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Where are helicopters built? Key companies. Every tenth military aircraft in the country

The original was taken from a colleague helio to the Kazan Helicopter Plant - production of Mi-8 and Ansat

Kazansky helicopter factory in the middle of the last century, he was the first in the country to master the mass production of rotorcraft. Starting from the debut model of the Mikhail Mil Design Bureau, the Mi-1, to modern modifications of the most popular family of Mi-8 helicopters. In addition, for the first time in Russian practice, the plant in Kazan designed and started producing the Ansat light helicopter from scratch. The company is part of the Russian Helicopters holding company. Over its history, KVZ has produced more than 12 thousand helicopters that have taken to the skies of hundreds of countries around the world.

1. The main products of the Kazan enterprise today are the world-famous multi-purpose helicopters of the Mi-8 family and its export version Mi-17.

A prototype of a helicopter of this family was tested in July 1961 in Moscow, and four years later its mass production began. On October 26, 1965, the first production Mi-8 helicopter took off, the crew commander was test pilot Leonid Antropov. With the advent of serial models, the helicopter began to take part in all major international exhibitions. The helicopter flew under its own power from country to country, and once on one of these tours, pilot German Alferov flew 35 thousand kilometers, thereby completing a “round-the-world flight.” Today the Mi-8 is the world's most popular helicopter with two engines - it is operated in more than fifty countries around the world.

2. Mi-8-MTV-1 parked at the plant's flight test complex. The Mi-8 high-altitude transport model can rise up to 6 kilometers. Maximum take-off weight 13 tons. It can be used in almost any climatic conditions and on autonomous, unequipped sites.

3. "Ansat".

This is the Kazan plant’s own development. For the first time in the history of Russian helicopter manufacturing, a lightweight multi-purpose machine was designed not by a separate specialized bureau, but directly by mass production designers.

4. At the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War Aircraft plant No. 387 was evacuated to Kazan from Leningrad. It was merged with a local wagon factory, which began with the production of carts, carts and other horse-drawn goods. During the war years, the new aviation enterprise mass-produced the legendary combat “whatnots” U-2 (Po-2). After the Victory, Kazan residents mastered the assembly of self-propelled combine harvesters. The first serial production of helicopters in the USSR began in Kazan in 1951.

5. Fuselage assembly shop. Here the middle and bow parts of the Mi-8/17 are joined.

6. Preparing the nose of the Mi-8 for glazing.

7. Preparation for interior finishing of the middle part of the fuselage.

8. Slip assembly of the bow section.

9. The Kazan Helicopter Plant today employs about 6 thousand people. The average salary is 38 thousand rubles. There have been different times in the long history of the company. During the harsh years of the war, factory workers were malnourished, and cases of dystrophy were identified. There is a well-known episode when hunger pushed two mechanics to a desperate hunt: they stole the assembled U-2 and in the air began to shoot a flock of geese with a machine gun.

10. In the economically difficult 1990s, Kazan residents negotiated with well-known companies Eurocopter and Bell o joint project light helicopter adapted for Russia. However, Europeans and Americans responded by offering only a “screwdriver assembly” of their models. This is what ultimately led to the creation of its own design bureau at the Kazan plant and the development from scratch of the domestic multi-purpose Ansat helicopter.

11. The Ansat prototype was created in 1997. The car first took off in 1999.

12. The name “Ansat” is translated from Tatar as “simple” or “easy”. This helicopter can carry about 1300 kg of payload.


14. One of the main advantages of the Ansat helicopter is its versatility. The vehicle can be quickly transformed for various needs: transporting passengers or cargo, fighting fires, search and rescue operations, etc.

15. The Ansat fuselage is all-metal. And in the production of non-strength structural elements, composite materials are widely used. The propeller blades are fiberglass.

16. Preparation of the rear fuselage compartment of the Mi-8 for installation of radio-electronic equipment.

17. The quantitative record for Mi-8 production was set in 1973, when the Kazan plant produced 371 aircraft, more than one helicopter per day.

