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Planning a professional career lesson summary. Plan-summary of an open lesson. Topic: "Professional career". How to find a job that suits you





open class

subject: " "

discipline: OP.03 "MANAGEMENT"

specialty: 38.02.03


Methodical development of an open lesson in the discipline OP.03 "Management" for specialties 38.02.03 "Operating Activities in Logistics". Developed by Sokolova L.S. - Lecturer, State Educational Institution "Makeevsky Polytechnic college". - 2016.

The method of conducting a lecture session aimed at masteringtheoretical knowledge on the topic "Choosing and planning a career in business».

For teachers of discipline OP.03 "Management" in colleges.


Ph.D., M.F. Ivanov, head of the department "Management of organizations" DonNASA

The methodological development was reviewed and approved at a meeting of the cyclic commissionsocial - economic disciplines

Protocol No. dated ____ 2016

Chairman of the cycle commission ___________________ L.S. Sokolova

Introduction .4

Lesson plan .6

Lesson progress .8

Annex A

Annex B

Annex B


In modern conditions, personnel management is recognized as one of the most important areas of an organization's life, which can greatly increase its efficiency.

Modern practice the work of foreign and domestic enterprises indicates a strategic turn in management approaches towards increased attention to the human component of the organization's activities.

The subject of study of the discipline "Management" is the general patterns and features of the formation, functioning and formation of the organization's personnel, the principles of organization personnel service at the enterprise, its functions, place in the management system; meaning and content social work In the organisation; approaches to employee career management.

Career is a successful promotion in the industry, social, official and other activities. The concept of a career has many interpretations. The most common ones reflect the idea of ​​​​moving forward in one once chosen direction in work, for example, obtaining greater powers, a higher status, power. In other words, a career is the totality of all positions that fit into one lifetime.

For effective work in the direction of career planning for employees mmanager must be abledetermine the needs of employees, and the employee must have a clear idea of ​​​​his explicit and potential capabilities, the ability to manifest them in the future. Therefore, career and promotion must be built on the basis of the common participation of both parties and their common responsibility for "their" part of the organization of this process.

To conduct a lesson on the topic "Choosing and planning a career in business» the information type of the lecture was chosen,deductive and visual method of teaching.

Information View lecture is the most commonkind of lectures among the traditional ones, the main task of such a lecture is to present and explain to the audience certain information in accordance with the program, to direct them to the problematic issues that exist on this subject in modern science.

The deductive method consists in sequential(stepwise) presentation of the material from specific facts and examples to abstraction and generalization. This method is distinguished by simplicity and accessibility of perception, which is why it was chosen for working with the audience.

Effective learning is impossible without the widespread use of visual methods. They are due to the dialectical patterns of cognition and the psychological characteristics of perception.

The visual method is a visual perception of reality. Modern didactics requires more rational options for the use of visualization methods that will achieve significant educational and educational result, as well as a developmental effect. Didactics focuses on the use of visual teaching methods in order to simultaneously develop the thinking of those who are learning. The lesson used such visual materials as posters, presentations, videos.

A feature of visual teaching methods is that it is supposed, to one degree or another, to combine them with verbal methods. The close relationship between the word and visualization comes from the fact that the dialectic way of cognition of objective reality allows the use of living contemplation, abstract thinking and practice in unity.

At the stage of updating the basic knowledge of students, the following form is used:

Frontal survey - forms the ability to express one's own thought.

The quality of the learned material of a lecture session depends on many conditions, among which control plays an important role. Control learning activities of students allows the teacher to evaluate the knowledge, skills, abilities they have received, provide the necessary assistance in time and achieve the set learning goals.

At the stage of monitoring the development of lecture material by students, the following forms are used:

Interactive conversation;

Individual and group control cards - provide a differentiated approach to assessing the level of mastering the material;

- "cooperative learning" - is based on common work students and contributes to the humanization of relations between the teacher and students.


Group: L-12/1 Lesson No. 17

Topic: Choosing and planning a career in business

Purpose of the lesson:


- to improve the method of teaching informational lectures;

Improve the methodology for developing students' analytical and contextual thinking.



Organize knowledge by topic"Motivation", "Professional suitability", "Formation of personnel of management", "Certification of employees";

Master the basic conceptual apparatus on the topics of the lesson;

Learn to distinguish different types and models of career;

Acquire skills in managing and planning the career of personnel;

Develop the ability to draw conclusions.


Develop analytical and contextual thinking;

Develop memory, language, managerial thinking and Creative skills students.


To instill interest in the discipline "Management"and respect for work and chosen profession;

Cultivate discipline and attention.

Type of lesson: lecture.

Methods and forms of the lesson: individual, group work.

Interdisciplinary connections:

providing: OP.01 "Economics of the organization", OP.02 "Statistics", OP.04 "Documentary support of management".

Provided: OP.06 “Analysis of financial and economic activity, PM.02 "Management of logistics processes in procurement, production and distribution".

Technical means Learning: 1. Multimedia installation

2. Laptop

Methodological support: 1. Curriculum

2. Working training program

3. Methodical development

4. Presentation

5. Control cards

6. Forms outline diagram

7. Video footage



1. Dikan N.V. Management: Textbook. allowance / N.V. Dikan, I.I. Borisenko. - Kyiv: "Knowledge", 2012. - 389 p.

2. Kuzmin O.Y., Melnik O.G. Fundamentals of management. Kyiv - Akademvidav, 2010.



1. Organizational part

1.1. Greeting students.

1.2. Preparing the audience for the lesson, checking the presence of students.

2. Familiarization of students with the topic, plan and purpose of the lesson

Today, at the lecture session, we will consider the topic "Choosing and planning a career in business."

1. Career: essence, types

2. Types and models of career

3. Personnel career management

During the lecture, you will get acquainted with the types, types, career models, as well as the features of career planning.

Learning goals:

To reveal the essence and types of career;

Highlight the stages and motives of a career;

Reveal the essence of career dynamism;

To reveal the essence and content of career management.

3. Motivation for mastering lecture material

At work, or at work, we spend 80% of our conscious life. It is better if at this time we are happy, and this largely depends on whether we are busy with our “business”. “Own business” is what we have a soul for, where we quickly achieve high results compared to others.

To do your own thing, you need to have understand themselves.Most of those who have achieved recognition, popularity, respect and honor, and have not changed their specialty, are precisely those who have successfully chosen a profession.

Lecture topic "Choosing and planning a career in business"is one of the key topics from the course "Management". Career planning is an important step in the life and professional development of a person. It is it that enables employees to satisfy their basic needs, to realize themselves as a person.

The knowledge gained in the lecture will be useful for writing term paper , for successful completiontechnological and production practices and in the future professional activity .

4. Actualization of basic knowledge

4.1. Frontal survey

Students are asked questions to repeat the topics "Motivation","Professional suitability", "Formation of personnel of management", "Certification of employees".

Review questions:

1. Describe the concepts"profession", "specialty", "qualification".

2. What is "fitness"?

3. What is the essence of personnel assessment enterprises?

4. Name the methods of business assessment of personnel.

5. Essence and meaning of motivation.

6. Theory of the hierarchy of needs A. Maslow.

7. Describe the concept of "staff turnover".

8. Give definitions of the concept of "personnel certification".

9. Name the main management models and their main differences.

4.2. Commentary on student responses .

5. Teaching new material

5.1. Instructing students on the rules for filling out flowcharts of lecture notes (Appendix A).

5.2. Lecture material

1. Career: essence, types

Career - the result of a conscious position and behavior of a person in labor activity associated with official or professional growth.

Job growth- change in the official status of a person, his social role, degrees and spaces of official authority.

Professional growth- the growth of professional knowledge, skills, recognition by the professional community of the results of his work, authority in a particular type of professional activity.

business career- the progressive advancement of the individual, associated with the growth of professional skills, status, social role and remuneration.

career vertical - the type of career that is most often associated with the concept of "business career". A vertical career is understood as a rise to a higher level of the structural hierarchy (promotion, which is accompanied by the highest pay).

Career horizontal - a type of career that involves or moves to another functional area of ​​activity, or the performance of a certain service role at a level that does not have a rigid formal fixation in organizational structure; a horizontal career can also include expansion or complexity of tasks at the previous level (as a rule, with an adequate change in remuneration).

Career types

1. Intraorganizationalcareer involves going through all the steps career development(training, employment, professional development, support and development of individual professional abilities, retirement) within one organization. This career can be specialized or non-specialized.

2. Interorganizational career implies that the employee goes through all the stages of career growth in different organizations. It can be specialized and non-specialized.

