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Your selling chips may not work at all. Or bring a much smaller effect due to one moment. It is simply difficult for people to perceive information on your site. And no one even reads your arguments and calls to buy, call.

But what if the site is already like this?

In this video - tips for those who have a site with light letters on a dark background. If you also suspect that people do not read the text on your site, watch the video.

Ease of perception

Hello colleagues! My name is Yuri Salmanov, System Solutions. We continue a series of chips to increase sales from your site.

Today's chip will be especially relevant for those who have a site in dark colors or small letters are used on the pages of the site. In general, for those sites whose visitors experience certain problems with the perception of information. It is enough to remove a few basic elements that interfere with the perception of information on the site, and by this alone you will increase sales from the site.

Let me explain with examples what in question. Today we will talk about the convenience of perception.
Often I see sites with a dark background. Yes, it's beautiful, stylish - a dark background, some kind of dark picture and dark letters on it, or light letters on a dark background. Looking in terms of design can be quite beautiful, but in terms of perception of information, if you plan to increase sales using the site and attract customers, it is very inconvenient to read this text. That's why people don't read it. As a result, you either reduce the effectiveness of all your tricks and tricks, or completely nullify all the tricks and tricks for increasing sales that I talk about or that you can learn about somewhere else.

Here's an example of a reversed website using light lettering on a dark background. A person will not read such a text. Therefore, if you want to convey important information with this text that will really help your client contact you and make a choice in your favor, then use a different kind. No one will read such an array of text, and they will not perceive your selling chips and calls to action either. In order for information to be perceived easily, quickly, and accessible, it is necessary that there are dark, preferably black, letters on a light, preferably white background.

Here is an option, for example, when the picture is on a stylish design. Yes, everything is beautiful. Design comes first, but information goes past your potential client. As a result, you simply receive less profit.

Yes, often you just want to make it beautiful. Make a decision for yourself: either you sell using the site, or you just fulfill yourself and show everyone the picture that you like. As in the old joke: “Do you want checkers, or go?” Choose to go anyway. Choose sales.

The second moment is dark on dark, light on light. Again working with fonts.

Dark fonts on a dark background or light fonts, faded fonts - in general, everything that interferes with the perception of your information.

As well as here - some elements seem to be indented text. Yes, it can look stylish, it can look beautiful, it can be suitable for headings, but if you want to convey basic information, more detailed information to a person and visitors to your site, then convey it in a convenient form, easy to understand.

In the same way, everything can be fine, but a solid array of text is used. A solid array of text is also not read by anyone, even if you plan that it is all selling, interesting. Just lay out an array of text - again, bypassing sales, by increasing the efficiency of your site.

Look at this example. The design is stylish, beautiful and a person, having visited this page, can really linger on it, looking at the pictures. But what they wanted to say in this text passes completely by.

What to do?

For example, you already have a website, it is already dark and it is quite difficult to change it or completely redo it. Or if you are an employee, and the director is categorically against the changes.

You still need to increase your website sales. How can this be done?

Make a light background for the text that is intended to increase sales, which is commercial.

Here, for example, in this form:

Dark design in general, but it is under the important information that the background is white. The text can be higher, lower, on a dark background - one that is not intended for a person, but for search engines. For important information, a white substrate is placed and text is placed against its background.

Or in this form.

If your background is a complex design, one whole picture, you can again put a light background and the text on its background is translucent, pure white, but the information that is important for sales.

it is not lost, it remains in a conspicuous place. Make these bright tabs. Or like in this case

fits into the design, as if on a piece of paper, the main important information– dark letters on a light background.

How else can the situation be saved?

Enlarge important information. Larger font, shorter phrases.

As in this case, for example. Yes, again reversed, again white, light text color on a dark background, but the problem is solved by using short phrases, and not solid text and large. A short large phrase can still be read. You don't even read it, you just scan it with your eyes. Thus, the problem is solved.

If you have solid text, dilute it with pictures.

Solid text, picture on one side, picture on the other. Make tabs, split into lists. Distribute information so that it is easier to read.

