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The influence of organizational culture on the formation of a system of motivation and incentives for personnel at Adidas LLC. Analysis of the organizational structure of the adidas company essays and coursework Adidas corporate culture


Fedorova Maria Sergeevna 1, Bykova Anna Viktorovna 2
1 Samara State Technical University, student
2 Samara State Technical University, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Organization Management

The article discusses the problems of increasing the efficiency of trading enterprises by managing the processes of organizational culture. Paying insufficient attention to the processes of organizational development and personnel behavior leads, as a rule, to staff turnover, a decrease in the efficiency of individual units and the entire organization as a whole, and as a result, multiple conflicts, both with management and within the team.


Fedorova Maria Sergeevna 1, Bykova Anna Viktorovna 2
1 Samara State Technical University, student
2 Samara State Technical University, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department of Economics and Management Organization

The article deals with the problem of increasing the effectiveness of commercial enterprises at the expense of process control organizational culture. Insufficient attention to the processes of organizational development and staff behavior usually leads to staff turnover, reduced the effectiveness of the individual unit and the organization as a whole and as a result - multiple conflicts, as with the leadership and within the collective.

Bibliographic link to the article:
Fedorova M.S., Bykova A.V. Analysis and improvement of the organizational culture of trading enterprises (using the example of the Adidas sportswear chain stores) // Economics and Management innovative technologies. 2013. No. 9 [Electronic resource]..02.2019).

All activities of the enterprise are connected and associated with personnel, production techniques, equipment, personnel, level of education of personnel, their qualifications, development potential, etc. One of the important, but often underestimated elements is organizational culture - the connecting link in this entire system, through sets of rules, laws and standards. Which, in turn, are divided into public rules (documented) and private rules, enshrined among staff, groups of people, etc.

The purpose of the article is to consider what organizational culture is and how it affects the efficiency of trading enterprises.

Studying the organizational culture of Adidas stores located in Samara in shopping centers;

Identification of weak and strengths existing organizational culture;

Development of measures to solve existing problems.

Culture in the universal sense gives meaning to all our actions. Organizational culture is the meaning of the activities of the leader and key personnel of the organization. Therefore, it is worth making changes in the life of an organization only based on this culture. Organizational culture is not formed in one day or in a month, it is formed over a long and complex, labor-intensive period, over the years, where each will have its own victories and failures. Sometimes changes do not take root in the organization’s system, because... contradict her and the views of the main staff. Therefore, in order to introduce culture, it needs to take root and endure. This can be achieved by motivating staff.

Organizational culture is one of the most important factors in the effectiveness of an organization. The personal beliefs, values ​​and style of behavior of the leader of an organization largely determines the culture of the organization. The formation, its content and individual parameters are influenced by factors of the external and internal environment. To maintain culture in an organization, a number of methods are used, among which the main ones can be identified: slogans; stories, legends, myths and rituals; external and status symbols; management behavior; personnel policy and etc. .

Analysis of the organizational culture of Adidas. Adidas AG is a German industrial concern specializing in the production of sports shoes, clothing and equipment. CEO company - Herbert Hainer. The company is currently responsible for the distribution of products from Adidas, Reebok, Rockport, Y-3, RBK & CCM Hockey, and Taylor-Made Golf.

The Adidas company is the largest manufacturer of sports equipment, clothing, shoes, and accessories. Also, the company has its own research centers that are engaged in the development of new or improvement of old types of sports equipment, equipment, etc.

The object of the study is Adidas stores in the city of Samara.

In Samara and Samara region this company is very popular, it employs thousands of people, and the entire system of organizational culture is under the control of management, but, as they say, “nothing is perfect.”

Goals and objectives of Adidas: strengthening the brand image, increasing its popularity, improving the quality of goods, the quality of services provided, increasing profits and, accordingly, sales (this is separately for the store).

Company mission: focus on the buyer, focus on “tomorrow” (foresee what the consumer will need tomorrow, not today), focus on the price ratio + quality of goods and services, focus on the company’s personnel, since this is the main component of everything that is in the organization.

Company philosophy: one world, one family, one philosophy.

Motto: The impossible is possible!

Each employee is familiarized with the goals, mission and task of Adidas and knows it all by heart (this is all documented).

Thus, in these trading enterprises there is a clear division of responsibilities and location of each employee, each is responsible for “their” place and bears responsibility for it, which is very important in such an area as sportswear, equipment, etc.

Results of a survey of employees in relation to the modern culture of the organization, state, conditions

What can be noted as positive in the existing organizational culture of these stores:

When applying for a job, an employee is assigned to the newcomer who helps and coordinates all the actions of the “new guy”.

Each employee is given free Adidas branded clothing (if hired and after working a certain amount of time).

Every day a “five-minute meeting” is held, during which the administrator highlights the main organizational issues, goals and objectives, as well as “other information.”

Once a month general meeting, at which the results of the past month are discussed, tasks are set for the next, various events are planned (which are often suggested by the administrators themselves, for example, a general trip to bowling, a cafe, etc.).

