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There are seagulls sitting on the roof of the house. Signs about seagulls. Folk signs cover

Before we get acquainted with the most common signs about birds, let's try to understand how birds were treated before. In fact, birds were mainly associated with goodness and joy; it was believed that they carried only positivity. However, this does not apply to all birds; there are some species of birds that do not carry anything good in themselves.

The most common opinion was that any bird was the soul of the dead who arrived on Earth to notify people about something. In this regard, birds began to be associated with messengers.

But, for example, a raven or a magpie is always something bad. The first, as you know, is a symbol of trouble, grief and misfortune, and the second means guile and deception. But the crow should not be confused with the crow, which has always personified intelligence, creativity and connection with the otherworldly.

The most positive in terms of symbolism are the oriole, starling and rooster. The first brings a person the positive energy of the Sun, light and joy into the home. And the starling always means energy and the ability to maintain good and kind relationships with all the people around him. The rooster represents true beauty, as well as harmony of soul and body.

And love and family happiness are symbolized, of course, by a swan and a dove. They bring calm, peace and happiness to this world.

All these symbols appeared for a reason, but as a result of the observations of our ancestors. People have always tried to predict the future, and birds served as one of the signs for them, well, let's find out what superstitions used to exist about them.

Signs about poultry

  1. It's not just a dropped fork or spoon that indicates unexpected guests. There is a belief that if a rooster approaches the gate and crows loudly, it means that soon someone will come to visit you.
  2. But if you see chickens calmly walking in the rain in the yard, then you know that the bad weather will soon end.
  3. It's very bad if a caged bird, or just any poultry, dies on your wedding day. Such a marriage will be unhappy, the spouses will constantly quarrel and eventually separate.
  4. There is also a belief that if chickens drink a lot of water, then the coming year will be dry, and at the same time the harvest will not produce rich fruits. If chickens go to bed early, then this, on the contrary, indicates that the year will be rich in rain. This is also evidenced by the fact that turkeys bathe in sand or snow. Then there will be a lot of rain in the summer, and a prolonged thaw in the winter.
  5. It has always been a bad omen if a mother hen puts all her chickens under herself - this means bad weather and serious troubles in the coming year.
  6. If chickens cluck loudly, then beware of quarrels with your neighbors or household members.
  7. Previously, it was often possible to find some kind of black bird in the yard, because according to popular belief, it served as a talisman for the house against troubles, fire, thieves and crop failure.