Specialized career differs in that the employee passes through various stages of his professional activity within the same profession. At the same time, the organization may remain the same or change.

Non-specialized career assumes that the employee goes through different stages of his professional path as a specialist who owns different professions and specialties. The organization can either change or remain the same.

Non-specialized careers are widely developed in Japan. The Japanese firmly believe thatthe manager must be a specialist capable of working in any area of ​​the company, and not in any separate function. Climbing up the corporate laddera person should be able to look at the company from different angles without staying in one position for more than three years. So, it is considered quite normal if the head of the sales department changes places with the supply manager. Many Japanese leaders worked in unions in the early stages of their careers. As a result of such a policy, the Japanese manager has a much smaller amount of specialized knowledge (which in any case will lose its value in five years) and at the same time has a holistic view of the organization, supported by the same personal experience. An employee can go through the stages of this career both in one and in different organizations.

3. Vertical career involves the rise from one level of the structural hierarchy to another. There is a promotion, which is accompanied by an increase in wages.

4. Horizontal career- type of career. Which involves moving to another functional area, expanding and complicating tasks or changing a service role within the same level of the structural hierarchy, accompanied by an increase in wages.

5. Step career- type of career - combining elements of vertical and horizontal careers. Step career is quite common and can take both intra-organizational and inter-organizational forms.

6. Hidden (centripetal) career- the type of career the least obvious to others, involving movement to the core, to the leadership of the organization. Hidden careers are available to a limited circle of employees, usually with extensive business connections outside the organization.

For example , inviting an employee to meetings that are inaccessible to other employees, meetings of both a formal and informal nature, obtaining access by an employee to informal sources of information, confidential appeals, separate, important assignments from management. Such an employee may ordinary position in one of the divisions of the organization. However, the level of remuneration for his work significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in his position.

Demonstration of a video on the topic "How it was in Japan"

Discussion of the watched video material and summarizing the first question of the lesson plan.

2. Types and models of career

In practice, there is a wide variety of career options, which are based on four main models:

"Springboard" . Climbing the corporate ladder occurs when they occupy high and better paid positions. At a certain stage, the employee occupies the highest position for him or strives to get it for a long time. And then the jump from the "springboard" - retirement.This career is most typical for leaders of the period of stagnation, when high positions were held for 20-25 years. On the other hand, this model is typical for specialists and employees who do not set goals for promotion through a number of circumstances - personal interests, low workload, a good team - the employee is satisfied with the position, and he is ready to remain in it until retirement.


Rice. 2.1 - Trampoline career model

"Ladder". Each step of the career ladder represents a certain position, which the employee occupies for a certain time (no more than 5 years). This period is enough to enter a new position and work with full dedication. With the growth of qualifications, creativity and production experience, a manager or a specialist rises up the career ladder. Each new position the employee takes after advanced training. He reaches the top step during the period of maximum potential, and after that, a systematic descent down the career ladder begins with less intensive work.

Rice. 2.2 - Ladder career model

Psychologically, this model is very inconvenient for managers because of their unwillingness to leave the "first roles". Here we can recommend to be attentive to such employees - include them in the board of directors, use them as a consultant.

"Snake". It provides for the horizontal movement of an employee from one position to another by appointment with each occupation for a short time, and then occupies a higher position at a higher level. The main advantage of this model is the opportunity to learn all the functions of activity and management, which will be useful in a higher position.

E This model is characteristic of the Japanese model, since they associate themselves not only with a particular profession, but also with the future of the entire company. If the rotation of personnel is not observed, this model loses its significance and may have Negative consequences, because some workers with a predominance of melancholic and phlegmatic temperament are not disposed to change the team or position and will perceive it very painfully.

Rice. 2.3 - Career model"Snake"

"Crossroads". When, after a certain period of work, certification is carried out (a comprehensive assessment of personnel) and, based on the results, a decision is made to increase, move or increase an employee. This is similar to the American model, typical for joint ventures.

Rice. 2.4 - Career model"Crossroads"

Typical career configurations

As can be seen from the previous section, the level of professionalism and status changes in the process of work, but the combination of these changes in careers different people different, which gives rise to the pattern of an individual career of a specialist. There are several typical career configurations.

Target Career- an employee once and for all chooses a professional space, plans the appropriate stages of his advancement towards a professional ideal and strives to achieve it.

Rice. 2.5 - Target career

Monotonous career- the employee outlines once and for all the desired professional status and, having achieved it, does not strive for career advancement in the organizational hierarchy, even if there are opportunities to improve his social, professional and financial situation.

Rice. 2.6 - Monotonous career

spiral career- the employee is motivated to change activities and, as they master them, moves up the steps of the organizational hierarchy.

Professional career level

Rice. 2.7 - Spiral career

Fleeting career- moving from one type of activity to another occurs spontaneously, without apparent logic.

Professional career level

Rice. 2.8 - Fleeting career

Stabilization career- a specialist grows to a certain level and stays there for a long time, more than seven years.

Professional career level

Rice. 2.9 - Stabilization career

Fading career- the employee grows to a certain status, stops at it, then the downward movement begins.

Professional career level

Rice. 2.10 - Fading career

Summing up the second question of the lesson plan.

3. Personnel career management

The most important decision that a person makes in his life is the choice of a career. There comes a time when we ask ourselves the question: who do I want to be? What are my strengths and weak sides?

Researcher John L. Goland proposed and researched career choice theory. He believes that this choice is an expression of personality and not a random event. He believes that a person's achievement in one or another kind of career depends on the correspondence between his personality and the circumstances of the work.

According to Goland, one of the personality types always dominates, but a person, adapting to circumstances, uses strategies within two or more types.

To determine what skills a person has, it is important to discover her abilities when choosing a career. The methods of identification are: personal observations, questioning, testing, solving creative tasks, conversations, interviews, introspection and discussion.

Practice has shown that employees often do not know their prospects in this team. This indicates a poor organization of work with personnel, a lack of planning and career control in the organization.

Career planning- the process of determining the goal that the employee wants to achieve in the process of professional activity. The main task of career planning and implementation is the result of combining the goals of the organization with the interests of the individual employee, the formation of promotion criteria and a reasonable assessment of the real career potential.

Career management tool; description of the optimal development path for the employee to occupy the desired position in the organization. A career chart gives an idea of ​​what path a specialist should go through, what knowledge, skills and abilities he should receive. It also allows you to more accurately determine the personal effectiveness of an employee, evaluate his activities for the past fixed period of work.

Career planning in an organization can be handled by the HR manager, the employee himself, his immediate supervisor (line manager).

Career planning provides:

The relationship between the goals of the enterprise and the employee;

Accounting and linking the needs of employees;

Study and assessment of the promotion potential of employees, determination of promotion criteria;

Familiarizing employees with real growth prospects and conditions that allow them to achieve what they want and avoid "career dead ends".

Key career planning activities specific to different planning subjects are presented in Table. 3.1.

Table 3.1 - Career planning activities

Subject of planning


Primary orientation and choice of profession

Choice of organization and position

Orientation in the organization

Assessing prospects and designing growth

Realizing Growth

HR manager

Job evaluation

Definition on workplace

Evaluation of the work and potential of employees

Selection for the reserve

Additional training

Reserve programs


New planning cycle

Direct supervisor (line manager)

Evaluation of labor results

Motivation assessment

Organization professional development

Incentive proposals

Growth Suggestions

The career development program should ensure the improvement of the level of employees, identifying employees with high promotion potential.

When meeting with a new employee, the HR manager must take into account the stage of the career that he is going through in this moment. This can help clarify the goals of professional activity, the measure of dynamism, and most importantly, the specifics of individual motivation. Imagine short description career stages in table 3.2.

Table 3.2 - Human needs at the career stage

Career stage

Age period

a brief description of

Features of motivation (according to Maslow)


Preparing for work, choosing a field of activity

Safety, social recognition


Mastering work, developing professional skills

Social recognition, independence


Professional Development

Social recognition, self-realization


After 60 years

Preparing for retirement, finding and training your own shift


social recognition


After 65 years

Engaging in other activities

Search for self-expression in new sphere activities

preliminary stage includes school, secondary and higher education and lasts up to 25 years. During this period, a person can change several different jobs in search of a type of activity that satisfies his needs and meets his capabilities. If he immediately finds this type of activity, the process of self-affirmation of him as a person begins, he takes care of the safety of existence.

This is the period when the base of both general theoretical and practical knowledge is laid, a person manages to get a secondary or higher professional education.

