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Keeping a barn owl at home. Owl as a pet. Video - Types of owls

IN Lately it becomes fashionable to keep at home different birds. As a rule, the case is rarely limited to budgerigars. They have long ceased to be exotic, so they rarely attract ordinary people. Therefore, it becomes popular to have forest pets. Many people wonder if an owl can live at home? The answer is positive. But this will require a lot of patience.

So what is a domestic owl? First of all, it is nighttime. Therefore, the main activity will fall precisely at this time of day. Therefore, if you prefer a diurnal lifestyle, you are better off getting another animal. Since at night an owl can look for something, rumble something and make noise in every possible way. This will obviously interfere with your sleep. The exception to the rule is having your own big house. Then the place for the bird can be equipped in a separate room.

Domestic owls are predators, so you need to feed them only with meat. But this also has a number of difficulties. Due to the peculiarities of digestion, they need to eat wool and claws, feathers. Therefore, ordinary cuts of beef and a divided chicken carcass will not work. As a rule, experienced people feed owls mice or diurnal mice. This food is expensive and difficult to obtain. Also keep in mind that these are very voracious birds.

What domestic owls are and how to choose them? To get started, find official nurseries. Do not look for advertisements on the Internet on bulletin boards, as you will only find poachers. And this means that you will make a purchase of a sick bird. You can buy a small owl or a giant owl. It is best to proceed from the size of the apartment. In a small room, it will be difficult for the bird to fly, it may hit the jamb. Therefore, for the content standard apartments it is better to choose owls, or barn owls.

Domestic owls are not so easy to keep. Under no circumstances should they be kept in a cage. Even the largest aviary will cause wing injuries. Therefore, for

keeping these birds is best to use a separate room. Windows should be hung with dark curtains, it is better to remove carpets from the floor. It is necessary to take out all the mirrors, as the owl can break it and get hurt. It is important to make several perches, that is, perches. They need to be covered with fabric. You also need to build special bathing suits. You can use wide bowls for this.

Despite the fact that domestic owls are difficult to keep birds, they are very interesting pets. Therefore, think carefully before purchasing a chick. Will you be able to buy special food for him and give him a separate room? If yes, then feel free to start this bird, despite the possible difficulties. Of course, do not forget about regular visits to the veterinarian.

Before you get any pet that you have never kept at home before, you should familiarize yourself with the conditions of its maintenance, with the needs of your future tenant. This fully applies to such a creature as an owl. Why, you will understand further, in the course of the article.

So you like owls. Well, or you think you like them because you are delighted with them. appearance. Or, perhaps, you have read / seen enough of the Harry Potter saga, and you are touched by owls that cutely fly into Harry’s room or Hogwarts with letters, tame owls of children-young wizards that live in cages, etc. and so on. Don't believe. An owl will never become a tame pet and will never live in a cramped cage. In order not to be unfounded, we will understand everything in order.

What is this "beast"?

The owl is a nocturnal bird of prey. This could be the end of this article. But we will go to the end, as some lovers of extreme sports in general and nocturnal predators in particular still manage to keep owls at home. When starting a bird, be prepared for the fact that all night you will be “entertained” by its cries and, in general, all kinds of noise made by an owl, which is “programmed” by nature to stay awake and hunt at night. Including your pets, if you already have them. Moreover, a cute owl can hamster not only your rat or guinea pig, but also tear your cat or dog to pieces. Do not hope that your feathered specimen will be a pleasant exception, and you will show off cute joint photos of your owl and purr. Owls are monogamous, and, in the absence of a mate for your pet, you will forever remain his property, no one else.

However, the harsh nature of owls practically does not allow any tenderness. The beak and claws of these birds are not exactly the same as the beak and claws of, say, a budgerigar. Get ready to meet them. You may always have to enter the room where the owl lives, wearing gloves and other protective equipment. Yes, yes, in the room, you heard right. Leave the cage for your hamster or wavy.

Where and how to keep an owl in the house?

So, be prepared to allocate a separate room for the owl. It is impossible to keep it in a cage or aviary, as the bird will beat against hard rods and injure its paws and wax. You can’t get along with an owl in the same room, unless you are indifferent to noise at night, and also calmly react to damaged furniture and things torn to shreds and scattered throughout the room by a bird that loves to play.

