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Pantomime script. Pantomime for children and adults Pantomime or comic conversational skit

Have you gone out into nature and are thinking about what to do with your children? Without TV they become too active and uncontrollable. It is in the power of parents to direct energy in the right direction. Invite the children to play pantomimes. This will be a new experience and interesting practice for children.

What is pantomime

This is a type of art when the actor does not use words, but expresses all his thoughts and feelings through actions. Seems boring? This is wrong. If you watch the performance of at least one professional mime, it becomes clear how he conveys his feelings to people.

The first films, as everyone knows, were black and white and silent. As you can guess, mimes played in them. Most of these films were comedies. This is understandable; showing a funny scene without words is not as difficult as expressing sadness or melancholy. Pantomime for children today is used as an educational game. After all, it's fun. Children and adults, together with them, guess different characters, actions and emotions.

What types of pantomimes are there?

Children love games and often show off their talents. This is an acting skill that guys practice most often. This is understandable, because it comes in handy more often than others in everyday life. What kind of pantomimes are there for children?

  • Dance. Here children must dance to any music provided. But for the task to be difficult, the guys must move around the improvised stage in a certain way. For example, on the toes or on the heels.
  • Classic option. In this game, the child is given a word, and he must show it to others without using sounds.
  • Acrobatic. Here the child must show his talent as a juggler, jumper or gymnast. Such pantomimes are popular among athletes.
  • Eccentric. Acting out a comedic situation.

At what age can children perform pantomimes?

You need to teach your child to play in public. Thus, it will be possible to remove excess shyness from the child. And most importantly, by showing pantomimes, children train their imagination and fantasy. It seems to a thirty-year-old man that he can easily show how to sweep the floor. A four-year-old child can think about this task for about 10 minutes. Pantomimes for children can be invented from a very early age, from the age of three. When the child already walks well and speaks clearly, he can be given easy tasks, for example, showing how he collects toys or walks the dog.

Dance pantomime

This type of entertainment will appeal to active children. Here you don’t need to think a lot, but you need to complete tasks. For example, show the dance of little swans, but do not stand on your toes, but use your heels instead. You can ask your child to dance a waltz, but you need to walk on the floor with your hands, not your feet. Such unusual revolutions will help children develop their imagination, and most importantly, understand that they can always look at familiar things from a different perspective. What other dance tasks can you come up with for your child? You can play the little ducklings dance song in reverse and tell your child to do the usual movements in reverse order.

Fairy tales come to life

If there is more than one child in the family, or if friends with their children come to visit, you can act out impromptu skits. The pantomime fairy tale for children is popular. Parents read any work of fiction, and children depict everything they hear. Both well-known fairy tales and new fables are perfect for such pantomimes. You can take assignments from a school literature textbook. This will make reading boring books more enjoyable for children. And most importantly, by depicting everything that the child hears, he remembers the meaning of the work.


One of the most interesting games for the guys it's Alias. for which they are nested. What is the difference between the version for kids and the game for adults? Because there is only one task on the card and it is depicted in a picture. That is, even Small child who can't read.

What should be done? Draw animals, people and objects. For example, you may want to show a cow, a lemon, an apple, a chef, or puzzles. Moreover, in the children's version, all this diversity must be conveyed without words or sounds, exclusively through gestures and grimaces. You can play Alice with both a purchased game and a homemade one. The advantage of cards that will be printed yourself is that they can be supplemented periodically. After all, if you play Alice often, you can quickly memorize all the tasks and guessing them will be uninteresting.


Examples of pantomime for children include showing funny faces. For example, you can play with the image of the emotion that appears on your face after you eat: lemon, pear, strawberry, sugar or sea buckthorn. But you can also make faces to depict emotions. For example, a child may show fear, confusion, joy, pain, or inspiration. Of course, this version of the game is best played with preschool or school-age children. After all, at this age, a child should already be able to not only realize his emotions, but also be able to demonstrate them.


One of the simplest entertainments for children is pantomime. The leader makes the word, and the child must show through actions what he was told. Older children can be taught to play crocodile without adults. But kids are not always able to come up with a task. Therefore, adults can control and direct children's thoughts in the right direction. If a child is lost and doesn’t know what to wish for him, you can whisper in his ear so that he remembers what he ate for breakfast. It may be difficult to display the bunting. But modern kids are sometimes smarter than their parents think about them.

It is very interesting to play crocodile in a company where there are both adults and children. In such a situation, the child is not always a loser. After all, adults will feel sorry for him and ask easy words. But the baby will not feel sorry for his parents and relatives.


