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I am looking for a job as a salesperson. Selection of sellers. Where and how to find a good seller

I have a hardware store. I really don't like the state of affairs in it. It seems to be like a businessman, but there is always not enough money for life. Downright embarrassing. Decided to check out the business. I sat for a week in the store and saw an interesting picture. It turns out that enough customers come, but only about 3-5% of them leave with purchases. There are specific losses of customers.

If you increase this figure, it will be a completely different matter. I suspect that the problem is that there is no store marketing, as well as in sellers. I realized that I need not just a seller, but a good seller who will sell not 5% of buyers, but at least 50-60% of buyers. How to find good seller ? Where to get it or maybe you can grow it yourself?

Andrey Vezunchik

Why good sellers are in short supply

You have identified one of the most important problems of trade. Indeed, a lot in sales depends on the seller and really finding a good seller is just a huge problem. There are educational institutions that train salespeople, but here educational institutions who prepare good sellers, in fact, no.

For this reason, they simply have nowhere to come from. Accordingly, the question of how to find a good seller worries a lot of businessmen working in sales. A good seller is always a rarity and for this reason a good seller is always worth its weight in gold.

Due to the fact that a good seller plays a key role in business, but is very rare, many people ask for help in consultations to figure out what. For this purpose, an analysis of a large number of sellers was carried out, and it turned out that they all have one common feature.

I did not find a suitable term to describe this feature, so I began to use my own term. A good salesperson is a well-trained salesperson. The seller pumped over by idea of ​​the goods. The idea of ​​the product he sells. As a result of pumping the idea of ​​the product that he sells, the ordinary seller becomes an effective seller, a very effective seller.

Where and how to find a good seller

Accordingly, to become a good seller, you need to pump the idea of ​​​​the product that you sell. So it turns out that in 90% of cases the seller himself pumps ideas through the product that he sells. And completely spontaneously and without any purpose. They pump themselves, but they themselves do not always understand why and why.

They just intuitively feel that it needs to be done. But not everyone does it. This is why good sellers are so rare. Many simply pump themselves with the idea of ​​money and money is the only motivation for them. Accordingly, they broadcast the idea of ​​money, and not the idea of ​​a product, when they communicate with buyers and thus scare off buyers.

As a result of broadcasting the idea of ​​money, and not the idea of ​​a product, it turns out that only about 5% of buyers make a purchase, and just because they really need a product, it is vital for them. All buyers who are undecided leave because they were not helped to decide. In order to help them decide, you need to broadcast the idea of ​​the product, not the idea of ​​money.

Here is the answer to the question of how to find a good seller - you need to specifically pump the ordinary seller with the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product that he sells. Then he will be able to turn undecided buyers into determined ones and the percentage of buyers who leave with purchases will increase. This percentage will be even greater if the seller uses a quality one.

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Often the search for workers is “spontaneous” and occurs spontaneously. Without pre-formulated requirements, ideas about future work responsibilities, etc. All this leads to the fact that the employer gets at his disposal employees who do not correspond to his ideas and are disappointed.

To prevent this from happening, before you start looking for a seller for your store, you need to decide on the basic requirements for the job. This will reduce the number of "surprises" and surprises, and potential employees understand what is expected of them.

Write your requirements: what work experience the applicant should have, education, what qualities he should have.

For example, the basic requirements might be:

  • computer proficiency at the level of a confident user,
  • availability of a medical book (sanknika),
  • education - secondary,
  • friendly and accommodating appearance,
  • Experience in a similar position and references are welcome.
It is also necessary to formulate what exactly you offer the candidate: the level wages, social protection, work schedule, etc.

After writing the requirements and the essence of your proposal, you can compose an ad and place it on various channels. Consider the most popular of them.


One of the most common and effective options. There are many sites where you can place your ad, as well as read the profiles of applicants.

There are specialized sites, such as,, which are usually used to select highly qualified work force(for example, employees for premium stores). And there are sites for recruiting medium-skilled personnel, for example,

In addition to websites, pay attention to groups in social networks. In almost every city there are such communities, specifically designed to find work in a particular region. If you have never come across them, search by keywords. This is a very efficient and profitable channel for finding employees.


