Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

Scenario of a meeting of former employees of the enterprise. Scenario for seeing off a manager to another place of work. Scenario of seeing off a colleague to another city

Description: In honor of one of your colleagues leaving work, you can organize a celebratory event. It doesn’t matter whether he retires or goes to another place of work. All employees of the organization can be invited to attend. To ensure that the holiday is not boring, but fun, it is necessary to include a lot of funny contests and games. To hold an event, it is best to choose a suitable hall that can accommodate all guests. You can also order a cafe.

You must select a leader in advance. This could be a friend or work colleague. The hall in which the celebration will be held should be decorated. To do this, you can draw posters and hang balloons. The holiday begins, all colleagues gather in the hall where the festive tables are set.

- Dear guests. Today we have gathered with you on an important occasion. Our dear (colleague's name) is leaving our friendly labor collective company and leaves to work for another organization. In order for (colleague’s name) to remember our team, all the employees included in it, we decided to throw him a holiday. Today we will have fun! Let's fill our glasses and drink to (colleague's name). He is not only a wonderful colleague, an excellent specialist, but also a good comrade, a loyal friend. (name of colleague), we were glad to work with you. We raise these glasses to you.

– (Colleague’s name) has been working for our team for a long time. Let's check if we know his biography? Who knows our colleague best?
Then a competition is held. The presenter asks questions regarding the colleague’s biography. All participants must answer them. The following questions can be suggested:

…………….is hidden……………….

The list of questions asked can also be continued further.

- Well, the competition showed that our colleague has quite interesting biography. Working in our company is also one of the stages of your work history. All guests know our colleague and his life well. In our team (name of colleague) is a very respected person. We all love him very much. Now let’s tell you exactly what qualities (colleague’s name) has. To do this, we will play an interesting game.

Then the game is played, which is included in the scenario for dismissal. All guests of the holiday will have to name the positive qualities that a colleague possesses. For example, smart, good, sympathetic, decent, and so on. The last person to name the quality is the winner. At the same time, the named qualities should not be repeated.

– Yes, the competition showed that our team knows (colleague’s name) only from the best side. It's a shame that he is leaving our team. So that he remembers us, we will save our wishes on paper.
The script for dismissal then involves writing congratulations. To do this, you can prepare a sheet of paper, whatman paper. You can also prepare an album. He starts walking around the circle of guests. Each guest writes their wishes to a colleague.

………………..V full version……………………..

After these words, another drawing competition is included in the dismissal scenario. The result should be a drawing in which all employees of the company will be drawn. For the competition you need to prepare whatman paper and markers, maybe felt-tip pens or pencils. One participant is initially invited. He must draw one of the company's employees. All other guests of the holiday must guess who exactly is drawn. You can't give any hints. The guest who guesses who exactly is drawn will be the next to draw. Thus, every guest must take part in the competition. The result should be a picture in which the entire team of the company is drawn. You can also sign the picture by writing the name of the company and indicating the first and last names of all employees.

– We got a very beautiful picture. I present it to the hero of the occasion. Keep it, let it remind you of our other team and the time when you worked here with us.
All guests drink and eat festive dishes.

- To make this child memorable, you and I will compose a poem. This will be a poem about our hero of the occasion.
After this, a competition is held, which is included in the dismissal scenario. To do this you will need a sheet of paper and a felt-tip pen. The sheet is passed around in a circle and each of the guests must write the continuation of the verse, one of the lines. The leader should start the verse. The invented proposal is written down on a sheet of paper. After this it is transmitted next person, who also writes his own proposal - a continuation of the poem. So each of the guests must compose a line. One of the guests completes the verse. When the poem is ready, the presenter reads it in full. Next, the written verse is given as a souvenir to a colleague who is resigning.

– Next, we will spend a very interesting competition. All guests of the holiday are invited to participate in it!
Next, a competition is held in which everyone can participate. To carry it out you will need to prepare Balloons. They contain notes on which various tasks are written. Each participant must choose a balloon, burst it and then read what task he was given. This task must be completed. The following options can be offered as a task:

………………is hidden……………………..

You can also add to this list. There should be a lot of balls.

– There are many employees in our team. Each of them has his own specialty and range of responsibilities. So that our (colleague’s name) remembers all the employees included in the team, let’s run an interesting competition.

