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Public service. Civil service Personnel portal of the civil service

Since 2009, the civil service portal has been operating in Runet. At, anyone can get acquainted with vacancies for civil servants in the Russian regions, legislative framework public service, learn analytics related to employees of federal government agencies, as well as get acquainted with the materials on the reserve of managerial personnel.

The Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation supports the work of the civil service portal, but all federal, regional and municipal government bodies and corporations provide information for it. It is on this portal that ministries and departments in automatic mode upload information about the employees they need and it is here that they are placed first of all current vacancies civil servants. The civil service portal makes it possible to immediately submit electronic application for the job of interest.

The portal is a website with information sections: "News", "Vacancies", "Analytics", "Personnel reserve", "Documents" and others. In addition, the portal visitor can learn everything about Russian system civil service: how to enter there, what rules civil servants follow, how to get into the personnel reserve, what are educational organizations preparing civil servants, etc.

Civil service vacancies

State Service website. Section with vacancies.

The section "Vacancies" is the most attractive for portal visitors. In order to apply for a vacancy of interest directly on the portal of the civil service, you must be registered on this portal, and, in addition, have a confirmed account in ESIA ( unified system identification and authentication). By registering and linking his account on the portal with an account in the ESIA, the applicant selects suitable positions in the "Vacancies" section.

To you

The list of vacancies can be viewed directly on home page a site where they are distributed by region, by department, by novelty (“Jobs of the day”, for example, those for which applications are being accepted today).

From the list professional areas on the right, for example, you can select "Information Technology" and click on the "Search" button below. As a result, all active vacancies from this professional area will open for you:

State Service website. Jobs from the category "Information technology"

Civil Service Test

State Service website. Test section

The portal implements the possibility of passing tests for knowledge of the legislation of the Russian Federation and for readiness for civil service. In the "Testing" section, the portal user goes through a complex test items, which are questions with several answers, from which you must choose the correct one. After passing the test, the system shows how long it took to pass the test, how many correct and incorrect answers were given, and also shows a list of questions, the answers to which were incorrect.

One of the tests for the Civil Service

Entering the civil service

State Service website. Section "Civil Service System"

In the “Civil Service System” section, site users are told how the civil service works in Russia. In particular, the conditions for entering the civil service are described. To become a civil servant, you must be a citizen of Russia, reach the age of majority - the age of 18, know the Russian language perfectly and meet the requirements of a government agency (they change depending on the vacancy). This section is fully devoted to the provisions on civil servants prescribed in the legislation.

Civil Service Positions

The Civil Service System section introduces users to civil service positions and their definitions. The current Russian legislation defines four categories of positions:

  • Providing specialists;
  • Specialists;
  • Assistants (advisers);
  • Leaders.

And the positions are divided into higher, main, leading, junior and senior. The portal also provides links to decrees of the President of Russia, according to which the lists of civil service positions are organized, which make up the register of positions of the federal state civil service.

Questionnaire for civil service

To successfully apply for a job, you must first fill out a form 667-r. In the questionnaire, the applicant provides information about himself: full personal data, including first name, patronymic, last name, as well as the fact of changing the last name, if any (indicating the reason for the change and the date of the change); date and place of birth, citizenship, SNILS number, TIN. In addition, the questionnaire contains contact information - phone number, e-mail and address of registration and residence.

A citizen who wants to apply for a vacancy through the civil service portal also indicates in the questionnaire the data of identification documents, provides information about his education and labor activity, availability of access to state secrets, information about military registration and information about close relatives.

After the questionnaire is completed, it must be published on the portal. If all fields of the questionnaire are filled in properly, the questionnaire is immediately published on the portal. After that, you can start applying for a job.

By clicking on the "Submit Documents" button, the portal offers the applicant to choose who he is applying for this position as - as a citizen or civil servant. If he wishes to take up a position as a citizen, it is necessary to attach scans of his passport to the questionnaire, as well as a scanned copy of the application, work book and a certificate from a medical institution stating that there are no diseases that prevent employment in the civil service.

Competition for civil service

To a common person The Russian Federation has become a civil servant, he needs to participate in the competition for filling a vacant position. Such a competition is divided into two stages and evaluates the level of proficiency in the profession and the applicants' compliance with the qualification requirements:

  1. In the first part of the competition, a vacancy is posted on the civil service portal and other sites, and the applicant responds to it and sends the required papers.
  2. In the second half of the competition, the competition commission communicates with the candidate: conducts an interview, testing, questioning, etc.

