outplacement) - a service accompanied by, orientation in the labor market, psychological support and, ultimately, the employment of a laid-off or dismissed employee.

When providing services, consultants use such special methods of working with a client as:

  • 1. Coaching (English coaching) - a method of direct training of a less experienced employee by a more experienced one in the process of work; form of individual mentoring, counseling.
  • 2. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP, from the English neuro-linguistic programming) is a technology for researching and influencing a person's inner experience by modeling sensations, experiences, states, moods.
  • 3. Modeling the structures and business processes of an organization, for example, using the SADT methodology (from the English Structured Analysis and Design Technique) as a tool for structural analysis and design of complex systems using a special graphic language.
  • 4. Methods of social research - interviews, social experiment, surveys, tests.

Complex assessment methods include a personnel audit, which is a special, detailed analysis of the state of the organization's personnel and the personnel management system, aimed at assessing their compliance with both current business tasks and its goals. strategic development adopted strategies.

Assessing the personnel in relation to the requirements of the current functioning of the organization, the consultant identifies its staffing, the correspondence of their qualifications, labor motivation, level of discipline to the parameters of economic activity, taking into account the current situation. At the same time, strong and weak sides personnel and management systems, as well as available reserves and potential. The purpose of such a personnel audit is to develop advice, recommendations, planned activities and optimization projects labor resources and improve the efficiency of their activities in accordance with current requirements organization as a system, its economic activity and the requirements of the external, primarily market, environment.

When evaluating an organization's development strategies, first of all, it is necessary to determine the degree of readiness of personnel for the implementation of upcoming organizational changes.

In doing so, you need to answer the following questions:

  • - are employees ready (able, motivated) for individual changes in their rules, principles, relationships with managers, colleagues, partners, clients, in lifestyle, behavior, etc.;
  • - are they ready for hard work on carrying out organizational changes, participating in projects for the development of the organization in accordance with their place and role in the system of changes;
  • - whether they have the knowledge and skills necessary for the upcoming work, whether they can perform it in accordance with the established requirements.

In the conditions of the current unstable situation, both global and Russian, personnel audit is of particular importance, as it should ensure the stability of the organization's current business activities, its survival in adverse environmental conditions, as well as create opportunities for continuous improvement and, if necessary, abrupt changes. This is due to the fact that of all organizational resources, people are the most flexible, but for this a certain quality of human resources must be ensured, for which their management must be based on the concept of human capital.

In this regard, one of the tasks of a personnel audit is to highlight among the personnel of an organization a special, in more an informal category-cognitariat, employees who use creative intelligence to the maximum in their activities and are capable of creating intellectual products, innovations, as well as the most effective adaptation to changing conditions of the internal and external organizational environment.

The cognitariat forms the human intellectual capital of the organization, and through its intellectual and innovative activity creates structural intellectual capital - intellectual products and market capital - the image of the organization and its productive relations with contractors.

Audit, consulting in the field of personnel is already a common thing: the heads of companies, large corporations, understand that it is necessary. In the context of a change in the general scientific, business, and management paradigm, the performance of an enterprise is determined not only by productivity.

Among the parameters by which business performance is assessed are the characteristics of personnel, the total human potential, the level of training of employees (does it correspond to strategic goals organizations). The intellectual capital of the company is the most important value, therefore its diagnostics, the development of measures to improve the motivation system, and personnel assessment require priority attention. Personnel audit is necessary in conditions of serious competition, limited resources, situations related to the merger, division of business.

In Russia and the world, it has become a common tool for monitoring the work of organizations. Includes evaluation procedures:

· existing structure employee management, its effectiveness;

Compliance of personnel with the company's development goals;

Correctness of documentation - from the standpoint of legal requirements, the basics of office work.

In order for problems and their causes to be correctly diagnosed, and recommendations for management to be specific, valuable, accurate, it is necessary to follow the principles of personnel audit and consulting. This is the foundation for the activities of specialized experts involved in the work. The principles are divided into:

Relating to the audit itself - they must be observed by experts on audits;

concerning the construction of personnel processes - they are associated with functional interdependencies, the need for intra-company coordination;

· aimed at achieving consulting tasks (principles of joint problem solving).


In order for a personnel audit to be effective, carried out with the minimum possible, sufficient expenditure of time and effort, it is necessary that specialists adhere to the following principles:

· Professionalism - the auditor's opinion should be supported by specialized education, "freshness", relevance of knowledge. To meet the requirements, a specialist constantly needs to improve their skills, practice, and solve more and more complex problems.

· Objectivity, independence from third-party opinions, private judgments or private assessments. The auditor must be unbiased, be able to make decisions independently, be resistant to unfounded data, and not take on faith characteristics that are not supported by data. This is expressed in the need to develop self-control - to be free from situational factors (mood, success or failure, well-being).

· Honesty - it is impossible to allow fraud, conscious (even accidental) distortion of facts, data. The auditor vouches for the truth of the conclusions, that they are based on correctly collected, complete, complex primary information.

· Credibility. When assessing, it is necessary to take into account only the real level of knowledge, possession of the “subject”, skills. The key factor is the completeness of the performance of duties by the employee.

· Work according to the rules international law. In addition to national legislative acts, it is necessary to ensure compliance with international standards.

HR audit and consulting should be comprehensive, coordinated between the participants in the procedures, take into account the strategic goals of the customer company, and other factors. This will allow you to analyze the work of the organization.


Consultants, auditors should evaluate the quality of documentation (give recommendations for correcting problems), build a hierarchy, work processes to improve the efficiency of personnel management. Due to increasing specialization, segregation of duties, increasing complexity organizational structures it is necessary to accurately coordinate operations in time, to “link” all employees and their activities with each other.

The principles of personnel audit and consulting in the evaluation of work processes are as follows:

interdependence - no workflow should take place in isolation from others, it is necessary to ensure integration, a smooth "flow" of operations into each other;

rationality - "necessity and sufficiency" of the process, it should not have unnecessary procedures, each employee, action serves a clear purpose;

economy - the format is minimal necessary costs, temporary, financial, any other;

interchangeability - in order for work processes to be carried out continuously, it is worth excluding their stop due to the disposal of individual "elements";

communication - it is necessary to ensure continuous feedback, accounting for reactions, opinions of employees, management.

The last principle defines additional tasks for consultants. They must ensure that staff work together, otherwise the return on their work will be less than expected.