You can simply make individual sentences as pictures. A separate block is a banner with a picture and a sentence on it, calling to go to some next stage, calling to perform some action that is necessary for you.

Or you draw attention to this text with pictures. Therefore, even if the text is light on a dark background, but it is short and you draw attention to it with a picture, this is how you can solve the problem if your design is still dark.

Use these chips. The information that you want to convey to a person, it should be short, it should be understandable, it should be easily perceived. This small element alone can significantly increase your website sales. Just implement the simplest and shortest recommendations that I have just given you.
If you were interested, subscribe to my channel, like it, go to the site site and subscribe to the newsletter to learn much more about more powerful, interesting features. Good luck with your business!

Use it and earn more money! Good luck with your business!

Now a lot of agencies write about their strengths and indicate the reasons why your choice should fall on them. This is very great, because the client can now compare professionals on several points without much effort. And put a plus on the agency whose principles of work are closer to him. This new trend has captured us today. I would like to tell you why our clients choose us.

1) VIP AGENCY - (V)B ash (I)And individual (P)P holiday. When we just came up with our name, we already had a concept of work - an individual approach to each client. We do not copy our own or other people's work. INDIVIDUALITY is our principle.

2) We are constantly developing learning, watching fashion trends in our field. We visit wedding exhibitions and participate in them. The result of this isalways fresh ideas, new services, high quality work.

3) We are the organizers of large wedding projects in the southern suburbs. Among them: urban wedding exhibition"SMART WEDDING" and schools of wedding skill for newlyweds "wedding school", seminars for brides, "SHOW OF BRIDES" by Anna Kostina. We do it for you for free and with great success, which means you can trust us.

4) We value our reputation and love our work. We always work from the heart. We constantly run various PROMOTIONS for our beloved customers.

5) We are able to offer the most original solutions for weddings and holidays. Creative approach and work experience allow us to meet the needs of any client.

6) We don't just LOVE WEDDINGS, we live them it is for this reason that our holidays are so bright, sincere, creative and original.

In conclusion, I would like to note that our agency has developed its own style of work, developed a bonus system for its clients, we have a close-knit team that is tuned only to the best results. We train our employees making them professionals in their field. We are waiting for you in our office, we are always glad to a new pleasant meeting.

Why the client will work with your company? Will order from you? Will he pay you? If you are not a monopolist, the answers to these questions are the most important answers for your business. And it is these answers that determine the competitiveness of your business.the ability of a business to attract and retain a customer. The same questions can be asked about your product or service: why does a client choose your product from a variety of options, buy, order your service?

Worst Answer and Alternatives

In fact, there are only two answers: because yours is cheaper or because yours is better. The first answer is that you are hurting yourself. While this is the most common answer (or attempted answer), it is the worst answer for your business. Since business is done for profit, and profit is the difference between price and cost, selling at less than what was possible reduces profit. Is it possible to create and develop with the help of this answer? successful business, reach certain heights? Yes, sure! A good example of this is Walmart. But, Walmart is alone, and those who tried to follow in its footsteps are tens or hundreds of thousands ... Therefore, let's take a closer look at the second answer: "because your company or your product / service is better." A natural clarifying question arises: what exactly is better? Is it really better? Or just different? Is it really so much better that the client is willing to pay extra for it? If this response option is selected, it is the level of response that determines the ability of the business to attract more customers. In this article I will try to structure the answer to the question “what exactly can be better?”, and provide tools so that you can analyze your company’s business and take several serious steps to ensure and develop the competitiveness of your business and product or service.

In fact, there are at least TWELVE answers. But in order to understand them, let's get into the head of the client making the decision. Regardless of whether the client is an individual or a legal entity, the decision is made by a specific person. This person has “scales” in his head, with the help of which he makes a decision. On one side of the scale is the Price, that is, what the client pays, or what he spends, what he loses, what he gives, what he goes to in order to cooperate with your company, purchase / consume / use your product. We are talking about the cost of acquisition and the price of ownership or use / consumption. Moreover, this price does not always consist in the amount of money. Moreover, the client always has to pay for the acquisition and use not only with money. Price is money, that is, what is written on the price tag or in the price list or in commercial offer This is just the tip of the price iceberg.