A pantomime script for children can be made from a well-known modernized game.

The first child draws out the task and performs an action, for example, rubbing his palms together. The card is put aside. The next child draws his card. He needs to repeat the action of the first player - rubbing his palms - and his own, jumping on one leg. The third must draw a card, and then perform the actions of his comrades who have already drawn cards. And then also sit down 5 times. Thus, the game will continue until one of the children is able to complete all the tasks in order.

You can play snowball without cards. In this case, the children should simply come up with tasks and their neighbors should repeat them. This option is quite acceptable for schoolchildren. But it is better to give cards to children who go to kindergarten.

Daily workouts

The pantomime game for children requires practice. The child will quickly come up with actions and tasks only if he has such practice. After all, you must admit that it is not every day that parents pay attention to their child. But if you are not lazy and practice this fun game with your child for at least 10-15 minutes a day, the results will not take long to arrive.

Benefits of pantomime

As with any game, a child can endure a lot from grimaces and crocodile play. His acting skills will improve time after time. The child will quickly be able to depict any emotion. True, this does not always benefit parents. After all, their child may lose touch with reality and sometimes flirt. You need to explain to your child where it is appropriate to use your acting talents, and where it is better to refrain. After all, no one wants a child to arrange funny scenes in class or in the store.

Pantomimes help a child improve their memory. After all, when you play such games often, you want to avoid repeating yourself and have to remember how this or that animal was shown in the previous game. Fairy tales that children play out are especially good for developing memory. After all, here the skill of doing two things at the same time is practiced. The child has to train his auditory memory. After all, he needs to hear, understand and come up with something to show. If you don’t have time to read fairy tales, you can play audiobooks for your children. This will be a good help to modern parents.

Pantomimes train the imagination. After all, in addition to the fact that you need to show some animal, you also need to figure out exactly how to do it. Moreover, it is not interesting to show, for example, a fox in the same way every time. We have to invent something new. In such a game, a child can develop the skill of quickly coping with difficult situations. Moreover, with the help of pantomimes, he can turn even the most difficult life situations into a joke. After all, the skill of defusing the situation can be simply irreplaceable in difficult everyday circumstances.

Pantomime script

When planning holiday events, you need to choose a scenario that includes various interesting games. As good option You can offer a pantomime script, which will certainly interest the participants of the event. The basis of this scenario is a game of pantomime.

What is pantomime? Pantomime: its essence is known to many - it is necessary to show the word without words, which the other participants must guess.

To lead the holiday and the games themselves, you will need a person who will become the host.

– Our festive evening begins. We are glad to welcome all guests. Today the theme of our holiday is pantomime. This is one of the types of stage art in which it is necessary to create an artistic image only through the plasticity of the human body. No words are used. Today, every participant of the holiday will be able to play the role of a pantomime. Participation in the games prepared for you will allow you to learn this amazing art. So, I suggest starting with a game that will allow us to feel like we were in childhood, since many of us played it in our youth. Who wants to take part in an interesting game?

Next, the pantomime script includes the first competition. For this, one participant is initially invited. He will have to show the word that will be written on a piece of paper pulled out of a special box. It is necessary to show without words, only with the help of gestures and movements. All other participants will have to guess this word. The person who names the word first will then show the words. The participant who became the most active and guessed the most words wins a prize.

– This game was a great warm-up. Many of us have realized exactly how pantomimes need to be shown. But our celebration does not end with this game. A large number of equally interesting games have been prepared for the participants. Now we will guess the songs!

The next competition, which is included in the pantomime script, is that the participant must show a song without words. All retired guests present at the holiday must guess it. As in the previous game, whoever says the word first gets to reveal the song next. You can display the title of the song or the name of the artist or musical group. You can also show the plot of the song. The most important thing is not to pronounce the words and so that the other participants can guess the musical composition.

– This competition showed that the participants of the festival are getting better and better at showing pantomimes. I see that you will soon master this art very well. But we don't stop there. Now a participant is invited for a more complex competition. Thanks to this competition, you and I will be able to get to know each other better.

After this, another competition is held. One person is invited for this. The task is to understand which particular person from the guests present the participant is showing. In this case, the participant himself must show this person’s hobby or profession. After the guest is guessed, he next comes out to show another guest. The competition continues until all guests have been shown and guessed.