Personnel consulting among all tasks solves the issues of joint work on the situation, positive perception of changes by the staff. In order for the correction of deficiencies, problems identified by auditors to be “painless”, the following principles must be observed:

· Reality - orientation to work in specific conditions. For each action, the existing restrictions, the interests of all parties (parallel departments, contractors, etc.) are taken into account. The ideas of the participants, therefore, need to be “grounded”.

· Manageability - the process of moving towards the result must be controlled. All participants need to accept changes, understand how they happen, why.

Attractiveness - each participant should strive to achieve the goals set. This means that the staff needs to be encouraged to change, to encourage the initiative, the willingness to "work on the mistakes."

It is important to develop mechanisms for motivating, informing staff, and legal support. Management should have indicators for assessing the quality of work of employees and personnel policy.

BDO Unicon Outsourcing offers HR audit and consulting services. Experts with industry specialization adhere to fundamental principles. The quality of work is confirmed by more than 350 successfully completed projects. BDO Unicon Outsourcing - 25 years of experience and competence to protect your interests.

Optimization of the personnel management system as the main goal of personnel consulting. The main stages of optimizing the personnel management system: preliminary diagnostics of the state of the personnel management system, reorganization of personnel management subsystems, implementation and maintenance. Optimization of the organizational and functional structure of the personnel management system. Optimization of personnel management functions. Optimization of personnel management technologies. Criteria for selecting consultants in the field of personnel management. Methods of personnel consulting: benchmarking, personnel monitoring, personnel controlling, Assessment Center technologies, etc. Formulation of the results of personnel consulting. Evaluation of the effectiveness of personnel consulting.

The specifics of personnel consulting on individual subsystems of personnel management: documentation support for personnel management; analysis of needs for work with personnel; evaluation of job requirements; assessment of professionally important qualities; incentives and remuneration; selection and adaptation of personnel; qualification level assessments; staff training; assessment of the socio-psychological climate.

Topic 5. Theoretical foundations of personnel audit

Classification audit activity. Types of audit. Distinctive features, advantages and disadvantages of types of audit. Directions of the audit. Financial, state, management audit.

Personnel audit as a form of diagnostic study of the organization. Subject and objectives of the audit. The dynamics of the goals and methods of audit in different periods of history. Various definitions of the concepts of audit. Audit and audit activity. Audit and consulting. Audit and revision. Formation of audit in Russia. Problems of information risk in audit. Regulation of audit activity. Legal basis audit. Auditing standards. Principles of conducting an audit. Basic rules of conduct for the auditor. The main character traits and practical skills required by the auditor.

Topic 6. Methodology of personnel audit

Methodological approaches to the audit of the organization's personnel. The essence and main elements of the concept of personnel audit. Personnel of the organization, its activities as an object of audit. The main aspects of the audit in the labor sphere: organizational and technological, socio-psychological, economic. Goals and objectives of personnel audit. Types of personnel audit. Personnel audit methods. Personnel audit technology. The main stages of the audit: preparatory, collection of information, analysis and processing of information, evaluation of the effectiveness of the audit. Objectives and content of the stages of the audit.

Topic 7. Methodological bases for conducting an audit of personnel in an organization

The main indicators of personnel audit in the organization. Methodology for conducting personnel audit. Personnel audit standards. The main sources of information used in the audit in the social and labor sphere: laws and instructions; labor indicators; questionnaires and interviews of employees. Tasks and main directions of the analysis of labor indicators during the audit of personnel. Improving the organization's personnel management system based on personnel audit. Evaluation of personnel audit efficiency.

Shestakova E. V., Prytkov R. M.

HR consulting and audit


The textbook is intended for conducting lectures on the discipline "Personnel consulting and audit". It is structured according to work program academic discipline.

Personnel consulting and audit is a specialized type of activity that is associated with project, information, advisory support for various processes, as well as activities for independent expert evaluation of activities. This cycle of lectures seems to be a complete course, giving basic and conceptual knowledge on the main facts of the consulting and audit process. Theoretical and methodological training obtained on the basis of this study guide, is part of a comprehensive program for the training of auditors and consultants consulting services. Considering that consulting is a relatively new concept for Russia, the relevance of this educational material is obvious.

The process of mastering the lecture classes of the discipline is aimed at the formation of the elements of the following competencies in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education and the BEP of Higher Professional Education in the direction of training 080400.68 - Human Resources Management, master's program Management by human resourses :

a) general cultural (OK):

OK-1: the ability to develop their general cultural and professional level and independently master new methods of work.

OK-2: the ability to do analytical work, the ability to carry out research and innovation activities in order to obtain new knowledge, the willingness to apply this knowledge for an expert assessment of real management situations.

OK-3: own tools for research, obtaining, storing, processing and presenting information, willingness to use research tools to solve assigned problems.

b) professional (PC).

PC-4: possession modern technologies personnel management, and effective (successful) implementation of them in their professional activity.

PC-16: the ability to analyze the socio-economic efficiency of the personnel management system and processes and use its results to prepare decisions in the field of optimizing the functioning of the personnel management system or its individual functions.

PC-37: the ability to conduct benchmarking and other procedures to assess the contribution of the personnel management service to the achievement of the organization's goals.

PC-41: the ability to prepare reviews, scientific reports and scientific publications on topical issues of personnel management.

The manual contains the following sections of the course "Personnel consulting and audit": the subject and content of the discipline "Personnel consulting and audit"; professional consultants, technical task, analysis of the proposals of consulting firms and the price of consulting services; principles, process, control, efficiency and effectiveness of counseling; theoretical basis audit; personnel audit methodology; practical work personnel auditor.

The study of these provisions will allow the student to prepare for the exam and more clearly test the knowledge of certain issues during the semester, contributes to the assimilation of the features of personnel consulting and audit, and helps in making optimal decisions in the context of using consulting and audit tools.

1 The subject and content of the discipline "HR consulting and audit"

1.1 The concepts of "personnel consulting", "personnel audit" in the system of personnel sciences. Subject, objectives, goals and methods of consulting and audit.

1.2 Historical overview of management consulting.

1.3 Business Services.

1.4 The concept of consulting activities. Types of consulting services.

1.1 The concepts of "personnel consulting", "personnel audit" in the system of personnel sciences. Subject, objectives, goals and methods of consulting and audit

Consulting(English consulting - consulting) - a type of service provided to corporate clients interested in optimizing their business.

HR consulting(personnel consulting) - a type of activity that includes a set of measures for the analysis of personnel, diagnostics of legal and clerical correctness of registration personnel documents and proposals for eliminating violations (HR audit), assessing the compliance of professional and personal competencies with the duties performed, the level of employee loyalty, etc.