After this is carried out new competition. To do this, one of the employees who wishes to take part in the competition is invited. He must show one of the specialists working in the company without words. For example, if this construction company, then these could be different representatives of construction specialties working in the company. It is necessary to show exactly what actions they perform in their work. It is necessary to show without words. All the other guests guess who is showing up. The next person to show their specialty will be the person who is the first of all the guests at the holiday to give the correct answer.


End of introductory fragment. To purchase the full version of the script, go to cart. After payment, the material will become available for download on the page with the material, and via a link that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 29 R ub.

Active holidays are best
alternate with passive labor.

Let's drink to those men who can stand up for themselves and lie down for others!

Let's drink to honest and modest people! Moreover, there are so few of us left...

There lived a pack of wolves in the jungle. The leader of the pack was very old. And when the pack had to go hunting, the leader said that he was not able to lead the pack. A young, strong wolf came out of the pack, approached the leader and asked him to allow him to lead the pack. The old wolf agreed, and the pack went in search of food. A day later, the flock returned from hunting with prey. The young wolf told the leader that they attacked seven hunters and easily killed them.

The time had come for the pack to go hunting again, and a young wolf led it. The pack was gone for a long time. And then the old wolf saw a young wolf covered in blood. He told the leader that the pack attacked three people, and only he was left alive.

The old wolf asked in surprise:

But in the first hunt, the pack killed seven armed hunters and everyone returned safe and with prey?

To this the young wolf replied:

Then there were just seven hunters, but this time there were three best friends.

So let's drink to friendship!

If a person drinks alone, it means he feels bad. If he drinks with friends, it means he feels good.

To friends with whom it is pleasant to drink!

A turtle is swimming along the river with a snake sitting on its back. The snake thinks: “If I bite, it will throw me off!” The turtle thinks: “If I throw it away, it will bite!” So let's drink to true female friendship!

Let's drink to the kiss that a man invented to shut a woman's mouth.

Let's raise our glasses to ensure that our children have rich parents! And our parents have rich children!

In the evening, a girl was walking down the street and heard footsteps behind her. Looking back, she saw a handsome guy. When she looked back a second time, he continued to follow her. The girl decided to meet him. I looked back for the third time, and he was no longer there... So let’s drink to the plumbers closing the sewer hatches on time!

The satisfied lamb ran to the sheep:

Mom, the shepherd said that I am fit for barbecue!

What are you happy about, stupid?

Still, it’s nice that I’m good for something! Let's drink so that we, too, are good for something!

The jackal came to the lion and said:

Let's fight!

Leo didn't pay any attention to him. Then the jackal threatened:

I’ll go now and tell everyone that the lion was terribly afraid of me.

The king of beasts winced.

Let the inhabitants of the desert condemn me for cowardice - this is still more pleasant than they will despise me for fighting with a jackal.

I dedicate this toast to not humiliating myself before those who are unworthy of us.

So let's drink to what should be small, dark and wrinkled in every woman - to the zest!

Let's drink so that we can have everything and have nothing for it.

2. Table games

During periods of lull in general conversation, short table games can be played.

Game in a plate

The game is played while eating. The driver names any letter. The goal of the other participants is to name the object that is currently on their plate with this letter before others. Whoever names the object first becomes the new driver. The driver who says the letter for which none of the players could come up with a word receives a prize.

It is necessary to prohibit the driver from always calling the winning letters (е, й, ъ, ь, ы).

Game Sweetie

The participants are seated at the table. A driver is selected from among them. Players pass candy to each other under the table. The driver's task is to catch one of the players passing the candy. The one who is caught becomes the new driver.

3. Game "Crocodile"

For those who are tired of sitting at the table, you can offer a more active game.

The players are divided into two teams. The first team chooses a concept and shows it in pantomime, without the help of words or sounds. The second team tries, after three attempts, to guess which concept is being shown. Then the teams change roles. The game is played for fun, but it is possible to count points for guessed words.

You can make a wish:

  • individual words,
  • phrases from famous songs and poems,
  • Proverbs and sayings,
  • idioms,
  • fairy tales,
  • names of famous (real or fictitious) people.

A concept can be shown by one or several people.

4. Competition “Non-standard situations”

For those who want to practice themselves and demonstrate to others their imagination, resourcefulness and sense of humor, such a competition can be held.

The presenter offers participants various non-standard situations from which they try to find a successful way out. Based on the responses of the contestants, the audience chooses the winners.

