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Where to find a sales consultant. How to choose a good seller in a retail store? Meeting and results

Probably, any leader wants to get good salespeople. Not just marketing theorists (who are now like dirt), but the same sales monster who will sell to everyone who just looked into the store. But the profession of a salesperson is not taught in institutes; as a rule, young people who have not yet "sniffed life" go to interviews. How to find a good seller?

We form requirements for the seller

I often come across the fact that a company is looking for sellers and at the same time puts forward requirements: work experience of at least 3 years, higher education, work experience in the company profile, age from 25 to 35 years, etc. The question immediately arises - why do you need a seller? For sales or beauty? Of course, I understand that a higher technical education will really help an employee in the sale, but how much is this a decisive factor when looking for a candidate candidate?

The more criteria for selection, the more you cut off candidates. Look at your top sellers, do they meet these criteria? Leave only those criteria that are really important to you. And I assure you, experience in the company's profile is far from a decisive factor.

Improving working conditions

Good working conditions are of great importance when it comes to attracting candidates with experience. If you are looking for a truly highly qualified employee, then think about a social package for staff, things like compensation cellular communication, fuel and lubricants. An employee with experience always appreciates such things, even if you have a higher percentage of sales, many will be stopped by the lack of benefits. I will give an example from my own practice: in one month of business trips, I uttered 16t.r. in roaming. And when the employer told me that he was not going to compensate for these costs, I quit. Moreover, they paid me well, I just think that it’s not right for me to pay for work expenses from my personal budget.

Increasing the number of search sources

Most companies hope to find their staff through the Internet or by contacting a recruiting agency. But in this way you cover far from all potential candidates. For example, ads in newspapers still work, and many do not appreciate them. Post an ad about looking for an employee on many resources, do not disdain ads on social networks or forums. Sometimes the most the best shots come from non-standard search sources.

Active search for personnel

If not a candidate himself does not come to you, then you will have to go in search of him yourself. I can say from experience that even if you stand near the metro and approach young people offering a job, you can find a lot of personnel. And if you start to hunt staff from competitors or look for talents in other areas of trade, then the chances of finding a good seller can be increased significantly.

A very good practice is the interaction with specialized universities. So one pharmaceutical company recruited sales representatives among medical graduates. Not all graduates wanted to go to work in medicine for a penny, and in sales you can immediately earn quite a lot.

Looking for talented youth

If there are not enough employees, do not disdain candidates without work experience. Sometimes it is better to take a beginner who does not know a lot of things, but with strong motivation. Than an experienced seller who will need to be constantly motivated and “kicked”. Usually, best sellers brought up within the company from newcomers.

A rolling stone gathers no moss. Staff can be searched for a very long time. In fact, the search for personnel is the same sales. And if you can’t find people for a long time, then it’s probably worth it.

Often the search for workers is “spontaneous” and occurs spontaneously. Without pre-formulated requirements, ideas about future work responsibilities, etc. All this leads to the fact that the employer gets at his disposal employees who do not correspond to his ideas and are disappointed.

To prevent this from happening, before you start looking for a seller for your store, you need to decide on the basic requirements for the job. This will reduce the number of "surprises" and surprises, and potential employees understand what is expected of them.

Write your requirements: what work experience the applicant should have, education, what qualities he should have.

For example, the basic requirements might be:

  • computer proficiency at the level of a confident user,
  • availability of a medical book (sanknika),
  • education - secondary,
  • friendly and accommodating appearance,
  • Experience in a similar position and references are welcome.
It is also necessary to formulate what exactly you offer the candidate: the level wages, social protection, work schedule, etc.

After writing the requirements and the essence of your proposal, you can compose an ad and place it on various channels. Consider the most popular of them.


One of the most common and effective options. There are many sites where you can place your ad, as well as read the profiles of applicants.

There are specialized sites, such as,, which are usually used to select highly qualified work force(for example, employees for premium stores). And there are sites for recruiting medium-skilled personnel, for example,

In addition to websites, pay attention to groups in social networks. In almost every city there are such communities, specifically designed to find work in a particular region. If you have never come across them, search by keywords. This is a very efficient and profitable channel for finding employees.


If you are a big enough retail network or you need to find a large number of sellers in a short time, a recruitment agency can be very effective in this matter. If you need several sellers, it makes sense to contact an agency only if you absolutely do not have your own time to search and there is no one to entrust this issue to.

Print mass-media

Previously, it was one of the most popular channels, but today the situation has changed. Firstly, many media outlets have gone online (see above). Secondly, fewer employers and job seekers use ads in newspapers or magazines. But for finding sellers, the method still works, especially in small towns, when placed in the local media of the relevant subject.

Ad in the store

Placing an ad directly in the store is completely free and very effective. But if you are looking for an employee not for a newly opened vacancy, but for a replacement, think about how to do it in the most correct way. Seeing an advertisement in a store, a candidate for a vacant position will turn to those working in this moment employees who can provide him with distorted information about your company. You can ask your employees to recommend someone they know to you. This good method and should not be neglected. But here it is important, as when working with relatives, to understand the real possibilities of a candidate who has come through such a channel. If he really corresponds to the vacancy, then family or friendship ties will only benefit. If not, you risk not only harming your business, but also ruining relationships with your family or friends.

If you are an IP individual entrepreneur), you might also be interested in our article on how to

Greetings dear reader! In this article, I will share my experience and tell you how and where to find a seller for your store!