In the owl room there should not be anything that is dear to you - no valuables, documents, clothes and other things. The bird does not need a chandelier made of Bohemian glass either, it does not need any at all. Windows should be hung with a dense fabric in which the bird cannot get stuck with its paws, get tangled and injured, or even die, hanging upside down all night. No need to leave the windows uncurtained - the bird will try to fly through the glass, and this will not end in anything good. For the same reason, curtain the mirrors, or better yet, remove them from the owl's dwelling.

The walls of the owl room will have to be “decorated” with the so-called. perches - narrow shelves made of durable material (wood, iron), upholstered with something softer, for example, carpet. Give your pet a bath too. A wide, not too deep container will do. Owls love to swim, but, I must say, this circumstance does little to make the terrible smell emanating from them less offensive.


If you are still invigorated and do not leave the dream of having an owl at home, let's deal with feeding this predator. A earnest request to those who consider themselves to be weak-nerved people who love and pity all living things - do not read this section. Just close the article and run to the pet store for a parrot and grain mix for him. Owls do not eat grains, they need meat, preferably live, running, squeaking, etc. Get ready for a regular supply of live mice, newborn defenseless pink rats, dismemberment of quail corpses, etc. In general, to the fact that now you will hunt, instead of your owl. Owls need fresh meat of rodents and birds, in extreme cases, frozen, but only sometimes, because there are more useful and vital in fresh food. necessary for the bird substances. Food is purchased at a pet store or bred on their own. It is necessary to give the owl game whole, without cleaning. It is necessary to gut only quails, daily allowances, by the way. Remove their paws and head, too, so that the pet does not become infected with anything.

That's not all. Every time after eating, the bird will burp “change” for you - the so-called. a pellet consisting of undigested feathers, wool and bones. In the event that you have not found this “gift” anywhere, do not feed the bird and take it to the ornithologist.


  • the maintenance of an owl will result in a round sum;
  • the need for daily thorough cleaning of the owl room;
  • unsightly owl food in the fridge;
  • crickets, mice, worms will also be present in your home. Live;
  • forget about the holidays - you have decided, once and for all, to take care of your pet. Without you, he may die, and hardly anyone will agree to look after the owl for a long time;
  • one room in the house/apartment will be given to the owl;
  • you need to regularly get live food for an owl;
  • very noisy at night for you and your neighbors;
  • the owl room will smell really bad, to put it mildly.

We start an owl

If at this stage everything suits you, and you still decide to have an owl at home, we move on to the next one - buying a bird and its first days in your house. First, decide what kind of owl you would like to keep. It is better if it is a small or medium-sized bird, such as an owl, tawny owl, barn owl, marsh or long-eared owl. No large predators like eagle owls! The bird needs to fly, it needs a lot of space. The eagle owl, like other, especially large representatives of the owl family, will feel like in a cage even in a fairly large room. It is best to take a young bird, which will be easier to tame.

An owl cage is not even suitable as a carrier. Put the bird in a large box and take it home. Don't forget to close this temporary carrier and poke some small air holes in it. At home, let the owl get used to the new home, do not scare it with loud sounds and sudden movements.


As already mentioned, you need to constantly monitor whether the owl has dropped the riddle, and if this has not happened, contact a specialist, since this sign indicates that the bird is unhealthy. Also, the pellet should not contain blood and have a bad smell. A change in the litter of a pet may also indicate malaise. Normally, it is liquid, with a tolerably terrible smell, white in color interspersed with a darker and denser litter in consistency. Any change should alert you. The activity of a diseased bird decreases sharply, appetite disappears, the owl stops caring for plumage. If these symptoms occur, take your bird to a specialist immediately.


A completely tame pet is something unrealistic when it comes to an owl. Thanks to your own perseverance and patience, you can tie a bird to you, but you can’t dream of treating it as freely as with a cat or dog. The most tameable are owls from nurseries, whose ancestors were also raised in captivity.

Tame an owl gradually, do not expect great success immediately. When feeding a bird from your hands, do not forget that they must be reliably protected with gloves. If the bird clicks its beak or hisses, do not insist on communication, now is not the best time for this.

As you already understood, an owl in an apartment is a serious test for you and your family, as well as for your neighbors. Even if you have a big enough a private house, keeping an owl at home seems to be a very troublesome and rather expensive matter. Nevertheless, this bird is intended for life in the wild, hunting pests, and for other owl troubles. Helping a crippled bird recover and set it free is one thing. And to catch an owl and torment a creature accustomed to free life - you see, is completely different. You can admire the owl in the zoo or zoo corner. But, if you are still not embarrassed by the above difficulties, and you are ready to devote a lot of time, effort and money to your pet, go for it! Perhaps you will get a sufficiently tameable pet that will delight you for many years.