Examples of non-standard situations

You wake up in the morning without clothes in an unfamiliar apartment.

There is a well-known anecdotal situation - you are in bed with your mistress, and your husband rings the doorbell.

You were walking home late at night and accidentally fell into a manhole.

Upon admission to prestigious job you have greatly exaggerated your knowledge of French. You were hired, but a few months later you received the task of conducting very important negotiations with a supplier from Paris.

At the station, an unfamiliar woman asked you to look after her luggage. You were a little distracted, and at that time her bag was stolen.

5. Games

Think of something fun.

6. Short joke competition

If the main part of the holiday takes place at the table, to enliven communication, announce a joke competition. To protect participants from long and tedious entertainment, introduce a limit on the size of an anecdote. You can choose a narrower topic for jokes.

Examples of jokes

I’m in the second cast, the performance is in a week, and there HE is! He runs it through his hair, and there THEY are!

According to judicial statistics, not a single wife has ever shot her husband while he was washing the dishes.

Will you marry me?

Or maybe I should do something else for you?

For the last time I warn you: don’t awaken the beast in me!

Oh-oh-oh, I'm not afraid of your hamster!

Have you hidden my evening dress again?

I?! Nothing like this!

Yes? Come on, unclench your fist.

The postman does not dare to enter the yard, seeing a huge Great Dane. The hostess shouts:

Don't be afraid, he's neutered!

Yes, I actually thought that he might bite...

- “Delmi”, our boys are going fishing. What will we cook for them?

Dad, dad, mom is talking to margarine again.

I could never bring home a woman. First because of my parents, then because of my wife.

What's the difference between sex and playing soldiers?

Don't know.

So keep playing your little soldiers.

A month against alcohol was held in the city of N. In a bitter struggle, alcohol won.

Can I come to you in the evening, madam?

Do me the honor, sir.

To be honest, I have exactly the opposite intentions.

In our extremely mobile society, we all constantly have to meet and see off friends. The best thing we can do when old friends leave our lives or new ones appear in our lives is to throw a party in their honor, with a bunch of friendly congratulations, which they are unlikely to ever forget. There are three types of parties dedicated to meeting new friends and saying goodbye to old friends.


A “moving party” or “progressive dinner” is a great format for a party in honor of a person who is moving to a new place of residence. Ask three of your guests to help you organize the party and host part of the progressive dinner in their homes, then divide the entire event into four parts. Start with drinks and light snacks in one house, then move on to another where a hot dish and salad will be offered.

Seeing off a colleague to another city scenario


The next person to show their specialty will be the person who is the first of all the guests at the holiday to give the correct answer.

Presenter: - Our fun does not end. There are many more competitions ahead of us. So, those interested are invited to participate in the next competition.

The task set for the participants is to put a ring on a toothpick without using their hands, thus passing it on to another person. So the ring is passed around in a circle. Those participants who dropped the ring stand in a circle.

Seeing off a friend to another city scenario

Chorus: They say that you will be lucky if your birthday comes to your house again. This happens every year. May it bring you a lot of happiness! If suddenly your body goes crazy, Something somewhere hurts again, Don’t think about it seriously And please don’t give up.

Wishes when leaving work

You all know how capricious little ones can be, they are afraid of colds, and they have a lot of smarts, so to prevent her ears from getting swollen, her head from getting hot, and also to prevent different thoughts from creeping into her head, we decided to give her a cap. And you all know that little ones are so inept and so clumsy that when they eat, they get dirty themselves and dirty everything that surrounds them.
To prevent this from happening, we give her a bib.

Scenario of seeing off to another city

I demolished it a little while I was standing at the helm. I rushed the UFO to you, I stood up in the general formation with you. I will serve Russia, Even though I wasn’t asked! General’s wife: Well, it’s time for us to start: Raise a toast to Pavel Tankwoman: To troops where he serves, Where he is one in a million. Sailor: And for the stars of great growth, And for the position, and for the post. Humanoid: “Hurray!” for military service We all shout three times. Presenter: You are leaving far from here, leaving us all behind without regret. May your life continue to flow easily, and do not consign us to oblivion, because here pleasant memories will remain about you; may you have in your life there everything that is in our wishes.

A comic skit for the hero of the day retiring “broken heart”

There’s a hustle and bustle at work all day, Life isn’t the same these days. So let’s take a break from your problems - They go away on your birthday.

