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Printing a check from 1s accounting 8. Online cash registers and trading operations in 1C. Settings before you start

Good afternoon. I decided to write this article in order to show my solution to the problem of printing receipts at the online checkout for two types of activities. This solution based on a standard configuration without the use of third-party processing, presented in particular on this website. Maybe someone will be useful.

We have an individual entrepreneur and two types of activities: UTII and OSNO. We use 1C: UT 10.3 and ATOL 55F online cash desk. Almost all goods we carry by mind UTII activities(WITHOUT VAT). There are several nomenclature positions (excise - engine oils), which we sell with VAT and carry them out by type of activity OSNO.

All retail sales are documented by the document "Sales of goods and services". The VAT rate in the sales document for all goods except motor oils "Without VAT", for motor oils "18%". We do not use the Retail module, we do not use KKM checks (we just got used to it and it's so convenient for us). On the basis of the "Sale of goods and services", either "PKO" or "Payment by payment card" is issued from which a cash receipt is printed.

The task was the following:

1. For UTII goods, checks must be printed at the online checkout with the type of UTII activity and the nomenclature on the check should not be printed to save the cash tape (according to Law 54-FZ, individual entrepreneurs do not need to print the names of goods on the check until 02/01/2021).

2. For goods with OSNO, you need to print checks at the online checkout with the type of activity OSN and also print the names of goods and taxes on each line.

Received a response from the 1C support service:

1. You need to update the configuration and maintenance processing (to version 2.0).

2. In the information register "Nomenclature subject to UTII" you need to enter those goods that we sell with UTII.

3. When printing checks, checks with the desired type of activity will automatically come out.

This answer did not suit me, because, firstly, almost all of my items are sold under UTII, and it turns out that almost all goods need to be put in this register and make sure that new ones also fall into this register, or finalize. And secondly, for some reason it still didn't work.

My decision:

1. Firstly, you need to update the platform to - on version, I was unable to transfer the Activity type parameter from 1C to the cash register driver.

2. Update the UT 10.3 configuration itself - now we have installed.

2. Check the maintenance processing version TO: ATOL KKT with data transfer in the settings commercial equipment. The version of processing I have is 2.0 (although the last available is 2.10, I did not check it on it).

3. Slightly correct the code in the procedures for transferring data from the PKO documents and Payment by payment card - just a couple of lines of code. In it, we check the value of the VAT rate: if it contains WITHOUT VAT, then we transfer the type of activity = 3 (UTII) and the type of activity = 0 (OSN - if the VAT rate = 18%). If someone needs it, I can tell you how to do it.

4. If the manager creates the document "Sales of goods and services", then the cashier creates "PKO" or "Payment by payment card" on the basis and prints out the check, then the check will come out without decoding the names of the goods and with the type of activity we need. In order for the names of the goods to appear in the check, the manager first creates a "Buyer's Order", then immediately on the basis of "Sales of goods and services", and the cashier creates on the basis of "PKO" or "Payment by payment card", in which it will already be filled the "Buyer's order" field and the check when printed will contain stock items and the required type of activity.

So for UTII we draw up a sale without a buyer's order, if there was still a buyer's order (for example, for a reserve of goods), we can clear the "buyer's order" field in "PKO" or in "Payment by payment card". For DOS, we make the implementation based on the buyer's order.

Surely this can be programmed, but we did it this way, and we are satisfied with it.

Published on 08/14/2017 00:36 Views: 23779

In one of our previous articles, we discussed general provisions of the new law No. 54-FZ on online cash registers, the requirements and rules that this law establishes. In this article we will talk about the algorithm of work in the program "1C: Accounting public institution, edition 2.0" for printing receipts at online checkouts.

The law provides for a certain list of mandatory details that must be indicated on the check. The list can be found in the text of the law itself. Among the mandatory ones are the name of the product being sold, the quantity, the amount and the VAT rate. Consider the documents from which checks can be printed in accordance with the new rules.
The traditional document that is used in 1C programs to reflect cash transactions of receipts is “Incoming cash order”. You can find it:

Also, the printing of checks is carried out from the documents "Expenditure cash order", "Acquiring transaction". In this article, we will focus on the reflection of incoming transactions, in particular, on the execution of documents for receipt Money.
The check is printed by clicking the button:

If you are selling one service or one product to a customer, you can use a cash receipt. Let's consider its filling in this case.