So let's say you've made a decision open your store and you were faced with the question of choosing a person for the role of the seller. There are 3 main points to consider here:

  1. Where to find a person?
  2. How to write a job posting?
  3. What qualities should a seller have?

And now in order.

1. Where to find a person?

The most efficient and fastest way is to search on sites:

  • Avito;
  • From hand to hand;
  • Work in Russia;
  • Social network In contact with.

Of all those listed, only VK is completely free, since on other resources, most likely, you will need to purchase a paid employer account, which will allow you not only to post job ads, but also view applicant profiles. The amount there is small, up to 500 rubles.

With the first three sources, I think everything is clear, we register as an employer and create a vacancy (more on it below), with Contact it’s a little more complicated - you will need to sit here and look for groups with a job search in your city. When you find such groups, you will need to post your job offer on the group wall, or send a private message to the person who is looking for work.

2. How to write a job posting?

Now let's move on to the vacancy itself, namely, what to write in it. If you are a novice entrepreneur, but I do not advise taking a person without experience, since there is already one such person - it's you, so the text of the vacancy should be something like this:

  • Sale of goods;
  • Displaying goods in accordance with the rules of merchandising;
  • Maintaining cleanliness and order in the store.
  • 1 year work experience required!
  • sociability;
  • Goodwill;
  • Purposefulness;
  • Activity;
  • Willingness to work and earn.
  • Registration according to Labor Code RF, full social. package;
  • Schedule 5/2;
  • Full time from 8:00 to 17:00;
  • Salary + bonus for individual sales;
  • Discounts for store employees;
  • Lunch break from 12:00 to 13:00;
  • Opportunity for career growth.

The text can be changed to suit your requirements and features, but the essence should be about the same. We figured out the vacancy announcement, now we will determine the characteristics and personal qualities of a person.

3. What qualities should a seller have?

Try to take the person who is more interested in the work than others, otherwise, if at the interview stage you see not much interest, then what kind of interest during the work process itself can we talk about?

The same "passive" attitude will apply to the goods that he sells, and to people who want to learn or buy something. Also, try to take people who are interested in long-term cooperation, and not for 2-3 weeks, otherwise, such a person will work hard and he will deeply fuck you, your store, product and customers!

As a rule, people who already have their own families and children come to work for a long period of time, that is, these are people who, with a high degree of probability, will not jump from place to place. Young people, schoolchildren or students, as a rule, are looking for temporary work (part-time work) and, in most cases, are not very interested in increasing sales and career growth.

Also, among your candidates, there will be a lot of people who will come to work for you only in order to later find something better, that is, roughly speaking, in order not to sit idle, they come to you for a while, and as soon as a better option appears, they quickly evaporate, and sometimes they don’t even go to work without warning. Such people also need to try to immediately calculate.

Summarize: ideally, it is better to take the role of a salesperson to a person who will hold on to this place of work with all his might, who (like you) needs stability and long-term employment relationships.

That's all for me, I hope I managed to convey the main idea to you, I'm sure you will find the person you need, until new articles, good luck!

For a retail store owner, finding a good salesperson is a real headache. There are many methods for finding potential candidates. I've tried them all, so I'll share my personal experience with you...
First, decide on the requirements for work experience, education, schedule and salary level.


The most popular method now is an ad on the Internet. There are so-called convector platforms for personnel search. Among them, it is necessary to distinguish between large federal-level sites, such as head hunter or superjob, and regional sites. These can be city portals with sections for finding employees.

Large portals are well-visited sites, but they are more suitable for finding managers and directors than for ordinary sellers. At least, the bulk of my calls came from local sites.
In addition, placing ads on large projects is paid. Or rather, the ad itself is free, but in order to see the data of candidates, you need to pay money.

It is necessary to compose the ad itself in such a way that it would attract candidates. That is, you need to achieve the highest possible response. Of course, there will be a lot of slag, but this is already a matter of filtration and further selection.

This used to be the number one method. But now the relevance of such ads has fallen dramatically, due to the development of the Internet. But, for sellers, this method still works. Advertisements are placed in local newspapers. Usually in each region there are small publications, for job seekers. Here, usually accommodation is also paid, but not very expensive.

Placing an ad in the store

Working method. There are loyal customers who like your store and are ready to work for you. You need to give them the opportunity to know that you have a vacancy. This is how I found sellers, and very good ones. Just try to make sure that store employees do not scare candidates with negative information, especially if we are talking about replacement.

Ask your employees to recommend someone you know. It worked well for me too. And quite strong sellers came. The main thing here is to organize the process in such a way that a close acquaintance of sellers or family ties did not interfere with work.


I never hire my relatives or friends. The reason is that a person may not live up to expectations and will have to be fired. This will leave a negative imprint on personal relationships.
Therefore, if you hire such employees, first make sure that this is really the best candidate.

Labor exchanges

Now I do not use this channel at all. I used to use it, but those candidates who came did not suit me. And I did not notice the desire to work for them. But that doesn't mean it will be the same for you. Perhaps you will find a worthy person through this channel.

Most importantly, select people who meet your job requirements and don't take the easy route of hiring first-time interviewers. And another important life advice: never hire an employee if he causes an unpleasant feeling in you, even if he fully meets your requirements. You can consider it mysticism, but then you will definitely regret it.

And most importantly remember wise saying: "Cadres decide everything!". Personally, I realized this ten years later. entrepreneurial activity and paid a high price for it.