If, following the results of the second stage, the applicant did not win the competition, but successfully showed his skills, the commission may recommend including him in a special personnel reserve.

Income in the civil service

The salary of an employee of a state body consists of a salary, its amount is determined by the position that the employee occupies and the class rank assigned to him. An employee of a government agency may also be entitled to additional payments, for example, for seniority or for special conditions work.

A civil servant, in addition, has the right to receive bonuses for especially complex and important tasks, lump sum payments for vacation and financial assistance.

Civil Service Department

At the federal level and at the level of subjects Russian Federation created a system of public service management. This was done to coordinate the activities of government agencies in the personnel field, and to monitor compliance with laws in government agencies. Control and coordination are carried out by special units created under regional and federal authorities.

Dismissal from the civil service

Getting a job in the public service, the applicant signs a service contract, which spells out all the terms and conditions of his work. If he wants to quit his job, he terminates this contract. It is only necessary to notify the employer in writing two weeks before the date of dismissal. On the last day of work he should be given work book and all required documents, as well as pay everything that was left to him - salary, vacation pay, bonuses, etc.

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Document's name:
Document Number: 848n/442
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia

Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia

Host body: Ministry of Labor of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Status: Inactive
Acceptance date: November 05, 2015
Effective start date: December 29, 2015
Expiration date: March 10, 2018




About the Regulations for the operation of the federal state information system " federal portal public service and management personnel"

Repealed from March 10, 2018 on the basis of
joint order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia
dated January 31, 2018 N 45н/30

In accordance with paragraph 3 of the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 17, 2015 N 602 "On some measures to improve informatization in the field of staffing of state bodies and local governments" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2015, N 26, Art. 3896)

we order:

1. Approve the Regulations for the operation of the federal state information system "Federal portal of civil service and managerial personnel" in accordance with the appendix.

2. Recognize as invalid the order of the Ministry of Labor and social protection of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation dated July 18, 2014 N 473n/211 "On the Regulations for the operation of the federal state information system "Federal portal of public service and managerial personnel" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on October 31, 2014, registration N 34542).

Minister of Labor
and social protection
Russian Federation

Communications Minister
and mass communications
Russian Federation
N.A. Nikiforov

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
December 15, 2015,
registration N 40107

Application. Regulations for the work of the federal state information system "Federal portal of public service and managerial personnel"

to the order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia
and the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia
dated November 5, 2015 N 848н/442

I. General provisions

1. Regulations for the operation of the federal state information system "Federal portal of civil service and managerial personnel" (hereinafter, respectively - the portal, Regulations) determines the procedure for information interaction between federal bodies executive power and their territorial bodies, other federal state bodies, the highest executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, apparatuses of the courts of the Russian Federation, state corporations and organizations, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as state bodies and organizations), bodies local government, the authorized body for the formation and development of the portal (hereinafter referred to as the authorized body) and the authorized body for ensuring the technical functioning of the portal - the portal operator (hereinafter referred to as participants in information interaction).
Clause 1_1 of the Regulations on the federal state information system "Federal portal of civil service and managerial personnel", approved (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, N 10, Art. 1418; 2013, N 7, Art. 652; 2014, N 2, Art. 117; 2015, N 26, Art. 3896).

2. The exchange of information between the participants of information interaction when working with the portal is carried out in the information and telecommunication network "Internet" via email address: through the "personal account" subsystem in the closed part of the portal, authorized access to which is provided in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. Authorized access to the closed part of the portal is carried out through the application of organizational and technical measures for identification and authorization - duly certified means of authorized access to the closed part of the portal (hereinafter - the means of authorized access).

4. The portal is operated around the clock.

Carrying out routine maintenance related to disruption of uninterrupted operation technical means and information technologies of the portal for more than a day, is agreed in writing by the portal operator with the Office of the Government of the Russian Federation at least a week before the start of the designated work.

After the approval of routine maintenance, the portal operator ensures the placement of an information message in the relevant "personal accounts".

