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Aeroflot magazine was recognized as the best aviation on-board publication in the country. Aeroflot magazine is recognized as the best aviation on-board publication of the country Aeroflot magazine June read online

The prize was awarded in the Best Media in the Air category, in the Best in Media category. Consumer market". The award ceremony took place at the Marriott Krasnaya Polyana 5 * hotel in Sochi.

In-flight magazine "Aeroflot" - branded print edition which is distributed free of charge in the salon economy class on all flights of the airline. The magazine is published monthly with a circulation of 120 thousand copies. It contains information and entertainment materials designed for any audience: current news, reviews of significant events, descriptions of interesting tourist routes and fashion trends, as well as special pages for the youngest passengers.

Earlier this year, another Aeroflot on-board publication was the children's on-board magazine Aeroflot. Young traveler "- received the highest award at All-Russian competition"Best Corporate Media - 2017" and won bronze in the "Onboard Magazine" nomination at the prestigious international competition ASTRID Awards.

The annual Consumer Rights and Service Quality Award is the award given to the most successful projects in the field of consumer rights and improving the quality of service. Presentation of awards in the category “Best in Media. Consumer Market ”is aimed at encouraging the media and journalists who cover all aspects of the consumer market in Russia and care about their readers.

AEROFLOT- the leader of air transport in Russia, a member of the global aviation alliance SkyTeam. The total route network of the alliance totals 1,062 points in 177 countries. In 2016, Aeroflot carried 29 million people, and including Aeroflot Group airlines - 43.4 million.

Aeroflot the first of Russian companies became the owner of the high rating "four stars" by Skytrax for the quality of service. In 2017, for the sixth time, he won the prestigious international Skytrax World Airline Awards in the category “Best Airline in Eastern Europe”.

Aeroflot in 2017, recognized as the strongest brand in Russia and the strongest aviation brand in the world by the international agency Brand Finance. Aeroflot was also named the best airline in Europe by the world's largest travel site TripAdvisor and was named "Favorite Foreign Airline in China."

Aeroflot has one of the youngest fleets in the world with 199 aircraft... Aeroflot is based in Moscow, at Sheremetyevo International Airport.

Aeroflot is one of the world leaders in aviation safety. Aeroflot's SAFA program coefficient is on par with the world's leading airlines.

Aeroflot was the first Russian carrier to enter the register of IOSA operators and constantly confirms this certificate. The airline has successfully passed the ISAGO ground handling safety audit. The integrated management system of PJSC Aeroflot - Russian Airlines is certified in accordance with ISO standards 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2004.

July 28, 2017, Moscow.- The Aeroflot in-flight magazine became a laureate of the VIII Annual Consumer Rights and Service Quality Award. The prize was awarded in the Best Media in the Air category, in the Best in Media category. Consumer market". The award ceremony took place at the Marriott Krasnaya Polyana 5 * hotel in Sochi.

The Aeroflot in-flight magazine is a corporate print publication that is distributed free of charge in the economy class cabin on all flights of the airline. The magazine is published monthly with a circulation of 120 thousand copies. It contains information and entertainment materials designed for any audience: current news, reviews of significant events, descriptions of interesting tourist routes and fashion trends, as well as special pages for the youngest passengers.

Earlier this year, another Aeroflot on-board publication was the children's on-board magazine Aeroflot. Young traveler "- received the highest award at the All-Russian competition" Best Corporate Media - 2017 "and won bronze in the" Onboard magazine "nomination at the prestigious international competition ASTRID Awards.

The annual Consumer Rights and Service Quality Award is an award given to the most successful projects in the area of ​​consumer rights and service excellence. Presentation of awards in the category “Best in Media. Consumer Market ”is aimed at encouraging the media and journalists who cover all aspects of the consumer market in Russia and care about their readers.

AEROFLOT- the leader of air transport in Russia, a member of the global aviation alliance SkyTeam. The total route network of the alliance totals 1,062 points in 177 countries. In 2016, Aeroflot carried 29 million people, and including Aeroflot Group airlines - 43.4 million.

Aeroflot was the first Russian company to receive a high four-star rating from Skytrax in terms of service quality. In 2017, for the sixth time, he won the prestigious international Skytrax World Airline Awards in the category “Best Airline in Eastern Europe”.

Aeroflot in 2017, recognized as the strongest brand in Russia and the strongest aviation brand in the world by the international agency Brand Finance. Aeroflot was also named the best airline in Europe by the world's largest travel site TripAdvisor and was named "Favorite Foreign Airline in China."

Aeroflot has one of the youngest aircraft fleets in the world with 199 aircraft. Aeroflot is based in Moscow, at Sheremetyevo International Airport.

Aeroflot is one of the world leaders in aviation safety. Aeroflot's SAFA program coefficient is on par with the world's leading airlines.

