Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Read more about education in the resume. How to describe education in a resume? High School Examples

We write according to the scheme: the year of admission, the year of graduation (if you are still studying, we write, for example, “1999-2004”), the name of the educational institution, the specialty received. If you were expelled from the 4th year, write something like "1991-1994".

And no words like “higher”, “two higher”, etc. You will talk about this at the interview. General principles remain the same: your statements must not contain knowingly false information. And we dress the truth in beautiful forms.

Contact Information

This is your first name, patronymic (can be omitted), last name, and all the coordinates by which you can be found - phones, pagers, Email. Mailing address you should not write - it is unlikely that the employer will write you paper messages.

Be sure to put this paragraph of the resume first, because e-mail and fax rarely print out to the end. Believe me - a resume without contact information thrown out immediately.

Personal data

Make a small section called "personal data" where you can summarize this information about your personal status (marital status, age, registration - if required). If any part of it does not work in your favor - do not write it, most importantly - do not make false statements.

You can briefly mention those qualities of your character that, from your point of view, will add to your attractiveness. Avoid clichés - a "sociable" sales manager sounds ridiculous. Tell us about your analytical mind (if any), ability to learn, ability to get along with opponents, or thoroughness and accuracy. The main thing is to make sure that the qualities you describe correspond to the profile of the intended position. Again, avoid verbosity.

Additional Information

This is what you consider necessary to mention about yourself additionally. However, make sure that this information works for you.

You can talk about your connections in any business areas you are running scientific work, the presence of a personal car or the ability to travel on business trips all year round. It would be useful to mention here the recommendations, if they can be provided. Do not get carried away describing various hobbies or hobbies that are not related to work.

  1. Don't lie on your resume! And enough about that...
  2. Do not use more than 2 graphic types of text (font, emphasis, color, etc.). Otherwise, your message looks bad, and leads to sad thoughts about the author's taste. Representatives of the "artistic" professions are especially guilty of this. The task of a resume is to convey information to the employer, and not to demonstrate the wealth of your graphic editor.
  3. Do not include the name of the specific position you are applying for. (if this requirement is not specified in the ad). Let them read your resume carefully before sticking it in some folder.
  4. Do not write the amount of the expected salary. This is the subject of negotiations. And what is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.
  5. Avoid verbosity. The text should consist of nouns and verbs - adjectives, especially in superlatives, should be avoided, as well as long adverbial phrases.
  6. Write about yourself in the first person, using completed verbs (I achieved, I did, I spent, I succeeded).
  7. Avoid denials of any kind. Your resume should not contain phrases like - "due to the fall in demand for products, I was unable to ...". This makes a bad impression on the reader.
  8. Get rid of excess. Don't get carried away describing your hobbies, your horoscope, or your appearance. When applying for a job, this is bad manners. In addition, it happens that psychologists read resumes - imagine what conclusions he can draw about you. And do you need it?
  9. Do not fax photos. They still won't pass. And if they pass, even your own mother will not recognize you by it.
  10. Do not write reasons for leaving your previous job. How do you know what qualities your new boss values ​​most?
  11. Make sure there are no gaps in your resume. Especially in chronology. And if there are any, get ready to answer questions.

And finally, the last thing - try not to forget at the interview what you wrote in your resume and not contradict yourself. In such a case, it helps to prepare one copy for yourself and keep on hand during the meeting.

Good luck with your resume, gentlemen!

New page 1

A resume is a summary of information about yourself and is compiled according to certain rules. Do not confuse a resume with a CV and a detailed description of your work experience. A resume is akin flyer where the main commodity is your professionalism.

Guided by the basic principles of writing a flyer, you should be as informative as possible, but concise and convincing. For a secretary, a resume is the first document by which a potential employer will judge his professionalism. Even without reading the resume, but just by looking at it, you can determine how much the applicant knows office work, owns a computer, whether he knows how to beautifully and competently draw up documents.

You can write a resume yourself or resort to the help of acquaintances, you can contact recruitment agencies or use resume templates posted on the Internet. In any case, you should not blindly follow other people's advice and recommendations or thoughtlessly drive your data into the table.