If you are a big enough retail network or you need to find a large number of sellers in a short time, a recruitment agency can be very effective in this matter. If you need several sellers, it makes sense to contact an agency only if you absolutely do not have your own time to search and there is no one to entrust this issue to.

Print mass-media

Previously, it was one of the most popular channels, but today the situation has changed. Firstly, many media outlets have gone online (see above). Secondly, fewer employers and job seekers use ads in newspapers or magazines. But for finding sellers, the method still works, especially in small towns, when placed in the local media of the relevant subject.

Ad in the store

Placing an ad directly in the store is completely free and very effective. But if you are looking for an employee not for a newly opened vacancy, but for a replacement, think about how to do it in the most correct way. Seeing an advertisement in a store, a candidate for a vacant position will turn to those working in this moment employees who can provide him with distorted information about your company. You can ask your employees to recommend someone they know to you. This good method and should not be neglected. But here it is important, as when working with relatives, to understand the real possibilities of a candidate who has come through such a channel. If he really corresponds to the vacancy, then family or friendship ties will only benefit. If not, you risk not only harming your business, but also ruining relationships with your family or friends.

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the site is the No. 1 recruiting service in Russia and the only place where you can post a vacancy and receive 5-10 offers from freelance recruiters within a day, which will help you quickly find an excellent seller, with guarantees and for very reasonable money (10,000 - 30,000 rubles). Try it yourself.

Since 2011, we have helped our clients find more than 10,000 sellers throughout Russia, in the most various fields, positions of any degree of complexity, ranging from sales assistants in retail and ending with complex expert sales in the B2B segment. Selection of the best sellers - that's what we know how and love to do. In addition to the created recruiter selection service, we offer you our experience in solving these problems:

  • where to find sellers
  • how to find sellers step by step
  • how to organize the flow of candidates, what should be the funnel,
  • how to choose the best one, which competencies are important and how to evaluate them (see our roundup of the best sales interview questions).

We formulate the task of finding a seller

"Half a kingdom for a classy salesman?" or "We urgently need a salesperson!" - we hear this phrase in different variations several times a day. How to find a good seller in a sales department or a store is the main entrepreneurial pain of the broadest meaning. After all, there is only around that millions shopping centers, shops and boutiques that need good salespeople every day. And in the search for the best, there are not many solutions here. How to search for sellers? Hire a recruiter, pay an agency, or solve the problem yourself.

The main thing - regardless of the chosen method never cease to understand this task of YOUR. The selection of sellers is the lever that, even with minimal changes in settings, requirements, conditions, can give both a strong increase and a strong defeat in business.

How to find a seller and why is it difficult?

The selection and search of sellers is one of the most painful places in the sales system, given the specifics of the selection and release of this category of personnel. Coordinating the closing of more than 5,000 positions in sales every year, we highlight several objective and subjective factors that complicate the selection task:

  1. Staff turnover and its causes.
    In sales, the turnover rate is high, as an invariable attribute of the audience and the profession itself. The average life of a salesperson, according to our statistics, is Russian companies is a little over 1 year. Turnover, as a rule, is the result of not the most competitive wages and the desire to save on payroll, or the lack of culture or skills to assess the situation of millet and supply on the market.
  2. How does a company deal with turnover?
    Staff turnover is taken for granted, and provokes a decrease in the role of the seller and attempts to replace him with a system of quick and easy adaptation, simple tasks and strengthening the role of command and control. As a result, investments are made in the product, control system and recruitment, but not in the training of salespeople. The recruiting plan, especially in retail, usually requires the lion's share of the employment of recruiters who fill the unenviable role of always hauling water in leaky buckets for their company. And, of course, they are not motivated by such a format for solving the problem, it lulls their vigilance, and leads to a reciprocal formal approach.
  3. Labor market.
    Huge demand for sellers that exceeds supply: candidates with income requirements of up to 70,000 rubles do not respond to vacancies, as they receive calls with job offers 15-20 times a day, and all they do is post their resume on a job site. The employer often does not understand that the search for sellers is a more time-consuming job that costs more than ordinary linear positions, where you can safely view the responses to vacancies. Illusions of an ongoing crisis and ignorance of what is really happening in the market for these positions, who is in charge of the parade, interfere.
  4. The economics of recruitment and alternatives to recruitment.
    Everything exacerbates the attitude of the customer to the search for sellers and the situation on the market. An employer rarely considers the labor costs of creating a funnel and selecting candidates, and even less often compares these costs with the cost of measures to reduce turnover by increasing salaries and investing in sales force training. Meanwhile, there are companies where about 1,000,000 per month are spent on recruitment alone, with a turnover of 100% per year, and this is with a payroll of sellers of 4,000,000 rubles per month. It would seem that a salary increase of 10% to the market or higher and an improvement in the adaptation processes, training systems could significantly reduce recruitment costs, turnover and improve the result. But there is no time and desire to sharpen the saw, we are all busy with desperate sawing.
  5. Difficulties and distortions of choice.
    Features of the choice of sellers: often the employer does not have an adequate attitude to profiling, there is simply no focus on what to look at. Sometimes excessive demands from management deprive the company of a chance of choice, sometimes setting the task is not in terms of the essential requirements of the job. As a result, in terms of cost savings on the payroll, the selection funnel suffers, and even at the same time, quite strict or simply new requirements for the selection of candidates and a number of unnecessary stages that complicate communication with candidates can come out at the final spurt.

