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Selfie poses for girls at home. How to take a beautiful selfie? The most successful poses for a guy

There is an epidemic of selfies around the world. This mania embraces millions of people: from schoolchildren to show business stars, politicians and government officials.

Vladimir Saveliev

One gets the impression that the newborn absorbs this passion with the milk of the mother, who certainly wants to perpetuate him in her arms in the first minutes after birth.

One of the reasons for this passion is the simplicity of the procedure itself. He picked up a smartphone, pointed it at his face, pressed the desired button - you're done. You can admire your loved one. However, so that the image of admiring does not disappoint you, you still need to be a little bit theoretically savvy.

10 simple tips for those who want to look like a nyasha in the photo *

* Nyasha - a word that comes from the word "nya" (nyaa), which the Japanese imitate the meow of a cat. In Russian, it has become synonymous with the adjectives "cute", "pleasant".

1. If you are very concerned about the quality of the selfie, get a smart phone with a good camera. Pay attention not only to the number of pixels. It is also important what kind of optics the camera has, flash, shooting speed, how autofocus works. Advanced smartphones even allow you to set the exposure and white balance, which turns them into full-fledged cameras. A suitable gadget will help you choose reviews of smartphones and reviews of their owners, of which there are plenty on the network.

2. The main thing in photography is light. In good light, almost any camera can produce decent image quality, the subject will be brighter, and the color reproduction better. Conversely, if there is little light, the image may turn out to be dim. A flash will help here, but you need to use it correctly: position the camera not too close to the subject so as not to overexpose, and not too far so that the frame is not underexposed.

To do good photo, pay attention to which side the sun is on. Stand so that it is in front of you or to the side, and wait for the clouds to cover the sun. If the sky is cloudless, look for shade. The light in these cases will be diffused, and you won't have to squint. On the face you will get a three-dimensional light-and-shadow pattern.

If you're taking a selfie indoors, stand on the side of a window facing it.

3. If it enters the frame horizon, make sure that it passes at the level of your neck or chest. It is also important that it is not overwhelmed and does not divide the frame in half.

4. Try to find some framing for your portrait - a window, a door, an arch. This compositional technique will add depth to the image.

5. Think over your image. Do a trendy hair and makeup, work with the outfit. The scope for imagination here is huge. The location against which you want to capture yourself also works to create your image. It can be any extraordinary place: the interior of a trendy restaurant, an old manor, a palace, the roof of a tall building, a sunset horizon, a beautiful natural landscape, and so on.

6. The overwhelming level of narcissism, narcissism and stupidity that many selfies of the fairer sex often sin on can cause allergies in critical men and the desire to parody such photos. There are plenty of examples on the Internet. The best way avoid ridicule - sense of proportion and self-irony in relation to your image. Add humor to your portrait.

7. Following the selfie comes into fashion groofy. This concept was invented and put into use by the Chinese company Huawei, which is promoting its smartphone to the market, which allows you to take such photos. Grufi is a group photo, which is done on the same principle as a selfie.

If you have another brand of smartphone, purchase a telescopic monopod that you can attach your smartphone to. With the help of this stick, as if by lengthening your arm, you increase the shooting angle. This will allow you to put a large company in the frame. Another advantage of a monopod is the ability to take pictures from an unusual angle, from below or from above. Most monopod models are equipped with a camera control button that is built into the handle of the device. The smartphone is controlled via Bluetooth. This greatly simplifies the process of creating a selfie. There are also monopods with a separate remote control.

In some models, communication with a smartphone is not carried out via Bluetooth, but through a special cord that must be inserted into the headphone jack on the smartphone. And the cheapest selfie stick has no cord or button. In this model, in order to take a photo, you need to use a timer.

8. Take care of the objective lens. Before shooting, wipe it with a soft cloth. To avoid scratching the optics, carry your smartphone in a case.

9. To improve the quality of your selfie, use editors or special programs, which allow you to quickly process images and add various visual effects. Among them are both paid and free. Many smartphones have built-in photo editors.

