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How to promote a grocery store: market and competitor analysis, strengths and weaknesses of the enterprise. How to increase revenue in a small grocery store How to increase sales in a kiosk

In a conversation about how to increase revenue in a store, you should first deal with the factors influencing it.

Exists great amount reasons affecting revenue of course, their nature and strength depends on the focus and activities of the business, so in reality they can vary slightly.

Nevertheless, it is possible to single out global factors with a single, universal model, suitable for the realities of the store's business processes.

For convenience, we divide them into 2 categories:

  1. internal;
  2. external.

The second group is rather exploratory in nature, helping to form an understanding of the external, superficial influence exerted by the state and society.

Particular attention should be paid to the first group, since the leader, who is responsible for the development of the store and, accordingly, the growth of the revenue itself, is able to independently form these factors.


Factors related to input resources:

  • Capital investments.
  • Equipment.
  • Volume of human resources.
  • Technology and know-how (eg self-service system, accessibility for the disabled).

Factors related to production processes– business structure:

  1. Personnel: career development, motivation, industrial relations training.
  2. Use of buildings and equipment, maintenance, development.
  3. Raw materials and energy carriers.
  4. Working methods.
  5. Organization systems and management style.
  6. Feedback: measurement, analysis.

Factors related to the sale of products:

  • Volume of production (the number of products sold in general - the turnover of the store).
  • Product range (breadth of product selection).
  • After-sales service (retaining existing customers with low-cost operations - more on that below).
  • Product price.
  • Package.
  • Technical excellence of products.
  • Availability of goods at any time, in the right quantity.
  • Warranty system.
  • Market share.
  • The image of the company in the eyes of consumers.


Cycle business activity and structural changes:

  1. Business conditions, competition.
  2. Structural shifts between sectors of the economy.
  3. Change in capital structure.
  4. Demographic and social changes.


  • Land: availability, price.
  • Raw materials and energy carriers.
  • Access to finance: external investment.
  • Labor force: supply-demand ratio, education, flexibility, mobility.

Government policy:

  1. Fiscal and tax policy.
  2. Education and training of personnel (level of secondary, higher education).
  3. The policy of smoothing cycles (stabilization of the economy in the country).
  4. Business efficiency improvement policy (simplification of processes related to document flow and reporting).
  5. Structural change policy.

Ways to increase profitability

  • Recalculation and optimization of input resources (raw materials, energy, employees)— reduction of unwanted, useless spending.
  • Increase in the average check- this indicator is very important and easy to calculate - you need to divide the amount of purchases for a certain time by the number of checks. By changing it to positive side, you can significantly affect the revenue of the store as a whole and raise it. For this, the use of “cross-sell”, that is, cross-selling, when it is additionally proposed to take something else to the main choice, is suitable.
  • Customer lifetime value (LTV)– moving away from the paradigm that many more new visitors will come to replace the old ones, focusing on cooperation with regular customers.
  • Expansion of the assortment of the store (number of units of goods)- by pushing its boundaries, it becomes possible to hook as large an audience as possible.
  • Product cost- providing the store with goods from manufacturers, dealers with more favorable conditions / discounts often allows you to increase revenue by reducing purchase costs.

How to increase the income of a grocery outlet?

And now, after getting acquainted with the bases that affect revenue, let's figure out how they should be used for the benefit of the store. Of all the options highlight the most important and effective techniques and build a chain.

For clarity, let's choose a simple goal: to increase the revenue of an ordinary grocery store.

  1. Digitization of store results.

    First of all, you need to understand why the revenue remains unshakable. Outstanding entrepreneurs in any situation recommend relying solely on real numbers, and visualize them, in turn, using simple and clear diagrams.

  2. Increase in attendance.

    Effective ways to do this are ordinary discount cards and discounts, a fairly common practice for grocery stores to increase revenue by increasing the flow of customers.

    Thanks to the introduction of discount cards, customers will have a more positive attitude towards the store, preferring to make purchases with some savings on their money.

