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Federal law 442 fz. Analysis of the law on the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation. Expert position on the issue of modernization of the sphere of social services for the population

One of the main responsibilities of the state as an institution social protection is "provision for old age, in case of illness, disability, loss of a breadwinner, for the upbringing of children and in other cases established by law" (Article 39 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation).

The essence of Federal Law 442

Federal Law N 442-FZ “On the Basics social service citizens in the Russian Federation” was adopted by the State Duma and approved by the Federation Council in December 2013. The subject of regulation of this law are legal, economic and organizational aspects in the field of public services: powers public services, rights and obligations of recipients and service providers, and so on.

Structurally 442 the law on social services is represented by ten chapters containing 37 articles. Consider it summary, noting the main provisions:

  • General provisions: subject of regulation legal regulation public services, basic concepts, principles, social service system, confidentiality of information about the recipient of services;
  • Powers of state bodies: powers of federal bodies and bodies state power subjects of the Russian Federation in the field of social services;
  • Service recipients: rights and obligations;
  • Service providers: rights, obligations and information openness;
  • The procedure for providing social services: applying for the provision of services, recognizing a person as in need of service, an individual program, a contract for the provision of services, refusal of service;
  • Social service: forms, types, urgent services, social support (assistance in the provision of medical, psychological, pedagogical, legal and other assistance not related to social services);
  • Provision of social services: organization of social services, independent quality assessment, specialized information systems, register of providers and register of recipients, requirements for the procedure for providing services, interdepartmental interaction;
  • Financing: financial support social services, provision of services free of charge, determination of the amount of the fee;
  • Control (supervision): state, public;
  • Final and transitional provisions.

Signed back in December 2013, the law on social services came into force only on January 1, 2015. Federal Law 446 replaced those that became invalid on the same day legal acts: dated August 2, 1995 N 122-FZ “On social services for the elderly and disabled” and dated December 10, 1995 N 195-FZ “On the basics of social services for the population in the Russian Federation”. The only change that has entered into force at the moment, the law has undergone in July 2017, at that time not yet entered into force.

Federal Law No. 442-FZ of December 28, 2013 (as amended on July 21, 2014) “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation” caused a certain stir in specialized circles even at the stage of discussion. The law included some aspects that were mentioned and prescribed in Russia for the first time. First of all we are talking on the involvement of non-governmental organizations in this activity commercial organizations and individual entrepreneurs. The prerequisites for such a cardinal decision were, in many respects, large queues of citizens wishing to become a recipient of services, which testified to the insolvency of the system of social services that existed at that time and, accordingly, the laws in force in this area.

Consider the main innovations that followed the adoption of this law:

  • Involvement of commercial and non-profit organizations in the field of social services, provided state support(reducing the tax rate, subsidizing);
  • Expansion of the circle of citizens who can be provided with such assistance. The number of persons who are entitled to free services includes: disabled people, the elderly, minors and citizens whose monetary income has not exceeded the established threshold;
  • The grounds for recognizing a person in need of assistance were clearly spelled out. For comparison, in the law of 1995, the wording “difficult life situation” was prescribed as a basis, which inevitably entailed differences in interpretation;
  • The system of support for orphans has changed, the authority for guardianship over which has been transferred to the jurisdiction of the social protection authorities;
  • It was envisaged to create unified register providers and register of recipients in the field of social services.

Rights and obligations of recipients of social services under the law

According to the provisions of the ninth article 442 of the law, beneficiaries of social services have the right on the:

  • Respect and humane attitude;
  • Free access to information regarding their rights and obligations, types of services, terms, procedures and conditions for their provision, tariffs for these services, the possibility of obtaining them free of charge and other required information;
  • Selecting a supplier or suppliers;
  • Refusal to provide services;
  • Protection of own rights and interests in accordance with the legislation of Russia;
  • Participation in the development of an individual program;
  • Providing conditions during the period of stay in social service organizations that meet sanitary and hygienic requirements, as well as for the necessary care;
  • Free visits by legal representatives, relatives, lawyers (lawyer, notary), representatives of public and (or) other organizations, clergy and other persons in the daytime and in the evening;
  • Social support (detailed in Article 22 of the law).