Seeing off a colleague to another city is a comic scenario

It’s like an exam, it’s like a new dawn, It sums up the years of life, It’s a prelude to entering a new threshold, It gives many roads in any weather, It’s beautiful, desperate, ready to become a springboard, It signals the continuation of the main steps in life. How many promises does it contain! This ringing calls into the distance, It contains the bitterness of farewells, a million hopes. A farewell evening, a last evening, everything is ahead, and everything is behind: From your native threshold, ____________________, much awaits you ahead.

Host: Time does not go back, the ship of life rushes us forward: urgent matters call forward, and there is no time to look back. But there comes a time in life when we get the right to stop and make plans for the future.
Today you, dear _________________________, are leafing through the book of your life lived here on the edge of the Kola land..

Happy moving! Housewarming! Let's meet new world fun!

Presenter: Here, our MUPZHKH provides you with

"Rules and regulations for the operation of your new apartment."


Host: Don't forget your friends, don't forget to call. Don't forget to tell your friends about the most important things. Today I will say my main words of congratulations to you, friends.


A man has only two worthy reasons to rush into a fight. And the first one - home country protection, whose border is closed to the enemy. The second is the duty that was bequeathed by the ancestors, He commands all men: Risking yourself, protect women, Like in the duels of Pushkin’s times.

Scenario for seeing off friends in another city

We wish, after drinking your glass to the bottom, that you progress through your career without interference, that love remains alone forever, that success becomes your true friend! WORD______________________________________________________________ Presenter: Time has flown by. You are blooming! You had to meet and overcome many difficulties along the way! Now you won't get lost! Stand firmly on your feet, competitors are not a hindrance to you.

And everything contributes to success. In business, an ever greater scope awaits. Reliable course! And we wish you health, happiness and love! Host: You often have to quickly build comfort.


Not much: where it’s a day, where it’s three, they give you more for the journey. They will raise the alarm both late and early, Thank you for that, Meet a small stop, Or a new, once again, home. With your wife you will regret a little the familiar place of peace, And so that the path does not gather dust, you will sit down with the whole family.

Scenario of seeing off a colleague to another city

Any professional success is, of course, a manifestation of ability. We will be glad to be one of the first to welcome you to your new officer rank and congratulate you on this achievement.
And now let’s raise a glass to our major’s new shoulder straps, to success in his future service, to his health! But so that we don’t have to wait, we give him new stars for his shoulder straps.

Today there is a reason to drink, Fiery speeches are appropriate, Because today your shoulder straps have fallen heavier on your shoulders. We don’t grab stars from the sky, And “Eta” didn’t fall from the sky. So the toast will be extremely simple - We’ll drink to four stars while standing.


Song “I Serve Russia”

To the boss with a promotion How ______________________________, we are sorry! You are moving far from us.

But let, of course, for you, this distance will still be clean, bright and high!

In your work, you have always determined our only and true fairway.

Farewell to another city scenario

This game will appeal to both those who leave and those who stay, but you need to prepare for it in advance. Find several books in the library about the new place of residence of the person being escorted.

Unearth three or four dozen little-known facts about this area and write them down on a piece of paper. As you play, read the questions out loud and give each party member the opportunity to write answers.

  • Wrap a few things you need in your new place in paper and pack them in your suitcase.

    Include essentials such as a map of the new city, stationery for correspondence, a flashlight in case of a power outage, cans of water in case of lack of water, and other things to help the "relocate" acclimatize, such as suntan lotion needed in a tropical area, or mittens for cold climates.

Moving to another city, farewell scenario


Hi all! Two years ago I created this topic and asked for help, but forgot to post my sketches, maybe they will be useful to someone. I took the material from the forum and composed it myself. Thanks to everyone who responded.

SCENARIO Evening - farewell to the new duty station _____________________________________

Presenter: Today is a special day for us. And we are a little happy and sad. We solemnly gathered today at the funeral evening.

All friends!

Today, with the friendly clink of glasses, we will say parting wishes, thank and send off with honor our friend and colleague _______________________________________. Dear guests! Today for ______________________________ there will be a special evening, unlike any other that has passed before. It is like a boundary between two periods of life.

In the rain or in the snow, but on time. Each of our families has a farewell party.