A system of advanced training for promotion to a position, as well as additional training, for example, when a new type of product or production technology appears (a product or technology in the general sense and in general terms), is well constructed and mandatory. Management selects several people from the staff who are trained, engaged in advanced training, all this is carried out under reporting and knowledge is checked.

At meetings, employees have the right to propose their measures to improve organizational culture, events, etc.

Another positive point that cannot be ignored is the drawing up of a plan for work and days off, it is drawn up before the start of each week and each employee writes down the days that are more convenient for him, the management, focusing on each, draws up a convenient schedule for each employee.

Each employee is given a card with a discount on the available product. An employee is awarded a certain number of points every month, which he can use when purchasing existing goods in a given store (sometimes these discounts are very “significant”).

Negative aspects or problems in the organizational culture of these stores:

1. Conflicts arise between employees and administration (although these are work issues, they do occur).

2. There are unresolved conflicts between menchandisers and storekeepers, very frequent and ongoing, due to inconsistency of actions and unclear performance of their duties.

3. Most employees complain about low wages.

4. Some employees do not like the existing organizational culture.

All of the above circumstances lead to staff turnover (it is worth noting that in stores it is very high!).

To assess the level of culture formation, the authors used the model of R. Moran and F. Harris; the results obtained will be analyzed below.

1) In Adidas stores, employees value activity, movement, desire, and professionalism (it is worth noting that all employees meet the requirements of this store).

2) There is communication between management, storekeepers and merchandisers, and all these cells interact, but not always in the way we would like and not as effectively, sometimes with conflicts.

3) Since Adidas is still sporting goods store, then all employees are required to wear sportswear, which, as noted above, is issued free of charge (this is a special kind of corporate style).

4) Employees provide food for themselves and at their own expense; each cell is allocated its own time for food, but for everyone it is no more than 1 hour.

5) Working hours and punctuality, here this issue sometimes happens, goes beyond the scope, for example, for storekeepers, when you need to pack old goods and control loading or, conversely, accept new ones, but this happens rarely.

6) Relations between employees and management personnel can be free, but there is also an official style, depending on the specific situation and circumstances.

7) Every employee wants more, but not everyone succeeds due to poor staff motivation. Although each of the staff is worthy of respect, professional in their field, but due to the conditions (rare promotion on the career ladder, low wages, etc.) they do not strive to overcome all the obstacles to their growth, and, resting against the “glass ceiling,” they simply changes place of work.

8) Despite the conflicts that exist in the store, each employee believes in himself and his strength, as well as in the help of others. A free style of communication, constant contact with each other helps in solving existing, different situations.

9) All personnel strive to consciously carry out the work and plan, relying on themselves. Thanks to meetings and morning five-minute meetings, all employees receive all the necessary information.

10) As mentioned above, the attitude towards the work performed is considered from a position of responsibility. Among the important aspects of work organization are the cleanliness of the workplace, the location of the goods, the quality of the work performed and the plan for all employees and the store. A person is not judged for his habits, the main thing is that they do not have a negative impact on others and on the work performed, which is carried out both individually and in a group.

Despite the fact that all employees often interact with each other and know each other, nevertheless, disputes and conflicts arise regarding work issues and due to failure to fulfill their duties, for which the store administrator and sales floor administrator are responsible, furthermore, management listens little to the staff’s suggestions for improving general leisure time (going bowling, etc.), improving the culture inside the store, etc., so in the end, the staff simply stops putting forward their options, knowing that they will not be heard and applied .

When managing the culture of an enterprise, you need to understand that this is the connecting link that either increases the efficiency of work or destroys the team of employees from the inside. Also, you need to understand that this is not a one-day process and that you won’t be able to achieve the desired result right away, for one simple reason - the staff has already established the previous culture, previous connections, past relationships. And as a result, both middle managers and staff need time to understand what the manager wants from them and why the “new” culture is better than the “old” one.

Adidas stores have developed a clear organizational culture, the main problematic features of which are the following:

The store management allows employees to propose changes, but the downside is that they are allowed to suggest changes, and management sometimes does not even consider these proposals, which remain proposals.

I – first approach. Everything is simple here, on the one hand, the manager sets himself as an example and asks the employees to have the same desire for work from the staff. But, due to poor motivation, low pay, and rare opportunities to move up the career ladder, employees simply see this work as temporary income rather than something permanent.

II – second approach. There is pseudo-democracy going on here. The administration seems to give employees the opportunity to speak out and put forward their proposals, but they will often simply be listened to, sometimes considered and rarely put into practice.

In the first approach, the store administrator tries to be a leader and a good manager, but due to the fact that he uses the wrong tactics or simply does not make the necessary efforts to resolve the current situation, all his actions do not bring what he would like.

In the second approach, using a democratic approach and not considering staff proposals, management may soon lose their entire reserve of trust and initiative from employees. This can be explained simply when your thoughts and suggestions are constantly ignored, a person, willy-nilly or not, stops putting forward anything, knowing in advance that he will be listened to as much as possible. Therefore, trust in the administration is lost and conflicts that the employees themselves will be forced to resolve will increase and more time will be spent on them than on work; accordingly, the morale of the team may be shaken.