In addition to the amount that the client pays you, he may be required to pay additional costs for delivery, storage, consumables, electricity, installation, training, etc., depending on the product or service in question. For example, if this mobile phone- maintenance costs, voice and digital traffic, if the car - the cost of registration and insurance, gasoline, maintenance and repair, tires, parking, fines. If this corporate training or a seminar – the cost of the venue and conference service, travel and accommodation (sometimes), wages participants during the event. If a loan - the cost of paperwork and insurance. If the equipment - the cost of delivery, installation, staff training, maintenance, warranty and post-warranty repairs, consumables, electricity. If furniture - the cost of delivery and assembly (if this is not included in the price). And so on… It is important to know the level and items of additional costs for the client in the case of buying and using your product, as well as when buying and using competitive products.

But the client still spends not only money. He also wastes his time. For example, to get to your store or company. Or to call your company. To chat with you. Get the necessary information about the company and product / service. Coordinate your application. Coordinate the contract with the management and relevant services. Fill out forms. Choose. Prepare documents. Pick up the goods. Get your service. Deliver and install. Learn how to use this product, get used to it (that is, reach the level of familiar comfortable use). Train your salespeople who will sell it. And so on... For this (and all other) components of the price, it is also necessary to know the level of costs for the client when buying and using your product / service and when buying competitive or even substitute goods and services.

In addition to time, the customer must spend some effort to acquire and use or consume your product / service. Efforts are of three types: physical (call, drive, stand in line, convey, collect ...), intellectual (understand our offer, calculate the economic effect, choose from alternatives, draw up documents, learn ...), emotional (spend "nerves" on communicating with salesperson, make a decision, convince management, colleagues, the one who will use, spouse, learn and get used to, refuse the current or another supplier, achieve warranty service and repair, replacement if necessary...).

Also, in order to purchase and use a product or service, the client often takes some risks. For example, functional risks - will the client really get what you promised in the end, will the product work, will the service meet expectations? Physical or health risks - I will get poisoned / not poisoned, useful / harmful, will there be an injury? Legal risks - will everything be in order with the documents, will there be claims from the inspection bodies, management, the end client? Financial or economic risks - will I lose my money, will it be profitable, will I earn what I expect? Social or reputational risks - what will others, senior management, colleagues, clients, the press, the public say? Emotional risks - will you like it or not?

And one more component of the price must be taken into account - the opportunity cost. Cost, the value of the alternative that the client refuses by choosing our option. Perhaps, in order to cooperate with you, the client needs to give up the positive emotions of cooperation with another client, or the kickback received there, or the exclusive terms of cooperation ... If he spends this amount of money on your product or service, he will not be able to spend this amount on something something else that he wants to buy. That is, in order to spend on you, he must give up something (other). If he spends his time on your service, or meeting with you, he will not be able to do something else at that time. If it places your product on the shelf, it will not be able to place another product on this shelf. And so on, with limited resources of time, money or space, spending these resources on you, he refuses alternative options for spending these resources ... But, since this parameter does not depend on us, but on the client, his context, we do not consider it now we will. Let's just remember that it is also present.

The listed non-monetary components of the price are very often more important and valuable for the client than money. Regardless of whether the client spends his own money or someone else's money, that is, faceless numbers.

Considering that the price consists of the components listed above, and the answer “the client will buy from me/this product because I/this product has a lower price” can also be decomposed into these components. If we say that a product is cheaper, it can be cheaper not only in terms of the monetary component of the price. It may be cheaper to purchase, may have lower associated costs and cost of ownership or operating costs, may be less time or effort to acquire and use, or may be less risky. Thus, you may already be better than competitor, that is, more competitive in 5 vectors:

1. Cheaper in price (monetary part);

2. Cheaper in terms of associated / additional costs, costs of ownership and operation;

3. Require less time to acquire and use/consume;

4. Require less effort (physical and/or intellectual and/or emotional);

5. Assume lower risks (factor of certainty and factor of trust);

Ideally, the first vector should be combined with all the others, or at least some of them. That is, to be cheaper not only in terms of the monetary component of the price. At the same time, the smaller the share of the amount of money required for the purchase in the total amount of income or expenses of the buyer, the more important the 2-4 vectors of competitiveness are for him. If the amount of the purchase / transaction is less than 5% of the total income / expenses of the buyer, and in the case of working with a legal entity, 1%, choose vectors No. 2,3,4,5 from the listed competitiveness vectors.

