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Instagram murad osmann follow me. Murad Osmann: biography, personal life and interesting facts. Professional activity of Murad Osmann

"Follow Me" is a series of photographs by Murad Haussmann. The photographer became famous all over the world thanks to his project "Follow me". In the footage, a charming, slender girl seems to be pulling her hero along with her. Today, Osman has hundreds of followers who strive to capture unforgettable moments of life. Murad took pictures of everything beautiful and put it on his Instagram account. Literally in a matter of months, hundreds of thousands of Internet users visited the author's page. People really liked the beautiful pictures that Murad captured.

"Follow Me" ("Follow Me")

Murad Haussmann and his girlfriend Natalya Zakharova photographed hundreds of beautiful landscapes. Extraordinary pictures fell in love with millions of people around the world. In the footage, Murad holds his girlfriend's hand against the backdrop of recognizable landmarks around the world. The lovers captured the best moments in Bali, Singapore, Hong Kong, Venice, Moscow, Tokyo, Paris, London, etc. The creative couple could not even imagine what was possible for such short term become so popular. The Follow Me project has won the hearts of many millions of people around the globe.


Born in 1985 in the city of Kaspiysk (Dagestan, Russia). This city is located on the shores of the Caspian Sea. On some forums it is erroneously written that Murad Osmann is Dagestan by nationality. There is no such nationality! More than 54 nationalities live in Dagestan. The only thing we can say for sure is that he is Russian! From childhood, Murad showed interest in everything beautiful. He admired the landscape of mighty mountains and the beauty of virgin nature. In 1990, the Murad family moved to the capital of our country - Moscow. It was here that Murad became interested in photography. In 2001, Murad entered a university in England. Soon he received a degree in civil engineering from Imperial College London. Murad Osmann founded his production company Hype Production in 2011. Despite his overwhelming popularity, Osman does not consider himself a professional photographer.

The mysterious stranger in the footage is Murad's girlfriend Natalya Zakharova. Natalia was born and raised in Izhevsk. Graduated from Izhevsk University. Beautiful and cheerful Natasha is a journalist by profession.

We wish this creative couple love, good luck and creative success!


Just awesome! It seems nothing complicated, but the pictures are just super! The guy obviously has talent! Yes, and the landscapes are very beautiful.

I personally do not understand how, thanks to such mediocre pictures, it was possible to become famous all over the world!

Artem - you yourself are mediocre! Murad has very good taste and he knows what kind of pictures evoke high feelings in people.

Name: Zakharova Natalya Alexandrovna

Date of birth: 03.09.1986

Birthplace: Germany, Potsdam

Occupation: journalist

Name: Murad Osmanov Yusupovich

Date of birth: 15.05.1985

Place of birth: Makhachkala

1. What is travel for you?

Visiting new countries, we get a lot of emotions that cannot be compared with anything. We believe that the greatest pleasure is traveling.

2. Which country would you like to visit but haven't been yet?

These are India and Brazil. And we think to study these countries from the inside.

3. What feelings would you call love?

Love is respect for each other, passion, the desire to be always there and support your loved one in everything.

4. How long have you been dating?

You know, happy hours do not observe, but it seems, already 3 years.

5. What are the responsibilities of each party in a love relationship?

Loyalty, trust, respect.

6. Do you believe in miracles?

We believe. For us, the miracle is children! After all, nothing can be more beautiful than your child.

7. Do you have a phobia?

Autophobia is the fear of being alone

8. What would you like to name your children?

If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans. Therefore, we can, of course, discuss what names we like, but what we call, time will tell.

9. What do you value in people?

Integrity, honesty, kindness and individuality.

10. What is hopelessness for you?

Helplessness is a weakness. There is always a way out. There are, of course, exceptions.

Like when you lose a loved one...

11. If you had a chance to change the world, what would you change?

We got this chance and we change it every day. It is in the hands of every person. No need to wait for "manna from heaven".