Formative stage. Next comes the formative stage. , which lasts about five years from 25 to 30. During this period, the employee masters the profession, acquires the necessary skills, his qualifications are formed, self-assertion occurs and there is a need to establish independence. The employee is concerned about safety and health issues. The appearance of the majority of workers in the family, the birth of children, leads to an increase in the need for higher wages.

Promotion stage lasts from 30 to 45 years. During this period, there is a process of growth in qualifications, promotion. There is an accumulation practical experience, skills, there is a growing need for self-affirmation, achieving a higher status and even greater independence, self-expression as a person begins. During this period, much less attention is paid to meeting the need for security, the worker's efforts are focused on increasing wages and caring for health.

The conservation stage is characterized by actions to consolidate the results achieved and lasts from 45 to 60 years. The peak of qualification improvement is coming. There is a need to transfer knowledge to others. This stage is characterized by creativity in work, the peak of self-expression and independence, and the need for respect increases. There is a growing need to increase wages and interest in additional sources of income.

completion stage lasts from 60 to 65 years. The employee is preparing for retirement, a replacement is being sought and applicants are being trained. This is a period of crisis, physiological and psychological discomfort. The need for respect and self-assertion increases. The employee is interested in maintaining the level of wages, but seeks to increase other sources of income that would replace the wages of this organization upon retirement and would be a good addition to the pension benefit.

retirement stage. At the last - retirement stage, a career in this organization (type of activity) is completed. There is an opportunity for self-expression in other activities that were impossible during the period of work in the organization or acted as a hobby. Attention is paid to health and maintaining financial position. Such specialists are often happy to accept temporary and seasonal jobs in their organization.

Practice has shown that employees often do not know their prospects in this team. This indicates a poor organization of work with personnel, a lack of planning and career control in the organization.

Career dynamics- This is an indicator of a professional path, which indicates how quickly an employee climbed the hierarchical vertical. The indicator is based on the fact that, on average, it takes three years to successfully adapt and master a position; after five years, there is a decrease in labor efficiency in this position. A dynamic career is one in which, in most cases, an employee has held each position for three to five years.

The dynamic career of a leader is determined by two main parameters:

Promotion potential;

Level of the current professional competence. Based on this, a matrix is ​​formed that includes such elements

AND Based on this, a matrix is ​​compiled that includes the following elements (Fig. 3.1):

Rice. 3.1 - Career position matrix

1. Students, beginners - the potential for advancement is high, but the competence is low.

2. "Stars" - both are high.

3. "Solid middle peasants" - they work well, but the chances are small (either through personal qualities or through the organizational situation).

4. "Deadwood" - they work little and the chances of promotion are small.

A career can develop at different paces. At domestic enterprises, there is an increasing pace of promotion of workers; Approximately the same practice exists in the USA. Here, in order to be able to take a leading position in the management of the company, you need to be the head of a large department until the age of 39-44.

At the same time, the advantage is given to those who have spent at least two years in the position of an ordinary engineer or a specialist in the sales, marketing, business analysis department; within 2-4 years as the head of a group, within 3-6 years as the head of a subdivision with several departments; it is desirable to participate in emergency management, management.

Viewing a presentation on the topic "Aphorisms famous people about career growth.

Discussion of the presentation material and the third question of the lesson plan.

5.3. Monitoring the development of lecture material

Students are divided into groups of 6-7 people, receive individual work cards (Appendix B).

The cards are filled out on the basis of the information that was given for home study (Appendix B). After filling out the cards, a representative from each group announces the results of the work.

The teacher comments on the students' answers, makes a comment on the announced results.

6. Summing up the lesson

The teacher finds out the degree of mastering the material of the lecture and achieving the goal of the lesson.

7. Homework



Annex A

Lecture No. 17

Subject: _____________________________________________________________


1. _____________________________________________________________

2. ____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

Question 1 .

The concept of " career »

Karye ra -

Official height -

Professionasal height -


DspruceI career -

the concept of "business career"




Question 2.

IN business career ideas

business models career

Rice. 1 model career "Springboard"

R is. 2 Career model "Ladder"

R is. 3 Career model "Snake"

Rice. 4 Career model "Crossroads"

Typical Configurations career

Professional level career (RPK)

Rice. 1. target career

Rice. 2. Monotonous career

Rice. 3. Spiral career

Rice. 4. Instant career

Typical Configurations career

Rice. 5. Stabilization career

Rice. 6. fading career


Planning career

survey 3.

TO areerogramm A

Subject of planning

Career planning activities

Primary direction and choice of profession.

Choice of company and position.

Direction to the enterprise.

Assessing prospects and projecting growth.

Implementation of growth.

Job evaluation.

Job definition.

Evaluation of the work and potential of employees.

Addition to the reserve.

Additional preparation.

Reserve programs.


New planning cycle.

Evaluation of work results.

Motivation assessment.

Organization of professional development.

Incentive proposal.

Proposal for growth.

Stages career

Human Needs at Career Stages

Stage career

Age period

a brief description of

Features of motivation (according to Maslow)


Up to 25 years old

Preparing for work, choosing a field of activity


Up to 30 years old

Mastering work, developing professional skills


Up to 45 years

Professional Development


45 to 60 years old

Peak of skill improvement


After 60 years

Preparing for retirement, finding and learning your own changes


After 65 years

Engaging in other activities

The dynamism of the quarrys -

Position matrix career



1. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. - M.: Delo, 2008. - 701 p. (pp. 235-238)

2. Shchekin G. Organization and psychology of personnel management: Proc. -method. Benefit. – K.: MAUP, 2012. – 832 p. (pp. 171-175)

Annex B

The task was completed by the student ____________________________

1. Analyze the manager's career ___________________________ according to the following characteristics:

Career characteristics

individual choice

group choice

Intraorganizational career:



Interorganizational career:



Vertical career

Horizontal career

Step career

Hidden (centripetal) career

Trampoline career model

Career model "Ladder"

Snake Career Model

Career model "Crossroads"

Target Career

Monotonous career

spiral career

Fleeting career

Stabilization career

Fading career

2. Mark the position of the manager in the matrix of career positions

Rice. Career position matrix

Annex B

Biographies of managers

Iacocca Lee

Lido Anthony "Lee" Iacocca (eng. Lido Anthony "Lee" Iacocca; born October 15, 1924) is an American manager and industrialist. He was President of the Ford Motor Company and Chairman of the Board of the Chrysler Corporation.

Lee Iacocca was born in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Childhood Iacocca turned out to be not very joyful due to the constant ridicule and insults of classmates. In 1939, Iacocca became overwhelmed with rheumatism. In those days, the disease was considered almost incurable, but Li subsequently recovered. Due to the endured izililevaniya Lee Iacocca was not vilified in the army. After graduating from high school, Iacocca entered Lehigh University. For some time he was invited to study at Princeton University. After defending his diploma, Iacocca began to work in real estate at the Ford company.

Lee Iacocca began his career at the Ford Corporation. Initially, he worked as an engineer, but after a while he wanted to work as a manager.

It was at Ford that he got the nickname Lee, due to the fact that during telephone conversations he began to abbreviate his name Lido.

Some time later, Iacocca managed to become one of the directors of the Ford Corporation. It was Iacocca who raised the famous Ford Mustang. It was Iacocca who was one of the first to come up with a system of buying cars on credit. He left Ford due to a conflict with Henry Ford 2nd.

After Lee Iacocca left the Ford Corporation, he received an offer from the Chrysler Corporation, which at that time was on the verge of bankruptcy. Iacocca was able to pull Chrysler out of the abyss. It is known that he was able to return ahead of schedule to the US government a loan in the amount of 1.2 billion dollars.

In May 1982, US President Ronald Reagan commissioned Lee Iacocca to lead the private sector movement to restore the Statue of Liberty.

In 2005, Iacocca returned to the Chrysler Corporation.

In the 1980s, Iacocca wrote a book about his life, The Career of a Manager. In his memoirs, he very sharply and frankly talks about Henry Ford (the grandson of the founder of the Ford Motor Company) and about the relationship in the company, talks in detail about his life and explains his motivation for making fateful decisions for Ford and Chrysler.

Jack Welch

Jack Welch (1935) was born in Salem, Massachusetts.

He received his bachelor's degree from the University of Massachusetts and his master's and doctoral degrees in chemical engineering from the University of Illinois.

After leaving GE in 2001, Mr. Welch wrote an autobiography that became a #1 New York Times and international bestseller: Jack: Straight From The Gut.

Jack Welch currently leads Jack Welch, LLC, where he is an advisor to a small group of Fortune 500 directors and CEOs. In addition, Mr. Welch continues to speak to the business community and students.

