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What are corporate trainings and why are they needed? Corporate business trainings. When do you need corporate training?

Our company’s employees are specialists with many years of experience, a serious track record and a unique portfolio of projects. For most of them, working in the EVENT industry is not just an empty phrase, but favorite hobby, allowing you to have fun, forcing you to think and develop, to look at many things differently. We highly value the contribution of each of them and are proud that such specialists are the backbone of our company.

    Marina Lyamina


    “By contacting Style Project, you get a reliable partner who knows how to listen and hear his client, is attentive to details and deadlines, finds tools to solve your problems and, most importantly, is always responsible for the result of his work!”

    Olga Zaitseva


    “Event-agency is a company that creates an EVENT! To create an event means to fill it with meaning and make it remain in memory for a long time. Conveying the idea and goals of the company to employees, partners, and clients is not an easy task and only professionals can do it! Our work is aimed at results, and the result is the gratitude of our clients and long-term cooperation of a team of like-minded people. Living with ideas, implementing them and delighting clients is our job, our way of life!”

    Andrey Rodionov


    I have been with the company since 2009. Organizational experience sports events- more than 35 years. Designed and implemented many sports projects. Among the customers are AFK Sistema, VTB, VEB, Gazprom Neft, Gazprombank, Sberbank, Rosneft and others well-known companies who consider such activities as a priority social projects. For me, the main feature of such events is that all participants become winners. Therefore, it does not matter for whom you are doing the event, it is important HOW you do it, and how they all evaluate your work.

    Oksana Lukan


    Sporting events are my choice in the event industry, which was planned back in school. Now I am a specialist with higher education It is in this area that I have many years of successful experience, which I am happy to share with clients of the “Style Project” company, where a well-coordinated team of professionals works who values ​​the client’s time, prestige and budget.

    Evgeny Osetrov


    Finished university physical culture and sports. All my life, as far as I can remember, I have been involved in sports. As a child, he was interested in hockey, football, wrestling and billiards. Held many interesting sporting events. At “Style Project” I am involved in the implementation of the sports component at events. I am happy to share my knowledge in the field of sports and more. Among my qualities I can highlight responsibility, fairness, responsiveness, goodwill, and sociability.

    Lyudmila Beloborodova


    My whole life is a continuous adventure. I constantly find myself in extraordinary situations. I consider myself a loyal friend, a reliable comrade and a positive person. I am always open to new acquaintances, people, ideas and adventures. I know how to listen and hear, I always analyze the situation from different sides and only then draw conclusions. I’m used to working in the “must be done yesterday” mode and I can’t even imagine how it’s possible to do otherwise now. Without this, life becomes less emotional.

    Natalia Yaroshenko

    Over the 9 years of work in the company, I carried out more than 20 large projects - from Family Day to large sporting events. Qualities that you are proud of? Probably the ability to quickly make decisions, analyze and weigh the situation on a project, and then calmly resolve it. When you have 600 participants and 10,000 spectators, you need to have excellent stress resistance. And only then can you hear the cherished “We are the champions” in the finale!

    Tatiana Makarshina


    Our projects inspire me to search for new solutions and constant self-improvement. Multitasking at work has never scared me. It’s interesting, it’s interesting to test your capabilities, achieve your goals, and get out of unforeseen situations. Sometimes it seems that you can not cope, but I believe that a way out can always be found. And sometimes you need to find it, otherwise nothing.

Business is always developing, stopping here is unacceptable. And once again, as a completely obvious truth, I declare that business is done by people. This means that managers and owners of absolutely any company should be interested in the active development of such a resource as its own personnel. Like everything in business, it is a complex process, which however consists of very simple components. Without delving deeply into the theory of motivation, it can be noted that employees begin to work better if a complex of material and intangible components is used. Among the material - salary and various bonuses. But what can be attributed to intangible components? First of all - training and career growth. And since career growth is impossible without training, it is corporate training that becomes a significant factor in the overall system of personnel motivation. The main thing here is to understand what it is and what benefits it gives to the staff.