5. Authorized body provides:

a) preparation of proposals for the development of the portal, including the improvement of its structure, functions and content of the information resource;

b) methodological and consulting support for participants in information interaction, as well as individuals and legal entities on issues of the state civil service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the civil service) and work with the portal;

c) determining the composition and structure of information to be placed in the information resource of the portal, including information on vacancies, and the electronic form of the questionnaire;

d) information content and keeping up to date the information resource of the portal in terms of placing regulatory legal acts and information-analytical, reference and methodological materials on the public service of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the civil service) and the municipal service, information on the composition and structure of the electronic form of the questionnaire for persons initiating the placement of information about themselves on the portal, instructive and methodological materials on personnel work, including on issues of ensuring measures aimed at the development of the civil and municipal service, against corruption, statistical and reference materials for participants in information interaction (including the user manual), analytical reports on the use by the participants of information interaction of the information resource of the portal in personnel work, as well as information about persons included in the federal reserve of managerial personnel;

e) formation, maintenance and updating of classifiers and directories of the portal;

f) monitoring the work of participants in information interaction with the information resources of the portal and the formation statistical reports on their use of the information resource of the portal in personnel work;

g) submission to the Government of the Russian Federation of reports on the functioning of the portal, assessment of its effectiveness and assessment of the quality of work with the services of the portal of participants in information interaction.

6. The portal operator provides:

a) technical and technological support, operation and development of software and hardware of the portal and telecommunications infrastructure that ensures its operation;

b) organization of uninterrupted operation of technical means and information technologies of the portal;

c) compliance with approved requirements information security portal, including protection of the closed part of the portal from unauthorized access;

d) protection of personal data posted on the portal;

e) round-the-clock access to the closed part of the portal of participants in information interaction (except for the cases specified in clause 4 of the Regulations);

f) consulting support for information exchange participants on technical issues of the portal operation;

g) means of authorized access for officials who have the right to access the closed part of the portal (hereinafter referred to as authorized officials), and employees who are duly assigned official duties on posting in the information resource of the portal and keeping up to date the information specified in paragraph 26 of the Regulations (hereinafter referred to as authorized employees), participants in information interaction (with the exception of local governments) connected in the prescribed manner to the closed part of the portal, the formation of appropriate " personal accounts", as well as the formation and maintenance of lists of state bodies and organizations and users of authorized access tools in the framework of the exercise of authority to protect the closed part of the portal from unauthorized access.

7. State bodies and organizations:

a) determine the list of authorized officials and the list of authorized employees;

b) submit to the portal operator, in accordance with the established procedure, up-to-date information on authorized officials and authorized employees in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Regulations;

c) post in the information resource of the portal and keep up to date information about vacant positions (with the exception of vacant positions of state corporations and organizations, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation) and information about persons recommended for inclusion and included in the federal reserve of managerial personnel (with the exception of persons of other federal state bodies, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, apparatuses of the courts of the Russian Federation and local governments);

d) submit to the authorized body up-to-date information about their organizational structure and other information in order to update the classifiers and directories of the portal. The highest executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation additionally provide an up-to-date list of local governments that are located within the boundaries of these constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

e) submit reports to the authorized body in accordance with the established procedure on the use of the information resource of the portal in personnel work;

f) inform the authorized body and the portal operator about changes in the list of authorized officials and authorized employees (personal data, contact information) in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Regulations;

g) provide other necessary information at the request of the authorized body and the portal operator within their competence.

8. Local self-government bodies:

a) determine the list of authorized employees;

b) submit to the supreme executive body of the subject of the Russian Federation (or to another body of state power of the subject of the Russian Federation by decision supreme body executive power of the subject of the Russian Federation) in accordance with the established procedure, up-to-date information on authorized employees in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Regulations;

c) place in the information resource of the portal and keep up to date information about vacant positions;

d) submit to the supreme executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (or to another state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) in accordance with the established procedure, up-to-date information about their organizational structure and other information in order to update the classifiers and directories of the portal;

e) submit to the supreme executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (or to another state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) in the prescribed manner reports on the use of the information resource of the portal in personnel work;

f) inform the supreme executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or another state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner about changes in the list of authorized employees (personal data, contact information) in accordance with paragraph 15 of the Regulations;

g) provide other necessary information at the request of the highest executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (or other state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation), the authorized body and the portal operator within their competence.

9. If the local government municipality does not have the ability to post information about vacant positions on the portal, the placement of this information is provided by the highest executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (or other state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation), within the boundaries of which the corresponding municipality is located.

II. The procedure for the implementation of authorized access to the portal of participants in information interaction

a) by organizing interconnection between a departmental secure network of a state body or organization and a secure portal network;

b) by organizing the provision of authorized access means.