That's why any recruitment accidents and frantic attempts to recruit someone urgently, it is better to start eliminating with an analysis of the need, its causes, the costs of recruitment processes, market analytics, research the best experience competitors in the selection and their own selection errors. And do not be afraid to invest time and effort in this work - it will definitely pay off handsomely.

What should be done differently?

Four important ideas for us that we broadcast to both our recruiters and clients who want to improve their skills in the selection of salespeople.

  • Understand how you sell, what and why people buy from you. What is the key to successful sales in your business? Which channels are really selling and why. Look at this as a scheme where selling is a function that works according to certain laws. You need to understand the conditions and requirements of this site. This is not easy and not always straightforward. If you have complex expensive services, where only you, as the first person, always sell, you are tired and want to transfer this function, then think about what changes in the scheme your seller can be as successful as you are. And can you afford such a change of the whole system?
  • Do not be afraid to admit what you really need from the seller, focus on the most important, prioritize. Universal soldiers are an evil that is expensive to find and ineffective in life. Many people think that buying a larger set of competencies for less money is a success. On the contrary, success is to attract a seller who will best perform his function in your business, bring you profit and be happy from this. A message to a recruiter in the style of “well, I just need one such star” will not work, you will make yourself worse by going down this path. After all, if an unprecedented star is found, then the moment of its retention will acquire such risks that are unlikely to give the sales system reliability and manageability. Remember, if your seller cannot be found in a month, something is wrong with your requirements.
  • If the way to go from the goals does not help, then go from the vacancy. For each requirement and condition in the job description, ask yourself three questions “why” do you need it in the seller. Does it really add to your speed or reliability in finding sellers? Leave only what is guaranteed to affect the result. Why do you need English if 5% of the sites need it? How many customers have bought because of English? Look for sustainable construction everywhere.
  • Build trusting relationships with contractors, choose a contractor for a long time and build relationships for a long time. Recruitment services are essential for business. Contractors must be able and willing to be of service to you. If you charge "cockroach races" (when several recruitment agencies or freelance recruiters are working on a vacancy at the same time), do not answer calls, give slowly feedback, constantly dissatisfied, it means that you are giving signals that will not bring you results. After all, a difficult client does not make money. And in our recruiting agency business, there is no culture to openly stop work, it is not customary to refuse. You just won't know how you'll end up on a waiting list just in case something comes up for you. As a result, you will make a false conclusion for yourself - that your vacancy is difficult or that no one knows how to work.

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Find a sales assistant in the store - perhaps key task, because it is the responsibility of the sales assistant to generate your income. Where to look for a sales assistant, if one is required, and what criteria are considered key when looking for a salesperson - this article will tell you.

Responsibilities of a sales assistant in a store

To simplify, we will agree that we are looking for a sales assistant, and not a cashier, for example. Recommendations for the selection of cashiers are in another article. If necessary, the seller can also be trained to work at the checkout - just do not forget to reflect this in job description seller.