How to feed an owl at home if the predator has become a pet? You should think about this before the owlet managed to settle in a city apartment.

What to feed an owl at home?

The process of giving food to a bird of prey is an occupation that requires strong nerves and iron endurance. It is strictly forbidden to feed the bird with meat or pieces passed through a meat grinder.

This is explained by the special structure of the digestive system. IN natural environment habitat, the bird eats its prey whole. That is why it is important that even when kept at home, the bird receives wool, feathers, blood, bones and meat. Only in this case can we hope for a long and healthy life feathered predator.

No substitutes can provide the bird with the full functioning of digestion and, as a result, good health.

Why clean meat is bad for an owl

Bones, wool and feathers are indigestible components, but they ensure the full functioning of the predator's digestive tract. After entering the stomach, they form special dense lumps (pellets), which the bird later regurgitates. If you give the bird fully prepared meat, that is, devoid of bones and feathers, then no pellets are formed. As a result, there is a violation of the digestive process, which affects the peristalsis of the entire gastrointestinal tract of the predator.

In addition to the bones and skins necessary for an owl, a predator also receives the necessary vitamins and microminerals from small animals. Bacteria that fill the intestines of the victim produce the necessary components in large quantities. That is why you need to feed the bird with ungutted carcasses.

So, what to feed an owl? Suitable here:

Live mice

day old chicks

small birds.

Some owls do not refuse fish and frogs, as well as beetles. But this type of food should not act as the main one.

This article covers the main aspects of the nutrition of owl species common in captivity in our country (former CIS countries). It applies to representatives of such genera as: owl (Strix), owls (Bubo), long-eared owls (Asio), owls (Athene), scoops (Otus).

All species of owls, owls, owls, scoops, owls are polyphages. They willingly switch from one food to another, focusing on the mass character of one or another biological species. In nature, owls actively hunt not only rodents, but also birds, fish, amphibians, reptiles, insects, and worms. The percentage of types and classes of animals in the diet of owls depends on the size of the owl and on the availability of food. So, for example, during the period of mass emergence of cicadas or locusts, even large eagle owls can switch to eating only insects for several weeks.

Polyphagy, or polyphagy - the use of various animal and plant foods by polyphagous animals.

When compiling a diet for captive owls, one should proceed from the principle of the maximum variety of feed and the degree of bird mobility. So, the nutrition of an owl kept in an apartment without active flights and training will differ from the nutrition of owls living in an aviary. all year round, and even more so from the diet of owls, with which they actively “work” and are engaged in hunting or free flights.

An owl should not be fed boneless meat or chicken fillet. The owl often consumes the whole body of the victim with hair / feathers, bones and all organs. Undigested food residues - wool, feathers, bones, scales, thick chitin in the muscular stomach are compressed into a dense, odorless lump, called a pellet, which is regularly burped by a bird, while the cuticle (hard and desquamating part of the gastric mucosa) is partially renewed. When feeding meat or chicken fillet, the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract during the day birds of prey and owls are disturbed, which leads to a whole cascade of unpleasant and disastrous consequences for the body and, as a result, to the death of the bird.

In this video, a barn owl (Tyto alba) swallows a small rabbit whole.

If such a period happens (let's be realistic - every, even the most responsible owner of owls, has faced the situation of the absence of food animals, including through no fault of their own), that it is not possible to feed the owl with whole animals, then TEMPORARILY you can use wool, gammarus, grated carrots, shrimp or their shells for rolling chopped pieces of meat (turkey, chicken hearts).

Additional food for barn owls: quail meat deboned in feathers, raw shrimp, carrots, apples. Photo Nicky Kuklina.

If an owl is not actively involved in training, training, free flights, then, due to a sedentary lifestyle, a high fat content of food will lead to fatty liver and atherosclerosis, so adult rats and quails need to remove subcutaneous fat.

Birds with which they are actively involved in hunting, training, free flights - you can not limit the fat content of food animals, but this does not cancel the rule of buying food animals from good sources, where they are grown on complete feed.

All types of owls need to arrange "fasting" days - do not feed the birds once a week.