Signs about wild birds

  1. If a bird flies into the house, then this is not a very good sign, because then someone may die this year. As we have already mentioned, the bird is a symbol of the spirit of deceased relatives who are trying to warn household members about the impending disaster. However, a flying bird does not always mean death, sometimes it just leads to something. But only if she flew into the window and immediately flew back out.
  2. They never liked ravens and were always afraid of them, and for good reason, because according to superstition, if this bird circles over the house, it means death or a serious illness. But crows are not always bad, for example, if they croak protractedly and mournfully, then it will rain soon.
  3. But if a dove ends up in a house where there is a free girl, then this is not a reason to grieve, but rather to rejoice. According to ancient beliefs, a dove foreshadows an imminent wedding. In general, these birds were very loved, since they usually foreshadowed only good things. For example, if a dove walks on the porch, on the windowsill, or on the balcony, then there will never be serious quarrels, troubles or misfortunes in this house. After all, it is a symbol of family well-being. In addition, if the dove did not come to you with an empty beak, then harmony and joy will reign in your home.
  4. When a bird, especially a titmouse, knocks on the window, this is good news. However, be careful, because if it is a crow or worse, a crow, then the news will be bad.
  5. The next sign is also associated with the tit. It is believed that if this bird lands on your hand, then you must immediately make a wish. If after that she is silent, then nothing will come true, but if, on the contrary, she starts vocalizing, then rest assured that what was planned will come true.
  6. A sparrow, which flew into the house of an unmarried woman, also spoke of an imminent wedding. However, this will only come true if the bird chirped and flew away. In other cases, this is news. If sparrows have built nests above the house, then the future husband will soon appear in the house.
  7. Magpie is always deception or gossip. So, if this bird is jumping on the porch or on the balcony, then the owners of this house will either be slandered or embroiled in intrigue. But it did not always foretell trouble, since they used to believe that if a magpie sat on the roof of a house where there was a sick person, then this meant a speedy recovery.
  8. The stork, according to superstition, brings only joy and happiness to the house. It’s not for nothing that when children ask where he was born, they say that the stork brought them. And all because if this bird makes a nest near a house, then its owners will be happy all their lives, and will also not know poverty, bitter tears, or serious losses.
  9. Many people are still frightened by a dead bird found in their yard, however, according to popular belief, such an event can cause only minor losses. But they were attentive if they found a dead tit, which always personified happiness. Indeed, in this case, happiness in the house will disappear for a long time, and laughter will change to tears.
  10. An owl hooting loudly near the house speaks of an imminent addition to the family. This is also evidenced by a flock of crows or magpies that hover over the roof. However, if one crow or magpie hovers over the roof, this is a sign of deception and betrayal. But if a lot of jackdaws and crows gather together on the roof, then there will soon be a wedding in this house.
  11. We all know from childhood that if you hear a cuckoo, you must ask it: “Cuckoo, cuckoo, how long do I have left to live?” However, as it turned out, there are several other signs associated with this bird. For example, if you hear it near your house, it means the death of one of the household members. If you just hear the cuckoo, then you need to have time to ask not only a well-known question, but also jingle the change in your pocket, they say - this is a sign of wealth and wealth. It’s bad if you hear this bird on an empty stomach, because then it will be misfortune.
  12. But since ancient times, the swallow has been considered a symbol of good luck and success, therefore, if suddenly this bird made a nest under the roof of a residential building, then its residents tried to protect it. After all, if this event happened, it means there is a good wife and a good atmosphere in the house. But when this bird abruptly leaves the nest, it only leads to bad weather and troubles. This also applies to storks; if they leave the nest they made on the chimney of a house, there will soon be a fire or poverty.

There are many signs about birds. For example, our ancestors believed that a house in which pigeons live would never burn down. Whoever has pigeons in his yard has a thriving household, that is, an abundance.

At the same time, a bird flying into a window most often predicted misfortune.

However, it all depends on the type of bird that flew into the window. According to popular beliefs, a dove flying into a window foretells good news, a swallow foretells a wedding, but a tit foretells illness or death. But still, most signs about birds relate to the weather.

Bird signs for rain

The finch drinks - it means rain. The finch sits quietly, quietly, muttering monotonously - for the rain. A large woodpecker knocks its beak on a branch on a fine summer day - it might rain. Seagulls bathe a lot - to bad weather.

You won't hear a wood grouse a few days before bad weather. The pigeons cooed towards the bucket and hid - the weather was getting worse.

Rooks hover high in flocks and fall like an arrow to the ground - it will rain. Rooks hover in flocks screaming over their nests, then sit down, then take off again - wait for a change in the weather.

On a fine spring evening, woodcocks do not “pull” - expect bad weather. The blackbird screams sharply in bad weather.

If suddenly in the middle of summer the swifts disappear from the city, expect prolonged rain. If poultry do not hide from the rain, then it will last for a long time. The cranes fly low and fast, silently - bad weather will soon come.

On a sunny day, the oriole makes sounds reminiscent of the melody of a flute, and before the weather worsens, it screams piercingly.

The heart-rending cry of homebodies - jackdaws - in dry weather is also a sure sign of rain both in summer and autumn.

The larks are sitting, ruffled - to a thunderstorm. Kites are circling in the air, you can hear their drawn-out “pi-i-it” - before bad weather.

Partridges and black grouse are removed from the trees and fly away from open places into the depths of the forest - wait for the storm.

In the summer before rain, rooks more often “graze” on the grass than on roads and plowed land. An owl screams at night - a sign of rain and cold. Owls and quails call before the rain.

