Ideas.  Interesting.  Public catering.  Production.  Management.  Agriculture

People obsessed with their idea summary. Secrets of Tesla, Nikola Tesla. Herbert Chavez poses as Clark Kent, the hero of Smallville, a TV adaptation of the Superman comics.

The beacon of genius Nikola Tesla is known throughout the world. Nikola Tesla called on nations to unite in the name of peace and science. Quotes from Nikola Tesla, who saw far ahead of his time, are a source of inspiration and great wisdom.

Here are just 23 of the many lessons from this extraordinary man.

Thoughts of Nikola Tesla: 23 life lessons

1. Science can make more progress by studying non-physical phenomena.

“From the day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

2. Your body is a priceless gift.

It is an amazing work of art, indescribable beauty, a great mystery inaccessible to human understanding, it is so delicate and fragile that a word, a breath, a glance, a prohibition, a thought can damage it.”

3. If you want to unravel the mysteries of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.

The Universe is not only material bodies that we can feel with our senses. “If you want to unravel the mysteries of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

4. Genius requires privacy.

“Be alone, that is the secret of invention; Be alone, only in it are ideas born. Most people are so absorbed in the outside world that they are completely unaware of what is happening inside them.”

It seems that there is nothing good about being alone. But when we are alone, it means that we are alone with ourselves, i.e. where it is possible to experience a moment of discovery.

We can let ourselves go and immerse yourself in your inner energy. Many people do not seek solitude, but when we connect with our inner being, great opportunities arise.

5. The brain is just a receiver.

“My brain is just a receiver. , strength and inspiration. I have not yet penetrated into this innermost essence of the universe, but I know that it exists."

6. The gift of mental ability comes from God.

“The gift of mental ability comes from God, the Divine essence. If we concentrate our mind on the truth, we become harmonious with it great power. My mother taught me to look for all the truths in the Bible."

7. Instinct goes beyond knowledge.

“Instinct is something that goes beyond knowledge. We undoubtedly have some fine fibers that enable us to perceive truths when logical reasoning or any other volitional effort of the brain is useless.”

8. The more we know, the more ignorant we become.

“It is paradoxical, yet true, when they say that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in an absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become aware of our limitations.”

9. If you can imagine something, you can achieve it.

“I have a different method. I'm in no rush to act right away. When I have an idea, I first imagine it in my mind. I change the design, make improvements and control the device entirely in my thoughts.”

10. When natural attraction develops into passionate desire, the approach to the goal goes by leaps and bounds.

Before any of our active action first the desire appears, then the intention to fulfill it. “When natural attraction develops into passionate desire, the approach to the goal goes by leaps and bounds.”

11. The unknown is worthy of respect and can be a source of joy.

No matter how hard we try, we will never know everything there is to know. “Life is and will remain an equation that cannot be solved, but it contains certain known factors.”

Recognizing this is incredibly important in order to lead a fulfilling life.

12. Our virtues and our shortcomings are notseparable.

“Our shortcomings and our virtues are inseparable, like force and matter. If they are separated, the person no longer exists.”

13. Misunderstanding is always caused by an inability to appreciate another point of view.

“Battles between men, just like battles between governments and nations, are invariably the result of misunderstanding in the broadest interpretation of the term. Misunderstandings are always caused by a failure to appreciate and respect another point of view.”

14. A person cannot be saved from his own stupidity by outside efforts.

“My mother understood human nature well and never scolded me. She knew that a man cannot be saved from his own folly or vice by the efforts or exhortations of someone else, but only by the use of his own will.”

15. Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment.

“What we now want is closer contact and understanding between individuals and communities throughout the earth and the elimination of selfishness and pride, which are always apt to plunge the world into primitive barbarity and strife. Peace can only come as a natural consequence of universal enlightenment.”

16. Everything that became great was ridiculed in the past.

“Everything that became great was ridiculed, suppressed, condemned, prohibited in the past. But from this struggle it emerged more and more powerful and triumphant.”

17. The factors influencing the formation of our destinies are very subtle and not always accessible to our understanding.

“When I remember the events of my past, I realize how subtle are the factors that shape our destinies.”

18. It's not the love you receive that's don’t, but the one you give away.

In our incredibly selfish society, this is a very important reminder: “It’s not the love you receive, but the love you give.” Giving happiness to others is the most reliable and

19. The miracles of yesterday are common occurrences today.

“We crave new sensations, but soon become indifferent to them. The miracles of yesterday are becoming commonplace today.”

20. Every living being is an engine that drives the impellers of the Universe.

“Every living being is an engine that drives the impellers of the Universe. Although it would seem to only affect its immediate surroundings, the sphere external influence extends to infinity of distance."

21. Patience is the basis.

“Many inventors fail because they lack patience. They have no desire to develop the device slowly, clearly and precisely in their minds so that they can actually feel how it works. They want to test their idea in practice right away.

As a result, they invest a lot of money and valuable materials only to find out that they are working in the wrong direction. We all make mistakes, and it’s better to see the mistake in your mind before you start putting it into practice.”

