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Problem with personnel in a well-known company. Problems of enterprise personnel management and ways to solve them using the example of the farmer. What is emotional burnout

My secret to success is the ability to understand the other person's point of view and look at things from both his and my points of view.

Henry Ford

According to American psychologists who study labor relations, the efficiency of a company that does not pay due attention to the situation with “problem” employees can decrease by more than 30%. Recent Symantec Research on the Psychological Aspects of Theft classified information And intellectual property in the corporate environment indicates that in almost 70% of cases, the motivation for these crimes is the service problems of company employees. And a sociological survey by VTsIOM about the psychological aspects labor relations shows that more than half of the respondents assess the atmosphere in their work teams as negative and experience constant psychological discomfort while at work.

The next round of the economic crisis and the deplorable demographic situation in the country make this problem increasingly urgent for Russian companies. Thus, according to Dmitry Potapenko, managing partner of Managament Development Group Inc., manager of the Karusel retail chain for the Central Federal District, general director CJSC Pyaterochka, General Director of OJSC MEZ DSP and D, Vice President of PCB CreditImpexBank, Vice President for Sales and Marketing of the Moscow office of the American corporation Manhattan Ind. Corp., Deputy Manager of Logos Group of Companies, General Director of Wholesale Sales Centers LLC:

“If an entrepreneur is confident that out of the blue he will have good employees, and the problem ones will disappear by themselves, then he should clearly remember: the population of Russia is aging and dying. And there will be no other option in the next 20 years. The acute shortage of employees will continue.”

What's the problem?

The main thing that distinguishes employees who can be classified as “problematic” is a negative perception of general corporate standards, tasks and goals, established professional and personal connections in the team, the management system and internal hierarchy, job responsibilities and motivational rewards. A problem employee is, first of all, ineffective. Specific manifestations can be very diverse. At the same time, the criteria for selecting and evaluating the effectiveness of the work of personnel are obviously different in a large corporation with a staff of several thousand employees and a small enterprise where several people work. Therefore, in one case, a serious problem for managers can be, for example, “burnout”, the loss of habitual motivation by an employee, and in another case, drunkenness in work time and theft. An employee can be considered problematic for numerous reasons:

  • disloyalty to the management and the team, non-fulfillment or formal attitude to the orders of the management, the desire to do everything in one's own way, despite the instruction to do everything one way and no other way;
  • aggression and rudeness in relations with colleagues and clients;
  • lack of responsibility and sense of duty, indifferent attitude to work, interest not in results, but only in material rewards;
  • overestimated self-esteem, confidence in one's own super-professionalism, "star" disease;
  • character flaws: laziness, dishonesty, boringness, stubbornness, intemperance, dishonesty;
  • regular violations labor discipline, being late for work;
  • emotional fatigue, “burnout”, inability to perform routine, monotonous work for a long time;
  • lack of career prospects;
  • long period of work in one place;
  • lack of personal maturity;
  • conscious or unconscious desire to find reasons for not completing a completely feasible task;
According to executives and HR-managers of Russian companies from various business areas interviewed by the "Personnel Management" magazine, employees with such shortcomings can become a problem. The American view of this situation is reflected in the book “Managing the Unmanageable: How to Motivate Even the Most Reluctant Employees” by Anne Lauer and Jezra Kaya. The authors identify five types of “problem” employees:

« Grumpy. Just as a leaky faucet can cause trouble, a grump who is constantly dissatisfied with something and is a source of negativity can undermine the morale of the team and lead to serious problems.

Slacker. Slackers, sometimes very funny, try to hide behind their charm how little use they are. Indoor plant. Such an employee hides in his shell and avoids responsibility because he lacks self-confidence. Dodger. In any situation, a draft dodger tries to shift responsibility to someone else so as not to be responsible for anything himself. Selfish selfish person. He quietly poisons the atmosphere in the team, loves ostentatious gestures, and can interrupt a conversation for no reason.”

It's easier to prevent a problem than to find a solution

Obviously, a considerable number of employees may fall into the category of “problem” employees. How should managers and employees of HR departments act to solve problems that have arisen, and most importantly, to prevent their occurrence in the future?

