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Russian Railways electronic trading platforms. The electronic trading platform of Russian Railways is being supplemented with new options. What does the Russian Railways trading platform offer?

1. ETP Russian Railways - electronic trading platform

The electronic platform for conducting tenders of JSC Russian Railways is an automated information complex that was formed to optimize the procurement manipulations of the Russian Railways company. Here, products, services and works are purchased in the interests of the Russian Railways organization, and processes for the disposal of illiquid goods, written-off products, devices, and real estate are carried out. The platform is an excellent tool for raising the level of competition in the procurement market.

2. Features of the Russian Railways platform

ETP Russian Railways (electronic trading platform) involves the use of electronic documents. All procedures have legal status and force, they are similar to all procedures that are carried out using the seals and signatures of the company. The resource contains the entire history of manipulations and current regulatory reference information.

Due to the fact that this platform is considered an autonomous body, and the organization itself is an open joint-stock company, the actions of market members are not subject to the law on. Customers are considered to be the directorates, branches and departments of JSC Russian Railways. Suppliers are absolutely any individuals accredited to participate in procurement activities at the ETPZ site. On the service you can see current procurement processes that are published by customers and archived tenders. The service is located at the email address on the network.

The service began functioning back in 2009; previously, manipulations were carried out in test mode. At this moment, huge cash flows are being generated through the presented trading service. Many organizations authorized as potential suppliers, representatives of a wide variety of businesses, and individual entrepreneurs take part in the auction. The amounts of contracts can vary in value from several thousand to hundreds of millions of rubles. In 2010, when the Russian authorities approved only five platforms for placing various trades, the number of general-purpose commercial services and highly specialized trading services increased sharply. By that time, the Russian Railways virtual trading platform could already freely and successfully compete with a huge number of old players in the virtual platform market and with newly announced resources too.

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3. Capabilities of the Russian Railways system

The electronic trading platform of the Russian Railways ETP allows for several steps of procurement manipulations.

    Open competition.

    Open competition in two stages.

    Open auction.

    Requesting quotes.

    Request offer.

    Preliminary specialized selection.

    Competition with limited participation.

    Competition with limited participation in two stages.

    Limited auction.

All bidding procedures are conducted only electronically. Competitions are a type of tender where, in order to win, in addition to the lowest contract price, one must indicate competitive characteristics: terms of payment, period of work, quality of materials used, type of guarantees. Other parameters may also be presented, everything is calculated and taken into account individually for each competition. The customer must create a document containing data on the algorithm for determining the winner, the characteristics of the assessment, as well as detailed technical specifications. The candidate who provides the most favorable and competitive conditions for fulfilling the order wins the tender. All auctions are divided into certain subtypes, depending on the conditions for the preliminary selection of candidates, but the algorithm for conducting auctions is the same. A limited participation auction is considered the most common bidding option. The customer determines the size of the initial highest cost per lot. When bidding, candidates gradually lower the price in certain increments, from 0.5 to 5 percent of the original highest cost. The winner is the one who can provide the lowest contract price. Requests for quotations and proposals are also considered a common option for conducting trading processes. Legal entities that have been accredited on the virtual bidding platform can always take part in such auctions. Before the end of the quotation transfer period, the supplier has the right to send only one price proposal, and no one will be able to see which proposal was sent. After this period ends, quotes are opened, and the results will be automatically posted publicly on the website. The most profitable option wins.

If we talk about preliminary specialized selection on the electronic trading platform of the ETP of Russian Railways, then it is worth considering that this is not considered an independent procurement procedure of the organization, this is only the first step. In some tenders, it will be necessary to undergo a quality selection, in which the customer will see who is solvent, financially stable and professional, and who is not. In the following, only good and reliable participants will be considered. As a rule, such selections are carried out in large and large auctions with a contract value of five million rubles.

4. How to start working on the Russian Railways service

To work on the electronic trading platform of the Russian Railways ETP, you need to obtain a closed-type virtual digital signature key certificate from the NIIAS center. All information on how to obtain a certificate is on the website.

In 2017, the electronic trading platform of the Russian Railways ETP carried out more than seventeen thousand trades in various forms. The initial cost of lots varies - from 14 thousand rubles to 43 million or more. The topics are also different - from cleaning services for special clothing to professional training services for company specialists.