Recommendations for improving organizational culture. Trading enterprises are a single, holistic mechanism that interacts every day with external environment and the environment within yourself. Everyone interacts in it at all levels and ranks. The effectiveness of the entire work of the organization will depend on how information reaches management and employees. Also, it is important to remember that if there are conflicts that are resolved mainly by the employees themselves, and the management does not deal with this, or simply does not want to, tries not to notice at one point this will make itself felt in the form of staff turnover. In Adidas stores, as the employees themselves note, although there are conflicts, most of them have a work factor, and still I would like to improve the situation within the team and the entire store.

It was said above that there is a high turnover of personnel in the store, mainly merchandisers. The reason is low wages, tension in the team (although this largely depends on individual characteristics human), rare cases career growth and management ignoring proposals, the same merchandisers with their proposals.

The store management needs to improve feedback with subordinates, because otherwise it will be poorly executed necessary plan sales At meetings, it is necessary to put the initiative in the hands of employees.

You can also offer to pay employees for meals. This will not be the entire amount, but an established standard (for example, 100-150 rubles issued daily, on all working days). Thus, employees will reduce some of their expenses. For most companies, meals for employees are provided at the expense of the company or more low prices in canteens assigned to these enterprises or organizations.

It is necessary to resolve conflicts between storekeepers and merchandisers. The mediator here can be the administrator of the trading floor, since this is the person who is responsible for the staff. You can propose to make adjustments to the duties of each employee (storekeeper, etc.), in case of failure to fulfill one of them, evasion of duties or a showdown, impose sanctions (minus bonuses, minus bonuses from the card, etc.). It is necessary to create an image of responsibility for non-compliance and the irreversibility of punishment, then employees will be motivated (this can usually be called “carrot and stick”).

  1. Nikolaeva, G. Organizational culture of the enterprise // Man and labor. 2006. No. 9. P. 78.
  2. Solomanidina T.O. Organizational culture and climate: relationship and influence on the company’s performance // Personnel Management. 2005. No. 5. P. 35–37. Ending. Started in No. 4.2005
  3. Nikulin D.V. Organizational culture: technology of formation // Man and labor. 2005. No. 7. pp. 80–81.
  4. Plotnikov M.V. Aspects of destructiveness in modern organizational cultures // Social sciences and modernity. 2006. No. 3. pp. 132–148.
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Organizational structure of the enterprise……………………………..8

Characteristics of the technology of the trading process for enterprises………9

Job responsibilities, goals, objectives and documents regulating the activities of the administrator….…………................................. ...............…12




During practical training as a store salesperson-cashier, which took place at the Adidas-Voikovskaya discount center, the main tasks were:

Studying the history of creation;

Enterprise performance indicators;

Trading process technologies;

to identify the main problems and areas of activity of the industry enterprise.

Acquiring skills in analyzing the main economic indicators of the enterprise, justifying and selecting options for solving current and future problems of the enterprise;

The purpose of practice is to consolidate theoretical knowledge.

1. Characteristics of the enterprise, legal form and history of creation

History of Adidas in the global and Russian markets

For more than 80 years, adidas has been a symbol of success in the world of sports. The company's history began in 1920, when young Adi Dassler made his first pair of sports shoes. He wanted every athlete to have the equipment that would help them achieve their best results. The idea turned out to be so viable that today the company has achieved serious success both in sports and in business, and represents a wide range of products, from basketball sneakers and football boots to sportswear and footwear. The name adidas (a combination of the first syllables of the company's founder's first and last names) appeared in 1948. In 1949, the name was registered as a trademark, and the adidas symbol, the famous three stripes, was also registered at the same time. In 1989, the company was transformed into a joint stock company after almost seventy years of existence as a family business. In 1995, the company's shares began to be listed on the stock exchange. adidas is sports shoes, clothing and accessories. There are 3 divisions of Adidas: adidas Sport Performance, adidas Sport Heritage and adidas Sport Style, which provide the company with more than 79% of total sales. No competitor has such a diversified portfolio of brands, providing consumers with products for both winter and summer sports. Currently the company is responsible for the distribution of products from Adidas companies, Reebok, Rockport, RBK & CCM Hockey, and Taylor-Made Golf.Current lineup CEO:

    Adidas-group CEO: Herbert Hainer

    Adidas-group CFO: Robin J. Stalker

    Adidas-group Brand Director: Erich Stamminger

    Global Operations Adidas-group: Glenn S. Bennett

The history of the company in Russia began more than a quarter of a century ago, when adidas received an order to outfit Soviet sports teams. So, since the 70s, Soviet football players, basketball players and all other national teams achieved outstanding results together with adidas.