More profitable answers: what is the client willing to overpay for?

Let's turn our attention back to the scales in the client's head. It is logical that as long as there is nothing on the other side of the scale, any price will outweigh. Even the price is "free". Because "free" refers only to the monetary component of the price. And other components (time, effort, risks) still remain. As long as the price is not outweighed by anything, the client will not make a positive decision. Until you know what you are paying for, any price seems too high. Let's see what can outweigh the price in the client's head. Let's pay more attention to the second side of the scale, because we understand that it is more important, that the client's decision does not depend on the price, but on whether we have already outweighed this price or not yet. Any product can be sold for any price, if you find something to outweigh. The price does not determine the decision to buy or not to buy, the question is whether something outweighs this price or not. Think about what might be valuable enough to the customer to outweigh the price components.

Let's divide customers into those who consume what you sell, a product or service, and those who resell. Let's start with a simpler one: those who resell. They are in business to make money. It doesn't matter if we call it profit, or another, less accounting and less taxable word, for example, profit. So, the first group of values ​​that can outweigh the price: benefits, earnings, savings. Such clients want to EARN. But not just a one-time earn. They want to earn STABLE, constantly, calmly, confidently, safely, without unnecessary risks and problems. Thus, the second group of values: reliability, security, guarantees, stability, confidence, peace of mind… Naturally, they want to do it with MINIMUM EFFORT AND POSITIVE EMOTIONS. The third group of values ​​is physical comfort (convenient, easy, simple, makes something easier and more comfortable) and emotional (pleasant, interesting, beautiful, implies positive emotions, communication, relationships…). And, finally, the fourth group of values: attention, respect, recognition, status, PRESTIGE. It is interesting that the client, who does not resell but consumes, has the same needs / values ​​...

If you work with a legal entity, it is also important to distinguish whether you are working with the owner of this business, or with an employee. If everything is clear about the owner of a business: he is a business, business is he. Think of a hired employee as a “centaur”, but not a classic one, in the “half-man, half-horse” format, but in a “business”, in the “half-human, half-business” format. That is, an employee must have a combination of business reasons and personal reasons to make a purchase decision. The listed values ​​upon purchase must be obtained by both the business and the decision maker personally.

Thus, we have identified 4 more vectors by which a business or product / service can be better than a competitor, 4 more vectors of competitiveness:

6. Be a sign of status, raise or emphasize prestige, ensure respect, recognition;

7. Give a benefit, an opportunity to earn and / or save money;

Just in case, I’ll clarify that vector No. 7 should not be confused with No. 1. #1 gives the customer the opportunity to save on price. A No. 7 - an opportunity to save and / or earn thanks to this product or service, or through cooperation with your company. Due to greater turnover, the ability to raise the price and increase margins, attract additional customers, increase your competitiveness, etc.

8. To provide in something (life/work/business of the client) greater stability, reliability, security, guarantees, peace of mind, confidence;

9. To provide something more comfort, convenience, lightness, simplicity, to reduce the level of required efforts of all kinds, to provide positive emotions, including from communication/relationships;

As with #7 and #1, vectors #8 and #9 should not be confused with #5 and #4, respectively. When we talked about price vectors, we were talking about the efforts and risks when buying and using, but here we are talking about the values ​​received by the client, that is, reducing the risks / efforts in something (life, work, business) due to the use of your service or your product, or through cooperation with your company.

Within your target group and your segment, 6-9 vectors work more strongly than 1-5, so it is better to choose them if possible. Moreover, these answers to the question “why the client will choose us” are much more profitable. It is better that the client pays more for these answers and you earn more on each transaction than to achieve a transaction only at the expense of a low price and rely only on a larger turnover. Therefore, in order to select a competitive advantage or competitive advantage the question “why the client will buy from us or our product / service?” is better suited, but “for what is the client willing to pay us more than a competitor?”. Of course, ideally, vectors 2-9 should be combined, then the client receives from your company an essentially perfect offer ...