The easy way was not for Jack Welch. There was no planned progress in his plans. He wanted to make himself known, and not just take a comfortable chair. GE was subjected to one or the other shake-up. And that was - don't forget - exactly what his predecessor, Reg Jones, set out to accomplish. “When President Reginald Jones and the GE Board of Directors elected Jack Welch, they deliberately unleashed a reformist preacher whose managerial perspective was very different from the analytical, administrative approach that GE was focusing on at the time,” wrote Al Vicere and Robert Fulmer in their book Leadership by Design. "Welch brought a new concept of purpose to the company that helped GE strike a balance between innovative creativity and adaptive management."

In the 1980s Welch brought a spirit of dynamism to GE and throughout corporate America. GE's business has been completely overhauled. Some projects were discarded, hundreds of new ones were in demand. In 1984, Fortune named Welch "America's toughest boss." GE rhymes had to meet Welch's stringent requirements. In effect, GE has been downsizing. Nearly 200,000 employees left the company. More than six billion dollars were saved.

At the time, Welch was dubbed "Neutron Jack" by the media. He, like a neutron bomb, destroyed people, leaving publications intact. No wonder he wasn't popular at GE or anywhere else in the corporate world. For a while, it seemed that Welch could be put on a par with Al Dunlap as public enemy number one. GE had a dark feeling about what was happening. Welch coldly replied that it was just part of the rylita. Not the best, but necessary.

“I don't start with moral issues. I'm making them! he said to Richard Pascal with his typical persuasive sincerity. - A leader who tries to lead a large organization on his own course, against the wishes of his followers, has a very difficult time. I didn't have to do this before. I have always had the luxury of being able to build a business and still be everyone's favorite. But it became clear that we would have to change our positions and focus on the kind of business that can survive on a global scale.”

Perhaps Welch was too cruel.

But it is undeniable that by the end of the eighties, GE had become a much more dynamic organization. There was not the slightest complacency left - the company was ready for change. In retrospect, perhaps Welch's decision to become like a neutron bomb was the greatest decision in the company's history. Dramatic, but relatively quick changes turned out to be better than slow and systematic ones. "Beware of planning - take the leap" - that's Welch's advice. No half measures. Is this the approach that Tom Peters extolled, as usual, full of enthusiasm: “Will Welch do it? I bet yes. Whether he cuts ties ("Neutron Jack" of the early eighties) or professes devolution (Work-Out of the early nineties)... this guy doesn't accept half measures. Meet Jack Welch: Honorary Member of the Crazy Club. Hooray!"

After proving that he was capable of solving the company's problems on his own, Welch moved on to the second stage: rebuilding the company for the 21st century. About the "jelly" he was quite poizilitsya. It's time to think about software.

The centerpiece was the concept of WorkOut - "Raizminka", launched in 1989. It is believed that it appeared after a random question from Professor Kirby Warren from Columbia University. Warren asked Welch, "Now that you've kicked so many people out of the company, aren't you going to figure out what to do next?" At that time, 100,000 people left GE. Welch liked the idea. And soon it became a reality. Welch brought in about twenty professors and consultants in order to implement the new concept. Welch called Work-Out "an ongoing, ongoing search by the entire company for the best way to do what has been done before."

Work-Out has become a communication tool that has provided GE replicants with an amazing opportunity to change them. habitual way rillites. “The idea was to have a three-day informal meeting with 40-100 GE employees in a wide range of roles. The boss started it by reviewing the state of the business and announcing the agenda, and then he left. Employees broke into groups and, under the guidance of a leader, looked for solutions to individual problems, explains Janet Loewy in the Jack Welch Speaks reel. “Eventually the boss came back to listen to the proposed solutions. The boss had only three options: to accept the idea immediately; reject it outright; and ask Additional information. If the boss chose the third, he had to name the team and set a time limit for the decision to be made.

The training went remarkably well. It helped start the process of building trust between GE employees and management. It gave employees the opportunity to speak up about what was bothering them about the release and then make a real difference. It destroyed the barriers. Devastating storms are a thing of the past. Creativity was in the air.

Welch the Destroyer became Welch the Delegate of Authority. Learning has become part of the process of transforming GE into open organization. The walls between the departments were shaken, the boundaries of authority shifted. In the 1980s, the layer of middle management was destroyed. Welch made it possible for GE employees to talk to each other, rally together, and share information and experiences. Initially surprised by the new approach, they soon appreciated the opportunity.

“In the early nineties, after we finally defined ourselves as people with an unlimited thirst for knowledge and a duty to share, it became impossible for all of us to even endure - let alone hire on rilita - tyrants, despots and dictators. They just faded into yesterday,” noted the GE Annual Report from 1997.

The next stage of Welch's revolutionary changes was the introduction of a large-scale program to improve the quality of work. It started in late 1995 and was called Six Sigma. “Six Sigma was spreading at an uncanny rate throughout the company and influenced everything we did,” the company said in a report two years later.

Basically Six Sigma insisted on personal responsibility for quality. staying production program, it concerned every person in the organization. “We are against the old quality control system because it does not take into account human factor. Now it is the responsibility of the manager, the leader, each employee, quality is everyone’s business,” Welch said.

The three stages of development—destruction, creation, and quality control—have transformed GE. The giant company remained highly profitable, but at the same time became more economical and dynamic. The numbers were telling.

Back in 1981, when Jack Welch first became president, GE's total assets were $20 billion and revenues were $27.24 billion.

The profit was 1.65 billion dollars. GE's market value was $12 billion with 440,000 employees worldwide. By 1997, GE's total asset value had risen to $272.4 billion and total revenue to $79.18 billion. About 260,000 employees generated $7.3 billion in profits, and thanks to them the company had a market value of $200 billion.

GE now operates in more than 100 countries with 250 factories in 26 countries and a global workforce of 313,000. In 2000, the company had revenues of $129,853 billion, with net income of $12,735 billion. new Fortune 500 list. Thirteen of GE's businesses would make the Fortune 50 list if they were independently ranked. GE was and remains a corporate giant.

Shankly Bill

Bill Shankly (eng. Bill Shankly; born September 2, 1913 in Glenbuck, East Ayrshire, died September 29, 1981) is a Scottish football coach, the legendary manager of Liverpool, one of the most successful and respected British specialists. Officer of the Order of the British Empire.

Bill Shankly was born in the small mining village of Glenbuck in the Scottish county of East Ayrshire. His parents had nine more children besides him. He became one of five brothers who became professional footballers. His brother Bob became a well-known manager and led Dundee to the league title in 1962. Despite the fact that Shankly's childhood was difficult, he recalled these years with a smile, joking once that until he was 15 years old, he never took a bath.

For the villagers, football was one of the few ways they could find a way to izarilitka that wasn't related to the rylit in the mines. All five of the Shankly brothers played for the Glenbuck Cherrypickers, a team that was famous for bringing 49 professional football players to football in a fairly short time. It is worth noting that Bill, the youngest of the brothers, did not play a single match from the first team of the club.

Bill Shankly's career as a player began in the Scottish Youth League, where he played for the now defunct Cronberry Eglington and Glenbuck Cherrypickers. In July 1932, he attracted the attention of scouts and soon signed with Carlisle United. He made his debut on December 31, 1932 against Rochdale. In July 1933, after making only 16 appearances for Carlisle's first team, he moved to Preston North End. The amount of the transfer was 500 pounds.

Shankly became a key player in Preston, who were promoted to the First Division in 1934, and took part in two FA Cup finals - in the first of them Preston lost to Sunderland (1937), in the second they beat Huddersfield Town (1938).

In April 1938, Shankly made his debut for Scotland against England, which his team won 1–0. He spent 4 more official games from the national team (and another seven during the war), but the war that began in 1939 put an end to his career as a national team player.

During the war he played for Northampton Town, Liverpool, Arsenal, Cardiff City, Bolton Wanderers, Luton Town and Partick Thistle, and helped Preston win the 1941 Wartime Cup. With the start of the 1946/47 season, professional football returned to England. Shankly continued to play for Preston, but he was 33 and his playing career was nearly over. Shankly ended his professional career in March 1949 and almost immediately became coach of Carlisle United, where he had once started as a footballer. The time spent at the helm of the Carlisle was not marked by outstanding achievements. Leaving the club, he announced the lack of financial support from the board of directors - for the next ten years this phrase will accompany him on his journey to the clubs of northern England.