When selling one service or product on the first tab "Order" in the sections "Accepted from" and "Reason", you must specify the last name, first name, patronymic (or other information that replaces this data) of the buyer and the name of the service or product, respectively:

Please note that in the “Received from” section, you can specify both a counterparty (with the possibility of recording it in the counterparty directory if it is a regular customer), or just a string entry (if it is a private person).
In the "Reason" section, you can also select an agreement as the basis (the field is not available by default, because if you want to specify an agreement, you must first select or create a counterparty) or specify a string basis, having previously created it in the directory (it is convenient that you can enter to the list of frequently used services or products):

It is these details that will be indicated in the receipt. Unfortunately, in such a PKO there is no way not to indicate the buyer, since when printing a receipt from this document, in the case of the sale of one service, a line like: "Accepted from ... on the basis of ...". Instead of dots, the relevant information from the above details is indicated.
We figured out how to fill out an incoming cash order when selling one service or item. But what if one buyer pays for several items at once? We remember that by law the name of each item must be indicated on the receipt.
To do this, in the program "1C: Accounting of a state institution, edition 2.0" there are two options:
1. We also use the document "Incoming cash order", but its filling changes.
2. We use another document called "KKM Check".
Consider first filling in a cash receipt for printing a check with several items. To do this, the document has a tab "Check KKM". On this tab, the header details are first filled in:

There is also a tabular part "List of KKM check nomenclature" here. It is necessary to select a base document, which lists the stock items being sold. 1C Company has installed several types of documents that can be indicated in the tabular part of this tab:

I note that the base document here is not the parent document, as is the case when using the standard input mechanism based on (I will explain: none of the possible documents shown in the picture above cannot be created on the basis of the document "Incoming cash order"):

This tabular section contains a list of documents that can list the services or goods sold.
After you have found the necessary one in the list of documents, you need to select it. After selection in the tabular part, the attribute "Base Document" is filled in. Also in the table there is one more field - "A sign of the calculation method". Its value is set automatically by the program, depending on the type of selected document:

For example, the value "Credit payment" means post-payment, that is, services or goods have been provided or delivered, and payment is being made now. In the case of choosing a document of the type “Invoice for payment”, the attribute is set to “Full prepayment”, which is also logical, since an invoice for payment is usually issued before the work is completed or the goods are delivered.
Below, under the tabular part of the base documents, there is a convenient button with which you can fill in the amount of the incoming order without looking into the document itself:

In order to use this button, the document must be written.
When you click on the button, the amount of the document will be filled in on the "Order" tab:

Next, you need to fill out the document with all the necessary data (details of the accounting transaction, decryption of the payment) and carry it out. After completing all the steps, you will be able to print the receipt.
The law also provides for the right of the buyer to receive a check or a copy of it for email and phone. This functionality is supported in the document under consideration, provided that transmission by mail or to a phone number is configured. Such a setting is carried out in the "Administration" section. After the setup is done, it becomes possible to enter an e-mail or phone number directly in the document form. The program also allows you to configure the distribution of checks on a schedule.
We considered filling out the document "Incoming cash order" for two work options. But there are several disadvantages to using a credit cash order:
1. Since often on cash register people who work far from accounting, I would like to avoid creating postings when working at the cash register that directly affect accounting.
2. And again - an accounting document, it has several purely accounting details that are incomprehensible to the cashier, so filling it out can take a long time. At the same time, you should always avoid copying the previous document, because when copying, there is a high probability of not noticing and not refilling important details. And also in each incoming cash order there is the requisite "Kassa KKM", which is very important to fill out correctly so that there are no problems with printing a check. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you fill out each new document from scratch or consider each requisite as carefully as possible. Since speed is important when working at the cash desk, the simpler the cashier's working document is, the better.
3. In case of a cashier's mistake and the need to cancel the check, it is much more difficult to make changes in accounting if the check was printed from a cash receipt order (the procedure for canceling an operation is longer and requires more labor).
Therefore, starting from release 2.0.51, a new document “KKM Check” appeared in the program “1C: Accounting of a state institution, edition 2.0”. It is easy to fill out and is a special tool for working with fiscal registrars. You can find it:

Along with the KKM check, the opposite document appeared - “KKM check for a refund”. It is used if it is necessary to give money to the client in the process of return or guarantee:

If an error is made in the amount of the check, then another document is used for correction - “Correction Cashier's Checks”. You can find it:

It is possible to generate two types of documents "Correction Cashier's Checks":

And this is true, because checks can be corrected for both income and expenses.
Let's return to the document "KKM Check". The form of the document is simple and intuitive. In the header of the document, you need to fill in several mandatory details:

Below is a tabular part in which nomenclature positions should be indicated. The only innovation is that in the tabular part, nomenclature positions (services and goods) are selected from the "Price List" directory:

This is a new directory that needs to be filled with elements. Each element of the "Price List" directory will refer to the element of the "Nomenclature" directory:

After filling out the first tab, go to the "Payment" tab. We point to it necessary details and pay attention to the "Fill" button, which allows you to calculate the total amount of goods and services from the first tab:

The document also has an important flag - "Retail buyer".

When the flag is set, it is not required to enter the surname, name, patronymic of the buyer. If the flag is removed, then additional details appear: counterparty and contract:

There is an opportunity to choose a counterparty and an agreement, which will then be printed on the receipt.
In general, there are no more nuances for filling out, the document can be held and a receipt printed. This document does not generate any postings and movements in registers. At the end of the cash day, it is recommended to create a single document "Incoming cash order" for all receipts.
In this article, two main documents were considered for printing checks on credit cash transactions in the program "1C: Accounting of a state institution, edition 2.0". In the next article, I will talk about the algorithm of the cashier's work when using the new generation of online cash registers.

”, May 2017

The transition to online cash desks introduced changes in the reflection of trade operations in the new editions of the 1C: Enterprise Accounting 8 program. Particular attention should now be paid to printing paper checks and sending electronic checks.

In connection with the entry into force federal law dated 22.05.2003 No. 54-FZ, organizations are required to switch to cash register equipment (CRE) with the possibility of online data transfer.

Starting with release 3.0.45, the program in 1C:Accounting 8 has the ability to connect retail equipment and send an electronic receipt.

First of all, you need to connect the device to the program. To do this, go to the section "Administration - Connected Equipment". Choose the type of equipment "CRE with data transmission" and create a new directory element. Here we indicate "Hardware Driver" by selecting it from the list of supported devices. Because in tax office A cash register is assigned to a specific organization, then in 1C each unit of a cash register is also tied to an organization. In field "Serial number" enter the serial number indicated on the device case. If the CCP is to be used in retail, then you can specify "Stock". In this case, this CCP will be used in this warehouse by default.

Next, go to the settings (button "Setting" on the form of a CCP card or in the form of a list). If the driver for this device model has not been installed before, you will be automatically prompted to install it.

Note! For the operation of some CCP models, the driver is divided into two components: main and integration. In this case, the integration component is installed from the 1C:Accounting 8 program, and the main component must be downloaded and installed separately from the supplier's website. In this case, you should be guided by the prompts of the driver and / or the supplier's manual. The installation of this driver is not directly related to the work in the program, but is necessary for interaction with the CCP.

After installing the driver, we set the settings: port, network settings and other settings specific to this model. To check the correctness of the settings and the operability of the CCP, press "Device test". If the device is connected correctly, a message will appear, then close the form using the button "Record and Close".

In accordance with the current version of Federal Law No. 54-FZ, a key element cash register equipment is a fiscal drive - a hardware-software encryption (cryptographic) tool. It is this device, along with long-term data storage, that provides encryption and transmission of secure fiscal data to a fiscal data operator (OFD). The fiscal drive is subject to replacement upon expiration or upon the exhaustion of its memory resource. A newly acquired CCP with a new fiscal accumulator is subject to mandatory registration with the Federal Tax Service.

After the tax authority accepts the application, it will assign "Registration number of KKT" to be remembered. Next, proceed to registration on the cash register: open the cash register card, select the menu item "Operation with fiscal accumulator - Registration".