A resume can be in any form, but there is information that you must include:

1. Personal data.

2. Purpose of a resume.

3. Education.

4. Work experience.

5. Professional knowledge.

6. Additional Information.

Personal data.Your surname, name and patronymic, in large print, can serve as the title of the document (the word “resume” is not accepted).

Be sure to include your age or date of birth.

If you are 22-28 years old, then you can indicate your age in numbers - this will look more advantageous. For applicants aged 17-18 years or over 35 years old (border age for the profession of a secretary), it is better to indicate the date of birth. In some cases, female secretaries over the age of 38 with extensive work experience and a winning list of jobs can simply bypass this column. And sometimes at the beginning of the resume it is better to write about work experience and give detailed description their functions, and indicate education and age at the end.

When describing your marital status, only three options are allowed: married, single, divorced.

Be aware that when applying for a job in large firms, checks may concern not only you personally, but also members of your family, including your common-law husband. We at the Club several times encountered a situation where a girl did not pass a security check because of the dubious reputation of her common-law husband.

A woman of mature age does not lose much in the eyes of the employer if she does not hide the fact that she is divorced. But for divorced young girls, it’s better to write “not married”.

The marital status section also indicates if you have or have children and how old they are. Most employers prefer to hire employees who do not have children or adults. If you have Small child, then be sure to indicate even in your resume who will help you in your upbringing (nanny, non-working grandmother). And seriously prepare for more detailed questions on this topic when meeting with the employer.

A few years ago, it was customary to include a detailed address on a resume. Now the time is turbulent, so you can limit yourself to only indicating for a small city - the street, for Moscow - the district and the nearest metro station.

Be sure to include your phone number (home and/or mobile) and email address(in the presence of).

The purpose of writing a resume you need to call in order to clearly state your wishes and make it easier for HR workers. This section specifies specific positions for which you are applying. General phrases like “I am looking for an interesting job in a stable company”, etc. in the context of resumes look meaningless.

Education. Quite serious requirements are imposed on the level of education of secretaries, and secretaries with higher education are especially valued. Write the name of the higher education institution in full, indicating the dates of study and diploma qualifications. If in the process of studying you had a special course where you gained knowledge that may be in demand in the secretarial profession (document management, organization management, PR -management, information security course, etc.), be sure to mention this.

Incomplete higher education is also described in sufficient detail (dates, full title, special courses). In addition, be sure to write in which course you are studying, and indicate the form of study (correspondence, evening, part-time). In a concise but convincing way, let the employer know that your studies are not a hindrance to work, for example: classes only on weekends, or free attendance, or training without sessions.

In the absence of higher education, secondary specialized education must be indicated. And if you graduated from a school or college for the training of secretaries or clerks, be sure to indicate this.

In the "Education" section, you can also include the "Additional education" column. All courses that are related to the secretarial profession, helping to improve the professional level of a specialist, should be listed in this section. For example: secretarial courses, accounting courses, computer graphics courses, foreign language courses, a course in rhetoric and public speaking.

For excellent students and enthusiastic young people, a fertile time has come. Employers prefer applicants with gold medals and honors, winners of scientific olympiads and scholarship holders. You must notify the employer about such achievements in your resume.

Experience.Data about your labor activity may be written in forward or reverse chronological order. This is not of fundamental importance - the main thing is that it looks advantageous in the general context of your resume. Do not rewrite your work book from beginning to end. Remember that your resume should contain only the information that will help you get the position you are applying for.

Unfortunately, cases of violation of labor legislation on the recruitment of employees to work are now not uncommon. In such situations, we advise both novice secretaries and everyone else to indicate this work experience in their resumes. Of course, a professional secretary who has worked without an entry in the work book for only a few months should not spoil his track record with these inclusions.

Another one important rule Don't overload your resume with numbers. Often, girls very accurately rewrite the dates of work, mentioning not only the month, but even the numbers. When reading such a resume, it is difficult to concentrate, and you have to calculate real work experience. It is better not to indicate the number at all, but the month - according to the circumstances.