According to the tenth article of this law, among obligations of recipients of social services includes:

  • Presentation of the information and documents required for the provision of services (the list may differ depending on the subject of the Russian Federation);
  • Timely informing the provider about changes in the circumstances that initially caused the provision of services;
  • Compliance with the terms of the contract for the provision of services, in particular the timely and full payment of the cost, if any.

What changes have been made?

After signing the bill, a year was provided for the preparation of the material and technical base and the implementation of all provisions of the law. During this period, the law was amended in July 2014. They mainly dealt with the issue independent evaluation the quality of services provided by social service organizations.

To the powers of federal bodies and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as bodies local government operating in this area, thus adding the creation of conditions for an independent assessment of the quality of service and providing on their official websites the technical possibility of expressing opinions by recipients of services on the quality of their provision and on the organization of social services in general. Also, suppliers have an obligation to ensure openness and accessibility of information in the field of conducting an independent assessment of the quality of their provision.

This year, Federal Law No. 324-FZ of November 14, 2017 “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation” was issued. According to Article 2 of Federal Law-324, the law will come into force after ninety days from the date of official publication. Was published in Russian newspaper» On November 17, 2017, the law (and, accordingly, its amendments) will enter into force on February 13, 2018. Consider the changes to be undergone by the law 442-FZ.

Article 5, paragraph 2 law was presented in a different edition. It was clarified that the powers of the public authority of the subject of the Russian Federation in the field of social services are valid only on the territory of the subject itself, and a clarifying addition was made that the powers of this body include recognizing citizens in need of service and drawing up individual programs.

Article 5 of FZ-442 was supplemented by paragraph 7. Thus, the system of social services included organizations that are under the jurisdiction of the authorized body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, if, in accordance with the provisions of Law 442-FZ, they were given the authority to recognize citizens as needy and to draw up individual programs on the territory of one or more municipalities.

Wording clause 13 of part 2 of article 7 FZ-442 was shortened: the words “provision of social services (hereinafter referred to as the individual program)” were excluded.

Article 8, paragraph 2 FZ-442 was presented in a different edition. Thus, the powers of the state authorities of the subjects of Russia in the field of social services included the definition of the authorized body of the subject of the Russian Federation, and also, if necessary, by an authorized organization.

A similar clarification applies to Article 14, paragraph 2 of Article 15 and paragraph 4 of Article 16, in which the wording "authorized body of the Russian Federation" was supplemented by "authorized organization".

Let us also consider several separate articles of the FZ-442 law, which are of great importance within the framework of this legislative act.

Article 15 FZ-442 determines the procedure for recognizing a citizen in need of social services. The following circumstances may serve as grounds for recognition under the law:

  • Loss of the ability to carry out self-care, move without someone else's help, providing basic physiological and other needs due to illness, injury, age or disability;
  • The presence in the family of a disabled person in need of constant outside care;
  • The presence in the family of a child who has difficulty adapting to society;
  • The impossibility of providing care for a disabled person, a child (children) or the lack of care for them;
  • Family violence, the presence of drug, alcohol or other addictions among family members;
  • Lack of a fixed place of residence. In a special manner, this ground is prescribed for former pupils of orphanages and persons left without parental care, who have not reached the age of 23;
  • Lack of work, and, accordingly, means of subsistence;
  • Other circumstances recognized as worsening the life of citizens in accordance with the laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

The authorized body or organization, in accordance with the law FZ-442 on social services for citizens, is obliged to make a decision on recognizing a person as in need of assistance or on refusal within 5 days from the date of application. The answer is given in writing or electronic form. The decision to provide urgent services is made immediately. If the applicant considers that the refusal received by him is unlawful and contrary to the law, he has the right to appeal the decision in court.

Article 13 442-FZ regulates aspects of the obligations of social service providers in the field of ensuring information openness in the course of their activities. Thus, suppliers are obliged to create publicly available information resources containing information about their activities and provide access to these resources by posting them on information stands in their offices, as well as in the media, the Internet - on the official website.

Also, a certain list of information and documents (Part 2 of Article 13) should be posted on the official website, updated in case of any changes within ten working days. The procedure for posting and updating information is established by the authorized federal executive body.

Article 16 FZ-442 contains provisions related to the development and application of an individual program for the provision of services. This is a document that indicates information about the form, types, volume, frequency, conditions and terms for the provision of social services. The program also includes lists of recommended suppliers and support activities (Article 22 of the law). It is compiled in accordance with the needs of the person and is revised depending on changes in the circumstances that determine this need. It is reviewed at least once every three years.