Audit is a type of professional activity independent evaluation organization's operations. The word "audit" originated more than two thousand years ago and comes from the Latin "audio", which literally means "he hears" or "listener".

HR audit is a comprehensive assessment of human resources and the system of working with them in terms of their compliance with the goals and strategy of the company, as well as identifying the causes (with an assessment of their impact and significance) of problems in the functioning of the company, followed by recommendations for bringing the human resource management system and / or human resources in line with business needs.

Consulting activities include an analysis of the client's existing business processes, substantiation of the prospects for the development and use of scientific, technical, organizational and economic innovations, taking into account subject area and characteristics of the client's business. A consulting company (consultant) undertakes to increase the client's profit by n% over a certain period. To do this, the consultant is delegated broad powers, up to including a specialist consultant in the management of the client company with the right to make strategic decisions.

Consulting company is a company that provides services for market research and forecasting, development of marketing programs, evaluation of project effectiveness, creation and transformation of organizational structures, finding ways out of crisis situations, estimating the cost of objects, as well as many other problems. The specialization of companies providing consulting services can be different: from narrow, limited to any one area, to the widest, covering the full range of services in this area.

When conducting personnel consulting, the current state of the personnel system and its potential are assessed, optimal proportions between the management and executive personnel are identified, and the effectiveness of the human resource management system is analyzed. This type of consulting helps to resolve issues of distribution of powers and responsibilities, selection of employees for senior positions, building prospects for the development of each employee and all personnel as a whole.

The subject of personnel consulting may include all processes related to the development of methods for motivating personnel, salary systems in an organization, job descriptions, personnel workflow, etc.

Subject of personnel audit- the effectiveness of the system for the formation, use and development of the labor potential of the organization or the effectiveness of the personnel management system.

As part of HR consulting, it is customary to solve the following tasks:

- organization from scratch of the activities of the personnel service;

- Improving the efficiency of the existing personnel management service;

- development and optimization of individual procedures for personnel management: documentation support for personnel management; search, selection and adaptation of personnel; personel assessment; incentive and motivation system; education and development.

HR consulting provides:

– improving the efficiency of the personnel motivation system by optimizing it, taking into account the individual characteristics of the company and the needs of employees;

– formation corporate culture enterprises by analyzing the traditions, rules, norms existing in the company and bringing them in line with the strategic development goals of the organization;

– assessment of the company's personnel potential by diagnosing the individual psychological characteristics of employees and groups. Based on the diagnostics carried out, criteria and procedures for assessing the effectiveness of the work of personnel are developed;

– improving the efficiency of the personnel management system by identifying problem areas and values, as well as by unlocking the potential of individual employees and departments as a whole.

Based on the information received, measures are developed to develop and improve the organization's management system.

Tasks of personnel audit:

1) finding problems in the field of personnel management;

2) ensuring that the required results, volume and directions of ongoing efforts in personnel management are in line with the system of external and internal situational conditions; ensuring that the strategy and policy of personnel management is aligned with the strategic goals of the organization;

Introduction 3

Chapter 1. The concept and essence of personnel consulting 5

1.1. HR consulting 5

organization development tools 8

1.3. HR Consultant Toolkit 12

Chapter 2. Development of HR consulting in Russia and abroad 18

2.1. Study of the process, functions and tasks of personnel consulting in Russia 18

in Russia and abroad 25

Conclusion 34

Literature 37


Rapidly changing environmental conditions and strengthening competition in various business sectors today present high demands on the management of human resources to company executives. Increasingly, it is people with their professional skills that are becoming the main competitive advantage of the company in the market.

HR consulting ( HR consulting ) is a type of activity associated with solving the problems facing top managers in the field of human resource management in order to increase business profitability.

Every manager understands that one of the competitive advantages of doing business is the availability of high-quality working staff. But the presence of highly qualified employees is not the only condition for a successful business organization, a system is also needed effective management personnel and increase the productivity of each employee, which is impossible without a well-functioning system of personnel records management, proper maintenance of personnel records and compliance with labor laws.

HR consulting is aimed at solving such problems - consulting services on issues of personnel records management (personnel records) and document flow, labor relations and labor laws.

When conducting personnel consulting, the current state of the personnel system and its potential are assessed, optimal proportions between the management and executive personnel are identified, and the effectiveness of the human resource management system is analyzed. This type of consulting helps to solve many issues of distribution of powers and responsibilities, selection of employees for senior positions, building prospects for the development of each employee and all personnel as a whole.

Based on the information received, measures are developed to develop and improve the organization's management system.

Target term paper– explore issues related to the development of theoretical knowledge in the field of personnel consulting.

Objectives of the course work:

Explore the essence and theory of personnel planning;

To study the development of personnel consulting in Russia and abroad.

Chapter 1. The concept and essence of personnel consulting

1.1. HR consulting

IN modern activities enterprises, an integrated approach to solving the problems of human resource management of an organization seems to be much broader than the scope of activities of personnel managers or personnel management services. At least, evidence of this can be considered a noticeable growth and strengthening of the prestige of practical social psychology and organizational development consulting in Russia and abroad. The experience of the last ten years (1990-2000) shows that the central point in the expectations of the client (or customer) is the assistance of the consultant in finding and maximizing the inclusion of the organization's human resources in order to successfully develop it. In general, these expectations can be reduced to at least three points: 1) this is the need to assess the current and future capabilities of the organization (for example, determining the potential of employees); 2) creating, together with the employees of the organization, a reorganization program (for example, choosing a human resource management system); 3) consulting support for the organization up to bringing the agreed changes to the desired result (for example, through the organization of in-house training of personnel) 1 .

Each of these areas of activity involves not only using the conceptual and methodological tools available to the consultant, but also determining how, in each specific case, to practically link the initial elements into a holistic technology of activity. Therefore, it is clear that the organization's human resource management technologies should be focused on solving at least two types of tasks: I) diagnostics, examination or assessment of the "human dimension" of the organization; 2) support of reorganization or development processes in the organization.

Organizational human resource management technologies, in our understanding, are a set of personnel management methods focused on assessing and improving the “human resource” of an organization. As a rule, they are 1) created for a specific case and implemented through a consultation process; 2) are interdisciplinary in nature and provided by a team of specialists; 3) adapt to the culture of the organization and meet the requirement of practical effectiveness.

It is reasonable to ask the question: does the idea of ​​manufacturability contradict humanistic principles and an individual approach in working with the organization's personnel? Experience shows that this contradiction is removed if the personnel consultant manages, using the appropriate technology, to take into account in a complex the goals of the organization, the needs and capabilities of individual groups and individuals.