In this section, be sure to indicate your position, for example: assistant secretary, office manager, head of the secretariat. Some firms and government agencies still use the title of positions in accordance with the regulated staffing. But for most employers, positions such as a category 1 specialist or coordinator, operator or assistant manager do not mean anything. As a rule, these positions are fully consistent with the secretarial profession and, in terms of functional duties, do not differ much from standard secretarial ones. When compiling a resume in such cases, you can write off the title of the position from work book, and indicate in brackets: performance of secretarial duties.

A real gem of a resume professional secretary serves as a competent list of duties performed. An experienced HR manager accurately determines the degree of professionalism of the applicant in this section.

But it would be much more advantageous to describe your functional responsibilities using professional terminology: telephone service, organizing the reception of visitors, conducting business correspondence, working with organizational and administrative documents, etc. But there is no need to mention such technical functions as paperwork on a computer, working with office equipment - for high-level secretaries this is a prerequisite.

Professional skills. In this section, you need to list all the professional skills that you own, and the more detailed the better. You need to start with the most advantageous positions, but certainly not with the words “English is basic”. Knowing a computer now will not surprise anyone, so you need to clarify the degree of your PC knowledge, for example, “confident user”. Be sure to list all the computer programs you own, checking that they are spelled correctly in English. In addition to generally accepted programs, enter graphic editors ( Corel Draw, Page Maker etc.) special accounting and personnel programs, for example: 1C: Accounting, 1C: Personnel.

If you have a high typing speed (from 200 beats / min.), This should also be indicated in the resume. About the degree of ownership foreign languages write in more detail, for example: English - conversational level ( telephone conversations, translation of letters and faxes). Often the secretary has to perform tasks in accordance with the narrow specialization of the company: registration of accounting and customs documents, editing and writing articles and press releases, preparing and compiling analytical reports, etc. If you have such knowledge, be sure to mark it in your resume.

Additional Information. Most applicants are quite formal in filling out this column. Without thinking, 90% of secretaries write about themselves: sociable, punctual, stress-resistant, easy to train, responsible, etc. If you believe these words, then we have hundreds of ideal secretaries - take any. In practice, it turns out a little differently ...

And at the same time, it is in this section that you can declare your originality. In additional information, you can talk about character traits and personality traits, which, in your opinion, indicate that you internally correspond to the profession of a secretary, and not just have a certain set of knowledge and skills. You just need to write about it in a good literary language, concisely, but not standardly.

During the 11 years of the Club's existence, we only once met the following phrase in the secretary's resume: "I love my profession and I'm proud of it." But every leader dreams of such secretaries. Only a person who truly owns his skill and is happy to go to work can be proud of his profession.

You can add a “hobbies” or “interests” section to your resume. Here you offer the employer a topic for conversation, so the formal listing: theater, music, cinema, literature does not work. If you are not ready to show off your erudition, then it is safer to call shaping or cooking.

In conclusion, I would like to give informal advice. A resume is still the initial stage of passing interviews, and when compiling it, you can sometimes resort to some tricks: hide something, and embellish something a little ... But be prepared for a meeting with a meticulous employer - he can convict you of inaccuracies. Calm, reasoned answers, a friendly smile, harmless humor will help you get out of a delicate situation with honor. And in case of failure, show endurance and fortitude in order to leave the battlefield with dignity.

The resume should be concise (ideally if it fits on the page), composed neatly, without grammatical errors, on good paper, typed on a computer and beautifully designed. Always bring your resume to the interview in electronic format and necessarily a few pre-printed copies.

Resume for professional secretary - business card. And a lot depends on how seriously you approach its compilation: a resume can either increase your chances of winning a job search, or reduce them to zero.

Resume sample


Family status married, daughter born in 1997

AddressMoscow, SEAD (metro station Tekstilshchiki)

Telephone 123-45-67 (home), 8-917-891-22-33 (mobile)

Target Obtaining the position of assistant secretary, assistant director


2001 - present CJSC NPF Khimprom,

position: personal assistant.