18. Tail boom riveting.

19. Final assembly workshop.

20. The Mi-8 is equipped with two high-altitude gas turbine engines with a maximum power of 2200 hp. If one engine fails during flight, the second one automatically switches to increased power.

21. Mi-8 main rotor column. The five-bladed propeller makes 192 revolutions per minute in cruising mode.

22. The Mi-8-MTV-1 takes on board up to 3.5 tons of fuel in the main and additional tanks. The maximum flight range exceeds 1000 kilometers.

23. Installation of electronics in the forward part of the Mi-8 cockpit. The helicopter's radio-electronic equipment allows it to fly at any time of the day, including in difficult weather conditions.

24. As part of the program of the Russian Helicopters holding company to create the medium multi-purpose helicopter Mi-38, the plant is responsible for the construction of experimental prototypes of the helicopter and the organization of its serial production.

25. Installation of electrical wiring harnesses in the cargo and passenger cabin of the Ansat helicopter.

26. The multi-purpose Ansat, in addition to the standard one, is produced in a training modification for the training of military pilots. The medical option is also extremely promising and in demand: the equipment of such a helicopter allows not only to transport patients, but also to perform resuscitation during the flight.

27. Assembling patch panels on the Ansat helicopter.

28. The Ansat power plant is two 630-horsepower Pratt & Whitney Canada engines. The electronic digital control system allows the aircraft to continue taking off in the event of one engine failure. In the future, it is planned to equip Ansat with engines Russian production.

29. Sprinkling process.

30. The helicopter is placed under an intense “shower” to check the tightness and moisture resistance of the cabin.

31. Milling machining workshop.

32. The rotor elements are washed after galvanic application of cadmium phosphate coating. In March 2018, an updated galvanic production facility was opened at the Kazan Helicopter Plant.

33. Workshop for all-metal blades.

There is a legend that a gift from Dwight Eisenhower to Nikita Khrushchev helped establish the production of reliable and durable all-metal blades in Kazan: in 1960, the American president presented the Soviet leader with two Sikorsky S-58 helicopters. And soon the Kazan plant began to introduce metal blades for the Mi-4.

34. The main rotor blades are coated with sealant.

35. The finished blades are marked using a stencil.


37. Aviation training center.

Integrated simulator for the Mi-8-MTV helicopter. In addition to theory and direct flight practice, the training center program, according to the requirements of the Federal Air Transport Agency, includes mandatory simulator classes.

38. The Mi-8-MTV simulator for the Kazan training center was manufactured in St. Petersburg. Special equipment reproduces engine noise and vibration in different modes. The simulator cabin allows you to simulate flights in the dark using night vision goggles.

39. The complex simulator is indispensable for training the actions of the Mi-8 crew in emergency situations, for example, in case of engine failure.

40. Pre-flight inspection of the Ansat helicopter at the flight test complex. Recent tests in Yakutia and Pakistan have proven the possibility of using Ansat in a temperature range from minus to plus 45 degrees Celsius.

42. After being demonstrated at international air shows, the Kazan Ansats attracted the interest of foreign consumers. For example, the first medically equipped vehicles will go to China in 2018.

43. Resuscitation Ansats are already operating in the Kursk, Kurgan, Pskov, Moscow and Volgograd regions, as well as in Tatarstan.

44. Mi-8-MTV-1 landing approach.

45. An interesting fact: the Kazan Helicopter Plant has a certificate from the US Department of Defense. Despite the objections of Congress, the American defense department purchased a batch of Kazan Mi-17s for use in extreme conditions Afghanistan.

The plant was founded in 1933 as a woodworking enterprise, later named plant No. 387.
In 1941, production of Po-2 biplanes began. The number of Po-2s produced during the war years exceeded 10,000 aircraft, which amounted to 10% of all aircraft produced in the Soviet Union during the Second World War.

In 1951, the plant began production of Mi-1 helicopters. In 1956, export deliveries of helicopters began. In 1965, production of Mi-8 helicopters began - the most common helicopter in the world...

Slava posted again most interesting photos from the Kazan Helicopter Plant - It’s always interesting to learn details about a large operating enterprise. According to tradition, I dragged away interesting things in LiveJournal about Kazan.
He has an interesting comment in his post: “these are the most popular\selling helicopters in the world in their class. Perhaps the second most popular export Russian product after oil.”