An important aspect overlooked by many keepers is that in nature, many species of owls store food. So, in the winter, owls have several spare “storehouses - hollows”, which they fill with mice and birds caught. Moreover, the number of animal carcasses can be very large. Owls can spend the night in such hollows or visit them from time to time to replenish supplies or eat them up. Naturally, the “reserves” are rotten, but this does not prevent owls from eating them.

A similar behavior is observed in owls kept in enclosures - they hide the undereaten remains of food animals and eat them later, when they are already heavily fermented. Owls kept at home have scattered intestines of rats and mice, and if the owners do not remove such leftovers immediately, owls eat them after 2-3 days, very rotten.

On this video virgin eagle owl (Bubo virginianus) returns the next night to the carcass of the slaughtered chicken.

This is an important aspect of maintaining the normal intestinal microflora of owls and the activity of their digestive enzymes.

Fish in the diet of owls:

Tawny owls, eagle owls, long-eared owls in nature actively catch river fish.

On video barred owl (Strix varia) eats fish.

Tawny owls in our latitudes also actively hunt fish. Observations on gray owls ( Strix aluco) in the Oksky Biosphere State Reserve showed that, in addition to mouse-like rodents, tawny owls hunted perch, pike, ide, swimming beetles, and spindles and fed nestlings with them.

Fish fed by the Tawny Owl (Strix aluco). V.P. Ivanchev, R.B. Bobkov, M.V. D idorchuk, M.V. Onufrenya, O.P. Empty. Russian ornithological journal 1997 issue 7.

It should be clarified that marine fish should not be introduced into the diets of owls. It is necessary to give only river fish.

Vegetable food for owls:

Many will be surprised to learn that owls are happy to eat fruits, berries, vegetables, sometimes even foliage and herbs (the latter refers to animal self-medication). Here is an example of an interesting observation, in this video gray owl (Strix aluco) eats oak leaves.

Owls eat apricots, cherries, grapes, ripe pears, tomatoes, zucchini. In captivity, cases of willing consumption by owls have also been observed. bell pepper and chili, plums, bananas, fresh herbs and flowers of dandelion, clover, plantain. Particularly prone to accepting plant food are small insectivorous species - house owls, scops and other scoops.

On this video adult female virgin owl ( Bubo virginianus) eats grapes. Interestingly, this bird is tame and free; it can be seen that the bird lives on the territory of the site, reproduces and at the same time maintains a connection with the person who fed it.

Barn owl eats zucchini. Photo by Nika Kuklina

When kept in captivity, it makes sense to try to offer plant foods to all types of owls, because. breeding feed rodents, birds, insects are depleted food compared to their natural equivalent. In their natural environment, owls receive vegetable feed, consuming whole carcasses of animals and insects, along with the stomach and intestines filled with semi-digested crushed plant food.

Little owl (Athene noctua). The owl ate blueberries, which can be seen from the color of the beak. Photo by Nika Zubra.

It should be noted that owls are more adapted to the processing and assimilation of plant foods than diurnal predators, due to the presence of paired caecum (in diurnal raptors they are reduced), which contain specific microflora involved in the fermentation and breakdown of plant components into final stage digestion.

After eating a large amount of berries or fruits, owls may have occasional diarrhea, especially if the owl takes these foods for the first time or very rarely. No special measures to eliminate diarrhea in these cases do not need to be carried out.

Birds in the diet of owls:

In nature, all species of owls will consume commensurate species of other birds from time to time. During the breeding season in the warm season, the share of bird prey in the diet of owls increases due to easily accessible chicks and fledglings for hunting. various kinds.

Pearly Owl (Glaucidium perlatum) got a lovebird parrot. This photo illustrates the dangers of keeping small owls and other birds together. .

In captivity, Japanese quail, day old and reared chickens are used as additional food. It is better to choose quails of the egg direction, rather than meat and egg (large heavy breeds), because. the latter, due to the rapid “broiler” weight gain and fattening, as a rule, have a high fat content. According to the age category, pullets are preferable, i.е. quail at the age of 1-2 months, whose skeleton is already sufficiently formed (which means that the owl will receive the necessary amount of minerals from the feed), but at the same time the quail has not yet had time to “work up fat”. From the carcasses of adult quails for owls kept in an apartment and having little ability to move, it is advisable to remove visible deposits of subcutaneous fatty tissue, most often they are located in the area of ​​the knee crease, abdomen, in the interclavicular fossa under the goiter of quails. If you are in doubt about the availability of veterinary services for poultry from your quail supplier, then it is necessary to gut the gastrointestinal tract, wash from droppings or cut off the bare parts of the paws of the carcass - this is necessary to minimize the risk of transmitting pathogenic bacteria, helminth eggs, protozoan cysts that can be carried in I quailed myself because of the crowded content and “conveyor” breeding.