Here are a few free programs, which have gained the greatest popularity among smartphone owners:

- Instagram (for iOS, Android, Windows Phone).Beyond Functions social network Instagram has a built-in photo editor. This program offers 17 built-in photo processing effects.

- Snapseed (for iOS 5.1 and Android 4.0 and later)- universal and quite powerful program for processing, viewing and cataloging photos. It has a fairly extensive set of tools. It can create the effect of blurring the background around the subject, highlight individual plans by depth of field, includes a variety of filters that give the picture a vintage character.

- VSCO Cam (for iOS 5.0 and Android 4.0 and later)- one of the best photo editors for editing pictures on smartphones and tablets running iOS and Android. There are tools for retouching and fine-tuning the image, beautiful and high-quality filters.

- Photoroom (for iOS, Windows Phone).Developers offer many features in this editor. For example, setting individual frame parameters, using photo filters and various frames, creating collages. For smartphones running Windows Phone - the best photo editor.

- Cymera (for Android)- photo editor, "sharpened" for shooting and processing a portrait. Equipped with advanced features for face and hair retouching. As well as manual modes editing, there are automatic effects based on face recognition technology. Cymera is the only photo editor that can transform a portrait with a template that mimics a shot taken with professional grade portrait lenses.

- Pics Art (for Android)- one of the most advanced and powerful photo editing editors. At least among free apps. Among its tools are not only filters and corrective effects, but also opportunities for drawing, photomontage, full-fledged work in layers, and creating high-quality collages.

10. Most important rule: be mindful of safety. If taking the most stunning and mind-blowing selfie means taking a risk and putting your life in danger, turn on your mind and think about the consequences. It may happen that you admire your own cool photo there will be no one.

However, not always, when there is a desire to capture yourself in an interesting place, there is a person nearby who can help. But this is not a reason to abandon the idea, because you can always take a selfie! And we asked the photographer about how to take pictures of yourself correctly so that the pictures turn out beautiful and interesting. Arkady Sobolev.

- In fact, a selfie is the same self-portrait. There is nothing new, except for the name, in this way of photographing there,- says Arkady. - Now it is generally accepted that a selfie is just a picture with a face in the frame. But any photo can be made interesting. For example, you can put the camera on a tripod or any suitable surface, set a timer, move away - and also take a selfie.

As Arkady rightly noted, a selfie is an ordinary photograph, therefore the rules for these shooting methods will be almost the same.


You should always consider what technique you use to take a selfie - a phone can come to the rescue, camera gopro, the usual "soap box" or a professional camera. When capturing yourself on your phone, you need to take into account that the front camera is always worse than the rear one, so the conditions for shooting are better for it.

- The advantage of the front camera is that you can see yourself while shooting. But it also has serious shortcomings. For example, most often the camera located on the front of the phone is wide-angle, which can cause some distortion. For example, if you raise the phone above your head, your forehead will automatically become wider and your chin narrower. The opposite effect will happen if you lower the phone down,- enlightens us Arkady. - Considering all these factors, it is better to hold the phone at about eye level during shooting. You can slightly adjust the angle to hide any imperfections if necessary, but you should always remember that a large angle greatly distorts the proportions of the face.


-The best friend and at the same time the enemy of any photographer is light,- says Arkady. - You should always try not to take pictures against the sun, so as not to squint. Stepping into the shade, it is better to turn your back to the source of this shadow - then there will be no sharp changes in light. Otherwise, you risk getting a whitened background.

If you take a selfie indoors, then you need to take into account that the light most often falls from the lamps on the ceiling, and they give hard shadows under the nose, under the eyes - in general, under all the protruding parts of the face. Based on this, you need to look for a place where the lighting will be as even as possible. “In everything you need to look for a balance and avoid drops in light. It is better to take pictures either completely in the shade, or completely in the light - but not when you cannot open your eyes normally from the sun. Remember that the camera always focuses on the brightest."


- You always need to remember that the main character in a selfie should still be a “selfie taker”, so the key to a good photo is the absence of unnecessary objects and extra people in the frame, Arkady warns. - Always keep an eye on what's behind you. And when adjusting the composition, pay attention to the fact that nothing sticks out of the head, for example.