OJSC Kazan Helicopter Plant is a manufacturer of helicopters of the Mi-8/17 family, part of the Russian helicopter manufacturing holding Russian Helicopters. The plant carries out a full cycle of creating helicopters from development and serial production to after-sales support, personnel training and repairs. Over the entire existence of the enterprise, more than 12,000 Mi-4, Mi-8, Mi-14, Mi-17, Ansat helicopters and their modifications have been delivered to 100 countries around the world.

The turning shop is equipped with machining centers from the Japanese company Mazak.

Pallet transporter on an automated line

Machining center tool magazine

Blade production
Kazan Helicopter Plant is the only enterprise in Russia and the world that produces blades based on three principles: various technologies: production of metal blades, composite blades using the winding and laying method.

Production of metal blades.
The rigidity is based on a honeycomb-shaped frame. Stretching the cell block.

Stretched Cell Block

This is an element of the transverse strength set of the blade frame, designed to give them a profile shape.

Attaching the cell block to the ribs

Applying primer to the spar

Trimming the adhesive film when assembling the heating pad

Checking the quality of the adhesive connection of the tail sections with the spar

Straight Roma Beast)

Unit Assembly Shop

Work on drilling and riveting the cowling flaps at the assembly stand (preparatory work before installing the cowlings on the fuselage)

Upper platform of the hood installation stand power plant to the fuselage.

Assembly and riveting of landing seats.

Rivet seams on the surface of the tail boom

LE BOURGE (France), June 15 – RIA Novosti. Russia transferred the production of VK-2500 engines manufactured in Ukraine and installed, in particular, on Mi-8/Mi-17 helicopters to a Russian basis; 10 engines have already been assembled, RIA Novosti reported on Monday CEO"United Engine Corporation" (UEC, part of Rostec) Vladislav Masalov.

“The transfer of VK-2500 production completely to a Russian basis has already been carried out. Today, the composition of the “Russian” cooperation has been formed. We have already assembled 10 engines, two of them were presented to the customer for qualification tests, which ended in March, the report was agreed with the customer,” - said the agency’s interlocutor at the international aviation and space salon Paris Air Show taking place in Le Bourget.

According to him, this “allows us to begin serial production of engines according to design documentation at cooperation enterprises.” The minimum task this year is to “produce 60 serial engines entirely from Russian components,” noted the head of the UEC.

UEC: a “revolutionary engine” is being developed for the helicopter of the futureThe revolutionary engine will embody a whole range of design and materials science innovations, including the widespread use of composite materials in the rotor parts of the engine, UEC General Director Vladislav Masalov told RIA Novosti on Monday.

“As for our Klimov enterprise near St. Petersburg, the first stage of construction of the design and production complex, implemented using our own and borrowed funds, has been completed there. All new production and administrative buildings have been put into operation, installation and commissioning of equipment has been completed.” , said Maslov.

Previously, these engines were supplied to Russia from the Ukrainian company Motor Sich, but military-technical ties between the two countries have now been completely stopped on the initiative of Kyiv.

"United Engine Corporation" is an integrated structure specializing in the development, serial production and servicing of engines for military and civil aviation, space programs and navy, and oil and gas industry and energy. One of the priority activities of UEC is the implementation of comprehensive development programs for industry enterprises with the introduction of new technologies that meet international standards. The holding's revenue in 2013 amounted to 158.9 billion rubles.

Rostec State Corporation — Russian corporation, established in 2007 to promote the development, production and export of high-tech industrial products for civil and military purposes. It includes more than 700 organizations, of which nine holding companies in the military-industrial complex and five in civilian industries, as well as 22 direct management organizations, are formed. Rostec's portfolio includes the following: famous brands, such as AvtoVAZ, KamAZ, Russian Helicopters and VSMPO-AVISMA.

Rostec organizations are located in 60 regions of Russia and supply products to markets in more than 70 countries. Rostec's revenue in 2013 amounted to 1.04 trillion rubles, tax deductions exceeded 138 billion rubles.