The sales assistant is included in the category of specialists. The seller may, depending on the complexity of the organizational structure, report to the head of the section (senior seller) or directly to you. Responsibilities of a store assistant include:

  • participation in the acceptance of goods;
  • pre-sale preparation of products, including unpacking and testing;
  • placement of goods on the trading floor;
  • control of availability and replenishment of stocks of goods on the trading floor;
  • control of the placement and relevance of price tags, if necessary - their updating;
  • control of expiration dates, terms of sale of products, removal of expired goods from sale;
  • participation in the inventory.

However main duty sales assistant in the store - of course, directly promote the sale. To do this, the sales assistant helps customers make a choice, tells customers about products and demonstrates them, informs consumers about current promotions and other marketing activities. Ideally, the sales assistant not only satisfies the client’s one-time need for a product (and at the same time his need for a bonus and yours for income from this sale), but also builds customer loyalty by stimulating repeat purchases. Last but not least, loyalty is influenced by the quality of service demonstrated by the sales assistant.

What to Look for in a Sales Consultant Resume

The level of work of a sales assistant, which is required for a normal sales volume, depends on the skills of working with clients, knowledge of sales technologies and the ability to apply them in practice. It is up to you to hire only experienced sales consultants or to improve the skills of employees in the sales training process. This will depend on test tasks for sales consultants at the interview. When a sales assistant is required for a store, the most common test is to ask the candidate to sell you something right during the interview process.

The work of a sales consultant is directly related to communication with customers. Moreover, your profit depends on the sellers. Therefore, when looking for a sales assistant, please contact Special attention on the behavior and manner of communication of candidates. Clearly nervous, unbalanced, aggressive or, conversely, too phlegmatic will have to be cut off immediately - this work is not for them.

Imagine your typical client. Then draw a portrait of the person who is most likely to sell your product to your customer. This will be the ideal image of your sales assistant. Identify a key set of requirements and characteristics without which the sales assistant in your store will not be able to sell anything. All you have to do is check the qualities and skills of real candidates against this list and choose the right ones.

Naturally, the sales assistant you are looking for needs to be able to communicate with customers. Higher education not required for this position. However, the same level of speech literacy and erudition as your clients is highly desirable. Is it pleasant for you to communicate with a candidate for sales consultants at an interview - the tenth thing, especially if you are not related to your own target audience. The main thing is that your seller finds mutual language with customers and was able to close the sale. A person with an incomplete secondary education will probably not succeed in selling high-end products or technically complex systems. But there is no special need to hire a candidate of sciences for the beer trade.

And about the mundane. The sales consultant is responsible for the safety of inventory items under a collective liability agreement. For security, you can check if the seller candidate has any wrongdoing. In addition, like a cashier, a sales assistant cannot work without a medical book. Be sure to check its availability when hiring a seller.

How to find a seller

As in the case of cashiers, any means that you have at hand and can afford will work to find a sales assistant. Looking for a seller in a shop in a small village - use ads in the local newspaper. If you need a sales assistant in a store in an average city, you can even use TV advertising.

The universal tool for finding sales consultants is the Internet, since sellers are knowledge workers and use the Internet. Social networks, city forums, viewing resumes of sellers and posting vacancies for a sales assistant on job sites - do not disdain any available ways to attract employees.

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The cheapest and often most effective ways to recruit sales consultants are:

  • involvement of acquaintances and relatives of your employees;
  • advertisements for the selection of sellers in your own outlet.

In both of these cases, at least you won't have to explain to a new sales assistant what kind of store you have and what products are in it. Either the candidate knows this himself, because he went to your store and saw the ad, or the one who recommends him will explain to him. If a potential seller came to you as a client and became interested in a vacancy - great, then it will be easier for him to find the keys to the hearts of buyers. Your task is to make sure that he knows how to sell the product to all customers, and not just those with whom he has the same consumer behavior. This can be achieved through training.

In a situation with recommendations, you have two loyal employee- the new one and the one who brought him. After all, no one will advise his friend or loved one a bad job. In addition, the recommender will serve as a mentor to the newcomer and simplify the adaptation process - he will tell you about your orders, and if he is also a seller, he will teach you how to work.

Hiring sales assistants on the recommendation of existing employees is not right for you only if you are afraid that relatives or friends will collude and cheat on you. But in this case, the question arises why you have people who are ready for fraud at all. No matter how strong the shortage of personnel is, there are candidates in your labor market. Perhaps you need to adjust your vendor search terms, candidate requirements, or working conditions.