Read more about the conditions for drawing up a document and the effect of its provisions in the text of the law (Article 16). A link to download the law FZ-442 is given in the last subtitle of this article.

Article 21 FZ-442 describes what is included in the concept of "urgent social services»:

  • providing free meals or food packages, clothing, footwear and other essentials;
  • assistance in obtaining temporary housing and providing the necessary legal assistance;
  • creation of conditions for the provision of emergency psychological assistance with the involvement of psychologists and clergy and other urgent services.

The name of the services speaks for itself - they must be provided without delay, i.е. without drawing up an individual program or contract for the provision of services. According to the law, both the application of a citizen and the receipt of relevant information from representatives of other state structures (medical, educational) can serve as the basis. Confirmation is the relevant act, including information about the recipient and provider, types of urgent social services provided, terms, date and conditions of provision. Certified by the recipient's signature.

Article 31 442 FZ prescribes that home care, as well as inpatient and semi-residential forms are provided free of charge to children and persons affected by emergencies or armed national conflicts. All this provided that at the time of applying, the average income per family member is equal to or below the threshold determined by the laws of the subject of the Russian Federation (often equal to one and a half subsistence minimums).

Download the text of the law on social services

The text of this law can be useful both for human rights activists and officials, and ordinary citizens who wish to expand their knowledge in the field of their own rights and freedoms provided for by law.

We suggest downloading the law in latest edition currently in force.

In the coming year, social services for the population are waiting for serious changes. On January 1, the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ “On the Fundamentals of Social Services for Citizens in the Russian Federation” came into force, which introduces significant changes to the system and procedure for providing social services. Some aspects of the new law are commented today by the Minister of Social, Demographic and Family Policy of the Samara Region Marina Yurievna Antimonova:

- First, about the most important thing: in accordance with the Federal Law, the list of social service providers is expanding. Along with government agencies social services to the population will be provided by non-state providers - commercial and non-profit organizations, individual entrepreneurs.

Institutions of social services to the population, according to the new legislation, become providers of social services and lose their powers to recognize citizens as in need of social services. Now the authorized body (the commission for recognizing citizens in need of social services) will recognize citizens in need of social services.

In the field of social services for the population, emphasis is placed on prevention and an individual approach. A new element in the system of social services is "social support", the essence of which is to assist citizens through interagency cooperation in obtaining different kind services: legal, medical, psychological, pedagogical, as well as social assistance not related to social services.
The grounds for recognizing citizens in need of social services are determined. This is the presence of circumstances that worsen or may worsen the living conditions of a person.

According to the law, payment for the provision of social services provided in semi-stationary conditions and at home is based on a targeted approach to their recipients and depends on the level of their average per capita income. Now citizens whose average per capita income does not exceed one and a half of the subsistence minimum will receive social services free of charge. The law also establishes the maximum amount of payment for social services.

It is planned to create information resources in the field of social services - a register of social service providers and a register of recipients of social services.

1 question: Who is entitled to social services under the new law?

Answer: Citizens recognized as in need of social services from among the citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation, refugees have the right to social services. These are the elderly, the disabled, children with disabilities, including children with disabilities, children and families in difficult situations, citizens without a fixed place of residence.

2. Question: who will provide social services after entry into force federal law No. 442-FZ?

Answer: In addition to the public sector, non-governmental organizations (commercial or non-commercial organizations), as well as individual entrepreneurs providing social services included in the register of social service providers, will be involved in the field of social services.

3. Question: who maintains the register of social service providers?

Answer: The register of suppliers is formed and maintained by the Ministry of Social, Demographic and Family Policy of the Samara Region.

4. Question: Where can I go to get social services?

Answer: You can apply to consider the issue of providing social services to the commission for recognizing citizens in need of social services, which will be created in each municipality, to the Ministry of Social, Demographic and Family Policy of the Samara Region, as well as directly to the provider of social services.

5. Q: where can a citizen find information about organizations providing social services?

Answer: Information about social service providers (location, Contact Information, information about the forms of social services, the types of social services provided, as well as the amount of fees, etc.) will be located on the official website of the Ministry of Social, Demographic and Family Policy of the Samara Region, websites and information stands of social service providers.