22. Money does not have the value that people give it.

“Money does not have the value that people give it. All my money was invested in experiments with the help of which I made new discoveries that could make human life a little easier."

23. Races and nations come and go, but Man remains.

“When we talk about man, we mean the concept of humanity as a whole. Before we apply scientific methods to study its movement as a whole, we must accept this as a physical fact.

But can anyone today doubt that millions of individuals of innumerable types and characters constitute one organism, whole?

Although everyone has freedom to think and act, we are knit together like the stars in the firmament, we are inseparably bound. These connections cannot be seen, but we can feel them. I feel pain if I cut my finger because the finger is part of me.

If my friend is hurt, it hurts me too, because my friend and I are one. And now I see a defeated enemy - some piece of matter in the Universe that I care about least, but it still saddens me. Doesn't this prove that each of us is part of the whole?

For centuries this idea has been proclaimed in the masterly wisdom of the teachings of religion, perhaps not as the only means of ensuring peace and harmony among people, but as a deep fundamental truth.

Buddhism expresses it in one way, Christianity in another, but both religions say the same thing: we are all one.

Metaphysical evidence, however, is not the only one we can use to support this idea. Science also recognizes the idea of ​​the connectedness of individual individuals, although not quite in the same sense as it recognizes that the Sun, planets and Moon together constitute one body.

There can be no doubt that this will be experimentally confirmed when the time comes and our means and methods for studying physical and other states and phenomena will be brought to greater perfection.

Moreover, this single human being lives and will continue to exist. Personality is short-lived, races and nations disappear, but Man remains. This is the profound difference between the individual and the whole.”

Translation by Tatyana Beglyak specially for the magazine “Reincarnation”.

If ordinary person ask who he knows among the founders of the era electric current, light and incandescent lamps, then the vast majority will remember (of those who know) the famous Thomas Edison, and few will remember Nikola Tesla, the physicist in whose honor the unit of magnetic induction is named and whose name is now heard only in connection with the name brand of expensive electric car. For some reason, Tesla is not very remembered on the pages of school physics textbooks, although without his works, discoveries and inventions it is difficult to imagine the existence of everyday things, such as, for example, electric current in our apartments. Like Lomonosov, Nikola Tesla was ahead of his time and did not receive the recognition he deserved during his lifetime, however, his work is still not properly appreciated.

It all started in 1856 in the small village of Smilyan (now the territory of Croatia): a fourth son was born into the family of a Serbian Orthodox priest, who was christened Nikola. Having learned to read, the boy literally “swallowed” books one after another, often reading at night. As a student at the University of Prague, already in his second year, young Tesla put forward the idea of ​​​​an induction alternating current generator. However, university professors considered this idea crazy and nonsense. But this negative verdict from pundits only encouraged the inventor, and already in 1882 a working model was built.

Tesla was eager to bring his brainchild to reality. industrial installation. He leaves for the USA and simply leaves the ship to visit the already famous Thomas Edison, the inventor of the electric light bulb, carbon microphone, phonograph and dynamo. Thanks to the patents he received for them, Edison had already become famous and rich at that time. The famous inventor listened to the young emigrant and, although he reacted rather coolly to his idea, still offered him a job in his laboratory. The lukewarm attitude towards the idea of ​​an alternating current generator was explained simply: all inventions and all scientific developments Edison was based on the use of direct current; he did not want to hear about alternating current. But already in October 1887, without ceasing to work for Edison, Nikola Tesla was able to obtain a patent for his invention. Edison “felt” a dangerous competitor and publicly began to criticize him. He also promised Tesla $50,000 for a complex and very important job for the company, and when the latter successfully completed it, he simply refused to pay, saying that the emigrant apparently did not understand well English language and American humor. The scientists parted as enemies, Tesla found himself on the street without work and without money.

But the talent was lucky. Having managed to interest some businessmen, Tesla soon opened his own company, Tesla Electric Light Company, entered into a contract with the company of millionaire Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric, and even participated in the construction of a hydroelectric power station at Niagara Falls.

The 90s of the 19th century were marked by an irreconcilable struggle between the two companies. On the one hand, it was General Electric that defended the interests of Edison, who was a supporter of the use of direct current. She was opposed by Westinghouse Electric, which created its products based on many of Nikola Tesla's patents in the field of alternating current. This time went down in industrial history as the “Period of Transformer Battles.” Journalists hired by General Electric in the press spread all sorts of tall tales about alternating current. In 1887, in New Jersey, Edison gave a long speech to the public, branded his competitors Tesla and Westinghouse, and then connected a metal plate on which he had previously placed a dozen animals to a Westinghouse Electric generator producing a current of 1000 volts. They died. In 1888, when New York authorities were looking for a more humane species death penalty, Edison advocated that the "alternating current" electric chair be chosen. He believed that a normal person would not want to use a device “made using electric chair technology.”