– It was a wonderful competition! Now we know each other’s hobbies and areas of activity better. Our festive evening dedicated to the art of pantomime is coming to an end. I am sure that all the guests present enjoyed the minutes spent during the celebration and pleasant emotions. Now each of you has acquired the skills of this interesting direction in the performing arts.

Lyubov Santalova
Pantomime script The Three Little Pigs (senior group)

Methodological developments

"P A N T O M I M A"

MDOBU "D/s No. 1 "Teremok"

Musical director:

Santalova Lyubov Alexandrovna

Explanatory note on hobby

« Pantomime and everything about it»

In working with children on the development of musical and rhythmic movements, through observations during classes, I decided to test new uniform work - pantomime.

Observation method in working with children revealed:

Children do not know how to move in accordance with the music.

There is no expressiveness in performing figurative movements or playing out fairy-tale characters.

They do not have a developed sense of rhythm - the ability to highlight an accent, a strong beat, a change of tempo, movements.

To solve problems I set target:

Through pantomime develop in children emotional responsiveness, plasticity, grace of figurative execution of movements, and the ability to imitate

fairy-tale character.

I set myself the following tasks:

Create conditions for use in working with children pantomimes, help children convey images of heroes through facial expressions and plasticity.

Organize material according to pantomime and introduce musical work education: classes, individual work with children.

Teach children to perceive musical and fairy-tale images, and coordinate movements with their character.

I believe that with systematic use pantomimes children will develop elementary dance and imitation movements, they will learn through pantomime convey the character of the characters, artistry and freedom in movements will develop.

Skills are the material for developing small comic skits, nursery rhymes, dramatizations, pantomime: "Kolobok", "Sunflower", "Fair", "When two people quarrel", "Swing", "Wolf".

Co-creation with a circle "Lukomorye" And further use a visual aid for the development of feelings.

As you know, a child’s motor skills are formed and developed from the first days of his life.

Any movement is a reflex and it takes time to master any movement.

perceiving - feel

comprehending - feel

remembering - act, try

When checking the result, show it to someone else.

Therefore, the material I selected and worked through « Pantomime and everything about it» can be used by educators kindergarten in physical education classes, develops accuracy of movements, plasticity, coordination, flexibility. And also in the circle "Lukomorye" when dramatizing fairy tales, skits. Children enjoy performing familiar pantomimes, become more plastic, graceful, flexible, artistic.

The material is used in music classes, matinees, and entertainment.



(senior group) .

Target: Develop expressiveness of movements in accordance with the nature of the music,

the ability to convey feelings through facial expressions.

Guys, let's imagine that we are with you piglets.

Cheerful, pink and very mischievous. But they are all different, one is lazy, the other is cheerful,

And the third one is very hardworking.

Clear sunny day calls the piglets for a walk

They lay down in the puddle to swim, lie down, and have fun

Scratch your side with your hoof, snort in the puddle and jump

Find yourself on the lawn, tumble, have fun

Jump right, left and catch up with each other!

And then build a house to make it cozy.

Not from twigs and straw, but from stone and concrete.

Jumping in different directions to the music

1 part: They lie down on the floor, lie quietly, scratch their sides, stretch.

Introduce themselves piglets, and lie in a puddle in the sun

(joy, pleasure, enjoyment)

part 2: They jump merrily in different directions, run, sniff grass,

slowly turn around, as if sunbathing in the sun.

(playing, frolicking, pleasure, joy.)

part 3: Piglets are building a house, from straw, twigs, stone and concrete.

Every house is played. The straw house is falling apart

From a gust of wind (sadness, fear, bitterness)

The straw house also turned out to be not durable,

The house made of bricks, stones, and concrete is very strong.

The piglets are happy, funny.

Final dance.




Target: Develop imagination, artistry, plasticity, facial expressions.

The Russian folk melody "I'll go, I'll go out, I'll go out" sounds. Wolf enters.

Leading: There lived a hungry wolf in the forest

And I just couldn’t understand

How to lure piglets,

How can they be harmed?

Wolf Dance ("Krakowiak" - Ukrainian folk chalk)

1. Flood step (look at piglets, stamps his foot)

2. Moves forward at a straight gallop.

3. Spins, stops, looks out from under the arm

4. On tiptoes he sneaks towards piglets.

5. Squats, thinks.

6. Joyfully spins and runs away.

Playing out scenes with the pig Nif-Nif.