Corporate training - what is it?

This question is often raised among ordinary employees, and also, by the way, among middle managers. Currently in Russia, corporate training has become the talk of the town, creating big market trainings, consulting, coaching, etc. Specialized independent companies appear, large enterprises create their own corporate universities, higher educational establishments They also keep up with this race by developing training programs for business. Is this really in demand?

Corporate training should pursue one single goal, namely, increasing the capitalization of employees due to an increase in the level of knowledge and the emergence of new skills. Employee after passing corporate training in the form of a training, seminar, program, etc. should bring more profit than before training. The focus of corporate training can also be different; it can improve skills, for example, in direct sales, or it can effectively organize your work day. In both cases, the employee’s profitability increases.

The main problem for both the manager and the employee is making the right choice forms of corporate training, since both internal and by external companies, it costs significant funds, and therefore a priori should bring results and work for the company.

Example 1. Corporate training options may vary. Thus, in manufacturing enterprises, regular personnel certification may be accompanied by safety seminars, training on how to operate newly installed machines, etc. In addition, when introducing new products into the range that are technically complex or require preliminary training, it is also necessary corporate trainings. Very desirable are regular seminars on the organization efficient work in the office and warehouse, as well as team building events.

Training through the eyes of management

The job of a leader is effective management personnel, and increasing the value of personnel through periodic training of workers is also part of its tasks. And also - key task The manager is the targeted expenditure of the budget of the company or the department entrusted to him. That is why the attitude of managers towards corporate training in general and training in particular is quite wary.

For example, now the direction has become popular - training active sales, personal sales and so on. However, it is somehow forgotten that the work of a sales manager, for example, consists of more than just sales. The approach of managers to their staff must be balanced and balanced. Especially to those departments in which the workload is excessive. And in any normal company, especially one experiencing a growth crisis, the main load is taken on by the sales department and related departments.

Any boss, any leader invariably faces a problem - new “challenges”, new trends appear on the market, it is not always possible to train staff yourself - there is simply a catastrophic lack of time and energy. But it is simply necessary to improve the skills of managers and other employees.

And it should be noted that it is much easier to ask questions than to look for answers yourself.

So, the requirements of managers for corporate training are quite simple - firstly, so that it does not distract staff from performing daily operational tasks, and secondly, the result of the training should appear almost immediately. The requirements themselves are logical, but given the specifics human factor, some compromises have to be made. And here it is very important to take into account the opinions and views of ordinary employees, direct participants in trainings and seminars.

Example 2. IN construction company decided to hold a seminar on materials science - a very necessary area of ​​​​knowledge. However, the deputy director did not interrupt employees during the work process - active sales were a priority, but scheduled training sessions immediately after the working day. Since the knowledge was quite comprehensive, the training was distributed over the work week, four hours every day. The working day ended at five o'clock in the evening, employees were released only after nine. As a result, this training became a lot of stress - in order to pass corporate exams, employees simply memorized it by heart, without comprehending the material. Thus, the value of such trainings is in question, and the management, which, by the way, was not present at the trainings, should pay more attention to the basic requirements and standards for working with personnel.

The need for corporate training: the view of ordinary employees

It is quite natural that the most important condition for conducting corporate training in a company is the loyal attitude of employees and their understanding of why this training is actually being carried out. And the views of ordinary employees must be taken into account, because otherwise it will be wasted money.

Thus, we can consider the attitude of staff to corporate training using the example of sales organization.

It must be said that the active sales segment has long created an entire industry around itself, actively exploiting the desire of company managers and their owners, not to mention minority shareholders, to receive ever greater profits. In conditions of relative stability and a small speculative component, this can only be done by increasing the quality and quantity of sales. Moreover, the second directly follows from the first.

The modern training market in Russia is rapidly developing - large foreign players are coming in by the dozens, and Russian training companies are being created by the hundreds. Among all this diversity, it’s easy to get confused. Moreover, this abundance and surplus create an inevitable evil - an obscene attitude towards training and the personnel training system as a whole. Attempts by management to improve something in the structure of the company by changing the structure of staff consciousness fail over and over again.