11. The organization of interconnection between the departmental secure network of a state body or organization and the secure network of the portal is carried out in accordance with the regulation on the organization of interconnection, developed by the portal operator. The specified regulation is placed by the portal operator in the open part of the portal in the section "Connecting to the portal".

12. When organizing the provision of authorized access by means of authorized officials and authorized employees (with the exception of authorized officials and authorized employees of local governments), the portal operator ensures:

a) consideration of applications received from participants in information interaction in accordance with paragraph 16 of the Regulations;

d) formation of "personal accounts" of authorized officials and authorized employees, for whom authorized access means are made;

e) consulting support for information interaction participants on the installation and configuration of authorized access tools.

13. When organizing the provision of authorized access by authorized employees of local self-government bodies, the highest executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (or other state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) shall ensure:

a) consideration of applications received from local governments in accordance with paragraph 16 of the Regulations;

b) connection of local governments to the portal in accordance with guidelines placed in the closed part of the portal;

c) formation and maintenance of lists of local self-government bodies and authorized employees of local self-government bodies, provided with a connection to the portal.

14. In order to ensure authorized access to the closed part of the portal, to block the means of authorized access, participants in information interaction send to the portal operator (the highest executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (or other state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation) in terms of local governments) an application for in electronic format or on paper.

In the case of filing an application in electronic form, it must be signed by an enhanced qualified electronic signature the head of the relevant state body, local self-government body or organization or an official authorized by this head.

If the application is made on paper, it must be executed on an official letterhead indicating the mandatory outgoing details of the state body or organization, local government body signed by the head of the relevant state body, local government body or organization or an official authorized by this head.

15. The composition and structure of information about authorized officials and authorized employees for whom it is necessary to ensure the release or blocking of means of authorized access to the closed part of the portal, the recommended forms of the relevant applications, the procedure for transferring and blocking the means of authorized access are determined and placed by the portal operator in the open part of the portal in the section "Connecting to the portal".

16. Upon receipt of applications, the portal operator (the highest executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or another state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in terms of local governments) checks them for compliance with the requirements of paragraphs 14 and 15 of the Regulations, compares them with the information in the lists of state bodies and organizations (local governments) and users of authorized access tools (authorized employees of local governments) and, if necessary, clarifies this information by e-mail or returns them with an official request to the relevant state mu body or organization (local government) for revision in accordance with the comments submitted.

State bodies and organizations (local self-government bodies), within 3 working days from the date of receipt of comments, correct the information in accordance with the comments received and re-send it to the portal operator (the highest executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or other state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

17. If there are no comments on the application and the information provided by state bodies and organizations, provided for in clause 15 of the Regulations, the portal operator, within 30 working days from the date of their receipt, ensures the manufacture and registration of authorized access means for the relevant authorized officials and authorized employees, the formation of the appropriate "personal accounts" with the entry of data into the lists of state bodies and organizations and users of authorized access means and sends authorized access means to the relevant participants in information interaction.

18. If there are no comments on the application and the information submitted by local authorities, as provided for in paragraph 15 of the Regulations, the highest executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or another state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, by decision of the supreme executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, within 10 working days from the date of their receipt, ensures the formation of authorized access means for the relevant ones; authorized employees of local governments, the formation of appropriate "personal accounts" with the entry of data into the lists of local governments and authorized employees of local governments and brings the means of authorized access to the relevant local governments.

a) reorganization or liquidation of a participant in information interaction;

b) dismissal (removal from the occupied position) of an authorized official or authorized employee;

c) the emergence of suspicions of compromising encryption (cryptographic) means transferred by the portal operator as part of an authorized access tool designed to protect information that does not contain information constituting a state secret (hereinafter referred to as a cryptographic tool) - theft, loss, disclosure, unauthorized copying and other incidents, as a result of which cryptographic tools may become available to unauthorized persons and (or) processes.

20. If it is necessary to block the means of authorized access to the portal operator (the highest executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or another state authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation) on the grounds of subparagraphs "a" - "b" of paragraph 19 of the Regulations, participants in information interaction within 5 working days send an application in electronic form or on paper in accordance with the requirements of paragraphs 14 and 15 of the Regulations.

Within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the said application, the authorized access means previously made for authorized officials and authorized employees are blocked by the portal operator (the highest executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or another state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation), in addition, changes are made to the lists of state bodies and organizations (local governments) and users of authorized access tools (authorized employees of local governments) and, if necessary, to the directories and classifiers of the portal.