But the tireless Tesla came up with a spectacular counter-move. His performance, which took place at the 1893 World's Fair in Chicago, shocked the whole world. With a calm expression, he passed an alternating current of millions of volts through himself - lightning danced on the surface of his skin, but he himself remained unharmed. And when, overcome by electric discharges, the “madman” with a smile picked up incandescent lamps that were not connected to any wires (Edison ones, by the way!), They obediently lit up in his hands. It seemed like real magic. And this despite the fact that Edison previously stated in numerous speeches that high voltage alternating current will kill anyone who touches the wires!

Tesla continued his scientific research with manic persistence. Some of his ideas were embodied in the form of numerous patents for inventions. In a lecture given in 1893 at Franklin University (Philadelphia), Tesla spoke about the possibility practical application electromagnetic waves. “I would like to say a few words about a subject that is always on my mind, which affects the well-being of us all. I mean the transmission of meaningful signals, perhaps even energy, to any distance without wires at all. Every day I become more and more convinced of the practical feasibility of this scheme." Such statements were not unfounded. Back in 1891, during experiments with oscillations high frequency the scientist creates one of the most original instruments of his time. Tesla managed to combine the properties of a transformer and the phenomenon of resonance in one device. This is how the famous resonance transformer was created, which played a big role in the development of many branches of electrical engineering and radio engineering and is widely known as the “Tesla transformer”. The inventor proposed using a resonance transformer to excite a radiator raised high above the ground and capable of transmitting high-frequency energy without wires. In modern terminology, we were talking about an antenna! Thus, several years before Popov and Marconi, the idea of ​​wireless communication had already been realized.

In 1899, in the mountainous region of Colorado, with the financial support of friends, Tesla organized a scientific laboratory. There, being at an altitude of two thousand meters above sea level, he began studying lightning discharges and determining the presence of an electric charge on the earth. He created an original design for an “amplifying transmitter” that resembles a transformer and allows one to obtain voltages of up to several million volts at a frequency of up to 150 thousand cycles per second. A 60-meter mast was connected to this transmitter. Turning on the transmitter caused lightning discharges in the atmosphere with lightning up to 135 feet long. In one of his experiments, Tesla attached a device to an iron beam in the attic of the building in which his laboratory was located. After some time, the walls of houses several miles from the laboratory began to vibrate, and people ran out into the street in panic. Because of the huge lightning that often appeared above the mast, local residents dubbed the scientist a “mad inventor.” And when strange vibrations in houses began, people immediately suspected Tesla of it. The police and reporters were called. The scientist managed to turn off and destroy his device, realizing in time that it could cause a serious disaster. “I could bring down the Brooklyn Bridge in an hour,” he later admitted. The experiments had to be stopped.

Then Tesla received financial support from John Pierpont Morgan, one of the millionaires of that time, who became interested in his developments. Using the allocated money, a laboratory for transmitting signals to Europe was built in New York on Long Island and a 57-meter-high tower with a steel shaft buried 36 meters into the ground was erected next to it. The tower was crowned by a 55-ton metal dome with a diameter of 20 meters. Science project was named Wardenclyffe. Tesla cherished a dream, in addition to transmitting signals, to seriously engage in the transfer of energy over a distance. The cunning physicist hid from Morgan that the tower was intended not only for broadcasting radio waves, but also for wireless transmission of electricity. As soon as Morgan realized this, he immediately refused to finance Tesla. After all, this invention could bring down the energy market: who would buy something that could be obtained practically for free? Being a co-owner of the world's first Niagara hydroelectric power station and large copper plants, Morgan could not allow this to happen. Wardenclyffe Tower was mothballed in 1903, stood abandoned for several years, and in 1917 it was blown up on a very strange basis - allegedly it could be used by German spies. It is also impossible not to mention the theory according to which the cause of the explosion at Podkamennaya Tunguska in Russia in 1908 (the so-called Tunguska meteorite) could have been the Wardenclyffe project. According to another version, with the help of Wardenclyffe, Tesla was going to illuminate the sky for Robert Peary, who was making his way in the Arctic darkness to the North Pole. However, these versions do not stand up to criticism, because the fall of the Tunguska body occurred on June 30, 1908, and Robert Peary went to the Pole on February 20, 1909.

The award of the Nobel Prize in Physics for 1915 caused general bewilderment: the day before, the New York Times wrote that it would be divided between two people, almost enemies - Tesla and Edison. There were many rumors on this topic; Tesla accepted congratulations, but was going to refuse the prize, although at that time he needed money - he fundamentally did not want to share this recognition of his merits with Edison. But a week later, the Nobel Committee announced that the physics prize would be given to English professor William Henry Bragg and his son William Lawrence Bragg for their services in studying the structure of crystals using X-rays. Thus, Nikola Tesla never received worldwide recognition of his achievements.

As time passed, Tesla grew older, but did not give up his dream of transmitting energy without wires. In 1931, with the support of Pierce-Arrow Co. and General Electric Tesla removed the gasoline engine from the new Pierce-Arrow car and replaced it with a standard 80-horsepower AC electric motor. (1800 rpm) Without any traditional external power sources. As eyewitnesses reported, at a local radio store he bought 12 vacuum tubes, some wires, a handful of various resistors and assembled all this equipment into a box 60 cm long, 30 cm wide and 15 high with a pair of 7.5 cm rods that stuck out outside. Having secured the box behind the driver's seat, he pulled out the rods and announced: “Now we have energy!” After that, he drove the car for a week, accelerating it to 150 km/h. To all questions about where the electric motor gets its energy, Tesla answered: “From the ether around us all.” Not believing his words, the townsfolk spread rumors that the scientist, one way or another, was in league with dark forces. Tesla was angry at this, he removed the mysterious box from the car and returned to his laboratory in New York. The mystery of the energy source still remains unsolved.