    As for discounts, they can be organized within certain time intervals (for six months, a week, a month, a day, only in the morning or in the evening), among a specific segment of buyers (housewives, pensioners, adherents of a healthy diet).

    Reference: research conducted by psychologists suggests that the minimum discount threshold perceived by the audience is 15%. This must be kept in mind, as more austere numbers will go unappreciated.

  3. Increase in the average check.
    • Duplication of the most popular product in additional points of sale of the store.
    • Offering customers various bright little things in the checkout area, you can focus on creative packaging to manipulate the emotions of the buyer.
    • Formation of ready-made kits from the most hot goods, or from leftovers that have been in stock for a long time.
    • Integration of promotions: holding contests with nice gifts for those who collect the specified amount in their check.
  4. Saving resources.

    To eliminate the leakage of money, it is possible to replace inefficient employees who do not benefit the company with more productive employees in the store. And sometimes it is more profitable to deal with employees one-time, and not to keep a specialist in the team who occasionally solves single tasks.

    Another way to save money is to calculate the cost of rent, electricity and maintenance of a particular equipment and look for alternative options.

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Use windows and doors to grab attention with food and drink posters and banners. Proper display of goods How to make the buyer buy several times more than he planned?

Timely "remind" him of related purchases or form a desire to buy something else. Hiring a professional merchandiser is expensive, but a specialist consultation will cost $200-300 and will significantly help improve sales.

How to increase profits in the grocery store

In order to improve something, you must first understand what errors and problems in trading should be eliminated.

And this can be done only by conducting a thorough analysis of your own outlet. Sell ​​at competitive prices

The price today is perhaps one of the most important factors in shaping the opinion of consumers about the outlet.

How to increase revenue in a rural store?

You can take note of all the examples that you see or hear anywhere, since each of them, with varying degrees of success, can bring you success.

But remember that the blind repetition of someone else's, even brilliant, successes can play a cruel joke - they will not work for you! And the money for the experiment has already been spent!

Try to observe, talk and reflect. Given that you work in a farm shop where heart-to-heart communication is not a problem, you can learn a lot. First, try asking people what else they would like to see in your store.

How to Increase Sales in a Retail Grocery Store

layout trading floor must provoke the buyer to go through all the departments. In some, this is ensured by the closure of space. In other words, in order to exit or reach the checkout, the visitor must go through the entire store.

To increase sales of bread in stores, it is placed at the exit near the checkout. This technique acts as a subconscious reminder. The goods that need to be sold are located in different parts of the hall.

Grocery Store Profit Secrets


A good alternative, if you do not have a small counter-type grocery store, but rather a large store, is the transition to self-service. Quite a profitable solution that can increase sales by several times.

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Grocery stores are a type of enterprise that is characterized by quite a lot of competition.

In order to be successful in this area of ​​business, it is necessary to take into account the features competitive enterprises and capitalize on the strengths of your business. For example, arrange sales and lure buyers low prices, conduct advertising campaigns and report discounts. Working time Working time grocery store plays an important role.

It is worth starting from the presented range of food products: Competitive prices - the way to success Convenience as a way to attract customers Comfortable shopping should be at the highest level:

Signboard and facade or "meet by clothes ..."

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Despite the huge number of large and small supermarkets in our time, kiosks still continue to occupy a leading position in trade. Their number is always large near metro entrances, on the territory of entertainment complexes, in residential areas of the city, and so on.

This creates a huge competition in this business area. The situation when there is a queue at the neighboring kiosk, and only single buyers come up to you, is familiar to many. How to avoid this and how to make your kiosk stand out from the rest, and as a result, more profitable, this article will tell.

Idea number 1. Flag

The height of all stalls, as a rule, is small. But that doesn't mean yours has to be the same. It is very easy to transform it with a flag. Attach a two-, three-meter pipe to the roof of your kiosk. And even better, several of these in all corners.

Hang any cloth, flags or even sails with your logo (if any) or brand name on them. You can also attach lights in this way, on the glass of which, again, there will be inscriptions and logos. And do not forget to decorate such flagpoles with garlands - and not only for the New Year holidays.