12. How do you like the city of Baku?

Baku is a wonderful city with beautiful and kind people. We are simply delighted with Baku. We hope to be back to you soon.

13. Draw yourself.

On June 6, the hosts and creators of the Follow Me program celebrate their marriage anniversary. Natalia and Murad Osmann lived in neighboring houses, but did not notice each other...

Murad: We met five years ago thanks to a mutual friend, photographer Vitaly Sechenov. He invited me to shoot some girl, and she turned out to be Natasha.

Natalia: And I said: "Vitalik, you shoot so well. Why do you need another photographer?" Then Murad found me on social networks. In the correspondence, it turned out that we live in neighboring houses on Frunzenskaya Embankment. There our first date took place - at breakfast in a cafe. But I left my number to Murad not immediately.

Murad: Yes, you did not give the phone for a long time!

Natalia: Such upbringing! In general, we had a long period of recognition. We met before work in cafes, went to museums, Murik brought gifts from different countries.

- What attracted you to each other?

Natalia: I was interested that Murad has his own creative view on any event, subject. He is a self-sufficient and whole man.

Murad: And I, probably, first of all, was hooked by what Natasha is kind, bright. It awakens in me only positive emotions.

- And when did you realize that everything was serious?

Natalia: In 2011, Murad was filming in Spain, at the end he invited me to Barcelona. I arrived, and on the very first day we took the same random shot that laid the foundation for the Internet project "Follow Me" (this is a series of photos on Instagram in which Natalia leads him by the hand to Murad with her back. - Note . "Antennas"). After Barcelona, ​​I realized: yes, this is for a long time.

- And soon after the trip you came together?

Natalia: They began to live together in a year and a half. Murik moved in with me because his apartment was being renovated. In fact, I would have hesitated with this question for a long time if he had not taken a strong-willed male step - he stayed with me! Yes Murad?

Murad: I completely agree. But by the way, I gave you the keys to my apartment first.

- Often couples initially quarrel over trifles. Which one of you is quicker to reconcile?

Murad: We didn't have any fights. But if anything, I'm going to the world. It's simple: if a man is right or wrong, he is always wrong. I think it's important to admit that you're wrong first.

Natalia: There were quarrels and now there are. This is fine. As Murad says: "The grinding period will be throughout life." The main thing is to respect each other.

- You didn’t move in quickly, but how soon did you meet your parents?

Natalia: I probably recognized Murad's relatives again in a year and a half. He has an intelligent interesting family. I call Murik's mom mom.

Murad: First I met Natasha's mother. She came from Izhevsk to Moscow, and we quarreled among ourselves just because of something. And it so happened that I came to Natalya's apartment with flowers for her mother, when the culprit of the quarrel was not at home. Sit down and have a nice chat.

- And why did they delay the wedding ...

Natalia: Murik proposed to me four years after we met. And I bought the ring 10 months before I proposed. For us it was a responsible step. Where to hurry?

Murad: I decided that Natasha would be pleased if the marriage proposal was heard in the family circle, and we went to Izhevsk. At the evening feast, I drank with a toast, as my father-in-law later said. It seemed to me that I had composed the perfect beautiful speech. In general, he made an offer that Natalya could not refuse. Yes?

Creative Dagestan photographer Murad Osmann became famous for his unusual project called “Follow me” (Follow me).

Murad Osmann was born in May 1985 in Kaspiysk. The early childhood spent on the picturesque coast of the Caspian Sea forever left a mark on Murad's mind. He grew up creative person and looked at the world through the eyes of an artist. Or rather, a photographer.

This was fully manifested after the Haussmann family moved to Moscow. At that time, Murad was 5 years old. Growing up, he discovered a remarkable invention of mankind - a camera. His family traveled often, and Murad really wanted to capture the beauties of nature he saw with his own eyes. The camera was always at hand. Shooting experiments were Murad Osmann's favorite hobby.