21. The procedure and deadlines for responding to the compromise of crypto-means (subparagraph "c" of paragraph 19 of the Regulations) are established by the legislation of the Russian Federation on information, information technology, on data protection and on personal data.

22. The connection of authorized officials and authorized employees to the closed part of the portal is carried out independently by the participants in information interaction within 5 business days from the receipt of authorized access tools.

III. The procedure for posting and updating information on the portal

23. The information posted on the portal must be complete, correct and reliable.

24. The authorized body places and updates on the portal:

a) normative legal acts and information-analytical, reference and methodological materials on the state and municipal service;

b) an electronic form of the questionnaire for persons initiating the placement of information about themselves on the portal, as well as electronic forms of the questionnaire and submissions for placement on the portal of information about persons recommended for inclusion in the federal reserve of managerial personnel, as well as the rules for filling out the corresponding forms;

c) the structure and content of classifiers and directories of the portal, the procedure for their formation and updating;

d) instructive and methodological materials on personnel work, including on issues of ensuring measures aimed at the development of civil and municipal services, on combating corruption, statistical and reference materials for participants in information interaction (including a user manual);

e) analytical reports on the use of information resources of the portal by state bodies and organizations in personnel work;

f) other information within its competence.

25. The portal operator places and updates in the closed part of the portal the lists of state bodies and organizations, as well as users of authorized access tools in terms of personal data of authorized officials and authorized employees (with the exception of local governments).

Placement and updating in the closed part of the portal of personal data of authorized employees of local self-government bodies are provided in the prescribed manner by the highest executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation (or other state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation).

26. Authorized employees post and update information on the portal:

a) about persons recommended for inclusion and included in the federal reserve of managerial personnel (with the exception of persons of other federal state bodies, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, apparatuses of the courts of the Russian Federation, as well as local governments);

b) on vacant positions of participants in information interaction, regardless of the procedure for their replacement (by competition, without competition) (with the exception of vacant positions in state corporations and organizations, the list of which is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation);
Clause 16 of the Regulations on the federal state information system "Federal portal of civil service and managerial personnel", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2011 N 149 "On the federal state information system" Federal portal of civil service and managerial personnel ".

c) on competitions for inclusion in the personnel reserve;

d) on the results of competitions for filling vacancies and inclusion in the personnel reserve.

27. Placement of information on the portal is carried out by authorized employees by filling out electronic forms subsystem "personal account".

The composition and structure of the information specified in paragraph 26 of the Regulations are determined by the authorized body.
, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2011 N 149 "On the federal state information system" Federal portal of public service and managerial personnel ".

28. If the information specified in clause 26 of the Regulations is posted on the portal that does not correspond to the composition and structure of the information determined by the authorized body, the authorized body within 3 working days from the date of discovery of the relevant facts requests corrected information from authorized employees.

Authorized employees within 3 working days from the date of receipt of such a request submit the requested information to the authorized body.

IV. The procedure for informing about changes affecting the completeness and reliability of the information posted (placed) on the portal

29. In order to form classifiers and directories of the portal, participants in information interaction submit to the authorized body (local governments submit to the highest executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation or other state authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation by decision of the supreme executive authority of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation):

a) list structural divisions relevant state body or organization, local self-government body;

b) a list of positions of the relevant state body or organization, local self-government body;

c) other information for the formation and updating of classifiers and directories of the portal.

The composition and structure of the information specified in this paragraph shall be determined by the authorized body.
Clause 13 of the Regulations on the federal state information system "Federal portal of civil service and managerial personnel", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2011 N 149 "On the federal state information system" Federal portal of civil service and managerial personnel ".

30. The authorized body, within 5 working days from the date of receipt of the information specified in subparagraphs "a" and "b" of paragraph 29 of the Regulations, places them in the classifiers and directories of the portal.

31. The authorized body and the portal operator have the right to request other necessary information from the participants in the information interaction within their competence.

32. Participants in information interaction can send proposals and comments on the operation of the portal to the authorized body and the portal operator.

V. The procedure for preparing reports on the use by participants of information interaction of the information resource of the portal in personnel work

33. Participants in information interaction submit to the authorized body in the prescribed manner quarterly reports on the use of the information resource of the portal in personnel work (hereinafter referred to as the report) no later than 20 days from the date of the end of the reporting period.