"Russian Helicopters"- one of the world leaders in the helicopter industry, the only developer and manufacturer of helicopters in Russia, as well as one of the few companies in the world with the capabilities to design, manufacture, test and maintain modern civil and military helicopters.

The Russian Helicopters holding is part of the Rostec State Corporation.

The holding includes design bureaus, helicopter factories, enterprises for the production, maintenance and repair of components, aircraft repair plants, as well as service companies that provide after-sales support for equipment in Russia and abroad. The head office of Russian Helicopters is located in Moscow.

The Russian Helicopters holding was founded in 2007, but its key enterprises have a history of more than 70 years.

"Russian Helicopters" in numbers

According to the holding, in 2016, more than 8,000 Russian-made helicopters are operated in more than 100 countries around the world. Russian Helicopters occupy 90% Russian market helicopters, the company accounts for 10% of global sales.

As of 2016, Russian Helicopters enterprises produced 22% of the world fleet of military helicopters. At the same time, the holding's products occupy 32% of the world fleet of combat and 42% of medium military transport helicopters. In the world fleet of civil helicopters, the products of the Russian Helicopters holding company account for 49% of heavy helicopters (with a maximum take-off weight of more than 20 tons) and 65% of the class of medium helicopters (with a take-off weight of 7 to 20 tons).

Key facts

Russian Helicopters is a leader in the most promising segments of the global market:

Number one manufacturer in Russia and the CIS.

The world's number one manufacturer in the medium-heavy and super-heavy helicopter segments.

The world's number one manufacturer in the attack helicopter segment.

The holding's enterprises are developers of unique technologies, which are embodied in world bestsellers and record holders:

Mi-8/17 is the most popular helicopter in the world in the entire history of the industry, produced at two factories in various modern modifications;

Mi-26(T) is the world's heaviest helicopter, capable of carrying cargo weighing up to 20 tons;

The Ka-32A11BC is a multi-purpose helicopter with coaxial rotors, effectively used in firefighting and rescue operations.

Russian Helicopters does not stop there - it modernizes existing helicopter models and develops new ones, such as:

Mi-38 is a transport and passenger helicopter that meets the latest market requirements;

Ka-62 is a medium multi-purpose helicopter that uses the latest composite materials;

PSKV (RACHEL) is a promising helicopter in the middle weight segment, designed in the future to become a replacement for the legendary Mi-8/17.

Russian Helicopters has a strong position in the rapidly growing markets of India and China, and is actively expanding its presence in South and Central America, the Middle East and the African continent.

Research and development work of Russian Helicopters JSC

Russian Helicopters has a powerful research base. The holding includes two helicopter-building schools, whose authority is recognized throughout the world - the Moscow Helicopter Plant named after. M. L. Mil and "Kamov". Their history is connected with the work of the founders of the Russian helicopter industry, Mikhail Mil and Nikolai Kamov. Nikolai Kamov coined the word “helicopter” and in the 1920s participated in the creation of the helicopter’s predecessor, the gyroplane. Under the leadership of Mikhail Mil, the first Russian production helicopter was created.

Our production

The main production enterprises of the Russian Helicopters holding are Kazan Helicopter Plant, Rostvertol, Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant, Arsenyevsk Aviation Company Progress, Kumertau Aviation manufacturing enterprise, as well as component manufacturers - Stupino Machine-Building Production Enterprise and Reductor-PM.

Service maintenance

The service policy of the Russian Helicopters holding company is aimed at creating the most comfortable conditions for operators when servicing and repairing Russian-made helicopters throughout the entire life cycle technology. Highly qualified service and after-sales service for helicopters is one of the key elements of the strategy of the Russian Helicopters holding company.

In countries around the world where equipment produced by Russian Helicopters is used, the holding company is engaged in after-sales service helicopters through a global system of our own and partner service centers.

In 2014, Russian Helicopters included five aircraft repair enterprises that were previously operated by . These enterprises have unique competence in maintenance and repair aviation technology and will significantly strengthen the after-sales service system for Russian-made civil and military helicopters.