When shooting - whether it's a selfie or a regular photo - you always need to turn on your head, come up with original poses, look for interesting "backs". Because the same type and monotonous photos quickly get bored. Selfies always attract attention, in which something happens around a person. Turn on the environment. It is always advantageous to look at pictures whose composition is reduced to the center of the frame - for example, if you are photographed on railway tracks, then it is better to choose an angle in which perspective lines (that is, rails) will converge on your head.

Selfie in the mirror

- The main rule to remember when photographing yourself in the mirror is not to look at yourself in the phone, as most girls do for some reason. Pictures are much more interesting if you look at the camera lens through a reflection - then there is contact with the viewer and the photo looks much more advantageous, - Arkady repeats several times.

As for the phone itself, it can be moved to the side or beaten so that it also becomes a character in the frame. Here fantasy and hard training will come to the rescue.

And a little about the concept

- As a photographer with 10 years of experience, I have nothing against selfies. The only thing I don't like is the pictures with the lips stretched out. Is not cool! A million identical “duckfaces”, when each next photo does not tell anything new about a person, is boring. And given that such photographs are usually taken by girls, I, as a man, can say that no one likes these “ducks”.

A selfie is to show a person somewhere. It's such a check-in with photography, so it's always interesting to look at original shots. Do not be afraid to come up with new concepts and do whole photo projects, as a girl from Russia did, using a selfie to show the everyday life of a mother of a small child. It's cool when photography goes beyond the usual fun and turns into something more.

As for people who consider selfies to be degradation and something abnormal, Arkady says this: “If you want to take a selfie, do it. If you don't want to, don't. And if you want, but you don’t do it, then this is already something in your head. news in your feed! Follow us at

But once a selfie was a self-portrait. A self-portrait is when a camera, and a selfie - a mobile phone. Having captured the minds of a significant part of humanity, selfies began to demand special attention. It’s just that “photographs of oneself” have already ceased to arouse public interest, because their number has become billions. This was the reason for the race for the idea of ​​​​an interesting selfie. To stand out, to become noticeable, you have to take the most extreme, beautiful, interesting selfie. Consider a few recent selfie ideas.

The most famous selfie series

If you type "Selfie Ideas" into a search engine, you will certainly see the most famous series of pictures from Helen Meldal. In truth, Helen is not just a girl of 26 years old - she is an artist, albeit from Norway. The idea lay on the surface of the mirror, in the form of lipstick notes to a friend. The author is currently using acrylic paints, markers, markers. Good idea for a selfie in the bathroom made its author famous. The last pictures of the author are available.

Deform Without Photoshop (Scotch Selfie)

Do you have clear tape? Blow into the bath, wrap yourself in a ribbon, hide your beauty under it, be closer to the people, smile at your friends. This madness is said to be especially popular on Facebook. I did not notice among my friends. Nonsense, you say? Photographer Wes Naman embraced this selfie idea and made a series of portraits with duct tape, which made it even more popular. I wonder if the tape is easy to remove? You can see these and other works of the photographer on his website. Tape selfies have a creative offshoot called "tape whatever crap you have at home with duct tape to your head." So, we smoothly approached the wonderful works of Ahmad.

Head + stuff = original selfie

Ahmad El Abi is another famous photographer from instagram. Surprising, not typical for boys, the accuracy and accuracy of attaching all sorts of things to the head. This is not an impulsive-nervous wrapping with adhesive tape in a scotch selfie. I noticed a very important detail: in addition to thinking through the image (if the spoons are on the head, then the kitchen apron) Ahmad certainly uses attached objects in the foreground, for example, holding them in his hands. Find this pattern to understand the secret of this author's idea.