Naturally, everything must be done to ensure that people who could potentially become problem employees are simply not hired. At the first stage of personnel selection, it is important to formulate in great detail and accurately the entire range of requirements for the future employee, scrupulously list all job responsibilities, and also specify the level of education necessary for their effective performance, professional experience and personal qualities. The more accurately this is done, the greater the likelihood of hiring the required employee.

Already at this stage, many employers use special filters to narrow the circle of applicants. They can be stated openly, as, for example, age and gender restrictions that are very common in the labor market, or not advertised, as in the case of the undesirability of a certain national or religious affiliation of candidates. However, many HR specialists doubt the effectiveness of such formal barriers. In their opinion, the real professional experience and personal qualities of the candidate are much more important. Compose psychological picture interviews and testing will help the candidate. It is at this stage that it is possible to identify those qualities of a potential employee that may become problematic for the company in the future.

Interestingly, in the US, companies are increasingly turning to social networks such as LinkedIn, video presentations and tests to test candidates' suitability for jobs when searching for potential employees, The Wall Street Journal reports. Resumes don't give the full picture of a candidate, says Cristina Cacioppo of investment company Union Square Ventures. She herself was hired after presenting her dossier, consisting of a personal blog, materials from the Twitter microblog, a profile on a professional social network LinkedIn and links to Delicious and Dopplr, which described which countries she had visited. John Fisher, founder of, a sticker company, says resumes are not The best way determine whether a potential employee will fit into the company’s team. Instead, the company uses electronic questionnaires for candidates. In addition to questions about skills, they also include questions like “What is your dream job?”, “What was your most best job?. Applicants may attach a resume, but this is not required.

In addition to objective test results, managers in the selection of personnel often rely on their own experience and stereotypes. Thus, people who frequently change jobs may be considered potentially problematic. As follows from the already mentioned survey of the magazine "Personnel Management", among the qualities of a candidate undesirable for an employer, there are:

  • features and habits that do not meet the personal requirements of the employer, for example, smoking, or physical beauty, being spoiled for attention;
  • lethargy, pessimism, lack of life position;
  • sloppiness, lack of everyday culture;
  • frowning, dull gaze;
  • desire for additional education that does not correspond to the level of the position.
In addition to assessing the candidate, interviews and conversations with managers and employees of the HR service perform another, no less important function. It is necessary to acquaint the potential employee with the goals and objectives of the company, its mission, formed corporate culture. This information will allow the employee to more accurately understand the employer’s requirements and comply with them more fully in the future.

Fire or motivate?

However, even the most advanced and sophisticated testing methods do not guarantee that the “problem” person will not be your employee. We should not forget that modern Russian reality is replete with various kinds of risks, from which no one, alas, is insured. Events may occur in the lives of your employees that may turn them into “problems.”

do the same in this case? Many managers and HR managers believe that it is necessary to part with a “problematic” employee. Naturally, the professional level of the specialist and the degree of his need for the company’s activities are taken into account, but, in any case, the employer is inclined to fire “problematic” personnel. Most often this is motivated by the negative and destructive influence of an uncontrollable employee on activities labor collective. A different position is expressed by V. Bogdanov, manager of the Intel Corporation branch in Nizhny Novgorod:

“I truly believe that 80 percent of the blame for problems like this lies with managers. Of course, there are exceptions, but in any case the immediate supervisor should be aware of problems with the employee. And if this is not the case, then again you need to first work with your boss. An experienced manager will be able to take advantage of the situation for the benefit of the team and the company - if he can effectively cope with the problem. This will serve to strengthen the authority of the leader among subordinates and management. First of all, it is necessary to understand what led to the appearance of a “problem” employee. A specific person, of course, can be fired, but this will not solve the problem, since its cause will not be eliminated. Leaders, like doctors, need to treat the disease, not its symptoms.”

