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To make him live well. How to start living well. Don't say you don't have enough time

my desire to have better life been with me for as long as I can remember. But what people usually imagine as a “better life” at 20 is usually different from what they imagine 30 years later. At 20, this concept can be based on material things, and many believe that this is what makes people happier. But after a while, a “better life” is impossible without passion, love and laughter, which make a person happy. And material things take second place.

Even though our definition of what constitutes a "better life" may change over the course of a year, the steps we take to achieve it will not. The fact is that we must give up some of the things that prevent us from improving our lives.

The list of 15 things you should give up has no order. Only you can decide what is more important to you. In addition, if you really want to change your life, then you must clearly understand what exactly it should be. This will help you identify key points.

1. Stop making your life difficult

Complexity creates confusion and hides the solution from you. It is very difficult to be creative and innovative if you are stuck with problems and details. Complexity also prevents you from seeing the solution to the problem, even if it is in front of you.

2. Don't add stress to your life

If you're too busy, working on things you don't really need, striving for excellence, taking on even more responsibilities because you think you'll be appreciated more, you'll end up not having enough time to be yourself. Such stress is bad for your health and no need to quote all Scientific research to believe it. If you are constantly in a stressful situation, then sooner or later it will kill you. Therefore, if you tend to create stress in your life yourself, then stop doing it. Try to find out exactly why you are prone to stress and change it.

3. Stop regretting what you have done in the past, what you have not achieved and what you have lost

The past is behind us, so it's more important where you are now and who you want to be in the future. All your past mistakes, failures and experiences have taught you to live your life in the present and future. Accept your past and what you have learned from it and allow yourself to move on.

4. Don't say you don't have enough time

Whether it's meeting a friend, visiting an elderly aunt, watching the sunset or sunrise, celebrating, reading a book or sleeping, you should cherish these moments because you never know how long you can enjoy them. With no time, you can miss all the most precious and beautiful moments in your life. Don't put off the important things you need to do just because you've convinced yourself that you don't have time for them.

5. Stop being afraid of your future, possible mistakes and changes in plans

Fear paralyzes, so you won't be able to make any changes in your life. It is your limiting beliefs that will control your thoughts and actions while feeding your fear. You have to deal with all these beliefs and find out why you are still afraid. Conquer your fear and take action, it will set you free.

6. Stop procrastinating on everything you want to do

Whether it's cooking classes, learning a second language, going back to university, writing a book, or taking art classes, just go and do it. Take a trip to Europe, sign up for a gym, get rid of excess weight. Find out what is important to you and what will make you happy, and then go and do it.

7. Stop expecting happiness from others, it can only come from within.

When you look at others and expect someone to make you happy, it is a sign that you are not confident in yourself. This is very dangerous, because you can convince yourself that you only feel happy around the people you love. In fact, this is only part of the equation that will lead you to happiness. Only you can make yourself happy, so it is very important to understand what exactly you need for this.

8. Stop comparing yourself to others

Why is it so important? The fact is that this comparison will always not be in your favor, and you will feel miserable. If you are still comparing, then stop and think about how you can increase your self-confidence.

9. Stop waiting for the right moment

Don't wait for the "right time" to take action, make a change, leave your job, follow your dreams, and do what will make you happy and bring you that "better life." The right time will never come. If you decide to wait, then you will have to admit to yourself that life is passing you by, and you will never achieve what you want. If you stop waiting, you will get everything you want. Everything is very simple!

10. Stop running from problems and take the path of least resistance.

This is very easy to do. Hiding from problems or looking for the easiest way out of them. But the problem isn't going anywhere. She will chase you or wait at the finish line. Running away from problems or taking the easy option won't make you feel brave. Life is imperfect and full of problems, difficult and bad periods. All problems that you meet along the way should be considered. Sometimes you have to make bold and difficult decisions.

11. Stop spending time with people who take your energy.

This is very difficult to manage, because in our life there are always people with whom communication is not always good for us. This is especially true at work, where you can't always choose who to hang out with. To stop spending time with the wrong people, you will need to develop a strategy for dealing with them. You must minimize the impact they have on your life. Relationships with such people are toxic to you and they can bring unhappiness into your life.

12. Stop thinking about things that shouldn't happen. Focus on what you would like

If you focus on what you don't want, it's a sign that you don't know what you need from life and you're not willing to make the necessary changes to improve it. You have no desire, no motivation, no vision for your future. So you start thinking about what could go wrong. You need to understand what you want, motivate yourself and make the necessary changes. It's simple, but it also takes work and perseverance.

