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Children's glamor party. Glamorous party or Birthday in the traditions of the Club for the Chosen (scenario) Glamorous party for girls

Glamorous party or birthday in the tradition of the Club for the Chosen

"Glamour"- a sticky word, very common among the youth and in the so-called fashionable parties. It comes from the English "glamur", which means "charm", "charm", "romantic attraction". In the modern interpretation, "glamor" is a collective term that implies "charming" elements. secular life related to clothing, style of speech, household items.
"Glamorous" birthday is a very attractive name for a party for teen fashionistas, especially if a girl gathers guests in honor of her birthday.
Being glamorous is the secret desire of many young people, although the true meaning of this concept is often unknown to them. Most believe that it is related to luxurious life, others see it as refinement, aristocracy, individual style.
It is up to adults to correct teenagers' perception of this phenomenon. A “glamorous” person can be imagined not so much as dressed to the nines, chic from the point of view of glossy magazines, but as expressing his own original inner world through appearance.
Strive for glamor at the expense of mental and moral qualities? Silly. Fashion passes - and what remains in the soul and head? Thus, the upcoming glamorous party in the tradition of the club for the elite should remind you that true happiness lies in the harmony of form and content. When any of this duet lags behind, it must be pulled up. And you also need to remember: not everything comes at once.
Everything will be - if you work hard.

What do you need for a party

Party invitations. They can take the form of some kind of ladies' accessory - a fan, a handbag, glasses, an umbrella, etc. Invitations should be elegant in form, the style of the text is jokingly sublime, ornate: "Do not refuse the pleasure of seeing you ...", etc. . P.
- Dress requirements will not be too strict: cocktail (evening) dresses for girls, as well as business suits (tuxedos or club jackets) for boys, are welcome, but not required. Jewels, furs and so on are not a necessity either. Enough to have good mood and a pretty smile.
- Interior - the world of glamor can be represented in it by shiny balls hanging in a room, successfully made with lighting, flower arrangements in vases or baskets.
- The festive table is decorated as for a buffet table. On beautifully decorated large plates, in bowls and vases - sandwiches, large and small, a variety of salads, snacks, fruits. Do not forget to provide glasses and glasses for juices and non-alcoholic champagne, napkins, etc.
All dishes should be given stylized "glamorous" names, which should be noted on the menu that is handed to guests.
Among the treats can be, for example, a seafood salad with an extract of algae - "Hello from kelp", partridge fillet with pink sauce - "Sunrise on Goa", roasted chestnuts with oriental spices - "Shells of the Terracotta Army" (this is an army of several thousand clay warriors, created 2000 years ago by order of the Chinese emperor Qin Shi Huan Di), lightly salted watermelons - "Crimean Wind", fruit spaghetti - "Songs of the Gondoliers", etc. So that guests do not get confused among such splendor, a skewer is inserted into each dish with a card. By the way, food can be very ordinary - it is important to serve it correctly (one of the principles of a glamorous life).
- It is necessary to allocate places for recreation, for communication of people with similar interests.
- A large number of paper cards with the names of flowers for compiling "flower messages" and a dictionary with deciphering the meanings of colors.
- Several fans of different colors for congratulating the birthday girl.
- Ladies' wardrobe items and accessories (clothes, hats, fans, handbags, umbrellas, glasses) necessary for organizing a high fashion show.
- Paper and pens for solving anagrams and holding poetry contests.
- Musical accompaniment.

How to party

What did visitors to private clubs usually do in the past - say, ladies', English, Hunter's? They gossiped about the private lives of mutual acquaintances, discussed the news, indulged in all sorts of entertainment, had lunch or dinner. By the way, in past centuries it was considered indecent, not only if a woman smoked and drank alcohol, but also if she allowed herself to talk about politics, the structure of society, achievements in any field of science. Thank God, harsh times have passed, and young ladies can shine with intellect on a par with representatives of the strong half of humanity.
The choice of visiting a club for the elite as a form of celebrating a girl's birthday is quite justified. Thus, you can get acquainted with the traditions of past centuries.
And, acting in line with the long-known rules, give the party a unique charm. Although before there were no clubs that could simultaneously
visit both girls and boys, modern society it is not forbidden. The party assumes free communication of guests, as well as numerous games and contests designed in the style of salon evenings.

Holiday program

If the party is a birthday


Congratulations to the birthday girl will be, as usual, cordial and sincere. And at the same time, they can be quite traditional - in the form of postcards, telegrams (dispatches delivered by mail horses), speeches delivered loudly, expressively, with feeling, or they can be very unusual, original. However, the original congratulations, which will be discussed now, are unusual for us, because they are pretty much forgotten.
At balls and parties, the language of flowers and fans was once actively used. Through these means, they communicated their thoughts and feelings. Boys usually resort to flower symbols (see recommendations for holding a “flower” birthday on our website), and birthday girl friends
it is more convenient to work with fans.