To this day, this tradition continues to exist; today adidas is the official sponsor of FC Lokomotiv, and FC CSK players wear Reebok uniforms. Adidas Group also cooperates with numerous sports federations, such as: RFU, Handball, Nordic Ski, Biathlon, Nordic combined, Bobsleigh, Luge, Rugby Union, Football Referees Association (adidas), Russian Hockey Federation (Reebok). We are especially proud of our ongoing collaboration with outstanding athletes. So today our company is represented on the world sports arena by: Sergey Semak, Ivan Saenko, Dinara Safina, Maria Kirilenko, Anna Chakvetadze, Mikhail Yuzhny (adidas), Alexander Ovechkin, Pavel Datsyuk (Reebok) and many others.

The first success was in the 60-70s, when the company received an order to outfit Soviet athletes and teams.

Adidas Russia was founded in 1992 by Giovanni Ciccolonghi.

Since 2000, net profit in Russia and the CIS has almost doubled, which allows us to maintain 4th place among European markets.

In 2009, the number of adidas Group crossed the line of 9,000 people. The number of mono-brand stores exceeds 600, and the company is represented in more than 100 cities.

The Reebok network is planned to expand in 2010, but for now there are about 400 adidas stores and more than 200 Reebok stores.

Price policy

The Russian representative office of Adidas is dictated by the central European office of Adidas from Germany, the price level in the Moscow region for goods from the new collection coincides with the pan-European one,

since the collections are presented simultaneously in Western and Eastern Europe.

Planning is carried out by the German office of Adidas for everyone

regions, however, the system of discounts, commissions and research into price adjustment policies is carried out by the central Moscow office of the company.

At the end of 2003, the discount system changed, if previously the discount was 5%

was provided to a buyer who made a one-time purchase worth >$200, and the buyer could use it only within the city, now it is planned to introduce a cumulative discount, in which the discount gradually increases to 25%, depending on the activity of the buyer.

Twice a year there is a sale of goods, this is due to the fact that

Every year the collection of clothing and accessories is updated twice: autumn-winter and spring-summer. Products from the previous collection are on sale, and the starting discount is 10% + 5% for loyalty cards, and the discount increases in the future (Appendix 12).

In addition, separately planned promotions are carried out, such as

sales in the Adidas stock store, the discount system in which differs from the one presented above (Appendix 13).

The amount of commission for wholesale clients varies depending on the size of the order and the history of the client, and, as a rule, is not disclosed.

Wholesale sales are planned when a new collection is received by employees of the central Moscow office.

Company's place in the market

Today Adidas is represented on the market with the widest range of products, from basketball sneakers and football boots to sportswear and hiking shoes.

For many years now Adidas is the largest, most reliable and expensive sports company in the world, but this does not prevent it from expanding even more every year. The company absorbed such giants as Reebok, Rockport, CCM and Taylor Made Golf. No competitor has such a diversified portfolio of brands, providing consumers with products for both winter and summer sports.

    Organizationally legal form enterprises - society with limited liability(Adidas LLC is a subsidiary of the Adidas Group joint stock company), form of ownership - private.

    The company's mission is Aspiration. The desire to achieve great results, do not stop there.

    The company's goals are to become a leader among global sports brands; To make the world a better place through sport; High quality and service.

    On this moment The company has three priority directions: Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

On the world market Adidas constantly competes with Nike and Puma.

Analysis of financial indicators

Adidas' net profit increased by 12% in the second quarter of 2009 to €116 million from €104 million in the same quarter the previous year. This was announced in a company press release on Tuesday.

The improvement in Adidas's financial performance is due to the fact that the company was able to reduce costs and increase sales. The reduction in the tax rate to 30.8% from 31.6% also had a positive impact.

Sales increased 5% to 2.52 billion euros from 2.4 billion euros, despite a relatively strong euro. Assuming fixed exchange rates, sales growth was 14 percent, in line with analysts' expectations. At the same time, sales expenses fell to 1.258 billion euros from 1.262 billion euros.

Gross margin increased 2.7% to 50.1%, reflecting the expansion of Adidas' retail network and stronger sales in the Eurozone. The high gross margin reflects the fact that the company's product mix and geographic diversification of its business are progressing.

Sales of the adidas brand increased by 19% (at a fixed exchange rate), Reebok – by 2%, TaylorMade-adidas Golf – by 6%. Reebok's order book decreased in the 2nd quarter by 13% (at a fixed exchange rate), adidas increased by 8%.

Organizational structure of the enterprise

The organizational management structure of Adidas LLC is characterized as linear-functional.

All store employees are directly subordinate to the director. In order to optimize the management process and control, the director and administrator are subordinate to:

Product coordinator - an employee who ensures correct presentation in the hall, availability required product in the hall.

Senior salesperson-cashier – an employee who ensures verification of cash documentation and control over salespersons-cashiers.

Senior storekeeper - an employee who supervises storekeepers and ensures that the store is properly stocked with goods.

Figure 1. Organizational structure

2.1 Characteristics of Adidas LLC

For more than 90 years, Adidas has been a symbol of success in the world of sports. The company's history began in 1920 in Germany, when shoemaker Adolf Dassler from Herzogenauer made his first pair of sports shoes. He wanted every athlete to have the equipment that would help them achieve their best results. The idea turned out to be so viable that today the company has achieved serious success, both in sports and in business, and represents a wide range of products ranging from basketball sneakers and football boots to sportswear and footwear for tourism.