The last years of Nikola Tesla's life are also shrouded in mystery. There are versions that he was engaged in research at the American military corporation RCA. It is known for sure that he led the N.Terbo project (that was his mother’s maiden name). Some sources mention the Rainbow Project, within which the famous Philadelphia Experiment was allegedly carried out. The US Navy destroyer Eldridge was equipped with equipment to generate a protective field that would make the ship invisible to radar, but as a result of the experiment, the ship became invisible to the human eye. They wrote that the Eldridge instantly moved in space from one coast of America to the other, that part of the crew died, some disappeared without a trace, and those who survived spent the rest of their lives in a mental hospital. However, it was subsequently possible to prove that there was no experiment. The Eldridge was then in the wrong place, and, in general, all this was invented by one semi-literate sailor who saw how the ship was wrapped in copper wire - a very real way to demagnetize the hull so as not to explode on a magnetic mine.

Also, the whole world is very interested in Tesla’s “devilish weapon”. At the beginning of the 20th century, and then in the early 1940s at the age of 84, the scientist frightened journalists with his new invention. He promised to send a thin but extremely powerful beam of some particles or waves into the ionosphere, and they would heat this ionosphere so that it would incinerate the enemy who was located under it. Installations of this kind exist, they are called heating stands, but they are never used at full capacity, firstly, because of the unpredictability of the consequences for the experimenters themselves and, secondly, because of the complete meaninglessness of such experiments.

The great scientist died in 1943, leaving behind almost no notes, diaries or research results. Regarding Tesla’s scientific heritage, not everything is clear. Some of his friends and biographers claimed that the scientist destroyed most of his records at the beginning of World War II, realizing that humanity was not ready to use his discoveries, and they, used as a powerful weapon, could do more harm than good. Some of Tesla's contemporaries who worked with him in his last years claim that the physicist's archive was confiscated by the intelligence services immediately after his death. This is also one of the versions shrouded in mystery and riddles. A more practical one is that Tesla's surviving papers are in the Belgrade Museum named after him, whose staff publishes them from time to time.

Incredible facts about Nikola Tesla

  • Tesla claimed that he slept only 2 hours at night (although he admitted that he could lie down to rest during the day), and once spent 84 hours at work without feeling tired.
  • He was famous for his brilliant photographic memory; he could even memorize entire books!
  • According to family legend, after the birth of the boy, the midwife declared that Nikola was destined to be a child of darkness (perhaps because he was born during a thunderstorm, and lightning promises evil fate). His mother, however, prophetically said: “No, he will be a child of light.”
  • One of Tesla's oddities was that he hated touching his hair.
  • As a child, Nikola was tormented by nightmares, and, according to historians, later in life this helped him to mentally imagine his inventions, and very clearly.
  • He was obsessed with the number 3.
  • Tesla was an ardent proponent of hygiene. As they say, this was due to the fact that in his youth he fell ill with cholera and almost died.
  • One of Tesla's most unusual quirks was his aversion to round objects!
  • While seeking financial support from Morgan in 1901, Tesla told him about a new invention he was working on - the cell phone! Of course, the name was different, but, in essence, he meant communication without wire.
  • At some point, Tesla saw both X-rays and radar in his imagination.
  • He was a supporter of eugenics - human selection and birth control.
  • Tesla hated pearls and avoided conversations with women who wore pearl jewelry.
  • He was of the opinion that family life, having children is incompatible with scientific work. But shortly before his death, the scientist admits that giving up his personal life was an unjustified sacrifice.

Prepared by Ivan Kuparvas

Nikola Tesla - 10 unknown facts

Long overshadowed by his famous employer Thomas Edison, Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla became best known as the creator of the AC induction motor and the Tesla coil. While the scientist enjoyed his career as a successful inventor, he never ceased to amaze others with his strange behavior and was never seen in a romantic relationship. Unfortunately, Tesla ended his life broke and alone.

Becoming more and more eccentric every year, he accumulated a collection of oddities, thereby earning the title of a true "mad scientist."

Let's list just a few Interesting Facts about Tesla:

1. Tesla came up with the idea of ​​the modern smartphone - in 1909

Obsessed with the idea of ​​creating a compact device for transmitting text messages and images over a distance using coded signals, Tesla designed the first wireless transmission tower, which was installed on Long Island in New York. Wardenclyffe Tower was intended for commercial transatlantic telephony, radio broadcasting and demonstration of wireless power transmission. The tower was never fully functional and was dismantled in 1917.