Options for creating a congratulatory speech

1. The congratulatory speech is homemade.
In this case, the author himself selects (makes) and delivers to the party the means to convey the words of hello to the newborn - the necessary flowers and fans. When compiling the text of congratulations, the author must focus on a dictionary known to others with an interpretation of the symbolic meaning of flowers and a ladies' accessory, otherwise they will not be able to understand it! Each guest receives a dictionary along with an invitation to a party.
2. Congratulation - an impromptu creative task. In order for everything to go smoothly, the organizers should try to prepare necessary props as much as possible so that the speakers are not limited in expressing thoughts and feelings. Instead of a dictionary sent out with invitations, in this case, you can make a large cheat sheet on a piece of drawing paper using paints or felt-tip pens.

To begin with, think carefully: do you need such complexity? Will there be enough time and energy to implement the plan?

Fragment of the dictionary of the language of the fan

The language of the fan is a whole system of conventional signs: the position, turn, and color of the fan are important. The canonical language of the fan was once used by lovers for secret communication, so it will be difficult to freely speak wishes to your girlfriend with it, unless you come up with new version interpretation of the position of the fan, its movements and colors - and do not forget to acquaint everyone who will be at the party with it.

Fan color meaning:
- red - joy, happiness;
- blue - constancy, fidelity;
- green - hope;
- pink with blue - love and fidelity;
- embroidered with gold - wealth;
- sequined - firmness and trust.

Fan movement values:
- "I want to wish you" - open and close the fan.
- “Love” - point with a closed fan to the heart with your right hand.
- "Success in all matters" - attach a closed fan to the forehead.
- “Health, longevity” - hold an open fan with your right hand and draw it from top to bottom over your entire body.
- "True friends, loyal friendship" - draw a closed fan along the outside of the left hand.
- "Self-improvement, striving for the ideal" - touch the lips and heart with an open fan.
- « great mood, optimism, joy ”- press the fan to your chest and then quickly wave towards the birthday girl.

During the congratulatory speech, the guest can change the fan several times, choosing the desired color value.

If the party is in honor of a calendar, personal holiday... or just a holiday for the soul


This is a playful test for young men. Since you have already come to visit, since you are among the charmers - keep the answer, show how good you are.
The blitz poll includes ironic questions about ladies, their way of life, range of interests. As usual, such tournaments are designed for a quick reaction of those who decide to participate in them.
First, the leader asks the young men to divide into two companies (teams). And then he asks questions, looking, for example, into a beautiful scroll, which he took out of an equally spectacular box. Any young man nominated by his friends can give an answer. Help can come from the company, but only once. In case of an incorrect answer, a virtual point is awarded to the opponents.
By the way, all the fun of this party is non-competitive. The party should be as easy as the partner's silk scarf easily takes off when she is spinning in a waltz.

joke question options
1. Devices and means that, even without the help of Ivan Tsarevich, will make Vasilisa the Beautiful out of a frog.
2. A miserable plant that sacrifices its head to clear the perspective of a girl's private life.
3. The companion of a real lady, whom she should, according to the assurance of the English writer S. Maugham, appreciate above the dress.
(Perfume scent)
4. The trick of the lady to stay close to the gentleman in front of everyone and save her face.
(White dance)
5. Parts of the body that are usually offered as a set.
(hand and heart)
6. The favorite dish of the British is the result of a partnership between cereal and cow.
7. Haircut limbs in French.
8. Dizzying entertainment loved by the ladies.
9. A season that happens at least twice a year.
10. If she goes to another, then the question of luck remains open. What are we talking about?
(About the bride)
11. Daily manipulation of a woman's face, so as not to hit them in the dirt.
12. Peak - at Pushkin, with a dog - at Chekhov, with camellias - at Dumas-son.
13. Authors of men's favorite spring holiday.
(K. Zetkin and R. Luxembourg)
14. The one that harasses women.
15. A place in the body that is used as a path to a man's heart.
16. Hat substitute and enemy of barbers.
17. "Oh, women, your name is treachery!" - said W. Shakespeare. The same can be said about her - it changes all the time.
(About fashion)
18. A firm loved by women that thinks of us.
19. Expensive replacement physical work at home.
20. A multi-colored rival of green cabbage, which business women fell in love with.


Leading. The degree of difficulty of tasks is gradually increasing - now everyone can try their hand at solving anagrams. Let me remind you that an anagram in one of its meanings is a word or phrase formed by a permutation of the letters that make up another word (“flour” - “kuma”).

Naturally, all the words here are about the life of the beautiful half of humanity.

- Sheets of white paper
- Pens
- Pieces of paper with anagrams
- Musical accompaniment

The host forms two teams of guests. Assistants give each team pieces of paper with anagrams.
Players are armed with pens and paper. On a musical signal, they begin to restore the usual form of the proposed words, writing down the options found. This activity, which takes 1.5-2 minutes, takes place under a soft, pleasant melody. Then the host's assistants collect the fruits of creativity.