And Professor of London of Business School Nigel Nicholson in the article "Motivation of "problem" staff" offers original methods of working with problem employees. According to Nicholson, "problem" workers are not subject to external motivations, they can be initiated to vigorous activity only due to internal incentives. And the task of HR managers is to create conditions that “wake up” the tendency inherent in the vast majority of people to purposeful actions that bring positive results:

“A widespread mistake in motivating problematic personnel is as follows: managers believe that “in order for employees to act in the right direction, one has only to make them listen carefully to my arguments and assimilate them, since these arguments, in principle, correctly orient workers in this situation. In fact, each person has unique "channels" for learning motivational urges and has their own ideas about what is right and important in a given situation. Therefore, the above logic of "restructuring" the motivations inherent in some people is obviously false.

This approach to building motivation for “problem” personnel requires a completely new work methodology that is not easy to implement. However, according to Professor Nicholson, if used successfully, the results can be very effective.

One of the most important areas of work for a human resource management consultant is to prevent problems with personnel when people deviate from the principles and norms of morality and law. In management, any unacceptable behavior is usually called deviation. First of all, we mean negative forms of behavior, abuse (faking clothes, deceiving clients), the sphere of moral vices, moral evil (theft and deception at all levels), social pathologies (alcoholism, drug addiction), etc.

Abuse Prevention

Typically, entrepreneurs believe that not monitoring employees means leaving their wallet open. If someone steals, they end up losing everything. Heads of departments can potentially have additional income to the detriment of the firm:

  • executive director - on opportunities for connections with the city’s business elite;
  • Technical Director- on the sale of the "brains" of the company, the use of the technical resources of the company, the sale of know-how, industrial espionage, engineering services, etc.;
  • manager capital construction- on trade building materials and services;
  • manager of economic issues - on ensuring the work of parallel production, playing with prices, resale valuable papers, “laundering” of shares, external and internal financial fraud;
  • production manager - organizing production on the basis of unaccounted reserves, selling unaccounted for additional products, fulfilling “other people’s” orders;
  • commercial manager - sales and resale of resources and products, profitable orders;
  • product quality manager - on defective products, sales of parallel unaccounted products;
  • HR manager - selling “profitable” places, organizing business trips abroad, trading company benefits, labor force, complicity in theft;
  • manager for social and domestic issues - on the sale of social infrastructure objects, distribution of benefits for the company’s personnel.

To avoid misunderstandings and abuse, HR consultants recommend that managers keep the seal in their safe and do not leave stamped documents, forms or blank sheets with employees. On all documents, the seal is placed on the lines where the signatures of the manager and chief accountant are provided, immediately after the text, in order to avoid making various additions to the document after its approval. Following these recommendations will allow you to be sure that there are no unapproved, unregistered documents or unrecorded transactions. Having established the facts of theft at an enterprise, it is necessary to find out what factors contributed to this, what are the motives of the people who committed it. Negligence contributes to theft individuals who are unwilling or unable to work fully. Employees sometimes intentionally commit actions that cause losses to the company, for selfish reasons or to cause damage out of revenge or on instructions from the outside. Employee theft is difficult to prevent - those working at the enterprise see it " weak spots", they know how to disguise theft. Employees steal if they want and have the opportunity to steal. Employees who manage material assets or have access to them without proper control have the opportunity to steal. The desire to steal arises in the presence of personal reasons (debts, emergency circumstances, vicious inclinations, etc.) or official irritants (poor accounting of values, low salary, intention to “frame” the manager, etc.).

Having identified the motives, the consultant develops countermeasures. Their goal is to create conditions under which employees will not be able to steal, and to minimize enterprise losses from intentional or unintentional actions of personnel. Blocking the possibility of theft by personnel is based on monitoring and controlling the work of employees, accounting material assets and their movements and analysis of each case of theft. Based on the description of business processes and technological processes, it is necessary to develop a regime for employees to access valuables and a regime for ensuring their protection. The presence of job descriptions and a regime of access to valuables makes it possible to prove the guilt of an employee if necessary. Control is carried out in several ways:

  • control of working hours;
  • reporting control;
  • covert monitoring of the performance of duties using audio and video equipment;
  • monitoring the working contacts of personnel (with whom

negotiations or interaction and what are the results);

Monitoring the standard of living of employees (comparison of income and expenses, adequacy of behavior to income), etc.

