Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Diversity of social groups. The social structure of society. Criteria for singling out social groups A social group is identified on a political basis

Social science. Grade 9 Training " social structure society. Manifold
social groups"

“The social structure of society. Variety of social
Tasks for training

ideological grounds?
1) conservatives
2) migrants

3) pensioners
4) Muslims


The structure of society is represented by a set of social communities and
groups. What social group is distinguished by occupation?
1) passengers
2) doctors

3) pensioners
4) townspeople


The totality of interconnected social communities and groups scientists
1) social structure
2) social inequality

3) social mobility
4) social policy


The structure of society is represented by a set of social communities and
groups in the variety of their connections. What social group is distinguished by
1) landowners
2) conservatives

3) Udmurts
4) Muslims


What social group is distinguished on a political basis?
1) Catholics

2) conservatives 3) intelligentsia 4) peasants


consent of StatGrad is prohibited

social groups"

Small social groups are

Teachers working in the same city
members of the national environmental association
small peoples of the Far North
football team


Genus, tribe, nationality are examples

Demographic groups
ethnic communities
social strata
historically established types of society


A social stratum (group), membership in which a person is obliged solely
his birth is called
1) class

2) estate

3) stratum

4) custom


What sign determines a person's belonging to a social group
1) ethnic
2) territorial

3) confessional
4) demographic


What sign determines the belonging of miners to a social group?
1) the amount of income
2) level of education

3) age
4) profession

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consent of StatGrad is prohibited

Social science. Grade 9 Training “Social structure of society. Manifold
social groups"

In country Z, a public opinion poll was conducted in 2010, during
which respondents were asked to answer the question “What professions
do you consider the most prestigious and profitable?”. Poll results
(as a percentage of the number of respondents) are presented in the table.

civil servant

professions, %

professions, %


Find in the list of conclusions that can be drawn on the basis of
table, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.
1) Almost a third of the inhabitants of country Z consider the profession of a lawyer prestigious and
bringing good income.
2) A fifth of the inhabitants of country Z believe that the profession of a financier
is the most prestigious.
3) Residents of country Z consider the civil service to be the least profitable.
4) The profitability of the profession of a military man is positively assessed by a third
residents of country Z.
5) Every tenth respondent believes that a high income can
bring the profession of manager.

© StatGrad 2014−2015 ac. d. Publication on the Internet or print media without a written
consent of StatGrad is prohibited

Social science. Grade 9 Training “Social structure of society. Manifold
social groups"

The results of the survey, reflected in the table, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly
derived from the information obtained during the survey? Write down the numbers below
by which they are indicated.
1) Professions associated primarily with work in budgetary
institutions are the most prestigious, in terms of residents
country Z.
2) According to the majority of respondents in country Z, the most
prestigious and profitable professions require legal
3) Ideas about the prestige of the profession always coincide with the expectations of its profitability.
4) Half the number of people in country Z considers a profession
hired manager of the most prestigious and profitable than owning and
managing your own business.
5) A high level of physical activity is a defining indicator that the inhabitants of country Z are guided by when they call
prestigious professions.

© StatGrad 2014−2015 ac. d. Publication on the Internet or print media without a written
consent of StatGrad is prohibited

The structure of society.

The main features of society.

1. This is a collection of Homo sapiens individuals, i.e. endowed with consciousness and will (people communicate with each other, and animals communicate not with each other, but with nature).

2. The presence of objective constantly reproducing common interests. Objective interest means determined by the biosocial and spiritual nature of a person (procreation, raising children, maintaining law and order, food production). Common interests are called upon to implement the states, and dissimilar interests are called upon to implement the institutions of civil society.

3. Interaction and cooperation (of a voluntary nature) on the basis of common interests, for the realization of common interests.

4. Regulation of interests and connections through social norms, i.e. rules of behavior of a general nature (religious, moral, legal, customs, traditions, etc.).

5. The presence of generally recognized values, i.e. ultimate meaning-life foundations of goal-setting.

6. The presence of an organized force, i.e. a power capable of ensuring internal order and external security.

7. The ability and real opportunity for self-reproduction (demography) and self-renewal (the process of development on the way to progress).

Society - it is a stable and self-developing association of people connected by a common interest and interacting on the basis of universally recognized, including universally binding, norms and values ​​to meet common and individual needs.

Social communities and groups.

Social institutions and organizations.

Social norms and values.

Social communities, groups, social institutions, organizations interact with each other through social norms and values.

In order to satisfy universally significant needs, individuals unite, cooperate in social groups.

