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How to dye a fur collar at home. How to dye fur at home or atelier. We paint a fox fur coat

Fur fades in the sun. Precipitation also affects its brightness. As a result, even the most expensive and high-quality fur coat begins to look shabby and old over time. Painting will help get rid of signs of wear.

First, clean the fur: comb it, remove dust and other small debris. If this is not done, foreign particles will not allow the paint to lie evenly. Then choose the tool you will work with. Remember that even the most persistent options will only maintain a given color for 1 season. By the beginning of the next painting there will be no trace left.

How can fur be dyed?

Most often, housewives turn to either professional dyes designed for use on fur products, or ordinary hair dye. The latter will have to be purchased in large quantities. Especially if the pile is long, thick, and the fur coat does not apply to shortened models.

Also be sure to test for compatibility. Apply the purchased dye to an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bfur. Keep the allotted time. Wash away. Wait a couple of days. If during this period nothing terrible happens to the thing and the resulting shade suits you, proceed to full-scale painting.

What is needed for work?

List of items and materials that will be needed in the process:

  • salt, soda;
  • glycerin, ammonia;
  • specialized product for washing fur things;
  • water.

Self painting algorithm

So, it is necessary:

Before applying some types of paint, you will have to wet the fur. Just spray some water from a spray bottle.

Important nuances

During application, try to paint over all areas, do not miss anything, but move quickly. Otherwise, one part of the product will be painted over better than the other. This will happen due to the different duration of exposure to pigments. If there are problems with the speed of completing tasks or there is no experience, it is worth resorting to a spray gun. Just don't bring it too close to a piece of clothing. It is necessary to spray from a distance (approximately 50 cm).

Important! If you use specialized paint sold in spray cans, it should be sprayed from a distance of 60–70 cm.

At the end of the application, soak the paint for the allotted time. The length of the wait depends on the active dyes, but usually the instructions say 30-45 minutes. After the allotted time, rinse the fur coat in vinegar solution and blot the pile paper towels. This will remove any remaining paint.

It is forbidden to wring it out with your hands, twist it, drive it with sponges or take other manipulations aimed at drying it as soon as possible. For this purpose, you can use only napkins.

The next step is optional but recommended. Experienced housewives advise immediately after removing the remaining dye, apply a mask for colored hair to the undercoat. Best fit professional tools, which not only protect the color from washing off, but also take care of the hair structure. Their effect will be noticeable in 2-5 minutes. After this time, rinse the clothes again.

How to dry properly?

After all the work, the fur coat is placed on wide coat hangers, ideally suited in size. It is also worth paying attention to what material the thing is made of. Thin steel simply cannot stand it and will bend from the weight of a damp fur coat, if it is, say, mink or sable fur. That is, there is no point in focusing on the fact that the hanger has never been deformed under a fur product before, because until that moment outerwear has always been dry.

Optimal option: durable wooden hangers. Put them together with a short fur coat in a warm room. Try to make sure that the heaters, if they work, are as far away from the fur as possible. If good hangers are not at hand, you can resort to another method of drying.

Action algorithm:

  • let the water drain;
  • apply glycerin and set the direction of the pile, if necessary;
  • fold in half;
  • place on a hard, flat surface (the fur should be on top);
  • put a well-absorbent cloth;
  • periodically change the absorbent cloth to dry.

At first, this will have to be done every 1.5-2 hours, then the duration of the break will begin to increase. In general, drying a fur coat takes from 3 to 5 days. During this time, experts recommend combing the product and inspecting its undercoat for strange changes.

In the event of bald spots, deformation and other defects, immediately contact a dry cleaner for help. Perhaps the fur can still be saved.

In some cases, dyeing the fur is indispensable. You need to dye natural fur at home if you make something from it, if the fur of the fur coat burned out in the sun while wearing it, or if you no longer like the color of your fur product.

But how to dye the fur correctly so as not to spoil it appearance? Of course, the easiest way is to contact a specialized studio. But why, if everyone can dye or toned fur at home.

When deciding to dye natural fur yourself, remember that it must first be cleaned, as dirt prevents the dye from penetrating the structure of the pile.a

Important: before you start dyeing a fur coat, vest, fur collar or headdress, treat this item with an alkaline solution that you can prepare yourself. For this you will need:

  1. Water - liter
  2. Soda - 2 tsp
  3. Dishwashing liquid - 1 tsp
  4. Ammonia from a pharmacy - 1 tsp

Fur cleaning instructions:

  • Prepare the solution by thoroughly mixing all the substances.
  • Apply fat cream on the mezra. This is necessary in order to prevent it from drying out.
  • Using a brush, apply the solution to the pile, evenly distributing it over the entire surface.
    Rinse the fur under running clean water.
  • Lay the fur product in a horizontal position and leave to dry at room temperature.