Common abuses are theft of goods. Human nature is such that among honest people there can always be “unscrupulous” people, and therefore it is necessary to keep in mind measures to prevent possible theft of goods or property. It is easier to prevent theft than to stop an existing practice. Here the consultant needs to clearly understand the “weaknesses” of the enterprise in accounting and storage and possible methods of theft. In warehouses, there are thefts of goods during unpacking and packing, theft of cargo items during the delivery of cargo from the carrier or to the carrier. These methods create the appearance of a shortage, which suppliers and recipients spend a long time sorting out among themselves. It is possible to steal goods directly from storage cells in the expectation that if there is a large number of goods in the cell, the shortage will not be detected immediately. Often there are postscripts in collusion with suppliers of supposedly purchased goods, which were then used for internal needs (repair of premises, equipment, etc.). This is a very common way of siphoning funds out of a company.

Many cases of theft are possible if there is unhindered exit from the territory of the enterprise. If there is a risk of such theft, it is necessary to introduce personal searches of employees, checking their bags or cars. However these measures must be secured in an agreement with a trade union organization or in a collective agreement. The financial and accounting authorities of the enterprise provide many measures to prevent theft. To avoid them, it is recommended to have an employee on staff with whom you need to conclude liability agreement: he will exercise initial control over the movement of goods (materials, equipment, etc.).

Abuse can also be disclosure of commercial and official secrets. Leakage of classified information harms the interests of the firm. With its help, you can cause a conflict with tax, customs and other government agencies, disrupt the conclusion or execution of a contract, cause damage to the reputation of the company, subject the company to blackmail from criminal structures. Upon dismissal, specialists carry a lot of official information in their “heads”, on floppy disks or paper media, which they use at work. new job. It's difficult to prevent this. Article 29 (clause 4) of the Constitution of the Russian Federation guarantees the right of every citizen to freely search and receive information. Restriction of this right is possible only on legal grounds, in order to protect information (for example, trade secrets). But if the company’s charter does not include the protection of trade secrets among its activities, then its activities in this area will not be considered legal. To legalize the protection of a trade secret, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents regulating various aspects of the existence of a trade secret. It is necessary to determine the rights and responsibilities of the persons responsible for organizing information security in the company, which must be included in the employment contracts concluded with these persons and in their job descriptions.

  • See: Solop A.S. Secrets of business. - Kyiv: UFIMB, 1997.

Due to the variability of sales, an unstable economic situation, fierce competition and other reasons, for most retail trading companies, the first priority is to improve the efficiency of the company or formulate a competent strategy retail. The efficiency of small business firms in retail trade is determined by a large number of indicators, and their management is a very complex process and is carried out using various management methods, primarily personnel management.

It is believed that in the 21st century a unique professional core of human resources is the main competitive advantage any company on the market. This statement, according to analysts, will become the law of business survival for modern successful companies, since only personnel focused on constant development and adaptation will be able to adapt to the constantly changing state of the market environment. However, this factor will increase the requirements for the entire personnel policy in general and human resource management in particular.

Already now one can observe a trend that it is the work of personnel in retail networks is a leading factor for consumers so that the client continues to remain loyal to the company. Consider Figure 1 from Accenture Consumer Pulse Research Russia.

Figure 1 - Answer to the question: Which service provider have you changed over the past year (if you have changed) due to unsatisfactory quality of service?

As can be seen from the diagram, it is retail companies that primarily suffer from poor quality service or illiterate personnel, and need highly qualified specialists to retain their customers. According to research, this percentage is only growing every year. A review of retail trade from Ernst&Young confirms these words. Let's look at Figure 2 about the most pressing problems of companies.

Figure 2 - The most pressing problems of companies

The diagram shows that the problem of finding and hiring personnel has come to the fore, and that this problem is significant enough for Russian market. Thus, at the moment the situation is such that personnel is both the main competitive advantage of the company and the main problem.

Specialists in Western countries have long been faced with problems in personnel management, but the Russian market has only now begun to identify the most acute of them. According to Chumarin, the main negative features of working with personnel are:

· Constant turnover of key personnel;

· Unfounded claims about size wages;

· Low level of staff loyalty;

· Low-prestige jobs in core retail areas;

· Predisposition of some employees to theft.