6. Q: Who can apply for social services?

Answer: For the provision of social services, a citizen or his legal representative may apply himself or, at his request, other citizens, government bodies, local governments, public associations.

7. Question: in what case can the provision of social services be denied?

Answer: A decision to refuse social services is possible if a citizen (or recipient of social services) has medical contraindications, confirmed by the relevant conclusion of a medical organization.

8. Question: in what case is a citizen recognized as needing social services?

Answer: A citizen is recognized as needing social services if he has circumstances that worsen or may worsen his living conditions. Such circumstances, for example, include: complete or partial loss of the ability to carry out self-service; the presence in the family of a disabled person and disabled people (including a disabled child) in need of constant outside care; the presence of a child or children experiencing difficulties in social adaptation; the presence of intra-family conflict, as well as domestic violence; lack of a fixed place of residence; lack of work and livelihood.

9. Question: Who is entitled to free social services?

Answer: In accordance with federal legislation, the following categories of citizens are entitled to free social services: minor children, persons affected by emergencies, armed interethnic (interethnic) conflicts, as well as persons who, as of the date of application, have an average per capita income lower than or equal to the amount of the established limit value. In the Samara region, this amount is one and a half times the subsistence minimum. For example: today the subsistence minimum for pensioners is 6082 rubles, respectively, one and a half value will be 9123 rubles (6082 × 1.5), thus, elderly citizens and disabled people of the Samara region, whose average per capita income is equal to or lower than 9123 rubles, will receive social services at home and in a semi-stationary form free of charge. The region also provides for additional categories of citizens, which include: persons recognized as disabled for the first time, within the limits of the recommendations of an individual program for the rehabilitation of a disabled person in organizations providing rehabilitation services; persons without a fixed place of residence and employment in semi-stationary and stationary forms of social services; women with children, pregnant women and adult citizens from among orphans, children left without parental care, who find themselves in a difficult life situation, in social hotels or departments providing social services in stationary conditions.

10. Question: Will there be changes in payment for the provision of social services?

Answer: Since January 1, 2015, the limits of the monthly fee for the provision of social services have been approved. For the provision of services at home and semi-residential form, the fee will be no more than 50% of the difference between the average per capita income of the recipient and the maximum per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge (one and a half subsistence minimums). In the stationary form, the payment limit is no more than 75% of the average per capita income of the recipient of social services.

For example, the average per capita income of a recipient of social services at home as of January 1, 2015 is 10,123 rubles, the current subsistence level is 6,082 rubles, and the maximum per capita income of a recipient will be 9,123 rubles. (6082×1.5). 10123-9123= 1000 rub. difference. 50% difference - 500 rubles. This means that a recipient of social services can receive services in excess of 500 rubles, but will pay only 500 rubles.

1) minor children;

2) persons who have suffered as a result of emergency situations, armed interethnic (interethnic) conflicts.

2. Social services in the form of social services at home and in the semi-stationary form of social services are provided free of charge if, as of the date of application, the average per capita income of the recipient of social services, calculated in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, is below the limit value or equal to the limit value of the average per capita income for providing social services free of charge, established by the law of the subject of the Russian Federation.

3. Regulatory legal acts of the subjects of the Russian Federation may provide for other categories of citizens to whom social services are provided free of charge.

4. The procedure for determining the average per capita income for the provision of social services free of charge for the purposes of this Federal Law is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

5. The size of the maximum per capita income for the provision of social services is established free of charge by the laws of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation and cannot be lower than one and a half of the subsistence minimum established in the constituent entity of the Russian Federation for the main socio-demographic groups of the population.

Judicial practice under article 31 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 No. 442-FZ

    Resolution No. 44G-22/2019 4G-766/2019 dated September 9, 2019 in case No. 2-2007/2018

    Kaliningrad Regional Court (Kaliningrad Region) - Civil

    of the Law on the procedure for the provision of social services in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, cannot be higher than the amount of payment for the provision of relevant social services to these persons established as of December 31, 2014, and the conditions for their provision cannot be worsened in comparison with the conditions established as of December 31, 2014. December 2014. With reference to the foregoing, Deputy...

    Decision No. 2-1864/2019 dated August 26, 2019 in case No. 2-1088/2018~M-836/2018

    Seversky District Court ( Krasnodar region) - Civil and administrative

    Its provision in accordance with this Federal Law cannot exceed the amount of payment for the provision of relevant social services to these persons established as of December 31, 2014, and the conditions for the provision of relevant social services cannot be worsened in comparison with the conditions established as of December 31, 2014. December 31, 2014. Asking to acknowledge...