How to dye natural fur with hair dye?

First of all, having decided to dye natural fur yourself, you should decide on the color in which you will dye it. General recommendations are to dye the fur product in darker colors. If, on the contrary, you want to dye it in a light color, then the fur must first be clarified with hydrogen peroxide.

You will need:

  • Hair dye
  • Latex gloves


  1. Before dyeing the fur of a fur coat, thoroughly soak it in water.
  2. Color the fur with hair dye.
  3. Spread the paint evenly on the surface of the fur
    Soak the paint for as long as indicated in the instructions for the paint.
  4. To wash off the dye, rinse the fur in warm water, to which you need to add a little table vinegar.
  5. Dry the product by straightening it and lay it out to dry in an upright position.

How to dry fur?

You need to dry the fur properly, otherwise you can irrevocably spoil its appearance.
Never dry your fur with a hair dryer, use a special steamer instead.

When drying the fur with a jet of steam, comb it with a fur brush, which can be bought at a pet store. You need to comb the fur against the growth of the pile.

To give the fur a natural shine, you can rinse it with hair balm or a solution that you can prepare at home. The use of these products will allow you to give the fur a natural shine and softness.

How to tint fur with a spray?

Usually, at home, the spray is used to tint the long tips of the fur. At the same time, the undercoat itself and the mezra remain intact.

It is necessary to spray the spray on the fur at a distance of 60-70 cm from its surface. Distribute the coloring matter slowly, smoothly moving the can from one side to the other.

As soon as the tips of the villi are dyed, comb the fur with a brush to prevent further gluing and remove excess moisture.

In addition to hair dye and spray, at home you can use tinting hair shampoo.

This instruction on how to dye fur at home is for guidance only. It is also recommended to watch a video demonstrating the whole process.

How to dye faux fur

Having decided to dye a faux fur product, decide what color you want to dye it. Perhaps it just needs to be updated, giving it freshness.

You can color faux fur with hair dye. If you need to update the color, use permanent hair dye. If you just want to freshen up the color, use a tinted hair shampoo or spray.

Before dyeing, it is recommended to clean the faux fur from traces of grease and dirt, which most often arise from contact with the skin. If the fur is not pre-cleaned, the dye may be unevenly distributed.

To clean faux fur at home, it is enough to use an ordinary soapy solution, which can be applied with a sponge.

When you start painting, make sure that the color you choose will fit well. To do this, apply paint to the pile from the wrong side of the product. If you are satisfied with the result, feel free to start painting the fur.

Important: prepare the faux fur product by laying it flat on the surface and pulling it along the edges, otherwise the fur will be stained with shreds.

When dyeing artificial fur, strictly follow the instructions for hair dye.

After the time specified in the instructions comes out, wash off the paint. What's more, you can hand wash the product without using powder or shampoo. Just do it without fanaticism!

While still wet, faux fur should be combed and allowed to dry, and after it is completely dry, it should be combed again.

Fur products lose their original luster and color saturation after two or three years. You can restore them with staining. You can dye artificial and natural fur at home with hair dye or special aerosols. Before the procedure, it is necessary to clean the hairs from fat and dirt. The color should be 1-2 shades darker than the original. The product is tested on an inconspicuous area first.

Dyeing natural fur

Products from natural fur- rabbit, arctic fox, beaver, fox, silver fox, mink - every year they lose their beauty and attractiveness. Some places, especially pockets and armpits, get rubbed. The product quickly loses its appearance, if a woman wears a bag with long handles, I will throw it over my shoulder.

Fur eventually fades in the sun and becomes lighter and dimmer, acquires a gray tint. In sheared products, the ends of the hairs lose their appearance after a couple of years and look scorched. Painting outerwear in specialized services is a rather expensive pleasure. procedure m Can also be done at home if you are careful and follow all the rules of painting.

How to starch a shirt at home - step-by-step instruction

Preparation of natural products for dyeing

First, natural fur is prepared for dyeing. It needs to be cleaned from dirt and dust. If you skip this stage, the paint will absorb worse in particularly dirty and greasy places, and the fur will eventually be stained and streaked.

To clean products from dirt and grease, a solution is prepared:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • dishwashing detergent or shampoo - 1 teaspoon;
  • ammonia (ammonia) - 5 g;
  • salt - 15 g;
  • soda - 10 g.

You can prepare a solution from improvised means:

  • alcohol - 50 ml;
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
  • water - 50 ml.

All ingredients are mixed and applied with a soft brush to the fur surface. It is necessary to control that the skin under the hairs does not get wet. Then, the foam is also gently washed off with a brush dipped in clean water. If possible, skin reverse side furs can be greased with a greasy hand cream to prevent drying out.