The glow above your kiosk will always attract customers in the evening and at night (if you work around the clock, of course).

Idea number 2. Promotion Information

Nothing attracts buyers like promotions, sales and gifts. If you, of course, do not have a kiosk like “everything costs 10 hryvnias”, then place shields made of wood, plywood or iron on its facade and sides. And stick posters on them with text like “Action! 30% discount!”

Such posters can be ordered from any advertising agency for a very reasonable price. In this case, it is not at all necessary to indicate which product the discount is provided for. The main thing is to attract a buyer, and in one minute he will see all your goods and figure everything out.

Naturally, in the window of your kiosk there really should be a product with a promotional price - everything for which the shelf life expires, goods with damaged, dirty or burnt packaging, and so on.

It is advisable to change the terms of promotions at least once or twice a month, for example, "Buy this and get this as a gift." There are a lot of options here.

Idea number 3. Fortress design

This idea will be especially advantageous if there are refrigerators with drinks near your kiosk and several tables for visitors, and the area around is surrounded by a small fence. Build towers and battlements out of plywood, styrofoam, or other materials.

Install them on the kiosk, refrigerators, fence (if any). On them, on the kiosk itself and on the refrigerators, stick an oracal with the image of stone fortification. The result is a cute mini-fortress that will attract visitors. And buyers sitting at the table will be able to relax, enjoying the spirit of the Middle Ages.

Idea number 4. Wagon imitation

The idea is like an imitation of a fortress. For its implementation, it is necessary to take a high-quality photo of a railway passenger car, or its fragment, capturing one or two windows. This photo needs to be adjusted in Photoshop to the dimensions of your kiosk so that the kiosk window coincides with the car window.

Then you order an oracal with a print of your photo and paste over the kiosk with it. For a better design, make wheels out of plywood or foam, attach at the bottom of the kiosk and stick a film on them with the image of real wagon wheels.

Intercar couplers can be made on the sides of the kiosk. But if this turns out to be too difficult for you, then just paste over the entire kiosk with an oracal depicting fragments of the car. Train lovers will love your kiosk.

Idea number 5. Main product layout

Set up on or near the roof of the kiosk a huge mock-up of the product that generates the bulk of your profits, such as a large hot dog or a bottle of beer. Such a layout is made from any lightweight material. It is best if this miracle is backlit. In this case, visitors will easily find you at night.

Original kiosk designs

The business must be profitable. Growing profitability is the main indicator of successful development. How to increase sales in retail store in conditions when the market is oversaturated with goods and competitors? Today, this question is relevant for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs. There are many tools and ways to influence income growth, we will consider the most effective ones.

Each business is unique in its own way, the peculiarity of retail trade lies in the sale of goods by the piece. The customers of these stores are ordinary people. This is the only resource on which all attention should be focused. Based on needs ordinary person, business strategies are built and events are organized to increase sales in retail. The task of the seller is to convey the product and sell it competently. Marketing technologies help to learn about the needs and preferences of consumers. They are also effective in the sale of goods. Before practicing techniques to increase profitability, it is important to figure out what went wrong and why sales are declining.

Such analysis will help to solve many problems.

Conditions and factors affecting profitability

External factors can reduce the profitability of a retail store: economic and political crises, weather disasters, etc. A person cannot change these circumstances, but there are other reasons that reduce profitability. Many of them arise through the fault of store owners. Mistakes are caused by short-sightedness and passivity of management, the presence of competitors, irrational use premises and lack of transport interchange. There are many negative factors, but most often revenues fall for the following reasons:

  • inexpressive design;
  • insufficient or too wide assortment;
  • poor quality service.

The solution of the indicated problems guarantees a good result and return. You no longer have to think about how to increase sales in the store and “survive” among competitors. Success comes to those who act and do not wait. As for the buyer, his attention must be won. Nowadays, it is not enough just to sell a quality product. People go and return to places where shopping is pleasant.