Middle managers, who are mainly targeted at these trainings, consider it beneath their dignity to attend trainings, often simply ignoring them. The invited trainer becomes enemy number one for a certain period of time during the training, because he is perceived personally. There are several ways out of this situation - as they say, it remains to choose the lesser of several evils.

Therefore, it is important to understand the attitude of ordinary company personnel towards ongoing corporate trainings and seminars. It also consists of quite simple requirements, following which you can guarantee the loyalty of the company’s personnel and the effective conduct of training in almost any area. First of all, according to the vast majority of employees, trainings should not be long - two to three days, a maximum of a week. No more than two hours a day, preferably with an overlap with the end of the working day - all employees are adults, many have families. Secondly, corporate training should be interesting and varied. And thirdly, corporate training should involve a possible change in the status of employees - for example, career growth. Only when these conditions are met does training become useful and bring real benefits to the company.

Example 3. In one small company, a manager decided to follow fashion trend and started rope team building trainings. It looked like this: attendance on weekends was mandatory - Saturday and Sunday, from 8 am to 9 pm. The organizing consultants gathered all the company's employees in the forest and began holding competitions, but an hour after the start, the director left, citing an urgent matter, but ordering it to be completed without fail. On Sunday, he did not come at all, leaving a deputy in his place, who gathered the company’s staff and, together with them, intensively participated in all competitions. As a result, it is not difficult to guess the reaction of ordinary employees to the ongoing corporate training - fatigue, bewilderment and, ultimately, irritation. It is quite obvious that the organizers of the training, and the director himself, expected a different result.

What if you suddenly quit?

Work is an integral part of life, and it is completely normal that people change it from time to time. And here an important point is clarity in the position regarding corporate training - both for the company’s employees and for its managers. The company's staff tends to rotate, old employees leave, new ones come - and this is normal.

Another thing is important - as mentioned earlier, corporate training costs money. And it is extremely unprofitable for management to have staff undergo expensive trainings and seminars, receive personal certificates, and then leave for competitors. Moreover, this is a fairly common practice.

The management and owners of the company take certain preventive actions in such cases. First of all, a trade secret agreement is signed with the employee - although this is a weak obstacle, with all the variety of trainings, it is almost impossible to make claims for violation of this agreement.

Secondly, annexes to the contract are signed with employees, according to which, after completing training, they are obliged to work for a certain period of time in the company, and in case of dismissal before the expiration of the agreement, they are obliged to pay the full cost of training.

In such circumstances, employees also have the right to choose whether to participate in a corporate training program. And if not, just write about refusing training; the manager or employer in this case does not have the right to force the employee to undergo mandatory training.

In any case, the choice here is on the employee’s side: if he sees a prospect in a particular corporate program training, and believes that the cost of this training corresponds to the content, then he participates in the training.

Example 4. It must be said that in different companies the conditions for mandatory corporate training are different, and very often depend on changes in the company’s management. However, even despite signed agreements, quite often a certain compromise can be reached. So, in a company busy wholesale sales household appliances, trainings were conducted for department heads on forming a sales team, as well as on budgeting - quite expensive, with the involvement of professional consultants. However, due to changes in the company's management, a number of employees decided to leave - to competitors, and they were not afraid of the hefty invoice for training fees issued by management. However, after negotiations a compromise was reached - a new company in one of the key areas, in which the skills and abilities acquired during the notorious trainings were implemented. A wise manager understands that the value of an employee increases after corporate training - and the newly acquired skills must be used to benefit the company.

Corporate trainings: content requirements

The content of corporate trainings is the main issue for company managers. Corporate trainings can be external and internal, and each has its own specifics. One of the main advantages of internal trainings and certainly the main disadvantage of external ones is the knowledge of the specifics of their business by managers. A trainer-consultant, by definition, cannot be a professional in all areas of business in which he is invited to conduct trainings, so managers initially perceive him as an insufficiently professional mentor. In any company, there are hundreds of specific details, often having a huge impact on the specifics of a particular business. But the coach doesn’t know them - therefore communication with him and his training are meaningless.