In the evening, a pheasant sits on tree branches - a dry, quiet night; they hide in the bushes - rain and wind.

Seagulls on the shore raise a hubbub - it means bad weather. Seagulls remain on the shore and wander squeaking among the coastal rocks or along the sandbanks - there will be a storm soon.

Blackbirds begin to whistle piercingly, hide - there will be a storm, rain.

Jackdaws and crows settled on the lower branches of the trees - wait for the wind. Before the rain, the hooded crow usually sits on a branch or fence, ruffles its feathers, hunches over, lowers its wings and sits like an ancient old woman.

Sits and croaks. A raven flies and croaks - it means rain.

Bird signs for good weather

A seagull walks on the sand - it promises melancholy to the sailor; a seagull sits on the water - wait for good weather. Seagulls fly far out to sea - towards the bucket. If seagulls land on the water, on the mast or rigging of a ship, there will be good stable weather.

Seabirds landing on the water means good weather.

Larks walk across the field - to clear, good weather. Signs on birds. The lark sings - for clear weather. Before the warmth, the bird in the cage sings more cheerfully.

Cranes fly high in the fall - to good weather. In dry, clear and warm weather, wood grouse, like many other birds, sit on the very tops of trees. .

In clear and dry weather, larks sing a lot and for a long time, but if they are not heard from dawn, it will rain. Kulik flies to the field - to clear weather.

Swallows and swifts fly high above the ground - no rain tomorrow. Swans leave the polynyas and disperse into the ponds - to the warmth.

Swifts flying high above buildings until late twilight are a sign of continued good warm weather.

When mating wood grouse on a stormy morning, you can hope for better weather. The nightingale sings all night - before a fine, sunny day.

The lapwing flies low to indicate prolonged dry weather, and cries in the evening to indicate clear weather.

Bird signs for spring

Early rooster crowing in severe frosts is a harbinger of warm weather. The bullfinch chirps under the window - the thaw. The white wagtail, a recognized harbinger of ice drift, always arrives on the eve of the opening of rivers.

Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard. The rook has arrived - the snow will melt in a month. The seagull has arrived - soon the ice will begin to melt.

The rooks arrived before March 14 - the snow will melt early. The rooks fly straight to the old nests - there will be a friendly spring, the hollow water will run away all at once. The rooks arrived early - for a warm spring.

The lark began to sing - it’s time to go out into the arable land. When the nightingale begins to sing in mid-May, spring will come together. Migrant flies together - and spring will be friendly. The early arrival of cranes means early spring.

Bird signs for frost, cold snap, snow

Jackdaws gather in large flocks and scream loudly - for clear weather, in winter - for frost.

If a magpie flies close to a dwelling and climbs under the roof, there will be a blizzard. If the cranes went south on John the Baptist (September 11), wait for early winter.

The finch flies away - wait for the cold weather, and the lark flies in - it will be warm. Birds insulate their roosts on the eve of severe cold weather. The titmouse starts squeaking in the morning - expect frost at night.

The titmouse screams in the morning - to the frost. Tits strive to get under the roof - to bad weather, cold, blizzard.

The bullfinch whistles - winter is coming. An owl screams - it's cold. Black grouse and partridges fly away in winter from open places and rare copses - under the protection of a forest or forest - a blizzard is coming. A few hours before the snowstorm, they hide in the snow.

Signs from birds what summer will be like

Birds build nests on the sunny side - for a cold summer. The nightingale sang - the water began to decline. If you hear the nightingale before the cuckoo, the summer will be successful. If a nightingale sings on bare trees, there will be a failure of the fruit harvest.

Steppe harriers build nests in the steppe - the summer will be rainy, in the swamps it will be dry.

Bird signs for changing weather

In summer, the Great Spotted Woodpecker announces the change in weather with its drumming. Birds sit on the ground - near a bucket, on roofs - in bad weather. They sing cheerfully - for good weather. They hide in nests during the day - in anticipation of rain.