5. Video instructions for finding a tender on the Russian Railways website

For a guaranteed result in tender procurement, you can seek advice from the experts of the Entrepreneurship Support Center. If your organization is a small business, you can get a number of advantages: advance payments for government contracts, short payment terms, conclusion of direct contracts and subcontracts without a tender. and work only under profitable contracts with minimal competition!

The electronic trading platform of JSC Russian Railways (Russian Railways) is an automated information complex that was created to optimize the procurement activities of JSC Russian Railways. At the site, goods, services and works are purchased in the interests of Russian Railways LLC, and procedures related to the disposal of illiquid products, decommissioned machinery, equipment, and real estate are also carried out. The platform is a tool for increasing the level of competition in the market for purchased products, equipment and services.

Electronic document management operates on the site. All operations carried out on the ETPZ (electronic trading and purchasing platform) have a legal status and are similar in legal force to operations carried out using the organization’s seal and the signature of an authorized person. The website stores the entire history of operations, and the regulatory and reference information is up to date.

Since the Russian Railways trading platform is an autonomous structure, the form of organization is an open joint-stock company, therefore the actions of market participants are not subject to Federal Law No. 44 on public procurement. Customers are directorates, divisions and departments of JSC Russian Railways. Suppliers are any legal entities accredited to participate in electronic procurement procedures on the ETPP platform. On the site you can familiarize yourself with current procurement procedures published by customers and archived tenders. The resource is located at the Internet address

The site has been operating since the end of 2009, previously the work was carried out in test mode. Officially, on December 21, 2009, the AIS ETPZ of JSC Russian Railways was put into commercial operation. Today, enormous turnover of funds passes through the trading resource. A large number of enterprises registered as potential suppliers, representatives of large, medium and small businesses, and individual entrepreneurs are participating in the auction. Contract amounts vary from several thousand to hundreds of millions of rubles. In 2010, when the government of the Russian Federation only approved 5 federal platforms for hosting state and municipal auctions, the number of general commercial platforms and highly specialized trading resources increased sharply. By that time, the electronic trading platform of Russian Railways could already provide healthy competition to many long-standing players in the electronic trading platform market and new platforms.

Opportunities of the Russian Railways trading platform

There are several types of procurement procedures on the site:

1) Open competition

2) Open two-stage competition

6) Pre-qualification

7) Competition with limited participation

8) Two-stage competition, with limited participation

9) Auction with limited participation

All trading procedures are carried out only in electronic form. Competitions are a category of tenders in which, in order to win, in addition to the minimum contract value, it is necessary to present competitive non-price parameters: terms of payment, time to complete the main work, quality of materials used and form of warranty. There may be other parameters, everything is calculated individually for each competition. The customer draws up tender documentation, which contains detailed technical specifications, an algorithm for evaluating the winner and parameters for this evaluation. The candidate who offers the most competitive terms for fulfilling the order wins the tender. All competitions are divided into subtypes, depending on the conditions for the preliminary selection of participants, but the trading algorithm is the same. Auction with limited participation - the most common type of bidding . The customer sets the initial maximum price for a lot (product or service) and during the auction, participants gradually reduce the price in predetermined increments, from 0.5 to 5 percent of the initial maximum price. The one who can offer the lowest contract price wins the auction. Requests for quotes and proposals are also a popular type of trading procedure. A legal entity that has been accredited on the electronic trading platform can always take part in a request for quotes and proposals. Before the deadline for submitting quotes, the supplier has the opportunity to submit only one price proposal, while neither the customer nor other participants see which one. After the deadline for submitting proposals, they are opened and the results are automatically available on the website The winner is the one whose price offer is the most favorable. Prequalification is not an independent type of procurement procedure carried out at the ETPZ of JSC Russian Railways; it is only the first stage. In some tenders, suppliers first need to undergo a quality selection, as a result of which the customer will immediately weed out insolvent, financially unstable participants, unprofessionals or even fraudsters. After this, applications from the remaining participants potentially admitted to perform work or supply products will be considered. Typically, prequalification is carried out in very large tenders, where contract amounts start from 5 million rubles.

How to start working with the platform

It is necessary to obtain a closed (electronic digital signature) from a specialized certification center - JSC NIIAS. To issue a digital signature in the name of a person authorized to sign financial documents or the head of an enterprise, you should contact any of the branches of JSC NIIAS; contacts and addresses of issuing points are listed on the website in the “Contact Information” section. Afterwards, you need to register a legal entity by filling out the appropriate form on the website. If you have any questions, the technical support operator will be able to answer your questions.