In our opinion, the approach to managing the human resource of an organization should be precisely technological - take into account all three components of the organization (the organization as a whole, individual groups and specific employees) and implement the achievement of the planned result through the consistent implementation of various options for action.

In this section, we will discuss the possibilities and limitations of personnel management technologies, both expert (Assessment Center, competition, personnel psychodiagnostics) and supportive (staff training and team building).

There are many definitions of counseling and its application to management situations and problems. There are two main approaches to counseling in the literature.

The first approach uses a broad functional view of organizational reality, where the process of consultation is understood as any form of assistance with regard to the content, process or structure of a task or series of tasks, in which the consultant is not responsible for the task, but helps those who are responsible for it. . In this sense, most of the staff members of the organization, as part of their functional activities, are consultants to their colleagues. These and similar definitions emphasize that consultants are assistants and allow that such assistance can be provided by persons doing a wide variety of jobs. Thus, any leader is a consultant when he advises or helps a subordinate, instead of giving orders.

From the point of view of the second approach, counseling is a special professional activity. This highlights a number of characteristics that it should have. According to a fairly common belief, consulting can be carried out by an advisory service that helps the client organization identify management problems, analyze them, make recommendations for solving these problems and assist, if necessary, in the implementation of these solutions 2 .

In this chapter, we will make an attempt to consider such an organization's human resource management technology as personnel consulting for organizations. As already noted, the need for personnel consulting is, first of all, the need for new technologies for managing the organization's human resources.

Let's try to answer two questions:

2) What is the professional profile of an HR consultant?

1.2. HR consulting concept
organization development tools

The peculiarity of the current situation in Russia is that advising organizations on personnel issues as Professional area activity is only taking shape: there is neither a legalized "professional profile" of such specialists, nor special educational institutions where they would be prepared. Among practicing consultants today you can meet representatives of many specialties. Most often, this type of activity is employed by economists, lawyers, sociologists, programmers and psychologists.

Characteristically, psychologists are expected to provide recommendations on almost the entire spectrum of problems that arise in the field of personnel management. Among practitioners (including the new wave) it is widely believed that it is psychologists who hold the cherished key not only to all the secrets of the mysterious soul of the employees of the organization, but also to most of the secrets of personnel management. And if the diagnosis of personality and groups is actually taught to students of the faculty of psychology, then consultants master the intricacies of personnel management most often in practice.

An analysis of the tasks that a social psychologist invited to the organization has to solve de facto allows us to propose the following set of professional requirements for a HR consultant (or personnel consultant):

1) the ability to identify and analyze personnel processes in the organization;

2) the ability to program personnel processes in a direction consistent with the goals of the organization, including the possession of skills in the development and application of specific means and methods of working with personnel;

3) ability to transfer technology personnel work personnel officers.

HR consulting paradigms

Just like any other type of organizational consulting, personnel consulting can be carried out in two paradigms:

1) on resources - the consultant conducts an examination of the current state of the professional and personnel potential of the organization and offers specific solutions to personnel problems;

2) by process - the consultant organizes the process of solving professional and personnel problems and trains the employees of the organization to solve them independently.

The choice of the work paradigm is determined, as a rule, by the consultant himself, based primarily on the characteristics of the order and the professional tools that he owns.

Types of orders for personnel consulting can be divided into orders-tasks and orders-problems (Table 1).

As a rule, the resource consulting paradigm is applied when the order is formulated in the form of a task, for the solution of which it is only necessary to select and use the existing tools.

Table 1

Grounds for division into types of orders

Order types



1. Purposes of the client's contact with the consultant

2. The degree of certainty of the customer's idea of ​​the final consulting product

3. The main need of the customer

Tactical (solving a specific problem)

Names a specific consulting product

The solution of the problem

Tactical or strategic (the need to resolve a problem situation)

Describes an image of a desired future

Mastering the ways and means of solving problems

Process consulting is usually used when the order is formulated as a problem and the consultant must either train the client in the use of special tools for solving personnel problems, or at the same time create new (in relation to a specific case) tools to solve it.

Personnel consulting is carried out in two main stages: analytical and programming.

The implementation of the analytical stage, as a rule, begins with an understanding of the topic and tasks of counseling. The main activities at this stage include:

1) analysis of the prehistory of events - specification of the situation that led to the need for consultation, the course of its development, the position of the customer, the reasons for the impossibility of independently solving the problem;

2) collecting additional information and putting forward hypotheses about personnel processes in the organization (search for data from various sources, building a hypothetical model of the situation, analyzing similar situations, searching for the causes of processes, patterns and means used in such situations);

3) diagnosis of the situation at the object of counseling - data collection in order to test and refine hypotheses, search for additional information to specify a possible counseling strategy;

4) clarification of the strategy and determination of the personnel consulting program - correction of the strategy taking into account the data obtained in the course of diagnosing the situation at the consulting object, formulating an idea of ​​the result of the consulting process, specific steps and proposed activities.

The programming stage aims to activate the human resource of the organization in the direction of the expected results. This requires the creation of 3:

1) “developing environment” - the formation of an artificial process in an organization aimed at training its employees in ways to identify and solve problems;

2) "supporting environment" - creating conditions for the process to proceed;

3) "fixing environment" - the transfer of the model process into a self-regulating one.

Achieving the set goals is possible only if the consultants manage to form in the organization a positive attitude shared by all to the following principles of joint work on the problem: the principles of attractiveness, reality and manageability (or controllability) of the consulting process. The essence of the first principle is that the "image of the desired future" - the end result of consultation - be attractive to all participants in the process. Agreement with the second principle allows all participants in the work to focus on the specific conditions of the current situation, to “ground” their ideas based on the existing restrictions (among which the interests of contractors play an important role). Finally, observance of the controllability principle allows all participants together and each separately, through appropriate contributions to the normative regulation of what is happening, to control the process of movement towards the final result.


1.3. HR consultant toolkit

If in developed countries professionalization of the activities of consultants in the field of development of organizations, as well as specialists in human resource management and staff training has reached its mature forms, in Russia this process has just begun. It is known that the institutionalization of professional activity includes phases of social and cognitive institutionalization.

Phases of social and cognitive institutionalization

Social institutionalization is usually understood as:

1) appearance social function and people who are able to carry it out;

2) the formation of a community whose representatives are ready to devote their working and even free time to the fulfillment of this function;

3) the emergence of a system for reproducing experience associated with this specialized activity;

4) the emergence of a professional corporation;

5) creation of a state-sanctioned system of licensing and supervision.