Approximate variants of anagrams
1. Giduib (hair curlers). 6. Lokye (necklace).
2. Cyryaga (grace). 7. Kitesakmo (cosmetics).
3. Zhamyaik (make-up). 8. Teida (diet).
4. Abyluk (smile). 9. Tyvets (flowers).
5. Lezorak (mirror) 10. Rupad (powder).


Leading. In youth, many are fond of poetry, and especially young virgins. And it was the same way in the old days: diaries with favorite poems, albums with poetic dedications... All this is very romantic! It is a pity that almost everyone passes with age, unless it becomes professional
Collective rhyming is a worthy pastime for guests who know a lot about beauty.

- sheet of paper
- Pens

The host's assistants distribute pens to the guests. The birthday girl writes the first unpretentious line, for example this: "My dear girlfriends ...", on a blank sheet of paper. Then she passes it to a neighbor or neighbor - and then in a circle, from left to right. At the same time, each participant in the competition writes his own line or several at once (the previous writer reports about the word to which it is necessary to choose a rhyme), and folds the sheet so that the text is not visible. After all the co-authors of the birthday masterpiece show off their poetic talent, the birthday girl unfolds the sheet and recites what happened in the end.

In order to get a laudatory ode in honor of the ladies present, and not a friendly caricature, the host must correctly orient the guests.

Further, the exercise in collective poetic creativity can be continued. And there is no need to look for difficult ways, because it's a holiday! Therefore, the host invites the guests to take turns replacing the lines of a well-known poem or the text of a modern song with lines of their own.
compositions in such a way that a more or less rhymed work is obtained.
And it will work!

An example of collective creativity

"I remember a wonderful moment..."
Your voice is on the phone
It's done! I received an invitation
And here I am - among the glamour, a white crow.

Such a free treatment of the classics can be justified by a worthy goal, and there is one: the competition provides everyone with a significant recharge of positive emotions, a cheerful mood is multiplied before our eyes!

Variants of the first lines for frivolous poetic miniatures

"I came to you with greetings,
Tell that the sun has risen ... "

"Long live scented soap
And a fluffy towel...

"My uncle of the most honest rules,
When I seriously fell ill ... "


Love is the most burning topic in youth, so talking about “love again” will be very helpful.
The presenter invites the contestants to answer a simple question: “Who loved whom?”. Moreover, “love” here can be a universal concept.

- Cards in the shape of a heart, each with a question
- Ball of thick yarn

The organizers weave heart cards into a ball of thick yarn in advance. The ball is passed from the hands of one girl to another. And each girl must unwind the ball until she has a card with a question in her hands. It remains only to give the correct answer -
alone or with the help of friends.
You must answer quickly!

Question Options
1. Whom did Tiny-havroshechka love?
2. Who did Gray love?
3. Who did Gerasim love?
(Mu Mu)
4. Who did Lensky love?
5. Who did Ivan Tsarevich love?
(The Frog Princess)
6. Whom did the steadfast tin soldier love?
7. Who did Madame Gritsatsueva love?
(Ostap Bender)
8. Who did Turgenev love?
(Paulina Viardot)
9. Whom did just Mary love?
10. Who did Dunno love?
11. Who did the mosquito love?
12. Who did the Red Army soldier Sukhov love?
(Ekaterina Matveevna)
13. Who did Pierrot love?
(to Malvin)
14. Who did the Russian clergyman love?
15. Who did Thumbelina love?
16. Whom did Romashka and Sanya Grigoriev love?
17. Who did Petrov and Vasechkin love?
18. Who did the prince love?
19. Who did Chatsky love?
20. Who did Napoleon love?
(to Josephine)


Fashion and teenagers are an eternal topic. And a glamorous party without a show of fashion collections is unlikely to meet the expectations of most guests. So, showcase the latest trends in clothing to be!

- Runway for models and seats for spectators
- Original clothing models
- Texts of comments that will accompany the show
- Additional lighting
- Musical accompaniment

You can prepare for the competition and conduct it in different ways.

Option one. Those invited to the party are notified about the competition in advance, and they do their "homework" - they prepare their models in the key of the chosen topic.
Option two. This is impromptu, which means that fashion designers (they are also models) are very limited in time and money.
In order for the fashion show to nevertheless turn out to be bright, impressive, guests must unite in creative teams for 2-3 people.

Approximate topics for the development of clothing models

Various life situations
- shopping
- country landing
- disco
- classes in the library
- exams
- relaxing on the beach, etc.
All kinds of styles
- everyday dress
- business suit
- evening dress
- sportswear
- clothing in ethnic style, etc.

To creative fantasy fashion designers beat the key, can complicate the conditions of the competition. For example:
- couturiers must make clothes from "junk" material - cardboard boxes, cellophane bags, plastic bottles etc., or
- sew clothes only from a certain type of material - linen, denim, chintz, etc., or
- complement the clothes with certain accessories - shawls, hats, umbrellas, handbags, etc.