    Decision No. 2-2171/2019 2-2171/2019~M-2130/2019 M-2130/2019 dated August 22, 2019 in case No. 2-2171/2019

    The form is provided with residential premises, as well as premises for the provision of the types of social services provided for in paragraphs 1 - 7 of Article 20 of this Federal Law (part 3). According to Art. 31 of the Federal Law “On the Fundamentals of Social Services”, social services in the form of social services at home, in semi-stationary and stationary forms of social services are provided free of charge: 1) to minor children; 2) persons, ...

    Decision No. 2-2170/2019 2-2170/2019~M-2132/2019 M-2132/2019 dated August 22, 2019 in case No. 2-2170/2019

    Tchaikovsky city court Perm region) - Civil and administrative

    KSUAE SON "Tchaikovsky DIPI". On May 30, 2005, an agreement was concluded with her on inpatient service elderly and disabled citizens. The term of the contract is December 31, 2005 with a subsequent extension. Upon the expiration of the term Kutyavina N.A. remained in service. No decision was made to terminate the contract by the parties. July 5, 2012...

    Decision No. 2-143/2019 dated August 7, 2019 in case No. 2-143/2019

    Kologrivsky district court (Kostroma region) - Civil and administrative

    Boarding house account through a branch pension fund RF. Payment in the amount of 75% of other types of income (EDV, FSD and others) is not carried out. As of 31 . On March 3, 2019, the defendant had a debt in the amount of 62,211.66 rubles for the period from September 1, 2017 to March 31, 2019, which the defendant is to reimburse ...

    Decision No. 2-2347/2019 dated August 6, 2019 in case No. 2-2347/2019

    Factory District Court of Kemerovo (Kemerovo region) - Civil and administrative

    Based on tariffs for social services, but may not exceed seventy-five percent of the average per capita income of a recipient of social services, calculated in accordance with Part 4 of Article 31 of this Federal Law. According to paragraph 1.1 of the Resolution of the Board of the Administration of the Kemerovo Region dated December 22, 2014 No. 514 “On approval of the amount of payment for the provision of social services and the procedure ...

  • ... within the framework of interagency cooperation. Relations related to the execution of an agreement on the provision of social services are regulated in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. The list of services provided free of charge, defined by Art. 31 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 N 442-FZ "On the basics of social services for citizens in the Russian Federation". According to the rules of Article 32 of the Federal Law of December 28, 2013 ...

Article 13. Information openness of social service providers

1. Social service providers form public information resources containing information about the activities of these providers, and provide access to these resources by placing them on information stands in the premises of social service providers, in the media, on the Internet, including on official website of the social service organization.

2. Social service providers ensure the openness and availability of information:

1) about the date state registration, about the founder (founders), about the location, branches (if any), mode, work schedule, contact numbers and email addresses;

2) on the structure and management bodies of the social service organization;

3) on the form of social services, types of social services, the procedure and conditions for their provision, on tariffs for social services;

4) on the number of recipients of social services by forms of social services and types of social services at the expense of budget allocations from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in accordance with agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities;

5) on the head, his deputies, heads of branches (if any), on the personal composition of employees (indicating, with their consent, the level of education, qualifications and work experience);

6) on the material and technical support for the provision of social services (the availability of equipped premises for the provision of social services, including libraries, sports facilities, the availability of training and education facilities, nutritional conditions and ensuring the health of recipients of social services, access to information systems in the field of social services and the Internet);

7) on the number of free places for receiving recipients of social services in the forms of social services financed from the budgetary allocations of the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as paid in accordance with agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities;

8) on the volume of social services provided at the expense of budget allocations from the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and in accordance with agreements at the expense of individuals and (or) legal entities;

9) on the availability of licenses to carry out activities subject to licensing in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

10) on financial and economic activities;

11) on internal regulations for recipients of social services, internal labor regulations, collective agreement;

12) on the presence of instructions of the bodies exercising state control in the field of social services, and reports on the implementation of these instructions;

12.1) on conducting an independent assessment of the quality of the conditions for the provision of services by social service organizations, which is determined by the authorized federal executive body;

13) about other information that is posted, published by decision of the provider of social services and (or) placement, the publication of which is mandatory in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. The information and documents referred to in paragraph 2 of this article shall be posted on the official website of the social service provider on the Internet and updated within ten working days from the date of their creation, receipt or introduction of appropriate changes to them. The procedure for posting on the official website of a social service provider on the Internet and updating information about this provider (including the content of the specified information and the form of its provision) is approved by the authorized federal executive body.