Give guests plenty of time to fill themselves, but warn them that they will have two more welcoming hosts to visit. Move to the third house, where the main course of dinner will be served, and end the evening in the fourth house with dessert. followed by finishing drinks and coffee.

Try to negotiate with hosts who live close to each other so as not to waste too much time moving around. If possible, order a bus so as not to tire the party participants and not interrupt the communication of friends.


Gather your guests for the big party with one of these send-off invitations:

  • Make invitations from luggage receipts (you can get them at any airport).
    Or create your own receipts using colored label paper. Get out some old airline tickets, airbrushed out the flight information, and replace it with party details.

If you can't find old tickets, you can make your own tickets from label paper.

  • Get some tourist brochures and write information about the party inside them.
  • If you're hosting a "progressive dinner," let guests know and be sure to indicate whether the party will be a surprise for the person moving in.
  • Ask your guests to send or bring you a few memorable photos of past events (a ski trip, a hike, or a Halloween party), then stick the photos in an album, come up with funny captions, and give them to someone who is moving during the holiday.
  • Ask guests to dress in accordance with the customs of the place where the hero of the occasion is moving.
  • If the weather at your destination is different from what they are used to, encourage guests to wear items that the “relocate” will wear frequently.

Cool scenario for a corporate event. The purpose of any corporate event is not only to have fun, but also to unite the team, as well as the opportunity to get to know each other better or maybe even show one of your strengths. In fact, corporate event– this is an element of employee motivation, during which everyone will feel their importance, allowing them to reach a new level of performance during everyday work. But in order for the holiday to be a success, it is very necessary cool script corporate event, ideal for all party participants, skillfully combining competitions, gastronomic breaks and entertainment.

Warming up the company

The party has just begun, and not everyone feels relaxed, especially since the glasses of wine have just been filled. It's time to call a presenter who will prepare a wish text for all employees in advance. The idea for the text can be anything, shaped like a toast, but with one addition: the text will be missing a certain number of words that colleagues at work must come up with. Employees do not need to know about the existence of the text, since it is a surprise that will become known after a few moments.

Of course, you can limit your colleagues so that the invented words are positive and carry positive emotions, although all this is individual, since perhaps your team needs its own set of words. Now let your colleagues shout out the missing words, and the presenter or his assistant writes them in those places where words are missing.

So here is the text itself:

Dear friends! May your life be... and your wives.... Let your children never have..., and your neighbors will definitely have.... Your boss will give you..., and your work colleagues will give you.... This corporate event is the most wonderful thing... and your life is fun and.... So let's raise our glasses and drink to..., and so that what we drink to becomes our talisman in life and work!

As a result, the boss can become sexy, and the colleagues more glamorous, life is chaotic, and the wives are funny. It all depends on the words and creativity of the participants!


Of course, to conduct an event and prepare a script, you must consider:

  • number of participants;
  • age;
  • preferences;
  • possibilities;
  • budget.

Agree, it would not be very appropriate to offer elderly representatives of the accounting department to take part in a competition with elements of physical education, or to force them to strip down to their boss’s underwear. So, ideally, before the celebration, conduct a small survey among your colleagues or take a closer look at their preferences.

Paintball – get a dose of adrenaline

Paintball is great team game, ideal for a young and active team that prefers not to sit still.

Of course, for this you will have to hire a bus and take your work colleagues to nature or specially equipped areas, but the result is worth it. Fresh air, a surge of adrenaline, mutual assistance and victory, what more could you want from a game in which there are no losers? Well, if you skillfully combine a multi-hour battle with paint balls and refreshments in the fresh air at the end of the evening, then the corporate evening will be unforgettable!

Party with a glass of wine and an easel

This cool scenario for a corporate party at work will appeal to everyone without exception, as it combines a fun and accessible time for everyone and mastering the basics of creativity.

For a party you will need a room and tables on which small easels, glasses of wine will be installed, which will be regularly updated by assistants and musical accompaniment. Of course, no one expects super skills in artistic craftsmanship, since drawing to catchy disco music is more likely aimed at lifting the mood. The presenter only needs to voice what exactly we are drawing. This could be a simple landscape or a caricature of a work colleague. As a result, all participants take home a drawing or solemnly exchange them to cement friendly relations.

Theme parties

A great idea would be to hold a corporate party where all participants will be present in costumes corresponding to the same theme.