Shankly did not pass the interview at Liverpool and in 1951 he took charge of Grimsby Town, then moved to Workington in 1953 and finally to Huddersfield Town in 1956, where he managed to sign the talented 15-year-old Denis Law. Despite the belief that Lowe should never be allowed to go to another team, 4 years later, the club's management accepted the offer of Manchester City and sold the rising star to the Mancunians out of 55 thousand pounds, which completely contradicted Shankly's plans to create a team that would fight to achieve the highest goals. The ambitious manager lacked board support at any of the clubs he coached during the 1950s. But his talent and enthusiasm caught the attention of Liverpool president T.W.

In December 1959, Bill Shankly became the manager of Liverpool, with whom he achieved the greatest success of his career and began the success of the club in the 70s and 80s. In 1959, Liverpool were a rather pathetic sight - the club was located at the bottom of the Second Division table, had a decrepit stadium and terrible training conditions. The selection of players was also poor. The only trump card of the club at that time could be considered the coaching staff, which included Joe Fagan and Reuben Bennett, as well as the recently retired Bob Paisley. The first thing Shankly said was that the trio would rhyme at Anfield as long as he himself stayed there. In this way, the beginning of the famous "Butrum" was laid.

The training fields at Melwood were in a terrible state and were practically overgrown with grass, and there was only one shower room at all.

Shankly's accomplishments at Liverpool are reflected in many of the club's fan songs (eg Fields Of Anfield Road). One of the gates leading to Anfield is named after him.

Shankly's love of football was legendary. So the legendary defender and captain of the Reds, Tommy Smith, once said: “If Liverpool didn’t play that day, he went to watch Everton. If Everton didn't play, he went to Manchester. If there was nothing in Manchester, he moved to Newcastle. If there was no football at all that day, he would go to the park and watch the children play. If they weren't playing football, he organized the match for them."

"Aphorisms about a career"

Successful managers about building a career


Lido Anthony Iacocca(Lee Iacocca, 10/15/1924)

  • A promotion is the moment when it is most convenient to place additional responsibility on a person.
  • Every company loses good workers, simply found themselves in the wrong place; they would perhaps have been more satisfied and more successful if they had not been fired, but transferred to a more suitable job for them.
  • You can be the author of great ideas, but this is not enough, you must be able to bring them to the mind of people, otherwise you will not achieve anything.

Lido Anthony Iacocca(Lee Iacocca, 10/15/1924)

  • Under normal conditions, I do not approve of the transfer of people from place to place. I am skeptical about the current fashion for successively moving administrators from one department of the company to another, as if all professions are interchangeable. They are by no means interchangeable.
  • You can do the work for two, but you cannot be two specialists at once. It is better to push your subordinate to work and force him to encourage other employees and subordinates to labor and creative activity.

  • A person achieves success by putting effort into overcoming obstacles and putting the ability to serve the needs of others. Most people think of success as something to be achieved; In fact, success begins with giving.
  • What I've observed is that most people advance at exactly the time that other people are wasting.
  • Only two stimuli make people work: thirst wages and the fear of losing her.

  • Thinking is the hardest work; that's probably why so few do it.
  • With enthusiasm, you can achieve anything. Enthusiasm is the leaven that makes your hopes skyrocket. Enthusiasm is the sparkle of your eyes, the swiftness of your gait, the strength of your handshake, an irresistible burst of energy and will to bring your ideas to life. Enthusiasts are fighters. Enthusiasm is the cornerstone of all progress! Only with him is success possible. Without it, you only have options.

There are many ways to make a career, but the surest of them is to be born into the right family.

If during the work week all you do is count how many hours and minutes are left before the weekend starts, you will never become a billionaire.

D. Rockefeller

  • Whoever works all day has no time to earn money.
  • If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it.
  • Through perseverance, anything, whether right or wrong, good or bad, will be achieved.
  • I don't think there is another quality that is so necessary for success of any kind as perseverance. Perseverance can overcome everything, even the laws of nature.
  • I'd rather hire someone with enthusiasm than someone who knows everything.

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"Lesson plan"

CHOICE AND PLANNING A CAREER IN BUSINESS Plan 1. Career: essence, types and stages 2. Types and models of career 3. Personnel career management

Lecturer Sokolova L.S.

1. Career: essence, types and stages

Career - the result of a conscious position and behavior of a person in working life, associated with official or professional growth

Job growth- change in the official status of a person, his social role, degree and space of official authority

Professional growth- the growth of professional knowledge, skills, recognition by the professional community of the results of his work, authority in a particular type of professional activity

business career

business career- progressive promotion of the individual associated with the growth of professional skills, status, social role and remuneration

Career horizontal

career vertical


2. Types and models of career Types of business career

Within the same organization

1. Intraorganizational career


In different organizations

Specialized career

One profession, but organizations can change

Possession of different professions, specialties, the organization can both change and remain the same

Non-specialized career

Types of business career

Rise from one level of the structural hierarchy to another with an increase in wages

3. Vertical career

Moving to another functional area, expanding and complicating tasks or changing a service role within the same level of the structural hierarchy with an increase in wages

4. Horizontal career

Combines elements of vertical and horizontal careers

5. Step career

Available to a limited circle of employees, the level of remuneration for his work significantly exceeds the remuneration for work in his position

6. Hidden (centro-remittal) career)

career models

Rice. 1 Trampoline career model

career models

Rice. 2 Career model "Ladder"

career models

Rice. 3 Snake career model

career models

Rice. 4 Crossroads career model

Typical career configurations

An employee once and for all chooses a professional space, plans the appropriate stages of his progress towards a professional ideal and strives to achieve it.

Typical career configurations

The employee plans once and for all the desired professional status and, having achieved it, does not strive for career advancement in the organizational hierarchy, even if there are opportunities to improve his social, professional and financial situation

Rice. 2. Monotonous career

Typical career configurations

The employee is motivated to change the types of activities and, as they master them, moves up the steps of the organizational hierarchy

Rice. 3. spiral career

Typical career configurations

Rice. 4. Fleeting career

Moving from one type of activity to another occurs spontaneously, without apparent logic

Typical career configurations

A specialist grows to a certain level and stays there for a long time, more than seven years

Rice. 5. Stabilization career

Typical career configurations

An employee grows to a certain status, stops at it, then a downward movement begins

Rice. 6. Fading career

3. Personnel career management

Career planning- the process of determining the goal that the employee wants to achieve in the process of professional activity.

Individual career plan (careerogram)- career management tool; description of the optimal development path for the employee to occupy the desired position in the organization.

Personnel career management Career stages


  • this is an indicator of a professional path, which indicates how quickly the employee climbed the hierarchical vertical.

Dynamic indicator:

3-5 years in one position

Career position matrix

promotion potential

"Beginners" - students without qualifications

"Stars" - highly qualified specialists in a promising age

"Drywood" - people in years with low qualifications

"Solid middle peasants" - highly qualified specialists aged

Level of current professional competence



1. Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management. - M.: Delo, 2008. - 701 p.

2. Shchekin G. Organization and psychology of personnel management: Educational method. Benefit. - K.: MAUP, 2002. - 832 p. .

- Tell me, please, where should I go from here?
- Where do you want to go? - answered the Cat.
- I don't care ... - said Alice.
“Then it doesn’t matter where you go,” said the Cat.

L. Carroll "Alice in Wonderland"

Having formulated where you want to go, you need to determine where to start, that is, analyze your capabilities to achieve your goal.

In the first quarter, you studied the features of your self-esteem, nervous system, thinking, attention, memory. The results of some tests made you happy, others upset you. Knowing yourself is not only interesting, but also difficult work. Thanks to this work, you managed to get to know yourself better, to know your strengths and weaknesses.

In the second quarter, you got acquainted with the world of professions - various approaches and classifications, the content of various professions, the requirements of the profession for a person, and clarified your professional interests. On closer examination, some professions were not as attractive as before, while others, on the contrary, aroused interest.

In the third quarter, you met with such new concepts for you as “ability”, “professional suitability”, “vocation”, tested your abilities for various types of activities, learned about possible strategies for behavior in conflict situations. This information has narrowed the field of your choice.

In the fourth quarter, we talked about the role of motives and needs in human life, learned from the mistakes of others, analyzed the labor market and educational services, acquired self-presentation skills and learned how to plan a professional career.

Performing tests, you learned the features of your nervous system, thinking and behavior in some situations, your interests and professional inclinations. Reading about the lives of extraordinary people, you involuntarily compared yourself with them. Getting acquainted with the basics of psychological knowledge and the thoughts of wise people, you thought about the complexity of the human personality and human relationships.

And all this - in order to choose the right profession.