Responsibilities performed: organization of the work of the reception office, preparation and participation in negotiations as an interpreter (oraltranslation from / into English,business administration, rwork with information and analytical material, ppreparing reports, business correspondence with foreign partners in English, control over the execution of orders of the head, about visa support, organization of foreign trips, work with primary accounting documentation, participation in the preparation and holding of exhibitions, organization of corporate events.

1999 - July 2001 Public charitable support fund,

health care "Health",

position: assistant secretary.

1996-1999 Travel agency "Ellis"

Position: secretary - assistant director.

Education higher

1997–2002 Moscow Pedagogical University.

Specialty: teacher in English.

1992-1996College of Public Records Management



1996 The educational center club of professional secretaries,

promotion qualifications in the specialty secretary-referent, personal assistant

1999 Training courses for accompanying tourist groups

skills English - free level,

Business correspondence in English.

Confident PC user: WinWord, E xce 1, Internet, E-mail, Power Point, Outlook express,

typescript 260 bpm

Additional I'm always in a good mood easy and fast

information I am learning quickly find common language with others

Healthy lifestyle.

Resume section " additional education» jobseekers often underestimate and miss out, which is a huge mistake. The presence of education, in addition to the main one, indicates your desire to develop, the presence of a higher level of professionalism - this, like nothing else, will attract the attention of a recruiting manager who will consider your resume.

Additional education plays a very important role in employment. There are many things that are not taught in universities, and you can get the knowledge and skills necessary for work by taking courses or trainings. Also, now many people do not work in their main specialty, and despite the fact that there is work experience, it is also important that the candidate has additional education, as a confirmation of qualification.

This section of your resume should be placed immediately after the indication of the main education. It often contains information such as:

  • personal courses (of a particular specialization);
  • advanced training (trainings, courses, seminars);
  • computer courses;
  • language classes.

As for the procedure for entering data, first indicate the period of study up to a month, then the name of the educational institution (academy, training company, institute) and the topic of the course or seminar. If a diploma was issued as a result of the training, then be sure to write and indicate the name of the specialization or qualification that you received according to it.

It is not necessary to list all the trainings that you have attended if some of them are not relevant for the position you are applying for. The main thing is to highlight those that have increased your professional level in a particular specialization. Please note that thanks to the "additional education" section, the employer, studying your resume, must draw a conclusion about your continuous development, the availability of the most recent and relevant knowledge. Remember and indicate everything that is useful and related to your professional activities.

An example of the "additional education" section for the position of a cardiologist:

- May 2001 - October 2011 Institute of Cardiology. Popov, advanced training, courses "Diagnostics of heart diseases".

- October 2005 - March 2006 Center for Advanced Studies, courses " Modern methods treatment of hypertension.

— July 2008 Awarded the highest qualification category majoring in cardiology.

- January 2010 - April 2010 Kiev Center for Private medical practice, advanced training, courses "The value of coronary angiography in the process of diagnosing diseases."

Remember that additional education should be purely informative, the meaning of which is to display data that can decisively influence the decision-making on your candidacy by the employer.

A resume today is a prerequisite for considering a candidate when applying for a job in a serious organization. Therefore, the preparation of this document is an extremely responsible matter, replete with a mass of nuances and "pitfalls". Filling out most sections of the resume, as a rule, does not cause any serious difficulties. But filling in the mandatory column "education" in the resume causes a lot of difficulties. Why does this section raise a lot of questions from applicants? The answer is banal...

Difficulties arise for several reasons. Firstly, the description of education in the resume is not limited to indicating the main education. Secondly, this paragraph also indicates additional education, which again raises many questions. Thirdly, many applicants do not quite understand how to describe a higher and incomplete degree in a resume. higher education.

This article will definitely interest all those for whom the dark forest is! As part of the material, we will tell you in as much detail as possible about why the “education” section is needed. How to describe higher, incomplete higher and additional education in a resume? In the article, among other things, we will give a sample description of education in a resume. So let's get started...