Painting methods

Natural fur is similar in structure to human hair, so at home, professional hair dye or the one sold in supermarkets and household chemical stores is used to color it. High-quality and resistant paint will give a good effect that will remain for a long time.

When preparing a mixture for painting, it is necessary to evaluate the amount of work and the thickness of the hair. The paint needs to be diluted with a margin. For example, rabbit or mink fur is short, and silver fox, arctic fox, raccoon fur is long and dense, so twice as much paint will be required for the same area. Before staining, you need to do a test on a small inconspicuous area. This will help make sure right choice color and getting the desired shade.

No need to try to radically change the color of a sheepskin coat or fur coat. It is better to choose a range of 2-3 tones towards a darker color. white fur coat it will not work to paint it black the first time, and after carrying out the dyeing process several times, you can damage the structure of the product with the chemical composition and ruin it.

The tool is applied with a brush for staining very carefully. It is necessary to paint over the fur to the roots, but at the same time try not to touch the skin. Withstand the paint from 20 to 40 minutes, focusing on the instructions in the instructions. First, the product is treated with a brush dipped in water, the main amount of the coloring composition is removed. The residue is then washed off with running water. Wash only the fur side, trying not to pour water on the skin. It is impossible to dry the product with a fan and a hair dryer. Do this in a straightened form, wiping the inner leather side dry from moisture.

Faux fur dyeing

When dyeing fake fur, you need to take into account the color of the main fabric on which it is planted. The dye is tried on a small area, staining not only the hairs, but also the base fabric. Their shades after painting may differ, the fabric or hair may not be dyed at all. Sometimes faux fur sticks together due to a reaction with the dye. That is why a test staining of a small area is carried out with the passage of all stages of staining.

In the process of long-term wear, a fur product may lose its attractiveness only due to the fact that the fur has faded either from the sun or from exposure to precipitation. In this case, there are two ways to restore. Specialized companies that provide dry cleaning and painting services are able to do it efficiently. But you can give a “second life” to your favorite thing at home. Following the instructions and applying a share of your own imagination, you will be able to create a unique work of art.

If the age of the fur product is indicated by its color, then you can update the appearance with the help of painting.

For gray astrakhan, only black or brown is used. The mink is dyed in native colors in order to restore faded shades. Mouton products are suitable for black or brown pigment. Fur things in beige tones are dyed in all shades of brown to enhance the intensity of the native color. Choose a paint one or two shades darker for work.

The main condition for high-quality and uniform dyeing is clean fur. The best remedy for cleaning, an alkaline solution showed itself, its composition is as follows:

  • soda (dessert spoon);
  • salt (dessert spoon);
  • ammonia (a teaspoon);
  • about 15 drops of detergent
  • 1 liter of water.

Lightening yellowed white fur is an additional element of color restoration. To do this, use a solution with hydrogen peroxide (a teaspoon) and ammonia (10 drops). This tool can remove yellowness from silver fox fur. In the process of processing with such a composition, deep soaking should be avoided. First, a test is made on an inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product. 15 minutes is enough for lightening. It must be remembered that A longer process will make the tips brittle.

Chalk and starch help to remove yellowness on the fur of a gray rabbit for a while. The powder is evenly and with little effort rubbed over the top of the pile and shaken off. This method will not harm the product, so you can use it often. Gray rabbit fur is dyed with hair pigment. There is also an absolutely safe method, in which an aqueous solution of blue is gently applied to the entire surface of the product with a brush. The composition should be light blue.

To ennoble faded raccoon fur, hair dye is used with a brightening effect, as a result of which the product will look gold or silver plated.

You can update the fox fur with thick potassium permanganate. Treat it gently with a sponge, not allowing things to get wet.

The faded ends of the fur are dyed with suede spray paint. Spray the product slowly, keeping a distance of about 70 centimeters between the fur coat and the sprayer.

How to dye fur with hair dye?

For dyeing polar fox or mink on your own, hair dyes are suitable. This method has been tested in practice and always gives positive results when painting not too old things. It is better to check the effect of even high-quality products on a small inconspicuous area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe product.

To dye fur at home, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Straightening the strands of natural fur, apply a thin layer of oily cream or glycerin to the mezra.
  2. Gently moisturize the entire fur surface.
  3. Apply the product as carefully as when coloring hair.
  4. Leave for a while. Duration of staining - according to the instructions on the package with the dye.
  5. To enhance the effect of the paint, a saline solution is evenly applied to the entire surface.
  6. Wash off the paint under the stream of water from the shower.
  7. Excess is removed with a rag or blotting paper.

After drying, the fur is combed, observing the natural direction of the pile. Such paint lasts up to six months on a fur product, and this is often enough to make the thing look updated.