Social group - it is a set of people who interact in a certain way, are aware of their belonging to this group and are considered members of this group from the point of view of others.

1. Sustainability.

2. Uniformity.

3. Cohesion.

Classification of social groups.

1. By gender (men and women).

2. By age (minors, adults, etc.).

3. On a national basis.

4. On a professional basis (lawyers, bakers, etc.).

5. On a political basis (liberals, conservatives, communists, etc.).

6. On a religious basis (Orthodox, Muslims, etc.).

7. On a territorial basis (villagers, townspeople, Muscovites, Siberians, etc.).

Social groups are created objectively (according to objective criteria, for example, men and women), regardless of consciousness.

The needs of social groups are characterized by: 1) mass character; 2) stability; 3) contingency (satisfaction of one need causes a whole range of other needs).

To fulfill these needs, people create social institutions.

The social institution in the literature is defined in two ways (institute from the Latin. Establishment):

1) this is some kind of education (social or political) - an institution or organization created to implement certain functions, problem solving;

2) a social institution is a stable set of formal and informal rules, principles, norms that regulate various areas human activity (regulating and organizing this activity).

Oriou (French scientist) - a social institution is: 1) an organization; 2) system of values ​​and norms.

Social institutions exist for the following purposes: 1) streamlining relations in society; 2) management of public affairs and processes; 3) conflict resolution; 4) maintaining order; 5) achieving certain goals.

Social institutions arise not only consciously and spontaneously. Social institutions arise with an objective necessity due to economic, biological, political, social reasons.

Social institutions include: family, state, law, political parties, religion, morality, etc.

Historically, the first social institutions are a society of lower hunter-gatherers; tribal communities, chiefdoms; tribes, unions of tribes.

Later there were - the state, monastic orders (the order of the Jesuits); clientele (organizations in support of a particular leader); trade and merchant guilds; parties, trade unions. The state is a comprehensive social institution.

Social values ​​- these are the ultimate foundations of goal-setting, rationally not split (explained) to the end and generally recognized. Values ​​underpin social institutions, socio-normative regulation.

Social norms - these are the rules of human behavior that regulate relations in accordance with generally recognized values. Some social norms operate by virtue of universal recognition, while others operate by virtue of universal obligation, which is provided by the state (rules of law).

A person in the course of his life constantly enters into social groups.

Exist different kinds such associations.


social group- a group of people who are united common features, views or interests.

All human life is being in groups.

In each, he plays a specific role.

Features and structure

Signs of such a community:

  • internal organization;
  • common goal;
  • control system;
  • behavior patterns;
  • intensive interaction between representatives;
  • a sense of belonging, involvement in the activities of the community;
  • consideration of each other's interests;
  • participants have certain expectations.

A social group, like any other set of people, has a certain structure.

sustainable organizational system community allows you to maintain its effective functioning, to ensure the satisfaction of the interests of all participants.

Main structural elements: core and periphery. Core- This is the central part, which consists of key representatives.

It is they who determine the direction of activity, the path of development and the existing orders within the association.

The core has stability and constancy; its organizers rarely leave their leading positions and move to the periphery level.

It is precisely because of this stability of the nucleus and the stability of the existence of the community is maintained.

Representatives of the core have integrity of views and interests, have common beliefs.

The emergence of disagreements between them and the destruction of the core leads to automatic destruction of the group, if among the representatives of the periphery there are no persons capable of forming a new stable core.

Periphery- this is a less significant part of the structure, which consists of individuals who are indirectly involved in the process to varying degrees. The farther away from the core, the less the degree of human involvement.

In the course of the existence of a community, people from the periphery constantly migrate from one position to another or completely leave the community.

Migration occurs due to changes in initial characteristics (education, profession, achievements, etc.) or due to social mobility.


There are various theories for the classification of social groups.

The main principle of their separation is based on an assessment of the amount of commonality and assumes the existence of two main types:

  • large;
  • small.

By level of internal interaction the following division applies:

  • primary (contact);
  • secondary (remote).

Primary groups - associations of people who enter into direct relationships, are in close relationships. These are associations of friends, relatives, colleagues.

Secondary imply more formal communication - these are relationships based on legal, contractual obligations. Here, participants never interact with each other on an emotional level, but communicate exclusively in a business direction.


This is a small community of people entering into communication. There are emotional connections, and their interaction is regulated general rules, principles.



  • according to the method of education: spontaneous, organized;
  • by the presence of connections: real, conditional;
  • by public: official, unofficial;
  • by level of development: with a low level, with a high level;
  • by personal significance: reference, membership groups;
  • by social significance: positive, asocial, antisocial.