In the registration form, indicate "Registration number of KKT", which was received by the Federal Tax Service when applying. We also enter the details "Organizations", "Address of CCP installation", the taxation system (if combined, indicate several), as well as details "Fiscal Data Operator". Signs in a group "Setting up the CCP" depend on the specifics of the use of CCT. The attributes must be defined and agreed upon together with the fiscal data operator. After we press "Continue Operation", and the data will be transferred to the cash register, stored in the cash register registration card (group "CRE registration parameters"). A report will be printed on the CCP. To complete registration with the Federal Tax Service, go to Personal Area website of the Federal Tax Service and indicate the data from this report: document number, fiscal sign and the exact date and time of the transaction.

Upon expiration or upon the exhaustion of its memory resource, the used fiscal drive must be closed ( "Operations with fiscal accumulator -Close"), and then register a new fiscal accumulator (menu "Operations with fiscal accumulator - Changing registration parameters"). Specify the reason for changing the parameters in the form: "Changing the fiscal drive." Also with the help of an operation "Change Registration Options" you can change the user details, change the CCP settings or change the OFD.

Opening and closing of the cash register

In accordance with the requirements of the legislation, work with fiscal equipment is divided into cash register shifts. Before starting work, you need to open the shift, and at the end - close the shift. We open and close shifts in the section "Bank and cash desk - Fiscal device management". The list of cash shifts is located in the section "Bank and cash desk - Cash shifts".

At the time of opening the cash register shift is fixed "Organization", "Kassa KKM", to which the device is connected, date and time of the start of the shift, status "Open". After closing the shift, the status will change to "Closed".

Closing a shift can be done from:

    fiscal registrar management forms (section "Bank and cash desk" - "Management of the fiscal device");

    forms of cash shift;

    check list forms (section "Sales" / "Retail Sales (Receipts)").

Printing Receipts and Sending Electronic Receipts

The current legislation contains a number of requirements, including the printing of the item composition in the check and sending an electronic check to e-mail or phone to the buyer at his request. Depending on the type and organization of trade, printing a check is possible from the following documents:

    retail sales (checks);

    receipt of cash;

    payment by payment card.

Document "Check"(Chapter "Sales" - "Retail sales (checks)") is used in the case of small retail automation to reflect each sale to an impersonal buyer. Check is printed using "Accept payment". To send a check to email address or phone use the phone and envelope icons and indicate the phone number and/or address. Sending is carried out by means of OFD.

The check automatically displays the item composition specified on the tab "Goods and services" in the document.

Document "Cash in" with payment type "Receipt from the buyer" designed to reflect cash settlements with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs. Also, this procedure is used for sales to individuals who we want to personally take into account in the directory of counterparties, for example, when the moment of sale of goods (works, services) does not coincide with the moment of payment. To comply with the requirements of the current legislation in terms of printing the stock list, we issue an invoice to the buyer and indicate it in the field "An invoice for payment" in document lines. The amount on the invoice, taking into account the VAT rate, must completely match the amount on the corresponding line. If the account for payment is not selected, then instead of the names of the goods, the check will show "Payment from: Buyer name" "Reason: Establishment document". Specify the foundation document in the group "Requisites printed form» document "Cash in". After we press "Print check". A form for entering an email address and phone number will open. Sending is carried out by means of OFD. Next button "Continue" check will be printed.

Document with payment type "Receipt from the buyer" is designed to reflect card settlements (acquiring) with legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, as well as for sales made to individuals. To print a check on a cash register, we perform the algorithm as from cash receipts. To print the item composition, we issue an invoice to the buyer and indicate it in the field "An invoice for payment" in the lines of the document, and after clicking the button "Print check" Enter your email address and phone number.

In the case of a refund to the buyer, we print a return receipt from the documents "Cash Out" or from document "Payment card transaction" with a view "Return to Buyer".

Sale with partial prepayment


Under the contract for the sale of goods, the client makes an advance payment in the amount of 30% of the total amount of the sale, then, after shipment, pays the rest of the amount.

We perform the following actions:

    We draw up the document “Receipt for” or “Incoming cash order” with the type of operation “Payment from the buyer”, select the client, the contract and make the advance payment. When posting the document, a posting will be generated:

DT 51, 50.01 KT 62.02 (account of advances with buyers).