2. Tesla suffered from a fear of pearls

The scientist was not able to stand even the sight of a pearl and once even sent his secretary home when she barely appeared on the horizon with a string of pearls around her neck. And this is just one of many oddities, such as the scientist's obsession with the number 3, which together suggests that Tesla suffered from obsessive-compulsive disorder.

3. Tesla rarely slept

According to the scientist himself, he slept only 2 hours a day, and sometimes spent two days in his laboratory without sleep at all. A friend of the inventor, Kenneth Swezey, confirmed this information and spoke about the case when one day, late at night, a call from Tesla rang out in his apartment: “I was sleeping in a dead sleep at home... Unexpectedly phone call woke me up...Tesla spoke enthusiastically...with some pauses...he discussed the problem, comparing different theories and commenting on his conjectures; when he felt that he had found a solution, he suddenly hung up.” It happened that he seemed to disconnect from outside world and fell into a half-sleep, which allowed him to “recharge his batteries.”

4. Tesla Had a Photographic Memory

The ability to simultaneously read literature and imprint a text in memory certainly played into the scientist’s hands. He could use all the necessary information in his memory, as if he always had an entire library at his disposal. This allowed the inventor to rarely use drawings: everything was designed in his head directly based on the information available there.

5. Tesla spoke 8 languages

The scientist, thanks to the extraordinary abilities of his brain and amazing memory, spoke fluently 8 languages: Serbo-Croatian, English, Czech, German, French, Hungarian, Italian and Latin. Linguists call such people “hyperpolyglots” (people who speak 6 or more languages ​​fluently).

6. Tesla invented the first hydroelectric power station

In 1895, together with George Westinghouse, Tesla designed and built the first hydroelectric power station using the energy of Niagara Falls.

7. Tesla knew the secret of the “death ray”

To be more precise, the scientist had an intricate design for creating "death rays" - an energy cannon called the Teleforce, which was to be used during the First World War and could destroy entire armies. He honestly described the invention as follows: “The cannon sends concentrated particles through the air with such unstoppable energy that it is capable of defeating an entire fleet at a distance of 200 miles...”. Tesla worked on launching the cannon until his death.

8. Tesla had a strange relationship with pigeons.

While the scientist was not capable of showing feelings towards people and was perceived as an antisocial person, he showed his emotions towards pigeons. Like many people, he often fed these birds in parks. Moreover, even when he was too ill to do it himself, he hired people to do it for him. In the last years of his life, he often brought injured pigeons to the hotel where he lived in order to cure and release the bird. He had a particularly strong affection for one bird: “I loved this bird as a man loves a woman. As long as she was next to me, my life had meaning."

9. Tesla died alone and without money

A very sad end for such a great thinker, but Tesla died on January 7, 1943 from coronary thrombosis in a room in the New York hotel that became his home for 10 years. A maid discovered his body two days later, having risked ignoring the "Do not disturb" sign on his room door. Despite selling the rights to the invention, Tesla died in poverty, because he himself sponsored his own invention projects, the end of which was never in sight.

10. Many of Tesla's inventions remained classified.

After his death, many of the scientist’s inventions were seized by the Office of Other People’s Property, although Tesla was a US citizen. After some time, some inventions were transferred to his family, others remained in the Tesla Museum in Belgrade, but many of the scientist’s inventions remained classified. People can only guess what else Tesla could have invented—for example, a source of free energy—before his death.

Some collectors, obsessed with the idea of ​​replenishing their collections, eventually turn their hobby into a profession, opening real museums in their homes, and the most unusual collections are awarded the right to be included in the Guinness Book of Records

Translation for – Anna Golovanova

In different parts of our planet there live people who are united by an all-consuming passion for collecting quirky and original objects. Some people collect bras or shoes, others collect wall clocks, tin boxes or folding pictures - puzzles.

Some avid collectors belong to creative professions, in particular, are artists or master craftsmen. The rest of the people are simply enthusiasts of their craft, who have placed thousands of things dear to their hearts in a small area of ​​private houses and apartments: from soft toys to souvenirs and clothes with the theme of Star Wars or Superman comics.

Some collectors, obsessed with the idea of ​​expanding their collections, eventually turn their hobby into a profession, opening real museums in their homes, and the most unusual collections are awarded the right to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.

We bring to your attention photographs of some collectors against the backdrop of their strange, sometimes even creepy collections.

Herbert Chavez poses as Clark Kent, the hero of Smallville, a TV adaptation of the Superman comics.

Herbert Chavez of Calamba in Laguna Province, Philippines, has collected a wide variety of Superman-related memorabilia, including superhero clothing, miniature figurines, posters, life-size statues and other items.

Jian Yan has to stand on a stool to access some of his extensive collection at his collector's home in Singapore.

Jian Yan from Singapore began collecting dolls when he was a teenager. He never paid attention to the widespread belief that collecting dolls is of interest only to the weaker half of humanity. Today, Jian Yan owns nine thousand dolls, six thousand of which are the world-famous Barbie dolls.

The unusual balcony of Etanis Gonzalez in the Venezuelan capital causes horror among the artist's neighbors

Popular Venezuelan artist Etanis Gonzalez placed a huge number of creepy dolls on his balcony in Caracas.