Kramarev also raises the problem of theft in his article. The author cites statistics that 48.8% of the company’s total losses are due to employee theft.

The main and main problem with personnel, according to Blagorasumova, is staff turnover. In her opinion, this problem was, is and will always be, and all other problematic issues, such as low staff loyalty, low qualifications personnel, violation labor code firms and unscrupulous work stem precisely from it.

In her article, Kanavtseva identifies such personnel problems as:

1. There is a shortage of professionals with good education and qualifications who can master and apply new technologies, as well as use modern equipment.

2. At the same time, it is difficult to select unskilled personnel who do the grunt work, however, they do the majority of such work. Usually such work is low-paid, but there is a lot of it and it needs to be done constantly.

3. Employee dissatisfaction with working conditions and social package.

4. The need to maintain a high level of wages, taking into account inflation, growth in the standard of living of society and other indicators.

5. The need for training, retraining, advanced training of personnel with the advent of new technologies in business.

Thus, it can be seen that all problems with personnel follow as a consequence of one another. High employee turnover leads to low wage levels as firms try to reduce their costs of finding and hiring staff. Low wages lead to low loyalty to the company, since for the period of orientation in the company, the material component is the main motive for quality work. The lack of loyalty to the company leads to dishonest work, which creates a negative image of the work of such employees in general, and therefore forms a low prestige of the profession. The low prestige of the specialty leads to the hiring of only low-skilled personnel or personnel without experience, which leads to violations of labor discipline, and then to theft. Theft also leads to the dismissal of employees and a new search for specialists, consequently high staff turnover. This cycle can be seen in Figure 3.

Figure 3 - Cyclicity of personnel problems in retail trade

However, the management of personnel and the company as a whole faces a new question, how to solve these problems. The management of firms needs to change their attitude in the "employer-staff" system, choosing a strategy for recognizing the value human factor. In practice, this is done through the creation and implementation of a personnel management system or personnel management. The main thing is that this system should take into account, in addition to the material side of work or wages, the non-material side, such as motivation and adaptation of employees.

Personnel management includes three components, according to Erkhov, which can be seen in Figure 4.

Figure 4 - Components of personnel management

In this case, personnel management is engaged in managing the movement of personnel, organizational and labor management solves problems of ensuring working conditions for employees, and social management coordinates social relations. However, there is another approach to personnel management, in which personnel management includes the management of human resources throughout the company, and not just the personnel movement function.

Most experts formulate the term “personnel management” quite broadly, emphasizing in some cases differences in performance assessment, in other cases based on control, and can also be distinguished by the form of organization and other characteristics. In reality there is great amount definitions of the concept of personnel management, and although they differ according to some criteria, three main ones can be identified:

I. Attitude to labor as a source of income;

II. Development of staff initiative by creating the conditions necessary for them;

III. Integration of HR and social policy firms into the general policy of the organization.

However, in order to fully appreciate the term personnel management and the various approaches to it by the authors, consider Table 3.

Table 3 - Definitions of personnel management


Academician website, dictionary

Management aimed at the development and effective use of the organization’s human resources at the operational, tactical, strategic and political levels of management

Ldokova G. M.

One of the directions modern management, which is aimed at developing and making the most effective use of the organization’s human resources potential

Afanasyeva Yu. G., Drepa E. N.

New paradigm of personnel management in modern company in terms of values human resources, denies the concept of “personnel management” and accepts the concept of “personnel potential management”

Kibanova A. Ya.

One of the elements complex activities on personnel management of the company in terms of forming the personnel potential of the enterprise

The process of planning, organizing, rewarding, integrating and servicing people to contribute to organizational, individual and social goals through strategic management

Having analyzed the definitions of various Russian and Western authors, we can come to the conclusion that personnel management is personnel management, which is aimed at the formation and development of the organization’s personnel potential. Thus, personnel management performs not only such simple functions as documenting employees, but also such as the formation and effective use of the company’s human resources, personnel development in accordance with strategic goals the company as a whole. To achieve these functions, HR management is increasingly using various technologies management or otherwise tries to technologize the management process.