13. Stop trying to be someone you are not. Ultimately, you will confuse yourself

Otherwise, you will start doing things that are contrary to your value system. After some time, you can even convince yourself that you did everything right, and you can justify any of your actions. But still, soon the feeling of discontent and unhappiness will rise to the surface, and you will have a choice - either ignore everything and continue to live with this feeling, or stop doing what you do not like. If you opt for the latter, your life will be better.

14. Stop putting other people's needs ahead of your own.

If you are still doing this, then you are not taking care of yourself and are playing the role of a martyr. This means that you will have to sacrifice yourself for the benefit of others, but this role is good only for those people who consciously made such a choice. But everyone can't be saints and that doesn't mean you bad person. Ask yourself why you are sacrificing your own needs. Perhaps the problem is that this is the only way you can feel loved.

15. Stop beating yourself up

Regardless of what you don't like about yourself - you are not perfect enough, smart, good enough, too fat or lazy - just stop and stop blaming yourself for all the qualities that seem unworthy to you.

So, friends, today there will be an interesting post about Ukraine, which is a favorite topic of many commentators on my blog - they write about Ukraine in the comments even in a post that has nothing to do with Ukraine - just like in a joke about a student, fish hair and fleas.

Meanwhile, there is indeed interesting topics which concern Ukraine and which, in my opinion, are really worth discussing. Next year, Ukraine will hold presidential elections, which will determine the life of this country for five years ahead. Unlike Belarus and Russia, where everything is predetermined (as in Zamyatin's dystopian novel "We"), the elections in Ukraine are really real, the political struggle is real, and the outcome of the elections is unpredictable.

I will say right away that I generally like the way modern Ukraine is developing. Despite the war ignited by Putin, new enterprises are opening in the country, the GDP is growing slowly but slowly, several large-scale and successful reforms have taken place (for example, the new police), the country has received. There are many positive changes at the local level as well - modern Kyiv looks much cleaner and nicer than itself.

At the same time, despite all the reforms and a generally positive movement, Ukraine remains in many ways a Soviet country, and today I will tell you about the remnants of the Soviet Union that Ukraine needs to deal with in the next five years. I invite everyone to discuss the post in the comments - there, of course, there will be a lot of cries about the crucified Russian-speaking bullfinches and the turnstiles cut down personally by Yarosh, as well as proposals to return to the throne - but I'm sure that there will also be a lot of sensible thoughts. I believe in you)

1. Privatization of state enterprises.

In Ukraine, there are now many state-owned enterprises with very complicated accounting and the presence of many years of "laundering schemes", many of which stretch back from the Soviet era. An example of such a laundering corruption scheme is the so-called VAT refund. The tax authorities of Ukraine actually manual mode decide whether the company falls under the VAT refund or not - and those enterprises that fall under this law are immediately overgrown with "corruption and schemes."

I don't think it's necessary to explain that the returned VAT, according to all sorts of complex schemes, ends up in the pockets of officials. Moreover, the state-owned enterprise itself is often subsidized - that is, it operates at a loss and receives funding from the country's budget. The products of such a loss-making enterprise are not in demand, the workers receive $100-$200 salaries, the enterprise draws money from the budget, the top management of the enterprise are millionaires "on the schemes" - and all this continues for years. But it is believed that "there is low unemployment in the country."

It's time to end this scoop, and all sorts of "anti-corruption bureaus" are not an option here - laundering schemes will simply become more hidden. We need a simple step - the privatization of all state-owned enterprises (and there are about three thousand of them in Ukraine, not counting small ones), and the closure of unprofitable ones. Let private owners decide for themselves what to do with them, and you can be sure that without state subsidies and any "returns" there will be no corruption there. The second step is the complete abolition of VAT, then there will be no corruption schemes with it.

2. Normal private property, land market.

The second crap that Ukraine inherited from the deep-throated communists is the lack of private ownership of land. You will be surprised, but more or less large land plots in Ukraine still remain the property of the state and, as it were, are "dead weight", although they could have become money (the blood of the economy) long ago.

The funny thing is that even many Ukrainian "supposedly not scoops" and "anti-communists" come up with purely Bolshevik slogans about a ban on the market for land - they say, the bourgeoisie will come, buy up all our native land, and we will all remain orphaned and miserable. For some reason, they always cite as an example some mythical grandmother, who will be deceived and bought from her for a pittance of her land. In this case, why not go further and ban the real estate market - what if the villains lure an apartment from my grandmother in the same way?