The name “Adidas” (a combination of the first syllables of the company’s founder’s first and last names) appeared in 1948. A year later, the name was registered as a trademark, and the Adidas symbol, the famous three stripes, was also registered at the same time. In 1989 the company was transformed into a public Joint-Stock Company after almost seventy years of existence as a “family business”. In 1997, Adidas acquired the Salomon group and the company's name was changed to Adidas-Salomon AG. Today, Adidas-Salomon AG owns the Adidas brand, the Salomon and Taylor Made brand groups.

In terms of scale of activity, Adidas LLC is a large commercial enterprise and has stores in 48 countries around the world. The company employs over 43,000 people who are engaged in the development, production, and sale of exceptional clothing models.

Over the past time, the company has formed a positive image among potential clients. The products sold by the store have always been different high quality, novelty and originality, which annually increased the influx of buyers and, accordingly, the volume of sales.

Current company composition:

§ Adidas-group CEO: Herbert Hainer

§ Adidas-group CFO: Robin J. Stalker

§ Brand Director of Adidas-group: Erich Stamminger

§ Global Operations Adidas-group: Glenn S. Bennett

§ General Director of Adidas-group in Russia: Martin Shankland

§ Chairman of the Board: Igor Landa. Official website of Adidas LLC - [Electronic resource]:

Company philosophy: one world, one philosophy, one family.

The motto is “The Impossible is Possible.”

The mission of Adidas LLC can be divided into three parts:

1. Scientific and technical - researching the needs of potential buyers and providing proven solutions to the market by the time they become in demand.

2. Financial and economic - extracting maximum efficiency from a product in terms of price / (functionality + quality) ratio.

3. Social - job creation. The company provides employees with decent conditions for work and development, giving them the opportunity to develop professionally, provide for themselves and their loved ones and be confident in tomorrow.

The company provides employees with the opportunity to constantly improve their professional and general educational level through courses in English and courses in special disciplines, as well as specialized trainings that are directly related to personal and professional growth. Employees are critical to a company's success. Becoming a global leader in the sporting goods industry depends on the performance, potential, passion and dedication of our employees.

This work will examine one of the 35 Adidas stores in St. Petersburg. The main activity is related to the sale of goods and customer service, selection, payment for goods, etc.

Each store that is part of the company has an identical organizational management structure, which is presented in Figure 3:

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Rice. 3. Organizational management structure of Adidas LLC

This organizational management structure is linear-functional, since the organization is divided into separate elements, each of which has a clearly defined, specific task and responsibilities.

Responsibilities are distributed as follows:

The store manager (1 person) performs leadership functions. His responsibilities include: making decisions, coordinating the work of the entire store as a whole, resolving conflict situations, working with staff, maintaining basic store documentation.

Accounting (1 person) is responsible for maintaining basic personnel documentation; responsibilities include managing salaries and benefits.

Technical personnel (2 people) are responsible for the coordinated operation of the store’s technical support (lighting, anti-theft equipment, cash register equipment, retail store equipment, computer software).

The warehouseman (2 people) keeps order in the warehouse, controls the remaining goods, and is engaged in the rational distribution of individual models in warehouse so as not to delay the work of sellers.

The responsibilities of the senior cashier (2 people) include working with the cash register, exchanging money, collection, and filling out related documentation.

Sellers-cashiers (10 people in total, 5 - sellers in the men's hall, 5 - sellers in the women's hall) of both halls work with customers. Competent consultation, selection of clothing sets. Their responsibilities also include maintaining order in the sales area during the working day and decorating the trading floors in accordance with the standards of visual merchandising of the store, and are responsible for the musical accompaniment of the working day.

The operating mode is optimal; when compiling it, factors such as the volume of customer flows and their distribution throughout the day are taken into account. Time is provided for preparatory and final work with the inclusion of the employee in work time, ensures a rhythmic alternation of work and rest for workers during the day.

Thus, it can be said that Adidas-Salomon strives to be a global leader in the sporting goods industry and sports brands built on the passion for sports and a sports lifestyle. Each branch of the company is built according to a single organizational structure, which includes a store manager, accounting, technical personnel, storekeeper, senior cashiers and sales cashiers.

2.2 Assessing the organizational culture of the organization

Assessing corporate culture means correlating it with evaluation criteria, since there are no absolute assessments by which organizational culture can be assessed positively or negatively; there are only relative evaluation criteria. It is also impossible to get a complete picture of an organization's corporate culture by assessing it using one method. Therefore, to assess the corporate culture of Adidas LLC, the following methods will be used:

§ determination of the type of corporate culture using Jeffrey Sonnenfeld’s classification;

§ characterization of the corporate culture of the organization using the aspects identified by Geert Hofstede;

Corporate culture in Adidas LLC is properly formed. This is reflected in such things as staff uniforms and a general style of behavior based on trust in each other and mutual assistance. The specificity of corporate culture here is manifested in the absence of boundaries between positions in communication.