Soon, photography turned for him from an ordinary hobby into a passion of his life. But after graduation, when it was time to decide on a profession, the parents sent their son to London. There he entered the Imperial College. Upon graduation, Haussmann received a degree in civil engineering.


The work of an engineer did not attract the young Dagestan. A real artist lived in Murad's soul. Therefore, Haussmann chose a different path for himself. Returning in 2011 from London to Moscow, he opened his own production company, calling it "Hype Production". It brought together young like-minded professionals who started creating commercials and clips for musical groups and performers.

Today, Hype Production by Murad Osmann is great amount various projects in the field of media production. The company cooperates not only with domestic customers, but also accepts foreign orders. Nike, Beeline, Martini, McDonalds, Huawey, Rostelecom, Baileys, Visa, Lego are just some of the companies that have used the services of creative producers gathered by Murad Osmann under one roof.

As for the domestic show business, here too many stars turned to Hype Production for help. Among the most famous performers are Noggano, Sensei, and others. Stars order not only clips, but also professional photo shoots from the specialists assembled by Murad Osmann.

Not so long ago, Murad Osmann and his colleagues took up a new activity: the company produces young directors and is looking for new talents among young people. And back in 2015, Hype Production started making films. The company already has two paintings on its account - "Cold Front" and "Martyr".


The photo project "FollowMeTo" or "Follow me" is the brainchild of Murad Osmann and his wife. In 2011, Murad and then his beloved girlfriend Natalya Zakharova went on a trip to Spain. As always, Murad took a camera with him, which he never seems to part with. The young photographer took pictures of many of the sights that Barcelona is so rich in. Natalia, on the other hand, wanted to see more beauties, and she pulled Murad by the hand. He continued filming. This is how the first shot turned out, where Natalia is captured from the back, and in front is one of the architectural monuments of Barcelona.

Looking through the photographs taken in Spain, the couple caught the novelty of the idea, immediately realizing that pictures of this type and format are a new word in photography. Since then, Murad and Natalia Osmann have taken similar photos every time they travel the world. They shoot various landscapes or architectural sights of the places where they visit. In all the photographs, only the back of Natalia Osmann and the hands of young people are visible.

Acquaintance with world sights in the form of such pictures was appreciated by thousands of subscribers of Murad and Natalia's account in "Instagram". This is where all the photos are posted. London, Paris, Singapore, Venice, Tokyo, Bali - everywhere this creative couple "led" the guests of their account. In 2013, several tens of thousands of subscribers gathered here, and the names of Murad and Natalia Osmann became famous throughout the world.

Now the page has already gathered more than 4 million subscribers and fans of the work of Murad Osmann and his wife.

The creative biography of Murad Osmann in our time is new project, the meaning of which is to show the beauty of our planet and the originality of its inhabitants. Different, but interesting in their own way. To do this, the couple goes on new trips around the world, taking a camera.

Personal life

In the summer of 2014, a young photographer and producer proposed to Natalya Zakharova. The couple has been together for a long time and managed to test their feelings. The girl agreed, which immediately became known to the fans of their FollowMeTo project. The engagement photo instantly gained more than 100,000 likes.

The wedding took place in the summer of 2015 in the Moscow region, in the Zhavoronki estate. The creators of the #FollowMeTo photo project invited their best friends to the celebration, among which were such famous personalities as Ilya Stewart and Evgenia Linovich. He led the ceremony.

The celebration was unforgettable. Fabulous decorations appeared on the estate during the ceremony: a staircase to the sky, clouds, flocks of birds and a huge Pegasus. All the time there was chamber music from Arfa Sound.

In the first half of the day, the bride wore a dress from a New York designer, and in the second from Russian fashion designer Maria Didarova. In it, Natalya and Murad performed a wedding dance, which they staged.

Natalya Aleksandrovna Zakharova, who is more familiar to many of us as Natalya Osmann, was born in Potsdam in September 1986. Some time after the birth of their daughter, the Zakharov family returned to Russia. It is known that now the parents of Natalia Osmann live in Izhevsk.