A business uses a technique called a "baseline audit", or SWOT analysis - by initial letters English words Strengths (Strength), Weaknesses (Weakness), Opportunities (Opportunities), Threats (Threats). Let's try to apply this method to summarize and analyze the information received for planning a professional career.

    Task number 1. "Pros and cons".

Complete the table considering that dignity And flaws are internal factors that depend on you, and possibilities And obstacles - external, which do not depend on you.

Advantages Flaws
  1. ____________________________
  2. ____________________________
  3. ____________________________
  4. ____________________________
  1. ____________________________
  2. ____________________________
  3. ____________________________
  4. ____________________________
Possibilities Obstacles
  1. ____________________________
  2. ____________________________
  3. ____________________________
  4. ____________________________
  1. ____________________________
  2. ____________________________
  3. ____________________________
  4. ____________________________
    Advantages - these are personal qualities, inclinations, abilities, knowledge and skills that will help you achieve your goals.

    Flaws - This bad habits, lack of experience, knowledge and skills that can make it difficult to achieve the goals.

    The same qualities can be considered both strong and weak - for example, youth and maturity, adventurism and caution.

    Possibilities are favorable external conditions.

    Obstacles - unfavorable external conditions.

External conditions include the situation on the labor market, the state of the economy, the presence or absence of friends and like-minded people, etc.

Weigh the pros and cons to make the final decision about your professional career.

"Two Percent Club" (N. Hill)

  1. Most people dream about something all their lives. These dreams are fleeting like the wind. They do not have enough energy and strength to shape their own destiny. These people are about 70%.
  2. There are far fewer who turn their dreams into longing desires. They constantly want one thing, but do nothing to fulfill their desires. They make up about 10% of the total.
  3. Even fewer are those who turn their desires into hopes. Such people from time to time reflect on what they could do to make them come true. I think there are about 8% of such people.
  4. People who were able to believe in the fulfillment of their desires make up 6%.
  5. There are very few of those who let their desires, hopes turn into an obsession, and then into faith. They are about 4%.
  6. And finally, we will talk about those who are completely absorbed in their idea, who have developed a specific plan for its implementation and gave everything of themselves to bring it to life. This group includes only 2% of the population. Note that this does not mean that these 2% are happy and satisfied with their lives. They just chose this path and went through it to the end.
    Task number 2. (home).

Prepare a ten-minute presentation on the topic "My future profession." The report should reflect information obtained during self-diagnosis, study of professions, labor market requirements and opportunities for obtaining vocational education. Try to make your story emotional and figurative.



  • To give a general idea of ​​a professional career, its types and opportunities for personal career growth.
  • Learn to express your thoughts and argue them, develop dialogue communication.
  • To reveal the personal and social significance of professional career planning.


  • Develop analytical skills.
  • Form an active life position and the need for self-expression.


  • To instill a sense of purpose, confidence, the desire to achieve your goal.

Lesson type: combined.

Teaching methods: method of problematic presentation of material, partial search method, group discussion, practical work, work with a textbook, slide show


Computer, projector, discussion plan cards, professional career plan cards, multimedia presentation.

Materials and tools:

Felt pens, album sheets.

Basic concepts: career, careerism, professional career, career growth, vocation, skill.

Aphorisms and expressions:

"Everything is in our hands, so do not give up"

Coco Chanel

"Career - a good thing but she can't warm anyone on a cold night."

"Careerism - falling up"

E. Lec - Polish poet

“A person must build his own career, otherwise his destiny is a dull and joyless existence in the backyard of someone else's success”

“Creating oneself is work, work for life”


I Motivation for learning activities.

1. Problem questions: (Why? What is it for?)

What does a career give a person?

- How to make a career?

What influences career choice?

Why plan your career?

Answers to these questions are fundamental to our lesson. By answering them, we will determine the personal and social significance of career growth in life.

II Actualization of knowledge.

- Every person has a desire, a desire for self-affirmation, respect for oneself as a person, and the creation of an image. And all this is impossible without some success.

Ozhegov: "Success is good luck in achieving something, good results."

1. Autotraining:

Mentally recall some of your successes, achievements in various types activities and praise yourself. Success does not manifest itself, it appears as a result of activity. The more activity, the higher the result, the faster the road to success, and, therefore, to a career.

2. Analysis of the situation:

Parable "Butterfly"

What wisdom does she bring?

“In ancient times, there was a wise man, to whom people came for advice. He helped everyone, people trusted him and greatly respected his age, life experience and wisdom. And then one day, one envious person decided to disgrace the sage in the presence of many people. The envious and sly one came up with a whole plan on how to do this: “I will catch a butterfly and bring it to the sage in closed hands, then I will ask him what he thinks is the butterfly alive or dead in my hands. If the sage says that I am alive, I will close my palms tightly, crush the butterfly and, opening my hands, I will say that our great sage was mistaken. If the sage says that the butterfly is dead, I will open my hands, the butterfly will fly out alive and unharmed and say that our great sage was mistaken. So the envious did, caught the butterfly and went to the sage. When he asked the sage what kind of butterfly he had in his hands, the sage replied: "Everything is in your hands."

What is in our hands? (life, fate)

- Man is the master of his own destiny.

3. Drawing up a logical chain - What makes up fate?


- Which of the aphorisms for the lesson will you choose in this case and why?

(K. Chanel "Everything is in our hands, so do not give up."

— How do you understand it?

- Why did we start talking about success, and moved on to a career?

4. Selection of synonyms - Career - movement, promotion, growth, life

path, field, "running" - from Italian.

5. Work with the texts of the slides and the textbook.

See the full content of the lesson at the link below:

The lesson was developed as part of the training course "Fundamentals of building a career"

Contingent: 10th grade students.

Target: creation of conditions for activating the processes of self-knowledge, self-determination and self-realization of students with the help of modeling and designing professional activities.


  1. introduce the concept of "professional career", types and models of career;
  2. determine the leading career orientation;
  3. create conditions for involving students in the process of self-development;
  4. create conditions for the development of students' aspirations to achieve certain success in their professional activities.

Lesson type: combined.

Teaching methods: conversation, explanation, self-diagnosis.

Equipment: projector, laptop, presentation.

  1. Explanation of new material.

One of the most important aspects of the professional development of the individual, as well as its self-realization, is conscious career planning. The criteria for a successful career are satisfaction with the life situation (subjective criterion) and social success (objective criterion). That is, the outer side of a career is the sequence of professional positions occupied, and the inner side is how a person perceives his career, what is his image professional life and his own role in it.

Career (Italian carriera - running, life path, field, from lat. carrus - cart, wagon) - promotion up the career ladder.

In the theory of personnel management, a career is the result of a conscious position and behavior of a person in the field of work, associated with official or professional growth.

There are several principal trajectories of human movement within a profession or organization that will lead to different types careers.

A professional career is the growth of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Job growth is a change in the official status of a person, his social role, degree and space of official authority.

Professional growth - the growth of professional knowledge, skills, recognition by the professional community of the results of his work, authority in a particular type of professional activity.

Career types.

vertical quarry ra implies an ascent from one level of the structural hierarchy to another. There is a promotion, which is accompanied by an increase in wages.

Horizontal career- kind of career. Which involves moving to another functional area, expanding and complicating tasks or changing a service role within the same level of the structural hierarchy, accompanied by an increase in wages.

Step career- type of career - combining elements of a vertical and horizontal career. Step career is quite common and can take both intra-organizational and inter-organizational forms.

business career models

In practice, there is a wide variety of career options, which are based on four main models:

"Springboard". Climbing the corporate ladder occurs when they occupy higher and better paid positions. At a certain stage, the employee occupies the highest position for him and tries to stay in it for a long time. And then the jump from the "springboard" - retirement. This career is most typical for leaders of the period of stagnation, when many positions were occupied by the same people for 20-25 years. On the other hand, this model is typical for specialists and employees who do not set goals for promotion due to a number of reasons - personal interests, low workload, good team - the employee is satisfied with the position and is ready to remain in it until retirement.

"Ladder". Each step of the career ladder represents a certain position, which the employee occupies for a certain time (no more than 5 years). This period is enough to enter a new position and work with full dedication. With the growth of qualifications, creativity and production experience, a manager or a specialist rises up the career ladder. Each new position the employee takes after advanced training. He reaches the top step during the period of maximum potential, and after that, a systematic descent down the career ladder begins with less intensive work. Psychologically, this model is very inconvenient for managers because of their unwillingness to leave the "first roles". Here we can recommend to be attentive to such employees - include them in the board of directors, use them as a consultant.