The missing market for land is a colossal brake on the Ukrainian economy, which prevents the arrival of a large foreign business who needs normal guarantees of ownership. Plus, as I already wrote, land outside the market is a huge "dead weight" on the economy, which could become money.

3. Bringing the market out of the shadows.

The official average salaries in Ukraine are quite low (which is what the opponents of this country often like to flaunt), but Ukrainians live more or less tolerably - certainly not worse than Russians outside St. Petersburg / Moscow, and this is in the absence of minerals, such as gas or oil. The reason for this state of affairs is that a huge part of the Ukrainian market of goods and services is in the shadow. This means that all transactions are hidden from the state, and taxes from them are not paid to the budget. Of course, if this market came out of the shadows, then both the budget of Ukraine and its GDP would be much higher.

What needs to be done to bring this colossal part of the market out of the shadows? It's simple - the country needs to reduce taxes. Now the "laundering" of capital in Ukraine costs about 10%, and taxes (together with VAT) far exceed this percentage - that's all and sit "in the shadows." If the tax was 5-7%, and there was no VAT at all, then everyone would work "in the white" and honestly pay taxes to the budget, while not having problems with the law and living with a feeling of full participation in the life of the country.

4. Judicial reform, equality.

All these economic measures should be supported by legislation - Ukraine needs to continue judicial reform so that all citizens of this country are equal before the law and equal in protecting their rights, and foreign investors who even open one or another enterprise in Ukraine should be sure of the same. Judges should receive very (VERY) high salaries, and any violation of the law on their part should be punished by huge prison terms.

By the way, Lee Kung Yu, the author of those reforms that in some 30 years brought Sigapur from a third world country to the first, began with such reforms, forever ending the poverty and poverty of the past.

5. Farewell to the scoop.

Venedikt Erofeev in his novel-poem "Moscow-Petushki" described the model of the Soviet economy well using the work of one brigade as an example: "we give them social obligations once a month - they pay us a salary twice a month." The "work" of the brigade consisted in the fact that they either buried or dug up the cable again, drinking in their free time.

The pact "You pretend to work and do not get into politics, while we pretend that we pay you a salary and turn a blind eye to your sloppiness" ended in 2014 - the scoop in Ukraine ended, began new story and it won't happen again. Finally, you need to grow up and understand that the state will no longer give anything "for free", will not feed you with subsidies, will not lead you by the hand and will not decide for you what you will do in life - now everything depends only on you and what you are really worth.

So it goes.

What do you think about this? And what measures for a better future would you yourself propose to Ukraine?

Regardless of material and social status most people think about how to live better. A millionaire dreams of a billion, a “hard worker” dreams of a higher salary, and a beggar dreams of a delicious lunch. All people are different, but almost everyone wants their living conditions to become more comfortable, and their activities and days to be interesting and full of new impressions.

Everyone at least once wondered what it takes to live well. Someone finds the answer to it on their own, and someone is ready to pay money to the next guru, hoping that he has Magic word or a pill that you can take to wake up different, happier.

Main mission

Living well is the main task that every inhabitant of the planet Earth strives to fulfill, realizing himself and his potential. Absolutely all people are born creators and have certain talents or abilities to make this dream a reality. Then why are there so many people interested in the question of how to live better?

The answer is obvious: you should study your current situation and check it for compatibility with the laws of the universe. This is easy to do, but most people have a program in society that only a select few have talents and a few can become successful and rich. This is not true.

In fact, it is necessary to make a “revision” of what exactly does not suit the current situation, and what would be desirable to leave as is, or slightly improve. For example, a person does not like his level of income, the constant lack of money to pay off the mortgage and boring work, but he has a wonderful family, for the sake of which he is ready to change something in his life.

Laws of the Universe

Taking as a basis the axiom that life is the result of the idea of ​​it, you can radically change everything in just 3 months, ceasing to violate the basic rules of the Universe:

  • When people think about what they are, they thereby implement the law of absence, which works with enviable regularity every day. that there is no means of subsistence.

  • A person who says that he hates his job, thereby creating situations where once again he is bypassed in the service, or a lucrative contract. The law of rejection is at work.
  • People who believe that they are mediocre and do not have any talents, so their destiny is hard work for little money, include the law of correspondence. As a person sees himself, so he appears to the world around him.
  • A person who says he hates his life is violating the law of acceptance.
  • People who make the same mistakes become victims of the law of cause and effect.
  • When a person constantly complains and is dissatisfied even with a favorable outcome of the case, there is a violation of the law of thanksgiving.