Andrea Rojas poses in front of her own collection of dolls at her home in Heredia, a few kilometers north of the capital San José.

Costa Rican resident Andrea Rojas also collects dolls. There are already more than four and a half thousand of them in her collection.

Margaret Tyler's London home has become a sanctuary for the British Royal Family. The lady of the house in the living room surrounded by her treasures

Over the course of thirty years, staunch royalist Margaret Tyler has amassed the world's largest collection of memorabilia related to the British Royal Family: dishes, figurines, books, magazines, paintings, posters, photographs, etc. In total, Margaret Tyler's collection now numbers ten thousand items.

Li Tao wipes dust from an antique clock in his museum

Chinese resident Li Tao owns an antique clock museum in the city of Shenyang in the northeastern part of China in Liaoning province. Li Tao became interested in watches and clock mechanisms as a child under the influence of his father. Today, Li Tao's collection numbers five and a half thousand items, many of which have not only artistic, but also important historical significance.

Yvette Darden's impressive collection took up the entire living space of her home in Grand Hall in eastern Belgium, so the owners had to buy another additional building

Belgian pensioner Yvette Darden collected more than fifty-five thousand antique metal boxes in her home. Unusual exhibits of various sizes and shapes with lids and lithographic pictures are a reflection of different historical eras and events.

Zhang Dafang poses with one of the valuable pieces from his collection

The Beijing apartment of Chinese citizen Zhang Dafang is filled with an incredible number of telephones.

Jordan Michael Geller in front of the Air Jordan Retro line of sneakers specially designed by Nike for basketball legend Michael Jordan

American Jordan Michael Geller from Las Vegas has amassed the largest collection of Nike sneakers by opening the world's first sneaker museum, ShoeZeum, on Las Vegas Boulevard in Nevada. In 2013, Geller's collection, including more than two and a half thousand pairs, was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

He Peiqi next to his unique work

Patient artist and collector He Peiqi, who lives in the city of Chongqing in central China, has created the most accurate miniature replica of his city. The man needed about fifty thousand coins different types, including those already out of use, a huge number of colored pebbles for decorating streets and Chinese chopsticks for food, with the help of which the master built his creation.

Yuri Kreshkov and his collection of bottles

Over the course of twenty years, Kiev resident Yuri Kreshkov collected about three thousand empty bottles from alcoholic drinks, placing an unusual collection in his small two-room apartment.

Gina Lacuna assembles a puzzle for her museum in Tagatay

Owner small business selling children's clothing, Gina Lacuna from the city of Tagaytay in the province of Cavite on the Philippine island of Luzon, fifty kilometers from Manila, collected 473 puzzles.

Celine Cornet with a panda toy at her home in Acre

The collection of pandas, owned by an elderly couple Celine and Andre Cornet from the Belgian city of Accourt, numbers two thousand two hundred delightful soft toys. The couple got their first toy back in 1978. According to the spouses' decision, after their death the collection will go to their sick children.

Emeline Duautoy poses in front of her spotted collection at her home in Saint-Omer in northern France.

French model Emeline Duautoy has been collecting toy cows for over seven years. Today the girl owns an extensive collection consisting of 1679 items, which includes Stuffed Toys, cups, slippers, magnets, trinkets and other little things that have “cow” symbolism.

Chen Jingzhu visited more than thirty educational institutions across the country with lectures, where he told girls that wearing incorrectly selected underwear increases the risk of disease. After the lectures, the girls willingly give their bras to the collector

A resident of the resort city of Sanya, in the very south of Hainan Island in China, Chen Jingzhu has collected a very unusual collection consisting of five thousand women's bras. Through his actions, the collector is trying to attract public attention to such a terrible cancer disease as breast cancer.

Collection of stones by Luigi Lineri

Italian Luigi Lineri, who lives on the banks of the Adige River near Verona, devotes his free time to collecting stones, to which the river waters have given some characteristic and easily recognizable shape, for example, a fish head or a human face. There are already tens of thousands of stones in the home workshop of 79-year-old Lineri. “I’m not even going to count them, but their number is huge,” says the collector.

James Burns and his collection of Star Wars memorabilia

Love for the series Star Wars"made the Englishman James Burns not just the owner of a large and varied collection of items with the symbols of his beloved film. Thanks to his unusual hobby, he met new friends. "I met a huge amount wonderful people all over the world. I am happy to belong to such a wonderful community of like-minded people,” he said. “Nothing can compare to this.”

Who are called possessed people? If we turn to explanatory dictionary, then we get information approximately as follows: this is a person who is passionate about his idea, thought or activity. People who are obsessed with something often do not notice the events happening around them. Anything that doesn't affect them inner world, is unconsciously separated or even rejected without thinking. They are entirely focused on their own feelings and are every hour ready to make new amazing discoveries. What makes these individuals different? What character qualities lead to success, help you not to give up, but to follow your dreams? Let's try to figure it out!