VAT payers register an invoice issued for advance payment, which will form the postings:

DT76AVKT 68.02 - VAT on advances.

    We create a document "Sales of goods and services" for the sale of goods, works and services. In the document, we indicate the client, the contract, the list of goods shipped. We post the document and check that the postings contain:

DT 90.02.1 KT 41.01, 10.01, etc.

DT 62.01 KT 90.01.1 - we register revenue.

DT 62.02 KT 62.01 - advance payment offset.

DT 90.03 KT 68.02 - if the organization works with VAT.

VAT payers register an invoice.

    For the balance of the debt, we also register the document “Receipt to the current account” or “Incoming cash order”. The document generates postings:

DT 51, 50.01 KT 62.01 - repayment of the amount of the client's debt.

To check, we form a balance sheet for the account with a setting for sub-accounts, we check the correctness of closing the turnovers and the balance of the account.

Payers on the simplified tax system "income minus expenses" and UTII should pay Special attention for closing accounts, since it is on closing accounts that the system accepts amounts for expenses and distributes UTII.

Sales through an online store

Online shopping is becoming more and more common in Lately in view of its convenience. Most often, purchases purchased in an online store are paid by customers with a card or electronic money. For example, a customer purchases a product retail store and pay by credit card.

    We register the prepayment of the buyer -"Payment by payment card" , the document generates postings:

DT 57.03 KT 62.02 - payment by payment card.

    The bank then transfers the funds to the company's bank account.. To do this, we create on the basis of the document "Payment by payment card" document "Receipt to the current account" with type of operation "Proceeds from sales on payment cards and bank loans", indicate the acquiring bank, transfer amount, acquiring agreement, settlement account 57.03.

    The amount of the bank's commission is reflected on account 91.02 as expenses for bank services.

The document generates postings:

DT 51 KT 57.03 - the amount of the transfer.

DT 91.02 KT 57.03 - the bank commission is reflected.

    Next, we register the sale by the sale of goods and services, which is located in the section"Sales" . In the document, we change the account of settlements with counterparties to 62P - retail settlements.

The document generates the following postings:

DT62RKT 90.01.1 - proceeds from the sale.

DT 62.02 KT62R - advance payment offset.

DT 90.03 KT 68.02 - for VAT payers.

Note! If the sale is carried out with VAT, then we register an invoice. We register a document for deducting VAT from the advance payment received "Formation of purchase book entries".

We talk about the features of working with online cash registers in the 1C: Accounting 8 * program and give useful recommendations ranging from the choice of equipment, its connection and program settings, to the reflection of individual retail sales operations using online cash registers - working with certificates, returning goods from buyer.

How to make sure that the equipment is compatible with "1C: Accounting 8"

1C:Accounting 8 version 3.0 supports the reflection of wholesale and retail sales transactions with cash and payment cards in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 54-FZ of May 22, 2003. The program allows you to connect cash equipment of various types.

In order for the online cash desk to work correctly, it is recommended to use certified cash desks. Learn about models of certified equipment supported in 1C,. All of the listed equipment has been tested by 1C, so the performance of the Applied Solution - Driver - Equipment complex is guaranteed.

The delivery of certified drivers includes the necessary utilities, etc. for the correct configuration and operation of the equipment. There is also an additional list of hardware models supported by the drivers.

Connected equipment

You can connect CCP in the program in the form Connecting and configuring equipment from the section Administration - Connected Equipment(Fig. 1) . For each cash register registered for a particular organization, you need to create your own copy Connected equipment.

Sequentially fill in all the fields of the reference form. Please note the field Organization must be filled in correctly in accordance with the data specified during the registration of the fiscal device.

If an organization in information base one, then the field of the same name Organization not showing in the form Connected equipment.

Equipment in the program can also be linked to a warehouse.

The warehouse in the field of the same name must be selected if it is necessary to punch a check in relation to a specific taxation system. For example, when using OSNO and UTII, the program can be configured to print checks on equipment only for OSNO, because according to Law No. 54-FZ for UTII, the obligation to use online cash registers is introduced from 07/01/2018. In other cases, there is no need to specify a warehouse.