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The electronic trading and purchasing platform of Russian Railways was created by the corporation JSC Russian Railways to optimize the process of purchasing goods, works or services for the needs of the organization, as well as to conduct tenders for the sale of the company's real estate. Trading procedures on the electronic platform of Russian Railways are regulated by Federal Law 223.

ETZP Russian Railways has been operating since 2010

The electronic trading and purchasing platform provides a number of opportunities for all procurement participants, namely:

    placing orders for the purchase of goods, works and services or procedures related to the sale of real estate of Russian Railways;

    electronic document management during procurement, which has legal significance;

    current information and reference data.

Types of trading on the Russian Railways electronic platform

Since the beginning of the ETP operation, more than 73,000 procurement procedures have already been carried out. Of these, more than 5,000 purchases are only for small and medium-sized businesses.

There are many types of trading procedures available on the Russian Railways ETZP in which suppliers can take part:

    Limited participation auction;

    Request for quotations;

    Request for quotation with limited participation;

    Request for proposals;

    Limited participation competition;

    Open auction;

    Open two-stage competition;

    Open competition;


    Placement of offer.

The most popular forms of procurement, judging by the number of published procedures, are:

    open auction;

    request for quotations;

    open competition;

    auction with limited participation;

    competition with limited participation.

Separately, there are procedures for real estate, where lots are presented for the sale or lease of property of JSC Russian Railways. All real estate transactions take place in the form of an open auction.

Having selected the type of procurement procedure you are interested in, you can use the filter to refine the tender search parameters.

Participation in procurement at the Russian Railways site

In order to take part in procurement procedures on the ETZP of Russian Railways, the supplier must obtain an electronic digital signature from the Certification Center of JSC NIIAS. Contacts of the certification center are on the ETP website.

After this, you must register on the ETZP portal by filling out the appropriate form, which is presented on the official website.

The supplier can submit an application for participation in the electronic tender format from his personal account on the website, and send a paper application to the address specified in the procurement documentation.

You can find out details about work at the Russian Railways site and the procedure for carrying out procedures by studying the Operating Regulations and User Guide, which are also presented on the official website of the ETP.

ETP of Transport Services

The Transport Services Trading Platform is another project of Russian Railways OJSC. It is an electronic trading system for transport services.

The service tools allow you to obtain information about transportation on Russian Railways.

Each connected participant will be able to access information:

    by movement and location of the moving train;

    on the passage of a carriage at interstate junctions;

    about the location of containers;

    preliminary calculation of freight charges.

A more detailed list of ETP TU capabilities can be found on the official website of the site.

To receive information services, you must enter into an agreement with ETP. The terms of the contract, the procedure for the provision of services, the payment procedure and a complete list of services of the electronic platform are presented in the public domain for unregistered users.

ETP Freight Transportation

In December 2016, test access to the ETP GP site, which was developed as part of the Digital Railway project, was opened.

Since April 2017, ETP Freight transportation has been put into commercial operation.

This is a unique service that allows customers to order cargo transportation services using the Internet.

Initially, the platform’s functions made it possible to order a carriage and transportation, but then the range of services was expanded. Now it is possible to order the unloading of containers in public areas and use the warehousing service.

The “Freight Transportation” service is currently under active development and therefore new functions of this service may appear.

Official website of Russian Railways sites

ETZP official website—

Official website of ETP Transport Services—

Official website of ETP Freight transportation—

The websites contain tariffs for participants in procedures, which you can familiarize yourself with before concluding an agreement with the site.

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Open Joint Stock Company "Russian Railways" is one of the world's three leading railway companies. The company's investment projects cover most of the country from the North-West to the South and the Far East. The holding's portfolio of infrastructure projects abroad covers Southeast Europe, the countries of Transcaucasia, the Persian Gulf and Southeast Asia. Close contacts have been established with the business community of India, Cuba, Brazil, Indonesia and Vietnam. Large-scale reconstruction of the Moscow transport hub continues.

The section was created in order to optimize the process of procurement of goods, works and services for the needs of JSC Russian Railways and allows for all types of competitive procedures. Today the Section is in test operation, the first purchases are being made in the amount of up to 50 million rubles.