But to come up with and sew a model for the show is still half the battle.
A witty commentary is what can make a collection truly memorable. Who will tell about the merits of his work better than the author?!
Comments, of course, should contain speech clichés typical of such events (“muted colors”, “smooth forms”, “coquettish detail”, “avant-garde thing”, “fresh”, “at ease”), but the main thing is to please the audience and included in performance with irony, good humor.
The presenter in his summary will characterize the main and not the main trends of the youth fashion of the current moment and note the undoubted achievements of the surrounding fashion designers, as well as the plasticity of the movements of the models, the quality of the commentary. And then all the creators of the home fashion theater will receive incentive prizes.


One of the players, obeying the lot that has fallen out, takes on the role of a victim of gossip and leaves at the request of the leader to another room.
In the meantime, the facilitator interviews the players, collecting opinions about the absence, and writes them down. After this procedure is completed, the player, who left the guests for a while, returns, and the host tells him everything that they think about him. The victim of gossip has to guess who is
the author of one or another characteristic. If he turned out to be right, then the already named player leaves the room, and the guests, led by the host, again take up their own - to wash his bones.
If it was not possible to guess three times in a row, then the merciless assembly fines the player - it asks to perform some number, to do something awkward, funny, etc., and the inexorable lot chooses another as the next victim.

Naturally, the players should not hurt each other's pride! Otherwise, what kind of holiday will it be?


This game will remind you of the most famous characters in world literature - lovers. Its participants must remember what they read or heard and name a couple for a particular hero or heroine.

- Cards of two colors with male and female names of lovers, about whom works related to the golden fund of world literature have been written
- Sets of signal cards (according to the number of players) with information about what kind of help their owners can provide: "I know for sure", "I think I know", "I can't help"
- Incentive game tokens in the shape of a heart

The facilitator lays out cards with male and female names in two piles - naturally, they will be of different colors - and also distributes sets of signal cards to the participants in the game.
Players take turns drawing 2-3 (depending on the number of guests) cards with female names from one of the piles and call the corresponding ones within 10 seconds. male names literary heroes.
In case of difficulty, other guests come to the rescue - companions in the game or spectators, if any.
They show cards that indicate the degree of their confidence in their own knowledge - “I know for sure”, “I think I know”, etc. The puzzled guest must decide for himself who can be trusted and whether it is worth doing, because you can only use a hint once!
If the player is well enlightened, he is awarded a heart token.
The same token is awarded for the correct hint.
When the correct answer is given, the presenter puts the cards with the names of the lovers on the game table nearby, in case of an error, a card with female name he puts aside.
At the same time, he must entertain the guests with stories about the ups and downs that befell the heroes, about the magical power of mutual feelings, etc.
The winner of this game is the one who has the most tokens at the end of the game. So a real connoisseur of heart affairs will be revealed!

Couples in love - literary characters

  • Adam and Eve.
  • Paris and Elena.
  • Tristan and Isolde.
  • Aleko and Zemfira.
  • Edmond Dantes and Mercedes
  • Rhett Butler and Scarlett.
  • Petrarch and Laura.
  • Romeo and Juliet.
  • D'Artagnan and Constance.
  • Daphnis and Chloe.
  • Hamlet and Ophelia.
  • José and Carmen.
  • Dubrovsky and Masha.
  • Odysseus and Penelope.
  • Baron Munchausen and Martha.
  • Othello and Desdemona.
  • Anna Karenina and Vronsky.
  • Pygmalion and Galatea.
  • Don Quixote and Dulcinea.
  • Onegin and Tatyana.
  • Orpheus and Eurydice.
  • Don Juan and Anna.
  • Master and Margarita.
  • Ruslan and Ludmila.
  • Perseus and Andromeda.
  • Masha Mironova and Grinev.
  • Erast and Lisa.
  • Bolkonsky and Natasha Rostova.
  • Albert and Consuelo.
  • Pechorin and Mary.


Each participant in the game receives a sheet of paper and a pen from the host. The player must write on a piece of paper five positive qualities that, as it seems to him, are inherent in one of the guests present. In this case, the name cannot be specified.
Then some participants in the game (by the will of the lot) read the written characteristics in turn; while others try to determine who in question. "Readers" and "listeners" can change roles.