According to the constitution, Russian Federation is a socially oriented state. That is why all categories of citizens should be provided with high-quality social services, the procedure for providing which is regulated in 442-FZ. Some provisions of this normative act will be discussed in the article.

What is the law about?

Federal Law No. 442-FZ establishes a number of goals and objectives that are binding on the relevant entities. Here you should pay attention to:

  • legal, economic, organizational and other foundations for serving citizens in the field of providing social benefits;
  • a range of powers and responsibilities for both recipients and providers in the area under consideration;
  • a number of rights of federal and subject instances of state power, etc.

What, according to 442-FZ, is a social service for Russian citizens? Article 3 refers to the activities of officials to provide a number of useful services to the population. It should be noted that social services must strictly comply with certain standards, that is, the requirements for the frequency, volume and quality of a particular service.

On the principles of social services

Such an important and extensive area as the provision of social services to the population must necessarily be based on a number of principles, ideas and conditions. The most important principle here is, of course, the protection of human and civil rights. Work in the area under consideration must be of a humane nature, and also not allow the humiliation of the personality and dignity of a person.

You should also pay attention to the following principles:

  • voluntariness and confidentiality;
  • targeting of the provision of services;
  • equal access of all groups of the population to social services;
  • territorial proximity of service providers to the places of residence of recipients, etc.

The functioning of the system under consideration will be impossible if at least one of the presented principles disappears.

About the service system

Article 5 No. 442-FZ "On the Fundamentals of Social Services" provides a description of the structure in the area under consideration, which includes a number of government agencies, organizations and non-profit enterprises.

The government as the main instance of executive power is the most important body in the field of social services. It is the government that is called upon to implement and develop public policy and legal regulation throughout the system. gives orders to regional bodies - the administrations of Russian subjects. In addition, the government controls various private organizations of commercial and non-commercial types. The system may also include ordinary citizens who are individual entrepreneurs- but only those that are engaged in social services.

On the responsibilities of the subjects of the system

According to chapters 3 and 4 of No. 442-FZ, both recipients and service providers in social sphere have a number of mandatory functions. To begin with, it is worth analyzing the obligations of the recipients enshrined in Article 10 of the normative act in question. Here's what's worth highlighting here:

  • providing all necessary documentation to state bodies;
  • timely notification of providers of changes in circumstances that necessitate the provision of services;
  • compliance with the terms and conditions set forth in the contract with the supplier.

According to Article 12 of Federal Law No. 442-FZ, service providers have the following obligations:

  • exercise of their professional functions in strict accordance with the law;
  • implementation of social support;
  • lawful use of recipient information;
  • provision of urgent services, etc.

It is also worth noting that service providers should not restrict the rights or freedoms of people, use any type of violence, allow rough treatment, etc.

On the rights of the subjects of the system

What are social service providers entitled to? Here it is worth paying attention to Article 11 No. 442-FZ, which says the following:

  • the ability to request all the necessary information from public authorities;
  • the ability to be included in the register of suppliers - federal or regional type;
  • the right to refuse the recipient of services or the applicant if the contract was incorrectly executed or all the necessary documentation was not provided.

Service recipients have the right to be treated humanely and respectful attitude, to freely choose a supplier, to receive information about their duties and powers in a free and accessible form, to participate in the preparation of programs of an individual nature, and much more.

About forms of social service

In what types and forms can the system of providing social services be expressed? Article 19 No. 442-FZ "On social services" refers to the provision of services at home, in stationary or semi-stationary forms.

Home service has no time frame, but other types of services should be strictly regulated by certain hours. It should also be noted that purchasers of social services in stationary or semi-stationary forms must be provided with:

  • the possibility of escort when moving around the territory of the provision of services;
  • the right to independent movement;
  • the ability to receive duplication of texts by voice messages, and vice versa;
  • the right to receive other types of assistance in accordance with the law.

Social services themselves can be of a social, medical, psychological, labor or other nature.