An analysis of the qualitative composition of the personnel of OJSC MZMK is presented in Table 11.

Table 11 - Structure of the qualitative composition of the personnel of OJSC MZMK

Years Total number of personnel, people. With higher education, persons. Share with higher education, %
1 2 3 4
1995 610 68 11,1
1996 640 74 11,5
1997 790 111 14,0
1998 840 133 15,9
1999 860 148 17,2
2000 960 175 18,2
2001 900 180 20,0
2002 890 169 19,0
2003 830 163 19,6
2004 860 179 20,9
2005 860 187 21,7
2006 860 187 21,7
2007 810 179 22,1
2008 897 185 20,6

Education has become one of the main aspects of competition and therefore more and more attention needs to be paid to it. Today, assessing the coverage and quality of education is becoming a very important task, almost as important as assessing the solvency of an enterprise. It's about on checking the ability of the enterprise to provide conditions for survival, maintaining the intellectual and professional skills of its personnel.

There are 185 people with higher education at OJSC MZMK

With secondary special education at OJSC MZMK - 346 people

Seventeen people are currently studying on the job in various higher institutions, some of them get the second higher education.

The presence of a sufficient reserve of workers with secondary specialized education creates fertile ground for their further development in accordance with the emerging conditions.

There are several types of organized courses. By type, courses can be classified: by main objects, prevention (safety courses), adaptation to the workplace, to work, learning new knowledge (improvement), knowledge support, etc. Analysis of the type of courses allows you to general analysis investments in education among all investments in support and expansion of education.

The company pays great attention to the courses “Industrial safety and labor protection”. By order of the General Director of OJSC MZMK, each manager with personnel under his command is required to undergo ten-day courses. Every year, students are sent to the institute for advanced training of civil servants in the departments: “finance, prices, audit” and “repair and modernization of equipment.” Courses are held monthly to improve the skills of workers (training and certification of welders, etc.).

Training of management personnel at OJSC MZMK comes down to the development of the skills and abilities necessary for employees to effectively perform their job responsibilities or production tasks. Using a training program prepares managers for promotion. Management establishes what abilities and skills are required to perform the duties of all line and staff positions in the power plant and determines which of the managers has the most suitable qualifications to occupy certain positions, and who needs training and retraining. Having resolved all these issues, we have a training schedule for specific individuals scheduled for possible promotion or transfer to other positions.

The figure shows the process of personnel training and career management at OJSC MZMK

Figure: Personnel career management process

Management training is mainly carried out to ensure that managers master the skills and abilities required to achieve the goals of the organization. Another consideration, inseparable from the previous one, is the need to satisfy the needs of a higher level: professional growth, success, testing one’s strength.

Training of management personnel is carried out by organizing lectures, discussions in three small groups (reserve for promotion to leadership positions), analysis of specific business situations. The service rotation method is not used. There is no temporary movement of a lower-level manager from department to department. The organization introduces the new manager to many aspects of its activities. As a result, the young manager learns about the various problems of various departments, understands the need for coordination, informal organization and the relationship between the goals of various departments. Such knowledge is vital for successful work at higher positions.

Another important technique is the training of management personnel in the process of their work. A close connection has been established between the level of requirements in the training process of new managers and their subsequent promotion. Those individuals who were given more difficult tasks from the very beginning developed higher working qualities. An example would be the creation of a team led by a senior work organization engineer. The technical re-equipment group was staffed with specialists who had the proper qualifications and had experience working in the workshops and departments of OJSC MZMK. After two years of work, several group leaders, one workshop manager and Chief Engineer OJSC "MZMK" In other words, participation in the working group made it possible to ensure rapid advancement up the career ladder (less than three years) by stepping through a number of positions. At the same time, employees of OJSC MZMK do not know their prospects in this team, which indicates poor management of work with personnel, lack of career planning and control at the enterprise.

Final goal career planning in the enterprise - improving staff motivation, commitment and execution. It's obvious that effective management career in the organization provides:

1. Wide opportunities for attracting highly qualified specialists.

2. Reduced turnover among the core staff (key employees of the company) due to their satisfaction with promotion opportunities.