This is an old parlor game, very popular back in the days of our great-grandmothers. Her intrigue is unusual: the guests of both sexes have a very casual conversation among themselves, actually flirting. True, no one around hears this conversation, does not guess anything,
does not know that the guests gently coo.
How can this be?
The secret lies in the fact that the talkers exchange cards specially prepared for the game, on which various remarks and their authors are written. The names of the authors are in bold type on the cards.
All guests participate in the game at the same time - in pairs.
They are created at the request of both parties.
Each player has in his hand from 3 to 7 cards received from the host. One of the partners (by lot) starts a conversation, passing a card to his interlocutor and at the same time naming the author of the selected phrase - it can be an animal, fish, bird, plant, etc. For example,
one interlocutor passes a card to another and reads on it: "Mongoose" - they say, it is he who is its author.
The partner reads the received message aloud - the mongoose is first interested in: “Do you want to know what they say about you in the world?” In turn, the partner selects the appropriate answer from the cards he got.
For example, he wanted to answer like this: "I'm interested in your opinion."
On the card with this phrase it is also written to whom it belongs - this is Dill. The player says the word "Dill" and passes the card to the partner, who reads aloud what the dill said.
Then the game continues in the same sweet romantic spirit - but not for too long.

The resulting conversation can be very, very funny:
1. Mongoose. Do you want to know what they say about you in the world?
2. Dill. I'm interested in your opinion.
1. Hare. You are as sweet as a wild flower.
2. Turnip. I enjoy your speeches.
1. Cricket. I will give half the kingdom for your smile.
2. Chiffchaff.
1. Tench. Without you everywhere I am alone.
2. Squirrel. Well, that's too much!
1. Bug. Am I accompanying you?
2. Burbot. It's not evening yet - etc.

The tete-a-tete conversation lasts for 5-7 minutes.
She will gain a second wind if members of different couples begin to exchange cards.

Game card options


Ah, look at me just once.


Beware of March.


I am poor but proud.

Time is the best healer.


Cheek brings success.


Think for yourself, decide for yourself...


Well, you are clearly exaggerating.


What is your secret?


Ministry of Health warns: smoking is harmful to health!


You are as sweet as a wild flower.


I'm not so ill-bred.


You speak like a child.


You are moving further and further away from me.


You won't die from modesty.

Apple tree.

Evil tongues are worse than a gun.


What do you think?

You exhausted me!


You are disappointed?


The end does not always justify the means.

And you, it turns out, a dangerous person.


It is impossible to know and not love you.


Without you everywhere I am alone.


I'll give half my kingdom for your smile.


You can't live in the world without women, no!


It's dangerous to play with fire.


I don't make a secret of this.


And everything is funny to you.


I am glad to be deceived.

Lily of the valley.

You are beautiful, but indifferent.


Do you want to know what people say about you in the world?


Do you regret yesterday?


I would like your problems!


You are very strict with yourself.


You seem even younger if I'm around.


But where is the heart that will love me?

Own yourself!

It doesn't justify you.


You are a hero, but not of my novel.


I should think.


Better to do it and regret than not do it.


Don't teach me how to live.
Better - help financially.


Well, that's too much!


It is not harmful to dream, it is harmful not to dream.

What's this? Reproach?


Not yet evening.


And I don't feel sorry for the past at all.


Are you sincere?


Your advice is very wise, but I don't need it.


From love to hate one step.


Love for all ages.


This is quite stupid!

Am I accompanying you?


Every man to his own taste.


A kind word and a cat is pleased.


Much is expected of you.


You know this better than me.


Do you like feeling weak?


Without you everywhere I am alone.


Don't wake up the beast in me.


Carriage for me, carriage!


I dare not ask...


Control yourself.


Happy hours are not observed.


Now I seem to be calm.


Love comes and goes, but you always want to eat.


Do you avert your eyes?


This is weird.


You are exaggerating.


I enjoy your speeches.


This is perhaps too strong a word.


The promised three years are waiting.


What should I expect?


My intentions are serious.


There is no prophet in his own country.


What are you dreaming about?


Hope always dies last.


All goes to good.


Who is your ideal?


The party is attended by young people who seem to know each other well. But still, everyone has their own hidden secrets that can be trusted only to friends. Time spent together can show how much guests are able to console and support, learning about the experiences of a person.

- Small caramels, or nuts, or smart buttons, etc. - 15-20 pieces for each participant in the game

The host distributes small items to the players - they will indicate the number of points. Thus, at the beginning of the game, everyone has 15-20 points.
The host announces the topic, and the guests, after thinking for a while and casting lots, take turns telling a sad story about what they were deprived of. For example: “As a child, I never went to the sea with my parents”, “I did not have a bicycle as a child”, “I still have not seen a live tiger”, “I have never participated in an exciting crayfish fishing”, etc. P.

Approximate directions from where you can draw topics
- Childhood.
- School.
- Hobbies.
- Fashion.
- New Year holidays.

Each player can complain about life only once. Hearing his mournful message, those of his partners who were at sea in childhood, rode a bicycle with might and main, are familiar with the zoo and how they catch crayfish, they pass it on to a friend who shared his misfortune
or to a friend, signs of consolation - caramels, nuts, smart buttons, etc.

At the same time, guests with a happier fate may have a desire to talk about their fun days, fun times, etc. - the host should encourage such impulses.

When interest in this entertainment begins to fall or someone ends " Handout”, the presenter sums up. The participants in the game, who have the largest and smallest reserves of points, listen to friendly wishes addressed to them.