It could be an era, movie characters, fairy-tale characters, or even a party a la animals. Just imagine how Captain Flint or a robot, Spider-Man or a Hobbit enters the office. You can add spice and intrigue with the help of masks that will add an atmosphere of mystery. The most interesting thing will happen if you fail to recognize your boss or work colleague right away, but when the secret is revealed, you may be able to reveal a new side to the unknown person.

IN themed parties, the main thing is to surprise not only those around you, but also to try yourself in a new role. Gangsters of the 30s with Thomson machine guns and cigars, ladies in matching evening dresses, space outfits or a party in the Robinson Crusoe style. This is only a small part of what the team can reveal from new and most unexpected sides.

Important. If the organizer of the corporate party is the boss himself, then it is worth remembering that during the fun, you can see your employees from new sides and reveal strong personalities. It would seem like an innocent competition, but the winners can head departments and take the concept of efficiency to a new level. So you should carefully select competitions and entertainment, since the success and prosperity of the organization in the future depends on this.

We unite and liberate the team

Remember that competitions should be accessible to everyone. It should not happen that someone, due to their physical or moral limitations, cannot take part. Get everyone in a circle, put on some fun music, and announce a game called "We all have...".

The participants, dancing, move in a circle, and at this time the leader loudly calls out: “We all have hands!”, After which all those present join hands and continue to spin. As soon as the round dance is completed, the leader continues: “We all have necks”! The participants take each other by the necks and continue the round dance. “We all have ears!” Usually at this moment smiles appear, and laughter begins to be heard, but then, it all depends on the imagination of the presenter and the patience of the participants. Of course, we recommend avoiding juicy moments in advance that can put a person in an awkward position, and it is better to concentrate on fun.

Best Dance Couple

All interested male-female couples can take part. A ball is tied to the girls' ankles, and the couple themselves must dance without interruption. The goal is to protect your partner's balloon and at the same time burst the balloon on someone else's ankle. The main condition is not to stop dancing. The winner of the competition is the couple that was able to keep the ball safe and sound. To make the competition even more fun, it is best to constantly change the music to which you dance, either speeding up or slowing down the tempo.

You can also add dancing on an “ice floe” to dance competitions, in which you need to dance on a newspaper without stepping on it with your feet. After a certain time, the newspaper is folded in half and the dancing continues. The winner is the couple that was able to dance on the smallest area of ​​the “ice floe.”

Fill up a glass

Only men should participate in this competition, but this does not mean that if any of the ladies present volunteer to take part, she should be refused. The conditions are simple and will definitely cause a storm of delight. Participants are given bottles of water, and empty glasses are placed at a certain distance. The task, holding the bottle between the legs, run or walk in any way and fill the glass. The winner is the one who ends up doing it and looks neater than the other participants.

Remember that a corporate party is not only about endless competitions! Most of those present, of course, will gladly take part in them, but they came to dance and just relax. So competently build the timing of the party, skillfully alternating toasts, raising glasses, contests and dances!

funny fishing

Those interested are invited, and a thread with any weight is tied to their belt. The weight should hang between your legs at knee level. Everyone stands in a circle and dances in a circle. Glasses are placed not far from each participant. As soon as the leader's signal is heard, everyone runs to the nearest glass and tries to hit the glass with a weight without the help of hands. Whoever did it last is eliminated, and the participants continue a fun dance with elements of fishing.


Any number of people are invited and given the task “find an object”. For example, the presenter gives a signal to find an empty glass, a candy wrapper or a sock. Whoever manages it moves on to the next round, and those who don’t manage to do so are eliminated. Gradually, the speed of the game will increase and you can add, do not find an item, but exchange the items you have already received for more profitable ones. The winner can be not only the one who completed it the fastest, but also the one who has the most expensive set of items. Please note that the concept of expensive should be relative.

Comic auction

At the end of the evening, you can hold a fun auction, which is known to many as “Pig in a poke!” The idea is not new, but it is always received with a bang!

The items that will be raffled off are placed in a bag or box in advance, and the presenter himself must present the lot. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to “sell” the lots for money. Ideally, assign an amount and an alternative, for example, 20 squats or a funny dance. After the item is purchased, the winner receives a mysterious gift.