About buyers and ways to attract customers

The modern consumer is very demanding. Preferences depend on impressions and the more pleasant emotions and reviews, the more likely it is that your store will return to spend money. The buyer is pleased to come to a cozy room, communicate with polite sellers, see attractive prices and participate in interesting promotions. All of these items have a significant impact on increasing retail sales and have a positive impact on revenue growth.

What with client base it is necessary to work, many people know, but how to do it right? To begin with, it is important to analyze traffic and highlight those people who are really ready and will shop in your store. Loyal customers should become favorite customers. Such people should be appreciated, pleased with new products, pampered with discounts. They tend to be active and loyal, they know about your store and visit often. Even if they just came in and did not buy anything, they should be met and seen off in a friendly manner. If you need to buy something, a regular customer will be the first to visit your store.

For casual visitors, it does not matter in which store to leave the money. They go for the range, prices and convenience of shopping, they love sales and promotions. There are many visitors among random buyers and this is definitely not yours the target audience. In any case, they should not be ignored. Service should always be top notch, and everyone who enters your store should leave happy.

Customer retention

Customers can be poached from competitors. You can lure with a price or offer a new one, unusual goods. Marketing tricks many, but there is a rule in trade that has been tested in all areas: it is easier and cheaper to keep customers than to find and attract new ones.

You can hold on to it in a variety of ways. Most of them are based on attention and special attitude to each customer. In retail, the individual approach works very effectively. Make the visitor feel welcome and special. Give souvenirs, congratulate on holidays via SMS or by e-mail, make a discount on your birthday, thank you for the purchase. All these signs of attention will be appreciated and will have a positive impact on sales.

If you sell clothes, you can stimulate sales. When lowering prices, be sure to justify this event. The buyer must be aware of the nuances, otherwise he will think that they are trying to shove him a defective or defective goods. In search of a solution to the question of how to improve trade in a clothing store, it is better to immediately exclude fraudulent ways. There is a risk of losing regular customers and facing the problem of finding new ones. Approaches must be honest. By the way, this rule applies to advertising companies.

Retail Store Advertising Opportunities

You need to advertise yourself when there is something to offer, otherwise investments will be meaningless. If you are sure that the assortment is completed and worthy of consumer demand, take up a plan of promotional activities. It all depends on financial possibilities. No matter how much you are willing and able to put down, advertising should inform and stimulate. On retail market emotions play an important role.

The audience must be captured, interested and captivated.

How to improve sales in a clothing store

There are many ways, we will highlight the most common and effective marketing communications:

  • social media;
  • radio and television;
  • printed matter: booklets, flyers, stickers, etc.
  • pillars, bright signs, banners;
  • loyalty cards: bonus, privileged, accumulative;
  • mass events with the participation of animators.

This list can be continued, as the possibilities advertising market are not limited. For the sake of unique PR, many store owners are willing to spend a lot of money. A well-organized advertising campaign increases the chances of entrepreneurs to succeed, but how to increase sales in retail if advertising is ineffective? This, unfortunately, happens often. The money is spent, but the expected influx to the store is not observed. There may be several reasons: the wrong place is chosen, unclaimed assortment, advertising texts and videos are unattractive and do not call for action, excessive intrusiveness of advertising. The latter, by the way, is annoying and can scare away the buyer.

Effective Advertising

To avoid these mistakes and unreasonable investments, you need to act carefully and taking into account the needs of your consumer living next to outlet. Flyers in elevators, roadside banners, tenders and promotions in the store itself. Such concentration allows you to “bind” the buyer and make sure that he only comes back to you for shopping. Stimulation should be constant, but do not overdo it in the desire to "lure" clients. When making discounts, keep in mind that some buyers get used to it. They come, look and do not buy, waiting for the price to drop.

What determines the force of attraction of the store? Design and assortment

The increase in sales directly depends on the image. From a visit to the store there are different impressions, the better they are, the more often and more they will buy from you. Beautiful design, availability of goods, quality assortment - all these are the main components of a favorable image. Excessive pathos can repel, at least every third buyer thinks so. They are simply afraid to go into such stores, initially assuming that everything is expensive there.