On the other hand, an analytical mindset and a systematic approach allow coaches to find and identify such working moments that escape the gaze of managers, sharpened only by their specifics. The main requirement that any normal trainer-consultant places on himself is that the requested price matches the content and intensity of the training. And also - unconditional consideration of their specifics.

After deciding to conduct corporate training, it is usually necessary to stop and think. And - all further actions should be divided into two stages. The first is the actual familiarization. It is necessary to obtain as much as possible all the necessary information from the training company. And the second is direct execution of the order. Which is already running Feedback from the staff - how much training is necessary and in demand.

Example 5 As an example, we can consider options for cases - special training sessions - developed by the employees themselves after discussing one of the topics of the seminar dedicated to regional sales:

Case 1.

The manager begins working with a large client. The client is capricious and demanding special conditions and attention. He tells the manager that he does not want to work with him because he doubts his professional competence. Then he says the same thing about the manager to the head of the department. What should the manager do in this situation?

Case 2.

The client calls two departments simultaneously and negotiates with both on the purchase of products. First, the fax request comes to you, you process it. Then it turns out that a similar request went to a neighboring department, which gave lower prices. What should the manager do in this situation?

Case 3.

You are negotiating with a client, apparently promising. The client sends you a request, you issue an invoice, a reserve, in accordance with the regulations. There is a call from one of the commercial departments. management company. During the conversation, it turns out that the client is supposedly accountable to the management company, and the manager is charged with violating corporate ethics. There were no shipments to the client. Negotiations on the approval of the client - too. What should the manager do in this situation?

Are there any alternatives?

Is there a replacement for corporate training? In principle, probably not. By and large, many companies implement a mechanism for adaptation and training of personnel, and special instructions and procedures have been developed. But, as a rule, these are only auxiliary elements in the process of introducing new employees to the process when hiring them.

Heads of departments can, if desired, independently train their employees, preparing materials with which they can improve their qualifications. However, as a rule, this happens very rarely - due to busyness management team. Business is now developing very quickly and actively, a growth crisis arises that requires a full commitment of time and effort.

Therefore, unfortunately, if a company is not large enough to afford the creation and maintenance of a corporate university that trains all divisions of the company, it will simply be forced to attract third-party companies to conduct corporate training on the required topics.

Example 6. In progress trade company, developing, decided to diversify its activities, highlighting separate areas of its activities. At the same time, employees who had previously worked in the company for a long time, but did not know at all how to exercise leadership, were appointed to key positions. Very quickly the company suffered a growth crisis - without attracting qualified personnel, the company's development very quickly reached a dead end. And as a result, in order for the company not to stop, the director of the company called professional consultants who developed instructions and regulations for managing all companies of the holding, and also held seminars with key specialists all divisions of the company.

Whatever the case, you need to learn. Regular training, as well as advanced training, all this contributes to the development of employees, their personal and career growth. Corporate training is simply necessary and is one of the strongest non-material incentives to work in a company and achieve high results. From correct setting corporate training systems depend on the loyalty of personnel in the company - who would like a waste of time on meaningless seminars, for which, moreover, there is a deduction from salaries and bonuses? Therefore, when organizing corporate training, it is important for company managers and owners to carefully and balancedly approach the number and content of classes. And then there will be a result.

To be continued...

The editors thank Igor Chernov
for the materials provided

Organization of corporate training. On-site training

Among the forms and methods of corporate training, on-site training occupies a special place. This brings me a lot of additional trouble, but not only that, it is also a special pleasure. For an external trainer, on-site corporate training allows you to feel the skin of the group, dive headlong into the group dynamics, while remaining a safe figure for the participants. The undeniable advantages of on-site training include:

  • effect of "deep immersion";
  • combination of intensive training with rest;
  • team building: "... now we know each other."