Summary: higher education

To begin with, in this section, you must write the basic education that allows you to stand as a candidate for a vacant position. Also, this resume block is designed to inform the employer about the courses, trainings, seminars and internships that the applicant has completed.

How detailed is information about education in a resume? It depends how:

  • How long have you been educated?
  • your education is related to the job you want to fill.

pointing education on resume, use:

  • reverse chronological order;
  • the principle of significance (first, the most important places of study for the desired job are indicated).

Below you can find an example of a correct and incorrect description of education.

  • Dates. It is enough to indicate only the year of admission and the year of graduation through a hyphen.
  • the name of the institution. We strongly recommend that you indicate the name of the educational institution in full, and not with an abbreviation.
  • Diploma specialty you can write only if it is directly related to the position you want to take, and to official duties which you may need to follow.
  • Faculty, department, department, etc.. This information it is recommended to indicate those who have barely graduated from an educational institution and do not have any significant work experience. Also, these data can be indicated if they are directly related to the vacant position.
  • Special Achievements in studies, as a rule, are not indicated. However, if you, for example, graduated from a university with honors, then do not hesitate to praise yourself. You can also note achievements that are authoritative in your field of activity.
  • Topic of the thesis usually not specified. However, if it is directly related to your future job, and if you do not yet have work experience, then it would be useful to indicate it in your resume.
  • Internships. If you have trained anywhere (especially: in large Russian companies or abroad), then by all means write about it. This information will best describe you.

Summary: additional education

Many applicants have no idea how to specify additional education on resume and what should be indicated. When filling out this section, enter into it only what is directly related to the vacancy for which you are applying.

  • Professional courses (related to future work).
  • Refresher courses (special courses, trainings, seminars, etc.).
  • Language classes.
  • Computer literacy courses.

If at the time of submitting your resume you are studying somewhere and looking for a job in your specialty, then indicate:

  • the year of admission to the educational institution and the expected year of its graduation;
  • the name of the educational institution (university, technical school, college, etc.);
  • department, faculty and specialization;
  • form of education;

We wish you a successful career!

For many applicants, the education section is the easiest part of writing a resume. They simply list the names of the schools, diploma, and graduation date. Just.

However, it is not always so easy. For example, what would you write if you changed schools three times before graduating with a bachelor's degree? How do you list your college education if you are still working on your dissertation? What to do if you refused a master's degree?

How will you list your education on your resume? ()

This lesson answers these questions and everything else related to listing education on a resume.

To get started, let's start with the basics.

Writing the education section of your resume (5 key points)

  1. Always include the following information: diploma obtained, specialty, name of your school, its location and year of graduation.
  2. Start with a college degree in the profession you work in.
  3. List all other diplomas in reverse chronological order.
  4. Remove high school education if you have already completed college.
  5. Remove the end date if it was more than five years ago.

Where will you place your resume on your resume?

If you're still in high school

List your education at the top one-third of your resume, right after your skills review. Let education raise your price, even if you already have work experience.

If you are in college or just graduated from high school

At this stage, you may have more credentials related to your target job as a student than as a working professional.

So if you didn't have a job, project, or volunteer work related to the position you are applying for, place your education before the start of the job section.

You might argue that it's best to list the odd jobs and temporary jobs you've had in the first place. You may think that these job records show that you are able-bodied and at least know how it is to work in order to live.

Perhaps some employers can consider this fact.

If you have not read further than the title of the works, for example: "waiter", "cashier" or "coffee maker"? Any merit qualifications you have listed below the positions will also be ignored. Even if those skills are related to the job you are applying for.

For now, list education before work. Just think that this is your first step towards convincing employers that you have the qualifications they need.

If you are already a professional

At this stage, employers place less emphasis on GPA and coursework for experienced candidates than they do for fresh graduates. Because of this, an experienced professional's training is either listed after their work history or at the bottom of the resume, just after the skills section.

How to indicate education in a resume (with examples)

1. Middle school

Below, various examples of sections of education in a resume, depending on what stage of secondary education you are in.