In order to take part in procurement procedures, you must complete 3 steps:


Creating an account on the ETP and registering a legal entity using just two documents.

The share of purchases by Russian Railways OJSC (Russian Railways OJSC), in which only small and medium-sized enterprises can participate, increased by 39.7% to RUB 13 billion in the first quarter of 2017.

The total volume of purchases by the company from small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) reached 26.4 billion rubles, which is 39.4% of the total volume of purchases by Russian Railways JSC

The number of SMEs participating in the auction exceeded 6 thousand participants, which is more than half of all participants in the auction.

The functionality of the electronic trading platform “Freight Transportation” (ETP GP) of JSC Russian Railways has added a supplier’s personal account and terminal services. According to the chief designer of the Intellex company (developer of the ETP), Nikolai Buzurnyuk, the ETP GP was initially planned as a resource with wide functionality, so the site is systematically supplemented with new options to meet customer needs.

“In the personal account, the service provider, for example, the owner of the cars, can view the work orders that are pending execution and perform various operations with them. In addition, a list of requests that were sent to him is also presented here, as well as whether this proposal was interesting to the client. This allows the supplier to manage its sales according to demand. Thanks to the new section “Reporting Documents”, he receives information in his personal account that previously he had to go to the CFTO office,” explained Nikolai Buzurnyuk.

He also noted that previously terminal services could only be ordered together with rail transportation, as ancillary services. Now on the ETP GP a block has appeared in which the order for loading, unloading and storage of goods is available separately, without reference to transportation. “In this section, the services of the Central Directorate for managing the terminal and warehouse complex are available, including storage of goods in an open area, as well as loading and unloading,” said the Intellex representative.

We would like to remind you that Russian Railways JSC introduced the ETP GP into commercial operation in March 2017 after a test inspection. It was developed as part of the Digital Railway program. The service allows shippers to order transportation in covered wagons, gondola cars, tanks on platforms of various owners via the Internet and pay from a personal account or through a bank.

At the moment, ETP GP serves orders in intrastate traffic, that is, between internal freight stations, with the exception of port and border stations. But in February, JSC Russian Railways approved a development plan for the ETP GP, which involves the integration of port services into the structure of the electronic platform and the organization of electronic document management for all participants in export transportation. “Negotiations are currently underway with the ports of the Russian Federation to organize export traffic through Russian ports, and negotiations have also been initiated with carriers and infrastructure owners of neighboring countries to formalize export shipments electronically,” says Nikolai Buzurnyuk.

With the development of the service, the time for organizing transportation will be reduced to 10-12 days instead of a month, the procedure will be so simplified. The shipper will find the wagons at the ETP GP, and after ordering them, a transportation application is immediately automatically generated, which must be approved by the port. That is, there will be no need to form an application in the ETRAN system, as now, to approve it at JSC Russian Railways, and then coordinate it with the consignee port. According to Natalya Zmeikova, head of the department for organizing transport services of the Central Financial Transport Service of JSC Russian Railways, ports must register on the ETP of the State Enterprise as structures that provide services, that is, in the same status as the subsidiaries and structural divisions of the company. And after that, they will be able to view requests for trains going to them, monitor the situation at port railway stations, and the capacity load schedule at the terminals. At the same time, they can also place their services for unloading, processing and storage of products on the site. The CFTS does not give specific deadlines, but a working group with representatives of stevedores has already been created to resolve technical issues. But before the introduction of the electronic resource into commercial operation, it is planned to organize a test shipment of a freight train.

JSC First Freight Company, which connected to the electronic trading platform in March, believes that this sales channel should be attractive to participants in the freight transportation market in terms of economics, regulatory framework and organizational conditions. “The first experience of cooperation shows that Russian Railways, together with the service developers, are ready to optimize its functionality in accordance with user needs. We see prospects for the development of the site in additional technological and commercial solutions that could motivate railway operators to take a more active part in the project. For example, this could be the creation of an interface not only for shippers, but also for rolling stock operators,” commented Andrey Ryzhenkov, Deputy General Director for Logistics of First Freight Company JSC.

According to Russian Railways, in the year since the start of commercial operation of the ETP GP, more than 2.3 thousand users have registered on the resource and orders have been placed for the transportation of 93 thousand cars.