Multipliers or factors that increase or decrease the effect of other vectors

Now let's look at the remaining vectors. They relate to interaction with the client, the "Company-Client" interface. First of all, you need to understand that no matter how hard we try to improve our product or service or our company to provide lower costs or more value than a competitor, until the client knows about it, he does not consider us as a supplier or partner option, and our product or service as one of the options to meet their needs and desires. Therefore, the next vector in which the company can be better than its competitor is activity. Activity in attracting potential customers (with the development of the information business in Russia, the term “leadgen” or “lead generation” is also gradually taking root), as well as in contacts with existing customers to maintain their activity, as well as activity in returning departed customers. In direct sales of various types, this vector is expressed in the number of outgoing contacts (letters, calls, meetings, visits) and in the active search for potential customers and obtaining contact information about them (filling client base). Also, this vector is expressed in traffic generation in outlet or on the site, generating incoming calls and requests, in the active and high-quality distribution of goods (the goods are in stock in front of the client). Other things being equal, a company that actively attracts and contacts with customers will receive more deals, that is, it will be more competitive. Moreover, this vector is multiplicative for all other vectors without exception. If the company is strong in it, it strengthens all other vectors or any of the other vectors. If the company is weak in this vector, competitiveness due to other vectors also decreases, since “water does not flow under a lying stone” ...

The last of the vectors of competitiveness ensures the dynamic competitiveness of the business. That is competitiveness in the long run. This is a rather complex vector. It includes both being proactive in maintaining the attention and interest of customers, and taking the right steps to maintain and develop trust, and focus on the target active customer, adaptability, flexibility, the ability to proactively dynamically improve, adapt vectors 2-11 to constantly changing and updating features and customer expectations. This is the vector of client-oriented development. It determines the ability of a business to build relationships with a client: to keep the activity of existing customers and raise them to the level of loyalty to the company and product. This vector also affects all other vectors (1-11), has a multiplier effect, but in the long term. If the business does not evolve, it will lose out in competition more flexible or younger businesses.

Thus, we have identified 3 more vectors in which a business or product / service can be better than competitors:

10. Activity in attracting potential customers (as well as in contacts with existing customers to maintain their activity, and in returning the departed);

11. Interface "Company-Client", the ability or ability to convey to the client the values ​​and price advantages from the underwater part of the price iceberg;

12. The vector of dynamic competitiveness or customer-oriented evolutionary development;

Analyze your business against the 12 competitiveness vectors listed. Find benchmarks (examples, samples) for development for each of the vectors. Use the table below to compare your company's business with your three main competitors. Determine the vectors of your company's competitive advantages, and the vectors of competitors' advantages. Choose the vectors in which you will develop (about approaches to choosing a vector and possible competitive strategies I will try to write in my next article). Ensure the clarity of your positioning on each of the vectors, and the desired level of development (the strength of competitiveness). The listed 12 vectors determine the competitiveness of any business, but can also be used for non-profit structures if they compete with each other. The same vectors can also be used to increase the competitiveness of a city, region or country (in attracting and retaining investments, businesses, tourists, migrants). These same vectors can be used in your career advancement, and even in your personal life. Wherever there is competition and where you want to be competitive... And may the strongest win! :)

Table for analyzing the level of business competitiveness in 12 vectors.

Instructions for use: rate your business and the businesses of the 3 main competitors for each of the vectors on a 5-point scale. Where 1 - "Complete absence", 2 - "Entry level, weaker than others", 3 - "At the level of the main competitors", 4 - "Good level, better than the main competitors", 5 - "Excellent level, significantly better all competitors." Instead of a business, you can also compare a single product or service.