If in winter jackdaws and crows croak in a flock and sit on the tops of trees, this means frost, but if they dance in the sky and hover in the air, this means snowfall; they sit on the snow - there will be a thaw.

Bird signs


Swallows fly high for good weather, and low for rain. Swallows and swifts fly up and down - before the storm. The swallows have disappeared - cold weather is coming. A swallow catches a fish - wait for a thunderstorm. The swallows have arrived - it's time to sow peas.

Swifts fly high above buildings until late twilight - a sign of continued good weather.


The cuckoo crowed - mushrooms began to appear. A cuckoo crows on a dry tree - it means frost. The cuckoo began to crow - there would be no frost, old-timers say.

The prolonged cuckooing of the cuckoo indicates the establishment of warm weather and the end of cold mornings.


In the summer, roosters suddenly, for no apparent reason, begin to crow in broad daylight, holding a roll call throughout the village - it will rain.

On a cloudy rainy morning, the roosters begin to crow - the weather will clear up, there will be a bucket. The chicken flies around the hut - to the frost.

November 14, Kosmodemyan, chicken name day: chicken on the table. It begins to shed early in the fall - leading to a warm winter. In severe frost, the turkey screams - a warm wind will blow.

They fly up to the highest objects - it will rain soon. The chickens are constantly plucking, cackling, bathing in the sand and flapping their wings - it’s bad weather.

If chickens do not hide from the rain, then it will be light and short-lived. Chickens wag their tails - there is a blizzard. The hen puts the chickens under herself - to bad weather. A rooster crows in the evening - signifies a change in weather.

Early rooster crowing in cold weather means a thaw. In winter, before severe frost, chickens sit on the roost early and try to climb higher - it’s warmer there.

Chicken lard removes scabs from your face. A chicken fell from its perch - causing a commotion.


In the cold, they flap their wings - it means a thaw; they splash for a long time in the pond, flap their wings, scream, diligently grease their feathers - it means rain.

Geese fly high - to a friendly spring flood, fly low - to low spring water.

Of the migratory birds in the spring, wild geese are the first to arrive. Geese and ducks bathe in the snow - during a thaw and snowstorm. A goose cackles in winter - a sign of warmth.

The goose raises its paw - to the cold. The goose sits with its legs crossed - to the cold. If a goose presses its paw or hides its head under its wing, it means cold.

A goose stands on one leg - it means frost. A swan flies towards snow (late autumn), and a goose flies towards rain (early spring).


An hour or two before a storm, wild ducks begin to hide in coastal thickets, and sometimes even go ashore, where it is easier for them to shelter from the wind. Wild ducks fly in fat in the spring - it's a long spring ahead.

Before the rain and wind, wild ducks go to spend the day in the coastal thickets. Ducks and geese hide their heads under their wings - to the cold and cold. Ducks splash and dive endlessly - be in bad weather.

In the spring, upon arrival, ducks do not scream much. If wild ducks build their nests near the water, then the coming summer will be dry, and the further from the water, the rainier.


In winter, sparrows call out in unison - for a thaw, hide - in frost or a snowstorm, in summer they bathe in dust - in anticipation of rain, sit puffed up - before rain, chirp in prolonged bad weather - wait for the onset of clear weather.

In good weather, sparrows are cheerful, active, and sometimes pugnacious. Sparrows gather in flocks on the ground, become lethargic, sit, ruffled, in anticipation of rain.

If sparrows suddenly begin to actively collect down and feathers in the middle of winter, frost will strike in a few days. Sparrows sit quietly on trees or buildings - there will be snow without wind.

Sparrows make nests - to the bucket. Sparrows hide under the eaves - to a strong wind. Sparrows hide in shelters or climb into piles of brushwood - in the cold or in a snowstorm. A cheerful sparrow goes to the bucket.

The sparrows climbed under the roof early - in anticipation of the rain. If sparrows fly in flocks or sit in flocks, it means a warm snowstorm or rain, i.e., warming. They fly in flocks - for dry, fine days.

Sparrows chirp together - for warmth, in winter - for snow. Sparrows fly near the water - it means rain.