    Sometimes I get the feeling that the most effective trainings can be on-site trainings. Good interactive learning always requires strong emotional and intellectual involvement. On-site training is, of course, a complete immersion, and in this sense its effectiveness is much higher than any other. However, the costs of its organization will increase (transport, accommodation, recreation).

    When planning an on-site corporate training, it is worth considering the training program, time and place of it together with the trainer. In this case, the training will help to activate the thinking and creative process and work to develop corporate culture.

    Field classes require a careful approach to both its preparation and conduct. Combining education with recreation involves organizing a cultural, entertainment, and maybe even a health program. Many customer organizations consider it appropriate to take their employees along with their families and friends. In this case, we should think again about what goals are being pursued, what we want to get as a result.

    The most mysterious and difficult to control phenomenon of on-site training is the joint evening gatherings of the participants. The idea of ​​training as relaxation and emancipation is quite understandable from the point of view of employees of the vast majority of organizations. There is an opinion that our people can become a team only at a well-set table. It's hard to say whether this is true or not. However, when gathering participants on the first day, I try to pay enough attention to explaining the rules of the training, schedule and regulations, so that the next morning we see each other fresh and well-rested. Despite the democratic nature of the training methodology and the flexibility of the facilitator’s approach, following the rules makes training more productive. Most often, I propose developing regulations in which participants can include the following provisions:

  • classes start no more than 5 minutes late;
  • latecomers are subject to penalties as decided by the group;
  • addressing each other in the form accepted by the group;
  • We pack our experience and leave it at the entrance;
  • statements in the first person, without interrupting each other;
  • turning off mobile phones during classes, etc.

    Fight with mobile phones causes a strong emotional reaction, as a rule, not in the entire group, but in some participants. The main thing here is not to give up and do not forget to turn off your own.

    Sometimes conducting classes outside the classroom in the fresh air can enhance the developmental effect of the training. Changing the environment allows you to focus on developing flexibility of thinking. Taking into account the above, we can highlight some aspects of the preparation of on-site training:

  • planning the use of a non-standard country setting so that participants can spend their free time in the most interesting and meaningful way;
  • the on-site training program should, first of all, contribute to group cohesion and work to develop a corporate spirit;
  • motivate staff to acquire knowledge and skills first and only second - to relax.

    The most attractive thing about corporate training for the customer is its short duration. Many managers and organizers strive to get everything in one package - team building, informal relief, professional knowledge and skills in the shortest possible time. If the result of the training, its “bottom line,” should be knowledge, then it is appropriate to conduct an on-site lecture training program. If as a result we are interested in mastering skills, then it is possible to plan a series of trainings conducted according to the principle of cumulative total in content.

    Another question that needs to be answered when organizing on-site training is related to the participation of managers. Is it possible to combine line and functional managers in one training group? It is difficult to answer this question unequivocally. A lot when forming a group depends on setting goals and learning objectives, on preliminary diagnostics, and analysis of the situation in the organization.

    When organizing corporate training, evaluation of the effectiveness of the training deserves special attention. If we take as a definition that any socio-psychological training is a system of deliberate changes in a person’s behavior, knowledge, skills and abilities, then it would be logical to measure such changes.

    The main goal of corporate training for an organization is to increase the efficiency of its work and increase profits thanks to these very deliberate changes. Customers often ask me (sometimes even demand) to present a system for assessing training results, for example, using indicators such as increased sales, reduced costs and staff turnover, increased productivity, etc. It's hard to argue that these tasks are important to any organization. However, let's think about it, is there a direct connection between the quality of training and an increase or decrease in the required indicators? Is it possible that training results can directly influence the productivity of the organization as a whole?

    The peculiarity of corporate training is precisely that it necessarily has personal significance for each participant and at the same time is indirectly related to business indicators. Many trainers use a four-step system to evaluate the effectiveness of training:

    First stage- reaction of participants - a subjective feeling of satisfaction with the learning process, the degree of their own involvement and individual results (oral or written surveys at the end of the training, and sometimes after each day).