Selfie Olympics

We've reached the pinnacle of selfie achievement: the contest among authors for the dumbest photo - Selfie Olympics. It is natural that Selfie Olympics is part of the Big Selfie Games. Signs of this direction: absurdity, madness, originality of the idea. Selfies in the bathroom with a mirror are a typical place for setting records, but it is not forbidden to use other locations (although this is no longer cool). Indeed, there is something sporty in this idea of ​​a selfie… levitation, for example, requires a fair amount of physical and mental effort from the author. By the way, in 2014 to the movement Selfie Olympics China officially joined, setting a new world record (last photo).

extreme selfie

I don't encourage extreme selfies. Moreover, I voted for the exclusion of this sport from the "Big Selfie Games" due to the extremely high death rate of authors. It is completely incomprehensible to me what selfers think about when jumping from an airplane without a parachute and without an instructor. Remember, selfies can kill!

star selfie

The idea of ​​a star selfie also has an author. London-based photographer Dan Rubin took these photos with passers-by, but nothing stops us from turning this idea into a selfie. Replace your own face with a photo of a star that is close to your face type and hairstyle.

Selfie fakes

Why Fake Selfies? To impress your friends or win a competition. Modern means image search work wonders, so the exposure of the contestant is inevitable.

selfie addiction

"Selfie addiction" is a mental disorder listed as a disease. Symptoms of the disease: obsessive-compulsive disorder, in which a person cannot overcome the desire to constantly take pictures of himself, post pictures on social networks and wait for approval. Here is the case history of Danny Bowman, aged 19. The boy was not accepted into the modeling agency. Deciding to prove how wrong they were, the boy decided to take the perfect selfie. Up to 200 images a day, processing them and sending them to the network required six months of complete dedication from Danny. He abandoned his studies, grew thin, quarreled with his parents, did not even go out for a walk. The end result is a suicide attempt. “I was always trying to get the perfect selfie, and when I realized that I couldn’t do anything, I wanted to die. I lost friends, education, health." The treatment was gradual, starting from 10 minutes, increasing the time without a mobile phone. Oh how it happens.

Many people of all ages and social status are wondering how to take a beautiful selfie? A bright, successful photo is fashionable and relevant. Some spend several hours to achieve the desired effect, but at the same time it is not possible to get the coveted number of likes and positive comments. Finding great angles, backgrounds, and other details can only take a minute. Follow our tips on how to take beautiful pictures!

How to photograph yourself beautifully for a guy or a girl?

For cool picture it is not enough to stretch out your hand with a phone / camera or use a special stick. Details and intent matter. Their absence, unnaturalness, bad taste become the reasons for unsuccessful shots.

How to take beautiful pictures to emphasize your style and personality in a selfie?

1. Theme of the future photo.

Popular trends such as extreme - selfie. For example: a photo with a weapon on the hunt (guys), skydiving, on a motorcycle or near a race track, in a paintball suit, on top of a mountain, etc. The theme can be a meeting of friends - a gruff, a show of a new dress - a liftoluk, a demonstration of the press cubes - a sports selfie, a romantic dinner with a loved one - a selfie. Any photo should have a story, a thought.
A win-win option for a boy or a girl is a photo with animals. This is sure to cause laughter, tenderness and the desire to like.

Very important:

  • Interesting, layered background;
  • View from above or at an angle of 40 degrees;
  • Bright natural lighting to avoid glare, bumps;
  • Slight tilt of the head
  • The use of holiday attributes: with a garland and a Christmas tree on New Year, with flowers on March 8, in a Halloween costume, with pancakes for Maslenitsa;
  • Maximum naturalness, humor, creativity and fantasy.

2. Appearance.

Knowing the right angle is important. You should take a picture holding the phone at eye level. Puffiness, pimples, cool eyes are easy to hide with hair or sunglasses.

  • Use of makeup;
  • Styled hair, neat appearance;
  • It’s worth taking a picture of yourself in several positions in advance to find a good angle and take a lot of pictures in it to choose the best one for social networks;
  • Emphasizing your merits, highlighting accents - large breasts, slender legs, red plump lips, expressive eyes;
  • Duck lips are not in trend, they should not be used;
  • Sunlight or bright shades;
  • The naturalness of the photo should appear in everything: facial expression, glance to the side, smile.

3. Good camera and photo editor.

Much depends on the front camera of the phone. You can shoot correctly on a soap dish, and even on a SLR. The main thing is that the face is not distorted, the flaws are hidden, but everything looks natural.

Important tips for guys and girls on how to take beautiful selfies at home?

At home, you can get gorgeous photos that can attract the attention of thousands of strangers.
In order not to suffer all day long, taking pictures, you should resort to simple tips:

  • A slight tilt of the head will add charm. Experiment beforehand;
  • There should be no extra people, disorder, garbage in the background;
  • Beautiful pictures will be in natural bright light, for example, by the window;
  • Natural facial expression, pleasant smile, sincere laughter;
  • Inconspicuous makeup that emphasizes the advantages and hides the flaws;
  • Loose hair will give femininity and charm.
  • You should immediately take several photos in a row in order to choose the most attractive from several.

Most girls are interested in how to make an intimate photo for Instagram not vulgar. For the sexuality of the lips, it is no longer a trend to inflate them with a “duck”. It is better to bite them a little in advance so that a natural swelling appears. The chest can be lifted inconspicuously by hand to add volume. Another secret to a chic bust is the top view or in a lying position. Such a picture will hide the extra pounds and favorably present the figure. For erotic selfies, you need a timer or a full-length mirror.

Any photo should be processed in editors. Even if it's made on the latest iPhone, cropping, emoji effects, contrast editing, etc. will be needed.

The main rule for a beautiful selfie is naturalness and good mood!

Incredible Facts

Have you ever taken a selfie and then looked at it and thought, "Do I really look like this?"

Most likely, the problem is the wide-angle distortion of the smartphone lens and other cameras that are too wide, depicting us as strange and like a caricature.

Fortunately, there is an easy way to fix the problem if you are familiar with the optics of these devices.

It's hard to look normal in photos, and smartphones won't make it easy.

Smartphone manufacturers build them with wide-angle lenses that distort and stretch the face in an unsightly way.

This is because the focal length of the camera lens changes the curvature of the object it is shooting. The wide angle lens makes your face look cartoonish, while the extra long lenses make you look flat and squished.

That is why photographers tend to use a lens with focal length 85 mm - which is much longer than on any smartphone.

How to make a good slefi

But you can take photos with your smartphone in a way that looks good in photos.

The trick is to understand what most of the distortion is at the edge of the frame and emphasized by any part of the body protruding towards the camera.

For example, in this photo, the girl's jaw looks much larger than in reality, as it is pointed at the camera.

Move back a little, move your head a little closer to the center of the frame, and keep your chin and forehead equidistant from the camera. As a result, the selfie will look a lot more like what your face looks like to other people.

Smartphone photos in which the head is in the center of the frame and a little further than usual embellish you more.

How to take a beautiful selfie

Here are some more tips to help you look your best in selfie photos.

Follow the one-third rule

This means that you need to position your face in such a way that your eyes are approximately at the level one third from the top of the picture.

Tilt your head at an angle

This simple trick accentuates your cheekbones and makes your eyes appear bigger, giving you a cute look.

Find good lighting

Good lighting will make your skin look nice and your hair will look shiny. It is best to take a selfie next to a window or outdoors in natural light.

You can use a curtain to diffuse sunlight or another light source. This softens facial features and makes your smile look more attractive.

Hold the camera slightly above your head

This will give you a more artistic look and will be able to show off your cleavage and beautiful outfit.

Photograph the attractive side

Every person has a more attractive side that is more balanced and symmetrical.

Stretch your neck

Avoid double chin or no chin. Raise your chin slightly and stretch your neck. This will emphasize the face, especially the jawline.

Use two hands

Most selfies are taken with one hand, but sometimes it's easier to get the right angle when holding the phone with two hands. Similarly, using a selfie stick can help.

Pay attention to the shoulders

Often we don't pay attention, but when we pose for a selfie, our shoulders are often hunched or in an unsightly position.

Instead of holding the camera parallel to the camera, turn them slightly to the left or right.

Don't be too serious

The more you enjoy taking a photo, the more it will to you and the rest. In addition, you will be able to view the photo and remember the fun times.