According to Jeffrey Sonenfeld's classification, the organizational culture of Adidas belongs to the type called “Club Culture”. Only company employees receive promotions, and career growth occurs slowly and gradually.

In accordance with the aspects highlighted by Geert Hofstede, the corporate culture of Adidas LLC can be characterized as follows:

1. Rejection of uncertainty.

A high degree of aversion to uncertainty, which is explained by the desire of staff to work in clear and precise organizational structures. It is impossible to break the rules.

2. Power distance.

Low power distance prevails. This is expressed as follows:

§ making any decision in an organization is possible only after discussion with the environment;

§ every employee has the right to express their point of view;

§ managers and subordinates communicate on a first-name basis;

§ the same rules for everyone.

3. Individualism - collectivism.

In this organization, there is mainly collectivism. This is reflected in group decision making; the organization is comparable to a family.

4. Masculinity - femininity.

At Adidas LLC there is a manifestation of femininity, since there is a pleasant, calm working atmosphere and a low level of stress.

To summarize, it should be noted that the company adequately withstands competition, attracts more and more new customers, which provides the company with popularity, prestige and stability. At the same time, despite this state of affairs, the organizational culture of Adidas has a number of both positive and negative aspects. Let's look at some of them.

Firstly, the organization is primarily focused on results. On the one hand, this is correct, but we should not forget about the human factor. Without proper attention to employees, no company has achieved success.

Also, the norms and rules existing in the company are imposed by management against the will of the employees. They are aimed primarily at discipline and concentration of employees on their work. In addition, all rituals are more formalized and are not aimed at strengthening the corporate spirit and maintaining the organizational culture of the organization.

The values ​​developed by the organization’s management are adapted, first of all, to economic conditions home country Adidas LLC is from Germany and has nothing to do with Russian reality. Hence the discrepancy between the interests of workers and management.

In general, the corporate culture of Adidas LLC is defined as strong. This organization does not pay enough attention to employees, human factor. This entails inconsistency strategic goals company, since the main goal is development, and this is not possible without certain investments in personnel.

When analyzing the negative aspects of corporate culture, it was decided to use such areas of its improvement as creating an effective team through improving the personality of the leader and improving the hierarchy of employee values.

Thus, the company takes many measures to meet the needs of its employees and promotes a culture based on strong leadership. At the same time, there are certain disadvantages, for example, poor adaptation of values ​​to local conditions, focus on results rather than on the human factor.

Conclusions on the second section

1. The company is dominated by a “club culture”, which manifests itself in teamwork.

2. Adidas tries to provide its employees with everything they need: device according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, social package, flexible schedule, uniform, discounts on products.

3. More attention needs to be paid to stimulating staff and adapting international values ​​directly to local realities.

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A strong corporate culture penetrates beyond the company and becomes a mission and brand insight. And then not only employees, but also clients of the corporation begin to live by the principles and values ​​of the corporate culture. We will tell you using the example of the corporate cultures of Samsung, IKEA, Adidas, Google and MTS.

From the material you will learn:

Corporate culture of a multinational company

Corporate culture, on the one hand, is the result of a company’s interaction with the world around it, on the other, a derivative product of interpersonal relationships within the organization.

In his book “Commandments for a Furniture Dealer,” Kamprad outlined the moral and business principles and goals of the company. This book is somewhat similar to a religious treatise, written in an edifying manner. For example, one of the postulates written in it reads: “wastefulness of resources is a mortal sin.”

Therefore, the principles of IKEA's corporate culture in 2016 are based on the values ​​of simplicity, modesty and strict cost control. All managers and senior executives of the company do not fly first class and never stay in expensive hotel rooms.

Adidas corporate culture

Google's corporate culture

Google has grown significantly since its founding in 1998, but it still maintains a small-company feel.

Google developed a unique corporate culture. Google considers its main mission to be the organization of all the information available in the world. The company strives to make the entire world's data accessible and convenient for mass use. The company's philosophy is the fundamental principle of its activities. This principle is also characteristic of Google’s corporate culture; it helps staff develop and improve.

Google's corporate culture in 2016 is people first. They ensure increased competitiveness and efficiency of the enterprise by developing its management potential and improving quality

2. Analysis of corporate culture at Adidas LLC

Characteristics of Adidas LLC

For more than 80 years, Adidas has been a symbol of success in the world of sports. The history of the company began in 1920, when a young shoemaker from Herzogenauer (Germany), Adolf Dassler, sewed his first pair of sports shoes. He wanted every athlete to have the equipment that would help them achieve their best results. The idea turned out to be so viable that today the company has achieved serious success, both in sports and in business, and represents a wide range of products, from basketball sneakers and football boots to sportswear and footwear for tourism.

The name “Adidas” (a combination of the first syllables of the company’s founder’s first and last names) appeared in 1948. In 1949, the name was registered as a trademark, and the Adidas symbol, the famous three stripes, was also registered at the same time. In 1989, the company was transformed into a public limited company after almost seventy years of existence as a “family business”.