The classic example is family. This is not only a family consisting of parents and children, but also the whole set of relatives united by ties of consanguinity, marriage and emotional attachments.

The criterion for a person to belong to the family is his participation in the rest of the relatives.

The core of such a community is made up of relatives who have the main authority among the majority and make key decisions. Such people in the family communicate with all its representatives, are always in the know and can influence their further development.

IN periphery includes people who are less involved in interpersonal relationships between members of this community and have a lower degree of awareness.

The family can be classified according to the above criteria.

For example, legally married spouses by social status are official group.

If a man and a woman consider themselves a family, but are not married, their union is informal.

A family in which everyone is successfully socialized in society is, in terms of social significance, positive. If there is destructive behavior (alcoholism of parents, illegal behavior of children, etc.), then the family becomes asocial.

Another classic example is . Under friendship refers to the close interpersonal interaction of individuals interested in each other.

A small group can consist of two friends, or it can be represented by a group of friends. The core of the community will be individuals who have the greatest authority among all participants.

In the course of friendship in connection with changes in the social and personal characteristics of friends, their role may change. Also, the loss by one of the participants of the desire to continue communication can lead to their departure.


It is a group of people who are part of society. These include: classes, nations, ethnic groups, meetings, rallies, etc. The general classification allows us to distinguish the following types:

Two such communities occupy a special historical place - this ethnicities and classes. Ethnic groups share a common culture mutual language, behavioral features, awareness of their difference from other ethnic groups.

Classes are collections of people who occupy a special place in society, have an appropriate level of social benefits.


The life of such associations is based on common goals, traditions, views. A large set of people has a single psychology, which determines the system of ideals, emotional preferences.

Similar psychology leaves an imprint for each individual person. Therefore, there are concepts of a typical representative of any class, ethnic group, etc. All people become carriers of those views and that are accepted in their association.

Public opinion consists precisely of those attitudes and principles that are broadcast by representatives of various large groups.


Many scientists at different times noted the importance of large social groups, their able to influence the stability of society and change the course of events.

Among all species, the crowd has a special power.

It lies in the fact that, with absolute lack of system and disorganization, it can become a driving force that changes the social structure of society.

The crowd usually means spontaneous gathering of people, which has the following features:

  • multiplicity(in small groups, the phenomenon of social impact on public life cannot arise);
  • contact(people in the crowd stand in close proximity to each other);
  • excitement(people from the crowd are in an emotionally excited state, they do not fully control their behavior, under the influence of universal unity they are prone to impulsive and irresponsible actions);
  • disorganization(the spontaneous nature of the emergence of the association and the emotional excitement of its members hinder the development of a clear strategy of action);
  • aimlessness(despite the common reason that motivates people to act, each of them pursues their own individual goals).

Another phenomenon is reference group(can be not only large, but also small). It does not have, like a crowd, a large-scale impact on the social order, but it can have a significant impact on the life of a particular individual.

It is a real or imagined collection of individuals that is standard. He dreams of becoming a part of this community, if he is not already a member of it. As a result, the existence of such a standard motivates a person to achieve the necessary results, to work on himself.

If he is already a member of the reference group, then its members for him become authorities on which he focuses in life.

For a child, his family acquires such significance, for teenagers - a company of peers, for an adult - a colleague who has achieved professional success, etc.

Socio-psychological climate

The concept of socio-psychological climate in the group includes an assessment of the following criteria:

  • a set of socio-psychological characteristics;
  • emotional mood prevailing in the community;
  • the nature of the relationship.

At favorable climate all participants feel positive attitude, experience feelings of security, joy, trust, sympathy. All communications are built on the principles of mutual respect, openness and involvement in a common cause.

Everyone gets opportunities for personal or professional growth (depending on the type of group), has the right to take the initiative and make decisions. Possible mistakes do not entail fear of punishment or condemnation.

IN unfavorable climate in the first place are such feelings as pessimism, tension, uncertainty, suspicion. Members of the community do not feel trust or sympathy for each other.

Lack of a positive attitude leads to an unwillingness to make joint efforts to achieve goals, and this, in turn, leads to general dissatisfaction.

Studying problems

The problem of groups takes key place in social psychology, since social psychology studies the behavior of people precisely when they are involved in social groups, as well as the study of the key characteristics of the groups themselves.

In social psychology, the following questions are subject to study:

  • understanding between people;
  • relationship building;
  • social attitudes;
  • obedience to social norms;
  • large group phenomena;
  • psychological phenomena, processes (public opinion, mass consciousness, rumors, religion, etc.);
  • the degree of mutual influence of the individual and the group;
  • intergroup relationships;
  • leadership.