If a crow walks along the road on Plato and Roman (December 1), it means warmth. A raven bathes in spring and summer - to bring warmth and rain. A crow croaks in summer - a sign of rain, in winter - a blizzard.

Crows fly into the clouds - to bad weather, crows - to bad weather. Crows gather in a flock in winter, screaming and cawing - expect snow or frost.

Crows and jackdaws hover in the air in winter - in front of the snow. Crows and jackdaws start a game with a cry - to the thaw.

The crows sit down somehow, with their heads in different directions - a windless warm night, they sit with their heads in one direction, and on a thicker branch - there will be a strong wind on the side where their heads are.

Crows walk with their mouths open - before a thunderstorm. The crows are frolicking - it will still be winter. Crows fly low - to the cold; flying high - towards warmth. Crows pluck for rain.

Previously, humanity was very dependent on nature. That's when they appeared folk signs about birds. Previously, people worshiped various gods and animals, so they tried to notice even the most insignificant natural phenomena, which, one way or another, could influence fate. Thus, various signs about birds appeared, passed from mouth to mouth. After such a large amount of time, they managed to reach the present day, maintaining relevance.

If a bird hits the window, then you should expect guests and a noisy feast. Not just hit, but knocked busily? To news from afar. Chickens drink a lot of water - there will be a drought soon, they go to bed early - expect prolonged rains. You can also learn about the upcoming rain by the low flight of swallows.

Birds can fly into the house through an open window. Then get ready for unpleasant news about the death of someone close to you. Did the bird just hit the glass on the balcony or land on the windowsill? Very soon you will experience unexpected financial expenses. Domestic bird who died at someone's wedding promises an unsuccessful marriage or a divorce that will happen soon. You cannot keep any wild bird at home except a pigeon, because the rest attract misfortune and suffering.

While walking, do not forget to raise your head up, watching, because if a flock is circling above you, then you should expect an imminent illness. If the bird is alone, beware of treason or betrayal from loved ones. If the birds, flying above you, suddenly change their flight direction, it means that there is some danger lurking nearby. Seeing a dead bird on the way home means that misfortune will soon come to you.

Rejoice at the pooping bird, because this event is considered one of the few lucky signs associated with feathered creatures.

Sparrows bathe in puddles or dust - for warmth. And if, when you go out onto the balcony, you see that a bird has flown in and is now crashing into the glass, looking for a way out, release it into the wild: this is good. In the heat, birds do not swim in puddles, but sit ruffled and bristle their feathers - to the colder weather.

What does a bird knocking on the window portend?

Situations often occur when birds knock on the windows of houses. Most often this happens when it is cold and dark, so the birds want light, warmth and food. Considering such a situation from the point of view of nature, such a situation does not have any negative preconditions. They seem to remind us of the need to help the animals around us. Hang a feeder outside your window in winter - and watch how tits and bullfinches will fly there for a treat. And let them knock on the window: it will only be a reminder that it’s time to update the menu in the bird canteen.

Beliefs on the same topic can be both positive and negative. For example, a swallow is considered bright, so it brought only good luck and prosperity to the house, and if it knocks on the window, it means good news should be expected. Tits can be added to this list, as they have always been considered harbingers of happiness.

On the other hand, previously a window (like a mirror) was considered the border between our world and the other world. Spirits remind themselves with the help of birds knocking on the window. Such incidents are clearly a bad sign, as many beliefs say.

Be especially wary of the crow and cuckoo - these birds do not bring good to your home.

But the folk sign would not be such if the wise ancestors had not figured out how to avoid trouble. There are at least six methods to choose from. You can perform a ritual of removing damage and the evil eye, thus cleansing the aura, or put a bunch of rowan berries on the windowsill of each window - a natural amulet against evil.

It was also suggested to turn to the brownie for protection, to pay off a negative event with small coins scattered at an intersection, or to take it to the nearest church and feed all the bread in the house to the birds. A church candle could burn on the windowsill to cleanse the house, and at that time the eldest member of the family would read cleansing prayers. The ancestors also claimed that if each family member tied a red ribbon to the window handle, they would dash away from the house.