A simplified version of tone saturation is coloring with tinting shampoo (in accordance with the instructions on the package).

For coloring with multi-colored paints, home-made stencils are used. The spots are painted alternately.

Faux fur is easier to dye. You can use toning shampoo and hair dye. The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Before staining, the product is fixed.
  2. Apply the agent in the direction of the fibers.
  3. Leave the paint to soak in. The time must match the instructions in the instructions.
  4. After the procedure, the fur is washed, dried and combed.

Experts do not recommend experimenting with staining new things.

Home or professional dyeing extends the life of the fur product for a short time. After some time, the pigment comes off, and the thing becomes faded again.

In order for the paint to lay down evenly and reliably color the fur, the product must be prepared for coloring. To do this, the fur surface must be cleaned of grease and dirt with special means.

Before painting, it is necessary to prepare the fur

For cleaning you need:

  1. Before that, you need to prepare an alkaline solution of ammonia, salt, soda and dishwashing detergent (you can use washing powder).
  2. The resulting slurry must be spread evenly on the surface to be treated with a clothes brush.
  3. After some time, wash off the product with running water.

An alternative cleaning solution can be a liquid of alcohol, vinegar and water, which is applied in the same way as the first option.

Such cleaners are suitable for processing the fur of arctic fox, mink, silver fox and rabbit.

Usually, standard hair dye is used to renew the fox. The fur is quite dense, and therefore you will need several packages so that the resulting color is saturated and uniform.

Use hair dye

In this case, you need to choose a paint one or two tones darker than the original. This will avoid unpainted areas and make the thing brighter.

Before covering the entire area with paint, you need to try to process a small area. This will allow you to see how the color will change under the action of chemicals.

Before full dyeing, check how the fur reacts to the paint

In case of color fading (especially the ends of the pile), it is better not to dye the fur, but to lighten it. The main thing in this procedure is to correctly choose the composition for staining. For this, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia are used, taken in different proportions.

Tinted hair balm is an alternative to permanent dye.

Toning with tint balms

It will help to gently color the pile, providing the necessary care. fur products. However, this method of solving the problem is not durable, since the balm is gradually washed off when precipitation in the form of snow and rain enters, and it can also pollute light things that are in close proximity to the fur.

Things made of fox fur often lose their attractiveness due to yellowing of the tips of the pile. In this case, there is no need to paint the entire product. It is enough to use an aerosol can for processing suede.

Aerosol spray for painting

Before dyeing fox fur at home, you need to choose a suitable shade and spray it on the surface at a distance of about 70 cm. To prevent sticking of the pile, you need to constantly move the can. After applying the paint, the fur must be combed with a special brush for suede. And this must be done immediately.

In specialized stores, it is fashionable to purchase special paint in spray cans for fur care. With their help, you can quickly update the shade, making the product brighter.

Professional paint for fur

However, she also has some drawbacks: in contact with white things or a light fur coat, the dye can be transferred to lighter products. And the color itself will lose its luster and brightness after a few months.

Since mink products are considered quite expensive, the dyeing of such fur should be done as delicately as possible.

Before that, you need to check the degree of contamination of the pile. For this, a regular hair dryer will do. A jet of air must be directed to the pile: if the villi crumble, cleaning is unnecessary. However, if the villi roll over from one side to the other, sticking together, cleaning may be required.

Mink fur dyed with hair dye

Step by step procedure

The sequence of actions in both cases is identical:

  1. To start staining, you need to put on gloves and take a brush. After that, apply paint to the surface and smear it in such a way that there are no bright spots left.
  2. After enduring the time indicated on the packaging of the product, the product must be washed with water at room temperature with vinegar. To fix the pigments and make the pile shiny and soft, you need to use the balm that comes with the paint.
  3. Then it must be washed off and dried.

  1. Only a cleaned product can be dyed so that dirt and grease do not prevent the pigment from penetrating into the villi.
  2. When preparing the product for staining, the wrong side of the skin must be covered with cream (or petroleum jelly) to prevent the surface from drying out.
  3. Fur can only be dyed if it is not too old. Otherwise, it may be damaged during color change. In addition, the risk of mechanical damage to the product will increase significantly.
  4. You should choose a dye tone darker than the natural pile. This will help to hide minor skin defects and give a natural shade.
  5. To renew fox fur, you can use a manganese solution diluted to a dark brown tint. You need to apply it on the pile with a sponge, without affecting the core (skin). If you neglect the care, you can damage the base of the fur, which will lead to rapid wear of the thing.
  6. Since the skins can shrink after dyeing, you need to place the product on a flat surface and secure it before applying the dye with pins or thin nails.

By applying some fur care tricks, you can provide an attractive look to the product and extend its wear life.