"Snake". It provides for the horizontal movement of an employee from one position to another by appointment with each occupation for a short time, and then occupies a higher position at a higher level. The main advantage of this model is the opportunity to learn all the functions of activity and management, which will be useful in a higher position. This model is characteristic of the Japanese model, as they associate themselves not only with a particular profession, but also with the future of the entire company. If the rotation of personnel is not observed, this model loses its significance and may have negative consequences, because. some workers with a predominance of melancholic and phlegmatic temperament are not disposed to change the team or position and will perceive it very painfully.

"Crossroads". When, after a certain period of work, certification is carried out (a comprehensive assessment of personnel) and, based on the results, a decision is made to increase, move or increase an employee. This is similar to the American model, typical for joint ventures.

  1. Fixing the material. Working with a literary source.

(Leonov N.I. Odyssey of detective Gurov. v.6, Samara, 1996. S. 24-25).

"Gurov instructed the computer engineer, and Kryachko thought about which roads a person chooses. That's why Lev Ivanovich Gurov is not a general and not the head of the main department, but only a colonel and operas? Kryachko could answer this question with confidence: Gurov is proud, sometimes narcissistic, but completely devoid of vanity. He values ​​​​the opinion of only a very limited circle of people who value a person not for his rank and position, but for professionalism. he says: he is not able to rise, because he will not be able to please and adapt at the top, but these are tales for the underdeveloped. He would not have to flatter and lie on the top floor, people like Gurov are needed everywhere, they would tolerate a sinner with his straightforwardness and other bells and whistles. He does not want to rise, because he will lose his freedom, he will cease to be indispensable. nyaka" Gurov cannot be replaced, just as it is impossible to replace an extra-class singer or the first violin in an orchestra. You can kick one out and take another, only everyone will know that this is not a replacement, but a substitution, falsification. Thus, Kryachko perfectly understood that Gurov did not want to be promoted, not because of fear of not being able to cope with the work, and certainly not from modesty, which he did not suffer at all, but because a unique specialist, whether a plumber or a dentist, does not obey anyone. He's free. Such a position in the office, when no one - neither the minister nor the president, could order him, and if they wanted to use his services, they could only make an offer, or even ask, - only an extra-class specialist can achieve.

Issues for discussion:

1. What type of career - vertical or horizontal - is presented in the passage? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of career?

2. What goals can be achieved in this career strategy?

3. What values ​​might underlie such a career move?

  1. Practical work- self-diagnosis.

In order to determine your professional orientation, I suggest you answer 41 questions on a 10-point scale. 1 point if this is completely unimportant to you or completely disagree, 10 points if, very important, you completely agree. (See Attachment).

  1. Homework (optional):

Make a career plan.
Design an emblem: "My Career"

Used Books:

  1. Leonov N.I. Odyssey detective Gurov. v.6, Samara, 1996. S. 24-25
  2. Workshop on the psychology of professional activity and management / Ed. G. Nikiforov, M. Dmitrieva, V. Snetkov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2001.
  3. Technology, Your professional career, grades 8-9, Lerner P.S., Mikhalchenko G.F., Prudilo A.V., 2010.
  4. Textbook. - 5th ed. - Ed. Chistyakova S.N. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010. -159 p.
  5. Internet resources:

Educational kit training session

date 20.03.2017 teacher Timakova Vera Sergeevna

Group 15rest02

Lesson topic: Career Management

The lesson was developed as part of the training course "Effective behavior in the labor market"

The target audience: second year students

Target: creating conditions for activation of the processes of self-knowledge, self-determination and self-realization of students with the help of modeling and designing professional activities.

Lesson objectives:

Tutorial: To acquaint students with the basic concepts of career and career growth, teach them to express and defend their point of view on the problem under study.

Developing: To promote the development of analytical abilities and creative activity, as well as the communicative and sociable qualities of the individual in the process of working together in groups.

Nurturing: Cultivate feelings of confidence, purposefulness, respect for oneself and others.

Lesson type: combined.

Teaching methods: conversation, explanation, self-diagnosis.

Lesson progress

Explanation of new material.

One of the most important aspects of the professional development of the individual, as well as its self-realization, is conscious career planning. The criteria for a successful career are satisfaction with the life situation (subjective criterion) and social success (objective criterion). That is, the outer side of a career is the sequence of professional positions occupied, and the inner side is how a person perceives his career, what is his image of professional life and his own role in it.

Career (Italian carriera - running, life path, field, from Latin carrus - cart, wagon) - promotion up the career ladder.

In the theory of personnel management, a career is the result of a conscious position and behavior of a person in the field of work, associated with official or professional growth.

There are several principal trajectories of a person's movement within a profession or organization that will lead to different types of career.

Professional career - the growth of knowledge, skills and abilities.

Job growth is a change in the official status of a person, his social role, degree and space of official authority.

Professional growth - the growth of professional knowledge, skills, recognition by the professional community of the results of his work, authority in a particular type of professional activity.

Career types.

vertical quarry ra implies an ascent from one level of the structural hierarchy to another. There is a promotion, which is accompanied by an increase in wages.

Horizontal career- type of career. Which involves moving to another functional area, expanding and complicating tasks or changing a service role within the same level of the structural hierarchy, accompanied by an increase in wages.

Step career- type of career - combining elements of vertical and horizontal careers. Step career is quite common and can take both intra-organizational and inter-organizational forms.

business career models

In practice, there is a wide variety of career options, which are based on four main models:

"Springboard". Climbing the corporate ladder occurs when they occupy higher and better paid positions. At a certain stage, the employee occupies the highest position for him and tries to stay in it for a long time. And then the jump from the "springboard" - retirement. This career is most typical for leaders of the period of stagnation, when many positions were occupied by the same people for 20-25 years. On the other hand, this model is typical for specialists and employees who do not set goals for promotion due to a number of reasons - personal interests, low workload, good team - the employee is satisfied with the position and is ready to remain in it until retirement.

"Ladder". Each step of the career ladder represents a certain position, which the employee occupies for a certain time (no more than 5 years). This period is enough to enter a new position and work with full dedication. With the growth of qualifications, creativity and production experience, a manager or a specialist rises up the career ladder. Each new position the employee takes after advanced training. He reaches the top step during the period of maximum potential, and after that, a systematic descent down the career ladder begins with less intensive work. Psychologically, this model is very inconvenient for managers because of their unwillingness to leave the "first roles". Here we can recommend to be attentive to such employees - include them in the board of directors, use them as a consultant.

"Snake". It provides for the horizontal movement of an employee from one position to another by appointment with each occupation for a short time, and then occupies a higher position at a higher level. The main advantage of this model is the opportunity to learn all the functions of activity and management, which will be useful in a higher position. This model is characteristic of the Japanese model, as they associate themselves not only with a particular profession, but also with the future of the entire company. If the rotation of personnel is not observed, this model loses its significance and may have negative consequences, because. some workers with a predominance of melancholic and phlegmatic temperament are not disposed to change the team or position and will perceive it very painfully.

"Crossroads". When, after a certain period of work, certification is carried out (a comprehensive assessment of personnel) and, based on the results, a decision is made to increase, move or increase an employee. This is similar to the American model, typical for joint ventures.

    Fixing the material. Working with a literary source.

(Leonov N.I. The Odyssey of detective Gurov. Vol. 6, Samara, 2016. P. 24-25).

"Gurov instructed the computer engineer, and Kryachko thought about which roads a person chooses. That's why Lev Ivanovich Gurov is not a general and not the head of the main department, but only a colonel and operas? Kryachko could answer this question with confidence: Gurov is proud, sometimes narcissistic, but completely devoid of vanity. He values ​​​​the opinion of only a very limited circle of people who value a person not for his rank and position, but for professionalism. he says: he is not able to rise, because he will not be able to please and adapt at the top, but these are tales for the underdeveloped. He would not have to flatter and lie on the top floor, people like Gurov are needed everywhere, they would tolerate a sinner with his straightforwardness and other bells and whistles. He does not want to rise, because he will lose his freedom, he will cease to be indispensable. nyaka" Gurov cannot be replaced, just as it is impossible to replace an extra-class singer or the first violin in an orchestra. You can kick one out and take another, only everyone will know that this is not a replacement, but a substitution, falsification. Thus, Kryachko perfectly understood that Gurov did not want to be promoted, not because of fear of not being able to cope with the work, and certainly not from modesty, which he did not suffer at all, but because a unique specialist, whether a plumber or a dentist, does not obey anyone. He's free. Such a position in the office, when no one - neither the minister nor the president, could order him, and if they wanted to use his services, they could only make an offer, or even ask, - only an extra-class specialist can achieve.