Rice. 1. Connected equipment

Settings before you start

Information about the cashier

Before starting work, you must specify an individual - a cashier for the current user of the program in the section AdministrationUser rights settings and open the shift (section Bank and cash desk - Fiscal device management)

According to Law No. 54-FZ, the position and surname of the person who made the settlement with the buyer (client) and issued the cash receipt (clause 1, article 4.7) are among the mandatory details of a cashier's check.

In accordance with the order of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated March 21, 2017 No. MMV-7-20 / 229@ "On approval of additional details of fiscal documents and formats of fiscal documents that are mandatory for use", among the additional details that must be in the check is an identification number (TIN ) cashier.

For more information on what should be included in cash receipt, see article.

This data will be displayed on the check if the individual's card is filled out correctly (reference book Individuals ) (Fig. 2).

Rice. 2. Individual card

Please note that for users who will generate checks, in the individual's card, the necessary information, in the program, you should formalize the admission of a cashier to work, indicating the position, TIN, etc.

How to apply for a job in 1C:Enterprise 8, see the reference"Personnel accounting and settlements with personnel in the 1C programs" in the Human Resources and Compensation section.

Order No. 229@ approved three versions of fiscal document formats - 1.0, 1.05 and 1.1. Format 1.0 becomes invalid from 01/01/2019.

The TIN must be transferred to the Federal Tax Service through a fiscal data operator (FDO) if the fiscal data format (FFD) is used starting from version 1.05 and only if it is available. If the cashier does not have a TIN or is unknown, then you can not indicate it.

Item accounting accounts

The taxation system for reflection in the check is determined by Item accounting accounts(Fig. 3). Accounts can be set up as Organizations, Warehouse, group or type The nomenclature in general is and for each individual item Nomenclatures.

Rice. 3. Setting up "Accounts for item accounting"

In one check, you can include goods sold only under one taxation system (for example, OSNO or UTII).

If you need to sell a product that is accounted for under different taxation systems, then this is drawn up with different checks, while using different sub-accounts of account 90 “Sales”.

Starting from FFD version 1.05, the program supports the reflection of operations with goods (services) of consignors. In order for the program to correctly determine consignment item, it is also necessary to set up accounting accounts for such goods using the hyperlink Item accounting accounts. In this case, account 004 should act as the accounting account. By the time the check is printed, the goods must be accepted for commission and reflected in the accounting account.

Document "Retail sales (check)"

For registration of retail sales in "1C: Accounting 8" edition 3.0, a document is used Retail sales (check) from the section Sales. In it, you can generate a receipt in accordance with the requirements of Law No. 54-FZ, including reflecting the range of goods and all types of payments, as well as printing a Sales receipt, indicating a number to inform the buyer by SMS or e-mail using the fiscal data operator (such the possibility should be provided for in the agreement with the OFD).

If a warehouse was specified in the settings of the connected equipment, then it must be specified in the corresponding field of the document (see above). After adding the product and specifying the price, click the button Accept payment (Cash or card), then - Print receipt.

Agency services

Realized agency services in the check must be indicated on the "Agent services" tab. If the organization acts as a paying agent, this should be noted separately in the contract card.

If in a contract with a view With a committent (principal) for sale it is indicated that the organization acts as a paying agent, then a list of details will be offered.

Note that in the FFD 1.05 format, the receipt cannot combine the services of a paying agent with other goods. In the 1.1 format, there is no such restriction. Information about the paying agent, as well as the owner of the goods for format 1.1, can be indicated on each line of the check.

If the goods (services) are commission, then the fiscal data operator (OFD) will receive information about the committent. For the format of fiscal documents 1.05 - for the check as a whole, for FFD 1.1 - for each item separately.

Working with gift certificates

To register the sale of a certificate, use the document Retail Sales, Check on the bookmark Sale of certificates(Fig. 4).

A certificate for the purpose of transmitting information about sales of FDO in version 1.0 of the fiscal document format is reflected as a sale of goods, and in FFD 1.05 and higher - as an advance payment.

Acceptance of the certificate for payment is reflected in the same document on the tab Cashless payments.

Certificate payment for:

Rice. 4. Sale of goods using a gift certificate

Closing the shift

There are two ways to close a shift:

  • from list form Retail sales(if they were) with the formation of a check (document Report on retail sales by button close) – see fig. 5;
  • from the management of the fiscal registrar (if retail sales were not carried out).