Ability to manage yourself

Obsessed people are not those who are maddened by some thought and cannot concentrate on what is happening around them. First of all, they are distinguished by their excessive immersion in the process of creation. Thus, a musician can spend hours working on a symphony, while a poet can sit still for long minutes, waiting for the right rhyme. Wherein external events realities go unnoticed. People of art are often called obsessed. This is how they appear to others - a detached look from the world, a thoughtful expression on their face, immersion in eternity. It would be a mistake to believe that creative person unable to muster the will into a fist and act purposefully. In fact, passion for an idea manifests itself in the ability to manage one’s own internal state. Emotions are under control because the brain is completely focused on achieving the goal.

The ability to manage oneself lies, first of all, in the correct organization of space for activity. A person who has achieved success happily shares his secrets with others: for several hours a day he is completely concentrated on solving the pressing problem, realizing that this necessary step brings him closer to the common goal. People obsessed with their dreams are not afraid of decisive action. They are distinguished by courage and enthusiasm. Having made mistakes, they continue to move forward, often fully aware of what is happening to them. A person who is carried away by his own thoughts knows how to fill himself with new positive thoughts, focus on the main thing and not think about something unimportant.

Victory over failure

Mistakes happen to everyone. The great minds of mankind have argued that it is impossible to walk along the road without once stumbling and falling. This is the only way we comprehend the wise science of life and learn to draw appropriate conclusions. The ability to get up after a failure and find the strength to move on represents greatest power. Most people give up too easily when faced with even minor difficulties. The majority are lost in the face of any unjustified expectations, give in to minor difficulties and endlessly complain about fate.

Obsessed people often look like madmen in the eyes of society, but they, like no one else, remain true to their destiny. An artist or musician will never give up his calling, he will endure hunger and unfavorable conditions, but he will not break, he will not give up his gift in a fit of despair. The ability to overcome failure is a very valuable acquisition. If you have this quality, then there is no significant obstacle in the world that could prevent you from coming to your own greatest discoveries.

Loyalty to your talent

Every person has certain abilities. Some people have been good at drawing or coming up with exciting stories since childhood. The other plays great musical instruments, and the third one dances superbly. But not everyone really strives to develop in the chosen direction and makes significant efforts for their own development. Meanwhile, success depends precisely on this factor - how hard and selflessly we work. Most live simply by inertia, without trying to develop their talents and grow new opportunities. This approach to the matter cannot but disappoint.

People who are obsessed with their profession, as a rule, remain faithful to it for a long time, throughout their lives. From the outside it may seem that they are not interested in anything else at all, but in reality this is not the case. Such a person wants to succeed as a person, to develop his individuality as much as possible. In most cases, he manages to achieve his goal, but only he alone knows at what cost victory is achieved, how much he has to sacrifice in the name of future success.

Self improvement

Obsessed people do not strive to live a boring and monotonous life. For them, there is nothing sadder than spending everyday life monotonously and dullly, not seeing the dawn and not staying creative work until late. Such a pastime is reminiscent of hard labor, from which there is no escape, so you want to avoid it as much as possible. They strive to find new horizons for themselves, identify additional prospects, and find opportunities. Without such intrinsic motivation It becomes difficult for them to live. They are constantly attracted and beckoned somewhere - sounds, colors, smells seem surprisingly attractive! The more intellectual a person is, the more strongly he strives for self-development. People obsessed with their idea, as a rule, do not stand in one place, but at all costs want to develop further. By improving their abilities, they actually move towards the success they desire.

Self-improvement is serious work on oneself, which forces a person to constantly doubt existing achievements, analyze his life path in general and each individual step in particular. Most of us, when trouble arises, begin to seek consolation from others. but often few people understand, so they remain alone in the saddest moments. One who is focused on his own dream does not give up in the face of difficulties, does not seek to run away from doubts and fear. When a person has a goal that leads him forward, his whole life begins to appear in a different light - lighter and more positive colors.

Ability to be inspired

Possessing the ability to control the activity being performed, people who are obsessed with their goals truly experience joy in what they do. At all times, such an approach to work was considered the greatest rarity. They get down to business with a sense of curiosity, pride and strong interest. Their day begins with a conscious intention to do something, and not just with chaotic actions brought to automaticity. Incomparable pleasure arises in moments of creative insight. They can admire their discovery for hours, like children, and be amazed at everything that happens in the world. In fact, regardless of physical age, artists, poets, musicians, actors, scientists always remain young. Youth is a state of mind, not the number of years lived. Every victory becomes for them the greatest gift, a revelation that has no name.

The ability to experience inspiration is the prerogative of a creative person obsessed with making dreams come true. No matter how serious the obstacles may be, nothing can negatively affect its development. Perhaps the most valuable thing in the life of such a person is freedom, the opportunity to manage his own time. This is why a creative person to a greater extent experiences loneliness than others. For a gifted person, there is nothing sadder than the need to adapt to circumstances and the opinions of strangers who know nothing about art and science.

Strength of will

Few people can boast that they truly have complete control over their time and control over their affairs. Most are not ready to live in anticipation of miraculous changes; they stop hoping for the best as a result of unfavorable events of the past. We complain endlessly, look for those to blame, and do not notice our own merits. Accepting responsibility means that a person must renounce all accusations against anyone and boldly act on his own. Willpower is what distinguishes people obsessed with an idea. They have a unique ability to deny themselves even the most necessary things. Due to this, time is freed up, which is confidently used for self-development, learning, creativity, allowing you to come to new, amazing discoveries.