3. Increased efficiency of the organization as the end result of coordinated actions of personnel and the company

As a result of this formalization, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of career dynamics, which precedes the formation of a career management policy.

This work is necessary in order to:

Trace the connection between career dynamics and performance assessment for subsequent modeling, for example, the dependence of wages on performance assessment;

Indicate a subsequent career path and formulate the necessary requirements for successfully completing this path or change the direction of this path.

Ultimately, this entire process provides mutual benefits for both the organization and the employee.

Thus, career planning contributes to the development of the organization itself. Increased attention to personal career development on the part of OJSC MZMK generates loyalty to it and, consequently, reduces staff turnover, which leads to a reduction in costs for personnel replenishment activities. In addition, stable orientations appear among staff towards achieving positive final results for the organization, which provides mutual benefit for both it and the employee

In addition, the second certification of workplaces should be carried out at OJSC MZMK in 2007 (the first certification of workplaces was carried out in 1999). For its successful implementation, in addition to employees of the labor protection and reliability service, representatives from the workshops will be involved, one from each workshop, who will conduct certification of workplaces, each in their own workshop. For this purpose, everyone who will carry out certification of workplaces at MZMK OJSC undergoes training either in Kemerovo at the Kemerovo Regional Institute of Advanced Training, or in Ivanovo at the Labor Research Institute in this profile. Each person who completes the training receives a certificate for the right to conduct certification.

The costs of labor protection and personnel adaptation consist of the costs of implementing the Labor Safety Action Plan and other unplanned activities aimed at improving the working conditions of the enterprise’s employees for the period 2007-2008 are shown in Table 12.

Table 12 – Analysis of labor protection costs, thousand rubles.

For the period from 2007 to 2008. at OJSC MZMK there was a decrease in labor safety costs by 53.3 thousand rubles. by reducing the cost of financing measures to prevent diseases at work and measures to generally improve working conditions and measures to prevent accidents. This reduction may have a negative impact on the overall working conditions of workers.

Analysis of the implementation of the Action Plan for occupational safety, adaptation and training at OJSC "MZMK" for the period 2007 -2008. is given in the table.

In fact, it was planned to carry out 47 activities in the amount of 4915.4 thousand rubles.

56 activities were completed for the amount of 9219 thousand rubles.

Actual costs for carrying out planned activities amounted to 6437.1 thousand rubles.

The analysis of workplace certification is given in Table 13.

Creating a personnel management system that is not built “as it happens” or as was previously established, but on the principles of manufacturability, can be considered an important, certainly attractive task for any company concerned not only with survival, but also with development and prosperity in market conditions. The business development strategy developed by top management always needs support from the organization’s employees. Management can count on this support and success in achieving their goals only if the personnel management system ensures required quality human resources.

Personnel technologies, unlike production technologies, are not transferred in finished form; they are introduced and grown locally. This is due to the presence of significant differences between different organizations. Different companies have not only their own specifics related to the area of ​​activity, but also their managers with their own attitudes, knowledge, prejudices, motivation, their own personnel with certain qualifications, experience in the organization, the degree of trust in management, motivation, etc. “Growing” personnel technology in the context of a particular organization requires a careful analysis of how work is being carried out in the relevant area at the moment. This is important so that the technology being created includes, in as large blocks as possible, already well-developed and familiar methods and procedures for a given organization, so that existing regulations and instructions are used as fully as possible (provided they are of satisfactory quality).

The main stages of creating a personnel management system using modern personnel technologies can be presented in the form of a diagram: (Fig. 13)

Rice. 13. The main stages of creating a personnel management system.

An analysis of the current situation was carried out in Chapter 2. Based on the results of this analysis, the following problems can be identified:

Problem 1. Lack of personnel policy.

Solving the problem: determining when, where, how many and what (what qualifications) employees the organization will need. Develop clear plans that will serve as the basis for recruiting and firing personnel.