Cognitive institutionalization is commonly understood as:

1) the emergence of a set of statements related to a particular thematic area;

2) the assertion of a certain episteme that makes it possible to streamline these statements in the form of unsystematized, prescription knowledge;

3) creation of systematized, scientific and theoretical knowledge;

4) building systems of axiomatized knowledge with formal description languages.

According to some experts, a community of consultants is currently taking shape. With regard to cognitive institutionalization, we should talk about the existence of several competing approaches in this area. In this regard, such a means of professional identification as role typology is of particular importance at this stage. P.V. Malinovsky identifies three main professional roles for an organizational development consultant, which, in our opinion, is quite applicable in relation to personnel consultants:

Narrow specialist adviser;

"free artist" focused on entrepreneurial projects;

A transprofessional who can move freely from one field of activity to another, configuring the necessary tools and abilities to solve complex problems.

One of the recent attempts to describe the professional portrait of a practicing psychologist, undertaken by the staff of the Department of Social Psychology of Moscow State University, made it possible, following the Italian researcher A. Palmonari, to determine the typology of the professional identity of a psychologist (A.I. Dontsov, Yu.M. Zhukov, L.A. Petrovskaya , 1996). This typology is formed on the opposition of such objects psychological impact as "society" and "individual" and such instruments of psychological "intervention" in life as "professional competence and methodological sophistication" of a psychologist, on the one hand, and his "personal abilities and inner vocation", on the other. The initial foundations of the resulting typology seemed to us heuristic in terms of defining the portrait of a practical social psychologist. To do this, it only remained to add such an object as “groups” to the indicated objects of psychological influence. The typology of possible professional identification of practical psychologists is given in Table. 2.

The inclusion of the group as another object of influence allows us to suggest that there are two additional (to those described earlier) types of professionals working in the field of practical psychology. The first of them can be described as a professional who has special competence and owns methodological tools that allow him to be successful in studying and influencing the group (sometimes the term “game technology” is used to describe this type of activity). In the second case, as a determinant of the psychologist's successful impact on the group, apparently, it is necessary to consider some of his (the psychologist's) personal characteristics, values, and beliefs.

table 2

Types of professional competence

Based on a preliminary idea of ​​the boundaries of practical social psychology and a possible typology of practicing psychologists, we tried to identify the components professional skills practical social psychologist, which determine the success of his professional activity. To collect primary information, methods such as interviews, descriptions of difficult cases from practice and the construction of a “portrait of professional activity” were used. The subjects were both students and graduate psychologists working in practice. Moreover, 2/3 of them work on a permanent basis or under a temporary contract as a practical psychologist in organizations whose main activity is not related to psychology. 1/3 of the subjects were external consultants or employees of organizations engaged in advisory activities. The total number of subjects was 32 people.

The results obtained allow us to speak about the presence of at least three types of professional competence that determine the effectiveness of the activity of a practical social psychologist: methodological, social and organizational.

Methodological competence includes the possession of special professional tools - technologies, methods and techniques for studying personality, group dynamics, intergroup interaction, organizational behavior, etc. This is the kind of competence that, in the opinion of the subjects, is given considerable attention when teaching psychology students 4 .

Social competence means, first of all, the social maturity of the individual psychologist-practitioner, his skills of effective interaction with other people, resolving interpersonal and intergroup conflicts, influencing partners, etc. The importance of this type of competence is due, on the one hand, to the “anthropocentricity” of actual social psychology, and on the other hand, a practical psychologist often uses for interpretation not theory, but “Own experience. In the opinion of the subjects, competence of this kind is associated with the basic attitudes of the individual, formed before studying at the university, and the “system of social interaction skills” acquired after.

The allocation of organizational competence is primarily due to the fact that the process practical activities psychologist-practitioner, according to the subjects, has a rather significant design component, which involves the ability to "integrate" into the life of the organization, plan and organize interaction with partners, effective group work, update the potential of partners and the group as a whole, transfer the tools of self-organization to the group, etc. P.

The results obtained allow us to express at least two considerations that are significant from the point of view of the topic under discussion: (i) there is no doubt that the success of the professional activity of a practical social psychologist depends on his equally high competence in all three of these areas; 2) apparently, it is necessary to add to the two types of professional identity identified earlier, one more, which would focus on the type of competence, called organizational. What does this follow from?

Returning to the typology of professional identification of practicing psychologists, we can assume that professionals who identify themselves with any of the roles may have one of the areas of competence as the leading one.

The conducted research makes it quite easy to detect professionals of the "missionary" type by their focus on the value and cultural aspects of their activities. The central point of their activity is not the presence or absence of technologies of professional activity, but an understanding of the situation of their client. The client-oriented “missionary” in extreme cases can lead (at least for a while) to a state of a kind of “professional mortification”, which is expressed in the rejection of one's specialty and in immersion in the reality of the client's situation.

The group of professionals of the “consultant” type turned out to be the most numerous. The key factor that made it possible to combine subjects with different professional experience into this group was their focus on technological or methodological equipment in their practice. The most difficult thing turned out to be with the selection of a special group of subjects with a focus on organizational competence. Rather, this type of competence every time acted as necessary, but not independent, but in conjunction with either methodological or social competence. An analysis of cases from practice showed that in the activities of a practicing psychologist, a significant place is occupied by a real “launch group processes” along with studying them (“adviser”) or actually participating in them (“missionary”). In this case, the responsibility of the psychologist arises for the organization (up to self-organization) of the group in the process of solving the group task (problem). An attempt to consider the “organizational component” of the activity of a practicing psychologist in the course of game reconstruction made it possible to identify two key factors: the first was called “facilitating communication”, the second - “creating events”. This type of professional was called a “facilitator”. His activity, according to the subjects, is not autonomous or self-sufficient, but acts as an additional to other types of professional activity.

Chapter 2. Development of HR consulting in Russia and abroad

2.1. Study of the process, functions and tasks of personnel consulting in Russia

Dynamics modern market requires businesses to achieve high results in a short time, effective innovations, professionally designed and implemented changes. Managers are beginning to realize the impossibility of ensuring the growth of the company's competitiveness by changing pricing policy or developing new quality standards. Result-oriented companies have stated that their goal in the new century is to optimize the use of human resources, and, moreover, consider their personnel as the main competitive advantage. Competition for Russian companies is exacerbated by the expansion of the activities of transnational corporations, leading in the world market and possessing, among other things, the most advanced technologies in the field of personnel management.