The composition and structure of the report are determined by the authorized body.
Clause 13 of the Regulations on the federal state information system "Federal portal of civil service and managerial personnel", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2011 N 149 "On the federal state information system" Federal portal of civil service and managerial personnel ".

34. The authorized body, on the basis of the reports received, forms and submits to the Government of the Russian Federation a consolidated report, including information on the functioning of the portal, evaluation of its effectiveness, as well as a description of the completeness and reliability of the information posted on the portal by authorized employees.

VI. The procedure for providing information exchange participants with consulting support when working with the portal

35. The provision of consulting support to participants in information interaction on methodological issues that arise when working with the portal is carried out by the authorized body, on technical issues of working with the portal - the portal operator.

36. The methodological issues that arise when working with the portal include:

a) posting on the portal information about persons recommended for inclusion and included in the federal reserve of managerial personnel;

b) posting information about vacant positions on the portal;

c) work with other portal services;

d) submission to the authorized body of information for inclusion in the classifiers and directories of the portal;

e) submission to the authorized body of reports on the use of the information resource of the portal in personnel work;

f) submission of information to the authorized body in accordance with its requests;

g) other issues related to the competence of the authorized body.

37. The technical issues that arise when working with the portal include:

a) providing the portal operator with information about authorized officials and authorized employees for the release or blocking of authorized access tools;

b) organizing interconnection between a departmental secure network of a state body or organization and a secure portal network;

d) access to the "personal account" subsystem;

e) the functionality of the portal and the appearance of technical errors when working with it;

f) providing information to the portal operator in accordance with its requests;

g) other issues related to the competence of the portal operator.

38. Organizational and technical support for consulting support of state bodies and organizations, as well as local governments, is carried out by the portal operator.

Consultative support of state bodies and organizations, as well as local governments, is organized by telephone " hotline"portal and Email.

Contact information (phone number of the "hot line" and e-mail address) is published on the main page of the portal.

The portal operator provides consulting support to the participants of information interaction on technical issues. The authorized body provides methodological and consulting support to participants in information interaction, as well as individuals and legal entities on issues of the civil service and work with the portal.

39. In case of change contact information the portal operator, within 3 working days, updates the telephone number of the "hot line" and the e-mail address on the main page of the portal and notifies authorized officials and authorized employees of this by posting an information message in the corresponding "personal accounts".

Electronic text of the document
prepared by Kodeks JSC and verified against:
Official Internet portal
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About the Regulations for the operation of the federal state information system "Federal portal of civil service and managerial personnel"

Document's name: About the Regulations for the operation of the federal state information system "Federal portal of civil service and managerial personnel"
Document Number: 848n/442
Document type: Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia

Order of the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia

Host body: Ministry of Labor of Russia

Ministry of Communications of Russia

Status: Inactive
Published: Official Internet portal of legal information, 12/18/2015, N 0001201512180008

Bulletin of normative acts of federal executive authorities, N 6, 08.02.2016

Acceptance date: November 05, 2015
Effective start date: December 29, 2015
Expiration date: March 10, 2018

In accordance with the Regulations on the federal state information system"Federal portal of public service and managerial personnel" (hereinafter - the Regulations), approved. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 4, 2011 N 149, the portal was created in order to provide citizens with access to information about the civil service of the Russian Federation, the effective formation of the personnel of the civil service, including the formation of a unified database of vacant positions in the state civil service of the Russian Federation, using the information and telecommunication network "Internet".

The portal consists of open and closed parts. The open part contains:

  • regulatory legal acts and information and reference materials on public service;
  • information about vacancies;
  • registration service for persons initiating the placement of information about themselves on the portal.

Access to the open part of the portal is carried out through free access to the official website of the portal on the Internet at

Structure of the Portal

The section contains news notes about important events related to the functioning and development of the public service system.

The section contains an up-to-date, constantly updated database of vacant positions in the civil service in state bodies located throughout the Russian Federation. Users can not only find out about open vacancies, but also fill out a questionnaire that will be available to employees personnel services government agencies. To fill out the questionnaire, you must register on the Portal.

The section is intended primarily for experts interested in the trends in the staffing system government controlled in the Russian Federation and abroad.

It contains information on the dynamics of the quantitative and qualitative composition of civil service personnel and the most noticeable trends in work with personnel in the public administration system.

Here it is actual information on the procedure for the formation and work with the reserve of managerial personnel (presidential, federal and regional).