These are far from all the canons of the Universe, but by violating them, you may wonder for the rest of your life how to start living better, but still not find the answer.

Analysis of habits

Changes will begin to enter life after a person changes his negative thinking habits to the opposite:

  • Even with very large debts or in financial need, people can make a difference. By affirming for 5 minutes after waking up and before going to bed that every day their incomes grow and reach the required level, they thereby “turn on” the law of presence, and the Universe is forced to create situations when the information supplied to the subconscious becomes a reality.
  • Having figured out what exactly a job or business should be, a person will turn on the law of acceptance, imagining that he is already doing what he loves and receiving the necessary income. In this case, the conditions at the existing place of activity may change or the desired option will turn up.
  • By writing a list of skills that a person is good at, he can change his level of self-esteem and thereby change the opinion of others about himself. At the same time, the law of correspondence begins to work.
  • Only by accepting the mistakes of their wrong thinking, which caused bad thinking, can “turn on” the law of acceptance.
  • Thinking about the task, you need to learn to ask a question about what result you want to get from your actions. With this approach, there will always be an expected consequence.
  • Being grateful even just for waking up in the morning can turn on one of the most powerful laws in the universe.

In just three months of regular work with the subconscious, a person is able to rebuild thoughts about his life, even if before that he thought and acted incorrectly for many decades. Changing attitudes is what helps people live better lives.

Work on yourself

Sometimes people think that creating changes in the conscious or subconscious is an incredibly difficult task, which only those who can meditate and turn off their inner monologue can do. In fact, it is best to learn how to replace the usual “word mixer” with new settings. You can even hum them, and keeping track of negative thoughts is the key to success.

Don't expect instant results. It is their absence that causes most people to lose faith that these actions will help them understand how to live better. There are several rules to help deal with disappointment:

  • First, you should learn to notice the weak signs at first that changes are beginning. People are waiting for major events that will radically change their lives, but if the law of cause and effect is “turned on”, then the first hints will be completely nondescript. For example, there appeared new client who decided to think before placing an order. The old way of thinking would immediately write down his desire as a denial and cause disappointment, while the new way of thinking would help him see a chance to figure out what the buyer really wants, which will help to close a big deal.
  • Secondly, it is necessary to accept one more axiom that the world (the Universe) always shows its concern. Learning to notice this in small things, for example, in a minibus that arrived on time or in a series of green traffic lights on the way to work, this is sign tracking. The phrase “my world takes care of me” after every positive little thing in life will help to gradually create inner harmony and calm the mind.

  • Thirdly, to show gratitude to the world (the Universe) for everything that happens during this period of life, even for the bad.

Often people, inspired by the first small successes, lose faith when negative events appear. It is important to remember that they are echoes of old thinking, and troubles can happen more than once in 3 months of working on yourself.

Change of living space

This is the easiest way to understand what to do to live well. To do this, you do not have to move to another city, country, change an apartment. It is enough to free your living and working space from things that you can do without.

This will allow the energy to circulate freely, and something new will come into life. It is necessary to part with unnecessary things easily, since they do not determine the human essence.

For example, you can often hear that people have undergone dramatic changes after they got rid of the TV, donating it to an orphanage.

Also to change living space include rearranging furniture, repairs, travel or a new route to work - each person is free to choose for himself what he likes best.

Application of affirmations

Affirmations are a very powerful technique for changing consciousness and working with the subconscious, if used correctly. These can be both short phrases and small texts containing formulations of a new vision of the world and one's place in it. They can relate to all areas of life - health, family, money, travel, work, success and much more.

Rules for using affirmations:

  • They must be written in a positive way. You can’t use denial, for example, the phrase “I don’t want to get sick” is better replaced with “I am completely healthy” or “every day I feel better and better.”
  • Affirmations must evoke positive emotions. Thoughtless repetition of a phrase, not supported by a feeling of happiness and joy, will not bring results.
  • Each work with a statement should be accompanied by a visual image of the final result. For example, a person wants his business to bring in 10 times more income, which means that he should see a picture of a stream of grateful customers who are happy to buy his service or product.