Aeroflot was the first Russian carrier to enter the register of IOSA operators and constantly confirms this certificate. The airline has successfully passed the ISAGO ground handling safety audit. The integrated management system of PJSC Aeroflot - Russian Airlines is certified according to ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2004 standards.

April 3, 2017, Moscow.- Aeroflot began publishing an in-flight magazine for English language AEROFLOT. WITH tomorrow the publication will be distributed free of charge to foreign passengers on the company's flights to / from Delhi, Washington, New York, Los Angeles, Larnaca, London, Miami.

Aeroflot decided to add to its own press kit in order to improve the level of personal service for foreign passengers, the number of which is steadily increasing every year.

In addition to the obvious entertainment function, AEROFLOT solves an important practical problem - it tells about our country, which many passengers will visit for the first time. Each issue contains biographical articles about our outstanding compatriots whose names were assigned to Aeroflot aircraft, stories about amazing cities and protected areas of Russia, articles about the gastronomic traditions of dozens of nationalities that make up the friendly family of the peoples of our country. Special attention paid to current social events: premieres, festivals and exhibitions.

The first issue, in particular, includes an interview with the famous artist and sculptor Mikhail Shemyakin, a guide to the best hotels in the capital, a photo report of the most beautiful places in Yakutia, as well as a traditional block of useful corporate information.

The frequency of the new edition is 6 times a year.

AEROFLOT - the leader of air transport in Russia, a member of the global aviation alliance SkyTeam. The total route network of the alliance totals 1,062 points in 177 countries. In 2016, Aeroflot carried 29 million people, and including Aeroflot Group airlines - 43.4 million.

Aeroflot In 2016, it was the first Russian company to receive a high Skytrax four-star rating for quality of service and, for the fifth time, won the prestigious SkyTrax World Airline Awards in the Best Airline in Eastern Europe category.

Aeroflot has one of the youngest aircraft fleets in the world with 190 aircraft. Aeroflot is based in Moscow, at Sheremetyevo International Airport.

Aeroflot is one of the world leaders in aviation safety. Aeroflot's SAFA program coefficient is on par with the world's leading airlines.

Aeroflot was the first Russian carrier to enter the register of IOSA operators and constantly confirms this certificate. The airline has successfully passed the ISAGO ground handling safety audit. The integrated management system of PJSC Aeroflot - Russian Airlines is certified according to ISO 9001: 2008 and ISO 14001: 2004 standards.

July 28, 2017, Moscow.- The Aeroflot in-flight magazine became a laureate of the VIII Annual Consumer Rights and Service Quality Award. The prize was awarded in the Best Media in the Air category, in the Best in Media category. Consumer market". The award ceremony took place at the Marriott Krasnaya Polyana 5 * hotel in Sochi.

The Aeroflot in-flight magazine is a corporate print publication that is distributed free of charge in the economy class cabin on all flights of the airline. The magazine is published monthly with a circulation of 120 thousand copies. It contains information and entertainment materials designed for any audience: current news, reviews of significant events, descriptions of interesting tourist routes and fashion trends, as well as special pages for the youngest passengers.

Earlier this year, another Aeroflot on-board publication was the children's on-board magazine Aeroflot. Young traveler "- received the highest award at the All-Russian competition" Best Corporate Media - 2017 "and won bronze in the" Onboard magazine "nomination at the prestigious international competition ASTRID Awards.

The annual Consumer Rights and Service Quality Award is an award given to the most successful projects in the area of ​​consumer rights and service excellence. Presentation of awards in the category “Best in Media. Consumer Market ”is aimed at encouraging the media and journalists who cover all aspects of the consumer market in Russia and care about their readers.

AEROFLOT - the leader of air transport in Russia, a member of the global aviation alliance SkyTeam. The total route network of the alliance totals 1,062 points in 177 countries. In 2016, Aeroflot carried 29 million people, and including Aeroflot Group airlines - 43.4 million.

Aeroflot was the first Russian company to receive a high four-star rating from Skytrax in terms of service quality. In 2017, for the sixth time, he won the prestigious international Skytrax World Airline Awards in the category “Best Airline in Eastern Europe”.

Aeroflot in 2017, recognized as the strongest brand in Russia and the strongest aviation brand in the world by the international agency Brand Finance. Aeroflot was also named the best airline in Europe by the world's largest travel site TripAdvisor and was named "Favorite Foreign Airline in China."

Aeroflot has one of the youngest aircraft fleets in the world with 199 aircraft. Aeroflot is based in Moscow, at Sheremetyevo International Airport.

Aeroflot is one of the world leaders in aviation safety. Aeroflot's SAFA program coefficient is on par with the world's leading airlines.

Aeroflot was the first Russian carrier to enter the register of IOSA operators and constantly confirms this certificate. The airline has successfully passed the ISAGO ground handling safety audit. The integrated management system of PJSC Aeroflot - Russian Airlines is certified according to ISO 9001: 2015 and ISO 14001: 2004 standards.

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