Competitiveness Vector

Your company

Competitor 1

Competitor 2

Competitor 3

Cheaper in price (monetary part);

Cheaper in terms of associated/additional costs, owning and operating costs;

Requires less time to acquire and use/consume;

Requires less effort (physical and/or intellectual and/or emotional);

Assumes lower risks (certainty factor and trust factor);

It is a sign of status, raises or emphasizes prestige, provides respect, recognition;

Gives a benefit, an opportunity to earn and / or save;

Provides in something (life / work / business of the client) greater stability, reliability, security, guarantees, peace of mind, confidence;

Provides something more comfort, convenience, ease, simplicity, reduce the level of required efforts of all kinds, provide positive emotions, including from communication / relationships;

Activity in attracting potential customers (as well as in contacts with existing customers to keep them active, and in returning those who have left);

Interface "Company-Client", the ability or ability to convey to the client the values ​​and price advantages from the underwater part of the price iceberg;

The vector of dynamic competitiveness or customer-oriented evolutionary development;

Sum over vectors

Any newcomer who registers for the first time on major exchange freelancing, he is somewhat lost - he does not understand how everything works here and how people find work here in general. There are many projects, they are all very different and it is impossible to understand how and what can interest the customer. The situation is aggravated by the fact that dozens of freelancers unsubscribe in each published project. Does the newcomer have any chances in this case? Oddly enough, but there is. Sometimes it happens that a completely inexperienced freelancer gets a job precisely because he is new. Sometimes a customer needs a person with a fresh, "unscrubbed" look, who can find new approaches to solving a problem. But more often than not, a newbie gets a job from a scammer. Simply because he does not yet know how the freelancing world works and is completely defenseless. After some time, a novice freelancer will figure out “toxic” projects at first sight, but at the very beginning of a career, any job offer looks very tempting.

Having received the first experience, both positive and negative, the freelancer is faced with another problem - despite all his efforts, he does not manage to get an order. And he seems to be doing everything right - he unsubscribes in the same way as other performers, offers his services, even leaves links to previously completed orders, but the fact is: a potential client chooses someone else. But why? It's simple - having studied all those who offered their services, the customer chose the person who was best suited for the role of the ideal performer. What criteria the client was guided by is a secret with seven seals, everyone has their own ideas about what skills a freelancer should have. Here comes someone else. Not you.


Most freelancers don't like to fish in troubled waters. They prefer firm agreements, clear working conditions and full payment. Customers do not like freelancers who do not fulfill their obligations. When a performer appears and disappears, gets sick or sits forever without the Internet, it is difficult to work with such a person.

Therefore, customers first look to see if the freelancer has work experience. If the project is serious and long-term, then taking a freelancer with no experience at all is extremely risky - the chances are too high that the performer will not cope with the work. Therefore, a freelancer should ensure that their work experience is reflected in as much detail as possible in their profile. If the customer needs guarantees, then you need to give him these guarantees even before he makes a final decision. But a lot of work experience does not guarantee a job. They still might not choose you. For example, because .


The better and more diverse the portfolio is, the more likely it is that the customer will show interest in a freelancer. However, there is a problem - the portfolio does not always fully demonstrate the skills of the performer. And the freelancer is to blame for this. At the very beginning of a career, when there are still very few completed projects, almost all completed orders fall into the portfolio. Time is running quickly, and if the freelancer grows in professionally, the quality of his work also grows. As a result, it turns out that cool works side by side in the portfolio with helpless opuses that the too busy freelancer has no time to remove from there. What does the customer think when he sees such a vinaigrette in his portfolio? Yes, he does not think anything, because he does not understand anything. And he doesn’t know what he will get as a result if he gives the job to this freelancer - either a solution to his problem, or a headache.

If a freelancer wants to be chosen as often as possible, the portfolio needs to be weeded periodically. Especially for designers. They work with graphics where frankly weak works contrast so strongly with strong ones that even an inexperienced customer can see it. Of course, there is a great temptation to spread the net wider and try to present in the portfolio all the areas that the freelancer is engaged in, but it is better not to do this. All the same, there are areas where a specialist is not quite a specialist, and this will be evident, especially to a serious customer. The slightest dissonance, just one passing work - and the order will go to another artist. However, a good portfolio does not guarantee that the client will choose you. He doesn't know you well enough yet. Yes, and you too.