Examples for high school

If high school is your highest level of education, you should list it as follows:

Graduated in 2008"

And if you're still in school, just change the second line to look like this:

"Western High School, Baltimore, Maryland
I will graduate in 2018"

If you have not completed high school:

List the name of your school and location, followed by the years you attended.

"Edmondson-Westside High School, Baltimore, Maryland
Attended school from 2006 to 2009"

If you passed the exam

Some people who did not complete their high school education took the General Education Examination (USE) instead.

If this is you, list the institution you attended USE test and then information about your school.

"Unified State Examination as an analogue of a high school diploma
Richland Adult Education Center, 2012
Spring Valley High School, Columbia, South Carolina
Attended 2008-2010"

Vocational school (technical school)

If you studied a profession after high school, you can list it in addition to your high school education if it is related to the job you are aiming for.

Here is an example:

Dorsey School, Madison Heights, Michigan
HVAC Technician, 2008
Portage Central High School, Portage, Michigan

2. Not yet a bachelor

Below are various ways list your college degree on your resume.

college graduate

"Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering, 2010
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts

You can also write your specialty in deciphered form, rather than an abbreviation:

"Bachelor of Arts in English, 2012
UCLA, Los Angeles, California

Still at school

If you are still learning, just put " currently» next to the course you are taking.

"Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, currently
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania"

You can also write "expected" followed by your expected graduation date.

"B.N in the economy, expected in 2015"
New York University"

Unfinished education

Not everyone who attends college graduates for whatever reason. There's nothing wrong with that, so don't let your education go to waste by excluding it from your resume.

Include the name of your school, then enter your start and end dates so that it is clear that you are no longer attending. Then write how many credits you had in your chosen direction. Put your high school education after that.

"Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts
2008-2009: Passed 32 credits in the direction of Bachelor of Science in Education»
J.P. Stevens High School, 2007
Edison, New Jersey"

3. PhD student

A degree in your field will increase your credibility as a candidate. That is why it should be listed before the undergraduate degree.

The example below impresses a candidate in the IT sector.

"Master in Computer Science, 2017
Bachelor in Computer Science,

You may list an additional degree that is not related to your line of work, so it may be better to list it after your undergraduate degree if it is not related to your current position.

For example, if you work in the IT sector, a master's degree in political science is irrelevant, except perhaps for the skills you are studying for your thesis. To include this information on your resume, highlight any term paper that may be applicable to your job.

"Bachelor in Computer Science,
Michigan State University, 2010"
Master in Field political science, 2016
Coursework: Models and methods, security research"

This advice does not apply to everyone, as it all depends on your career plan. For example, the Master in Business Administration is applicable to many jobs in the management role.

Incomplete higher education

The strategy here is similar to that used with undergraduate degrees. Include an expected end date if there is still a lot of coursework left before you graduate.

"Master of Natural Sciences, I will graduate in 2016"
Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts

But if you've completed everything but your dissertation, you can write " everything except dissertation”, after your program at the end of your studies. However, be careful there is about it.

"Master of Biology
Everything but the dissertation, 2014
City College of New York

A bachelor's degree should always be listed after graduation theses.

Termination of postgraduate studies

You can still include a master's or doctoral degree on your resume even if you haven't completed it or dropped out of the program entirely.

To avoid confusion, you can list this in a separate section " Research " or " Professional education ” instead of listing it along with your other academic achievements.

Write the number of courses taken in the subject, the name of the institution and the dates you studied there.

“15 credits in applied mathematics
University of Maryland, 2008-2009"

This example shows how you can list a master's degree in "Applied Mathematics and Statistics, Scientific Computing" if you only did part of the coursework (i.e. Applied Mathematics)

You can also put it all on one line and this reduces the number of completed courses and incomplete higher education.

"Postgraduate course work in Applied Mathematics, University of Maryland, USA, 2008-2009

4. Certification

Some applicants may not have the formal education required for the job. But they made up for it with certificates, courses, seminars and training events. The training and education you are currently receiving can be listed in the education section of your resume or in a separate section. Professional education».