In 1997, Adidas acquired the Salomon group and the company's name was changed to Adidas-Salomon AG. Today, Adidas-Salomon AG owns the Adidas brand, the Salomon and Taylor Made brand groups.

Adidas is sports shoes, clothing and accessories. The main concept of the brand is to offer consumers shoes and equipment that help them improve their athletic performance. There are 3 divisions of Adidas: Forever Sport, Originals and Adidas Equipment, which provide the company with about 79% of total sales.

The “family” includes the brands Salomon (alpine skis, ski boots, bindings and accessories, clothing, cross-country ski boots and bindings, roller skates, hiking shoes), Mavic (bicycle parts), Cliche (clothing, shoes and equipment for skateboarding), Bonfire (clothing for snowboarders), and Arc"Teryx (gear and equipment for mountaineering). These brands account for about 12% of sales.

The TaylorMade-adidas Golf brand group offers all the products necessary for golf (equipment, clubs, balls, clothing, shoes, accessories, etc.). Since 2002, Adidas also received the right to market products of the Maxfli and Slazenger Golf brands. TaylorMade-adidas Golf accounts for about 9% of the company's total sales. Adidas-Salomon AG operates through a network of more than one hundred subsidiaries, joint ventures and representative offices located in different countries peace. The company's distribution policy is based on dividing the world into five regions: Europe/Middle East, Africa, North America, Asia/Pacific, Latin America. The company's products can be purchased in more than 160 countries around the world.

In 2006, the company sold more than 100 million pairs of shoes and 200 million different items of sportswear. Adidas is the undisputed leader in Europe among manufacturers of sporting goods.

Adidas is the Official Partner, Official Supplier and Official Licensee of the 2002 FIFA World Cup.

The company cooperates with such athletes as Zinedine Zidane, David Beckham, Raul, Marat Safin, Anna Kournikova, Martina Hingis, Kobe Bryant, Hayley Gebreselasi and many others. etc.

In Russia, the company cooperates with 7 different factories, where it produces down and padding jackets, tracksuits, fleece products, knitwear, and football uniforms. In 2014, the company plans to produce about 780 thousand units of various products in Russia.

In 2010, the company's turnover from operations in Russia is estimated to be approximately $91 million. Sales of Adidas-branded products in Russia are expected to increase by 50% this year, and sales of Salomon-branded products (including Bonfire) by 23% this year. . In the near future, the company plans to introduce TaylorMade brand products to the Russian market.

Each new collection has more than 180 models of shoes, and 300 models of various types of textiles for more than 8 sports and other needs. More than 10 types of different perfumes. Moreover, Adidas annually registers several hundred patents for technologies used in its products. In such conditions, remotely informing the retail consumer about such a number of goods and technologies is almost impossible.

The economic activity of the Adidas company is the production of sports and sports-related goods, ensuring the reproduction of goods and consumer needs for them, developing distribution channels for goods to meet these needs, with the aim of making a profit.

Current lineup:

Adidas-group CEO: Herbert Hainer

Adidas-group CFO: Robin J. Stalker

Adidas-group Brand Director: Erich Stamminger

Global Operations Adidas-group: Glenn S. Bennett

General Director of Adidas-group in Russia: Martin Shankland

Chairman of the Board: Igor Landau

There are more than 250 Adidas brand stores in Russia.

The production of goods for Adidas brand stores is carried out in China. The central warehouse is located in the regional office in Moscow. It is from there that deliveries are made to Cheboksary and other Russian cities. The organizational structure of Adidas LLC is presented in (Appendix 2).

In a market economy, firms operate in a competitive environment; any firm faces many different competitors.

On the Russian market, the main competitor of Adidas LLC is widely famous brands Puma and Nike. The revenues of the main competitors (at the global level) are shown in the table below:

Income of main competitors. Table 1.

The company's strategic goals include:

Business development of the Adidas-Salomon company;

Increasing profits from the sale of manufactured goods (and ideas);

Increasing the company's presence in the market;

Strengthening the image of the product/brand/company;

Deep integration into the Russian clothing market;

Promotion financial stability and efficiency.

In terms of the scale of its activities, Adidas LLC is a large commercial enterprise. Today, Adidas LLC has stores in 48 countries around the world. Over 43,000 people work for the benefit of the company; they are engaged in the development, production, and sale of exceptional clothing models made in the highest quality.

Over the past time, the company has formed a positive image among potential clients.

The products sold by the store have always been distinguished by high quality, novelty and originality, which annually increased the influx of customers and, accordingly, the volume of sales.

The mission of Adidas LLC can be divided into three parts: scientific and technical, financial and economic and social. Persistent and consistent implementation of the mission allows the company to achieve financial success and provide a decent living for its employees.

Scientific and technical:

We constantly research the needs of tomorrow's customers and bring proven solutions to the market by the time they become in demand.

We work to ensure that our clients can bring to life the most daring options for self-expression.