For product display and window dressing often attract designers and merchandisers. With a modest budget, you can not spend money on these services. Having studied the nuances, everything can be organized on your own. Look at your store from the side, through the eyes of the buyer. Unattractiveness and inexpressiveness are always repulsive, visitors will simply pass by. They need to be interested by playing on curiosity.

Goods layout rules

There are certain rules, guided by which you can positively influence the increase in sales in a retail store:

  • The display of goods should be clear and accessible so that it can be touched, smelled, turned in hands. In retail, the arm's length rule applies. The client takes the goods to which he freely reaches. If the product is above or below the designated area, it will be ignored.
  • The buyer must understand the logic of placement, quickly navigate, move easily and find what they need. Many people are afraid of inconsistency. The goods must be distributed by groups, sets or brands.
  • Themes for design should be relevant, and showcases should showcase your product. If you sell clothes, you need to refresh your perception by rearranging and updating mannequins. This is a very effective measure in solving the issue of how to increase sales in a clothing store. People often buy exactly what they liked on the mannequin. If these are counters, everything should lie beautifully. Consider quality signage. Let it be bright and informative, and do not experiment with fonts, the names should be readable.
  • Maintain cleanliness and temperature. The customer will not linger in the store, where it is hot or cold. The temperature should be comfortable and the cleanliness impeccable. No dust or bad odors.
  • It has been proven that a customer stays longer in a store where neutral, soft music plays. A nice little thing can inspire for an unplanned purchase and increase traffic.
  • Prices, especially low ones, must be visible and true. Do not deceive the buyer. Realizing that he was circled around his finger and the prices from the windows and mannequins differ from the cost of goods on the shelves, they will no longer enter your store.
  • Store doors must always be open.

Reasons for the decline in sales

If your customers do not return to you, the reason may be insufficient assortment. Compare yourself to your main competitors. Chat with customers and find out what they want to see on the shelves. The circle of buyers is formed gradually, but it depends on you how attractive and passable your store will become.
The reason for the decline in sales is often too large assortment. Finding the right one becomes problematic. The buyer will be confused and leave without a purchase.

You need to sell what is for sale, but if some product was quickly sold,
no need to buy the same. Surprise with new products, this is the perfect way out. At least, this is what those who managed to solve the problem of how to increase sales in a clothing store and avoid financial losses think so. Very efficient implementation related products. You can offer a bracelet for a dress, a scarf for a coat, a belt for trousers. The counter with discounted goods works well. It is difficult for many to resist the temptation to buy something from this price category.

Sales are unpredictable. If the item gets stuck in warehouses and collecting dust on the shelves, you can think about changing the range. An analysis of sales dynamics and a prompt response to changes in demand help to increase profitability.

Personnel issue

The success of any business depends on the quality of service, namely on the seller who sells the goods. How to increase sales in a retail store if the seller does not have enough experience? Actually, this is not a problem. It is not difficult to teach skills, motivation and training help. Intra-company marketing is very important. An interesting pattern was revealed: the higher the salary and better conditions labor, the more diligent the seller, and accordingly, the higher the sale.

The modern buyer does not just go to the store to buy something, it is important for him to enjoy the process itself. And the seller should help with this. A good employee is able to sell any product, a bad one will not sell even the highest quality.

The inability of the seller to start a dialogue is the main reason for inefficient trading. How to increase sales in a clothing store is written a lot and often. Among the qualities necessary for the seller, they distinguish the ability to resolve conflicts, smiling, competent speech, knowledge of the assortment. All this is welcome, but there are human qualities that are very difficult to eradicate. According to surveys of buyers, the arrogance, importunity and untidiness of the seller are most repelled. If there is such an employee in your team, do not waste time on re-education. Find another seller and teach him all the intricacies of the trade.


In order for the buyer to go to the store, you need to be not at the level of competitors, but higher and better. Analyze work, look for weak spots, work on mistakes and use all the miracles of quick wit. This is the only way to increase retail sales. Uniqueness should be in everything: product, price, service. Profitable business- this is primarily the use of all necessary resources, tangible and intangible.