Heavenly Messengers

Throughout our lives, fate sends us many signs that we need to listen to. Signs about birds are only a small part of them. For example, a situation occurs when a crow lands on a person. A crow landing on your head is considered a bad sign. Especially when she also began to peck, because crows have always been famous for their ability to find the sick and weak people. And in itself it was considered “dark”: the appearance of a raven was often taken by evil entities.

A bird crashed into a walking man - a stormy and passionate romance awaits you. A dove landing on your head or shoulder portends quick enrichment. Expect news when you dream about something like this. And a titmouse sitting on your hand means your dream will come true. If the birdie also chirped at the same time, feel free to make a wish: it will come true with one hundred percent probability!

All signs about birds

Backyard bird plucking- to bad weather.

A bird knocks with its beak on the window- to the news.

A bird knocked on the window- there will be a guest.

If a wild bird hits the window- then there will be a decline in the house: a person or animal will die.

Wild bird flying into the window- portends a deceased person or a great misfortune.

If a bird in an open field flies into your hands- then this is good.

Birds plucking- to the bucket.

If birds land on the ground- to a bucket, and if on roofs - to bad weather.

On the Annunciation, every bird, except the accursed sparrow, which does not know the holiday, does not build a nest; if she builds a nest or sleeps through matins, then her wings are temporarily taken away.

If anyone suffers from any external skin diseases- it is very useful for him to sit in the place where the bird rested.

If someone kills a little bird- then he won’t get along with his cattle.