This game had many fans in the 19th century, and then, due to various circumstances, they forgot about it. But who among the beautiful half of humanity does not dream of looking at the future with at least one eye, shedding light on the past and getting advice on how to act in the present?
There are questions - there will be answers. There are as many answers to each question as there are participants in the game.
You can play this game in different ways.

Method one. One answer for each of the questions is written on the cards. Answer cards are placed on a tray, dish or box. The host (leader) announces what the prediction will be about.
The ladies present take turns taking a card with a written answer and read it aloud.

Method two. At first, only one of the ladies can get a prediction. To do this, cards with questions and answer options are placed on two different trays, dishes or in caskets. The player first takes a card with a question from one tray, and then the answer to it from the other. Then the turn moves to the next guest.

Method three. All questions are written down on one sheet of paper, and each participant in the divination, in turn (by lot), will receive answers to all her questions, taking the appropriate number of cards from the tray.

Method four. All questions and answers are on one sheet of paper. Questions are written on it with a ballpoint or gel pen or felt-tip pen, and answers are written on pasted strips of paper in various colors. The participants of the game remove a thick paper card from the tray, turn it over
and in accordance with the color of the strip pasted on it, they receive an answer to an exciting question from an unknown prophet.

There are other ways of conducting fortune-telling - at the discretion of the organizers.

sample questions

*What was your past like?
*What is your present?
*What future awaits you?
*What is the mood of the object of your adoration now?
* What is your main character trait?
*What are your shortcomings?
*What are your favorite leisure activities?
*What do you dislike doing the most?
*Your idol?
*Who (or what) is the object of your heart experiences?
*Your secret desire?
* What suits you the most?
* In whom (in what) are you disappointed?
*What do people say about you in the world?
*Where will you find your happiness?
* What (whom) should you be afraid of?
*What can you expect in the exams?
*What surprise is your favorite teacher preparing for you?
*What statement will become your life motto and lead to success?

Sample answers to some questions

What was your past like?
1. Very ordinary.
2. Tearful.
3. Painful.
4. Full of suffering.
5. In worries about daily bread.
6. The happiest.
7. Full of hope for the best.
8. Gloomy and dark, like the sky before a thunderstorm.
9. Carefree, like a windy dragonfly.
10. Slightly vicious.
11. Passed in the fight against sleep.
12. Brilliant.
13. Painfully monotonous.
14. Nourishing and secured.
15. Imprisoned.

What are your favorite leisure activities?
1. Indulge in dreams.
2. Engage in improving your appearance.
3. Flip through fashion magazines.
4. Chat with friends on the phone.
5. Intrigue enemies and envious women.
6. Catch flies.
7. Receive guests.
8. Draw on the computer.
9. Look at yourself in the mirror.
10. Collect mushrooms.
11. Walk the dog.
12. Delve into science.
13. Go to discos.
14. Read detective stories.
15. Teach others how to live.

What do they say about you in the world?
1. A lot is expected of you.
2. Looking for your friendship.
3. They gossip about you.
4. Rumors about you are fickle.
5. Reproached for gullibility.
6. They envy you.
7. Praise your taste.
8. That you are too hard on yourself.
9. You are simply idolized.
10. Being judged because you love solitude.
11. It is believed that your sharp tongue is only a means of self-defense.
12. A great future is predicted.
13. That it will be difficult for you to find a decent match.
14. Considered spoiled.
15. Admire your grace.

What is your life motto that will lead to success?
1. If you want to live, know how to spin.
2. You can not embrace the immensity.
3. Burn yourself and light others.
4. Stop living in poverty, you need to live in light!
5. Don't have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends.
6. Beauty will save the world.
7. Not all yogurts are created equal.
8. Everything in the world is vanity.
9. All to his happiness, a blacksmith.
10. Being determines consciousness.
11. I want to live in order to think and suffer.
12. We must hurry to do good.
13. And the eternal battle, we only dream of peace.
14. The root of the teaching is bitter, but its fruits are sweet.
15. Life is good and life is good.

How can you complete the competitive part of a party in a club? Dancing! They will be incendiary or, on the contrary, prim, ceremonial - the screenwriters do not know about that.
We'll see how it goes!

The New Year holidays are long, and children need to have fun somehow. Girlfriends can agree among themselves and arrange at least every day theme parties visiting each other. It can be a masquerade, a mystical party, a literary party, a cinema party, a traditional tea party. And you can arrange a "glamorous party." By the way, this can be a great theme for any girl's birthday party.


To decorate the room where the party will be held, you can use your and your mother's jewelry, bright scarves and stoles, various beads, as well as bows and brooches. If mom is a needlewoman, then you can borrow her airy fabrics, if any. If initially there was no such thing in the room, it is necessary to organize a dressing table. Any table on which you want to place a large mirror is perfect for this. On the table you need to place children's or adult cosmetics, combs, various hairpins and hair ornaments.