Willpower helps you not to stop at the achieved result, but to continue to act with the same persistence. Even in those moments when you give up and slowly melt away, it is this component that helps you to be able to perk up. The great minds of mankind were distinguished by the fact that they saw a specific goal in front of them and gradually moved towards achieving it. All talented actors, writers, artists, musicians at work forgot about troubles and drew an inexhaustible source of inspiration and vitality.


What does it mean to be an obsessed person? This is someone who, without sparing himself, goes in the direction of his plans. Often strong individuals have no idea how to achieve everything they want, but in the end events turn out exactly as needed. The development of civilization has always been led by extraordinary people, for whom there were no barriers or restrictions. In an effort to go beyond the boundaries, they led crowds of people and developed independently, often without any outside support. In the history of mankind there is famous people obsessed with their idea. Examples of people show how significant specific principles and beliefs were to them. Thanks to their loyalty to creativity and activity, they achieved deafening popularity, became famous and famous. Today the whole country knows their names, and some of them have even won worldwide fame. Examples of possessed people who became famous thanks to their gift will be presented below.

Ludwig van Beethoven

His unforgettable music to this day permeates the hearts of true connoisseurs of the immortal classics! Such masterpieces as “Symphony No. 5”, “Moonlight Sonata”, “Fur Elise” are known all over the world. Beethoven is famous for his vibrant works and frantic attitude towards the creative process. At a fairly young age, he gradually began to lose his hearing.

Such a misfortune did not stop the composer - he began to compose deep music with even greater inspiration. Having lost his hearing completely, he created the most successful and famous works that the whole planet knows today. This man, experiencing colossal internal pain, continued to fight for the right to engage in creativity and proved to himself how indestructible the inner strength of a mature, strong, self-sufficient person can be.

D. I. Mendeleev

D.I. Mendeleev is the greatest scientist who made many discoveries. It is difficult to overestimate his merits, just as it is impossible to underestimate them. The creation of the periodic table of elements brought the scientist great fame. For many years he approached this discovery.

He was particularly obsessive about his work, not forgetting about it even at night. It was for this reason that in a dream he was able to come to the result of his many years of work. D.I. Mendeleev made a significant contribution to chemical science.

M. V. Lomonosov

This is the greatest genius of his era, one of the most outstanding scientists on a global scale. He owns discoveries made in various fields of knowledge - mathematics, physics, geography, medicine, physiology. He spent many hours in a row studying fundamental materials, endlessly reading scientific and other books, sometimes sacrificing sleep and the need to eat. Only people obsessed with their idea are capable of such a feat. Lomonosov was one of them.

Leonardo da Vinci

His masterpieces are known all over the world. “Mona Lisa”, “Baptism of Christ”, “Last Supper”, “Lady with an Ermine”, “Madonna of the Rocks”, “John the Baptist” - to this day we admire these brilliant works that stun our imagination. It is perhaps difficult to say what this man could not do.

In addition to creating picturesque paintings, Leonardo da Vinci succeeded in making predictions, inventing a machine gun and scuba gear. He was very obsessed with the idea of ​​flying. The artist himself greatly lamented the fact that he could not fly, and invented various ways soaring into the air.

Marina Tsvetaeva

This is a famous Russian poetess, whose poems stun the imagination of true connoisseurs of genuine poetry. The creativity of this person is distinguished by a soul-stirring style. It seems that Tsvetaeva existed on the verge of hope and despair, like a man obsessed with mania. Her life cannot be called simple and carefree. The fate of the poetess was not easy; for this reason, she had to fight for many years to raise her children and support her husband. The creative legacy of Marina Tsvetaeva is the result of her attitude to life.

She was not always accepted by society and appreciated; she suffered a lot from unfair treatment. Examples of possessed people show the degree of vulnerability and sensitivity with which they approached the world.

Elena Ksenofontova

Today, this actress attracts thousands of admiring glances. Elena Ksenofontova deserves every respect. Events took place in her life that would have broken many and made them lose faith in themselves and their strength. However, the actress did not break down and did not lose her high performance. The effectiveness of her work is confirmed by numerous roles in the field of cinema. Before becoming an actress, Elena Ksenofontova went through a series of difficult trials: surviving a disappointing diagnosis, preparing for a long time for the birth of children.

Elena Ksenofontova attracts the admiring glances of TV viewers also because she knows how to win. A person who is obsessed with his work as much as the actress herself devotes herself to the profession is entirely focused on own purposes. She does not want to give up and loves to be the first, one of a kind, in everything.

Thus, possessed people are creative individuals endowed with some talents. Often their abilities are difficult to measure in words, awards or achievements. We simply look at their activities and admire everything that appears before our eyes. These greatest creators of both the past and the present strive to live with complete dedication, giving to the world their feelings, emotions, impressions contained in the products of creation.