    Second stage- assimilation - mastering new experience (knowledge, abilities and skills) in practice professional activity(measured through individual surveys of participants, observation, diagnostic measures).

    Third stage- behavior - a change in the attitudes and actions of trained employees in the real team of the organization (measurements - surveys, observation, diagnostics - in this case are necessary before the training, immediately after, after some time and after two to three months).

    Fourth stage - indirect results - the required business indicators (comprehensive monitoring, sometimes difficult to implement for external trainers).

    The difficulty of assessing the effectiveness of training lies in the fact that many factors, both internal (in-house) and external (real market conditions), influence changes in employee behavior and the achievement of strategic results of the organization.

    Using the proposed system for assessing in-house training, it should be remembered that training is an intensive interaction of people under the guidance and participation of a trainer. This requires special personal qualities of the training leader. These include:

  • flexibility (quick orientation to current changes);
  • interest in the person (real attention to each participant and his judgments);
  • breadth (breadth of worldview and free expression of one’s own opinions without suppressing others);
  • tolerance (accepting the logic of other people's reasoning);
  • constructiveness (the ability to direct others to find results);
  • benevolence (non-judgmental acceptance of the participant’s personality, his thoughts, passions, inclinations, opinions). 1

    The end of an on-site corporate training focuses the participants’ attention on the emotional and meaningful aspects of interaction. Training as a form of action learning is impossible without emotional contact with each other. That is why most often you can hear from the participants: “We have become closer... We are now like-minded people... It has become easier to express our opinions...”, etc.

    Training, in my opinion, allows an organization to become self-learning, since it is in this form of interaction that interpenetration and dissemination occurs professional experience and corporate culture.


    1 Clarin M.V. Corporate training: from A to Z. M., 2000. P. 218.

    Source: Magazine “Personal Mix”, No. 6, 2001.

  • Corporate and personal trainings are a new stage in the development of employees and company managers. This is one of the most important steps to realize your goals and reach the top. The approach of competent companies to conducting seminars is based on the fact that the successful activity of an organization depends on the professionalism and qualifications of employees and managers.

    Purpose and performance measurement

    It’s not for nothing that this point comes first, because most managers, when deciding to conduct it, have high hopes that it will change the fate of the company. Often, problems associated with project implementation are outside the scope of the selected training.

    Practice shows that all of them are the reason for the adoption of an informal or formal corporate culture in a company, and it is almost impossible to completely change the corporate culture in a few days, especially since the trainer is engaged in conveying this or that material, and not solving specific problems of the company. This is the essence of the training.

    The trainer will only teach skills to work with certain methods project management. The only method for assessing results is passing tests. Keep in mind that this methodology only evaluates how effective the seminar was for a particular employee, as well as what you need to pay attention to in the future. It is impossible to evaluate the work of employees using test results; this is not advisable.

    As part of the classes, many organizations offer clients to test the knowledge of employees, conducting tests not only after, but also before the classes. If specific problems arise in the company, they are addressed as part of the training, but it is better to conduct consulting or coaching. Also, to increase the level of professionalism of employees, it is worth sending them to.

    Formation of a group of listeners

    The question often arises: who is better to send classes to? Naturally, managers. In reality, executive workshops are very simple to implement, but they do not greatly impact the overall project management culture of the company. For managers, it will be more effective to become familiar with a topic such as.

    Classes must be attended by specialists technical departments who participate in projects. It is also important to have departments supporting management processes, namely an engineer, sales and financing specialists. Helpers can attend these events or special courses for .

    During the lesson, not only are certain problems identified, but various suggestions are given for quickly solving them. This may sound a little strange, but only at such trainings do all project management participants sit down at the same table in order to see what their projects look like from the outside. It turns out that most problems arise due to misunderstandings or understatements between participants. Professional trainers impart a benchmarking effect, thanks to which many minor problems can be solved directly in the lesson.