Often we are faced with situations where we have to quickly make decisions about rotations, personnel changes, hiring a large number of new employees. At the same time, it is important to obtain comprehensive reliable information that allows us to predict the opportunities and unpleasant moments associated with this employee, as well as to foresee certain of his actions in the most significant situations for us. And it also happens that you need to evaluate already working people and you don’t want them to know about it. How to be in this situation?

Consider the main services provided by organizations in the field of personnel consulting.

HR consulting

  • Organization from scratch of the activities of the personnel service

  • Recovery, filling gaps, improving the efficiency of the HR department

  • Development, implementation, optimization of individual procedures in the activities of the HR department

  • Recruitment and adaptation of personnel

  • Personel assessment

  • Staff incentive and motivation system

  • Staff development

  • Documentation support for the activities of the HR service
HR consulting

Every business is different. Every manager has his own style of management. Each company has its own business processes. Therefore, personnel decisions must be original.

Recruitment agencies create and implement non-standard personnel management technologies. They develop them specifically for each company and control the process of successful functioning of the processes. If necessary, improve existing technologies 5 .

Diagnostics allows you to get reliable information about the employee and how best to use the following features:

  • Controllability

  • Preferred Leadership Styles

  • Ability to prioritize

  • Creativity

  • Degree of responsibility and ability to take responsibility

  • Resilience, reaction to stress

  • Types of behavior in conflict, reaction to a conflict situation

  • Loyalty and honesty

  • Recommended type of corporate culture

  • Teamwork skills, preferences for working relationships

  • Planning abilities

  • Motivational preferences

  • Criteria for assessing the environment

  • The level of self-esteem and its adequacy

  • Communicative competence

  • Persuasion and Influence Skills
As a result of the diagnosis, you will receive:

  • detailed diagnostics of an employee, based on the characteristics of your company and the work performed;

  • recommendations for building a situational leadership system;

  • information and practical experience on building the corporate culture of the company;

  • practical advice to build a system of non-material and material motivation;

  • optimize the composition and work of your team;

  • give employees practical advice on working with external and internal clients.
Personnel assessment methods:

Express survey based on the projective interview technique

Individual mini-interview

Presentation of reports on each of the employees in oral / written form

The method of assessing the effectiveness of personnel. Diagnostic method, personnel performance evaluation developed on the basis of classical methods of social psychology and projective techniques and has been used by consultants since 1996 for personnel assessment and recruitment.

Scheme of work of the Human Resources Service

  1. Selection and adaptation of personnel;

  2. Personel assessment;

  3. Personnel motivation and incentive system;

  4. Staff development.

Rice. 1. Scheme of work of the personnel management department

Organization from scratch Human Resources

When does it become necessary to organize a Human Resources Service in a company?

When a company is actively growing and expanding, new areas of activity and departments appear, when, with such active growth, it is necessary to find new highly qualified specialists and not lose the existing team. When a company reaches a different quality level and there is a need to assess the existing staff and its movement, as well as the introduction of a new corporate culture. And the main need of the personnel service is to maintain, control and improve the implemented processes.

Tasks of HR consulting 6:

  1. Select specialists for this service;

  2. Develop a strategic concept for personnel management;

  3. Develop and implement systems for the selection, adaptation, evaluation, rotation, motivation and development of personnel;

  4. Develop and implement the foundations of corporate culture;

  5. Follow up and evaluate the effectiveness of the service in the future.
Restoration, elimination of gaps, increase in the efficiency of the personnel service.

If this service already exists in the company, but its work is not effective or it operates only in some areas of work with personnel, then personnel organizations can assess the current state of directions, identify gaps, develop new schemes for working with company personnel or introduce new directions.

Selection and adaptation of personnel.

HR consultants modify and improve existing mechanisms for the selection and adaptation of personnel or introduce new ones, always focusing on the individuality of each company, the specifics of the market situation and the specifics of the activity.

Tasks of personnel consulting:

  • Working with positions

    1. Conduct a job analysis;

    2. Define official duties, personal, professional, organizational and managerial qualities required for each position;

    3. develop job descriptions.

  • Work with recruitment

    1. To formulate goals, objectives and rules of recruitment procedures;

    2. Develop and communicate to HR staff tools to assess the characteristics and potential of new hires.

  • Work with staff adaptation

    1. Develop a new adaptation program for new employees, improve the old one.
Motivation and stimulation of personnel.

In modern management practice great value have motivational aspects. Motivation of personnel is the main means of ensuring the optimal use of resources, mobilization of existing human resources. The main goal of the motivation process is to get the maximum return from the use of available labor resources, which improves the overall performance and profitability of the organization, as well as its competitiveness.

High motivation of the staff is the most important condition for the success of the company. No organization can thrive without a highly committed workforce, without a high level of commitment from the staff, without members being committed to the end result and willing to contribute to the achievement of goals.

Today, tangible and intangible reward methods are used to motivate employees of an organization.

  • Material methods - wages, interest, bonuses, bonuses, etc.

  • Non-material methods - recognition of the merits of an employee in the form of praise, gratitude, congratulations on significant dates, career advancement, career planning itself, etc.
When creating a personnel motivation system, it is necessary to take into account a wide range of factors that affect employee motivation:

  • Psychological climate In the organisation;

  • Working conditions;

  • Possibilities career development;

  • Involvement of employees in the work process (decision-making level);

  • Organizational culture (traditions and order established in the organization);

  • Compliance of the level of remuneration of employees with the level existing in the labor market and the level at which he evaluates himself;

  • The amount of work adequate to the salary and capabilities of a person;

  • The position of the company in the market.
The specifics of the activities of each individual organization, its structure and management practices should also be taken into account.

Qualified employees working in the field of personnel consulting are ready to help in the creation and implementation of a new or modification and improvement of the old, but in the end always effective and original motivation system, in accordance with the goals and characteristics of the organization.

Education and development

Currently, most growing companies use training to achieve three goals:

  • First, to close the gap between what the employee knows and can do and what he needs to know and be able to do when solving problems within his position.

  • Secondly, to provide employees with a wider range of skills: in particular, skills for problem solving, communication, and teamwork.

  • Thirdly, through training, to contribute to the formation of a sense of responsibility of the employee.
The organization educates and develops its employees not for the sake of the process, but because, with the right management, employees create a competitive advantage, increasing the success of the organization's functioning.