  • A bird flew into the house through an open window and flew out - according to the sign, a message will come.
  • If a bird flies into the house, it's news.
  • If a bird that has flown into a house holds a blade of grass or something else in its beak, then this is a sign of a good event that will happen in the near future. If the bird is still there, then you can leave it some food, thereby appeasing it.
  • Wallpaper with images of birds means loneliness.
  • A bird hovers over the house or flies around - someone will get very sick.
  • The bird is soaring - beware of betrayal, especially if the bird is a predator.
  • Birds suddenly change direction of flight - danger is approaching the observer.
  • Birds fly in front of you from left to right - a sign of good luck.
  • Birds flying in front of you from right to left are a sign of bad luck.
  • Birds flying towards you means good luck.
  • Birds flying away from you is a bad sign.
  • Birds flying high are a sign of good luck.
  • Birds fly low - to failure.
  • Seeing birds flying before starting a journey is a success if they fly to the right; bad luck if they fly to the left.
  • Seeing a white bird is a sign of happiness.
  • Seeing a dead bird is a sign of bad luck.
  • A bird sat on a window (window sill) - a sign that promises small material expenses.
  • Bird droppings fell on you (the bird pooped on you) - the omen is considered favorable, material improvements are possible.
  • A bird beats, knocks on the window - good news.
  • A tit or another bird (except a crow, crow) knocks on the window - good news
  • A bird flew into the chimney - someone will die in the house.
  • If the bird in the cage dies on the morning of the wedding, the omen foretells an unhappy marriage, the couple will eventually separate.
  • Keeping a wild bird in the house is a sign of bad luck.
  • Hear a scream songbird in flight - a sign of good luck.
  • Hearing the scream or croak of a bird of prey is a bad sign.
  • Hear how night-bird screams during the day - a sign of misfortune.
  • A dove sat on your windowsill, which means only good news. A person’s home is completely safe, and troubles will certainly pass by.
  • If a dove appears with the windows practically closed and knocks on the doors, hitting the window, it means that it brought news. And since he cannot get into the house, the message will not be delivered. In this case, if you think correctly, then nothing good or bad will happen in the house.
  • A white dove flying around the house is a sign of imminent death.
  • See a white bird near your house. Such a sign can indicate an imminent wedding or the birth of a child. After all, it is white birds that are considered a symbol of purity and goodness and are very often used by newlyweds.
  • A stork makes a nest on the chimney of a house - a rich life and happiness awaits the owner.
  • If a stork removes a nest from the roof, there will be a fire or other misfortune.
  • Seeing a flying stork means meeting a pleasant person, the arrival of a long-awaited guest
  • If a stork moves away from a place prematurely, it portends misfortune for that place.
  • A raven cawing over a house foretells illness to someone in the household.
  • A raven bathes in the yard - unfortunately.
  • A raven croaks - for worse.
  • Crows gather in a bunch - in case of bad weather, they also bathe; croak in a flock in summer - to bad weather, in winter - to frost.
  • If a crow flies over a house and caws three times, someone in the house will die.
  • If a raven sits on the roof of a house and caws, then someone in the house will soon die
  • If the crow you pass by croaks loudly, expect trouble.
  • Jackdaws and crows sitting screaming in front of the house, especially in the morning - for worse; on the roof of the house - there will be a wedding in this house.
  • Crows bathe or gather in a heap - a sign of bad weather.
  • A flock of jackdaws or crows in front of the house screams in the morning - for worse
  • In the morning, leaving the house, if you are the first one to come across your path and see a magpie, then you will have good news.
  • If three magpies are sitting next to each other and screaming, it is a dead person.
  • A woodpecker is chiseling the roof of a house - there will be trouble.
  • If a person sees a lark in the sky, this portends an unexpected and pleasant meeting or receipt of good news.
  • If on Pancake Thursday on Maslenitsa one pancake is thrown to a rooster and it eats it without a trace, then the owners of the house are in danger of trouble. If the pancake pecks several times and leaves it for the chickens, this is a good omen.
  • If chickens leave their roost at night, there will be trouble.
  • If a swallow builds a nest and then leaves it, this portends trouble.
  • If you hear cuckooing behind you for the first time in a year, you will die.
  • If a rooster walks importantly at the door and crows, expect a stranger to visit.
  • If the rooster crows at midnight, the angel of death flies over the house.
  • If the roosters crow at the wrong time, they either see an evil spirit and drive it away, or they predict a dead person, or there will be new decrees, or bad weather will begin.
  • The first roosters crowed - it's midnight; the second roosters crowed - before dawn; The third rooster crowed - it’s dawn, it’s time to get up.
  • The finch whirls - to bad weather, cold
  • Whoever destroys a swallow's nest will have freckles on his face.
  • A chicken crows - to great grief.
  • The cuckoo is a prophecy bird: the number of times it crows, the number of years you will live.
  • The cuckoo crowed in the left ear - a good omen.
  • The cuckoo is the first to fly to the promised land and the last to return - that’s why it’s called the housekeeper Vyraya.
  • Chickens fight - to the guests.
  • Chickens screaming on the roost means a domestic quarrel.
  • The swallow is knocking on the window and there will be news.
  • Swans hatch chicks in a thunderstorm.
  • An eagle soaring overhead is a harbinger of happiness and a major victory.
  • The roosters crowed at the wrong time - good news.
  • At the first cuckoo, blurt out money - they will be found.
  • The titmouse will knock on the window - there will be news.
  • An owl near the house screams to the newborn.
  • An owl sits on the roof - to lack of money, with a cry - to a fire.
  • A magpie jumps on a patient's house - to his recovery. If a magpie sits near the window, there will soon be guests, and if there is a sick person in the house, he will soon recover.
  • Eating magpie eggs means a good memory
  • Three seagulls flying overhead at the same time is a warning of death.
  • The sparrows have invisible shackles on their feet, for they brought nails carried away by swallows to the cross of Christ: that is why they jump.
  • A black rooster (black cat, black dog) in the house saves from a thunderstorm and a thief.
  • Don't count other people's chickens - you'll jinx them
  • If a chicken crows like a rooster, you need to chop off its head, otherwise it will bring trouble
  • So that there are chickens, plant a hen when the cattle come from the field
  • You can't eat eggs where the hen sits.
  • Swallows fly low - towards the rain, high - towards the bucket
  • Swallows fly up and down before the storm
  • Whoever kills a swallow will lose his luck in the household
  • If a lot of jackdaws and crows gather on the roof of a house, it means there will be a wedding there.
  • The nightingale sings incessantly all night - before a warm day
  • Sparrows bathe in dust - for rain
  • Sparrows in heaps - for dry and clear weather
  • The sparrow is a damned bird, we need to drive him away from the house
  • The cuckoo is a prophetic bird. The number of times it crows, the number of years you will live in the world. If you hear a cuckoo sound behind you for the first time in a year, you will die.
  • The chickens all clucked at once - a quarrel cannot be avoided
  • If the roost is hung with broken jugs, the chickens will lay eggs well
  • If you find a stone with a hole and hang it in a chicken coop, the chickens will be safe
  • The nightingale sings all night - it will be a sunny day.
  • Rooks graze on the grass in summer - then you need to expect rain.
  • If a chicken plucks itself, it means bad weather.
  • A chicken standing on one leg means it’s cold.
  • A hen puts chickens under her - to bad weather.
  • The rooster crows at the wrong time - to uninvited guests.
  • If sparrows chirp or bathe in dust, it means rain.
  • A tit knocks on the window, then there will be a dead person in this house.
  • If a person kills a swallow or a dove, then that person will have no luck in cattle breeding.
  • If you destroy a swallow's nest, the one who destroyed it will have a fire.
  • Swallows fly low, there will be rain. High - to drought.