The procedure for selecting new employees includes a number of relatively independent blocks arranged in a strict sequence, each of which has own goal, tasks, action plan, methods and tools, specific performer. Reception is carried out through the interaction of the human resources department, security service, doctor, and head of departments of companies interested in filling a specific vacancy. Each person is responsible for a certain stage of the admission procedure within the scope of his competence. General control and responsibility for compliance with the prescribed procedures for searching, selecting and hiring a new employee rests with the HR manager.

The main blocks (stages) of the procedure for selecting an employee for a vacant position are:

Assessment of staffing needs;

Development of a set of requirements for a candidate for a position;

Announcing a competition to fill a position, searching for candidates;

Selection of candidates;


Adaptation of a new employee.

A necessary condition for continuing the selection process is the complete completion of the previous stage, subject to satisfactory results, while the company management or the candidate himself may refuse further actions at any stage (before issuing an order for admission).

Problem 2. Insufficiently efficient use of personnel.

1. No recruitment policy

Solution to the problem: planning the departments' needs for employees provides the personnel service with the necessary information for the recruitment program. The main executors should be the heads of departments, who will provide HR departments with information about vacancies existing in the departments subordinate to them (vacancies can be either planned at the beginning of the year or “last minute”). HR service employees check the availability of the specified vacancies with staffing table companies.

Problem 3. Personnel certification is underdeveloped.

Solution to the problem: certification is an event that encourages employees and managers to professional development. Although according to modern personnel technologies, in Lately Carrying out such a personnel assessment procedure as certification is not recommended. Conducting an assessment in the form of a certification exam was a stressful event for employees. Therefore, it is recommended to replace certification with an assessment procedure.

The assessment procedure includes the following steps:

employee self-esteem;

assessment of the immediate supervisor;

peer assessment.

In general, the number of evaluators is usually no more than five people, and it is easy to trace the relationship between the data obtained. A strong discrepancy between an employee's self-assessment and assessment by others helps people understand the shortcomings of their work.

It is also recommended that the results of the evaluation procedure be directly related to the functional indicators of the bonus part of the salary. This will stimulate the interest of employees in the results of their work.

Problem 4. There is no policy for advanced training (staff training)

There was no coherent education system as such. It was carried out pointwise, due to necessity: safety precautions, quality system, boiler house operators, etc. financing of the learning process, respectively, was carried out according to the residual principle.

The basic approach on which the training system is now based consists of the following organizational stages:

Created corporate program personnel development for 6 years, within which there are also separate annual training programs. According to the latter, the amount of training costs is estimated annually and the costs for the next year are planned. First, the program contains the maximum of training programs that the personnel of the enterprise need. It is estimated that, say, 5 million rubles are needed to complete such a volume.

The financial service evaluates the company's budget, other cost items and reports that the company has the ability to allocate not 5, but 3 million rubles.

Personnel service comes from Money, designated by financiers, but the training program is not curtailed or reduced. Find other options within the available amount. For example, instead of sending one person to study in Moscow for $500, you can spend $1,000 to invite a teacher from Moscow and train 50 people in Chelyabinsk directly at the enterprise.

Solution to the problem: the organization implements programs for individual growth of the current interests of the organization and the need to prepare for the launch of promising programs.

Problem 5. Ineffective financial incentive system.

Solution to the problem: it is better to determine the performance of employees when a proprietary incentive system is introduced, tied to indicators reflecting these results.

Problem 6. There is no control over the work performed.

Solution to the problem: the work performed is specified in the documents “Workplace Description” ( job descriptions), where control over implementation is provided.

Problem 7. There is no specialized department social development personnel.

Problem Solving: An Introduction to organizational structure Department of Social Development.

Analyzing an organization's personnel management system is an extremely complex task, for which external consultants are usually invited. The main results of the analysis can be discussed at the meeting management team organizations. After discussing the results obtained, the stage of developing a personnel management system that meets the goals of KEMMA LLC begins.

An organization's personnel management system, as a rule, includes the following areas:

Personnel selection system

Adaptation of employees in the organization


Evaluation of personnel performance

Information support for employees of the organization

Periodic monitoring of staff satisfaction with their work, analysis of the reasons for staff turnover

System social protection workers

System of official and social growth

Labor incentive system