Young quail up to one month old and day-old chicks are incomplete food and can only be introduced into the diet for a change, since such food objects are poor in calcium and phosphorus, and the yolk sac (it is located in the abdominal cavity of chickens and quails) has a high fat content, so it is better to remove the owl before feeding the chicken carcass yolk sac; however, from time to time, it can be left and offered uneviscerated day old chicks:owls living in an apartment - no more than 1 time per week, and owls (especially those wintering in the street) - up to 3-4 times a week.

Insects in the diet of owls:

Small species of owls - owls of the genus Athene and scoops (bulan, collared, Ussuri, scops) - in their natural habitat are predominantly insectivorous species, although they do not neglect other food (mouse-like rodents, small birds). The diet of these species in captivity is desirable to enrich as much as possible with a variety of insect cultures - least They should be 50% of the feed. Other types of owls in nature also do not disdain catching and eating large beetles, dragonflies, grasshoppers.

On sale you can often find a variety of food insects to enrich the diet of an owl in captivity - all this

It is best to offer fresh insects. To boost nutritional value fodder insects, it is advisable to feed cockroaches / crickets with greens or vegetables a few hours before feeding them or freezing them for future use.

Live insects are well suited to enriching the owl's habitat, as seen in the video of the house owl feeding live cockroaches.

All insects are highly digestible proteins. Crickets and cockroaches are rich in chitin, which serves as a mechanical stimulator of gastric peristalsis and as a parasitic material, and is also a natural hepatoprotector, i.e. participates in the restoration of liver cells. Hawk hawk caterpillars are rich in calcium (due to the specific diet on which they are grown - wheat germ) and have a minimum of fat. All three of these forage crops can be given to owls without restrictions.

Flourworm, zofobas, wax moth also contain chitin, but in smaller quantities, while they contain more fat (especially in zofobas), these cultures should be given only for variety and in limited quantities.

“Street” insects collected in nature can be offered, however, with a caveat:
1. collection of insects should be carried out in an ecologically clean area where plants are not treated with pesticides and herbicides;
2. collection should be carried out away from highways and major roads due to the accumulation of salts heavy metals plants serving as food for insects;
3. collection of certain types of insects that can be given as food to owls - May and June beetles, grasshoppers and fillies, crickets, locusts, “hairless” caterpillars, butterflies and moths are suitable for this.

Other food for captive owls:

Rabbits, guinea pigs, adult rats: carcasses with bones, meat, wool and organs can be used to diversify the diet and are given in portions about 1-2 times a week. As with other food animals, it will be more useful to use adult rodents and lagomorphs as food for owls due to the skeleton formed and saturated with minerals compared to young animals (“pebbles”, “pubescents”, “runners”, etc.).

Variety of forage harvested North American owl (Megascops asio). The male feeds the female on the masonry - crustaceans, fish, rodents, amphibians. .

“Snowy owls in Montrose Point, on the north side of Chicago, like to hunt rats. In the southeastern part of the lake, their menu is dominated by birds. And around the airport in Midway, on the southwest side of the city, voles are most common. In other words, they will eat whatever is available! But this is only information obtained from the pellets and from the contents of the stomachs, which suggest a limited overview of only part of their diet.”

It is difficult to pass by a beautiful and peculiar bird with big eyes. However, if you think that an owl - Domestic bird along with parrots, you are deeply mistaken. Having decided to take on the content of such a beauty, you need to carefully weigh all the pros and cons, because for at least fifteen years your life will change dramatically in this case.

Is it worth it to have an owl at home?

Recently, it has become fashionable to have exotic animals at home. They are bought in special stores, ordered or brought from exotic countries. At the same time, among the exotic, and therefore so desired pets, there are not only animals, but also birds. The latter are most often purchased at the bird market or found in the forest.

To make the right decision, you need to understand the features of life and the nature of a predator:

  1. These birds are active at night;
  2. They feed on live rodents;
  3. During mating periods, birds make loud sounds similar to meowing;
  4. They have a fairly large wingspan and fly fast and high.