If the organization had retail sales during the shift, then the first option is recommended, since the program will automatically make all Required documents and wiring . Please note that the shift must be closed by the cashier user whose data will be transferred to the OFD.

Rice. 5. Closing the shift

If the shift is closed from the menu item Fiscal registrar management, then the Retail Sales Report (RSR) is not generated. In this case, you can fill in the PPR manually.


In order for a receipt to be printed with a commodity composition, it is necessary, first of all, to create Buyer invoice(Fig. 6). An invoice can be created on the basis of a document Implementations.

Rice. 6. Document "Invoice to the buyer"

Based on the generated Accounts a document is created Cash flow(Fig. 7). After posting the document using the "Print receipt" command, you can print the receipt.

If several fiscal devices are registered in the system, then when you press the button Print receipt the program will prompt you to select the device on which the receipt will be printed.

The device must be registered to the organization for which the document is being printed.

Rice. 7. Window "Print receipt"

Window Receipt printing will look different depending on the version of the fiscal document format. If format 1.0 is applied, there will be no columns Sign of the calculation method And Sign of the subject of calculation. The specified columns will be if the format 1.05 is applied (see Fig. 7).
Sign of the calculation method depends on the ratio of the amount of payment, shipment and the amount of the invoice, full prepayment or partial. If the payment has not been linked to the account before, then the prepayment amount can be entered manually in the field Paid earlier.

If the full name of the cashier and his TIN were not previously indicated, they can be entered for a specific operation directly in the form (Fig. 8). This can be done for any FFD versions.

Unlike the document Check in the window Receipt printing it is possible to select the taxation system that will be displayed in the receipt (field Check Taxation).

Rice. 8. Entering cashier details for a specific transaction

In the shape of Receipt printing you can specify whether you implement own goods or act as a paying agent or intermediary (and specify its details) (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Indication of details of the paying agent

If payment is made in several stages, then to print a check for additional payment upon sale, open Buyer invoice and create on its basis Implementation. After the implementation, one more cash receipt should be made for a surcharge. fields Cash payment And Paid earlier will automatically be filled in with the appropriate amounts, and will also change Sign of the calculation method on Loan payment because the download has already been completed. Thus, if all documents are formed Based, then you can see the entire structure of related documents - both shipments and payments.

In the shape of Receipt printing there are icons for specifying e-mail and SMS (Fig. 10), which are sent to the buyer by means of OFD.

Rice. 10. Entering the phone number and e-mail of the buyer.

Then a check is printed (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Entering data on informing the buyer

Rice. 12. Printing a check from the document "Cash receipt"

Return from buyer

When returning money to the buyer in the case when the goods are returned, you also need to issue a check.

In order for the return to be correctly formed in the program, it must be created on the basis of the document Cash flow or document Return of goods from the buyer.

It is impossible to simply create a Cash Withdrawal document (even with a return document specified as a settlement document), since the nomenclature in Cheke will not be filled.

To return the advance, you need to issue a document "Cash Out" based on the document Cash flow" and then, when printing a check, the entire nomenclature will be reflected in the preview form "Accounts for payment" specified in the original document.

Rice. 13. Registration of cash withdrawal upon return of goods by the buyer

To issue cash to the buyer who returned the goods, you should create a document Cash withdrawal(Fig. 13) based on the document Return of goods to the buyer, specify the amount, post the document and print the receipt (Fig. 14).

Rice. 14. Printing a check when returning cash to the buyer

If the return is made by payment card (non-cash payment), then you can also print a receipt from the document Payment card transactions by button Print receipt. The type of payment in this case will be electronically(also determined by the document-base).

The return of money to the buyer is carried out similarly, on the basis of the document Payment card transactions. The check is printed on the button Print receipt.

From the editor: You can learn more about the use of online cash registers by watching the video of the lecture “Law No. 54-FZ: recommendations for switching to online cash registers, comprehensive support from 1C” dated 06/22/2017. The video is available for everyone to watch.

BUKH.1C regularly informs readers about all changes related to the use of online cash registers with data transfer to the Federal Tax Service in a special section