The whole process of personnel training is built according to a certain scheme:

  1. Analysis of training needs (training new employees or training permanent employees)

  2. Formulation of learning objectives, choice of teaching methods, development of an assessment system

  3. Education.

  4. Evaluation and comparison of results before and after training, as well as evaluation of the effectiveness of the program.
HR consulting provides a full range of services for building an internal corporate personnel development system, which includes:

  • training needs analysis,

  • assessment of the level of professional and personal development of employees,

  • development and implementation of a personnel development and training system

2.2. Study of HR consulting and its trends
in Russia and abroad

In any company, there are policies for personnel management, even if they are unconscious and unwritten. These are four fundamental policies: in the field of personnel selection, personnel remuneration, employee performance evaluation and personnel development. Technologies that are not formulated unambiguously and are not documented are common sense technologies that do not require special knowledge, education, and do not take into account the current level of development of sociology, psychology, statistics, practice and theory of business management. Real business with real profits begins when companies start using professional technology, which may be partly counterintuitive. IN this moment Human Resources (HR) consulting is based on the classical, even neoclassical paradigm of personnel management, which allows you to find the only right, integrated HR solution for a particular company and double the efficiency of the use of human resources 7 .

Considering the need for a HR consulting company, there are three main reasons:

1. To survive.

2. To live happily and productively.

3. To live forever.

All these three points are typical for multinational corporations, each of which has clearly developed, as a rule, consulting companies, HR technologies and procedures.

Consultations should be obtained from the best specialists, you should not trust your health to unqualified doctors. Companies do not need wrong HR solutions, even for little money. We need the most correct ones, even for big money. We can mention such recognized specialists as SHL, RHR Ecopsy, Video Arts, the big five companies. In this business sector, the services of a consultant who receives less than 2-3 thousand USD per month are a waste of time and money. Effective solutions in one of the key areas can be purchased starting from 5-10 thousand USD. The minimum cost of development with a computerized solution of world leaders in the consulting services market is 100 thousand USD.

It is useful for the customer to know about one of the methods used to sell consulting - the Trojan horse method. In this case, a half-finished, unfinished solution is sold, often in the form of computer programs, then the contract amount is replenished by training staff in using the program, adapting the version to the specifics of the company, developing additional modules, network versions, etc.

There is another side to the problem of the cost of HR consulting: HR technologies of world leaders in the consulting services market are affordable only for world leaders in other industries.

Another stone in the garden of international HR consulting: international companies in no hurry to adapt technology to Russian market and personnel, as well as the level of development of management in a particular company. They believe that customer companies should strive to international standards and adapt to them.

As for Russian HR consulting providers, before placing an order, you need to get answers to the following questions:

- What is the experience of the consultant and the source of his knowledge.

- Have similar projects been successfully implemented, and how to contact the representatives of the customer company in order to get recommendations.

- Whether the consultant is ready to draw up a work schedule with a clear indication of the time and financial resources required to complete the work.

- Whether the consultant is ready to develop a system for evaluating the effectiveness of the project.

- Whether the consultant is ready to return the money in case of justified quality claims.

- Does the consultant understand the essence of the problem in your company, does he speak the same language with the directors, does he require you to make the only right decisions, even if you do not ask him about it.

The effectiveness of a consulting project is evaluated through the achievement of the set goals. To do this, goals must be formulated clearly and quantitatively. At the same time, setting goals and objectives for consulting projects, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of their implementation should take at least 10-20% of the project budget. When choosing a consultant, it is very important to formulate a request in writing, criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of this project, select five or six companies for a closed tender, hold meetings with them to discuss the vision for the implementation of this project, study their proposals and check recommendations on the reference list for similar completed projects.

In summary, here are some tips:

Before placing an order for HR consulting,

Write what you want to get from the work of a consultant.

Set a framework for an ongoing budget for HR development.

- Demand from yourself and the performer the results of work that qualitatively change the efficiency of the company's operational management.

Stages of a consulting project:

Project presentation.

The presentation is intended for top managers of the company and lasts from one to three hours. During this time, the goals, work schedule, theoretical concept, and a set of methods and tools that will be used to implement it should be described. As a rule, a solution of two or three specific problems is provided (for example, the calculation of regional indexes of salaries of directors of regional branches) in order to demonstrate the existence the only solution long-existing and sore problems, and that in 1-3 months it is possible to create documents and procedures that allow not only to solve existing problems, but also not to create new ones. The purpose of this stage for the customer is to make the final decision, for the personnel specialist - to outline the points of support and resistance in the further implementation of this project.

Drawing up a work schedule.

The schedule for the implementation of two projects to optimize the compensation system was drawn up for 55 and 88 working hours and included the following procedures: document analysis, structured interviews, Committee sessions, training seminars, brainstorming sessions and presentations of ready-made solutions. Calendar duration of projects - 2-3 months. To simplify the interaction, the customer was immediately offered specific dates for the consulting work, which he corrected if necessary 8 .

Collection of information.

At this stage, at least three methods are used:

1. Structured interview - an interview that is conducted with various employees according to a pre-compiled list of questions. Usually 5-10 interviews are required with managers and specialists, representatives of branches, each lasting 1-1.5 hours. At some point, usually in 6-8 interviews, when the consultant begins to guess the answers to questions with an accuracy of 80% (for example, what pay conflicts have occurred in your company or how would you propose to change the existing bonus system, or what does not suit you in the system of non-material incentives), it can be argued that this method begins to require more resources than it provides information.

2. Analysis of documents - carried out in parallel with the interview. The goal is to study it and try to understand the documents describing the existing systems of payment and incentives for staff. Unfortunately, the experience of HR specialists shows that these documents are little known in the company and are useless from the point of view of their improvement and further application. As a rule, radically new documents are developed during the consulting process, so I consider it an honor to include in the order on the introduction of a new payment system a clause on the annulment of all previous orders and documents describing the company's compensation system.

3. Brainstorming - perhaps the most useful and insidious method. It allows you to create an impression, and, if necessary, really involve representatives of the customer company, as a rule, line management, in the creation of a new compensation policy. Thus, the development of a new, very important procedure for the company occurs, as it were, on the basis of and thanks to the actions of line management, thereby he shares responsibility for the implementation of this policy.

4. Other group methods of work of line managers. HR specialists identify three aspects of group work that determine its result:

Collection of information - line managers act as experts and analyze the pros and cons of the existing payment system (you should try to keep the pros in the new system, get rid of the cons); the goals and principles of the new payment system (it should be fair, help manage, in fact, this is what I propose). Managers also act as experts in evaluating the importance of the work of their subordinates for the company, which allows them to further build salary harmonization schedules.

Decision making – line managers are actively involved in setting weights and priorities, making lists key tasks, ranking and classification of jobs. This aspect makes it possible to turn theoretical principles into an effective concrete policy for a given company, co-authored by its management.