Options for lots and presentations

  • Not a single feast is complete without this item! The winner gets the salt.
  • Sweet, without vitamins, preventing you from expressing your thoughts. Ceremonial presentation of lollipop.
  • Something small that, after a series of efforts, will become big! The winner becomes the proud owner of an inflatable balloon.
  • Lot for those who want to leave a bright mark in their life! Intrigued buyers will receive a set of crayons!
  • The most important attribute modern man! Following friendly laughter, a roll of toilet paper is handed over.
  • Happiness for a few minutes! Box of chocolates sold.
  • An effective simulator that helps create a bad face while playing well! While everyone is figuring out where the mistake was made, a lemon is given.

So, a corporate party is fun and interesting! Fun brings people together and helps them open up. So think through your upcoming parties in advance and the celebration will not only be successful, but will also bring new emotions to your team that you didn’t even know about. Of course, don’t forget to reward participants with prizes. These can be the most basic magnets or pens and notepads, because the main thing is attention! Have a nice corporate evening!


“A heartwarming meeting of friends!”

Celebration scenario dedicated to the meeting former employees kindergarten on International Day of Older Persons.

Target: Changing attitudes towards people of mature age: ensuring their participation in cultural, working and spiritual life, the necessary care from the younger generation.

Presenters they say, in turn:
1. We are not sad in our family,
We sing, we dance, we dance,
2. All activities are good,
Let's have fun from the heart.
1. We can do everything ourselves,
If anything happens, we call mom... /point to the Manager/
2. Hey friends, don't be discouraged
Let's clap together!

Presenter1 - Hello dear guests! Today in this hall gathered all those who make and have made the life of a child in kindergarten interesting and eventful, comfortable and safe. Here are those who devoted themselves to children. This month, in the golden autumn season, we honor those who devoted all their strength and knowledge to their people, who gave health and youth to the younger generation. I'm talking about you, our distinguished guests. And this loud applause now sounds in your honor. /applause/
Presenter 2 :
Old people, young at heart,
How many paths and roads have you seen?
They loved dearly and raised children,
And they lived in hope: less worries for you!
Presenter 1:
Elderly people, you are like this in everything:
Give your soul, experience and love
Dear home, young world
And everything that the heart remembers again.
Low bow to you from your family and friends
And from the entire fatherland for your invaluable work! /Applause/
Presenter 2 - Respect for all members of society, recognition of their merits and the significance of their work is evidenced by the fact that in our country, along with many holidays, an absolutely exciting and pleasant holiday has been introduced for many - the Day of Older Persons. But we certainly cannot call our colleagues elderly; they are our veterans of teaching work. These people devoted their whole lives to work, raising children, who, having taken the baton from them, continue what they started. Let us be grateful to the veterans for everything they have done, and many continue to do, for society and for their fellow citizens. We are very pleased to meet with you today. We have always followed your example. You have always had an optimism that is worth envying. Happy holiday to you!

The song “The main thing, guys, is not to grow old in your heart” is performed.

1. The main thing, girls, is not to grow old in your heart,
To be a romantic at heart, to know, to search, to burn.
And under the scarlet sail of rapid childhood
Fly through the years with your children.
Chorus :
You are in the group - a teacher, an artist and a fighter, remember that, don’t forget!
If 20 hearts beat together with yours, you have chosen your path correctly!
2. The main thing is not only to give knowledge to children,
The main thing is to raise worthy citizens,
To be smart, brave, big,
So that fathers grow up in worthy succession.

Presenter 1: I wonder, is it easy to be a teacher?
Presenter2 : Why don't we do an experiment?
Presenter1 : With those who are already retired...
Presenter2 : Let's ask them to cope with several tasks.
Presenter1 : The first task will reveal your knowledge of fairy-tale characters.
Presenter2 : You must say the second half of the character's name. So…
Ali (Baba), Little (Muk, Prince), Uncle (Fedor, Styopa), Elena (Beautiful), Grandfather (Frost, Mazai), Postman (Pechkin), Boy (thumb), Iron (Woodcutter), Cat (in boots, Leopold, Matroskin), Old Man (Hottabych), Old Woman (Shapoklyak), Brownie (Kuzya).