Unfortunately, a universal way to increase profitability has not yet been invented, but there are certain rules and approaches, following which you can achieve good results.

How does it happen that someone closes shoe shops, and someone, on the contrary, opens and creates his own network. What is the secret of a profitable business? Ways to avoid bankruptcy and how to increase profits? One important strategic direction of development is marketing planning, which is necessary for any business. Without it, shoemaking and repair services can no longer bring enough profit or even go bankrupt. Consider marketing opportunities to increase profits in shoe tailoring and repair services.

How to increase profit: method 1!

People appreciate professionals, but they are also not indifferent to the atmosphere in which they are immersed when they come to the shoe shop. Masters are sometimes neglected appearance and order in the workshop. Coming to such a client, you can see a dumped tool, dirty clothes of the master.
It is much more pleasant to enter a clean, bright room with order when you are greeted by a master in a uniform with the logo of the workshop, thus showing the seriousness of the company. There is more trust! And with a quality service, you want to return to such a master again and again! Create an interesting cozy atmosphere in the workshop to make it pleasant to be in it.

Create a customer-friendly service!

Start with the simplest and most accessible to everyone.
1. When handing over shoes to the client, wrap them in a bag with your logo or, if this is not available, then simply in a bag.
2. Upon completion of work on the shoes, you can inform the client by SMS notification that you can already pick up the shoes.
3. Offer delivery service to nearby areas. This is especially true for large cities, when time is valued and you don't want to waste it going to the workshop.4. Review workshop schedule. Make it convenient for customers.
Often workshops work until 18-19, and the working population does not always have time to fall into this schedule. You can rearrange the schedule for an earlier opening time at 7-8 in the morning, then it will be convenient to go to the workshop before work. Or move the closing time to a later time to catch up after work.
5. Sale of related products! After all, it is convenient, having come for shoes, to buy sponges, creams, laces, insoles, spoons for shoes, flavors and all in one place.

How to create a stir for tailoring shoes and other services?

People love something new, it attracts attention, why not use it to keep the attention of visitors.

1. Run promotions from time to time. For example:
On Mondays, replacement of heels with a 30% discount;
On Tuesdays, replacement of arch supports with a 20% discount;
On Wednesdays sole prophylaxis with 15% discount;
Tailoring of winter boots in the summer with a 15% discount;
Tailoring shoes in winter with a 10% discount, etc.
2. Issue family discount cards for a repair order, for example, from 2000 rubles.
3. Give small necessary gifts for large orders. For example, a notebook, pens, key chains, sponges for shoes, which will be useful and not expensive.
4. Hold competitions, for example, children's drawings on a shoe theme, a certificate for free repairs can serve as a prize.

How and where to look for clients?

Thinking about how to increase profits, you should think about effective advertising:
- Pasted ads on the entrances;
- Advertise on the radio
-Via the Internet - creating your own website, groups in social networks., Boards free ads, placement in catalogs and guides of the city.

You can also study:
- to conduct master classes for designers in the clothing and footwear industry, thereby you can find potential customers for designer tailoring of shoes.
- to recruit students who want to learn shoemaking from scratch.

A wide range of services - more opportunities for profit!

Expand your services!

Organize shoe making. First as an individual, and then when purchasing equipment and mass.
- you can release your own exclusive line of shoes, for example, cowboy boots or woven sandals, which are popular in Lately. And if you advertise in groups of social networks with an audience that loves ethnic, boho, cowboy style, then the demand will be constant.
- open an online store selling your footwear products. And if there is sufficient production, offer bulk shipments.
- sew shoes not only for ordinary ones, but also for creative and dance groups.
For example, costumes for animators can be sewn in any studio, but there are problems with finding suitable shoes, because there are not very many shoe-making workshops. And you have to order it through online stores from other regions. In a large city, there are more chances to be realized in this area.

Custom-made shoes are most often used by people with non-standard foot sizes. And they will be able to become regular customers, because they will need shoes for every season.

Apply at least some of these tips, and the result will not be long in coming.