For what ? To find a freelancer with whom he will be comfortable working? No. The customer is looking for a person who will help solve his problem. Problems can be very different: create a website, write a script, promote a group in social networks, write a text - each client has a clear understanding of what he needs. Even if he can’t really explain what’s what and correctly set the task, there is still a problem. If a freelancer immediately understands what the client needs and offers a solution to this problem, his job.

However, most often it happens that “immediately” it is not possible to understand what exactly is needed. No necessary information. Therefore, the client must be studied before offering their services. Today it is quite simple. If a person uses the Internet, he leaves a digital footprint in one way or another. And this allows you to get an idea of ​​​​the personality of a person who is looking for a freelancer to solve his problem. It is not necessary to dig too deep - sometimes it is enough to look at the history of projects published by the customer. If you can see that the client is working in a certain direction, then it becomes much easier to formulate your proposal.

And sometimes the customer is not entirely clear. This needs to be explored more thoroughly. Search engines can tell a lot about a person if the freelancer has their contact details. Sometimes very interesting things are discovered and it becomes clear that it is not worth working with such a customer. But in most cases, serious clients are absolutely transparent - and this helps a lot when drafting a response to a proposal for cooperation.


A freelancer can do whatever it takes – they can have a great track record, a wealth of experience, a breathtaking portfolio and tons of testimonials, but still the client will choose someone else. And sometimes it hurts ego a lot, especially when a freelancer knows for sure that he could do the task better than anyone else. But the order leaves right from under the nose and all that remains is to hope that the customer will understand his mistake and someday return. It happens sometimes.

But the main reason why they choose not you is the lack of personal contact. More precisely, the lack of understanding of the needs of the client. We are all human and customers also have feelings and emotions. They associate future plans with their projects and seek understanding from the freelancer. Therefore, the standard “I offer my services is not enough for them. Here are my contacts." The client often really needs to be taken care of. Yes Yes. Exactly. They showed attention, asked for some additional details about possible cooperation.

Even the simplest question, which will make it clear to the client that he was truly heard, will do more than experience, portfolio and reviews put together. Personal contact means a lot.

Clients very often look for freelancers who are not only interested in money. They value their projects, and when faced with problems, they look not only for professionals, but also for people who are not indifferent. Which will show attention and understand the full significance of the task before them. If a freelancer can feel such a client - his work. He can't - well, well, it's his own fault.

It doesn't matter what exactly a freelancer does - write, draw, code or translate from Martian - if he makes potential customer think, “Wow, this man knows what he’s talking about. Here he will do everything right, ”he will get a job.

Here we need to make a small lyrical digression. It is far from always necessary for a freelancer to demonstrate his best spiritual qualities. Great amount orders do not require close contact, as customers do not need it at all. They know perfectly well what they need, therefore, without undue sentimentality, they are looking for those who will do the job with high quality and at the same time as cheaply as possible.

The vast majority of such customers, they themselves are professionals and inexpensive freelance services allow them to fit into the allotted budget. To agree to work for a penny or not - everyone decides for himself. It is important to remember that there will be no career breakthrough with such clients. They have everything debugged, all tasks are on stream, and the performers are perfectly interchangeable. If this situation suits you, you can work, especially if you have time and no money.

But if a freelancer really needs good job, which will allow you to grow professionally and which can contribute to the emergence of new clients - you need to be able to listen to what other people have to say. If the customer is sure that he was understood exactly and they know how much he cares about the implementation of the project, he will no doubt give the job to someone who managed to make him feel that way. Just because he will feel a huge relief. After all, he found a person who will remove the burden of worries from his shoulders.

A freelancer, if he wants to succeed, must definitely learn the ability to “get into position”. Do not manipulate, do not pretend to be caring, but be sincerely interested in what the customer cares about. A few simple leading questions very often help to melt the ice of mistrust. And these questions are not about terms and not about the amount of payment.

Ask what plans the client has for this project. How he sees its further development. Why, this project is so important to him. These are simple questions. They are easy to ask. Try it if you get the chance. And it is very likely that something will happen. What?

The customer will make a choice. He will choose you.

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