Each guest is given a small gift by the hostess - a sign of the evening, which she can make with her own hands: it can be a bracelet, a bauble, a pendant, a hairpin, a brooch. She can also prepare a "business card": hang on the wall a sheet of drawing paper designed in accordance with the theme, or several sheets for printing on a printer, decorated with monograms, pictures cut out from magazines, rhinestones and sparkles, on which each guest will leave their note as a keepsake, wish or favorite quote.


A party treat may be the simplest, but it must be beautifully presented.
As an option, elegant canapes prepared by the hostess from any available products, vegetables and fruits are suitable. Suitable napkins and dishes will decorate the table.


What could be more exciting for girls than doing each other intricate hairstyles and discussing pressing issues. After the girls get tired of this activity, you can offer them a few games.

For this competition, you will need two bags of clothes that you can find in the house. The girls are split into pairs. They are blindfolded. Within a certain time, they have to dress themselves by touch, choosing what they find in their bags.
The one who puts on more things wins. The two players that put on the most things compete with each other next. Now the task is to dress themselves for the party while blindfolded, using the things that are in their bags. The winner will be the one that, as a result, will look neater and more glamorous.

fashion collage
For this task you will need women's fashion magazines, scissors, glue, blank sheets of paper. Each guest takes a blank sheet of paper and, cutting out suitable pictures from magazines, makes up her own fashion collage. For example, it can be a model girl who needs to choose a hairstyle, clothes, accessories. Or maybe just the style of the season? Hats, shoes, clothes that seem fashionable to them now. From the resulting collages, you can sew an album that will contain a whole fashion collection!

Multicolored manicure
All bottles of nail polish that are in the house are collected. Friends can bring their own. It is more interesting if the varnishes are multi-colored. Lucky line up in a row, one after another. The girls sit in a circle. One bottle is placed in the center on its side and spins in the manner of a roulette - a pointer. The hostess starts. She unwinds the pointer and paints the nail of the little finger with varnish from the first bottle in the row to the one it points to. After that, the one who was chosen spins the pointer and paints the little finger of the girl whom he points to with varnish from the second bottle in the row.
And so on.

You can agree on the order in which nails are painted. And you can also make the winner of the one who has all the nails painted the fastest. Or wait until all the guests are decorated.

Artful makeup
In agreement with the mother, you need to collect all the cosmetics allowed by her in one box. It is desirable that there are shadows, and mascara, and blush, and lipsticks. Girls are divided into teams of two. Each team in a minute must make up each other at the same time. Warn the girls to hurry, but not fuss: you still need to try to do it carefully. After the end of the tour, be sure to take pictures of all participants and laugh together at the art. The winner is the team whose makeup turned out to be more beautiful and neat.

Glamorous pillow fight
Pillow fights are a great stress reliever! Why glamorous? Because it will happen, standing on heels. Any mother in the bins will find old shoes (sandals) with heels. First of all, of course, there must be enough space in the room, enough so that the interior is not damaged, but there is also room for scope.

A space (circle) is outlined on the floor, inside which the battle will take place and beyond which it is impossible to go.
Outline - not necessarily physically, you can focus on the pattern of the flooring, for example. Participants are divided into pairs, and each pair has a pillow fight inside the circle. The task of the rivals is to knock each other out with pillows beyond its borders. The losers are eliminated, and the winners fight among themselves. Until one is determined, the main winner.

Believe me, pillow fights in heels are a very exciting sight! Participants cheer for each other and the excitement is overflowing. But remember that it is better to alternate such active competitions with calm activities.

Under the game there is a description, instructions and rules, as well as thematic links to similar materials - we recommend that you read it.

How to play - rules and description

Only a girl can understand the horror of the word suddenness in relation to a party. Well, judge for yourself, a friend reports today's glamorous party in just a few hours! So, how do you get ready? So the heroine of this game was taken by surprise by such a message. We must hurry, because there is so much to do: put your face in order, do your hair, make-up, choose the right clothes...

It's good that you are ready to help the girl from the game to be in time. A sudden glamorous party is scheduled for 6, time is running out - we urgently get down to business. First, the skin of the face: you need to have time to cope with these stupid pimples, specks and other defects. All the tools are in front of you, you just need to choose the right sequence of actions and tools. Although here you will be prompted. Well, let's touch the intricacies of glamour?!

Can download game SUDDEN GLAMOR PARTY on your computer, it will not take up much space, but think about whether it makes sense to do this, because here it is always available, you just need to open this page.

Take a break and play Online Games , which develop logic and imagination, allow you to have a good rest. Relax and take your mind off things!

However, it is not at all necessary to wait for the cherished month in order to be able to relax and unwind. After all, nothing prevents you from having a party at home? And it is absolutely not necessary to wait for the New Year or the Eighth of March to please yourself with a laid festive table, smiles from guests and just pleasant communication.