Dance of Nif-Nif and the Wolf:

1. Spin one at a time in pairs.

2. The wolf blows on piglet, piglet covered with palms.

3. Hold hands and spin around (fall to the floor)

4. Piglet runs away, The wolf is catching up.

part 2 (repeat part 1)

Dance - improvisation of three piglets and wolf.

(Russian folk melody "Like ours at the gate").

This scenario is suitable for fans of the cartoon “How to Train Your Dragon” and is designed for children 5-9 years old.


  • host and dragon costumes
  • shields (according to the number of guests), carved from cardboard box and children's coloring books with images of Vikings or dragons (not colored) glued to them. The handle for the shield is made from adhesive tape.
  • face painting
  • modeling balls (swords)
  • blanks for Viking helmets (how to make them will be described below)
  • map of the road to the island with the names of the islands written backwards
  • jump rope
  • cards with words (+ with pictures, for those who cannot read)
  • a large sheet of paper with a drawn oval of a face, felt-tip pens.
  • large, thick trash bags (replaces race bags)
  • balloons with dragon names inside. The mouths of dragons are drawn on the balls.
  • dart with a sharp tip
  • clothespins


Leading: Dear squad, we are glad to welcome you on our drakkar (Viking ship). Today we have gathered here to properly celebrate the birthday of our leader Iron Hammer (child's name). And it’s also high time to raid Dragon Island, since according to rumors, a particularly terrible and dangerous dragon, the Fire Nibbler, has appeared on this island.

However, I see that many of you are not ready for such a glorious battle. And without a shield, sword, helmet and war paint, a Viking has nothing to do on this island.

First, children are given coloring boards, which they must color with felt-tip pens. After this, using face painting, we give all the children war paint.

Leading: Great, squad. Now come one by one to me and get your swords!

It is carried out according to the knighting scheme. The leader taps the child on the shoulder with a sword and names him with the name of a real Viking, for example: Deafening Thunder, Dragon Slayer, and so on.

Leading: Well, now you are real Vikings. And they, as you know, were brave warriors! Come on, try your martial art on me.

The leader fights off the Viking attack.

Leading: Eh, you are hot heads! You fight well, but I won’t let you go to Dragon Island without a helmet - as soon as the Dragon Nibbler breathes fire, you will perish there with your whole squad.

Children, with the help of adults, make their own helmets. For example, from pieces of wallpaper according to an origami pattern. Or from cardboard, like this:

Helmet blanks must be prepared in advance! (see props).

Leading: It’s time to board the ship and set off, we have a long way to sail and there will be stops along the way. The Vikings are known to be good sailors, so let's chart the path of our ship. Hmm, our old cartographer Gremlik has done something clever here... I can’t read anything, everything on this map is encrypted.

With the help of clues, children read the correct names: Loki Bay, Shark Strait, Thor Island, Dragon Island, etc. A map with the names of stops written backwards (encrypted) must be prepared in advance (see details).

Leading: Let's hit the road! First stop: Loki Bay. Oho, what do we have here? Look at the whirlpool in the sea. Come on, which of the squad can hold out longer?

A regular game with a skipping rope to see who can jump how many times (twisted by two adults).

Leading: Great, here’s our first stop - let’s sit down and rest. The Vikings, by the way, were excellent storytellers, and could tell all sorts of tall tales without blinking an eye in order to surprise their friends and scare their enemies. Let's take turns writing a short story about our extraordinary adventures. Only in the story you will need to use the words that I will show you. Well, let's begin: “One night I opened my eyes and saw outside the window...”

Example words: bat, spoon, awl, pink elephant, fire...

Leading: It was a nice story. Well, well, let's sail on. Judging by the map, we are in Shark Strait. Only a very attentive navigator can cross it, since not only sharks, but also krakens, and just sea monsters are found here. I will carefully watch the sea and if I shout: “Shark,” you will have to jump from the ship to the right. If I see a kraken, you jump to the left, but if you notice a sea monster, then return to the ship! If anyone made a mistake, don’t blame me, you’ll have to wait here for the command!

A jump rope is placed on the ground - this is a ship. The leader shouts the names of the sea monsters until one of the Viking team remains.

Leading: Well done! So we arrived at the site of our second stop, Thor Island. Thor was one of the Viking gods and was known as a formidable and powerful warrior. Many artists tried to convey the appearance of this god, but not everyone succeeded. Let's try to draw his portrait. We'll just do it blindfolded.

Each child must draw a feature of Thor's face while blindfolded. The team can give advice to the artist.

Children are given large, thick garbage bags, and they must jump in them to the designated shore.