Training, modeling and information exchange - this stage of consulting surpasses any meetings and trainings in its productivity. With the right organization, group work allows you to quickly and step by step identify the problem, exchange opinions and possible solutions, facts and their interpretations, and make a final decision. In the process of deciding whether to classify or rank jobs or highlight key tasks for a division, many managers learn more about the company than they did in the previous two years. It is very important that line managers as a result of such work become not only co-authors of new technologies, but also consultants for their implementation in operational management.

In the process of group work, parallel work of several subgroups, public presentations, individual and group filling in forms, correction and approval of final documents are used.

Another significant plus of such an organization of work is a significant saving of working time. For example, the evaluation of jobs by the point method took one specialist in a multinational company 2 months for 60 positions. The method of group express diagnostics made it possible to evaluate 200 positions in 4 hours of group work and 6 hours of analytical and statistical work.

Teamwork of top managers.

This is the main part of consulting. It takes the form of sessions of the Committee. The committee of three to ten people includes the chief executives of the company, directors and key specialists in project areas. As a rule, 5-10 Committee meetings of 2-4 hours each are required. It is very important that the members of the Committee have the skills of time management, holding meetings with maximum efficiency and minimum loss of time. The task of the Committee is to choose from the proposed alternatives the right decisions for a given company and answers to numerous questions, most of which are sharp and debatable (for example, what wage fund is planned by the company, what salary bracket for the workplace will be adopted, what range of bonuses will be chosen for key and other employees of the company, what percentage of the plan the company considers normal). The result of the work of the Committee should be an approved compensation policy, described in the form of a document on 10-15 pages, unambiguously understood and accepted by all employees of the company.

In the course of the work of the Committee, top managers acquire the knowledge and skills of professional consultants on the implementation of the new compensation policy. In the process of developing specific management decisions top management begins to adapt multi-dimensional, sophisticated technologies to the level of development general management companies and, as a rule, this leads to degradation (or optimization) of some ideal technology. If a company is determined to use the most modern methods personnel management, she must plan and regularly conduct training for all managers of the company the latest technologies management (SMART, delegation, time management, etc.).

Evaluation of the effectiveness of HR consulting.

For the implementation of this stage, a large number of criteria can be identified that demonstrate positive changes within 1-12 months from the date of implementation of the consulting, for example, a decrease in staff turnover, an increase in sales profitability, a decrease in personnel costs, an increase in the productive use of time, a decrease in the number of conflicts and complaints etc. Undoubtedly, the most indicative assessment is in monetary terms. We can give an example of a preliminary assessment of the procedures for harmonizing the salary system for a company with a staff of 150 people, the company's annual payroll is about 1 million USD, excluding taxes. Optimization allows you to increase the return on assets by at least 20%, i.e. generates an income of 200,000 USD per year, while the cost of consulting the Personnel Club will be about 10,000 USD. The profitability of investments in the harmonization of the salary system is 2,000% per annum in foreign currency or 190,000 USD of net profit. But much more important is that the company has become more manageable, and its employees are happy and hardworking.

Recently, at a corporate seminar on time management, personnel specialists, what effectiveness could a smoking ban have in work time. The reduction in the cost of working hours spent in smoking rooms amounted to USD 1,500 per day, or USD 35,000 per month, or USD 420,000 per year, excluding taxes and indirect costs. Indeed, it is not in vain that doctors warn about the dangers of smoking, it adversely affects not only the health of individuals, but the business as a whole. It is even more harmful for the business and the people working in it to hire the worst and incompetent employees, pay and reward them in such a way that the company could not achieve its goals, train the wrong ones and the wrong ones, conduct Certification according to arbitrary and formal criteria, hindering development employee and the company as a whole, i.e. work with staff is not professional, relying only on common sense 9 .

Modern business both internationally and in Russia, this is a business that is limited only by the ambitions and imagination of the top managers who run it. Modern business is an investment business. If you are confident that you know how to succeed, you can mobilize any external and internal resources, and in 25 years from a company of workers with unfinished higher education, writing programs for children's toys, turn into Microsoft, whose turnover exceeds that of Russia. Business develops thanks to effective investments, and I wanted to demonstrate one of the most profitable areas for investing - investing in your company's personnel management.


Increasing complexity and increasing pace of common economic changes, business conditions give rise to specific problems, in the solution of which, more and more often, Russian entrepreneurs need the help of consultants.

1. HR technologies are created for a specific case and implemented through a consultative process, are interdisciplinary in nature and are provided by a team of specialists, adapt to the culture of the organization and meet the requirement of practical effectiveness.

2. Based on the results of personnel consulting, an assessment of the current and future capabilities of the organization's human resource is carried out, and an organizational development program is created. It is advisable that the consulting support of the organization be designed and brought to the point of bringing the agreed changes to the desired result (for example, through the organization of in-house training of personnel).

3. The professional requirements for a personnel consultant include: the ability to identify and analyze personnel processes in an organization, the ability to program work with a human resource in a direction consistent with the goals of the organization, including the skills to develop and use specific tools and methods of working with personnel, and also the ability to transfer the technology of personnel work to employees of personnel services.

4. Paradigms of personnel consulting:

Consulting on resources - the consultant conducts an examination of the current state of the professional and personnel potential of the organization and offers specific solutions to personnel problems;

Consulting on the process - the consultant organizes the process of solving professional and personnel problems and trains the employees of the organization to solve them independently.

5. Personnel consulting consists of two main stages: analytical and programming.

6. The success of the consultation process depends not least on how consultants manage to create in the organization a positive attitude shared by employees towards the following principles of joint work on a problem: the principle of attractiveness, the principle of reality, and the principle of controllability (or controllability) of the process of joint activity.

7. We can talk about the presence of at least three types of professional competence that determine the effectiveness of the activities of a personnel consultant: methodological, social and organizational.

As a result of the work, the main tasks that HR consulting solves were identified:

  • formation of managerial skills of the head;

  • personnel audit;

  • delegation of authority;

  • staff motivation;

  • personnel certification program;

  • optimization of personnel management technology;

  • assessment of the company's human resources potential;

  • assessment of the socio-psychological climate and the system of informal relations;

  • development and implementation of a personnel training system;

  • recruitment.
Thus, summing up the work, we can say that personnel consulting is aimed at the selection and placement of personnel in the enterprise. It is understood that qualified personnel will provide all the necessary functions of the enterprise, including adequate management, internal interactions, effective market activity. The concept of personnel consulting believes that the success of an enterprise is necessary people in the right places.


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