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You can endlessly admire the white-winged birds soaring over the blue surface of the sea or river. However, people who are not alien to belief in omens often see an encounter with a seagull as not only a fascinating spectacle, but also a prediction of fate. Moreover, with equal probability it can turn out to be both happy and frightening. As always, the content of the feathered oracle's prophecy will depend on specific nuances.

  • Very often, seagulls “work” as real weather forecasters, warning land dwellers about approaching bad weather. While walking along the shore of a reservoir, have you noticed how birds are actively splashing and diving? You should return to the roof as quickly as possible. After all, soon it will probably rain, and the wind will knock you off your feet.
  • Not a single experienced sailor will go out to sea if he notices a lot of seagulls rushing along the sand at the water's edge, and at the same time screaming desperately. After all, this sure sign predicts a strong storm with a high probability.
  • But snow-white birds can predict not only storms and downpours. A feathered fortune teller, calmly swaying on the waves, promises the eyewitness several days of excellent weather.
  • Sailors, who have been contemplating only the expanse of the ocean for a long time, also rejoice at the seagulls that appear above the ship. After all, their sight promises the approach of the long-awaited land.
  • An indispensable condition for a happy voyage among sailors is the sight of a winged passenger comfortably seated on the mast or walking along the deck. This unique talisman guarantees the ship and its inhabitants protection from hurricanes, enemy attacks and other dangers that often lurk on the high seas.
  • For fishing enthusiasts and fishermen, an excellent omen is a whole flock of birds soaring over the water in a specific area. This behavior of feathered lovers of fresh fish highly likely indicates a place where a rich catch can be obtained.

It is quite rare to see a seagull over land, unless of course there are fish factories or household waste dumps nearby. However, every appearance of seaside or river inhabitants in urban environments has a special, often not very happy, meaning.

  • Seagulls hovering overhead warn land dwellers that severe weather with rain and wind will soon break out in the region.
  • Three birds circling above a person serve as a warning to him about the danger of becoming fatally ill or dying.
  • A lone bird fearlessly flying so close that its wing touched its shoulder or head is also not a very happy omen. Such an incident indicates that soon you will have to bury one of your closest friends.
  • If there are people in the family associated with the sea, then the sight of a seagull outside the window predicts big troubles for them. The danger is especially great if the bird knocks on the glass with its beak or beats its wings.
  • However, in a series of gloomy predictions there is one positive one. After all, any white bird is considered a carrier of positive energy. Therefore, seagull droppings that stain clothes or hair should not cause irritation, but joy. After all, in this way she shared with you part of the luck and happiness that she carried on her wings.