Issues for discussion:

1. What type of career - vertical or horizontal - is presented in the passage? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of career?

2. What goals can be achieved in this career strategy?

3. What values ​​might underlie such a career move?

    Practical work - self-diagnosis.

answer 41 questions on a 10-point scale. 1 point if this is completely unimportant to you or completely disagree, 10 points if, very important, you completely agree. (See Attachment).


    Make a professional career plan:

The meaning and purpose of life


Study profile __________________________________________________

Planned profession (primary and secondary options) _________________

Education offered (content and level) ______________________


Professional skills (rank, class, category) _________________


Proposed position, post ______________________________________


Desired payment amount____________________________________________


Place of residence, living conditions ________________________________


    Design a logo: "My career".

Used Books:

    Leonov N.I. Odyssey detective Gurov. v.6, Samara, 2016. S. 24-25

    Technology, Your professional career, Textbook. - 5th ed. - Ed. Chistyakova S.N. - M.: Enlightenment, 2010. -159 p.

    Internet resources:


Questionnaire "Professional career"

Source: Workshop on the psychology of professional activity and management / Ed. G. Nikiforov, M. Dmitrieva, V. Snetkov. - St. Petersburg: Peter, 2010.

Instruction: In order to determine your professional orientation, I suggest that you answer 41 questions on a 10-point scale. 1 point if this is completely unimportant to you or completely disagree, 10 points if, very important, you completely agree.

Answer sheet:

    It is important for me to build my career within one specific professional area.

    I want to observe, influence and control people at all levels

    It is important for me to be able to do everything in my own way and not be constrained by the rules of any organization.

    I am most interested in a permanent job with a guaranteed salary and social protection

    In my work, I strive to use my knowledge for the benefit of people.

    I want to work on problems that seem almost unsolvable

    I like to live in such a way that the interests of the family and career would be mutually balanced

    In my work, I strive to create or build something that will be entirely my work or idea.

    It is important for me to continue working in my specialty than to get a higher position that is not related to my specialty.

    I prefer to be the first leader in an organization

    For me, work that is not related to the regime or other organizational restrictions is more acceptable.

    I am attracted to work in an organization that will provide me stability for a long period of time

    I strive to use my skills and abilities to make the world a better place.

    I like to compete and beat others

    It is important for me to build a career that will allow me to follow my lifestyle.

    I want to start a new business

    I prefer to dedicate my life to a single chosen profession

    I aspire to a high leadership position

    I am satisfied with the work that provides maximum freedom and independence in choosing the nature of classes, the time of its execution

    I would prefer to work for an organization that provides a long term contract

    I enjoy the opportunity to use my skills and talents to serve an important purpose.

    The main goal of my career is to find and solve difficult problems, no matter in what area they arise

    I always strive to give equal attention to my family and my career

    I am always on the lookout for ideas that enable me to start and build my own business.

    I accept a managerial position only if it is within my professional competence

    I would like to reach a position in the organization that would allow me to observe the work of others and give them instructions.

    In my professional activity, I would most of all care about my freedom and independence.

    It is more important for me to stay at my current place of residence than to get a promotion or new job in another locality

    I was always looking for a job where I could be of benefit to others.

    Competing and winning are the most important and exciting parts of my career.

    A career only makes sense if it allows me to lead a life that I enjoy.

    Entrepreneurship is a central part of my career

    I would rather leave the organization than take up a job that is not related to my profession

    I don't want to be embarrassed by any organization or business world.

    I would rather stay in one place of residence than move due to a promotion

    I would like to dedicate my career to an important and useful goal

    I feel successful only when I am constantly involved in solving difficult problems or in a competitive situation.

    Choosing and maintaining a certain lifestyle is more important than achieving career success.

    I prefer non-travel work

    for the sake of new position I would not change my place of residence

Test key:

The answer sheet also serves as a key for processing the results.

    Calculate the sum of points in each column (except the fourth column)

    In the fourth column, find the sum separately for questions 4,12,20 and separately for questions 28,36,41.

    Find the average for each scale. To do this, divide each amount received by the number of questions - 5, and in the fourth scale both values ​​​​by 3.

    The obtained values ​​are compared with each other. The leading career orientation is the scale on which the subject scored the most points.

1 column

Professional Competence

2 column

Management (leadership)

3 column

Independence (independence)

4 column

Work stability (4,12,20)

Residence stability (28,36,41)

5 column

Help people

6 column

Challenge to society

7 column

Combining lifestyles

8 column


Interpretation of results

The questionnaire contains 8 diagnostic scales for measuring career orientations (“career anchors”).

1. Professional Competence. This orientation is associated with the presence of abilities and talents in a particular area ( Scientific research, technical design, the financial analysis etc.). A person with this orientation wants to be a master of his craft, he is especially happy when he achieves success in the professional field, but quickly loses interest in work that does not allow him to develop his abilities. At the same time, such a person seeks recognition of his talents, which should be expressed in a status corresponding to his skill. He is ready to manage others within his competence, but management is not of particular interest to him. Therefore, many in this category reject the work of a manager, management is seen as necessary condition to advance in their professional field. This is usually the largest group in most organizations, providing competent decision making.

2. Management. In this case, of paramount importance is the orientation of the individual to the integration of the efforts of other people, the full responsibility for the final result and the combination of various functions of the organization. With age and work experience, this career orientation becomes stronger. Such work requires interpersonal and group communication skills, emotional balance in order to bear the burden of responsibility and power. A person with a career orientation in management will consider that he has not achieved his career goals until he takes a position in which he can manage various aspects of the enterprise: finance, marketing, production, development, sales.

3. Autonomy (independence). The primary concern of a person with this orientation is liberation from organizational rules, regulations and restrictions. The need to do everything in one's own way is clearly expressed: to decide for oneself when, on what and how much to work. Such a person does not want to obey the rules of the organization (workplace, time, uniform). Of course, every person needs autonomy to some extent, but if this orientation is strongly expressed, then the person is ready to give up promotions or other opportunities in order to maintain his independence. Such a person may work in an organization that provides a reasonable degree of freedom, but will not feel a strong obligation or commitment to the organization and will reject any attempts to limit his autonomy.

4. Stability. This career orientation is driven by the need for security and stability so that future life events are predictable. There are two types of stability - the stability of the place of work and the stability of the place of residence. Job stability means finding a job in an organization that provides certain period services, or good reputation(does not lay off workers), takes care of his workers after they leave and pays large pensions, looks more reliable in his industry. A person with this orientation - often referred to as an "organizational person" - shifts the responsibility for career management to the employer. He will make any kind of geographical movement, if the company requires it. The second type, the stability oriented person, binds himself to a geographic region, "putting down roots" in a certain place, investing his savings in his home, and changes job or organization only when it prevents him from "breaking away." Stability-oriented people may be talented and hold high positions in the organization, but preferring a stable job and life, they will refuse promotion if it threatens with risk and temporary inconvenience, even in the case of wide-open opportunities for growth.

5. Service. The core values ​​of this orientation are “working with people”, “serving humanity”, “helping people”, “the desire to make the world a better place”, etc. A person with this orientation has the opportunity to continue working in this direction, even if he has to change jobs. He will not work in an organization that is hostile to his goals and values, and will refuse promotion or transfer to another job if this does not allow him to realize the main values ​​\u200b\u200bof life. People with this career orientation most often work in the field of security environment, checking the quality of products and goods, consumer protection, etc.

5. Challenge. The main values ​​in this type of career orientation are competition, victory over others, overcoming obstacles, solving difficult problems. The person is oriented to "challenge". The social situation is most often viewed from a win-lose perspective. The process of struggle and victory is more important to a person than a particular field of activity or qualification. For example, a salesperson may view each contract with a customer as a game to be won. Novelty, variety, and challenge are of great value to people with this orientation, and if things go too easy, they get bored.

6. Lifestyle integration. A person is focused on the integration of various aspects of the lifestyle. He does not want his life to be dominated only by his family, or only by his career, or only by self-development. He strives to ensure that all this is balanced. Such a person values ​​his life as a whole more - where he lives, how he improves, than a specific job, career or organization.

7. Entrepreneurship. A person with such a career orientation seeks to create something new, he wants to overcome obstacles, he is ready to take risks. He does not want to work for others, but wants to have his own brand, his own business, his own financial wealth. And it's not always creative person, for him the main thing is to create a business, concept or organization, build it so that it is a continuation of himself, put his soul into it. The entrepreneur will go on with his business, even if at first he fails and takes serious risks.

(To save time, you can distribute a printout of the interpretation for each desk).