Financial and economic:

We strive for maximum efficiency from our products in terms of price/(functionality + quality) ratio.


Job creation

We create new highly qualified jobs and provide employees with decent conditions for work and development. By doing this, we give them the opportunity to develop professionally, provide for themselves and their loved ones, and be confident in the future. We give each employee the opportunity to work for his own benefit and, due to the correlation of interests, for the benefit of the company.

We give each employee the opportunity to “make” their life with their own hands and achieve success. Learn to work well and earn money yourself. You can get to us relying only on your own strength.

We provide employees with the opportunity to constantly improve their professional and general educational level through English language courses and courses in special disciplines, as well as specialized trainings that are directly related to personal and professional growth.

Company philosophy: one world, one philosophy, one family.

We know that our people are critical to our success. Becoming a global leader in the sporting goods industry depends on the performance, potential, passion and dedication of our employees. We strive to create a working environment that stimulates team spirit, passion, engagement and achievement.

We strive to create a work environment that encourages team spirit, excitement, collaboration and achievement. We promote a performance culture based on strong leadership and therefore link employee compensation to Group and individual achievements. We aim to continuously develop our employees with opportunities for career progression, while upholding a culture that celebrates diversity and encourages global mobility. We promote a culture based on strong leadership. We are committed to continually developing our employees for career opportunities while maintaining a culture that embraces diversity and encourages global mobility.

"Adidas-Salomon strives to be a global leader in the sporting goods industry and sports brands built on the passion for sports and the sports lifestyle. We are consumer focused. That means we continuously improve the quality, look, feel and image of our products and our organizational structures to match and exceed consumer expectations and to provide them with the highest value. This means that we are constantly improving the quality, look, feel the image of our products and organizational structures in order to meet and exceed consumer expectations.We are innovation and design leaders who seek to help athletes of all skill levels achieve peak performance with every product we bring to the market. We are a global organization that is socially and environmentally responsible, creative and financially rewarding for our employees and shareholders. which is socially and environmentally responsible. We provide creative and financial rewards for our employees and shareholders. We are committed to continuously strengthening our brands and products to improve our competitive position and financial performance.

Our Motto is “The Impossible is Possible”.

The main activity is related to the sale of goods and customer service, selection, payment for goods, etc.

The store is divided into two compartments: “Men’s” and “Women’s”.

Each store that is part of the company has an identical organizational management structure, which is presented in Figure 3:

Rice. 3.

Components organizational structure:

The type of this organizational management structure is linear-functional, since the organization is divided into separate elements, each of which has a clearly defined, specific task and responsibilities.

Each brand represented by Adidas LLC has its own audience, each with its own characteristics.

For brand:

Salomon (alpine skis, ski boots, bindings and accessories, clothing, cross-country ski boots and bindings, roller skates) are adherents winter species sports

Mavic - cycling enthusiasts and professionals.

Cliche - skateboarders.

Bonfire - snowboarders.

Arc"Teryx - gear and equipment for climbers.

The TaylorMade-adidas Golf brand group offers all the products you need for golf.

The main indicators of the financial and economic activities of Adidas LLC can be presented in the form of a table:

Indicators of financial and economic activity. Table 2.

Indicator name


Product sales volume in current prices

Average headcount production personnel

Wage fund for production personnel with accruals

Average annual wage one worker

Average annual cost of fixed assets

Capital productivity per 1 rub. fixed assets for products sold

rub., kop.

Cost of products sold

Profit before tax

Net profit (+) or loss (-)

Return on assets on profit before tax

Return on equity

Return on sales

Based on the data presented in the table, the following conclusions can be drawn:

  • - Sales volume in 2013 compared to 2011 increased by 6.2%, it is steadily increasing, which indicates a good state of affairs in the organization
  • - The average number of personnel decreases every year by an average of 5-6%. This can be explained from two opposing points of view:

A reduction in the number of personnel indicates that the company's management is focusing on staff training, and employees are expanding the horizons of their capabilities by performing functions that are not inherent in their position. As a consequence, the reduction of positions whose functions can be performed by other employees. This is undoubtedly a positive factor, since the organization does not incur additional costs to finance positions that are redundant.

On the other hand, it can be assumed that staff reduction is a forced measure due to the negative financial situation organizations.

Having studied other indicators, we can conclude that the first option is more acceptable, since there is no economic instability in Adidas LLC.

  • - The wage fund in 2013 decreased by 6.9% compared to 2012, which is natural due to a reduction in the number of personnel.
  • - The average annual salary per employee decreased in 2013 compared to 2012 by 1.7%, which can be explained by a decrease in sales (since employee compensation depends on the amount of revenue)
  • - The increase in production costs in 2013 is 6.2% compared to the previous year, which indicates an increase in the foreign exchange rate.
  • - A stable increase in net profit in 2013 by 30% compared to last year indicates the promotion of the brand and the emerging positive image among the consumer.

As a result, we can say that the general financial condition Adidas LLC is stable. The company has a profit and does not operate at a loss.