These are the basic rules for working with affirmations, if it is carried out on a conscious level. To introduce it into the subconscious, you need to be able to relax and turn off the internal monologue, which not everyone can do.

reward rule

You can often hear the question: “I want to live well, what should I do for this?” First of all, you need to learn to praise yourself and encourage even for minor achievements. For example, exercises done in the morning through strength is an occasion to please yourself with the purchase of a magazine dedicated to healthy lifestyle life.

People are so accustomed to scolding themselves both for trifles and for serious miscalculations that praise and encouragement must be instilled as a new habit. But it will pay off with new achievements, an increase in self-esteem and a transformation in the opinions of others for the better.

thanksgiving technique

Gratitude and love are the most powerful forces with which you can work miracles. In order for thanksgiving to become habitual, it is recommended to write out all the positive things in life. It can be sight and hearing, helping to perceive the surrounding reality, a healthy body, a cup of morning coffee and many other things that bring joy.

You can even give thanks for illnesses, as they are given so that people can reconsider their lifestyle and change it.

Field Expansion Technique

You can often hear “I want to live well”, but at the same time people are either afraid to change their occupation and hold on to an unloved job, or they don’t know where they can realize themselves. Facilitate the task of the technician It is necessary to write 100 ways in which you can make money.

Everything should be indicated, even those that you would consciously never go for, for example, collecting bottles. The main thing in technology is the realization of the fact that there are many things in the world for which people are willing to pay money. This will help to look at today's activities from the outside, and perhaps the subconscious mind will tell you how not to work and live well. Often this is the case.

Required condition

For change to occur, the formula for a successful life should be applied: “to be + to do = to have.” First you need to decide what should be new life, and create an image suitable for her, then make the above techniques a habit, and only after that you can get the result in reality. At the same time, it is recommended to replace the word “I want” with “I have”. This is the answer to the question of how to live better.

I'm not rich, I don't fly around the world, I don't drink in company famous people in exotic places, I don't have a sports car, or a jeep, or a yacht. And I am very happy. Much happier than seven years ago when I ate a lot of fried, sweet and constantly felt unhealthy and fat, when I watched TV and was out of shape, when I shopped a lot and was in debt, when I worked at a regular job. , where he received quite a lot and did not have time for himself and his loved ones. How did I achieve this? With little tricks.

The truth is that you don't need much to live well - you just need the right attitude.

Here's what I've learned about how to live well with little need:
1. You need very little to be happy.
Some simple, plant-based food, a modest home, a couple of sets of clothes, a good book, a laptop, a job that means something to you, and your loved ones.
2. Desire less and you won't be poor
You can have a lot of money and possessions, but if you always want more, you are poorer than the guy who owns little and wants nothing.
3. Focus on the present
Stop worrying about the future and holding on to the past
How much time, each day, do you spend thinking about the things you are doing physically in the present moment? How often do you dismiss thoughts of other things? Live now and you will live fully.
4. Be happy with what you have and where you are.
Too often we want to be somewhere else, to do something else, with other people, and whatever the circumstances are now, we would like to get things that are different from what we currently have. But where we are now is a great place! Those with whom we are now (including ourselves) are already flawless. What we have is enough. What we are already doing is amazing.

5. Be grateful for the little pleasures in life.
Berries, dark chocolate bars, tea are simple treats that are far better than complex desserts, sugary drinks, fried foods, if you learn to enjoy them to the fullest. Good book taken in the library, a walk with a loved one in the park, the pleasant tension after a short, hard workout, the weird things your kids say, the smile of a stranger, walking barefoot on the grass, a moment of silence in the early morning while the rest of the world is still asleep. These are small pleasures for a good life, without the need for anything more.
6. Move with joy, not fear
People go through life under the influence of the fear of loss, the fear of change, the fear of missing out. These are bad reasons to do things. Instead, do things that bring joy to you and those around you. Do your job, not because you have to maintain your lifestyle and are afraid to change it, but because you enjoy doing something creative, meaningful, valuable.
7. Practice Compassion
Compassion for others creates love, which is the reward of relationships. Self-compassion means to forgive yourself for the mistakes of the past, to “heal” yourself correctly (this includes healthy eating, and playing sports), love yourself for who you are.
8. Forget productivity and numbers

They don't matter everywhere. If you do something to reach certain number(goals), then you have lost the understanding of what is really important. If you strive to be productive and fill your days with all sorts of things just to be, it's a waste of time. This day is a gift and should not be filled with all sorts of things - spend time enjoying it and what you do.