Follow the following format:

“Name of the educational institution, who conducts classes or who conducts certification, date of receipt, location”

Here is an example:

"Oracle SBC Troubleshooting Certification, Pearson Vue Test Center, 2015, Hong Kong"

The indication of the place of study is optional, with the exception of licenses and certificates, for a specific country / state.

If you have not completed the tutorial, you can list it as " Currently” or write an estimated completion date.

"Implementation of Oracle SBC by Oracle, Toronto, (to be completed, September 2017)

These templates can give your resume a better look, or you can check out more professional resume designs on GraphicRiver:

What else can you add to your resume if you have no work experience?

Fresh graduates with no work experience sometimes have trouble filling out a one-page resume. This should not be the case if you are creative in how you display your qualifications. Large fonts are not needed.

Below is helpful information, which you can add to enhance your resume:

Average score (GPA, not applicable in all countries)

List the GPA of coursework related to the job you are applying for. Do this only if your GPA is at least 3.0.

«Bachelor in Economics, 2017
Ohio University, Cleveland, Ohio
GPA / Average score 3.75 "

Relevant coursework

You may also list subjects or sections related to the job you are applying for. Don't know what items are relevant? Gather job ads for five similar positions in the field, and then list the most common skills or educational requirements listed there. Compare this list of keywords with transcripts from your college to find the right term paper.

Here is an example for a recent graduate applying for an entry level position as a specialist in a clinic

"Bachelor in Biomedical Engineering, 2015
Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois
Relevant coursework: quantitative experimentation and design, systems physiology, biomedical systems analyses, biostatistics"

Check out this guide to get Additional information on how to use keywords in your resume:


List the awards, scholarships, and awards you received during your studies. You can list them after your education if there are less than three things to list.

If you have received more than three merit badges, it is best to list them in a separate section titled " Awards and prizes».

Please include the name of the institution that provided the award and the date it was awarded to you. Below is an example format:

Sample resume from Towson University

Or, another option:

Sample Resume from a Certified Professional Resume Writer


What if you returned to study to get a new diploma?

Are you changing careers? If you are pursuing a new degree because you want to take on a different job, it is important that you include your new degree on your resume. Place it on top of previous college education.

When you change direction, much of your previous work experience will be considered irrelevant. Let's say you want to move from being a carer to selling life insurance, or from IT to running a restaurant. In these cases, most of your previous qualifications - education, skills, accomplishments - will not apply.

This is where it comes to the new diploma. You are like a graduate in a new field, but a little better. Your formal education will meet the requirements of most employers, and transferable skills will elevate your qualifications even further, so you won't be perceived as a complete novice.

What if your diploma is not work related?

I know someone with a degree in design who is now a life insurance agent, I know someone who graduated as a carer and who worked in IT for many years before becoming a real estate agent. This happens more often than you might think, so don't let it stop you from following your dreams.

Below are two ways to reduce the lack of real education in the field of work you are aiming for:

  • Specify the relevant thesis. Let's say you have a degree in psychology, but you want to work in marketing. If you have taken courses in social psychology, communication, grammar and business, these courses show that you have the knowledge necessary for the job.
  • List professional courses or the current training you are taking to make up for the lack of formal training on the topic.

What if you attended several schools to get one diploma?

List only the school where you graduated or completed your studies. educational institutions students are required to be redirected to submit their transcripts, as well as a detailed list of the subjects they completed at the previous school.

Your study records will be merged when you graduate, which is why you should list this on your resume. If you enter the wrong school, you may get a negative result from your employer's pre-screening.

One side of the coin

Having a college education no longer guarantees you a job. However, higher education is one of the requirements for high paying job. Thus, you must learn to list your education on your resume in a way that portrays you as qualified and knowledgeable professional, and not just a student who did a minimum of work.

Now that you've finished listing education on your resume, why not improve other parts of your resume?

Browse our professional resume templates on GraphicRiver for great resume designs. Plus, learn more about how from our comprehensive series. There are several resume strategies that are useful to learn in order to land the job of your dreams.