You can remember that today, for example, is the day of the mechanic, the day soft toys or day of birth mobile phones. In the end, nothing prevents you from coming up with your own holiday - a great opportunity to start a tradition: “every year my friends and I ...” no, we don’t go to the bathhouse, but we all get together to celebrate - the day of smiles, the day of pink clouds or orange curtain day.

But coming up with a reason is just the beginning. It is also necessary to think over the scenario of the holiday. You can, of course, just get together - eat, talk, remember the old days when you were not so busy yet, and could meet more often. But such a pastime cannot be called a party. And it is unlikely that this evening will remain in your memory for a long time.

We offer you three party scenarios. You can choose one of them, or you can come up with something of your own.

First scenario: glam party

Glamor is still in fashion, and therefore such parties will always be relevant. So, if a bachelorette party is planned (maybe a little diluted with men), a glamorous party is what you need.

First you need to take care of decorating the room. You will, of course, need balloons. For a glamorous party, multi-colored balloons with white polka dots are suitable. You can buy balls in the Amazon online store. .

You can scatter a bunch of soft pillows, toys on the floor, arrange candles, figurines here and there.

Need a disco ball? Make it yourself. The lamp can be decorated as a disco ball, if you show a little imagination, arm yourself with paints on glass and patience. Don't forget to equip the DJ booth. To equip it, you will need a table / bedside table, a music center, unusual speakers and a bunch of multi-colored light bulbs. Bright stylish pink headphones will be an ideal accessory for a glamorous party, especially if a girl will act as a DJ. It is clear that it is absolutely not necessary to invite a professional DJ to the party (as well as professional equipment is not required), it is important to create visibility, mood, atmosphere.

Scenario Two: Divination Party

This option is also more suitable for a girl's party, however, if you focus on humor, then the gender, age, social status of the guests does not really matter.

For divination, you will need, of course, a mirror. Preferably, an unusual shape - we have an unusual party.

After the party, the mirror will turn into a stylish piece of furniture, becoming one of the main decorations of your room. To create a spooky party, you need a mirror in the spirit of the party.

Price: from $641.43

In addition, you will need candles, and hence candlesticks.

Third Scenario: Costume Ball

Here is one of essential elements- festive table. With the help of various accessories, you can make the festive table bright, unusual, interesting - and then the first part of your party will already be unforgettable. The main place on the festive table is given to ... a vase. Therefore, the choice of a vase should be approached very seriously.

Don't forget to place candles around the table.

It is desirable that he served the meal of the footmen. All guests can be a footman - for 15-20 minutes. You can take turns, or you can play forfeits by choosing two or three people for this role.

P.S. Remember that the script is not so important, the strict adherence to your idea is not so important, the main thing is that it should be fun, easy - then with full confidence it will be possible to say that the party at home was a success.

In the program: Glamor party, 6+

Do you want to organize an original celebration for your little fashionista and her girlfriends, but don't know how to make sure that you get an evening of unforgettable impressions, and not dull gatherings? Then let me suggest a creative solution for you. Arrange a glamorous party for girls and invite our beauty masters to it.

They will come to visit you (in any district of Moscow or Moscow Region) and bring with them a universal beauty case (mini beauty salon). It has everything you need to turn girls into real supermodels.

For your young beauty, this will be the most wonderful gift, because in one day she will be able to combine at least 5 pleasant events.

  1. Unusual meeting with friends. Your daughter will surprise and delight her friends, giving them the opportunity to feel like socialites who have visited an expensive beauty salon.
  2. Creative holiday event. We offer you instead of dull gatherings with pizza, tea and standard entertainment program original modern holiday arranged in European style.
  3. Professional cosmetic procedure as in the best salons in Europe. The participants of the Glamor party will be waiting for the creation of new images of irresistible cool girls. In our make-up artist's Beauty Case, they will find eyeshadows and lipsticks in different colors, various lip and eye pencils, and several types of glosses. The beauty master will make them stylish hair styling, wind curls or braid pigtails with decoration elements. We also have the richest selection of temporary glamorous tattoos. By the way, if boys are present at the celebration, then we will find interesting options for tattoos for them, and with the help of styling foam we will create a super-fashionable hairstyle for them, for example, a beautiful mohawk that will make a splash on all the beauties present.
  4. Participation in entertaining master classes. Making young ladies irresistible, our experts will give them recommendations on how to always be attractive (emphasize natural beauty and veil minor flaws), properly care for the skin and select makeup, taking into account the tender age and type of the upcoming event. Well, at the end of our show, all the girls will take part in an incendiary beauty contest, in which there will be no winners, since absolutely all of its participants are the most beautiful girls in the world.
  5. Creating a photo portfolio for real photo models. After the skillful hands of beauty-masters, charming fashionistas are waiting for our photographer, who will arrange for them such a shooting process in which they will feel like famous top models. The girls will proudly be able to post their photos on social networks and send them to various thematic competitions. And who knows, maybe this will be the beginning of a career for them as glamorous bloggers or professional models.