In connection with the above behaviors, before acquiring a predator, think about what you have to do when it appears in your home:

  • You definitely won't have to sleep at night. Because during activity, the pet will rattle various objects, fly from place to place. Such a predator is suitable for those who are just like him leads a nocturnal lifestyle. In this case, together you will not be bored;
  • Do not expect to feed your pet with store-bought meat, as the peculiarity of the structure of his intestines is such that he can eat only whole prey, with wool or feathers. Therefore, you will have to look for food for your pet in pet stores or markets. It can be live mice or quail and chicken chicks;
  • At night, in addition to the noise, the bird will make screaming harsh sounds, so if you plan to keep her in an apartment, you will need to take care of sound insulation;
  • The pet will not be able to live without flying, and her flights will require a lot of space.

What to feed a domestic owl?

Features of the digestion of a bird of prey:

  1. They swallow the victim whole and only if the carcass is too large they tear it into pieces;
  2. Some time after eating, the predator regurgitates undigested residues.

In addition to meat, many owls eat:

  • frogs;
  • Worms;
  • Insects.

Therefore, you will have to provide your pet with fresh carcasses of small sizes. It can be chickens, quail chicks or rodents. If it is not possible to offer them live to your pet, then you need to choose the freshest carcasses. An owl needs at least two of these a day.

Such a diet helps the bird maintain a healthy microflora and a balance of vitamins. Limiting such food will lead to intestinal problems and serious diseases.

It is much easier in this regard to keep a pet in a private house than in an apartment. There you will have the opportunity to grow food for the pet yourself.

Before settling in a new guest, you should carefully prepare:

  1. The owl will not be able to live in a cage and will quickly die. Therefore, if you still decide, remove all valuables from open places. These birds are gamblers and love to rip and tear apart their toys;
  2. Remove light fabrics from the interior, especially tulle. During the flight, the feathered one can get entangled in it, catch on with its claws and even break its wings;
  3. However, it is impossible to leave windows without curtains, as a bird can fly into the glass. The same goes for mirrors;
  4. On the walls, place perches for the owl, where after the flight she could sit down. It should not be just sticks, but a tree covered with soft material, artificial grass or carpet;
  5. Birds love to swim, so a bath in the form of a container with water should be specially equipped for them.

Remember that the bird will occupy your entire apartment or house. It is impossible to restrict her in movement, this will adversely affect her health. If you are not ready for such sacrifices, you should leave this venture.

Where to buy a predator?

By law, the keeping of wild animals at home is prohibited. Therefore, when purchasing a feathered bird in the bird market, you risk:

  • Break the law and be punished;
  • Stay without a pet;
  • Buy a sick chick.

When chicks are found in the forest, the risks are the same. The only official way to acquire a bird is to buy it. in a specialized nursery. There the birds are ringed and special documents are made on them. Thus, you will protect yourself from fines and withdrawal of your pet.

It is important that owls from nurseries are already accustomed to people and behave much calmer than wild ones.

As for health, after the bird is in your hands, it must immediately be shown to a special veterinarian - an ornithologist. The fact is that many diseases in birds can go unnoticed, so you should pass all the tests and take an x-ray.

Only after all the procedures can you bring your neighbor home and introduce him to your family.

Problems with domestic owls: reviews from the forums

Negative moments there are several in the content of an owl at home:

  1. It is impossible to teach her to defecate in one place. The litter, which she releases quite often, smells very bad and scatters widely;
  2. Predators will not be able to carefully eat the carcasses of their victims; after eating, uneaten parts and masses that the bird regurgitates after a meal will certainly remain;
  3. Their predatory instincts are very tenacious and therefore owls are difficult to train;
  4. After a sudden change in diet and familiar image life, the bird can become seriously ill, and there are quite a few veterinarians specializing in these birds;
  5. Pre-purchased carcasses for a pet also require space. They can be pre-cut and stored in the freezer or placed alive in an aquarium.

Thus, although a feathered one may be in your house, it is definitely impossible to say that an owl is “domestic” and suitable for keeping in these conditions. This feathered one has a too freedom-loving character and it is unlikely that she will ever adapt to you. On the contrary, you will have to radically change your lifestyle.

In this video, Daria Ovsova will show her pet, how he eats, talk about the features of his content:
