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Electronic diary of a student (mrko). Electronic journal. Acquaintance Mrko electronic sign in

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Many parents prefer to control the education of their children. In their opinion, this allows you to send the child in the right direction in time, to motivate his further education somewhere, to identify his most strengths in terms of school education, identify problematic disciplines. Indeed, all of this has its place.

In the past few years, monitoring student progress has become extremely easy. The fact is that recently a public service for parents appeared on the Internet, which is called electronic journal and MRKO diary.

You can use it completely free of charge and at any time from any device connected to the Internet.

How to register an electronic journal and diary of MRKO

Currently, the MRKO service can be used through the portal public services Therefore, you will need to create your account on it. This is the only way to get access to the electronic journal and diary.

We hasten to please you with the fact that registration in the system is extremely simple. No special knowledge in this area is required. You will only need to perform a few elementary steps.

First, you should go to the official website of the portal, then click on the "Register" button, then fill out a short form and confirm the creation of the profile. The questionnaire consists of several fields that require the input of basic information (for example, full name, contact phone number, e-mail address, and the like). This procedure will take you a maximum of 5 minutes.

Login to the electronic journal and diary of MRKO

The entrance is also not difficult. To go to your account, you just need to go to the appropriate web resource, where you specify your login and password in the authorization form.
It is important that today both parents and teachers get access to the electronic journal and diary of MRKO. Of course, when working in the system, they must use different identifiers and authorization methods.

Entrance to the electronic journal and diary of MRKO -

Possibilities of the electronic journal and diary of MRKO

The electronic journal and diary of MRKO - albeit not multifunctional, but very useful service which solves important problems in the field of education. Its main opportunity for parents is to control the progress of their child.

The advantages include the fact that the assessments are always put down almost instantly, the information in electronic version The journal is up-to-date, all data is conveniently and clearly presented in a single table. EZhD MRKO allows not only to find out grades, but also to view the class schedule on any school day.

Today, in order to enter the electronic diary of a student, it is enough to have an account on the website of the Mayor of Moscow. It is very convenient and functional. One Multidisciplinary (PGU) provides users with unlimited access to government departments and systems.

If you already have a Personal Account on the portal, then just click on the button below, otherwise -.

Register on

The first step for unimpeded access to the electronic journal and diary (ER) is authorization on the Mosuslugi website. By creating , you will be able to:

  • Learn about your child's progress
  • control attendance;
  • learn the student's homework;
  • conduct a virtual dialogue with teachers, other parents and much more.

Registration on is carried out in accordance with the following algorithm:

Ways to enter the electronic diary

Logging into the electronic diary is carried out only after creating an account and successfully logging in to the website.

If you did everything correctly and personal data on the site and in educational institution are identical, to enter the diary you only need to select the appropriate service in the menu of the portal or mobile application Moscow public services. personal account

At the same time, it opens access to the system of the Moscow Register of Education Quality (MRKO). Using your account on the portal, you will be able to be fully aware of the school life of your son or daughter.

To gain access to the electronic diary, you can log in using the following data:

  • login and password;
  • SNILS number;
  • electronic signature;
  • social media;
  • account federal portal State services.

After entering your personal account, select "Electronic diary" from the list of services and enter the password and login that your child's class teacher will provide you.

Mobile application "Gosuslugi Moskvy"

  • If you lead an active lifestyle and at the same time take your children's education seriously, download the Moscow State Services app to your mobile device. It is suitable for all mobile devices on Android and iOS platforms, is absolutely free and available for download in the most popular app stores. Functional:

An electronic diary of MRKO on a mobile device will provide an opportunity to receive information about the nutrition and passage of your child to school.

Getting access to the electronic diary

A student's diary is electronic service not only for parents, but also for the students themselves, as well as proxies(tutor, nanny, guardian, etc.). If a child is registered on, he, like any other user, will be able to use the services of the Moscow Mayor's website in full.

For the convenience of citizens, the and portals have been merged. This opens up great opportunities for all authorized users and direct access to your children's school life.

To use the electronic diary, you must:

  1. Login to the site.
  2. Check personal details.
  3. Pass the necessary information to the class teacher of the child.

After data synchronization, you can automatic mode enter the student's diary.

If login fails

Sometimes, parents of Moscow and the Moscow region complain that they didn’t manage to enter the diary the first time. The reason most often is the incorrect entry of data when registering on the site or when transferring them to an educational institution.

To fix the problem, check the correctness of filling out the profile and check the information with the class teacher. If you still have any questions or misunderstandings, you can contact one of the hundreds of My Documents centers located in various parts of Moscow for help and advice.

The address of the nearest public service center can be found on the website

Services of electronic diaries as an additional support for "paper" class journals and diaries have already been widely used in Russian schools for the past six years.

The Moscow Register of Education Quality, as a single platform for collecting data on monitoring the progress of metropolitan schools, began full-fledged work on September 1, 2014. It is he who can become a monopolist in the field of electronic performance records in the capital.

Parents are shown banner ads. Users logged in as a student or teacher will not see ads.

Schedule filled automatically (taking into account the frequency of classes) - everything is familiar. Reporting periods: quarter, trimester, year.

Response from parents: the gradebook records grades reviewed by parents and comments.

Different access rights for the teacher, class teacher, head teacher. Subject teachers have access to the subjects in their classes, the head teacher - to view the subjects of the entire school.

Parental control and gradebook. Source:

Reporting: is formed (progress, attendance) in the form of tables and graphs. Export to different formats (Excel, pdf), standard print version.

Modular interface: grade diary, teacher's journal, pages of lessons and homework - separate modules.

Various grading systems: 5-point, 10-point, 100-point, pass/fail.

Reporting periods: standard (quarters, trimesters, semesters). Reporting is formed on academic performance, attendance; you can also generate custom reports.

: advertising on all pages of the web resource.

Response from parents: not provided.

Feedback from students: yes (the student can attach a file with completed homework).

This is how one version of the teacher journal view looks like. Source:

Additional services: a media library of educational materials (dictionaries, fiction and educational literature), the ability to create a custom school site.

No points

Most of the information from the MRKO homepage is devoted to video tutorials on how to log in to the system, since it is integrated with the State Services portal. Access to the system for students and teachers is issued after the registration of the school in the MRKO system and the reorganization of its information system. But without an account on the State Services portal, parents will not be able to see the grades of their children: they enter the diary through the website of the State Services portal.

Functionality: ???

We did not see any screenshots or information about the functionality of the diary on the official website for teachers: neither what the teacher’s journal looks like, nor how performance statistics are collected, nor how the reporting is completed. Considering that Moscow teachers are being voluntarily-compulsorily transferred to use this electronic journal, it is doubly insulting not to know in advance what you will be working with for a whole year.

ICEC promised to make every effort to ensure a painless integration of the already functioning platforms of electronic records of progress into its system. But while this procedure is quite painful.

Integration of electronic diaries with MRKO

Diary RU- the only system of electronic journals in existence that receives state support. Since 2009, its implementation has been supported by the national project "Education" and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. Therefore, the comment that the press service of gave to the project is full of calm and confidence (so far):

In order to respect the rights educational organizations on your own choice information systems, and organizations - developers to freedom of competition in accordance with paragraph 8 of Art. 3 federal law dated July 27, 2006 N 149-FZ “On information, information technology and on the protection of information” and Art. 15 of the Federal Law of July 26, 2006 N 135-FZ "On Protection of Competition", MRKO should be able to integrate with third-party EZhD systems, which is confirmed by I. Kalina's quote. In this regard, Moscow schools continue to work in the system.

And here Elzhur has already encountered a lack of support for the integration of electronic journals with MRKO. At the same time, the MCKO strongly opposes the possibility of integrating other electronic journals with its service. November 11, 2014 Director of MCKO A.I. Rytov responded to numerous requests from Elzhur to develop mechanisms for correctly uploading data from their electronic journal to MRKO:

“... we inform you that the solution of the issues of implementing organizational and technical algorithms for online data exchange between the EZD MRKO and other electronic journals is not within the competence of the GAU MCKO.”

Which somewhat hints at the fact that MKRO is not going to support automation procedures for transferring existing data.

If earlier it was necessary to ask a child how much he received for a given day at school, now parents can know everything about the progress of their children even without their knowledge using a service such as “ electronic diary”.

This service is a full-fledged diary indicating all the grades of the student for the entire period of his education.

In fact, the creation of this service has made classic paper diaries simply unnecessary.

Although today many people have problems when working with an electronic diary.

Therefore, it would be useful to consider all the features of the functioning of this service.

How to connect this service

From the very beginning, you need to find out if your school and your class are connected to the electronic diary at all.

If you live in Moscow, most likely this is the case or will soon be so.

Indeed, today the government is making great efforts to make new technologies as popular as possible among all spheres of society.

Actually, the website was created for this.

On this resource, you can pay for housing and communal services, make an appointment with an official, get any documents, find out the schedule for supplying water or other vital resources.

The site itself looks like Figure 2.

Among other services there is also a diary of a student of MRKO. Login and password to enter the system can be obtained from the class teacher.

The connection of the service is handled directly by the head of the educational institution.

And he, in turn, should find out about the connection at the local branch of the public services center.

But usually this is reported in full detail to the heads of educational institutions.

In any case, the employees of the public services center will always come to the rescue and organize the connection of the student's diary.

The conditions for using the student's online diary are as follows:

  1. Only the parents or legal representatives of the student have access, to whom the login and password can only be issued by the class teacher or another person specially appointed for this in the educational institution;
  2. The service is provided free of charge;
  3. You do not need to provide any documents;
  4. The validity period of the electronic diary is throughout the entire learning process.

And now let's move on to how to use an electronic diary.


As for parents whose children study in such educational institutions who are connected to this service, they can go to the page of their child's diary on the same website of public services -

Only the official website of public services suggests that in order to use any of its options, a person must be registered.

Therefore, the use of the MRKO diary begins with registration on the public services portal.

This happens in several stages:

  • On home page you need to click the "Register" button.

  • After that, you must fill in all the personal fields and click the "Register" button, which is located at the bottom of the page.

  • After registration, you need to enter the site. To do this, on the same start page, press the large "Login" button, then enter your login and password specified during registration, and press the "Login" button.

  • Now on the official page you again need to go to the "Electronic Diary of a Schoolchild (MRKO)". The system will automatically redirect the user authorized on the public services website to the authorization page in the electronic diary.

Clue: If the main page does not have the item “Electronic Diary of a Schoolchild (MRKO)”, it must be found in the “Education, Study” section. This section is located in the menu, which is located on the right side of the main window. Accordingly, to find the desired item there, you need to click on this section. Then the item "Electronic diary of a student (MRKO)" will become visible in the window to the right of the section names, as shown in Figure 6.

This page looks as shown in Figure 7. As for the field called "Account Name", you can enter anything there.

It is intended for when one parent will be checking the progress of two or more children and wants to create different Accounts in the diary.

Then they should be named differently. The fields "MRKO Login" and "MRKO Password" are filled in according to the login and password given by the representative of the educational institution.

After entering all the data and clicking on the "Continue" button, a window will appear for checking the data. Its appearance is shown in Figure 8.

If all the data is correct, you must click the "Finish" button.

After that, you will enter directly to the page personal diary, that is, in the parent's personal account.

If you have any questions about entering the MRKO diary, the employees of the public services portal themselves advise you to contact the forum, where there is already a list of the most frequently asked questions.

About Usage

So, we have already examined how the student's diary is entered through the official website of public services.

Actually, after entering your personal account, the same MRKO diary will become visible.

It looks almost the same as a regular paper diary - the fields and format are taken from it. Appearance student's personal diary is shown in Figure 9.

As you can see, there are also days here with the same fields for each of them - subject, homework and grade.

All grades that the teacher puts in a real diary or in a class journal will be transferred here.

But the electronic diary has great amount benefits.

The main ones are as follows:

  1. Ability to view grades and homework in the selected subject. To carry out this task, you should click on the "Selected item" tab, which is indicated by the number 1 in Figure No. 9.
  2. The ability to find out all grades for the selected period - day, month, quarter or academic year. To complete this task, you need to click on the "All Grades" tab (number 2 in Figure No. 9).
  3. The ability to find out the final grades for each subject (this is the “Final grades” tab - number 3). Again, this can be done for the selected period.
  4. The ability to view grades, lessons and homework for the entire school year, including those days and weeks that have already passed. To select a schedule for a certain period of time, you must click on the current date and in the drop-down calendar indicate the boundaries of the week or other period of time you want to view. In figure No. 9, the date is indicated by the number 4.

Other similar services

As you could understand, the electronic diary of MRKO is available only for residents of Moscow and the region, as it is located on the portal of public services of the city of Moscow.

But those teachers and students who do not live in the capital can also use modern technologies.

In fact, there are quite a few even more functional services that provide almost the same functionality.

These features boil down to the ability to submit grades online for teachers and the ability to view those grades for parents.

We list the main of these services:

Diary RU. is a complete social network which enables direct communication between teachers, students and their parents.

Basically, this is the most common

We remind you that with September 1 the entrance of parents (legal representatives) and students will be carried out only through the Portal of public services: → tab "Education, study"→ tab "Electronic diary of a student (MRKO)""Get a Service".

Please note that access to the system for students and parents (legal representatives) must be issued by class teachers. For parents (legal representatives) and students, different accesses (logins and passwords) are generated. This is due to the difference in the content of their personal accounts in the system.

To enter the parent's personal account, enter your login and password received from your child's class teacher.


Main page personal account parent in EZhD MRKO. Available modules: "Diary", "Forum", "News". The main page displays the "Schedule" window for a certain period. Last news.


The child's schedule can be reflected for the week


The "Diary" page provides information in the selected period: date, subjects, homework, grades


The "Selected Subject" page reflects: the date, the topic of the lesson, homework, the child's progress in the subject in the selected period.


The "All grades" page reflects the child's performance in all subjects in the selected period. Can be uploaded to Word, Excel.


The “Final Grades” page reflects the progress (average score, final grades in subjects) of the child for the entire academic year and the number of missed lessons.


The News Feed page for you and your child shows:


In case of problems in the "Diary" module on the main page, ask a question to the service technical support IAS MRCO.


In the "Forum" module there are school and class news. Ask a question: class teacher, teacher, deputy director.