    Company management often wants to reduce costs by squeezing as much material as possible into a short period of time. Naturally, this is not effective. Read “War and Peace” in an hour and see what the result will be. The cost depends on the number of hours, the number of participants, the reputation of the company and many other parameters.

    A professional project management trainer is a methodologist who has his own vision of how to effectively work on projects. By inviting this or that trainer to read the training, you agree with his vision. Naturally, the PMBOK standard has united the opinions of many methodologists, but the experience of using the tools and methods of the standard varies slightly. Based on this, we can say with confidence that any correction of the trainers’ program negatively affects the quality of information perception. When developing a particular program, the trainer takes into account the company’s development technologies, because the main goal is the development of a project management system.

    Give your organization's staff skills and abilities, taking into account:

    • The gap between the actual and required level of knowledge, skills and abilities;
    • Your industry and intra-corporate specifics;
    • Functions performed by staff: now and after training;
    • Corporate culture your company;
    • Strategic tasks and goals.

    Every time we create a unique product, inviting exactly those specialists whose experience and knowledge best suit your needs. Clients come to us with requests - from corporate sales training to corporate training in the implementation of a balanced scorecard.

    Corporate training is most in demand today in two areas:

    • aimed at improving the efficiency of the work of managers with clients;
    • , the purpose of which is to increase the efficiency of employees in leadership positions.

    How to get the expected results from the money spent on corporate training?

    Obviously, you need to prepare for the learning process at corporate seminars. Both the trainer and the company itself. You can read more about preparing for the training.

    We offer our clients guarantee of objectivity in selection personnel training programs. Since 2001, SRC, a leader in the ranking of training companies, has separated the process of identifying needs and setting goals and objectives for corporate personnel training into a separate service. For us, this is not done by trainers or teachers, but by corporate training consultants. What does this give you? Corporate training consultants are not interested in “selling” any specific trainer and training, but rather in meeting your unique training needs.

    How will we work with you?

    SRC Business School specialists accompany each client throughout 8 stages of work.

    1. Identifying the need. This stage is associated with establishing the level of the gap between the desired and actual performance of the company. Do you understand the need for staff training? We will help you determine the feasibility of investing in corporate training.
    2. Setting goals. At the second stage, together with you, the goals of training and the objectives of personnel training programs are formulated. In other words, how will employees need to achieve the performance bar set for them?
    3. Determination of content, forms and methods. This stage includes determining your specifics, taking into account the composition of the group, the scope of activity of its participants, their wishes, goals and objectives, and the form of delivery (staff training in the organization or on-site business training).
    4. Selection or training of teachers/trainers. At the fourth stage, specialists are selected who will train personnel. We work with a database of 135 trainers, from which we can select a suitable teacher for your corporate educational event. We not only know the areas of competence of this or that consultant, but also have experience of cooperation in dozens of projects and feedback from our clients on the training of personnel in organizations.
    5. Preparation for the training, including organizational arrangements and staff motivation. At this stage, we resolve issues regarding the organization of corporate training (time, place, duration), and also recommend how to properly instruct the group and set it up for further work to improve professional skills.
    6. Conducting training. The stage involves the implementation of a pre-agreed schedule and plan corporate events. In each group, the process is built according to an individual scheme, taking into account its specifics and goals. You can organize training in Moscow, or you can organize on-site business training in another city.
    7. Evaluation of training effectiveness. By surveying students, we assess participants’ satisfaction with the form and content of the training or other form of staff training provided. It is also determined whether the goals and objectives set before the start of the training were achieved, whether the professional level of the staff increased and whether they developed an understanding of how to structure their work to improve the efficiency of the entire department and the entire company.
    8. Ensuring positive transfer of knowledge gained during training into the daily work of staff. Post-training events allow students to consolidate acquired knowledge and skills and gain a clear understanding of their use in the work process. Encouragement and encouragement from the coach develops the desire in staff to implement new patterns and tools in the performance of their daily duties.