Group response to behavior

To preserve the unity of the community, representatives of its core adhere to certain management principles. These principles must be respected by all participants.

In a situation where one person violates the rules established for all, the majority has the right to apply to him measures of influence. Such measures are called social sanctions.

An individual who has committed an inappropriate act, under the influence of sanctions, must correct his behavior. Otherwise, it may be excluded from the group.

Thus social groups integral part of an individual's life. Each person is a member of many small and large associations that have a certain influence on him.

The concept and types of social groups:

The social structure of a society is its
structure, a set of social
communities and groups, relations between
A social group is a group of people
having any public
significant trait (gender, age,
profession, place of residence, etc.)

Criteria for the allocation of social groups

Examples of social groups
Gender and age
Men, women, youth and
Doctors, teachers.
Russians, Belarusians, Germans, etc.
Citizens, villagers, etc.
Christians, Muslims, etc.

Types of social groups

Social inequality

is an uneven distribution
society's resources - money, power,
education and prestige between different
strata of the population.

social stratification

◦ is the collection
social strata,
located on
different levels in
The term "stratification" is taken
from geology, where
denotes location
layers vertically.

Strata are large groups of people
differing in position and
social hierarchy.

Reasons for the allocation of strata

Stratification criteria

Basis of stratification
a brief description of
Income (wealth)
Number of cash
income for a certain
period of time.
Number of years in school
college or university received
profession, academic degree and
The ability to impose will or
decision for other people
regardless of their desire
Profession prestige
Respect for work
human social
position, family
activities established in
public opinion

Types of certification systems

1. Cast
1. Class
2. Slave
- Classic
- Patriarchal
3. estate




The class structure of society

Middle class
lower class

Rich and poor are two
not only differ in level
income, but also culture, way
life, mindset.


◦ Lumpen is a term coined by Karl Marx to refer to
lower strata of the proletariat. Later lumpens became
be called all declassed segments of the population
(tramps, beggars, criminals and other asocial
personality). In most cases, a lumpen is a person who is not
having no property and living by chance
earning or enjoying state social
grants in various forms.
◦ Lumpens - declassed elements, people
without social roots, moral code, ready
recklessly obey the strong, that is
having in this moment real power.


◦ sociological concept denoting
intermediate, "boundary" position of a person
between any social groups
leaves a certain imprint on his psyche.
This concept appeared in American sociology
in the 1920s to denote a situation of non-adaptation
immigrants to new social conditions.
◦ Marginal group of people - a group that rejects
certain values ​​and traditions of that culture, in
which this group is located, and asserting its
own system of norms and values.

Read the statement and answer the questions

“Two nations, between which there is neither connection nor
sympathy, who also know no habits,
thoughts, feelings of each other, as inhabitants of different
planets that raise children differently,
eat different foods, teach different maneuvers,
who live according to different laws ... - rich and
(B. Disraeli)
1) How do you understand the meaning of the statement?
2) With the help of what social science terms
Can you explain the meaning of this statement?

The social structure of society is
Any set of people
Any changes to social position individual
The set of norms accepted in society
The internal structure of society

To determine the social structure of society significant
sign are
Physical data of a person
Features of human temperament
Mental abilities of a person
The level of education of a person

The list below shows the features
similarities between large and small social groups and
big differences social group from small.
Select and write in the first column of the table
serial numbers of similarities, and in the second
column - serial numbers of features of difference.
1) Mandatory personal contact between members
2) The presence in people of similar social characteristics
3) The presence of social norms governing
group activities
4) Number of group members
Features of difference


1. The structure of society is represented by social
communities and groups. What social group
isolated on an economic basis?
1. Petersburgers 2. Physics teachers 3. Owners
shares 4. Girls.
2. On a political basis, the following
1. Voronezh residents 2. Democrats 3. Officers 4. Women.
3. Are the following judgments about social
A social group is any group of people
having any significant sign for society
For example:
A. Profession. B. Features of temperament.
1) Only A is true 2) Only B is true 3) Both are true
judgments 4) Both judgments are wrong

4. Establish a correspondence between groups and criteria

Selection criteria
Group examples
A) Rostovites
B) Citizens
B) teenagers
D) Italians
D) Ukrainians

5. Social scientists use the concept of "social stratification"
to denote
Qualities of relationships between individuals
Significance of a person's position in society
The division of society into social strata
Changes in the place of the individual in the social hierarchy.