Leading: Here we are. Let's rest before the glorious battle. And we will play the ancient Viking game “Menki”.

An “artifact” is placed on the ground and one of the children is appointed as its guard. The guard is armed with a sword (balloon for simulation). The other children are trying to steal this artifact. Whoever the guard hits with his sword becomes a guard. . An artifact can be any item. The ancient Vikings, when playing this game, stuck a simple peg into the ground. There are no winners as such in this game. Children play until they get bored.

Leading: And here is the cave of dragons. Most of them are harmless, but somewhere among them hides the terrible Dragon Zubastic.

Scenario competitive program"Dreamers"

Goals : develop logical thinking, Creative skills, ingenuity, dexterity of students; contribute to the unity of the class team.

Progress of the event

Leading . Today we are here to discover your talents!

In some competitions the whole team participates, in others one person from the team participates, so that everyone can participate. The team receives points for speed, originality, and correctness.

Competition "Who is faster"

Each team stands in a circle. Participants are given a piece of paper that is passed around the circle. Whoever makes the most circles in a certain amount of time wins this competition.

Competition "Writer"

Each team must compose a short story in which all words must begin with a certain letter:


(Adventurer Andrei Arkadyevich Antoshkin rented a car. He corporatized the watermelon barn, and Andrei was arrested by the ataman of the aborigines.)

Competition "Nogopantomime"

It is only necessary to demonstrate with the help of legs emotional condition:








Competition "Pantomime"

It is necessary to use pantomime to depict a person who is in a hurry and therefore does two things at the same time:

irons clothes + blow-dries hair;

rocks a stroller with a child + draws a house project on paper;

stirs semolina porridge + picks ear;

fastens buttons + brushes teeth;

cleans shoes with one brush + cleans trousers with another brush.

Competition "Fairytale"

It is necessary to come up with new fairy tale names for the following items:

pillow, blanket, sheet;

bag, briefcase, backpack;

trousers, T-shirt, coat;

armchair, chest of drawers, bedside table;

glass, mug, wine glass.

Competition "Linguistic"

It is necessary to say the sentences differently, without repeating a single word, but maintaining the meaning.

The fly landed on the jam.

There is a glass on the table.

The clock strikes twelve times.

A sparrow flew into the window.

The detachment was walking along the shore.

Competition "Pairs"

Perform the simplest actions from the point of view of a normal person. But at the same time, two participants need to hug each other so that the right hand of one and the left hand of the other are free. For example:

cut a paper circle with scissors;

Competition "Pictogram"

It is necessary to write, using drawings, like ancient people, a short letter addressed to a friend:

Call me today at 6 o'clock.

Let's go play football in the evening.

Let's do homework together.

Give me a puppy for my birthday.

Bring me scissors and colored paper.

Competition "Artistic"

Each team must dramatize the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” if it:
1. comedy

2. melodrama

3. horror movie

Competition "Patter"

Sasha walked along the highway and sucked on a dryer.

Karl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Karl.

The ships tacked and tacked, but did not tack.

Competition “Bring the Picture to Life”

The teams are given the names of the paintings in envelopes, which must be animated with silent pantomime so that the audience recognizes them.

"Barge Haulers on the Volga"

"A deuce again"

"Three heroes"

Competition "Perform a Dance"

You need to perform a dance while reading, “rap”

Soaked brooms in the bathhouse,

The spindles are not crushed,

And the sponges are not dried.

Lady, lady,

Lady - madam!

Contest "Pantomime".

The presenter distributes sheets of paper with tasks. Participants need to pantomime their gait:

a person who has just had a hearty lunch;

a man whose shoes are too tight;

a man who got lost in a dark forest.

Contest “Sing an animal song.”
Each team is given a song. You need to sing it like an animal. Team “cats”, “ducks”, “crows”, “cows”, “dogs”.

Competition "Attention"

1) Who will be heavier than the first cannibal, who weighed 48 kg and ate the second one for dinner, or the second one, who weighed 52 kg and ate the first one?


2) What number must be increased by 15 times to get 15?


3) Two nuns went to church and walked 60 miles. How many miles did each travel if they walked at the same speed?

(60 versts).

4) Here are three pills for you, the doctor said, take one every half hour. You obediently agreed. How long will these pills last you?

(1 hour).

5) Boil the soft-boiled egg for 3 minutes. How long does it take to boil 3 soft-boiled eggs?

(3 minutes).

6) A father has 6 sons, each son has a sister. How many children does this father have?


Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.