Natalia from childhood was a mobile and creative person. From the age of 14, she tried her hand at journalism, and she really liked this occupation. Therefore, after graduation, the girl received an appropriate education.

Natalia Osmann took an active part in the launch of various TV projects and blogging portals. But after meeting with a creative union of two creative young people arose. As a result, a common project called “Follow Me” (Follow Me To) appeared, on the development of which Natalia is still working today.


The creative biography of Natalia Osmann is closely connected with the Follow Me project, which has become the main and favorite thing in her life. The Follow Me To project started with a random shot in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Young man Natalia Murad Osmann is fond of photographing beautiful places. He travels everywhere with a camera. This happened in that memorable 2011, when the couple arrived in Spain.

The girl wanted to see as many local attractions as possible, but Murad habitually fiddled with the camera, setting it up and looking for the best angle. Natalya pulled his hand, and at that time an interesting picture turned out.

Upon arrival home, young people, looking through the footage, saw this unusual photo. It seemed to them that it might seem interesting not only to them. Soon, Murad and Natalia Osmann added similar ones to the Spanish picture, but from other countries.

Not much time passed, and the followers of the page of Natalya Osman and her young man became first tens of thousands, and then hundreds of thousands of people. They now have over 4 million followers on their page.

As Natalya Osmann shared in one of her interviews, it only seems that she and Murad do nothing, but only carelessly travel around the world. In fact, behind beautiful pictures there is a lot of work, exhausting many hours of flights and long preparations for the trip. You need to plan a route, find a colorful costume, find a good guide. These duties were taken over by Natalia Osmann.

Often a couple in search good shot gets into hard-to-reach places. Often they are forbidden to outsiders, and the police drive the uninvited guests away. It happens that for the sake of a picture, Natalia Osmann changes clothes in any weather. Or, as in Singapore, filmed in the pool in winter. Indeed, at other times of the year, this famous swimming pool on the roof of a skyscraper is full of visitors.

Among the #FollowMeTo shots is a photo taken in a helicopter that flies over Los Angeles. To take this photo, the doors had to be removed. At the same time, shoot without insurance, at your own peril and risk.

Natalia Osmann, together with her partner, continues to develop her favorite project. Recently, young people presented their first book called #FOLLOWMETO, where they not only posted a photo report about their travels, but also entertaining stories about them. Texts, as befits a real journalist, were written by Natalia Osmann.

In development of the first project, the couple presented the second, for which they opened another Instagram account. Collected pictures here interesting people whom the couple met on their travels, as well as stories about them. In addition to the well-known photo project, Natalia Osmann is busy developing a new TV show about travel, in which she will appear as a freelance journalist.

Personal life

Natalya Zakharova met her future husband Murad on his initiative. Once, a familiar photographer and friend of the girl told her that one of her colleagues wanted to take some pictures of her. She agreed. So a fragile blond girl and a swarthy handsome man with oriental eyes met. Their love broke out immediately. The couple did not part again. Even stronger rallied young people a common project in which both take part.

As it turned out after the meeting, the young people lived almost nearby, on Frunzenskaya Embankment. A year later, Natalia and Murad began to live together. In 2015 they got married. The wedding ceremony took place in the suburbs and was very spectacular. Later, Natalya Osmann, when asked why the ceremony was held not on some exotic island, but in the country of residence, admitted that Russia is a place of power for her.

The dress that Natalya Osmann wore at the wedding ceremony was made in New York by a famous fashion designer. For the Russian customer, Wong even changed her sketch a little, which she rarely does. There was also a second dress from the Russian designer Svetlana Kushnerova, tailored according to her sketch in Paris by the tailors of the legendary brand Chanel.

The couple spent their honeymoon in the Maldives. But this happened after the second wedding, which took place in the groom's homeland in Dagestan. Now the personal life of Natalia Osmann is her beloved husband and the expectation of the biggest miracle that every woman craves.