Presenter1 : We completed the first task, well done. But it was a very easy task.
Task No. 2. - How would you solve a problematic situation with a child?
Presenter2 :1st situation
In the morning the child does not let his mother go.
Child: Mommy, my dear, don’t leave me here, please! And I'll take it and run away!
Presenter2 : 2nd situation
We need to persuade the child to eat porridge.
Child: I won’t eat this porridge. And I want sausage!!!
Presenter 1 : 3rd situation
Two girls take the bear cub from each other, no one wants to give in.
Girls: I took it first, no, I took it first!
Presenter2 : 4th situation
After lunch, the children are frolicking, no one is going to sleep. What to do?
Presenter 1 : Well done, thank you all. And now we invite you to remember your young, working days and sing a song together.

- Never forget that Makarenko said: “I wouldn’t let gloomy teachers close to children!” From being sad and despondent, and there is little use in work, you don’t know how to have fun -
So you’re not a teacher!”

The song is performed on motif "Blue wagon"(everyone is given the words of the song and asked to perform it)

1. Only in the morning does Zorka study, cheerfully calls you to work,
We get out of bed cheerfully, like this every day from year to year.
Etc. Good riddance, good riddance, the long journey spreads,
How many souls and years have been given to the garden!
To each, to each, he became like a native,
There is no better garden than ours in the whole world.
2. Slowly the minutes float away into the distance, the kindergarten is usually full of things,
Sometimes a slight sadness will come flooding in, because they have been waiting for a long time at home.
3. Yes, friends, the work of an educator is an eternal road without end.
We have chosen everything consciously, we give our hearts to children.

Presenter 2 : Well done with the 3rd Task.
Presenter 1 : Oh, you hear, it seems someone is in a hurry to us.

Presenter 2: I think I guessed it, these are our little artists who came to congratulate you, these are children preparatory group. Meet!

Child1 . Happy holiday, our dear guests! We want to perform the song “Autumn” for you on this wonderful autumn day.


We came to the elegant hall

For the autumn carnival

But where is our autumn?

We'll ask about this in the song.

They perform the song " Autumn "


(Poem, read by Afroskina Anastasia)

Elderly relatives
Waiting for a gift from children
In the form of words simple, but warm,
Very affectionate and kind
You are always an example for us - this is the time
Never get sick - these are two,
Three - let joy and peace
With you will be day-to-day,
Here are four - it's simple:
Let the stars shine through your window.
We also want to say:
We love you - that's five!

Child: We wish you a long, long life
We wish you a safe journey.
Let our lines swirl like leaves,
Let the years rustle like leaves.

Musical number

Presenter 1 : We continue our holiday concert. Now our children will say their words of gratitude and wishes.
1 Child:
- Our bow to you, our thanks for the sunshine of your eyes.
And for the fact that autumn began beautifully with your holiday.
2 Child :
- We love you very much and wish you not to get sick,
After relaxing at the dacha, fly to the Canary Islands!
What else can I say that I wish you today?
So that you don’t have to wait long for a good law.
3 Child :
- So that a pension is given every month - a million!
Then you would say: “Wonderful law”!

4 Child:
- We wish that the heart beats rhythmically, that the years slow down.
So that troubles disappear, sadness does not occur, and happiness is enough for a century.
5th child: Now let’s dance more fun and amuse all the guests!


Clouds ran up in the sky,

But we took an umbrella with us,

Drops hit the ground loudly

We are not afraid in the slightest.

Music number. Dance with umbrellas

After the dance, the children give the guests a gift - an “Umbrella” applique.

2 Presenter: And now the children will tell you poems about autumn.

(poems about autumn)
Musical number

1 Presenter: Our educators are the wisest, most intelligent.

I want to wish you that your story continues as long as possible, that your children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren will make you happy
2 Presenter : We are grateful to you for the past years
Because you spite everyone in bad weather,
Having overcome all storms and adversity,
You laugh so cheerfully and lightly.
1 Presenter: We love you, optimistic, cheerful,
Because you don’t want to become limp.
Thank you for the wisdom of the good songs,
It’s more fun to walk through life with them! /Applause/

Musical number

2 Presenter : Thank you for not forgetting us and always responding to the invitation. We are always glad to see you, to listen to your advice and wishes. Come to us more often, not only on holidays, but also on any weekday.
Presenters 1: And now, we invite you to tea.
Music sounds, everyone leaves the hall. The holiday is over.

1. Magazine "Musical Director" No. 5, 2012, Publishing House "Preschooler Education"
2. Magazine "Musical Palette" No. 5, 2011.
3. Prosandeeva O.A. Children's ensemble: from idea to concert.
4. Holidays in kindergarten., Moscow; Iris Press 2009
